

distrib > * > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 69e379c1c6a70ccc68c06279b36857c2 > files > 13


This README consists of LWP related parts taken from,

  RPC2 User Guide and Reference Manual
  M. Satyanarayanan (Editor) Richard Draves, James Kistler,
  Anders Klemets, Qi Lu, Lily Mummert, David Nichols, Larry
  Raper, Gowthami Rajendran, Jonathan Rosenberg, Ellen Siegel

So occasional references to RPC2 can be safely ignored.


LWP, a coroutine-based lightweight process package.

  RPC2 runs on LWP, a lightweight process package that allows multiple
  non-preemptive threads of control to coexist within one Unix process.
  RPC2 and LWP run entirely at user-level on the Unix 4.3BSD interface;
  no kernel changes are necessary.

  The first versions of LWP and RPC2 were operational in early 1984 and
  mid-1985 respectively.  The design of LWP predates that of the
  Cthreads package in Mach.  LWP and Cthreads are conceptually similar,
  but differ substantially in the details. We have successfully emulated
  all of LWP on top of the preemptive and nonpre- emptive versions of
  Cthreads, and a subset of the non-preemptive version of Cthreads on
  top of LWP.

  Both LWP and RPC2 have evolved over time, resulting in increased
  functionality and robustness.  They have also been ported to a wide
  variety of machine architectures, such as IBM-RTs, MIPS, Sun2, Sun3,
  Sparc, and i386, as well as variants of the Unix operating systems
  such as Mach, SunOS and AIX. Whenever there has been choice between
  portability and machine-specific performance, we have always favored


  The original design and implementation of LWP was done by Larry Raper.
  Its documentation descends from a manual by Jonathan Rosenberg and
  Larry Raper, later extended by David Nichols and M. Satyanarayanan.
  Richard Draves, Qi Lu, Anders Klemets and Gowthami Rajendran helped in
  revising and improving this document.

The Basic LWP Package

  The LWP package implements primitive functions providing basic
  facilities that enable procedures written in C, to proceed in an
  unsynchronized fashion.  These separate threads of control may
  effectively progress in parallel, and more or less independently of
  each other.  This facility is meant to be general purpose with a heavy
  emphasis on simplicity.  Interprocess communication facilities can be
  built on top of this basic mechanism, and, in fact, many different IPC
  mechanisms could be implemented.  The RPC2 remote procedure call
  package (also described in this manual) is one such IPC mechanism.

  The LWP package makes the following key design choices:

  o  The package should be small and fast;
  o  All processes are assumed to be trustworthy -- processes are not
     protected from each others actions;
  o  There is no time slicing or preemption -- the processor must be
     yielded explicitly.

  In order to set up the environment needed by the lightweight process
  support, a one-time invocation of the LWP_Init function must precede
  the use of the facilities described here.  The initialization function
  carves an initial process out of the currently executing C procedure.
  The process id of this initial process is returned as the result of
  the LWP_Init function.  For symmetry a LWP_TerminateProcessSupport
  function may be used explicitly to release any storage allocated by
  its initial counterpart.  If used, it must be issued from the process
  created by the LWP_Init function.

  Upon completion of any of the lightweight process functions, an
  integer value is returned to indicate whether any error conditions
  were encountered.

  Macros, typedefs, and manifest constants for error codes needed by the
  lightweight process mechanism reside in the file <lwp.h>.  A process
  is identified by an object of type PROCESS, which is defined in the
  include file.

  The process model supported by the operations described here is based
  on a non-preemptive priority dispatching scheme. (A priority is an
  integer in the range [0..LWP_MAX_PRIORITY], where 0 is the lowest
  priority.)  Once a given lightweight process is selected and
  dispatched, it remains in control until it voluntarily relinquishes
  its claim on the CPU.  Relinquishment may be either explicit
  (LWP_DispatchProcess) or implicit (through the use of certain other
  LWP operations).  In general, all LWP operations that may cause a
  higher priority process to become ready for dispatching, preempt the
  process requesting the service.  When this occurs, the priority
  dispatching mechanism takes over and dispatches the highest priority
  process automatically.  Services in this category (where the scheduler
  is guaranteed to be invoked in the absence of errors) are

  o  LWP_CreateProcess
  o  LWP_WaitProcess
  o  LWP_MwaitProcess
  o  LWP_SignalProcess
  o  LWP_DispatchProcess
  o  LWP_DestroyProcess

  The following services are guaranteed not to cause preemption (and so
  may be issued with no fear of losing control to another lightweight

  o  LWP_Init
  o  LWP_NoYieldSignal
  o  LWP_CurrentProcess
  o  LWP_StackUsed
  o  LWP_NewRock
  o  LWP_GetRock

  The symbol LWP_NORMAL_PRIORITY provides a good default value to use
  for process priorities.

A Simple Example

  #include <lwp.h>

  static void read_process (int *id)
      LWP_DispatchProcess ();             /* Just relinquish control for now */

      for (;;) {
          /* Wait until there is something in the queue */
          while (empty(q)) LWP_WaitProcess (q);
          /* Process queue entry */
          LWP_DispatchProcess ();

  static void write_process (void)

      /* Loop & write data to queue */
      for (mesg=messages; *mesg!=0; mesg++) {
          insert (q, *mesg);
          LWP_SignalProcess (q);

  int main (int argc, char **argv)
      PROCESS *id;

      LWP_Init (LWP_VERSION, 0, &id);
      /* Now create readers */
      for (i=0; i < nreaders; i++)
          LWP_CreateProcess (read_process, STACK_SIZE, 0, i, "Reader",
      LWP_CreateProcess (write_process, STACK_SIZE, 1, 0, "Writer", &writer);
      /* Wait for processes to terminate */
      LWP_WaitProcess (&done);
      for (i=nreaders-1; i>=0; i--) LWP_DestroyProcess (readers[i]);

The Lock Package

  The lock package contains a number of routines and macros that allow C
  programs that utilize the LWP abstraction to place read and write
  locks on data structures shared by several light-weight processes.
  Like the LWP package, the lock package was written with simplicity in
  mind -- there is no protection inherent in the model.

  In order to use the locking mechanism for an object, an object of type
  struct Lock must be associated with the object.  After being
  initialized, with a call to Lock_Init, the lock is used in
  invocations of the macros ObtainReadLock, ObtainWriteLock,
  ReleaseReadLock and ReleaseWriteLock.

  The semantics of a lock is such that any number of readers may hold a
  lock.  But only a single writer (and no readers) may hold the clock at
  any time.  The lock package guarantees fairness: each reader and
  writer will eventually have a chance to obtain a given lock.  However,
  this fairness is only guaranteed if the priorities of the competing
  processes are identical.  Note that no ordering is guaranteed by the

  In addition, it is illegal for a process to request a particular lock
  more than once, without first releasing it.  Failure to obey this
  restriction may cause deadlock.

Key Design Choices

  o  The package must be simple and fast: in the case that a lock can be
     obtained immediately, it should require a minimum of instructions;
  o  All the processes using a lock are trustworthy;
  o  The lock routines ignore priorities;

A Simple Example

  #include "lock.h"

  struct Vnode { ...  struct Lock lock;   /* Used to lock this vnode */ ...  };

  #define READ    0
  #define WRITE   1

  struct Vnode *get_vnode (char *name, int how)
      struct Vnode *v;

      v = lookup (name);
      if (how == READ)
          ObtainReadLock (&v->lock);
          ObtainWriteLock (&v->lock);

The IOMGR Package

  The IOMGR package allows light-weight processes to wait on various
  Unix events.  IOMGR_Select allows a light-weight process to wait on
  the same set of events that the Unix select call waits on.  The
  parameters to these routines are the same.  IOMGR_Select puts the
  caller to sleep until no user processes are active.  At this time the
  IOMGR process, which runs at the lowest priority, wakes up and
  coaleses all of the select request together.  It then performs a
  single select and wakes up all processes affected by the result.

  The IOMGR_Signal call allows a light-weight process to wait on
  delivery of a Unix signal.  The IOMGR installs a signal handler to
  catch all deliveries of the Unix signal.  This signal handler posts
  information about the signal delivery to a global data structure.  The
  next time that the IOMGR process runs, it delivers the signal to any
  waiting light-weight processes.

Key Design Choices

  o  The meanings of the parameters to IOMGR_Select, both before and
     after the call, should be identical to those of the Unix select;
  o  A blocking select should only be done if no other processes are

A Simple Example

       void rpc2_SocketListener ()
           int ReadfdMask, WritefdMask, ExceptfdMask, rc;
           struct timeval *tvp;

           while (TRUE) {
               . . .
               ExceptfdMask = ReadfdMask = (1 << rpc2_RequestSocket);
               WritefdMask = 0;
               rc = IOMGR_Select (8*sizeof(int), &ReadfdMask,
                                  &WritefdMask, &ExceptfdMask, tvp);

               switch (rc) {
                   case 0:     /* timeout */
                           continue;   /* main while loop */

                   case -1:    /* error */
                           SystemError ("IOMGR_Select");
                           exit (-1);

                   case 1:     /* packet on rpc2_RequestSocket */
                           . . . process packet . . .

                   default:    /* should never occur */

The Timer Package

  The timer package contains a number of routines that assist in
  manipulating lists of objects of type struct TM_Elem.  TM_Elems
  (timers) are assigned a timeout value by the user and inserted in a
  package-maintained list.  The time remaining to timeout for each timer
  is kept up to date by the package under user control.  There are
  routines to remove a timer from its list, to return an expired timer
  from a list and to return the next timer to expire.  This specialized
  package is currently used by the IOMGR package and by the
  implementation of RPC2.  A timer is used commonly by inserting a field
  of type struct TM_Elem into a structure.  After inserting the desired
  timeout value the structure is inserted into a list, by means of its
  timer field.

A Simple Example

       static struct TM_Elem *requests;


           TM_Init (&requests);        /* Initialize timer list */
           for (;;) {
               TM_Rescan (requests);   /* Update the timers */
               expired = TM_GetExpired (requests);
               if (expired == 0) break;
               ... process expired element ...

The Preemption Package

  The preemption package provides a mechanism by which control can pass
  between light-weight processes without the need for explicit calls to
  LWP_DispatchProcess.  This effect is achieved by periodically
  interrupting the normal flow of control to check if other (higher
  priority) procesess are ready to run.

  The package makes use of the interval timer facilities provided by
  4.2BSD, and so will cause programs that make their own use of these
  facilities to malfunction.  In particular, use of alarm (3) or
  explicit handling of SIGALRM is disallowed.  Also, calls to sleep (3)
  may return prematurely.

  Care should be taken that routines are re-entrant where necessary.  In
  particular, note that stdio (3) is not re-entrant in general, and
  hence light-weight processes performing I/O on the same FILE structure
  may function incorrectly.

Key Design Choices

  o  The package should not affect the nonpreemptive scheduling
     behaviour of processes which do not use it;
  o  It must be simple and fast, with a minimum of extra system
  o  It must support nested critical regions;
  o  Processes using the package are assumed to be co-operating.

A Simple Example

  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include "preempt.h"


  struct timeval tv;

  LWP_Init (LWP_VERSION, ... );
  tv.tv_sec = 10;
  tv.tv_usec = 0;
  PRE_InitPreempt (&tv);
  PRE_PreemptMe ();


  PRE_BeginCritical ();


  PRE_EndCritical ();


  PRE_EndPreempt ();

The Fast Time Package

  The Fast Time package allows the caller to find out the current time
  of day without incurring the expense of a kernel call.  It works by
  mapping the page of the kernel that has the kernels time-of-day
  variable and examining it directly.  Currently, this package only
  works on Suns.  You may call the routines on other machines, but they
  will run more slowly.

  The initialization routine for this package is fairly expensive since
  it does a lookup of a kernel symbol via nlist ().  If you have a
  program which runs for only a short time, you may wish to call
  FT_Init with the notReally parameter true to prevent the lookup from
  taking place.  This is useful if you are using another package that
  uses Fast Time (such as RPC2).

Some design considerations for LWP programming

  Clients and servers are each assumed to be Unix processes using the
  LWP package. RPC2 will not work independently of the LWP package.  The
  LWP package makes it possible for a single Unix process to contain
  multiple threads of control (LWPs). An RPC call is synchronous with
  respect to an individual LWP, but it does not block the encapsulating
  Unix process.  Although LWPs are non-preemptive, RPC2 internally
  yields control when an LWP is blocked awaiting a request or reply.
  Thus more than one LWP can be concurrently making RPC requests. There
  is no a priori binding of RPC connections to LWPs, or LWPs to
  subsystems within a client or server. Thus RPC connections, LWPs and
  subsystems are completely orthogonal concepts.

  Since LWPs are non-preemptive, a long-running computation by an LWP
  will prevent the RPC2 code from getting a chance to run.  This will
  typically manifest itself as a timeout by the client on the RPC in
  progress.  To avoid this, the long running computation should
  periodically invoke IOMGR_Poll followed by LWP_DispatchProcess.

  For similar reasons, Unix system calls such as read (2), sleep (3),
  and select (2) that may block for a long time should be avoided.
  Instead, use IOMGR_Select.