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    <h3 class="SubSectionHead"><a 
  name="QQ1-36-49"></a>Driving the Translation of Pictures and Other Tasks</h3>
  name="index36-49001"></a> <a 
  name="index36-49002"></a> <a 
  name="index36-49003"></a>TeX4ht outputs a script file (&#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">.lg</span>&#8217;) describing how the dvi file (extension &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">.idv</span>&#8217;) of pictures should
be processed, the CSS instructions to be included for the file, and user-initiated requests from the
operating system. In the default setting, the script file holds abstract commands similar to the following
<dl > <dt><span class="cmtt-10">--- needs --- source.idv[i] ==&#x003E; target.png ---</span></dt><dd>
<!--l. 7480--><p class="indent" >    An abstract command of this form requests that the i&#8217;th page in the dvi file will be translated into a target file
whose name is provided.
    </dd><dt><span class="cmtt-10">--- characters --- </span></dt><dd>
<!--l. 7488--><p class="indent" >    This abstract command is a identifies where the requests for pictorial characters start.
<!--l. 7493--><p class="indent" >    A manual brute-force execution of the abstract commands can be a tedious job for large number of pictures.
The <span class="cmtt-10">t4ht </span>is in essence an interpreter for these abstract commands.
</p><!--l. 7498--><p class="indent" >    Another possible approach for automating the process is to request lg scripts in the form of shell scripts or
batch files.
</p><!--l. 7505--><p class="indent" >    <big><span class="cmbx-10">Alternatives to &#8216;</span><span class="cmtt-10">--- needs --- source.idv[i] ==&#x003E; target.png ---</span><span class="cmbx-10">&#8217;</span></big>
</p><!--l. 7508--><p class="indent" >    The default setting is made with a request of the form &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">--- needs --- %%1.idv[%%2] ==&#x003E; %%3.png ---</span>&#8217;,
where the parameters <span class="cmtt-10">%%1</span>, <span class="cmtt-10">%%2</span>, and <span class="cmtt-10">%%3 </span>respectively represent the name of the source file without
its extension, a page number, and a name of the target file. Alternative patterns to these abstract
commands can be requested in the following locations, with the order reflecting on the priority given to the
</p><!--l. 7517--><p class="indent" >
</p><ul type="disc" >
<li>In the <a 
 href="mn37.html" >command line</a> of <span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht</span>, where the pattern should be prefixed with &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">-s</span>&#8217;.
<!--l. 7521--><p class="noindent" ></p></li>
<li>In the environment file <span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht.env </span>within a block of consecutive lines, where the lines should be identified with the
character <a 
 href="mn32.html#sc-1"  name="sc">&#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">s</span>&#8217;</a>.
<!--l. 7527--><p class="noindent" ></p></li>
<li>In <span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht </span>with the pattern provided through the variable <a 
 href="mn35.html#x-LGPIC"  name="LGPIC">LGPIC</a> of <span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht.c</span>.
<!--l. 7534--><p class="indent" >    The character &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%</span>&#8217; can be introduced into a pattern through the entry &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%%%</span>&#8217;. On the other hand, the
parameters &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%%1</span>&#8217;, &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%%2</span>&#8217;, and <span class="cmtt-10">%%3 </span>can specify, between the first two percentage characters (i.e., &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%...%1</span>&#8217;,
&#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%...%2</span>&#8217;, and &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">%...%3</span>&#8217;), any format for the outcome that is compatible with the print formats of
</p><!--l. 7541--><p class="indent" >    <big><span class="cmbx-10">Alternatives to &#8216;</span><span class="cmtt-10">--- characters ---</span><span class="cmbx-10">&#8217;</span></big>
</p><!--l. 7543--><p class="indent" >    Substitutions for this abstract command can be requested in the following locations.
</p><!--l. 7550--><p class="indent" >
</p><ul type="disc" >
<li>In the <a 
 href="mn37.html"  name="mn37.html" >overview</a> of <span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht</span>, prefixed with &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">-b</span>&#8217;.
<!--l. 7721--><p class="noindent" ></p></li>
<li>In a line within the environment file &#8216;<span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht.file</span>&#8217;, where the line should be identified with the character
 href="mn32.html#bsc-1"  name="bsc">b</a>&#8217;.
<!--l. 7727--><p class="noindent" ></p></li>
<li>In <span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht </span>with the substitution provided during compilation time through the variable <a 
 href="mn35.html#x-LGSEP"  name="LGSEP">LGSEP</a> of
<span class="cmtt-10">tex4ht.c</span>.
