

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 95299258dbdf9a86cefd89b97c0d81e5 > files > 247


 *      Copyright (C) 2009 IBM Corp.
 *      This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
 *      redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
 *      Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
 *      later version.
 *      Version 1.0     2009-07-06
 *	Name:
 *	tcpipstat.stp - Per-socket tcpip statistics collection facility.
 *	(netstat -s on steroids)
 *	Description:
 *	The purpose of tcpipstat is to collect and display network statistics
 *	related to individual TCP sockets or groups of sockets.  The statistics
 *	that are collected are simmer to that of the command netstat -s, only
 *	sorted and grouped by individual sockets.  The statistics collected are
 *	based on the SNMP TCP and IP MIBS. As the name implies this command
 *	collects data relating to TCP sockets, not UDP sockets. I plan to
 *	support a UDP tool in a later version. The tcpipstat tool uses
 *	systemtap to collect data from the linux kernel; see the stap command
 *	manual page for instructions and options available in systemtap. For
 *	more information on the systemtap project see:
 *	Synopsis:
 *	tcpstat.stp 	[index=laddr|raddr|lport|rport|tuple]\
 *			[timeout=<N sec>]\
 *			[nozeros=1|0]\
 *			[filters...]
 *	index	(optional) tcpipstat collects, sorts and displays network
 *		statistics into buckets. The buckets are indexed based on
 *		one of several index types.  By default the index is
 *		constructed from all four elements of the socket tuple,
 *		providing a separate bucket for each socket.  However, any
 *		individual element of the tuple can be used as the index.
 *		Valid values for index are laddr (local address), raddr
 *		(remote address) , lport, rport or tuple.  For example if
 *		index=lport is specified network statistics will be collected
 *		and reported based on the value of the local port thus
 *		providing statistics related to each network service provided
 *		by the system.
 *	timeout (optional) When a timeout value (in seconds) is specified
 *		tcpstat will automatically terminate it's run at the end of
 *		the specified time and produce a report. When timeout is
 *		omitted the script will run until the user terminates it by
 *		typing a ^c.
 *	onclose (optional) In onclose mode (onclose=1) statistics are reported
 *		 only when a socket closes.  The generated report reflect
 *		 statistics for the entire life on the socket, assuming
 *		 tcpipstat was running at the time the socket was opened.
 *		 The option index=tuple must be set for onclode to work 
 *		(index=tuple is default).
 *	nozeros (optional) When nonzero=1 is specified statistics with
 *		a value of zero will not be printed.
 *	filters	(optional) By default statistics are counted for every socket
 *		on the system.  Address filters can be used to limit what
 *		sockets data is collected for.  All filters are 
 *		pass-through filters.  Multiple filters may be given separated
 *		by a space.  When multiple filters are given an event only
 *		needs to be accepted by one filter to be counted.  A wild-card
 *		(*) value can be used for any component of the filter.        
 *		The format of a filter is:
 *		<local-address>:<local-port>-<remote address>:<remote-port>
 *		Addresses are specified as ipv4 dot notation address. Ports
 *		are specified as decimal numbers.  A "*" character can be used
 *		in any field to indicate a wild-card value.  If no filters are
 *		given the following wild-card filter is automatically used:
 *		*.*.*.*:*-*.*.*.*:*
 *	Known Bugs:
 *		Not all MIB values are currently supported.
 *		Ipv6 in not yet supported.
 *	Examples:
 *		Here are some ways that tcpipstat could be used.
 *		List per-socket statistics for every active socket for the
 *		next 60 seconds.
 *		$ tcpipstat timeout=60
 *		Who is talking to my webserver?
 *		$ tcpipstat.stp index=raddr *.*.*.*:80-*.*.*.*:*
 *		What services (on this system) is host using
 *		$ tcpipstat.stp index=rport *.*.*.*:*-*
 *		What hosts in the network is this system communicating
 *		with?
 *		$ tcpipstat.stp index=raddr *.*.*.*:*-9.*.*.*:*
 *		What ports are people connecting to? or which services are busy?
 *		$ tcpipstat.stp index=lport
 *		Show network statistics related to a single run of netperf.
 *		$ stap -c netperf -H <server-ip>\
 *			  tcpipstat.stp *.*.*.*:*-<server-ip>:*

global filter;
global number_of_filters;

global key_list;
global lastkey;

// Command arguments and default values
global index= "tuple";
global timeout = -1;
global nozeros = 1;
global onclose = 0;

probe begin {


	if ( 	index != "laddr" &&
		index != "raddr" &&
		index != "lport" &&
		index != "rport" &&
		index != "tuple" ) usage("Invalid index value!");

	if ( onclose && (index!="tuple") )
		 usage("onclose must be used with index=tuple!");

	/* The user did not supply a filter, build a wild-card filter */
	if ( number_of_filters == 0 ){
		filter[j]   = ipv4_pton("*.*.*.*",0)
		filter[j+1] = ipv4_pton("*.*.*.*",1)
		filter[j+2] = ipv4_portton("*")
		filter[j+3] = ipv4_pton("*.*.*.*",0)
		filter[j+4] = ipv4_pton("*.*.*.*",1)
		filter[j+5] = ipv4_portton("*")

	if ( number_of_filters < 0 ){
		usage("Bad filter format!");

	printf("Indexing collected stats using %s values\n",index);
	for (i=1; i <= number_of_filters; i++){

/* All command line arguments other than the filters are processed
 * first and must be placed on the command line prior to any filters.
function process_cmdline:long ()
	for (i=1; i <= argc; i++){
		argument= tokenize(argv[i], "=")

		if ( argument == "index" ){
			index=tokenize(argv[i], "=")

		if ( argument == "timeout" ){
			timeout=strtol(tokenize(argv[i], "="),10)

		if ( argument == "nozeros" ){
			nozeros=strtol(tokenize(argv[i], "="),10)

		if ( argument == "onclose" ){
			onclose=strtol(tokenize(argv[i], "="),10)

		/* Example: adding more option flags 
		if ( argument == "stuff" ){
			stuff=tokenize(argv[i], "=")

		/* Anything on the command line after this point must
 		 * be a filter.
		local = tokenize(argv[i], "-")
			argv[i] = ""
		remote = tokenize(argv[i], "-")

		local_addr = tokenize(local, ":")
		local_port = tokenize(local, ":")

		remote_addr = tokenize(remote, ":")
		remote_port = tokenize(remote, ":")

		/* stap bug */
		if ( remote_port == "fobar") i=i;

		filter[j]   = ipv4_pton(local_addr,0)	// Local address
		filter[j+1] = ipv4_pton(local_addr,1)	// Local address mask
		filter[j+2] = ipv4_portton(local_port)	// Local port
		filter[j+3] = ipv4_pton(remote_addr,0)	// Remote address
		filter[j+4] = ipv4_pton(remote_addr,1)	// Remote address mask
		filter[j+5] = ipv4_portton(remote_port)	// Remote port

		if (filter[j]< -1 ||
			filter[j+1] < -1 ||
			filter[j+2] < -1 ||
			filter[j+3] < -1 ||
			filter[j+4] < -1 ||
			filter[j+5] < -1 ) return -1;
		return filter_number;

 * Convert an ascii integer values between 0 and 65534 to a u16 port number.
 * "*" are treated as wildcards and will be converted to 0xffff (65535).
function ipv4_portton:long (port:string)
	if ( port == "*" ) port="65535";
	if ( pport > 0xffff ){
		printf("Bad port number %s\n",port)
		return -22;
	return pport

 * Convert an ipv4 dot notation address into longs.
 * Supports "*" in any field treating it as a wildcard by making the byte=0.
 * If make_mask is set, it creates a mask based on the "*" fields. All non='*'
 * bytes are set to 0xff all * fields are set to 0x0;.
function ipv4_pton:long (addr:string, make_mask:long)
	while(strlen(byte = tokenize(ips, ".")) != 0) {

		if ( byte == "*" ){
			 byte = "0"
		} else {
			 if ( make_mask ) byte = "255";

		if ( j > 255 ){
			printf("bad address %s\n",addr)
			return -22;
		ip=ip+(j<<i) // left shift the byte into the address
	if ( i != 0 ){
		printf("bad address %s\n",addr)
		return -22;
	return ip;

function usage (msg:string)
	printf("\t\t\t[timeout=<sec>] [nozeros=0|1] [onclose=0|1]\n");
	printf("\t\t\t[filter ......]\n\n");
	printf("\tfilter format:\n");
	printf("\t<local ip-address>:<local-port>-<remote ip-address>:<remote-port>\n\n");

/* Print filter number n. This is helpful for debugging */
function print_filter (n:long)
	printf("Processed filter #%d = %s[0x%x]:%d --> %s[0x%x]:%d \n",
		n,ip_ntop(htonl(filter[j])), filter[j+1], filter[j+2],
		ip_ntop(htonl(filter[j+3])), filter[j+4], filter[j+5]);

 * Returns a unique value (stored in the global key_list) based on the socket
 * address tuple and the global collection index value. A new value is created 
 * if one does not already exist.
function build_key:long (laddr:long, raddr:long, lport:long, rport:long)
	if ( index == "laddr" ) raddr = lport = rport = 0
	if ( index == "raddr" ) laddr = lport = rport = 0
	if ( index == "lport" ) laddr = raddr = rport = 0
	if ( index == "rport" ) laddr = raddr = lport = 0

	if ( key_list[laddr, raddr, lport, rport] )
                return  key_list[laddr, raddr, lport, rport]
                return key_list[laddr, raddr, lport, rport] = ++lastkey

 * This is where the real work of the probe filtering is done.
 * Important: this function is run for every probe hit so
 * keep it small and fast!
 * If the probe passes through the filters a "key" value is
 * returned otherwise it returns zero.
function filter_key:long (laddr:long, raddr:long, lport:long, rport:long)
       for (i=1; i <= number_of_filters; i++){

		printf("\n %s\n",pp())
                printf("local=0x%x:0x%x remote=0x%x:0x%x  ",
                      laddr, lport, raddr, rport);

		// Local filter
		if ( (laddr&filter[j+1]) == filter[j] ) {
			if ( (filter[j+2] == 0xffff) || (lport == filter[j+2])) 
				local_filter = 1;
		// Remote filter
		if ( (raddr&filter[j+4]) == filter[j+3] ) {
			if ( (filter[j+5] == 0xffff) || (rport == filter[j+5]))
				remote_filter = 1;

		// printf("local=%d remote=%d  ",local_filter,remote_filter);

		if(local_filter && remote_filter){
                        // key = build_key(laddr, raddr, lport, rport);
                        // printf("|Collected: key=%d\n",key);
                        // return key;
			return build_key(laddr, raddr, lport, rport);
	// printf("\n");
	return 0;

/* This function is called by every ipmib probe handler.
 * Returns a "key" value to be used as an index into the collection arrays.
function ipmib_filter_key:long (skb:long, op:long, SourceIsLocal:long)
	if ( !skb ) return 0;
	// We only care about events with protocol IPPROTO_TCP(=6)
	if( !(ipmib_get_proto(skb) == 6) ) return 0;
	raddr = ipmib_remote_addr(skb, SourceIsLocal);
	laddr = ipmib_local_addr(skb, SourceIsLocal);
	rport = ipmib_tcp_remote_port(skb, SourceIsLocal);
	lport = ipmib_tcp_local_port(skb, SourceIsLocal);

	return filter_key(laddr, raddr, lport, rport);

/* This function is called by every tcpmib probe handler. 
 * Returns a "key" value to be used as an index into the collection arrays.
function tcpmib_filter_key:long (sk:long, op:long)
        if ( !sk ) return 0;
        laddr = tcpmib_local_addr(sk);
        raddr = tcpmib_remote_addr(sk);
        lport = tcpmib_local_port(sk);
        rport = tcpmib_remote_port(sk);
        return filter_key(laddr, raddr, lport, rport);

/* This function is called by every linuxmib probe handler. 
 * Returns a "key" value to be used as an index into the collection arrays.
 * For now this is just the same as the tcpmib_filter_key.
function linuxmib_filter_key:long (sk:long, op:long)
        return tcpmib_filter_key(sk,op);

function print_sockmib (key:long)
	if (SockSendbytes[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tBytes Sent = %d\n", SockSendbytes[key]);
	if (SockSendmsg[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tMessages sent = %d\n", SockSendmsg[key]);
	if (SockRecvbytes[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tBytes Received = %d\n", SockRecvbytes[key]);
	if (SockRecvmsg[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tMessages Received = %d\n", SockRecvmsg[key]);

 * Prints the collected values for the IP mib.
function print_ipmib (key:long)
	if (InReceives[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tInReceives = %d\n", InReceives[key]);
	if (OutRequests[key]||!nozeros) 
		printf("\tOutRequests = %d\n", OutRequests[key]);
	if (ReasmTimeout[key]||!nozeros) 
		printf("\tReasmTimeout = %d\n", ReasmTimeout[key]);
	if (ReasmReqds[key]||!nozeros) 
		printf("\tReasmReqds = %d\n", ReasmReqds[key]);
	if (FragOKs[key]||!nozeros) 
		printf("\tFragOKs = %d\n", FragOKs[key]);
	if (FragFails[key]||!nozeros) 
		printf("\tFragFails = %d\n", FragFails[key]);

 * Prints the collected values for the TCP mib.
function print_tcpmib (key:long)
	if (ActiveOpens[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tActiveOpens = %d\n", ActiveOpens[key]);
%( kernel_v > "2.6.21" %?
	if (AttemptFails[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tAttemptFails = %d\n", AttemptFails[key]);
%( kernel_v > "2.6.24" %?
	if (CurrEstab[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tCurrEstab = %d\n", CurrEstab[key]);
%( kernel_v > "2.6.24" %?
	if (EstabResets[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tEstabResets = %d\n", EstabResets[key]);
//	if (InErrs[key]||!nozeros) 
//		printf("\tInErrs = %d\n", InErrs[key]);
	if (InSegs[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tInSegs = %d\n", InSegs[key]);
	if (OutRsts[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tOutRsts = %d\n", OutRsts[key]);
	if (OutSegs[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tOutSegs = %d\n", OutSegs[key]);
	if (PassiveOpens[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tPassiveOpens = %d\n", PassiveOpens[key]);
	if (RetransSegs[key]||!nozeros) 
		printf("\tRetransSegs = %d\n", RetransSegs[key]);

 * Prints the collected values for the linux mib.
function print_linuxmib (key:long)
	if (DelayedACKs[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tdelayed acks sent = %d\n", DelayedACKs[key]);
	if (ListenOverflows[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\ttimes the listen queue of a socket overflowed = %d\n", ListenOverflows[key]);
	if (ListenDrops[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\tSYNs to LISTEN sockets ignored = %d\n", ListenDrops[key]);
	if (TCPMemoryPressures[key]||!nozeros)
		printf("\ttcp memory pressure = %d\n", TCPMemoryPressures[key]);

function report ()

	foreach ([laddr, raddr, lport, rport] in key_list) {
		_report(laddr, raddr, lport, rport);
	if ( !number_of_keys )
		printf("\nNo packets were accepted by the filters.\n");

function _report(laddr:long, raddr:long, lport:long, rport:long)
	if ( laddr && raddr && lport && rport ) // index=tuple
		 printf("%s:%d <-> %s:%d\n",
			ip_ntop(htonl(laddr)), lport,
			ip_ntop(htonl(raddr)), rport)
	else { 
		if ( laddr )
			printf("Local address: %s\n",ip_ntop(htonl(laddr)));
		if ( raddr )
			printf("Remote address: %s\n",ip_ntop(htonl(raddr)));
		if ( lport )
			printf("Local port: %d\n",lport);
		if ( rport )
			printf("Remote port: %d\n",rport);

	key = key_list[laddr, raddr, lport, rport]
%( kernel_v > "2.6.24" %?
	if ( onclose && (CurrEstab[key] < 0) )
		printf("Stats were not collected for the entire socket life.\n")

/* Terminates the run in timeout seconds, using global timeout value */
probe timer.s(1) {
	if ( timeout == -1 ) next
	if ( !timeout-- ) exit()

/* We are done, print a report and exit. */
probe end {
	if ( !onclose )

/* Enable the probes for the statictics we want to count.
 * The impact of running this script on your system can
 * be reduced by enabling only the probes corresponding to the
 * statictics you are interested in.  For example, if all you care about
 * is counting the number of incomming connections that are established use:
 * "probe tcpmib.PassiveOpens {}"

/* Collect all tcpmib stats */
probe tcpmib.* {}

/* Collect all ip stats */
probe ipmib.* {}

/* Collect the extended linux stats */
probe linuxmib.* {}

/* This probe supports the onclose option.  When a connection closes
 * CurrEstab will return an op of -1, we use that condition to trigger
 * the dump off all stats for this socket. This feature only makes sense
 * when index=tuple. 
%( kernel_v > "2.6.24" %?
probe tcpmib.CurrEstab
	if (!onclose) next
	if (!key) next
	if ( op != -1 ) next;
	if ( !sk ) next;

        laddr = tcpmib_local_addr(sk);
        raddr = tcpmib_remote_addr(sk);
        lport = tcpmib_local_port(sk);
        rport = tcpmib_remote_port(sk);

	_report(laddr, raddr, lport, rport)
	delete key_list[laddr, raddr, lport, rport]
	delete CurrEstab[key]

/* SNMP has no counter for the number of bytes sent or received by TCP.
 * The next two probes give us these raw byte counts.
global SockSendbytes;
global SockSendmsg;
probe tcp.sendmsg.return {
%( kernel_v < "2.6.23" %?
	sk = $sock->sk;
        op = size; // $return
	if ( op <= 0 ) next;
        if ( !sk ) next;
        key = tcpmib_filter_key(sk,op);
        if ( key ) {
		SockSendbytes[key] += op;

global SockRecvbytes;
global SockRecvmsg;
probe tcp.recvmsg.return{
	sk = $sk
	op = size // $return
	if ( op <= 0 ) next;
        if ( !sk ) next;
        key = tcpmib_filter_key(sk,op);
        if ( key ) {
		SockRecvbytes[key] += op;