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<title>Collision Detection - ClanLib Game SDK</title>
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<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px; margin-bottom: 1em;"><h2>Collision Detection</h2></div>

<p>As of release 0.7.8 ClanLib comes with collision detection support. The
collision system works by checking for intersections between line segments in
line-loops surrounding the objects to collide. The advantage of this method
over traditional methods, such as pixel based collision detection, is that the amount of data
that needs to be worked with when checking for collisions and when doing
transformations is very low. This enables besides fast collision
testing also fast rotation and scaling of outline geometries.</p>

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Collision Outlines</h3></div>

<p>Outlines can be generated from RGBA images by following the edge between
transparent and opaque pixels. <p>

<p>To generate an outline from a RGBA image stored as image.png the following can be used:<p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">CL_CollisionOutline outline("image.png");

<p>Generating outlines from bitmaps can be quite expensive causing long load
times. To battle that CL_CollisionOutline has a save function and constructors which
can load saved outlines:</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">CL_CollisionOutline generated("image.png");"image.out");

CL_CollisionOutline loaded("image.out");

<p>Initially the contour following algorithm adds every pixel along
the edge to the outline. This results in a lot of redundant information
being added to the outline, but that can be optimized away without reducing
the accuracy of the outline too much. The constructor which creates outlines
from RGBA images takes a CL_OutlineAccuracy parameter which specifies how
much to optimize the outline.</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">CL_CollisionOutline generated("image.png", accuracy_high);

<p> The values for CL_CollisionAccuracy are:

and their affects on generated outlines:
<img src="Images/outline_accuracy.png">

The optimization causes errors mostly in the round parts.

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Testing for collisions</h3></div>

<p>Once the collision outlines have been positioned using the
transformation function (translate, rotate and scale) checking for a
collision is simply a matter of calling the collide function. In a game 
one might have code similar to this:</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">if( outline.collide(outline2) )

<p>It's also possible to test if a point is inside an outline:</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">if( outline.point_inside( CL_Mouse::get_x(), CL_Mouse::get_y() )

<p>When checking for a collision a bounding circle test is always performed
The way the collision testing is done can be adjusted by 
enabling/disabling completely inside test, and by
enable/disable the object bounding box test.</p>

<p>When using the inside test,
outlines completely inside another outline (or completely surrounding) will report
a collision. If either of the objects being tested has inside_test set to
true, the inside test will be done for both objects.</p>

<p>Object bounding box (obb) test uses a rotated tightly computed rectangle
around the outline, and the obb is tested against the other obb first before
any further (more detailed) collision detection tests are performed. For
long narrow outlines an obb will give a lot more tighter bounds than a
bounding circle, effectively eliminating further redundant checks.</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">outline.set_inside_test(true);

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Internal operation</h3></div>

<p>The structure of the collision data structures is as follows:

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">CL_CollisionOutline
		vector&lt;CL_Pointf&gt; points
		vector&lt;CL_CollisionCircle&gt; subcircles

<p>Collisions are checked for by checking each line-segment forming the outline,
against the line-segments of the other collision outline. If the number of
line segments is big this will be somewhat slow. To eliminate checks that
are sure to fail, the line-segments have been grouped into circles which
hold a start and end index in the point array.</p>

<p>These sub-circles are collided against each other before any line-line intersection tests take
place. Line-segments encapsulated in subcircles are only checked
when two subcircles collides with each other. If the subcircles don't collide
there is no chance that the line-segments inside them will collide either.</p>

<img src="Images/outline_subcircles.png">

<p>If an outline is created manually by adding a contour to the outline and points
into the contour, it's necessary to calculate the subcircles and the radius
before collision tests can be performed. It should also be noted that the points of the contour is
assumed "closed" that is, you do not need to specify the same point as both first and last. And the
points must be added to the contour in counter-clockwice order.</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">	CL_SurfaceOutline outline;

	CL_Contour contour;
	contour.points.push_back( CL_Pointf(0.0f,0.0f) );
	contour.points.push_back( CL_Pointf(0.0f,100.0f) );

<p>If your contours are rather small, you can optimise them to only have one (sub)circle.
This circle is calculated to be as small as possible, and still contain all the points. It can be done with
the following code.</p>

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">	[... create the outline in some way ...]
	// Use this in-stead of "calculate_sub_circles()";

<div style="border-bottom-style: dotted;  border-bottom-width: 1px;"><h3>Collision Info</h3></div>
<p>If you have enabled any kind of collision info (with <em>enable_collision_info(points,normals,metadata)</em>) then
you can retrieve this information with the method <em>get_collision_info</em>. What will be returned is a vector with
<em>CL_CollidingContours</em>-structures. Each representing the collision of two contours.

<p>These structures contain the information you asked the outlines to collect. They always contain two pointers to the
colliding contours. These are called: <em>contour1</em> and <em>contour2</em>. If you told it to collect
collision-points, then these can be found as the "<em>point</em>" property of all the <em>CL_CollisionPoint</em> stored
in the vector <em>points</em>. If you told it to collect normals then they can be found as the "<em>normal</em>"
property of all the <em>CL_CollisionPoint</em> stored in the vector <em>points</em>.

<p>The following code demonstrates how you can access the information.

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">	outline.enable_collision_info(true, true, false);
	if( outline.collide(outline2) )
		const std::vector&lt;CL_CollidingContours&gt; &amp;colpointinfo = outline.get_collision_info();
		// Loop through all pairs of colliding contours
		for(int c = 0; c &lt; colpointinfo.size(); c++)
			const CL_CollidingContours &amp;cc = colpointinfo[c];
			for(int p = 0; p &lt; cc.points.size(); p++)
				std::cout &lt;&lt; "Collision: Point(" &lt;&lt; cc.points[p].point.x &lt;&lt; "," &lt;&lt; cc.points[p].point.y &lt;&lt; ")\n";
				std::cout &lt;&lt; "Collision: Normal(" &lt;&lt; cc.points[p].normal.x &lt;&lt; "," &lt;&lt; cc.points[p].normal.y &lt;&lt; ")\n";

<h4>Collision Metadata</h4>

<p>The metadata-part of a collision takes a bit more explaination. It is used to keep track of where the intersections
between two contours occured. That is they keep track of what linesegments generated the collision-points. They also keep
track of wether the collision point is an entry or an exit point (Note this works because all contours are describes as a
list of points in counter-clockwice order). The metadata is mainly intended to calculate the depth of a penetration.
Since contours only store the points, and not the linesegments, we have to store the two indexes of the two points that
represent the linesegment. And we have to do this for both linesegments.

<p>The following peace of code shows how to access the metadata.

<ul><pre><font face="Arial,Courier New,Courier">	outline.enable_collision_info(true, true, true);
	if( outline.collide(outline2) )
		const std::vector&lt;CL_CollidingContours&gt; &amp;colpointinfo = outline.get_collision_info();
		// Loop through all pairs of colliding contours
		for(int c = 0; c &lt; colpointinfo.size(); c++)
			const CL_CollidingContours &amp;cc = colpointinfo[c];
			for(int p = 0; p &lt; cc.points.size(); p++)
				const CL_CollisionPoint &amp;colp = cc.points[p];
				std::cout &lt;&lt; "LineSegment1:"
					&lt;&lt; "(" &lt;&lt; cc.contour1-&gt;points[colp.contour1_line_start].x
					&lt;&lt; "," &lt;&lt; cc.contour1-&gt;points[colp.contour1_line_start].y &lt;&lt; ") - "
					&lt;&lt; "(" &lt;&lt; cc.contour1-&gt;points[colp.contour1_line_end].x
					&lt;&lt; "," &lt;&lt; cc.contour1-&gt;points[colp.contour1_line_end].y &lt;&lt; ")\n";
				std::cout &lt;&lt; "LineSegment2:"
					&lt;&lt; "(" &lt;&lt; cc.contour2-&gt;points[colp.contour2_line_start].x
					&lt;&lt; "," &lt;&lt; cc.contour2-&gt;points[colp.contour2_line_start].y &lt;&lt; ") - "
					&lt;&lt; "(" &lt;&lt; cc.contour2-&gt;points[colp.contour2_line_end].x
					&lt;&lt; "," &lt;&lt; cc.contour2-&gt;points[colp.contour2_line_end].y &lt;&lt; ")\n";

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