

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > os > by-pkgid > 1d69c6e17b6bf57219a67851e030834b > files > 7


############## xpsk31 RUNTIME CONFIGURATION FILE: xpsk31rc ##########
#                                                                   #
# PLEASE NOTE! In order to keep the parser for this file simple,    #
# the runtime configuration entries below must all be present and   #
# in the order presented, since they are all read-in in a fixed     #
# sequence. Blank lines or those starting with a # or white space   #
# are ignored.                                                      #
#                                                                   #
# There are four sections, Sound card, xpsk31 Runtime, Operator and #
# QTH and Macros fields. Please check ALL and EDIT as needed!!      #
#                                                                   #
# Please look in /usr/include/soundcard.h
# (search for SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES) to find valid device names.
# Mixer device: Default is /dev/mixer
# Capture DSP device: Default is /dev/dsp
# Playback DSP device: Default is /dev/dsp
# Audio capture/recording source: Default is line.
# Alternative is usually mic or line1 etc.
# Audio recording level device: Default is igain.
# Alternative is usually reclev or rec.
# Recording/Capture level: Useful range ~10-100. Default is 50.
# The correct value must be found by testing, see xpsk31.html.
# Volume/PCM level: Useful range ~10-90. Default is 50.
# The correct value must be found by testing, see xpsk31.html.
# Sound card mode: (STEREO | MONO). My default is STEREO because
# I have two sources (receivers) connected to the sound card.
# Channel in use by xpsk31: (LEFT | RIGHT). My default is RIGHT.
# When in MONO mode, this field is ignored. On my system at
# least, only the left channel works in MONO.
####### End of SOUND-CARD CONFIGURATION #######
####### xpsk31 RUNTIME CONFIGURATION #######
# Squelch threshold: Useful range ~3-10. My default is 5.
# Note that a zero setting will disable the squelch function
# Steady tone duration in sec: Minimum is 1 sec. This is
# the steady tone transmitted at the beginning and tail
# end of a transmission (pre-amble and post-amble).
# Number of reversals following and preceding the steady tone:
# Default is 24. These phase reversals are part of the PSK31
# pre-amble and post-amble used for synching and squelching
# Morse encoder speed in wpm: Default is 20 wpm
# Transmit window word-wrap column: Default is 70
# Serial port device for FT847 CAT: Default is /dev/tts/0
# IN MY SETUP! Please specify the serial port device you
# intend to use for CAT control of your tranceiver. PLEASE NOTE:
# CAT is available only for the YAESU FT-847 and FT857 which I own.
# If you are using some other tranceiver, there is no need to edit
# these entries BUT DO NOT ACTIVATE CAT as xfhell WILL ABORT!
# MENU OPTIONS: Set default state of these pop-up menu options.
# Enable CAT for Yaesu FT847 transceiver (yes or no).
# Setting is yes for whichever tranceiver you intend to use.
# Otherwise make sure you specify no to avoid problems.
# Serial port device for FT857 CAT: Default is /dev/tts/2
# IN MY SETUP! Please specify the serial port device you
# intend to use for CAT control of your tranceiver. PLEASE NOTE:
# CAT is available only for the YAESU FT-847 and FT857 which I own.
# If you are using some other tranceiver, there is no need to edit
# these entries BUT DO NOT ACTIVATE CAT as xfhell WILL ABORT!
# Enable CAT for Yaesu FT857 transceiver (yes or no).
# Setting is yes for whichever tranceiver you intend to use.
# Otherwise make sure you specify no to avoid problems.
# Enable auto-detection of transceiver. THIS OVERRIDES ABOVE SETTINGS
# regarding which transceiver should be setup. The serial port entries
# are still needed.
# Serial port device for RTS line PTT control: Please specify the
# serial port device you intend to use for tranceiver PTT control
# via the RS232 port's RTS line.
# Enable RTS line control for PTT On during transmission (yes or no).
# Record QSO's (raw) to file (yes or no). Default is yes
# Capitalize letters in Transmit and Receive windows.
# (yes or no). Default is yes
####### End of xpsk31 RUNTIME CONFIGURATION #######
# All fields are required, if any are missing there will be errors.
# All fields MUST be edited!!
# Callsign: Maximum 14 characters allowed. !!USE CAPITAL LETTERS!!
# Name: Maximum 12 characters allowed
# Zone data: Maximum 14 characters allowed
# QTH Name:  Maximum 12 characters allowed
# QTH Locator: Maximum 6 characters allowed
# Default Transmitter name: Maximum 11 characters allowed
# Transmitter power o/p (W): Maximum 9 characters allowed
# Transmitter antenna: Maximum 15 characters allowed
# Default Receiver name: Maximum 11 characters allowed
# Receiver Noise figure: Maximum 7 characters allowed
# Receiver antenna: Maximum 15 characters allowed
# Via which propagation medium (Ionosphere, satellite etc)
# Remarks on QSO: Maximum 45 characters allowed
Pse QSL - Tks fer QSO - 73 es gud luck
####### MACROS (Prepared messages for transmission) #######
# These are various typical or standard messages transmitted
# during PSK31 (and other) digital mode QSO's. There can be a
# maximum of 9 entries which will be bound to the function keys
# F1-F9 in that order. Any number of entries up to 9 are allowed
# but the format is fixed in order to keep the parser simple:
# Each entry starts with a line which contains a label, enclosed
# in [ ] square brackets, to be shown in the PSK31 menu of
# keystroke commands. A maximum of 18 characters are allowed
# within the square brackets. PLEASE NOTE that [ or ] must not
# appear in the message text for obvious reasons!
# Each label is followed by the message to be transmitted in lines
# of a maximum of 80 characters, although it is probably better to
# limit lines to less than 70 characters for clarity. Blank lines
# and lines starting with a # or white space are ignored.
# Lines ending with a tilde ~ signify that xpsk31 should remain in
# transmit mode so that text can be appended to the macro manually,
# e.g. signal report, name etc. The up arrow ^ signifies that a
# 'new-line' signal should be sent before the text. The asterix
# sign * at the end of a line signifies that the station callsign
# must be sent in Morse code (CW identitiy).
# PLEASE NOTE that ^, ~ and * must not appear in the message text
# for obvious reasons!
##### Tags in Macros #####
# xpsk31 has a limited tag replacement ability, e.g. there are 12
# different tags that can be entered in the macros and these will
# identified and replaced with suitable values during operation:
# "Local information" tags, e.g. relating to the operator of xpsk31.
# "Remote information" tags, e.g. relating to the remote operator.
# All tags must be enclosed in <> similar to HTML tags. The following
# tags are currently recognized:
# <own-call> <own-name> <own-qth> <own-loc> <own-rst>
# <rem-call> <rem-name> <rem-qth> <rem-loc> <rem-rst>
# <date-time> <op-freq>
# They will be replaced during macro transmission with the following
# values respectively:
# Local Operator's call, name, QTH, QTH locator and RST report.
# Remote Operator's call, name, QTH, QTH locator and RST report.
# Current UTC date and time, the operating frequency.
# PLEASE NOTE: All but the RST report values for the Local operator
# are taken from the OPERATOR AND QTH INFORMATION block in this file.
# All other values are taken from the QSO Record fields, under the
# Receive window, as it is filled. A partially filled QSO record is
# still usable since values become available as they are entered but
# please note that empty fields are entered as null (blank) strings
# in place of the tags!
# Macro for F1
^CQ CQ CQ de <own-call> <own-call> <own-call>
CQ CQ CQ de <own-call> <own-call> <own-call>
CQ CQ CQ de <own-call> <own-call> <own-call>
pse KKK
# Macro for F2
^<rem-call> <rem-call> de <own-call> <own-call>
Hello dr <rem-name> and tks for your call ~
# Macro for F3
^Your RST: <rem-rst> <rem-rst> <rem-rst>
My name: <own-name> <own-name>
Op model 1948 vintage ;-) = Licensed: 1972
My QTH: <own-qth> <own-qth>
My Loc: <own-loc> <own-loc>
QSL is OK via bureau or direct ~
# Macro for F4
^Now keys BTU dr <rem-name>
<rem-call> <rem-call> de <own-call> <own-call> pse KKKN
# Macro for F5
^<rem-call> <rem-call> de <own-call> <own-call> ~
# Macro for F6
^My station info:
Rig: YOURRIG o/p 50W  Ant: ANTENNA 30-160m, ANTENNA 10-30m
Computer: YOUR COMPUTER Mem: 1Gb Sound SOUND
O/S: Linux  Software: Home-brew <app-version> ~
# Macro for F7
^My tks for a nice PSK31 QSO dr <rem-name>.
I wish you and your family best 73's and good health.
Until we meet again, good luck with PSK31 dx and bye-bye.
Logged by <app-version> on <date-time> UTC on <op-freq> MHz.
<rem-call> <rem-call> de <own-call> <own-call> SKSK *
# Macro for F8
^<rem-call> <rem-call> de <own-call> <own-call> <own-call> pse KKK
# Macro for F9
^QRZ QRZ QRZ de <own-call> <own-call> <own-call> pse KKK |