

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > os > by-pkgid > 29a493455bf13f179ce7e1966c93f83f > files > 15


# $Id: README,v 1.8 2003/10/01 16:57:44 kg4ijb Exp $


     Please at least SKIM this document before asking questions. In fact,
     READ IT if you've never successfully set up aprsd before. PLEASE!
     READ IT! If you haven't read this file, and ask for help
     expect to be told to READ the README file first! or rtfm :)


     0    Important notice
     1    What is aprsd?
     2    How do I get aprsd
     2a   CVS usage
     3    Quick startup
     4    Upgrading
     5    Boring legal stuff
     6    Mailing list
     7    Documentation
     8    Obtaining help


     (0) NOTICE

          Please read this file carefully before trying to set up aprsd.
          This software was developed to be used by licensced amateur radio
          operators.  You are responsible for any information transmitted
          or propogated on any network.

     (1) WHAT IS APRSD?

          APRSd is an APRS server program that uses amateur radio and internet#
          services to convey GPS mapping, weather, and positional data.  
          It has been developed by and for amateur radio enthusiasts to provide 
          real-time data in an easy to use package.

          APRSd is an open-source project: Most sources, documentation, and
          binaries are available under the GPL license, with a few modules
          available under other open-source or public domain licenses.


          Currently, the 2.2.x tree of aprsd is developed at
          You can get the latest version of aprsd from there.

     (2a) CVS USAGE

          You might obtain the *very latest* version of aprsd that
          is still under development by using CVS. CVS means
          'Concurrent Versions System' and is a tool for developers to
          always keep source code up to date. Try 'man cvs' on your
          shell for more information about CVS ;-)

          This intended only for users that know a fair bit about
          aprsd. Be aware that the versions of aprsd that you get
          by CVS are still being developed, and may be buggy. The
          aprsd devteam will in *NO WAY* take any responsibility for
          whatever might happen to you or your computer if you use a
          CVS version of aprsd.

          To obtain aprsd over CVS, go to the aprsd project page
          at SourceForge:  <>,
          Click on CVS, then follow the instructions listed.


               (1) you can 'cvs logout', but you don't need to.

               (2) you don't need to go through this whole
                   process every time; if you want to get a CVS
                   version of aprsd at a later time, you can just
                   'cd ~/<aprsd-source-dir>' and type 'cvs update -A'.

               (3) if you experience errors when using 'export',
                   you might be using tclsh or csh as a shell. If so,
                   try using the command 'setenv' instead of 'export':
                   'setenv CVSROOT


         [To be expanded]

         [Note] aprsd depends on recent versions of gcc and libstdc++ (3.2.x or greater)

         1.  Unpack the tarball (tar xvfz aprsd-<version>.tar.gz)
         2.  cd aprsd-<version>
         3.  ./configure
         4.  make
         5.  As root make install (installs to /usr/local/bin by default) or run as
             deamon from build dir (admin).
         6.  Modify aprsd.conf to reflect your setup and preferences
         7.  ./aprsd (to run from console) or ./aprsd -d (to run as a deamon)

     (4) UPGRADING

           *** ToDo ***


          APRSd is Copyright © by Dale A. Heatherington, WA4DSY.
          APRSd is distributed according to the GNU General Public
          License. There should be a copy of this license in the
          file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
          Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
          02139, USA.

          As of aprsd 2.2.0 all changes made by the aprsd
          development team to the aprsd source code and any related
          files are Copyright © 2002-2003 by The aprsd DevTeam. The 
          source code will still be distributed according to the GNU 
          General Public License as Dale A. Heatherington did in the 

          There is no warranty, implied or whatever. You use this
          software at your own risk, no matter what purpose you put
          it to.

          You didn't pay for it, so don't expect magic.


          There are currently a couple of mailing lists about aprsd.
 is the one relevant for 
          posts about aprsd 2.2.x and up (and bug fixes, and 
          suggestions, etc).

          To subscribe to the aprsd mailing list, send email to:
 In the body of the 
          message, put "subscribe aprsd-users"; or go to

          Please, before posting to this list, see what things are
          like, and when you do post, read over your post for
          readability, spelling, and grammar mistakes. Obviously,
          we're all human (or are we?) and we all make mistakes (heck,
          look at this document! ;).

          Open discussion and debate is integral to change and
          progress. Don't flame others over mere form (grammar and
          spelling), or even substantive issues either for that
          matter. Please read and follow the mailing list rules.

          The maillist is dedicated to 
          Bug reports, technical questions, your thoughts or suggestions 
          on new features being added to aprsd, things that should be 
          removed or fixed, amazing problems that even stump the guru's, 
          etc... are what we want to see here.


          We're trying to keep the documentation up to date. If you
          feel that anything is missing here, or that anything should
          be added etc, please email 
          about it, thank you.


          Please read the file FAQ, and make sure you've followed any relevant
          instructions in this document. If the problem still exists, feel free
          to ask on the aprsd mailing list, as described above.

(c) 1997 by Dale A. Heatherington, WA4DSY
(c) 2002-2003 The APRSd DevTeam