

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > os > by-pkgid > 4a989cf09a4b4c5f3273c280e92c6313 > files > 65


/* ukkonen.c
 * suffix tree construction algorithm

/* NULL pointer definition */
#define NULL ((void*)0)

/* maximum number of nodes to be used */
unsigned int max_nodes_nb;
/* size of the alphabet we work with */
unsigned int alphabet_sz;
/* size of the processed string */
unsigned int string_sz;

/* node structure */
typedef struct struct_node
  unsigned int exit;
  struct struct_node **sons;
} node;

/* list of all available nodes */
node *nodes_list;

/* index of the next free node */
unsigned int next_node;

/* nodes list related invariants, predicates and axioms

/*@ predicate valid_node(node *p)
  @ { \exists int k; (0 <= k < max_nodes_nb) && p == nodes_list + k }

/*@ predicate valid_sons(node *p)
  @ { \forall int k; 0 <= k < alphabet_sz
  @     => (p->sons[k] == \null || valid_node(p->sons[k])) }

/*@ invariant valid_nodes_range: \valid_range(nodes_list,0,max_nodes_nb-1) */

/*@ invariant valid_sons_range: \forall node *t; valid_node(t)
  @   => \valid_range(t->sons,0,alphabet_sz-1)

/*@ invariant valid_sons_links:
  @   \forall node *t; valid_node(t) => valid_sons(t)

/*@ invariant node_validity:
  @   \forall node *t; valid_node(t) => \valid(t)

/* source word and related invariants

/* word we are working on */
unsigned int *current_word;

/*@ invariant valid_word_range: \valid_range(current_word,0,string_sz) */

/*@ invariant valid_word_chars:
  @   \forall int k; 0 <= k < string_sz
  @     => (0 < current_word[k] < alphabet_sz)

/*@ invariant valid_word_end: current_word[string_sz] == 0 */

 * max_nodes_nb, alphabet_sz, nodes_list, next_node, string_sz, and
 * current_word must be initialized before any call to the construction
 * function (we don't care about memory allocation or initialization here).

/* suffix tree related invariants, predicates and axioms

/*@ type clist  @*/
/*@ logic clist cons(char c, clist l) @*/
/*@ logic clist nil()                 @*/
/*@ logic int length(clist l)         @*/
/*@ logic char nth(clist l, int n)    @*/

/*@ predicate path(node *p, node *q, clist l)
  @   reads p->sons[..],current_word[..]

/*@ axiom path_init: \forall node *p; path(p,p,nil()) */

/*@ axiom path_extent:
  @   \forall node *p, node *q, char c, clist l;
  @   path(p->sons[c],q,l) => path(p,q,cons(c,l))

/*@ predicate is_suffix(clist l)
  @ { \exists int i; i < string_sz =>
  @   ((\forall int j; i <= j < string_sz =>
  @   nth(l,j-i) == current_word[j]) &&
  @   length(l) == string_sz - i) }

/*@ invariant nodes_nb_floor:
  @   1 < max_nodes_nb &&  string_sz * string_sz == max_nodes_nb - 1

/* word's character retrieving function */
/*@ requires
  @   0 <= i < string_sz
  @ ensures
  @   0 < \result < alphabet_sz &&
  @   \result == current_word[i]
unsigned int get_char(unsigned int i)
{ return current_word[i]; }

/* fresh node allocation function */
/*@ requires
  @   0 <= next_node < max_nodes_nb - 1
  @ assigns next_node
  @ ensures
  @   \result == nodes_list + \old(next_node) &&
  @   next_node == \old(next_node) + 1
node *get_fresh_node()
  node *n = &(nodes_list[next_node]);
  /* note that we don't need to check wether n is NULL or */
  /* not since it is *not*, as required in pre-condition  */
  return n;

/* target research function */
/*@ requires
  @   0 <= c < alphabet_sz && valid_node(t)
  @ ensures
  @   \result != \null => valid_node(\result)
node *target(node *t, unsigned int c)
{ return t->sons[c]; }

/* suffix head research function */
/*@ requires
  @   valid_node(m) && \valid(r) &&
  @   0 <= i < string_sz &&
  @   \base_addr(r) != \base_addr(current_word)
  @ assigns *r
  @ ensures
  @   0 <= *r < string_sz && valid_node(\result)
node *locate_head(node *m, unsigned int i, unsigned int *r)
  /*@ invariant 0 <= i < string_sz && valid_node(m)
    @ variant string_sz - i
  while(i < string_sz)
    node *t = target(m,get_char(i));
    if(t == NULL) break;
    m = t;
  *r = i;
  return m;

/* node's son insertion function */
/*@ requires
  @   valid_node(f) && valid_node(s) && 0 <= i < string_sz
  @ assigns f->sons[..]
  @ ensures valid_node(f)
void insert_son(node *f, node *s, unsigned int i)
{ f->sons[get_char(i)] = s; }

/* suffix tree construction function */

/*@ predicate loops_invariant() 
  @ {
  @   \valid_range(nodes_list,0,max_nodes_nb-1) &&
  @   \valid_range(current_word,0,string_sz) &&
  @   (\forall int k; (0 <= k < string_sz) =>
  @     (0 < current_word[k] < alphabet_sz)) &&
  @   (\forall node *t; valid_node(t) => valid_sons(t)) &&
  @   (\forall node *t; valid_node(t) =>
  @     \valid_range(t->sons,0,alphabet_sz-1)) &&
  @   (\forall int k; 0 <= k < string_sz => current_word[k] != 0)
  @ }

/*@ requires
  @   1 < max_nodes_nb && next_node == 0 &&
  @   current_word[string_sz] == 0 &&
  @   max_nodes_nb - 1 == string_sz * string_sz
  @ ensures
  @   valid_node(\result) &&
  @   (\forall clist l; path(\result,\null,l) => is_suffix(l)) &&
  @   (\forall node *p, node *q, node *r, clist l;
  @     (path(p,q,l) && path(p,r,l)) => q == r)
node *build_suffix_tree()
  node *m = get_fresh_node();
  unsigned int i = 0;
  unsigned int k = 0;
  /*@ invariant
    @   0 <= next_node <= 2 + i * string_sz &&
    @   0 <= i < string_sz && loops_invariant()
    @ loop_assigns nodes_list[..].sons[..],nodes_list[..].exit,next_node,i
    @ variant string_sz - i
  for(i = 0; i < string_sz; i++)
    node *p = locate_head(m,i,&k);
    unsigned int j = k;
    /*@ label suffix_add_beginning */
    /*@ invariant
      @   next_node - \at(next_node,suffix_add_beginning) == j - k &&
      @   k <= j < string_sz && valid_node(p) && loops_invariant()
      @ loop_assigns nodes_list[..].sons[..],next_node,j
      @ variant string_sz - j
    for(j = k; j < string_sz; j++)
      node *q = get_fresh_node();
      p = q;
    p->exit = i;
  m->exit = i;
  return m;