

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > os > by-pkgid > a007c982ad6fa1a85925d8769361e2e3 > files > 10


HOWTO create text2skin-skins

Sascha Volkenandt

english translation by Thomas Wehrspann

Last update 13.07.2009

Table of Contents
 1. General Stucture of XML Documents
 2. General Structure of the Skin file
 3. Structure of the individual Sections
 4. Drawing Objects
 5. Tokens and Texts
 6. Token Attributes
 7. Complex Conditions and Block Objects
 8. List in the Main Menu
 9. Creation of Image-Maps for Menu Logos
10. List of all Functions
11. Scaling of Images
12. Colors
13. True-type Fonts

1. General Stucture of XML Documents
Those, who already worked with XML ca omit this section.

XML files has a tree-like structure of elements. Each document starts with a root element (a container) which includes all other elements hierachically. Elements, so called tags, are written in spiky brackets, a slash before the name marks an end tag.


Every element can provide attributes to specify further properties. Attributes are following the element name inside the brackets, their values are written after an equal in quotation marks

  <element attribute="value" anotherattribtute="another value"

Empty elements include no other elements and must be empty even a line break is not allowed.

  <element attribute="value"></element>

It is possible to write those elements in a simpler way

  <element attribute="value" />

Normal XML files start with a control instruction to specify the XML version used

  <?xml version="1.0"?>

2. General Structure of the Skin file
Each skin file (ending with the extension ".skin") starts with the XML control incstruction (see above) followed by the root element <skin>. This element has three attributes which must be specified

* version    - Version of the skin format (current: "1.0")
* name       - Name of the skin
* screenBase - Specifies, if the skin is drawn "relative" to the VDR setup of "absolute" to the coordinates 720x576.

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <skin version="1.0" name="brushed Aluminium" screenBase="relative">

3. Structure of the individual Sections
The different sections of the VDR-OSD are defined in several <display> elements. The <display> elements get the "id" attribute which specifies the actual section

* channelInfo
* channelSmall
* volume
* message
* replayInfo
* replaySmall
* menu

Each <display> definition starts with the definition of drawing areas, so called windows. The quantity and color depth of windows depends on the output device.

  <display id="replayInfo">
    <window x1="0" x2="619" y1="-113" y2="-84" bpp="4"/>
    <window x1="20" x2="99" y1="-83" y2="-44" bpp="4"/>

4. Drawing Objects
After the definition of the drawing areas objects can be drawn on it freely. There are three types of objects

* simple objects
  * rectangle  - draws a filled rectangle
  * text       - static or compound text
  * image      - draws a image
  * ellipse    - ellipse of (pitch)circle
  * slope      - a curve

* extended or connected objects
  * progress   - shows a progress bar
  * scrolltext - multiline text
  * scrollbar  - a scrollbar

* group and special objects
  * block      - groups several objects
  * list       - defines the list in the menu
  * item       - defines one item in the list

The simple object are mostly self-explanatory, they all have attributes "x1", "y1", "x2" and "y2" which decribe the position and dimension (exception: <image>, which only uses "x" and "y" when no scaling should be applied) and "color" which is a symbolic or hexadecimal color description. Images need furthermore the attributes "path" and can have the attributes "bgColor" and "alpha" (transparency 0-255). Texts can have the attribute align (with values "left", "right" and "center"), scrolltexts furthermore "font". Ellipses will be pitch circles with the "arc" attribute curves get the direction with it. 
Scroll- and progress-bars also need "bgColor", progress-bars "current" and "total".

  <image x="0" y="-70" path="Aluminium_volumebar.png"/>
  <rectangle x1="20" x2="99" y1="-83" y2="-44" color="#00000000"/>
  <text x1="42" x2="571" y1="-113" y2="-86" color="#FF000000" font="Osd">{ReplayTitle}</text>
  <progress x1="124" x2="577" y1="-70" y2="-55" color="#FF84ff00" bgColor="#FFFFFFFF" current="{ReplayPositionIndex}" total="{ReplayDurationIndex}"/>
  <scrolltext x1="24" y1="138" y2="-72" x2="583" font="Sans Serif@20" color="#AFFFFF00">

5. Tokens and Texts
In the example above text in curly braces used. These are so called tokens, variables which actual embodiment depends on information of VDR. A complete list of all tokens is in the reference and the demo skins can be used as examples. Normal text and paths can be mixed with token for dynamic display of information

  <image x="0" y="0" path="logos/{ChannelName}.mng" />

Each object, in addition to his own attributes, can have the attribute "condition" which is a complex function. Conditions are used to bound the actual display of an element or block to information provided by VDR. A token can also be a condition. A token without content is evaluate to false. Strings included in functions are quoted in quotation marks. Quotation marks are escaped with a backslash.

  <image x="20" y="-83" alpha="180" condition="file('replay/{ReplayMode}.png')" path="replay/{ReplayMode}.png" />
  <image x="20" y="-83" alpha="180" condition="not(file('replay/{ReplayMode}.png'))" path="replay/common.png" />
  <image x="314" y="-34" condition="{IsPlaying}" path="symbols/play_sml.xpm" />
  <image x="334" y="-34" condition="{IsFastForward:2}" path="symbols/ffwd_sml.xpm" />
  <image x="420" y="25" condition="or({HasVPS},{HasTimer},{IsRunning})" path="Aluminium_epgbottom.png" />

Shows the image only, if ...

1) ...file exists
2) ...the does not exist
3) ...the ReplayMode is ''Replay''
4) ...the ReplayMode is ''Forward Level 2'' ('':0'' is normal Replay without Multi-Speed and with '':X'' every level is meant) 
5) ...the current Event is either VPS, or is currently aired, or programmed as Timer.

6. Token Attributes
Some tokens can also have attributes (these are no XML attributes). At the moment these tokens are "{MenuTitle}", "{MenuCurrent}" and all date/time-token. Attributes follow follow the token name seperated by a colon ":". Colons in the attribute content are escaped with a backslash.

  <text .....>{DateTime:%H\:%M}</text>

For date/time-token the same rules as for strftime applies (see "man strftime") for "{MenuTitle}" and "{MenuCurrent}" only the attribute "clean" exists, which removes tabs and hotkey numbers from the text.

7. Complex Conditions and Block Objects
Complex conditions are used to bound the display of elements to the existent of certain VDR information. Block objects group several element together for easier use of the complex condition.

The following example shows the channel logo with a shadow only if the file exists, otherwise a transparent display is used.

  <rectangle x1="0" x2="67" y1="0" y2="51" color="#00000000" condition="not(file('logos/{ChannelName}.mng'))"/>   

  <block condition="file('logos/{ChannelName}.mng')"> 
    <rectangle x1="4" x2="67" y1="4" y2="51" color="#AF000000"/>
    <image x="0" y="0" path="logos/{ChannelName}.mng"/>

Grouping of a long text with scroll-bars which are only shown if the text does not fit on one page.

  <block condition="{MenuText}"> 
    <scrolltext x1="30" y1="60" x2="519" y2="343" color="#FFFFFFFF" font="Sml">{MenuText}</scrolltext>

    <image condition="or({CanScrollUp},{CanScrollDown})" x="561" y="52" path="menu-scrollbar.png" /> 
    <scrollbar condition="or({CanScrollUp},{CanScrollDown})" x1="569" y1="69" x2="578" y2="315" color="#FF975000" bgColor="#DAB38D13" /> 

    <image condition="and(not({CanScrollUp}),{CanScrollDown})" x="561" y="39" path="symbols/arrowup-off.png" />
    <image condition="and(not({CanScrollUp}),{CanScrollDown})" x="561" y="319" path="symbols/arrowdown-on.png" />

    <image condition="and({CanScrollUp},not({CanScrollDown}))" x="561" y="39" path="symbols/arrowup-on.png" />
    <image condition="and({CanScrollUp},not({CanScrollDown}))" x="561" y="319" path="symbols/arrowdown-off.png" />

    <image condition="and({CanScrollUp},{CanScrollDown})" x="561" y="39" path="symbols/arrowup-on.png" />
    <image condition="and({CanScrollUp},{CanScrollDown})" x="561" y="319" path="symbols/arrowdown-on.png" />

8. List in the Main Menu
The special element <list> specifies the display area of a list of entries. The only attributes are "x1", "y1", "x2" and "y2". The first subelement has to be the special element <item> whose only attribute is "height". After <item> elements can be placed as normal. The "height" of <item> defines the dimension of the area a list entry can draw on.

  <list x1="24" y1="62" x2="569" y2="-82">
    <item height="28" />
    <text x1="25" x2="569" y1="3" y2="27" color="#AF00FFFF" font="Sml">{MenuGroup}</text>
    <text x1="25" x2="569" y1="3" y2="27" color="#AFFFFFFF" font="Sml">{MenuItem}</text>
    <rectangle x1="0" x2="579" y1="0" y2="27" color="#FF2B1B9E" condition="{IsMenuCurrent}" />
    <text x1="22" x2="569" y1="0" y2="27" color="#AFFFFFFF" font="Osd">{MenuCurrent}</text>
    <text x1="0" x2="25" y1="0" y2="27" color="#AFFFFFFF" font="Osd" condition="{IsMenuCurrent}">-></text>

It might be a bit demanding to understand how a list is rendered. Coordinates of objects inside a list is relative to the display area of the list itself. Every object in the list is draw several times, for each entry in the list one time. The Y-coordinates are incremented by one <item> "height" each time. The tokens "{MenuCurrent}", "{MenuItem}" and "{MenuGroup}" are draw per tab (in seperated menus like schedule), whereas "{IsMenuCurrent}", "{IsMenuGroup}" or "{IsMenuItem}" are drawn only one time per list element.

  <text x1="25" x2="569" y1="3" y2="27" color="#AF00FFFF" font="Sml">{MenuGroup}</text>
  <text x1="25" x2="569" y1="3" y2="27" color="#AFFFFFFF" font="Sml">{MenuItem}</text>
  <rectangle x1="0" x2="579" y1="0" y2="27" color="#FF2B1B9E" condition="{IsMenuCurrent}" />

9. Creation of Image-Maps for Menu Logos
To show a logo dependend on the currently selected element, the cleaned text (attribute "clean") of the element (e.g. "Aufzeichnungen") is compared with translations (here "Recordings"). With plugins the main menu entry (e.g. "MP3") of the plugin (here mp3) is compared to the translations. (Beware: This element is not part of the list and has also to be quoted outside the <list> container).

  <image x="25" y="100" path="logos/schedule.png" condition="equal({MenuCurrent:clean},trans('Schedule'))" />
  <image x="25" y="100" path="logos/channels.png" condition="equal({MenuCurrent:clean},trans('Channels'))" />
  <image x="25" y="100" path="logos/timers.png" condition="equal({MenuCurrent:clean},trans('Timers'))" />
  <image x="25" y="100" path="logos/music.png" condition="equal({MenuCurrent:clean},plugin('mp3'))" />

The same applies to "{MenuTitle:clean}" if a logo for the current menu page is wished, instead of current selected element.

10. List of all Functions
* not   - negation of the term 
          (e.g. "not(equal({PresentStartDateTime},{PresentVPSDateTime}))" )
* and   - true, if all parameter are true 
          (e.g. "and({CanScrollUp},{CanScrollDown})" )
* or    - true, if one parameter is true 
          (e.g. see above)
* equal - true, if both parameters are true
* file  - returns the parameter, if the file exists in the skin directory 
          (e.g. "file('logos/{ChannelName}.png')" )
* trans - return the translation (i18n) of the parameter, false, if no translation is found 
          (e.g. "equal('Kanäle', trans('Channels'))" )

Normally strings in function are quoted in quotation marks, only if the simply consists of a token the quotation marks can be omitted. (e.g. "not({MenuText})" instead of  "not('{MenuText}')" )

11. Scaling of Images
With this function it is possible to scale images independently from the OSD settings. This function is activated when the attributes "x1", "x2", "y1" and "y2" with their relative readings are used instead of "x" and "y" (which disable this function). The attribute "color" specifies the maximum amount of colors the must have after scaling.

12. Colors
Colors are given in RGB-format transparency information


* A - alpha value (transparency 0-255)
* R - red value
* G - gree value
* B - blue value

Some examples

  color=#00000000 = Black, fully transparent
  color=#FF000000 = Black, full opacity
  color=#7F000000 = Black, half translucent
  color=#7FFFFFFF = White, half translucent

13. True-type Fonts
There are three predefined fonts

* Osd
* Fix
* Sml

It is possible to use True Type fonts installed and configured for fontconfig's
use on the system.  See the fontconfig documentation for details how to do
that; usually it's a matter of copying the font files somewhere and running
fc-cache(1) (as root or the VDR user).

In the skin file the font is defined with


or with True Type fonts with the desired size and if desirable width

  font="Sans Serif@size[,width]"