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    <title>Pyzor Usage Documentation</title>

    <h1>Pyzor Usage Documentation</h1>

    <p id="cvsid">$Id: usage.html,v 1.11 2002-10-10 21:37:08 ftobin Exp $</p>

      <li><a href="#client"><kbd>pyzor</kbd> (client)</a></li>
      <li><a href="#server"><kbd>pyzord</kbd> (server)</a></li>
      <li><a href="#files">Files</a></li>
      <li><a href="#using-accounts">Using Accounts</a></li>
      <li><a href="#razor-diff">User-level Differences from Razor</a></li>
      <li><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>

    <h2 id="client"><kbd>pyzor</kbd> (client)</h2>

pyzor [-d] [--homedir <var class="filename">dir</var>] <var>command</var> [<var>command_options</var>]

    <h3 id="options">options</h3>

      <dd>turn on debugging</dd>

      <dt id="pyzor-homedir"><kbd>--homedir <var class="filename">dir</var></kbd></dt>
	use <var>dir</var> as the home directory
	for Pyzor instead of the default
	<span class="filename">~/.pyzor</span>.
	See the <a href="#files">files section</a> for
	more information on what files are inside of the


    <h3 id="commands">commands</h3>

    <h4>General Output</h4>

      In general, the output from <kbd>pyzor <var>command</var></kbd>
      is of the form:
<var>ip</var>:<var>port</var> (<var>response-code</var>, <var>response-text</var>) <var>command-specific-output</var>
      Note that these are separated by tabs.

      <dt id="check"><kbd>check</kbd></dt>
	  Reads on standard input an RFC 822 (email) message.
	  Exit code is zero (0) if and only if a match is found
	  and the global whitelist count is zero.
	  If multiple servers are listed in the configuration file,
	  the exit code will be zero (0) if and only if there
	  is a match found on at least one server (without it
	  being whitelisted anyplace).

	  The command-specfic output for a <kbd>check</kbd> is
	  <samp><var>report-count</var> <var>whitelist-count</var></samp>.

      <dt id="report"><kbd>report [--mbox]</kbd></dt>
	  Reads on standard input an RFC 822 (email) message.
	  Reports to the server a digest of each message
	  in the mailbox as spam.  Writes to standard output
	  a tuple of (error-code, message) from the server.
	  If <kbd>--mbox</kbd> is provided, then the input is
	  assumed to be a unix mailbox, and all messages in it
	  will be sent to the server.

      <dt id="whitelist"><kbd>whitelist [--mbox]</kbd></dt>
	  Reads on standard input an RFC 822 (email) message.
	  Sends to the server a digest of each message
	  in the mailbox for whitelisting.  Writes to standard output
	  a tuple of (error-code, message) from the server.
	  If <kbd>--mbox</kbd> is provided, then the input is
	  assumed to be a unix mailbox, and all messages in it
	  will be sent to the server.

      <dt id="discover"><kbd>discover</kbd></dt>
	  Finds Pyzor servers, and writes them to
	  <span class="filename">~/.pyzor/servers</span>.
	  This may accomplished through querying already-known
	  servers or an HTTP call to a hard-coded address.

      <dt id="ping"><kbd>ping</kbd></dt>
	<p>Merely requests a response from the servers.</p>

      <dt id="genkey"><kbd>genkey</kbd></dt>
	Based upon a secret passphrase gathered from the user
	and salt gathered from /dev/random, prints to
	standard output a tuple of "salt,key".
	Used to put account information into the
	<span class="filename">accounts</span> file.
	See the section <a href="#using-accounts">Using Accounts</a>
	for more information.

      <dt id="digest"><kbd>digest [--mbox]</kbd></dt>
	  Reads on standard input an RFC 822 (email) message.
	  Writes the digest of the message to standard output.
	  If <kbd>--mbox</kbd> is provided, then the input is
	  assumed to be a unix mailbox, each message's digest
	  is written to standard output, separated by newlines.

      <dt id="predigest"><kbd>predigest</kbd></dt>
	  Reads on standard input an RFC 822 (email) message.
	  Writes to standard output the normalized lines
	  of data that are digested, with the exception
	  that the lines printed have newlines (all whitespace
	  is removed before digesting).


    <h3>Using the Pyzor client with procmail</h3>

      To use Pyzor in a procmail system, consider using the following
      simple recipe.

:0 Wc
| pyzor check
:0 a

      If you prefer, you can merely add a header to message
      marked with Pyzor, instead of immediately filtering them
      into a separate folder:

:0 Wc
| pyzor check
:0 Waf
| formail -A 'X-Pyzor: spam'

    <h2>Using the Pyzor client with
      <a href="">ReadyExec</a></h2>

      <a href="">ReadyExec</a>
      is a system to eliminate the high startup-cost
      of executing scripts repeatedly.  If you execute
      <kbd>pyzor</kbd> a lot, you might be interested in installing
      ReadyExec and using it with <kbd>pyzor</kbd>.

      To use pyzor with ReadyExec, the server
      needs to be started as:

    <pre> <var>socket_file</var>

      <var>socket_file</var> can be any (non-existing)
      filename you wish ReadyExec
      to use, such as <kbd class="filename">/tmp/pyzor</kbd>:

    <pre> /tmp/pyzor

      Individual clients are then executed as:

readyexec <var>socket_file</var> <var>options</var> <var>command</var> <var>cmd_options</var>

      For example:

readyexec /tmp/pyzor check
readyexec /tmp/pyzor report
readyexec /tmp/pyzor whitelist --mbox
readyexec /tmp/pyzor -d ping

    <h2 id="server"><kbd>pyzord</kbd> (server)</h2>

pyzord [-d] [--homedir <var>dir</var>]

      Note: pyzord does not daemonize itself.

      Note: logging information is written to standard output.


      <dd>Turn on debugging (writes information to standard error)</dd>

      <dt id="pyzord-homedir"><kbd>--homedir <var class="filename">dir</var></kbd></dt>
	use <var>dir</var> as the home directory
	for Pyzor instead of the default
	<span class="filename">~/.pyzor</span>.
	See the <a href="#files">files section</a> for
	more information on what files are inside of the


    <h2 id="files">Files</h2>

    <h3 id="config"><kbd>~/pyzor/config</kbd></h3>

      The format of this file is INI-style
      divided into <kbd>[<var>sections</var>]</kbd>).
      Names are case insensitive.
      All values which are filenames can have shell-style tildes
      (<kbd>~</kbd>) in them.  All values which are relative
      filenames are interpreted to be relative to the Pyzor
      <a href="#pyzor-homedir">homedir</a>.


<a href="#section-client">[client]</a>
<a href="#ServersFile">ServersFile</a> = servers
<a href="#AccountsFile">AccountsFile</a> = accounts
<a href="#DiscoverServersURL">DiscoverServersURL</a> =
<a href="#Timeout">Timeout</a> = 5

<a href="#section-server">[server]</a>
<a href="#Port">Port</a> = 24441
<a href="#ListenAddress">ListenAddress</a> =
<a href="#DigestDB">DigestDB</a>   = pyzord.db
<a href="#PasswdFile">PasswdFile</a> = pyzord.passwd
<a href="#AccessFile">AccessFile</a> = pyzord.access


    <h5 id="section-client"><kbd>[client]</kbd> section</h5>

      <dt id="ServersFile">ServersFile</dt>
	A newline-separated list of server addresses to
	report/whitelist/check with.  Addresses are in the format
	<kbd>host:port</kbd>.  Can be populated with
	<kbd>pyzor discover</kbd>.

      <dt id="AccountsFile">AccountsFile</dt>
	  File containing information about accounts on servers.
	  Format is line-oriented, with each line being:

<var>host</var> : <var>port</var> : <var>username</var> : <var>salt,key</var>


	<pre> : 9999 : bob : 227bfb58efaba7c582d9dcb66ab2063d38df2923,8da9f54058c34e383e997f45d6eb74837139f83b

	  See the section <a href="#using-accounts">Using Accounts</a>
	  for more information.

      <dt id="DiscoverServersURL">DiscoverServersURL</dt>
	During <kbd>pyzor discover</kbd>, the URL to use
	in finding servers.

      <dt id="Timeout">Timeout</dt>
	Number of seconds to wait for response to a query.


    <h5 id="section-server"><kbd>[server]</kbd> section</h5>

      <dt id="Port">Port</dt>
      <dd>port to listen on </dd>

      <dt id="ListenAddress">ListenAddress</dt>
      <dd>address to listen on</dd>

      <dt id="DigestDB">DigestDB</dt>
      <dd>file containing the database of digests</dd>

      <dt id="PasswdFile">PasswdFile</dt>
	  File containing a list of user account information.
	  Line format:

<var>username</var> : <var>key</var>

bob : 8da9f54058c34e383e997f45d6eb74837139f83b


      <dt id="AccessFile">AccessFile</dt>
	  File containing information about user privileges.
	  The format is very similar to the popular tcp_wrappers
<var>privilege ...</var> : <var>username ...</var> : allow|deny

	  <dt><var>privilege ...</var></dt>
	    a list of whitespace-separated commands such as
	    <kbd>report</kbd>, <kbd>check</kbd>, and <kbd>whitelist</kbd>,
	    generally corresponding to the Pyzor client commands.
	    The keyword <kbd>all</kbd> can be used to to refer
	    to all commands.

	  <dt><var>username ...</var></dt>
	    a list of whitespace-separated usernames.
	    The keyword <kbd>all</kbd> can be used to refer to
	    all users.  The anonymous user is refereed to as

	    Whether or not the specified user(s)
	    can perform the specified privilege(s) on the line.


	  The file is processed from top to bottom, with the first
	  match for user/privilege being the value taken.
	  Every file has the following implicit final rule:

all : all : deny

	  If this file is nonexistant, the following default is used:

check report ping info : anonymous : allow



    <h2 id="using-accounts">Using Accounts</h2>

      To get an account on a server requires coordination
      between the client user and server admin.
      Use the following steps:

	User and admin should agree on a username for the user.
	Allowed characters for a username are alpha-numerics,
	the underscore, and dashes.  The normative regular expression
	it must match is <kbd>^[-\.\w]+$</kbd>.  Let us assume
	they have agreed on 'bob'.

	  User generates a key with <kbd>pyzor genkey</kbd>, and
	  puts an entry into their
	  <span class="filename">~/.pyzor/accounts</span>.
	  Let us say that it generates the salt,key of:
	  Assuming the server is at, the user puts
	  the following entry into
	  <span class="filename">~/.pyzor/accounts</span>:
	<pre> : 9999 : bob : 227bfb58efaba7c582d9dcb66ab2063d38df2923,8da9f54058c34e383e997f45d6eb74837139f83b

	The user then sends the key (<em>the part to the
	  side of the comma</em>) to the admin.

	  The admin adds the following to their
	  <span class="filename">~/.pyzor/pyzord.passwd</span>:
bob : 8da9f54058c34e383e997f45d6eb74837139f83b

	  Assuming the admin wants to give the privilege of whitelisting
	  (in addition to the normal permissions),
	  the admin then adds the appropriate permissions to
	  <span class="filename">~/.pyzor/pyzord.access</span>:

check report ping info whitelist : bob : allow


	The server needs to be restarted in order for this to take


    <h2 id="razor-diff">User-level Differences from Razor</h2>

      This is a small list of user-recognizable differences
      between Pyzor and Razor that one might notice if coming
      from Razor to Pyzor.

	Pyzor does not consult a whitelist system for you
	before checking whether to send a message.  This is best
	handled by other systems, such as other procmail rules.
	Pyzor does not currently implement a web-of-trust system.

    <h2 id="copyright">Copyright</h2>

      Copyright &#169; 2002-9 Frank J. Tobin
      <a href=""></a>

      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
      (at your option) any later version.

      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but <strong>without any warranty</strong>;
      without even the implied warranty of
      <strong>merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose</strong>.
      See the <a href="">GNU
	General Public License</a> for more details.

      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program; if not, visit the following URL:
      <a href=""></a>.
