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<title>NekoHTML | Parser Settings</title>
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<h1>Parser Settings</h1>
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<h2>Configuring Parser</h2>
The application can set a variety of NekoHTML settings to more
precisely control the behavior of the parser. These settings
can be set directly on the <code>HTMLConfiguration</code> class
or on the supplied parser classes by calling the
<code>setFeature</code> and <code>setProperty</code> methods.
For example:
<pre class='code'>
<span class='code-comment'>// settings on HTMLConfiguration</span>
org<span class='code-punct'>.</span>apache<span class='code-punct'>.</span>xerces<span class='code-punct'>.</span>xni<span class='code-punct'>.</span>parser<span class='code-punct'>.</span>XMLParserConfiguration config <span class='code-punct'>=</span>
  <span class='code-keyword'>new</span> org<span class='code-punct'>.</span>cyberneko<span class='code-punct'>.</span>html<span class='code-punct'>.</span>HTMLConfiguration<span class='code-punct'>();</span>
config<span class='code-punct'>.</span>setFeature<span class='code-punct'>(</span><span class='code-string'>""</span><span class='code-punct'>,</span> <span class='code-keyword'>true</span><span class='code-punct'>);</span>
config<span class='code-punct'>.</span>setProperty<span class='code-punct'>(</span><span class='code-string'>""</span><span class='code-punct'>,</span> <span class='code-string'>"lower"</span><span class='code-punct'>);</span>

<span class='code-comment'>// settings on DOMParser</span>
org<span class='code-punct'>.</span>cyberneko<span class='code-punct'>.</span>html<span class='code-punct'>.</span>parsers<span class='code-punct'>.</span>DOMParser parser <span class='code-punct'>=</span> 
  <span class='code-keyword'>new</span> org<span class='code-punct'>.</span>cyberneko<span class='code-punct'>.</span>html<span class='code-punct'>.</span>parsers<span class='code-punct'>.</span>DOMParser<span class='code-punct'>();</span>
parser<span class='code-punct'>.</span>setFeature<span class='code-punct'>(</span><span class='code-string'>""</span><span class='code-punct'>,</span> <span class='code-keyword'>true</span><span class='code-punct'>);</span>
parser<span class='code-punct'>.</span>setProperty<span class='code-punct'>(</span><span class='code-string'>""</span><span class='code-punct'>,</span> <span class='code-string'>"lower"</span><span class='code-punct'>);</span>

The NekoHTML parser supports the following features:
<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0'>
 <tr><th>Feature Id / Description<th>Default
   <a name='namespaces'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies if the NekoHTML parser should perform namespace
   processing. If enabled, namespace binding attributes are
   processed and elements and attributes are bound to the defined
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#override-namespaces'></a>
  <td align='center'>true
   <a name='balance-tags'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies if the NekoHTML parser should attempt to balance
   the tags in the parsed document. Balancing the tags fixes up many
   common mistakes by adding missing parent elements, automatically
   closing elements with optional end tags, and correcting unbalanced
   inline element tags. In order to process HTML documents as XML, this
   feature should <strong>not</strong> be turned off. This feature is
   provided as a performance enhancement for applications that only
   care about the appearance of specific elements, attributes, and/or
   content regardless of the document's ill-formed structure.
  <td align='center'>true
   <a name='override-doctype'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the NekoHTML parser should override the public
   and system identifier values specified in the document type declaration.
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#doctype-pubid'></a>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#doctype-sysid'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
    <a name='insert-doctype'></a>
    <span class='id'></span>
    Specifies whether the NekoHTML parser should insert a document type
    declaration into the document handler callbacks. The values for the
    public and system identifiers are taken from the sysid and pubid
    properties. Therefore, those properties should be set if this
    feature is turned on. Also, setting this feature to <code>true</code> 
    will cause the parser to ignore any document type declaration that 
    appears in the document.
    <p class='see'>
    See:&nbsp;<a href='#doctype-pubid'></a>
    See:&nbsp;<a href='#doctype-sysid'></a>
   <td align='center'>false
   <a name='override-namespaces'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the NekoHTML parser should override the namespace 
   URI bound to HTML elements and attributes.
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#namespaces-uri'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
    <a name='insert-namespaces'></a>
    <span class='id'></span>
    Specifies whether the NekoHTML parser should insert namespace URI 
    bindings to HTML elements and attributes. The value for the
    namespace URI is taken from the namespaces property. Therefore, 
    that property should be set if this feature is turned on. 
    <p class='see'>
    See:&nbsp;<a href='#namespaces-uri'></a>
   <td align='center'>false
   <a name='ignore-outside-content'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies if the NekoHTML parser should ignore content after the end 
   of the document root element. If this feature is set to true, all 
   elements and character content appearing outside of the document body 
   is consumed. If set to false, the end elements for the &lt;body&gt;
   and &lt;html&gt; are ignored, allowing content appearing outside of
   the document to be parsed and communicated to the application.
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='document-fragment'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies if the tag balancer should operate as if a fragment
   of HTML is being parsed. With this feature set, the tag balancer
   will not attempt to insert a missing body elements around content
   and markup. However, proper parents for elements contained within
   the &lt;body&gt; element will still be inserted. This feature should 
   <strong>not</strong> be used when using the <code>DOMParser</code>
   class. In order to parse a DOM <code>DocumentFragment</code>, use the
   <code>DOMFragmentParser</code> class.
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='cdata-sections'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether CDATA sections are reported as character content.
   If set to <code>false</code>, CDATA sections are reported as comments. 
   When reported as comments, the comment text is prefixed with "[CDATA[" 
   and end with "]]". This prefix and suffix is <em>not</em>
   included when reported as character content.
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='notify-char-refs'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether character entity references (e.g. &amp;#32;, &amp;#x20;, 
   etc) should be reported to the registered document handler. The name of 
   the entity reported will contain the leading pound sign and optional 'x' 
   character. For example, the name of the character entity reference
   <code>&amp;#x20;</code> will be reported as "#x20".
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='notify-builtin-xml-refs'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the XML built-in entity references (e.g. &amp;amp;, 
   &amp;lt;, etc) should be reported to the registered document handler.
   This only applies to the five pre-defined XML general entities --
   specifically, "amp", "lt", "gt", "quot", and "apos". This is done for
   compatibility with the Xerces feature.
   To be notified of the built-in entity references in HTML, set the 
   feature to <code>true</code>.
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='notify-builtin-html-refs'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the HTML built-in entity references (e.g. &amp;nobr;, 
   &amp;copy;, etc) should be reported to the registered document
   handler. This <em>includes</em> the five pre-defined XML general 
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='fix-mswindows-refs'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether to fix character entity references for Microsoft 
   Windows&reg; characters as described at
   <a href=''></a>.
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='ignore-specified-charset'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether to ignore the character encoding specified within the 
   &lt;meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=...'&gt; 
   tag. By default, NekoHTML checks this tag for a charset and changes the 
   character encoding of the scanning reader object. Setting this feature 
   to <code>true</code> allows the application to override this behavior.
   <p class='see'>
   See: <a href='#default-encoding'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='script-strip-comment-delims'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the scanner should strip HTML comment delimiters
   (i.e. "&lt;!--" and "--&gt;") from &lt;script&gt; element content.
   <p class='see'>
   See: <a href='#style-strip-comment-delims'></a>
   See: <a href='#script-strip-cdata-delims'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='script-strip-cdata-delims'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the scanner should strip XHTML CDATA delimiters
   (i.e. "&lt;![CDATA[" and "]]&gt;") from &lt;script&gt; element content.
   <p class='see'>
   See: <a href='#style-strip-cdata-delims'></a>
   See: <a href='#script-strip-comment-delims'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='style-strip-comment-delims'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the scanner should strip HTML comment delimiters
   (i.e. "&lt;!--" and "--&gt;") from &lt;style&gt; element content.
   <p class='see'>
   See: <a href='#script-strip-comment-delims'></a>
   See: <a href='#style-strip-cdata-delims'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='style-strip-cdata-delims'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether the scanner should strip XHTML CDATA delimiters
   (i.e. "&lt;![CDATA[" and "]]&gt;") from &lt;style&gt; element content.
   <p class='see'>
   See: <a href='#script-strip-cdata-delims'></a>
   See: <a href='#style-strip-comment-delims'></a>
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='augmentations'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether infoset items that correspond to the
   HTML events are included in the parsing pipeline. If
   included, the augmented item will implement the
   <code>HTMLEventInfo</code> interface found in the
   <code>org.cyberneko.html</code> package. The augmentations 
   can be queried in XNI by calling the <code>getItem</code> 
   method with the key 
   Currently, the HTML event info augmentation can report event
   character boundaries and whether the event is synthesized.
  <td align='center'>false
   <a name='report-errors'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies whether errors should be reported to the registered error
   handler. Since HTML applications are supposed to permit the
   liberal use (and abuse) of HTML documents, errors should
   normally be handled silently. However, if the application wants
   to know about errors in the parsed HTML document, this feature
   can be set to <code>true</code>.
  <td align='center'>false

The NekoHTML parser supports the following properties:
<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0'>
 <tr><th>Property Id / Description<th>Values<th>Default
   <a name='filters'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   This property allows applications to append custom document
   processing components to the end of the default NekoHTML parser 
   pipeline. The value of this property must be an array of type
   and no value of this array is allowed to be null. The document 
   filters are appended to the parser pipeline in array order.
   Please refer to the <a href='filters.html'>filters</a>
   documentation for more information.
  <td align='center'><nobr>XMLDocumentFilter[]</nobr>
  <td align='center'>null
   <a name='default-encoding'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Sets the default encoding the NekoHTML scanner should use
   when parsing documents. In the absence of an
   <code>http-equiv</code> directive in the source document,
   this setting is important because the parser does not
   have any support to <i>auto-detect</i> the encoding.
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#ignore-specified-charset'></a>
  <td align='center'>
   <a href=''>IANA</a> 
   encoding names
  <td align='center'><nobr>"Windows-1252"</nobr>
   <a name='elem-names'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies how the NekoHTML components should modify recognized
   element names. Names can be converted to upper-case, converted
   to lower-case, or left as-is. The value of "match" specifies
   that element names are to be left as-is but the end tag name will
   be modified to match the start tag name. This is required to
   ensure that the parser generates a well-formed XML document.
  <td align='center'>"upper"<br>"lower"<br>"match"
  <td align='center'>"upper"
   <a name='attr-names'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies how the NekoHTML components should modify attribute names
   of recognized elements. Names can be converted to upper-case, 
   converted to lower-case, or left as-is.
  <td align='center'>"upper"<br>"lower"<br><nobr>"no-change"</nobr>
  <td align='center'>"lower"
   <a name='doctype-pubid'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies the document type declaration public identifier if the
   feature is set to <code>true</code>. The default value is the HTML
   4.01 transitional public identifier, "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN".
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#overrid-doctype'></a>
  <td align='center'>String
  <td align='center'>HTML 4.01 transitional public identifier
   <a name='doctype-sysid'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies the document type declaration system identifier if the
   feature is set to <code>true</code>. The default value is the HTML
   4.01 transitional system identifier, "".
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#overrid-doctype'></a>
  <td align='center'>String
  <td align='center'>HTML 4.01 transitional system identifier
   <a name='namespaces-uri'></a>
   <span class='id'></span>
   Specifies the namespace binding URI if the
   feature is set to <code>true</code>. The default value is the XHTML
   1.0 namespace, "". This property does
   <em>not</em> affect the case of element and attributes names and
   does <em>not</em> ensure that the output of the NekoHTML parser is
   valid according to the XHTML specification.
   <p class='see'>
   See:&nbsp;<a href='#override-namespaces'></a>
  <td align='center'>String
  <td align='center'>XHTML 1.0 namespaces URI

<div class='copyright'>
(C) Copyright 2002-2005, Andy Clark. All rights reserved.