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This document describes how to port your game from an old ClanLib version to a new one.

Upgrading from 0.7.8 to 1.0.0

  1. CL_InputEvent changes
  CL_InputEvent::right/left_alt/shift/ctrl got removed, 
  use this to check if they are pressed instead: 

    CL_Keyboard::get_keycode(CL_KEY_LSHIFT) // (CL_KEY_LCONTROL, CL_KEY_RCONTROL, etc)

  2. CL_Surface changes
  The CL_Surface_DrawParams got turned into references
  (they were pointers before):

    void draw(
      const CL_Surface_DrawParams1& params1,
      CL_GraphicContext *context = 0);
    void draw(
      const CL_Surface_DrawParams2& params2,
      CL_GraphicContext *context = 0);

  3. CL_PixelBuffer changes
  CL_PixelBuffer is a ref_counted class, thus its no longer needed
  to manully keep track of the ownership, so all calls which took
  CL_PixelBuffer* have been changed to use CL_PixelBuffer instead:

    CL_Surface(CL_PixelBuffer*, bool delete_provider);

  was changed to


  4. sig_key_dblclk() is gone
  If you need it, you have to emulate it now yourself via
  sig_key_down() and CL_System::get_time(). 

  5. CL_InputDevice::keyid_to_string(const std::string &str)
  We renamed a function here to more sense what it actually does:

    int CL_InputDevice::keyid_to_string(const std::string &str) const;

  is now called

    int CL_InputDevice::string_to_keyid(const std::string &str) const;

  6. ClanGUI clipping and translation changes
  For performance reasons, GUI components do no longer automatically
  add translation and clipping to the drawing area. If you have a
  CL_Component and use sig_paint(), you can get the absolute screen
  coordinates by calling:

    CL_Rectf rect = component->get_screen_rect();

  If you want to have a clipping section around your component use:


  7. ClanGUI CL_Window buttons
  If you want to hook into the close buttons of windows, use
  CL_Window::sig_close_button_clicked() instead of sig_close().
  Also have a look at the GUIWindow example to see how you define
  which buttons go on the titlebar.

Upgrading from 0.7.7 to 0.7.8

  1. Canvas changes

    Instead of using surface.get_gc() to get a surface canvas, you now create a CL_Canvas object.

	CL_Surface surface_foo("foo.png");
	CL_Surface surface_bar("bar.png");
	CL_Canvas canvas(surface_foo);
	surface_bar.draw(5, 5, canvas.get_gc());

    Check the new Canvas example, and the API reference for more information.

  2. Surface changes

    The Hint parameter to surface construction was removed.

  3. Module initializations

    To initialize ClanLib modules, you call CL_SetupCore::init(), CL_SetupDisplay::init(), etc
    for each module. ::deinit() to de-initialize them.

    This can cause problems, since in some cases objects on the stack are deleted after the
    deinit of ClanLib modules.

    So, we have added some new initialization classes to help remedy this problem.

    CL_SetupCore::init(); -> CL_SetupCore setup_core;
    CL_SetupDisplay::init(); -> CL_SetupDisplay setup_display;
    CL_SetupNetwork::init(); -> CL_SetupNetwork setup_network;

    etc, for all modules. There is no deinit in this new case.

    If you have problems with crashes on shutdown, try to use this alternative initialization.

  4. TargaProvider changes
    The internal format of images provided by the Targa loader changed. Make sure you don't
    make any assumptions of the formats returned by the image providers. Check the format
    using get_format(), and its functions get_red/green/blue/alpha_mask().

Upgrading from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7

  1. OpenGL state changes 

  Instead of begin_3d() / end_3d(), we now have a new method of synchronizing the OpenGL
  state between ClanLib and your own custom OpenGL code. Please read the new OpenGL
  Overview on how to use this new class.

  2. CL_Component signal changes

  sig_get_minimum_size / sig_get_maximum_size / sig_get_preferred_size 

  These signals in CL_Component changed from CL_Point to CL_Size, so if you have a custom
  theme make sure you change the signal function to
  void ...::on_get_preferred_size(CL_Size &size)

  Note that CL_Size has width and height, compared to CL_Points x and y.

  3. CL_Window construction changes

  Previously, a CL_Window would always make itself a root component in the GUI hierarchy,
  no matter what parent component you specificed in its constructor.

  We've changed this behaviour to make it use the parent you give in its constructor.
  This way a CL_Window behaves the same as all other components, and also makes it possible
  to create MDI apps.

  To make sure your windows are root components, use get_gui_manager() as the parent.
  In most cases this is probably what you already do, or the parent IS the root component,
  so any changes will normally not be required.

Upgrading from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6

No changes needed.

Upgrading from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5

1. ClanGUI changes

1a. XML used for GUI

  To complete our transition away from proprietary formats, we have now moved the last
  part over to XML - the GUI definition files.

  GUI definition example of the old format:

    window my_window
      x = 10;
      y = 10;
      width = 600;
      height = 400;
      title = "My Window";
      button my_button
        text = "My Button";
        x = 25;
        y = 130;
        width = 100;
        height = 20;

  The same defintion in the new format:

      <window name="my_window" x="10" y="10" width="600" height="400" title="My Window"> 
          <button name="my_button" x="25" y="130" width="100" height="20" text="My Button" />

  Since we now use both XML for the resources and gui definition, you can now put them both
  into the same XML file if you want. Make sure you read the GUI XML Overview for more info
  about the GUI resource format.

1b. CL_ComponentManager

  We changed the constructors of this class to make less used parameters use default values.
  Check the reference, it should be plain to see what should be done.

1c. CL_ListBox
  ListBox now uses pointers internally, so the insert_item(CL_ListItem) function was changed,
  and minor others. If you have a custom theme, you'll notice that get_items() now return
  std::vector<CL_ListItem *> instead of std::vector<CL_ListItem>.

Upgrading from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4

  No API changes.

Upgrading from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3

1. XML used for resources

  We threw away our proprietary resource format, and now use XML instead. The changes
  are mostly cosmetic, but using XML gives us and the user a lot more freedom and
  flexibility in creating resource-types.

  Resource example of the old format:

    my_surface = my_surface.tga (type=surface);
    my_integer = 80 (type = integer);
    my_sample = beep.wav (type = sample);

    section my_fonts
      font_glyph = 
        type = sprite,
        image1 = my_font.tga,
        image1_method = alpha

      font = 
        type = font,
        glyphs = my_fonts/font_glyph,
        spacelen = 4,

  The same resources in the new format:

      <surface name="my_surface" file="my_surface.tga" />
      <integer name="my_integer" value="80" />
      <sample name="my_sample" file="beep.wav" />

      <section name="my_fonts">
        <sprite name="font_glyph">
          <image file="my_font.tga"><alpha /></image>

        <font name="font">
          <bitmap glyphs="my_fonts/font_glyph" spacelen="4" letters="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" />

  Read the brand new overviews explaining all the resource options!

2. Sound must use soundoutput object

   If you are using sound in your application, you must create a 
   CL_SoundOutput object first. CL_SoundOutput is the interface
   to a sound output device. It is used to control the main mixer
   volume and other global settings. 


     CL_SoundOutput sound_output(44100);

3. CL_Texture was replaced with CL_OpenGLSurface

   Example 1 of its usage:
     CL_OpenGLSurface surface("texture.jpg");

   Example 2:
     CL_Surface surface("texture.jpg");
     CL_OpenGLSurface surface_gl = surface;

3. Custom resources

   Custom resources was changed slightly, check the ResourcesCustom for an example 
   how its done now.

   Note that most users will prolly be happy with the direct-dom approach to 
   custom resources used in the example Resources.

Upgrading from 0.7.0/1 to 0.7.2

1. String API changed

  The CL_String class was modified to be a helper-class only. You don't construct 
  a CL_String anymore as an object, instead you use the standard std::string.

  It might look like this is more work to use now, but it was done so we can use
  one string construct all over ClanLib, and not mix std::string and CL_String
  like we did before.

  Using CL_String::format instead of CL_String << also has its advantages, for 
  example in localization of your game.


  - CL_String str("ClanLib");

    -> must be replaced with ->

    std::string str("ClanLib");

  - CL_String str(integer);

    -> must be replaced with ->

    std::string str = CL_String::from_int(integer);

  - CL_String str(10);
    int i = str.to_int();

    -> must be replaced with ->

    std::string str = CL_String::from_int(10);
    int i = CL_String::to_int(str);

  - CL_String str; CL_String text("text"); int number = 10;
    str << "Example string with " << text << ", " << number << ", " << "yo" << " and " << 23 "!";

    -> must be replaced with ->

    std::string str; std::string text("text"); int number = 10;
    str = CL_String::format("Example string with %1, %2, %3 and %4 !", text, number, "yo", 23);

  - CL_String str("my_string_resource", resourcemanager);

    -> must be replaced with ->

    std::string str = CL_String::load(""my_string_resource", resourcemanager);

2. GUI

  The GUI was cleaned up alot in this release. Also, we made themeing alot
  more flexible.

2a. Default theme was removed

  It was replaced with the Boring and the Silver theme.
  Replace CL_StyleManager_Default with either CL_StyleManager_Boring
  or CL_StyleManager_Silver.

  The Boring theme is the old Default theme, but with some features removed
  (like button-bitmaps). The Silver theme is a completely new theme, which
  support everything in the old Default theme, and more.

  Resources for the themes was moved from Documentation/Examples/GUIThemeDefault
  to Resources/GUIStyleSilver and Resources/GUIStyleBoring.

2b. Modal GUI components

  Modal component creation was changed. It is now more logical.

  How it was done earlier:
	CL_Component comp(..., NULL, style);;

  How its done now:
	CL_Component comp(..., gui);;

  We've removed the need to create separate GUIManagers, so don't do that anymore.

2c. GUI Themeing

  CL_Component::attach_style() was replaced with CL_Component::set_style(), so
  you need to update your styleManager to reflect this.

2d. CL_Button surface setting

  The surface handling was moved from CL_Button to CL_Button_Silver, so you
  need to replace:

    CL_Button b(pos, text, surface_up, surface_down, surface_disabled, surface_highlight)


    CL_Button b(pos, text);
    CL_Button_Silver *b_style = (CL_Button_Silver *) b->get_style();

  Note that the Boring style no longer support bitmapped buttons.

2e. GUI.scr themes

  In CL_CheckBox and CL_RadioButton, the resource name was changed from sur_ to surface_.
  For example, in CL_CheckBox:

	Old syntax:
	sur_checked = checkbox/checked.tga (type=surface);
	sur_unchecked = checkbox/unchecked.tga (type=surface);
	sur_checked_disabled = checkbox/checked_disabled.tga (type=surface);
	sur_unchecked_disabled = checkbox/unchecked_disabled.tga (type=surface);
	New syntax:
	surface_checked = checkbox/checked.tga (type=surface);
	surface_unchecked = checkbox/unchecked.tga (type=surface);
	surface_checked_disabled = checkbox/checked_disabled.tga (type=surface);
	surface_unchecked_disabled = checkbox/unchecked_disabled.tga (type=surface);

  This is for both Boring and Silver theme.

2f. CL_ListBox::max_visible_items

  Set/get max visible items was removed. You have to calculate the size of the listbox
  yourself. This might be reimplemented in the future, though.

2g. CL_Window::set_client_size

  This function was removed. It might be reimplemented in the future, though.

3. begin_2d()/end_2d -> begin_3d()/end_3d()

  Remove any begin_2d() calls, they were replaced with the invert called
  begin_3d() - which you call if you need to do something OpenGL specific.

Upgrading from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0

1. Network API has been rewritten

ClanLib 0.7.0 now includes the former-known ClanNet2 - replacing the previous
network API. Some API changes, but the overall structure should be relative 
easy to understand if you have worked with the previous network API.

2. New Display API

ClanDisplay2 is now included in 0.7.0 - replacing the previous ClanDisplay from
0.6.x. Many API changes, but looking in the reference you shouldn't have too
much trouble adapting to the new API. More powerful, more streamlined, more flexible.

3. Default GUI theme was separated from clanGUI

You now need to link with clanGUIStyle in addition to clanGUI to use the default theme. 

Also, you need to include this:
#include <ClanLib/guistyle.h>

If you only use a custom theme, you don't need to link with these new libs, nor
include the guistyle.h file.

4. Minor GUI API adjustments

	CL_Signal_v2<CL_InputDevice *, const CL_Key &> &CL_Component::sig_input_down()
	CL_Signal_v2<CL_InputDevice *, const CL_Key &> &CL_Component::sig_input_up()

were changed to:

	CL_Signal_v1<const CL_Key &> &CL_Component::sig_input_down()
	CL_Signal_v1<const CL_Key &> &CL_Component::sig_input_up()

	Use key.device to get hold of the inputdevice instead.

5. New CL_String class
The string class was replaced with a new, more powerful one. Should be pretty easy
to upgrade though.

5. CL_Rect changes
The x1, y1, x2, y2 variables in CL_Rect was replaced with left, top, right, bottom.

Upgrading from 0.5.4 to 0.6.0

1. Signals have been made consistent all over ClanLib
In a few cases you need to add a parenthesis to a signal.


     CL_Timer timer;

     // ClanLib 0.5.x:

     // ClanLib 0.6.0:

The affected signals are as follows:


2. Input signals were changed in clanGUI

     CL_Component::sig_key_up(CL_Component *comp, CL_InputDevice *device, const CL_Key &key)
     CL_Component::sig_key_down(CL_Component *comp, CL_InputDevice *device, const CL_Key &key)
     CL_Component::sig_mouse_move(CL_Component *comp, int x, int y);

were changed to: 

     CL_Component::sig_key_up(const CL_Key &key)
     CL_Component::sig_key_down(const CL_Key &key)
     CL_Component::sig_mouse_move(int x, int y);
Also, the following signals were added:

     CL_Component::sig_input_up(CL_InputDevice *device, const CL_Key &key)
     CL_Component::sig_input_down(CL_InputDevice *device, const CL_Key &key)

sig_key_up/down used to include both mouse and keyboard events, but now sig_key_up/down is
ONLY keyboard, and the newly added sig_input_up/down is ANY inputdevice (mouse, keyboard,
joystick, etc). So, if you want the old behaviour, hook into the sig_input instead of sig_key signals.

Remember, you can always use CL_InputDevice::get_type() to check which inputdevice the
sig_input_up/down got its event from (returns CL_InputDevice::type_mouse, type_joystick,

Upgrading from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3

1. Default videomode has been set to windowed, and not fullscreen as previously.

   To override default, you specify fullscreen-mode like this:
	CL_Display::set_videomode(640, 480, 16, true);
   or, window-mode:
	CL_Display::set_videomode(640, 480, 16, false);

Upgrading from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2

1. Resource pathhandling is changed
Now all resources are loaded with path from the location of the resource file, and 
not the location of the executable as before.

So, for example, if you have this structure:

Previously, the images.scr would look like this:
	surface = data/images/surface.tga (type = surface);

Now, it must be changed into:
	surface = images/surface.tga (type = surface);
without the first data/, as the resourcefile itself is in the data directory.

2. Signal connection API changed

Earlier you had to use CL_CreateSlot when connecting to a signal:

	CL_Slot slot = sig_something.connect(CL_CreateSlot(this, &MyApp::on_signal));

It has been modified to this shorter method instead:

	CL_Slot slot = sig_something.connect(this, &MyApp::on_signal);

Just remove CL_CreateSlot from your code, and you're set.

Also, we added a handy CL_SlotContainer. If you find it awkward storing all those
CL_Slot objects, you can do use this instead:

CL_SlotContainer slots; // Put this where you earlier stored your CL_Slot objects. Don't make it local!


slots.connect(sig_something, this, &MyApp::on_signal);
slots.connect(sig_something2, this, &MyApp::on_signal2);
slots.connect(sig_something_else, this, &MyApp::on_signal_else);

3. GUI Themeing

If you have created your own StyleManager, you need to remove the 
	CL_ComponentOptions &options 
from the
	void CL_StyleManager::connect_styles(..) function.

For example:

void CL_StyleManager_OpenGL::connect_styles(
	const std::string &type,
	CL_Component *owner)

Also, remove the ComponentOptions from all the components. Check
the GUIGL example for more specific details.


Upgrading from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1

1. CL_Input::sig_mouse_move
This signal was moved into the CL_Mouse class, and is now called

	CL_Mouse::sig_move(int x, int y);

2. ClanGUI
Sorry, but this module is so rapidly changing these days, so
its no use updating this document regarding that.


Upgrading from 0.4.x to 0.5.0

1. Multithreaded on Windows
2. Separated modules (Sound, Display, Network & Application)
3. Init/Deinit modules
4. Debug console
5. Datafile invocation
6. Event Chains
7. Input/OutputSource
8. Resources
9. Network

1. Multithreaded on Windows
ClanLib now uses multithreaded libraries on Windows, and you need to upgrade your
libraries (zlib, libpng etc) - see
and download the needed libraries there.

Also, you need to change your own application to use multithreaded libraries:

1.  Select Project->Settings...
2.  Select the 'C/C++' tab, and then Category 'Code Generation'
3a. For Release version, change the 'Use run-time library' to Multithreaded.
3b. For Debug version, change the 'Use run-time library' to Debug Multithreaded.

2. Separated modules (Sound, Display, Network & Application)
Sound, Display, Network, Application was separated from clanCore, and you need to do
some changes to the initialization and library including in your game.

  ClanCore was separated from the CL_ClanApplication initializing, and therefore you need
  to link with both clanCore and clanApp if you want to use the "standard" way of
  initializing ClanLib (the easy way).

	Add clanApp.lib (release) or clanAppd.lib (debug) to your project settings.

	Add -lclanApp to your Makefile.

  You also need to add this: #include <ClanLib/application.h>

  If you want to initialize ClanLib yourself (for example if you want to use ClanNetwork
  without anything else from ClanLib), you do not link with ClanApplication,
  and do a manual initialization.

  ClanDisplay was separated from ClanCore, and therefore you need to link with both clanCore
  and clanDisplay.

	Add clanDisplay.lib (release) or clanDisplayd.lib (debug) to your project settings.

	Add -lclanDisplay to your Makefile.

  Codewise, you need to replace

  You also need to add this: #include <ClanLib/display.h>

  ClanSound was separated from ClanCore, and therefore you need to link with both clanCore
  and clanSound IF you want to use sound in your game.

	Add clanSound.lib (release) or clanSoundd.lib (debug) to your project settings.

	Add -lclanSound to your Makefile.

  Codewise, you need to replace 


  You also need to add this: #include <ClanLib/sound.h>

  ClanNetwork was separated from ClanCore, and therefore you need to link with both clanCore
  and clanNetwork IF you want to use network in your game.

	Add clanNetwork.lib (release) or clanNetworkd.lib (debug) to your project settings.

	Add -lclanNetwork to your Makefile.

  Codewise, you need to replace 


  You also need to add this: #include <ClanLib/network.h>

3. Init/Deinit modules
The CL_ClanApplication no longer uses the init_modules() and deinit_modules()
functions. Move the initialization into your main() instead, and remove these
functions. Or, add functions calling init_modules() and deinit_modules() from
your main().

4. Debug console
The debug window under Windows is no longer enabled by default. If you want a
console window (for std::cout and printf), add this code:
(at the beginning of CL_Application::main for example)

	CL_ConsoleWindow console("My console");

5. Datafile invocation
Datafile support is no longer enabled by default. To support the feature with
"app -datafile ..." add something like the following code to your main():
(You can of course improve this to use filenames from the command line as well)

	... CL_SetupCore::init();
	... CL_SetupGL::init();

	if (argv[1] == "-datafile") {
		CL_DatafileCompiler::write("my_file.scr", "my_file.dat");

	... CL_SetupCore::init_display();
	... CL_Display::set_videomode(640, 480, 16 false);	

Lines starting with ... are just to show where you could put the code.

6. Event Chains
Event chains has been removed, and replaced with a signal-system.
So, if any of your classes inherit the following classes, read on to find out
how to upgrade your app to the signal system:

1. Remove these inherited classes from your classes.

2. Replace the lines:
      CL_Input::chain_button_press.push_back( this );
      CL_Input::chain_button_press.remove( this );


      CL_Slot slot; // Put this is a non-local location (like your class-header)
      slot = CL_Input::sig_button_press.connect(CL_CreateSlot(this, &MyClass::on_button_press));

This just shows the buttonpress event, the others are similar. Refer to the
reference for correct API.

7. Input/OutputSource
This change is represented in all CL_InputSource* and CL_OutputSource* classes.

The read_bool() function was renamed to read_bool8().
The write_bool() function was renamed to write_bool8().

8. Resources
The resource API has changed a little bit.

First, the construction of the CL_ResourceManager is uses a standard constructor instead
of the previous ::create() method.

	CL_ResourceManager *resource = CL_ResourceManager::create(...);
	CL_ResourceManager *resource = new CL_ResourceManager(...);
	CL_ResourceManager resource(...);

Second, if you use custom resources, go read the new Documentation/Overview about
resources. It is now much easier to create custom resources, but it uses a different method
than earlier.

Third, the classes CL_Res_Integer, CL_Res_Boolean and CL_Res_String was replaced with
CL_Integer, CL_Boolean and CL_String.

Instead of previously doing:
	int my_integer = CL_Res_Integer::load("resource_name", resource_manager);
you now do:
	int my_integer = CL_Integer("resource_name", resource_manager);

9. Network
CL_NetGame was renamed to CL_NetSession, as it is now possible to use ClanNetwork
in other than games; ClanNetwork is no longer dependent on the rest of ClanLib.

Various other stuff was altered in ClanNetwork, but the specifics we cannot recall.
If you have any additions, please send mail to the mailing-lists.