

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > os > by-pkgid > fb4fdf9f3ff51801a8baad42b1da0d6a > files > 16


;; 3-D gear wheels.  This program is in the public domain.
;; Brian Paul
;; Conversion to GLUT by Mark J. Kilgard
;; Conversion to GtkGLExt by Naofumi Yasufuku
;; Port to Scheme/Gauche(GtkGLExt) by Shiro Kawai
;; Port to Scheme/Gauche(GLUT) by YOKOTA Hiroshi

(use math.const)
(use gl)
(use gl.glut)

;(use slib)
;(require 'printf)

;; Draw a gear wheel.  You'll probably want to call this function when
;; building a display list since we do a lot of trig here.
;; Input:  inner_radius - radius of hole at center
;; outer_radius - radius at center of teeth
;; width - width of gear
;; teeth - number of teeth
;; tooth_depth - depth of tooth

(define (gear inner-radius outer-radius width teeth tooth-depth)
  (let ((r0 inner-radius)
	(r1 (- outer-radius (/ tooth-depth 2.0)))
	(r2 (+ outer-radius (/ tooth-depth 2.0)))
	(da (* 2.0 (/ pi teeth 4.0))))
    (gl-shade-model GL_FLAT)
    (gl-normal 0.0 0.0 1.0)

    ;; draw front face
    (gl-begin GL_QUAD_STRIP)
    (dotimes (i (+ teeth 1))
      (let1 _angle (* i 2.0 (/ pi teeth))
	(gl-vertex (* r0 (cos _angle)) (* r0 (sin _angle)) (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos _angle)) (* r1 (sin _angle)) (* width 0.5))
	(when (< i teeth)
	  (gl-vertex (* r0 (cos _angle)) (* r0 (sin _angle)) (* width 0.5))
	  (gl-vertex (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		     (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		     (* width 0.5)))))

    ;; draw front sides of teeth
    (gl-begin GL_QUADS)
    (dotimes (i teeth)
      (let1 _angle (* i 2.0 (/ pi teeth))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos _angle)) (* r1 (sin _angle)) (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle da)))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle da)))
		   (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* width 0.5))))

    (gl-normal 0.0 0.0 -1.0)

    ;; draw back face
    (gl-begin GL_QUAD_STRIP)
    (dotimes (i (+ teeth 1))
      (let1 _angle (* i 2.0 (/ pi teeth))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos _angle)) (* r1 (sin _angle)) (* width -0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r0 (cos _angle)) (* r0 (sin _angle)) (* width -0.5))
	(when (< i teeth)
	  (gl-vertex (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		     (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		     (* width -0.5))
	  (gl-vertex (* r0 (cos _angle)) (* r0 (sin _angle)) (* width -0.5)))))

    ;; draw back sides of teeth
    (gl-begin GL_QUADS)
    (dotimes (i teeth)
      (let1 _angle (* i 2.0 (/ pi teeth))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* width -0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* width -0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle da)))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle da)))
		   (* width -0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos _angle)) (* r1 (sin _angle)) (* width -0.5))))

    ;; draw outward faces of teeth
    (gl-begin GL_QUAD_STRIP)
    (dotimes (i teeth)
      (let ((_angle (* i 2.0 (/ pi teeth)))
	    (u 0)
	    (v 0)
	    (len 0))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos _angle)) (* r1 (sin _angle)) (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos _angle)) (* r1 (sin _angle)) (* width -0.5))

	(set! u (- (* r2 (cos (+ _angle da))) (* r1 (cos _angle))))
	(set! v (- (* r2 (sin (+ _angle da))) (* r1 (sin _angle))))
	(set! len (sqrt (+ (* u u) (* v v))))
	;; canonicalize normal vector
	(set! u (/ u len))
	(set! v (/ v len))

	(gl-normal v (- u) 0.0)

	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle da)))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle da)))
		   (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle da)))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle da)))
		   (* width -0.5))
	(gl-normal (cos _angle) (sin _angle) 0.0)
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r2 (cos (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle (* 2 da))))
		   (* width -0.5))

	(set! u (- (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* r2 (cos (+ _angle (* 2 da))))))
	(set! v (- (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* r2 (sin (+ _angle (* 2 da))))))

	(gl-normal v (- u) 0.0)

	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* width 0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r1 (cos (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* r1 (sin (+ _angle (* 3 da))))
		   (* width -0.5))
	(gl-normal (cos _angle) (sin _angle) 0.0)))
    (gl-vertex (* r1 (cos 0)) (* r1 (sin 0)) (* width 0.5))
    (gl-vertex (* r1 (cos 0)) (* r1 (sin 0)) (* width -0.5))

    (gl-shade-model GL_SMOOTH)

    ;; draw inside radius cylinder
    (gl-begin GL_QUAD_STRIP)
    (dotimes (i (+ teeth 1))
      (let1 _angle (* i 2.0 (/ pi teeth))
	(gl-normal (- (cos _angle)) (- (sin _angle)) 0.0)
	(gl-vertex (* r0 (cos _angle)) (* r0 (sin _angle)) (* width -0.5))
	(gl-vertex (* r0 (cos _angle)) (* r0 (sin _angle)) (* width 0.5))))

(define *view-rotx* 20.0)
(define *view-roty* 30.0)
(define *view-rotz* 0.0)
(define *gear1* 0)
(define *gear2* 0)
(define *gear3* 0)
(define *angle* 0.0)
(define *timer* #f)
(define *frames* 0)
(define *t0*	 0)

(define (draw)
  ;;*** OpenGL BEGIN ***
    (gl-rotate *view-rotx* 1.0 0.0 0.0)
    (gl-rotate *view-roty* 0.0 1.0 0.0)
    (gl-rotate *view-rotz* 0.0 0.0 1.0)
      (gl-translate -3.0 -2.0 0.0)
      (gl-rotate *angle* 0.0 0.0 1.0)
      (gl-call-list *gear1*)
      (gl-translate 3.1 -2.0 0.0)
      (gl-rotate (- (* -2.0 *angle*) 9.0) 0.0 0.0 1.0)
      (gl-call-list *gear2*)
      (gl-translate -3.1 4.2 0.0)
      (gl-rotate (- (* -2.0 *angle*) 25.0) 0.0 0.0 1.0)
      (gl-call-list *gear3*)


  (inc! *frames*)

  (let1 t (glut-get GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)
    (when (>= (- t *t0*) 5000)
      (let1 seconds (/ (- t *t0*) 1000.0)
        (print #`",*frames* in ,seconds seconds = ,(/ *frames* seconds) FPS")
        (set! *t0*	   t)
        (set! *frames* 0)))))

;; new window size or exposure
(define (reshape width height)
  (let1 h (/ height width)
    ;;*** OpenGL BEGIN ***
    (gl-viewport 0 0 width height)
    (gl-matrix-mode GL_PROJECTION)
    (gl-frustum -1.0 1.0 (- h) h 5.0 60.0)
    (gl-matrix-mode GL_MODELVIEW)
    (gl-translate 0.0 0.0 -40.0)
    ;;*** OpenGL END ***

(define (init)
  ;;*** OpenGL BEGIN ***
  (gl-light GL_LIGHT0 GL_POSITION '#f32(5.0 5.0 10.0 0.0))
  (gl-enable GL_CULL_FACE)
  (gl-enable GL_LIGHTING)
  (gl-enable GL_LIGHT0)
  (gl-enable GL_DEPTH_TEST)

  ;; make the gears
  (set! *gear1* (gl-gen-lists 1))
  (gl-new-list *gear1* GL_COMPILE)
  (gl-material GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE '#f32(0.8 0.1 0.0 1.0))
  (gear 1.0 4.0 1.0 20 0.7)

  (set! *gear2* (gl-gen-lists 1))
  (gl-new-list *gear2* GL_COMPILE)
  (gl-material GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE '#f32(0.0 0.8 0.2 1.0))
  (gear 0.5 2.0 2.0 10 0.7)

  (set! *gear3* (gl-gen-lists 1))
  (gl-new-list *gear3* GL_COMPILE)
  (gl-material GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE '#f32(0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0))
  (gear 1.3 2.0 0.5 10 0.7)
  (gl-enable GL_NORMALIZE)

  (print #`"GL_RENDERER	  = ,(gl-get-string GL_RENDERER)")
  (print #`"GL_VERSION	  = ,(gl-get-string GL_VERSION)")
  (print #`"GL_VENDOR	  = ,(gl-get-string GL_VENDOR)")
  (print #`"GL_EXTENSIONS = ,(gl-get-string GL_EXTENSIONS)")
  ;;*** OpenGL END ***

(define (idle)
  (inc! *angle* 0.5)
  (if (> *angle* 360)
      (set! *angle* (fmod *angle* 360)))

;; change view angle, exit upon ESC 
(define (key k x y)
  (let1 q (lambda () (glut-post-redisplay))
     ((= k (char->integer #\z))
      (set! *view-rotz* (fmod (+ *view-rotz* 5.0) 360)) (q))
     ((= k (char->integer #\Z))
      (set! *view-rotz* (fmod (- *view-rotz* 5.0) 360)) (q))
     ((= k (char->integer #\escape)) (exit)))))

;; change view angle
(define (special k x y)
  (let1 q (lambda () (glut-post-redisplay))
     ((= k GLUT_KEY_UP)
      (set! *view-rotx* (fmod (+ *view-rotx* 5.0) 360)) (q))
     ((= k GLUT_KEY_DOWN)
      (set! *view-rotx* (fmod (- *view-rotx* 5.0) 360)) (q))
     ((= k GLUT_KEY_LEFT)
      (set! *view-roty* (fmod (+ *view-roty* 5.0) 360)) (q))
     ((= k GLUT_KEY_RIGHT)
      (set! *view-roty* (fmod (- *view-roty* 5.0) 360)) (q)))))

(define (visible vis)
  (if (= vis GLUT_VISIBLE)
      (glut-idle-func idle)
      (glut-idle-func #f)))

(define (main args)
  (glut-init args)
  (glut-init-display-mode (logior GLUT_DOUBLE GLUT_DEPTH GLUT_RGB))

  (glut-init-window-position 0	 0)
  (glut-init-window-size     300 300)

  (glut-create-window "Gears")

  (glut-display-func	draw)
  (glut-reshape-func	reshape)
  (glut-keyboard-func	key)
  (glut-special-func	special)
  (glut-visibility-func visible)


;; end