

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > b8bf51f73f2a4a2eb7b9315198678960 > files > 1


### The ispell program to use
ispell = /usr/bin/ispell

### TeX filtering:

# Command filter. Syntax is:
#     <command_name> <parameters>, ...
# where <parameters> is a string of letters 'o', 'O', 'p' and 'P' which have
# meanings
#     'o': an optional parameter not to be spell checked
#     'O': an optional parameter to be spell checked
#     'p': an obligatory parameter not to be spell checked
#     'P': an obligatory parameter to be spell checked
tex-command-filter = "
  addtocounter pp, addtolength pp, alpha p, arabic p, fnsymbol p, roman p,
  stepcounter p, setcounter pp, usecounter p, value p, newcounter po,
  refstepcounter p,

  label p, pageref p, ref p,

  newcommand poOP, renewcommand poOP, newenvironment poOPP,
  renewenvironment poOPP, newtheorem poPo, newfont pp, 
  floatname pP,

  documentclass op, usepackage op,

  begin po, end p,

  setlength pp, addtolength pp, settowidth pp, settodepth pp, settoheight pp,

  enlargethispage p, hyphenation p,

  pagenumbering p, pagestyle p,

  addvspace p, framebox ooP, hspace p, vspace p, makebox ooP, parbox ooopP,
  raisebox pooP, rule opp, sbox pO, savebox pooP, usebox p,

  include p, includeonly p, input p,

  addcontentsline ppP, addtocontents pP,

  fontencoding p, fontfamily p, fontseries p, fontshape p, fontsize pp,
  usefont pppp,

  documentstyle op, cite p, nocite p, psfig p, selectlanguage p,
  includegraphics op, bibitem op,

  geometry p,"

# TeX environments to skip.
tex-environment-filter = "equation $ eqnarray displaymath picture 
                          thebibliography math"

### SGML filtering
sgml-attributes-to-check = "alt"

### Spell checker entries
# <identifier> <unused> <unused> <encoding> <locale> <word_c> <boundary_c>
suomi   "/dev/null" "/dev/null" "UTF-8" "fi_FI.UTF-8" ".-" "'’:"
finnish "/dev/null" "/dev/null" "UTF-8" "fi_FI.UTF-8" ".-" "'’:"

# Note that for Finnish you might also need the second entry "finnish",
# in case some program uses it.