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<span id="id1"></span><h1>Credits<a class="headerlink" href="#credits" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>IPython is led by Fernando Pérez.</p>
<p>As of this writing, the following developers have joined the core team:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>[Robert Kern] &lt;;: co-mentored the 2005
Google Summer of Code project to develop python interactive
notebooks (XML documents) and graphical interface. This project
was awarded to the students Tzanko Matev &lt;; and
Toni Alatalo &lt;;.</li>
<li>[Brian Granger] &lt;;: extending IPython to allow
support for interactive parallel computing.</li>
<li>[Benjamin (Min) Ragan-Kelley]: key work on IPython&#8217;s parallel
computing infrastructure.</li>
<li>[Ville Vainio] &lt;;: Ville has made many improvements
to the core of IPython and was the maintainer of the main IPython
trunk from version 0.7.1 to 0.8.4.</li>
<li>[Gael Varoquaux] &lt;;: work on the merged
architecture for the interpreter as of version 0.9, implementing a new WX GUI
based on this system.</li>
<li>[Barry Wark] &lt;;: implementing a new Cocoa GUI, as well
as work on the new interpreter architecture and Twisted support.</li>
<li>[Laurent Dufrechou] &lt;;: development of the WX
GUI support.</li>
<li>[Jörgen Stenarson] &lt;;: maintainer of the
PyReadline project, necessary for IPython under windows.</li>
<p>The IPython project is also very grateful to:</p>
<p>Bill Bumgarner &lt;;: for providing the DPyGetOpt module
which gives very powerful and convenient handling of command-line
options (light years ahead of what Python 2.1.1&#8217;s getopt module does).</p>
<p>Ka-Ping Yee &lt;;: for providing the Itpl module for
convenient and powerful string interpolation with a much nicer syntax
than formatting through the &#8216;%&#8217; operator.</p>
<p>Arnd Baecker &lt;;: for his many very useful
suggestions and comments, and lots of help with testing and
documentation checking. Many of IPython&#8217;s newer features are a result of
discussions with him (bugs are still my fault, not his).</p>
<p>Obviously Guido van Rossum and the whole Python development team, that
goes without saying.</p>
<p>IPython&#8217;s website is generously hosted at <a class="reference external" href="http://ipython.scipy.orgby">http://ipython.scipy.orgby</a>
Enthought (<a class="reference external" href=""></a>). I am very grateful to them and all
of the SciPy team for their contribution.</p>
<p>Fernando would also like to thank Stephen Figgins &lt;;,
an O&#8217;Reilly Python editor. His Oct/11/2001 article about IPP and
LazyPython, was what got this project started. You can read it at:
<a class="reference external" href=""></a>.</p>
<p>And last but not least, all the kind IPython users who have emailed new code,
bug reports, fixes, comments and ideas. A brief list follows, please let us
know if we have ommitted your name by accident:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Justin Riley &lt;; Contributions to parallel support,
Amazon EC2, Sun Grid Engine, documentation.</li>
<li>Satrajit Ghosh &lt;; parallel computing (SGE and much more).</li>
<li>Darren Dale &lt;;, traits-based configuration system, Qt
<li>Dan Milstein &lt;;.  A bold refactoring of the
core prefilter stuff in the IPython interpreter.</li>
<li>[Jack Moffit] &lt;; Bug fixes, including the infamous
color problem. This bug alone caused many lost hours and
frustration, many thanks to him for the fix. I&#8217;ve always been a
fan of Ogg &amp; friends, now I have one more reason to like these folks.
Jack is also contributing with Debian packaging and many other
<li>[Alexander Schmolck] &lt;; Emacs work, bug
reports, bug fixes, ideas, lots more. The ipython.el mode for
(X)Emacs is Alex&#8217;s code, providing full support for IPython under
<li>[Andrea Riciputi] &lt;; Mac OSX
information, Fink package management.</li>
<li>[Gary Bishop] &lt;; Bug reports, and patches to work
around the exception handling idiosyncracies of WxPython. Readline
and color support for Windows.</li>
<li>[Jeffrey Collins] &lt;; Bug reports. Much
improved readline support, including fixes for Python 2.3.</li>
<li>[Dryice Liu] &lt;; FreeBSD port.</li>
<li>[Mike Heeter] &lt;korora-AT-SDF.LONESTAR.ORG&gt;</li>
<li>[Christopher Hart] &lt;; PDB integration.</li>
<li>[Milan Zamazal] &lt;; Emacs info.</li>
<li>[Philip Hisley] &lt;;</li>
<li>[Holger Krekel] &lt;; Tab completion, lots
<li>[Robin Siebler] &lt;;</li>
<li>[Ralf Ahlbrink] &lt;;</li>
<li>[Thorsten Kampe] &lt;;</li>
<li>[Fredrik Kant] &lt;; Windows setup.</li>
<li>[Syver Enstad] &lt;; Windows setup.</li>
<li>[Richard] &lt;; Global embedding.</li>
<li>[Hayden Callow] &lt;; 1.6
<li>[Leonardo Santagada] &lt;; Fixes for Windows
<li>[Christopher Armstrong] &lt;; Bugfixes.</li>
<li>[Francois Pinard] &lt;; Code and
documentation fixes.</li>
<li>[Cory Dodt] &lt;; Bug reports and Windows
ideas. Patches for Windows installer.</li>
<li>[Olivier Aubert] &lt;; New magics.</li>
<li>[King C. Shu] &lt;; Autoindent patch.</li>
<li>[Chris Drexler] &lt;; Readline packages for
<li>[Gustavo Cordova Avila] &lt;; EvalDict code for
nice, lightweight string interpolation.</li>
<li>[Kasper Souren] &lt;; Bug reports, ideas.</li>
<li>[Gever Tulley] &lt;; Code contributions.</li>
<li>[Ralf Schmitt] &lt;; Bug reports &amp; fixes.</li>
<li>[Oliver Sander] &lt;; Bug reports.</li>
<li>[Rod Holland] &lt;; Bug reports and fixes to
logging module.</li>
<li>[Daniel &#8216;Dang&#8217; Griffith] &lt;;
Fixes, enhancement suggestions for system shell use.</li>
<li>[Viktor Ransmayr] &lt;; Tests and
reports on Windows installation issues. Contributed a true Windows
binary installer.</li>
<li>[Mike Salib] &lt;; Help fixing a subtle bug related
to traceback printing.</li>
<li>[W.J. van der Laan] &lt;; Bash-like
prompt specials.</li>
<li>[Antoon Pardon] &lt;; Critical fix for
the multithreaded IPython.</li>
<li>[John Hunter] &lt;; Matplotlib
author, helped with all the development of support for matplotlib
in IPyhton, including making necessary changes to matplotlib itself.</li>
<li>[Matthew Arnison] &lt;; Bug reports, &#8216;%run -d&#8217; idea.</li>
<li>[Prabhu Ramachandran] &lt;; Help
with (X)Emacs support, threading patches, ideas...</li>
<li>[Norbert Tretkowski] &lt;; help with Debian
packaging and distribution.</li>
<li>[George Sakkis] &lt;; New matcher for
tab-completing named arguments of user-defined functions.</li>
<li>[Jörgen Stenarson] &lt;; Wildcard
support implementation for searching namespaces.</li>
<li>[Vivian De Smedt] &lt;; Debugger enhancements,
so that when pdb is activated from within IPython, coloring, tab
completion and other features continue to work seamlessly.</li>
<li>[Scott Tsai] &lt;; Support for automatic
editor invocation on syntax errors (see
<a class="reference external" href=""></a>).</li>
<li>[Alexander Belchenko] &lt;; Improvements for win32
paging system.</li>
<li>[Will Maier] &lt;; Official OpenBSD port.</li>
<li>[Ondrej Certik] &lt;;: set up the IPython docs to use the new
Sphinx system used by Python, Matplotlib and many more projects.</li>
<li>[Stefan van der Walt] &lt;;: support for the new config system.</li>

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