

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 350eb50c9ea7f887b47954b9fc238f01 > files > 514


# Adding a graphical user interface around a <code>QGLViewer</code>.

# Qt's <code>designer</code> has been used to create a very simple interface example, described by a
# <code>.ui</code> user interface description file.

# Install the QGLViewer designer plugin so that the QGLViewer appears in the designer's widgets
# tabs. You can then connect signals and slots to and from the viewer. The viewer is fully
# functional and can be manipulated when you test your interface in <code>designer</code>.

# The plugin code is in the <code>designerPlugin</code> directory. Start from there to create
# plugins for the classes you will derive from QGLViewer. Select your architecture in the <a
# href="../download.html">download page</a> for details on the plugin compilation and installation.

# With Qt version 3, an alternative to the plugin technique is to use the
# <code></code> (custom widget) file located in this directory (also available in the
# QGLViewer header file directory). It describes all the QGLViewer signals and slots. Add a "Custom
# Widget" using the <i>Tools/Custom</i> designer menu, and use <i>Load Descriptions...</i> to load
# the <code>.cw</code> file. This file can be extended with new signals and slots, in case you added
# some to your QGLViewer sub-class, thus creating a new custom widget description.

# Here we use three slots and three signals (axis, grid and fps) to connect to and from the
# interface and the viewer.

TARGET   = interface

HEADERS  = interface.h
SOURCES  = interface.cpp main.cpp

contains( QT_VERSION, "^4.*" ) {
  FORMS *= viewerInterface.Qt4.ui
} else {
  FORMS *= viewerInterface.Qt3.ui

QT *= xml opengl

CONFIG -= debug debug_and_release
CONFIG += release qt opengl warn_on thread rtti console embed_manifest_exe no_keywords

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The remaining of this configuration tries to automatically detect the library paths.
# In your applications, you can probably simply use (see doc/compilation.html for details) :

#INCLUDEPATH *= C:/Users/debunne/Documents/libQGLViewer-2.3.6
#LIBS *= -LC:/Users/debunne/Documents/libQGLViewer-2.3.6/QGLViewer -lQGLViewer2

# Change these paths according to your configuration.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


### Unix configuration ###
unix|win32-g++ {
  isEmpty( PREFIX ) {
    # Try same INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR parameters than for the make install.

  LIB_NAME = libQGLViewer*.so*
  macx|darwin-g++ {
  hpux {
    LIB_NAME = libQGLViewer*.sl*
  win32-g++ {
    LIB_NAME = libQGLViewer*.a

  !isEmpty( QGLVIEWER_STATIC ) {
    LIB_NAME = libQGLViewer*.a

  isEmpty( LIB_DIR ) {
    LIB_DIR = $${PREFIX}/lib

    !exists( $${LIB_DIR}/$${LIB_NAME} ) {
      exists( ../../QGLViewer/$${LIB_NAME} ) {
        #message( The library was found in ../../QGLViewer which will be set as the LIB_DIR )
        LIB_DIR = ../../QGLViewer

  macx|darwin-g++ {
    !exists( $${LIB_DIR}/$${LIB_NAME} ) {
      # DYLIB was not found, try to find FrameWork instead
      LIB_NAME = QGLViewer.framework/QGLViewer
      LIB_DIR = /Library/Frameworks
      !exists( $${LIB_DIR}/$${LIB_NAME} ) {
        exists( ../../QGLViewer/$${LIB_NAME} ) {
          #message( The framework was found in ../../QGLViewer which will be set as the LIB_DIR )
          LIB_DIR = ../../QGLViewer

  !exists( $${LIB_DIR}/$${LIB_NAME} ) {
    message( Unable to find $${LIB_NAME} in $${LIB_DIR} )
    error( You should run qmake LIB_DIR=/path/to/QGLViewer/$${LIB_NAME} )
  # The actual directory where the library/framework was found
  LIB_DIR_ABSOLUTE_PATH = $$system(cd $${LIB_DIR};pwd)

  isEmpty( INCLUDE_DIR ) {
    INCLUDE_DIR = $${PREFIX}/include

    !exists( $${INCLUDE_DIR}/QGLViewer/qglviewer.h ) {
	  # qmake does not support Headers/QGLViewer FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.path
	  #exists( $${LIB_DIR}/QGLViewer.framework/Headers/qglviewer.h ) {
      #  INCLUDE_DIR = $${LIB_DIR}/QGLViewer.framework/Headers
      #} else {
        exists( ../../QGLViewer/qglviewer.h ) {
          # message( libQGLViewer header files were not installed in standard $${INCLUDE_DIR} directory )
          # message( Headers were found in ../.. which will be set as the INCLUDE_DIR )
          INCLUDE_DIR = ../..

  !exists( $${INCLUDE_DIR}/QGLViewer/qglviewer.h ) {
    message( Unable to find QGLViewer/qglviewer.h in $${INCLUDE_DIR} )
    error( Use qmake INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/QGLViewerDir )

  macx|darwin-g++ {
    # On Mac, the lib path can be specified in the executable using install_name_tool
    contains( LIB_NAME, ".*QGLViewer.framework.*" ) {
      # If framework was not found in a standard directory
      !contains( LIB_DIR, ".*/Library/Frameworks/*$" ) {
        QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F$${LIB_DIR}
        !plugin:QMAKE_POST_LINK=install_name_tool -change QGLViewer.framework/Versions/2/QGLViewer $${LIB_DIR_ABSOLUTE_PATH}/QGLViewer.framework/Versions/2/QGLViewer $${TARGET}.app/Contents/MacOS/$${TARGET}
      LIBS += -framework QGLViewer
    } else {
        !plugin:QMAKE_POST_LINK=install_name_tool -change libQGLViewer.2.dylib $${LIB_DIR_ABSOLUTE_PATH}/libQGLViewer.2.dylib $${TARGET}.app/Contents/MacOS/$${TARGET}
        LIBS *= -L$${LIB_DIR} -lQGLViewer
  } else {
    isEmpty(QMAKE_RPATH) {
      !plugin:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,$${LIB_DIR_ABSOLUTE_PATH}
    } else {
    LIBS *= -L$${LIB_DIR} -lQGLViewer

  # Paths were correctly detected

  !isEmpty( QGLVIEWER_STATIC ) {
    LIBS *= $${LIB_DIR}/$${LIB_NAME}

  macx|darwin-g++ {
    !contains( QT_VERSION, "^4.*" ) {
      # Qt3 only
      LIBS *= -lobjc
      CONFIG -= thread

  # Remove debugging options in release mode makes files much smaller
  release:QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE -= -g

  # Intermediate files are created in an hidden folder
  MOC_DIR = .moc
  OBJECTS_DIR = .obj

### Windows configuration ###
win32 {
  MOC_DIR = moc

!win32-g++ {
win32 {
  # Use the Qt DLL version. Only needed with Qt3
  !contains( QT_VERSION, "^4.*" ) {

  # Seems to be needed for Visual Studio with Intel compiler

  !isEmpty( QGLVIEWER_STATIC ) {

  # Compilation from sources : libQGLViewer is located in ../..
  exists( ../../QGLViewer ) {
    exists( ../../QGLViewer/qglviewer.h ) {
      INCLUDEPATH *= ../..
    LIB_FILE = QGLViewer*.lib

    exists( ../../QGLViewer/$${LIB_FILE} ) {
      LIB_PATH = ../../QGLViewer

  LIBS *= -L$${LIB_PATH} -lQGLViewer2

  # TODO icon on windows
  # Add rc file to distribution, tune relative path, add .ico in path and check that relative ico path works
  # ../../.. above for contribs ? 
  #RC_FILE = ../qglviewer.rc

macx|darwin-g++ {
  ICON = $${INCLUDEPATH}/QGLViewer/qglviewer.icns