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<title>Nonlinear Programming Using CppAD and Ipopt: Example and Test</title>
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<center><b><big><big>Nonlinear Programming Using CppAD and Ipopt: Example and Test</big></big></b></center>
<b><big><a name="Purpose" id="Purpose">Purpose</a></big></b>
This example program demonstrates how to use the class ipopt_cppad_nlp to 
solve the example problem in the Ipopt documentation; i.e., the problem

<math xmlns="" display="block"><mrow>
<mtable rowalign="center" ><mtr><mtd columnalign="left" >
<mrow><mstyle mathvariant='normal'><mi mathvariant='normal'>minimize</mi>
<mspace width='.3em'/>
</mtd><mtd columnalign="center" >
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">*</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">*</mo>
<mo stretchy="false">(</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">+</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">+</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">)</mo>
<mo stretchy="false">+</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
</mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd columnalign="left" >
<mrow><mstyle mathvariant='normal'><mi mathvariant='normal'>subject</mi>
<mspace width='.3em'/>
<mi mathvariant='normal'>to</mi>
<mspace width='.3em'/>
</mtd><mtd columnalign="center" >
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">*</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">*</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">*</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">&#x02265;</mo>
</mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd columnalign="left" >
</mtd><mtd columnalign="center" >
<msubsup><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">+</mo>
<msubsup><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">+</mo>
<msubsup><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">+</mo>
<msubsup><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">=</mo>
</mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd columnalign="left" >
</mtd><mtd columnalign="center" >
<mo stretchy="false">&#x02264;</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">,</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">,</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">,</mo>
<msub><mi mathvariant='italic'>x</mi>
<mo stretchy="false">&#x02264;</mo>

<b><big><a name="Configuration Requirement" id="Configuration Requirement">Configuration Requirement</a></big></b>
This example will be compiled and tested provided that
the value <a href="installunix.xml#IpoptDir" target="_top"><span style='white-space: nowrap'>IpoptDir</span></a>
 is specified on the 
<a href="installunix.xml#Configure" target="_top"><span style='white-space: nowrap'>configure</span></a>
 command line.

<code><font color="blue">
<pre style='display:inline'> 

# include &quot;ipopt_cppad_nlp.hpp&quot;

namespace {

	class FG_info : public ipopt_cppad_fg_info
		bool retape_;
		// derived class part of constructor
		FG_info(bool retape)
		: retape_ (retape)
		{ }
		// Evaluation of the objective f(x), and constraints g(x)
		// using an Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) class.
		ADVector eval_r(size_t k, const ADVector&amp;  x)
		{	ADVector fg(3);

			// Fortran style indexing 
			ADNumber x1 = x[0];
			ADNumber x2 = x[1];
			ADNumber x3 = x[2];
			ADNumber x4 = x[3];
			// f(x)
			fg[0] = x1 * x4 * (x1 + x2 + x3) + x3;
			// g_1 (x)
			fg[1] = x1 * x2 * x3 * x4;
			// g_2 (x)
			fg[2] = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2 + x3 * x3 + x4 * x4;
			return fg;
		bool retape(size_t k)
		{	return retape_; }
bool ipopt_get_started(void)
{	bool ok = true;
	size_t j;

	// number of independent variables (domain dimension for f and g)
	size_t n = 4;  
	// number of constraints (range dimension for g)
	size_t m = 2;
	// initial value of the independent variables
	NumberVector x_i(n);
	x_i[0] = 1.0;
	x_i[1] = 5.0;
	x_i[2] = 5.0;
	x_i[3] = 1.0;
	// lower and upper limits for x
	NumberVector x_l(n);
	NumberVector x_u(n);
	for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j++)
	{	x_l[j] = 1.0;
		x_u[j] = 5.0;
	// lower and upper limits for g
	NumberVector g_l(m);
	NumberVector g_u(m);
	g_l[0] = 25.0;     g_u[0] = 1.0e19;
  	g_l[1] = 40.0;     g_u[1] = 40.0;

	size_t icase;
	for(icase = 0; icase &lt;= 1; icase++)
	{	// Should ipopt_cppad_nlp retape the operation sequence for
		// every new x. Can test both true and false cases because 
		// the operation sequence does not depend on x (for this case).
		bool retape = icase != 0;

		// object in derived class
		FG_info fg_info(retape);

		// create the Ipopt interface
		ipopt_cppad_solution solution;
		Ipopt::SmartPtr&lt;Ipopt::TNLP&gt; cppad_nlp = new ipopt_cppad_nlp(
		n, m, x_i, x_l, x_u, g_l, g_u, &amp;fg_info, &amp;solution

		// Create an instance of the IpoptApplication
		using Ipopt::IpoptApplication;
		Ipopt::SmartPtr&lt;IpoptApplication&gt; app = new IpoptApplication();

		// turn off any printing
		app-&gt;Options()-&gt;SetIntegerValue(&quot;print_level&quot;, 0);

		// maximum number of iterations
		app-&gt;Options()-&gt;SetIntegerValue(&quot;max_iter&quot;, 10);

		// approximate accuracy in first order necessary conditions;
		// see Mathematical Programming, Volume 106, Number 1, 
		// Pages 25-57, Equation (6)
		app-&gt;Options()-&gt;SetNumericValue(&quot;tol&quot;, 1e-9);

		// derivative testing
		SetStringValue(&quot;derivative_test&quot;, &quot;second-order&quot;);

		// Initialize the IpoptApplication and process the options
		Ipopt::ApplicationReturnStatus status = app-&gt;Initialize();
		ok    &amp;= status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded;

		// Run the IpoptApplication
		status = app-&gt;OptimizeTNLP(cppad_nlp);
		ok    &amp;= status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded;

 		Check some of the solution values
		ok &amp;= solution.status == ipopt_cppad_solution::success;
		double check_x[]   = { 1.000000, 4.743000, 3.82115, 1.379408 };
		double check_z_l[] = { 1.087871, 0.,       0.,      0.       };
		double check_z_u[] = { 0.,       0.,       0.,      0.       };
		double rel_tol     = 1e-6;  // relative tolerance
		double abs_tol     = 1e-6;  // absolute tolerance
		for(j = 0; j &lt; n; j++)
		{	ok &amp;= CppAD::<a href="nearequal.xml" target="_top">NearEqual</a>(
			check_x[j],   solution.x[j],   rel_tol, abs_tol
			ok &amp;= CppAD::<a href="nearequal.xml" target="_top">NearEqual</a>(
			check_z_l[j], solution.z_l[j], rel_tol, abs_tol
			ok &amp;= CppAD::<a href="nearequal.xml" target="_top">NearEqual</a>(
			check_z_u[j], solution.z_u[j], rel_tol, abs_tol

	return ok;

<hr/>Input File: ipopt_cppad/ipopt_get_started.cpp
