

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 53cc7e02d8a76b200cbe189ce9bf3035 > files > 99



# ============================================================================
# CPU Usage script for mrtg
#    File:
#    Author: 	Matthew Schumacher |
#    Version: 	1.3	
#    Date:	8/17/2000	
#    Purpose:   This script reports CPU usage for user
#		and system to mrtg, along with uptime 
#		and the machine's hostname.
#    Usage:	./ [machine] [os]
#		For now [os] can only be "sun" or "linux"		
#    Info:	Designed on RedHat linux 6.2 with perl
#		version 5.005_03.  The script itself has
#		only been tested on Linux, however, it 
#		has been tested to connect to, and graph
#		CPU usage on sun and linux.  
#		This script requires both sar and rsh to 
#		be installed and working.  Because linux
#		does not come with sar (mine didn't) it
#		may be necessary to download and install
#		it.  Get sar here: 
#		How it works:
#		The script uses rsh (or ssh)  to run sar on the the
#		remote machine.  Sar samples the cpu time
#		for both user and system once per second
#		for 10 seconds.  It then reports an average
#		to the script, which parses out the information
#		and formats it in a way mrtg can understand.
#		The script also runs uptime to get the machine's
#		uptime and passes it to mrtg.
#    [History]
#              1/4/2000  -  Added support for different rsh programs.
#              I also made the default rsh program ssh for security
#              reasons.
#	       3/9/2000 -  Removed the default os because it seemed 
#	       redundant.  Added code to support localhost as a machine
#              name.
#              8/17/2000 - Updated sar regex for sar command.  Sorry
#              for not keeping up with the email, I had some email
#              issues then finnaly I got my own domain and changed it
#              to
# ============================================================================
# Sample cfg:
# WorkDir: /home/httpd/html/mrtg
# Target[machine]: `/home/mrtg/run/ localhost linux`
# MaxBytes[machine]: 100
# Options[machine]: gauge, nopercent
# Unscaled[machine]: dwym
# YLegend[machine]: % of CPU used
# ShortLegend[machine]: %
# LegendO[machine]:  CPU System:
# LegendI[machine]:  CPU User:
# Title[machine]: Machine name
# PageTop[machine]: <H1>CPU usage for machine (schu's workstation)
#  </H1>
#  <TABLE>
#    <TR><TD>System:</TD><TD>Machine</TD></TR>
#   </TABLE>
# ============================================================================
# setup local vars
my($machine, $os);

# ============================================================================
# == Enter your rsh program here here ==

$rsh = "/usr/local/bin/ssh -x";		# Enter your rsh command here

# == You shouldn't need to edit anything below this line ==

# This checks for options passed from the cmd line 
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) 
   print("USAGE: {machine} {os}\n");

if ($ARGV[0] ne '' && $ARGV[0] ne '#')
   $machine = $ARGV[0];

if ($ARGV[1] ne '' && $ARGV[1] ne '#')
   $os = $ARGV[1];

# Validate the os
  if ($os =~ /^sun$/){last SWITCH;}
  if ($os =~ /^linux$/){last SWITCH;}

  # DEFAULT: Die if we can't figure out what the os is 
  die "Can't figure out which OS the machine is.\n";

# Execute the appropriate subroutine based on the os


# Subroutines: names of subroutines are supported OSs.
sub sun

   # Run commands
   if ($machine =~ 'localhost') 
   $getcpu = `sar -u 1 10 | grep Average`;
   $getuptime = `uptime`;
   $getcpu = `$rsh $machine "sar -u 1 10" | grep Average`;
   $getuptime = `$rsh $machine "uptime"`;
   # Parse though getcpu and get data
   $getcpu =~ /^Average\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+/;
   $outputusr = $1;
   $outputsys = $2;

   # Print getcpu data for mrtg
   print $outputusr."\n";
   print $outputsys."\n";

   # Parse though getuptime and get data
   $getuptime =~ /^\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}..\s+up\s+(\d+)\s+(......),/;

   # Print getuptime data for mrtg
   print $1." ".$2."\n"; 

   # Print machine name for mrtg
   print $machine."\n";


sub linux
   # Run commands
   if ($machine =~ 'localhost')
   $getcpu = `/usr/local/bin/sar -u 1 10 | grep Average`;
   $getuptime = `/usr/bin/uptime`;
   $getcpu = `$rsh $machine "/usr/local/bin/sar -u 1 10 | grep Average"`;
   $getuptime = `$rsh $machine "/usr/bin/uptime"`;

   # Parse though getcpu and get data
   $getcpu =~ /^Average:\s+all\s+(\d+)\.\d+\s+\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)\.\d+\s+\d+\.\d+/;  
   $getcpuusr = $1;
   $getcpusys = $2;

   # Print getcpu data for mrtg
   print $getcpuusr."\n";
   print $getcpusys."\n";

   # Parse though getuptime and get data
   $getuptime =~ /^\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}..\s+up\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+),/;

   # Print getuptime data for mrtg
   print $1." ".$2."\n";

   # Print machine name for mrtg
   print $machine."\n";
