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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
 <title>IE PNG Alpha Fix Demonstration</title>

 <style type="text/css">

  USAGE: All you have to do is include this one line in your CSS file, with the
  tag names to which you want the script applied:

 img, div { behavior: url( }

  Alternatively, you can specify that this will apply to all tags like so:
   * { behavior: url( }


 <script type="text/javascript">

 // If you don't want to put unstandard properties in your stylesheet, here's yet
 // another means of activating the script. This assumes that you have at least one
 // stylesheet included already. Remove the /* and */ lines to activate.

 if (document.all && document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets[0] &&
  // Feel free to add rules for specific tags only, you just have to call it several times.
  document.styleSheets[0].addRule('*', 'behavior: url(');


<body style="font: 10pt/14pt sans-serif; background-color: #FFFFFF">

<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10pt">
 <h1 style="font-size: 20pt">IE PNG Alpha Fix v1.0 RC4</h1>
 by Angus Turnbull - <a href=""></a>.
 Updated: 15 November 2005.
 <hr />

<h4>What is it?</h4>
<p>As you are no doubt aware, IE/Windows has very poor PNG support with regards to transparency.
That's where this script fits in. It's an IE5.5+ 'behaviour' that you can upload, place
one line in your CSS file, and forget. The HTC file will then automatically add near-native PNG
support to IMG elements and (unlike many other PNG fix scripts) also supports any element with a
"background-image:" CSS property, with <b>no alterations to the page HTML!</b></p>
<p>You can even change IMG SRC or backgroundImage url() after runtime exactly as you would
normally, and the script will handle any changes to the transparency filter automatically,
disabling and enabling as required. See below for a demo.</p>

 <p>IE5.5+ PNG Alpha Fix v1.0RC4</p>
 <p>(c) 2004-2005 Angus Turnbull</p>
 <p>This is licensed under the <a href="">CC-GNU LGPL,
  version 2.1 or later</a>.</p>
<p>If you want to link my <a href="">site</a>
or make a <a href="">donation</a>, you're more than welcome :).</p>

<h4>Tech Specs</h4>
<p>IE5.5+ includes support for an 'AlphaImageLoader' filter, that can take an element on the page
and insert a correctly-rendered PNG image inbetween the element's content and background. This
script automatically scans all IMG SRCs and element backgroundImages for .PNG files, and if it
finds them, it removes the regular image and substitutes this filter in place. See the source if
you want, but I've coded it quite compactly to keep download time down to a minimum.</p>

<h4>Usage Notes</h4>
<p>It's essentially automatic, see the source of this page for the line of CSS you need.
The only other thing is that it needs a blank .GIF file uploaded to the server, and you have
to set the 'blankImg' variable in the HTC file to point to this GIF, otherwise you'll get the
"broken image" marker with your PNGs.</p>

<h4>Known Issues</h4>
<p>Tell me about them as you encounter them :). Currently I can only think of these:</p>
 <li>Can't help IE versions prior to 5.5, sorry.</li>
 <li>Users can't right-click-save processed PNG images, they'll save the blank GIF file if
  they try that. In some cases this might be a feature, not a bug...</li>
 <li>The script detects the ".png" extension in image URLs. So if you have a CGI script that
  generates a PNG image, you may have to rewrite parts of the script, or just cache them as PNG
  files somewhere.</li>
 <li>It's most reliable on elements with non-'auto' dimensions set. So, give images and
  other elements width/height values; '100%', '10em' and '200px' and so on are all OK.</li>
 <li>Background PNG images can't be tiled. This is a limitation of the IE filter.</li>
 <li>Similarly, padding and borders don't indent the PNG image. An easy fix for
  this is wrapping your PNG images in container DIVs or similar.</li>
 <li>There may be about a short time as soon as the image loads when images are not
  transparent, before the IE filter kicks in.</li>


<div style="background-image: url(checkerboard.gif)">

 <!-- As you can see, regular image/background swapping works automatically, too! -->

 <strong>REGULAR IMAGE TAG:</strong>
 <a href="javascript:void(document.images.testImg.src='helix.gif')">gif</a> |
 <a href="javascript:void(document.images.testImg.src='opacity.png')">png</a>
 <br />
 <img name="testImg" src="opacity.png" />

 <strong>BACKGROUND IMAGE</strong>:
 <a href="javascript:void(document.getElementById('d').style.background='url(helix.gif)')">gif</a> |
 <a href="javascript:void(document.getElementById('d').style.background='url(opacity.png)')">png</a>
 <div id="d" style="height: 200px; width: 200px; background: url(opacity.png)">
  <p>Div Content</p>

