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uim.el - Emacs uim bridge

Copyright (c) 2005-2010 uim Project

All rights reserved.

This software is released under the BSD license.

About uim.el

uim.el is a bridge software connecting uim and your Emacs.

By introducing uim.el, various IMs become available on your Emacs
through uim.

Supported Emacs

- GNU Emacs 20.x or later
  * Tested on 20.7.1, 21.4.1 and 22.1.1.

- XEmacs 21.x 
  * Tested on 21.4.20 (with sumo and mule-sumo).

  NOTE: Older version such as Mule-2.3 and Emacs-19.x are 
  NOTE: Also, it might works on Emacs-23.x (CVS version).

Quick Start

uim.el is implemented as a minor-mode of Emacs i.e. uim-mode.

You can use uim.el on your Emacs in two ways; use minor-mode directly 
or with LEIM.

Both of them require to add some description into your .emacs
or some other file for Emacs customizing.  uim.el provides 
the same functions whether it's used with LEIM or not.

If you want to switch between IMs provided by uim.el and other IMs
under Emacs frequently, LEIM is a better choice.

If you want to switch between IMs provided by uim.el and others
frequently, LEIM is recommended.

* Settings for direct use of uim-mode

- Example

    ;; read uim.el
    (require 'uim)
    ;; to load uim.el only when needed, uncomment below 
    ;; and comment out above
    ;; (autoload 'uim-mode "uim" nil t)

    ;; key-binding for uim-mode toggle (ex. C-o)
    (global-set-key "\C-o" 'uim-mode)

- Explanation

   First, load uim.el directly by require function.

     (require 'uim)

   Or, if you want to load uim.el only when needed, use autoload 
   function instead of require.

     (autoload 'uim-mode "uim" nil t)

   Next, define a key-binding of "uim-mode" command to toggle
   uim-mode. For example, if you want to use C-o to toggle uim-mode, 
   write as follows.

     (global-set-key "\C-o" 'uim-mode)

* Settings for use with LEIM

   First, load uim-leim.el by require function.  It registers the 
   IMs of uim on Emacs to use them under LEIM.

     (require 'uim-leim)

   In this case, each name of the IMs is translated into a LEIM 
   style name. The naming rule of LEIM are as follows.

     <Emacs-style language name>-<IM name of uim>-uim

   For example, if it is uim-anthy, it is registered to LEIM as 
   "japanese-anthy-uim," since IM name of uim is "anthy" and 
   the Emacs-style language name of Japanese is "japanese."

   To show the names of all available IMs of LEIM, type following 

     M-x list-input-method

   Default IM of LEIM is specified by a value of 
   default-input-method variable.  For example, to specify uim-anthy 
   as default IM of LEIM, write as follows.

     (setq default-input-method "japanese-anthy-uim")

General Customizing

* Specify default IM of uim-mode independently from uim global setting

   By default, when uim-mode is enabled, an IM specified by 
   configuration tools such as uim-pref-gtk is available.

   If you want to use a different IM from uim global setting by 
   default, set its name to uim-default-im-engine value.  For example, 
   to use uim-anthy anyway by default, write as follows.

     (setq uim-default-im-engine "anthy")

* Enable inline candidates displaying mode by default

   uim.el has a special feature that displaying candidates just below 
   (or just above) the preedit strings in vertical direction. 
   This feature is called "inline candidates displaying mode."

   While this mode is one of the most important features of uim.el, 
   it is invalidated because displayed candidates are collapsed 
   when Emacs is using proportional fonts.

   If you are using fixed fonts on Emacs, you should enable this mode.

   To enable this by default, write as follows.

     (setq uim-candidate-display-inline t)

   To enable (or disable) this mode only under specific major-mode, 
   make uim-candidate-display-inline as buffer-local variable and then
   set non-nil (or nil) to it.

   For example, to enable inline candidates displaying mode only 
   under text-mode, write as follows.

    (setq uim-candidate-display-inline nil)

    (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 
              (lambda ()
	        (make-variable-buffer-local 'uim-candidate-display-inline)
                (setq uim-candidate-display-inline t)))

* Change appearances of preedit strings and candidates

   uim.el uses following faces to decorate preedit strings and 

    - uim-preedit-highlight-face  ... highlighted part of preedit string
    - uim-separator-face          ... separator of preedit string
    - uim-candidate-odd-face      ... even number candidates
    - uim-candidate-even-face     ... odd number candidates
    - uim-candidate-selected-face ... selected candidate
    - uim-candidate-nth-face      ... number of selected candidate

   If you want to modify each color of these faces, write as follows.

     (set-face-foreground 'uim-preedit-highlight-face "white")
     (set-face-background 'uim-preedit-highlight-face "blue")
     (set-face-foreground 'uim-separator-face "white")
     (set-face-foreground 'uim-candidate-odd-face "blue")
     (set-face-background 'uim-candidate-odd-face "white")
     (set-face-foreground 'uim-candidate-even-face "blue")
     (set-face-background 'uim-candidate-even-face "yellow")
     (set-face-foreground 'uim-candidate-selected-face "blue")
     (set-face-background 'uim-candidate-selected-face "white")
     (set-face-foreground 'uim-candidate-nth-face "red")
     (set-face-background 'uim-candidate-nth-face "white")

   Colors and their names supported by Emacs can be displayed by 
   using following command.

     M-x list-colors-display

   NOTE: If you are using autoload function to load uim.el, the above 
        settings should be written inside of uim-load-hook.

     (add-hook 'uim-load-hook
                '(lambda ()
                  (set-face-foreground 'uim-preedit-highlight-face "white")
                  (set-face-background 'uim-preedit-highlight-face "blue")


                  (set-face-background 'uim-candidate-nth-face "white")

* Put fences / frame to preedit strings and candidates

   uim.el can draw borders of preedit strings and candidates by 
   ASCII characters.  It's maybe useful when your Emacs or 
   terminal emulator don't support colored text or underline.

   To display fences at both sides of the preedit strings, 
   write as follows.

     (setq-default uim-preedit-display-fences t)

   To display frame around the candidates, write as follows.

     (setq-default uim-candidate-display-frame t)

* Enable uim.el by default in specific major-mode 

   To enable uim.el by default in specific major-mode, call uim-mode 
   function with an argument (1 or larger number) in the hook of
   the major-mode.

   For example, if you are using uim-mode, write as follows.

     (add-hook 'html-mode-hook
               '(lambda () (uim-mode 1)))

   Or, if you are using LEIM, write as follows.

     (add-hook 'html-mode-hook
               '(lambda () (toggle-input-method)))

Unusual Customizing

* Change default input modes of IMs

   To set default input modes (ex. Hiragana, half-width katakana) 
   of IMs different from global setting of uim, make a list 
   of default input modes and set it to uim-default-im-prop.

   For example, to change default input modes of Anthy and SKK into 
   Hiragana mode, write as follows.

     (setq uim-default-im-prop 
             '("action_anthy_hiragana" "action_skk_hiragana"))

   Since there are no document which is organizing the names
   of such input modes of each IM, you should read scheme files 
   of uim to obtain them.

   Maybe you can find them by grep scheme files but its not a 
   good idea.

      grep -r register-action /usr/share/uim/*.scm

* Change treatment of Escape-key on terminal-mode

   To recognize special keys such as function keys and arrow keys
   on Emacs in terminal emulator, uim.el doesn't pass single 
   Escape-key to uim by default.  Therefore, to invoke uim function 
   bound to a Escape-key, you must press Escape-key in two times.

   If you dislike this specification, you can invalidate this 
   setting while preedit strings are displayed by setting 
   non-nil value to uim-use-single-escape-on-terminal variable.

     (setq uim-use-single-escape-on-terminal t)

   NOTE: This configuration is unrecommended because it invalidate
         not only special keys such as function keys and arrow keys
         but key-bindings which use Alt key. 


* uim-mode

   Toggle uim.el when using uim-mode directly.

* uim-im-switch

   Change an IM of current buffer when using uim-mode directly.
   After calling this command, available IMs can be shown by typing
   tab key.

   NOTE: Use set-input-method command instead of this if you are 
         using LEIM.

* uim-switch-candidate-display-mode

   Toggle inline candidates display mode in current buffer.

* uim-reorder-minor-mode-map-alist

   Move uim.el's key-map to the head of the minor-mode key-map list.
   Details are described in the FAQ section.

* uim-el-version

   Show the version number of uim.el.


Q. After enabling gtags-mode, uim-anthy cannot be toggled.
   I'm using Alt+space to toggle uim-anthy.

A. When Emacs is running on a terminal emulator and a minor-mode 
   which has a key-map for Escape-prefix (ex. gtags-mode) is loaded 
   after uim.el, such a problem occurs.

   This problem can be solved by moving the key-map of uim.el to 
   the head of minor-mode key-map list after enable the other 

   uim-reorder-minor-mode-alist function do this.

   For example, if you are starting gtags-mode like this,
        (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
                  '(lambda ()
                     (gtags-mode 1)))

   modify it to call uim-reorder-minor-mode-alist after starting
   gtags-mode, like this.

     (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
               '(lambda ()
                  (gtags-mode 1)

Q. When I edit a LaTeX file, the characters are wiggled whenever 
   uim.el display/erase candidates.  What happen?

A. This is caused by the officious behavior of latex-mode of Emacs-22.x 
   that change the font size of character after "^" and "_" to smaller.

   If you cannot ignore this, disable scaling of superscript and 
   subscript of latex-mode by adding the below into .emacs.

      (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook
             '(lambda ()
                (setq tex-verbatim-face nil)
                (defun tex-font-lock-suscript () nil)))

Q. Sometimes, inline candidates displaying mode is suddenly disabled.
A. Probably, there is an overlay close to the region where uim.el
   plans to display candidates.

   Because of technical reasons, uim.el cannot display candidates over
   the region which has an overlay.  If an overlay exists on the region 
   where uim.el plans to display candidates, inline candidates displaying 
   mode is temporarily disabled.

   For example, flyspell-mode, show-paren-mode and mmm-mode are using
   overlay.  Also, it's used at the header area of Mew.
   Please note that inline candidates displaying mode might be
   turned off when you use uim.el with such modes.

 Q. Candidates are collapsed when proportional fonts are used on Emacs.
    How can I fix it?

 A. Sorry, as long as you use proportional fonts, the collapse of 
    inline-displayed candidates cannot be prevented.

    If you want to use proportional fonts anyway, please disable inline 
    candidates displaying mode, or else settle for the collapse.

 Q. When uim.el is enabled, some key-bindings don't operate correctly.

 A. uim.el always grabs all of key inputs and passes them to uim.
    Therefore, some key-bindings which are implemented with particular 
    way might don't operate correctly when uim.el is enabled.

    Even though we modified uim.el to support such a key-binding 
    whenever we find it, some key-bindings which we've never used 
    might not operate correctly.

    If you've found a key-binding doesn't work correctly when
    uim.el is enabled, please report it to the bugzilla or the ML.

 Q. ***-mode shows strange behavior when being used with uim.el. Why?

 A. Some particular modes might show odd behavior when used with  
    uim.el because of previously described features of it.

    If you've found such a mode, please report it to the bugzilla
    or the ML.

 Q. Sometimes, Emacs lose control suddenly.  Few seconds after, 
    it becomes available again but uim-mode is invalidated. 

 A. Maybe a back-end program of uim.el (uim-el-agent or
    uim-el-helper-agent) has crashed.

    If it can reproduce, please report it to the bugzilla or the ML.

 Q. I'm using uim-anthy.  When the Emacs is running on a terminal 
    emulator, the segments cannot be shrinked/extended by pressing
    shift-left/shift-right.  Why?

 A. Probably, its caused by one of following three reasons;

      1) shift-left/right is defined as a shortcut key of 
         your window manager or terminal emulator

      2) your terminal emulator cannot recognize/process shift-arrow

      3) your Emacs cannot understand escape sequences of shift-arrow
         passed by the terminal emulator

    1) is simple.  Just edit configuration of your window manager
    or terminal emulator and invalidate such harmful shortcuts.

    2) is serious.  You must use alternative key bindings to 
    shrink/extend segment or must switch to other terminal emulator
    which supports shift-arrow.

    3) can be fixed by adding some settings which are 
    pairs of escape sequences and corresponding key sequences
    into your .emacs.

    For example, GNU Emacs can support most of the major terminal 
    emulators by adding the below settings.

      ;; xterm, mlterm
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 50 65] [S-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 50 66] [S-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 50 67] [S-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 50 68] [S-left])

      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 53 65] [C-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 53 66] [C-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 53 67] [C-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 53 68] [C-left])

      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 54 65] [C-S-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 54 66] [C-S-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 54 67] [C-S-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 49 59 54 68] [C-S-left])

      ;; mrxvt
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 50 65] [S-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 50 66] [S-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 50 67] [S-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 50 68] [S-left])

      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 53 65] [C-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 53 66] [C-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 53 67] [C-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 53 68] [C-left])

      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 54 65] [C-S-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 54 66] [C-S-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 54 67] [C-S-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 49 59 54 68] [C-S-left])

      ;; urxvt
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 97] [S-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 98] [S-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 99] [S-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 91 100] [S-left])

      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 97] [C-up])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 98] [C-down])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 99] [C-right])
      (define-key function-key-map [27 79 100] [C-left])

Q. I'm using Japanese kana-input mode.  Always "ろ" is inserted 
   whenever I press each of "ー" and "ろ".  How can I input "ー" 
   with "ー" key?

A. Unfortunately, we have no idea.

   At least, ELISP program of GNU Emacs cannot distinguish 
   these two keys.  GNU Emacs just recognize that "\" (backslash)
   key has been pressed.

Q. uim.el cannot be executed on Emacs that checked out from CVS 
   server today's morning!  Please fix it ASAP!

A. Sorry, currently, we don't support cutting-edge of CVS of Emacs aggressively 
   since it often contains strange bugs.