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<pre><a name="line-1"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="line-2"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- |</span>
<a name="line-3"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Module      :  XMonad.Doc.Extending</span>
<a name="line-4"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Copyright   :  (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato</span>
<a name="line-5"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- License     :  BSD3</span>
<a name="line-6"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-7"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Maintainer  :</span>
<a name="line-8"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Stability   :  unstable</span>
<a name="line-9"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Portability :  portable</span>
<a name="line-10"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-11"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- This module documents the xmonad-contrib library and</span>
<a name="line-12"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- how to use it to extend the capabilities of xmonad.</span>
<a name="line-13"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-14"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Reading this document should not require a deep knowledge of</span>
<a name="line-15"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Haskell; the examples are intended to be useful and understandable</span>
<a name="line-16"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- for those users who do not know Haskell and don't want to have to</span>
<a name="line-17"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- learn it just to configure xmonad.  You should be able to get by</span>
<a name="line-18"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- just fine by ignoring anything you don't understand and using the</span>
<a name="line-19"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- provided examples as templates.  However, relevant Haskell features</span>
<a name="line-20"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- are discussed when appropriate, so this document will hopefully be</span>
<a name="line-21"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- useful for more advanced Haskell users as well.</span>
<a name="line-22"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-23"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- Those wishing to be totally hardcore and develop their own xmonad</span>
<a name="line-24"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- extensions (it's easier than it sounds, we promise!) should read</span>
<a name="line-25"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- the documentation in "XMonad.Doc.Developing".</span>
<a name="line-26"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-27"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- More configuration examples may be found on the Haskell wiki:</span>
<a name="line-28"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-29"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-- &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</span>
<a name="line-30"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-31"></a><span class='hs-comment'>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="line-32"></a>
<a name="line-33"></a><span class='hs-keyword'>module</span> <span class='hs-conid'>XMonad</span><span class='hs-varop'>.</span><span class='hs-conid'>Doc</span><span class='hs-varop'>.</span><span class='hs-conid'>Extending</span>
<a name="line-34"></a>    <span class='hs-layout'>(</span>
<a name="line-35"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- * The xmonad-contrib library</span>
<a name="line-36"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $library</span>
<a name="line-37"></a>
<a name="line-38"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Actions</span>
<a name="line-39"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $actions</span>
<a name="line-40"></a>
<a name="line-41"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Configurations</span>
<a name="line-42"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $configs</span>
<a name="line-43"></a>
<a name="line-44"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Hooks</span>
<a name="line-45"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $hooks</span>
<a name="line-46"></a>
<a name="line-47"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Layouts</span>
<a name="line-48"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $layouts</span>
<a name="line-49"></a>
<a name="line-50"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Prompts</span>
<a name="line-51"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $prompts</span>
<a name="line-52"></a>
<a name="line-53"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Utilities</span>
<a name="line-54"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $utils</span>
<a name="line-55"></a>
<a name="line-56"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- * Extending xmonad</span>
<a name="line-57"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $extending</span>
<a name="line-58"></a>
<a name="line-59"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Editing key bindings</span>
<a name="line-60"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $keys</span>
<a name="line-61"></a>
<a name="line-62"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- *** Adding key bindings</span>
<a name="line-63"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $keyAdding</span>
<a name="line-64"></a>
<a name="line-65"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- *** Removing key bindings</span>
<a name="line-66"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $keyDel</span>
<a name="line-67"></a>
<a name="line-68"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- *** Adding and removing key bindings</span>
<a name="line-69"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $keyAddDel</span>
<a name="line-70"></a>
<a name="line-71"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Editing mouse bindings</span>
<a name="line-72"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $mouse</span>
<a name="line-73"></a>
<a name="line-74"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Editing the layout hook</span>
<a name="line-75"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $layoutHook</span>
<a name="line-76"></a>
<a name="line-77"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** Editing the manage hook</span>
<a name="line-78"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $manageHook</span>
<a name="line-79"></a>
<a name="line-80"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- ** The log hook and external status bars</span>
<a name="line-81"></a>    <span class='hs-comment'>-- $logHook</span>
<a name="line-82"></a>    <span class='hs-layout'>)</span> <span class='hs-keyword'>where</span>
<a name="line-83"></a>
<a name="line-84"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="line-85"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-86"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--  The XmonadContrib Library</span>
<a name="line-87"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-88"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="line-89"></a>
<a name="line-90"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $library
<a name="line-91"></a>
<a name="line-92"></a>The xmonad-contrib (xmc) library is a set of extension modules
<a name="line-93"></a>contributed by xmonad hackers and users, which provide additional
<a name="line-94"></a>xmonad features.  Examples include various layout modes (tabbed,
<a name="line-95"></a>spiral, three-column...), prompts, program launchers, the ability to
<a name="line-96"></a>manipulate windows and workspaces in various ways, alternate
<a name="line-97"></a>navigation modes, and much more.  There are also \"meta-modules\"
<a name="line-98"></a>which make it easier to write new modules and extensions.
<a name="line-99"></a>
<a name="line-100"></a>This is a concise yet complete overview of the xmonad-contrib modules.
<a name="line-101"></a>For more information about any particular module, just click on its
<a name="line-102"></a>name to view its Haddock documentation; each module should come with
<a name="line-103"></a>extensive documentation.  If you find a module that could be better
<a name="line-104"></a>documented, or has incorrect documentation, please report it as a bug
<a name="line-105"></a>(&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;)!
<a name="line-106"></a>
<a name="line-107"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-108"></a>
<a name="line-109"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $actions
<a name="line-110"></a>
<a name="line-111"></a>In the @XMonad.Actions@ namespace you can find modules exporting
<a name="line-112"></a>various functions that are usually intended to be bound to key
<a name="line-113"></a>combinations or mouse actions, in order to provide functionality
<a name="line-114"></a>beyond the standard keybindings provided by xmonad.
<a name="line-115"></a>
<a name="line-116"></a>See "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings" for instructions on how to
<a name="line-117"></a>edit your key bindings.
<a name="line-118"></a>
<a name="line-119"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.Commands":
<a name="line-120"></a>    Allows you to run internal xmonad commands (X () actions) using
<a name="line-121"></a>    a dmenu menu in addition to key bindings.  Requires dmenu and
<a name="line-122"></a>    the Dmenu XMonad.Actions module.
<a name="line-123"></a>
<a name="line-124"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.ConstrainedResize":
<a name="line-125"></a>    Lets you constrain the aspect ratio of a floating
<a name="line-126"></a>    window (by, say, holding shift while you resize).
<a name="line-127"></a>    Useful for making a nice circular XClock window.
<a name="line-128"></a>
<a name="line-129"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow":
<a name="line-130"></a>    Provides bindings to duplicate a window on multiple workspaces,
<a name="line-131"></a>    providing dwm-like tagging functionality.
<a name="line-132"></a>
<a name="line-133"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.CycleRecentWS":
<a name="line-134"></a>    Provides bindings to cycle through most recently used workspaces
<a name="line-135"></a>    with repeated presses of a single key (as long as modifier key is
<a name="line-136"></a>    held down). This is similar to how many window managers handle
<a name="line-137"></a>    window switching.
<a name="line-138"></a>
<a name="line-139"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.CycleSelectedLayouts":
<a name="line-140"></a>    This module allows to cycle through the given subset of layouts.
<a name="line-141"></a>
<a name="line-142"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS":
<a name="line-143"></a>    Provides bindings to cycle forward or backward through the list of
<a name="line-144"></a>    workspaces, to move windows between workspaces, and to cycle
<a name="line-145"></a>    between screens. Replaces the former XMonad.Actions.RotView.
<a name="line-146"></a>
<a name="line-147"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.CycleWindows":
<a name="line-148"></a>    Provides bindings to cycle windows up or down on the current workspace
<a name="line-149"></a>    stack while maintaining focus in place.
<a name="line-150"></a>
<a name="line-151"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.DeManage":
<a name="line-152"></a>    This module provides a method to cease management of a window
<a name="line-153"></a>    without unmapping it. "XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks" is a
<a name="line-154"></a>    more automated solution if your panel supports it.
<a name="line-155"></a>
<a name="line-156"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.DwmPromote":
<a name="line-157"></a>    Dwm-like swap function for xmonad.
<a name="line-158"></a>    Swaps focused window with the master window. If focus is in the
<a name="line-159"></a>    master, swap it with the next window in the stack. Focus stays in the
<a name="line-160"></a>    master.
<a name="line-161"></a>
<a name="line-162"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces":
<a name="line-163"></a>    Provides bindings to add and delete workspaces.  Note that you may only
<a name="line-164"></a>    delete a workspace that is already empty.
<a name="line-165"></a>
<a name="line-166"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.FindEmptyWorkspace":
<a name="line-167"></a>    Find an empty workspace.
<a name="line-168"></a>
<a name="line-169"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.FlexibleManipulate":
<a name="line-170"></a>    Move and resize floating windows without warping the mouse.
<a name="line-171"></a>
<a name="line-172"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.FlexibleResize":
<a name="line-173"></a>    Resize floating windows from any corner.
<a name="line-174"></a>
<a name="line-175"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys":
<a name="line-176"></a>    Move and resize floating windows.
<a name="line-177"></a>
<a name="line-178"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.FloatSnap":
<a name="line-179"></a>    Move and resize floating windows using other windows and the edge of the
<a name="line-180"></a>    screen as guidelines.
<a name="line-181"></a>
<a name="line-182"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.FocusNth":
<a name="line-183"></a>    Focus the nth window of the current workspace.
<a name="line-184"></a>
<a name="line-185"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.GridSelect":
<a name="line-186"></a>    GridSelect displays items(e.g. the opened windows) in a 2D grid and lets
<a name="line-187"></a>    the user select from it with the cursor/hjkl keys or the mouse.
<a name="line-188"></a>
<a name="line-189"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback":
<a name="line-190"></a>    Alternative to 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage' that provides knowledge
<a name="line-191"></a>    of whether the message was handled, and utility functions based on
<a name="line-192"></a>    this facility.
<a name="line-193"></a>
<a name="line-194"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.MouseGestures":
<a name="line-195"></a>    Support for simple mouse gestures.
<a name="line-196"></a>
<a name="line-197"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.MouseResize":
<a name="line-198"></a>    A layout modifier to resize windows with the mouse by grabbing the
<a name="line-199"></a>    window's lower right corner.
<a name="line-200"></a>
<a name="line-201"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.NoBorders":
<a name="line-202"></a>    This module provides helper functions for dealing with window borders.
<a name="line-203"></a>
<a name="line-204"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.OnScreen":
<a name="line-205"></a>    Control workspaces on different screens (in xinerama mode).
<a name="line-206"></a>
<a name="line-207"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.PerWorkspaceKeys":
<a name="line-208"></a>    Define key-bindings on per-workspace basis.
<a name="line-209"></a>
<a name="line-210"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.PhysicalScreens":
<a name="line-211"></a>    Manipulate screens ordered by physical location instead of ID
<a name="line-212"></a>
<a name="line-213"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.Plane":
<a name="line-214"></a>    This module has functions to navigate through workspaces in a bidimensional
<a name="line-215"></a>    manner.
<a name="line-216"></a>
<a name="line-217"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.Promote":
<a name="line-218"></a>    Alternate promote function for xmonad.
<a name="line-219"></a>
<a name="line-220"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.RandomBackground":
<a name="line-221"></a>    An action to start terminals with a random background color
<a name="line-222"></a>
<a name="line-223"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves":
<a name="line-224"></a>    Rotate all windows except the master window and keep the focus in
<a name="line-225"></a>    place.
<a name="line-226"></a>
<a name="line-227"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.Search":
<a name="line-228"></a>    A module for easily running Internet searches on web sites through xmonad.
<a name="line-229"></a>    Modeled after the handy Surfraw CLI search tools at &lt;;.
<a name="line-230"></a>
<a name="line-231"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.SimpleDate":
<a name="line-232"></a>    An example external contrib module for XMonad.
<a name="line-233"></a>    Provides a simple binding to dzen2 to print the date as a popup menu.
<a name="line-234"></a>
<a name="line-235"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.SinkAll":
<a name="line-236"></a>    (Deprecated) Provides a simple binding that pushes all floating windows on the
<a name="line-237"></a>    current workspace back into tiling. Instead, use the more general
<a name="line-238"></a>    "XMonad.Actions.WithAll"
<a name="line-239"></a>
<a name="line-240"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn":
<a name="line-241"></a>    Provides a way to modify a window spawned by a command(e.g shift it to the workspace
<a name="line-242"></a>    it was launched on) by using the _NET_WM_PID property that most windows set on creation.
<a name="line-243"></a>
<a name="line-244"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.Submap":
<a name="line-245"></a>    A module that allows the user to create a sub-mapping of key bindings.
<a name="line-246"></a>
<a name="line-247"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces":
<a name="line-248"></a>    Lets you swap workspace tags, so you can keep related ones next to
<a name="line-249"></a>    each other, without having to move individual windows.
<a name="line-250"></a>
<a name="line-251"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.TagWindows":
<a name="line-252"></a>    Functions for tagging windows and selecting them by tags.
<a name="line-253"></a>
<a name="line-254"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace":
<a name="line-255"></a>    Turns your workspaces into a more topic oriented system.
<a name="line-256"></a>
<a name="line-257"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.UpdateFocus":
<a name="line-258"></a>    Updates the focus on mouse move in unfocused windows.
<a name="line-259"></a>
<a name="line-260"></a>* "XMonadContrib.UpdatePointer":
<a name="line-261"></a>    Causes the pointer to follow whichever window focus changes to.
<a name="line-262"></a>
<a name="line-263"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.Warp":
<a name="line-264"></a>    Warp the pointer to a given window or screen.
<a name="line-265"></a>
<a name="line-266"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer":
<a name="line-267"></a>    dmenu operations to bring windows to you, and bring you to windows.
<a name="line-268"></a>    That is to say, it pops up a dmenu with window names, in case you forgot
<a name="line-269"></a>    where you left your XChat.
<a name="line-270"></a>
<a name="line-271"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.WindowGo":
<a name="line-272"></a>    Defines a few convenient operations for raising (traveling to) windows based on XMonad's Query
<a name="line-273"></a>    monad, such as 'runOrRaise'.
<a name="line-274"></a>
<a name="line-275"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.WindowMenu":
<a name="line-276"></a>    Uses "XMonad.Actions.GridSelect" to display a number of actions related to
<a name="line-277"></a>    window management in the center of the focused window.
<a name="line-278"></a>
<a name="line-279"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation":
<a name="line-280"></a>    Experimental rewrite of "XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation".
<a name="line-281"></a>
<a name="line-282"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.WithAll":
<a name="line-283"></a>    Provides functions for performing a given action on all windows of
<a name="line-284"></a>    the current workspace.
<a name="line-285"></a>
<a name="line-286"></a>* "XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceCursors":
<a name="line-287"></a>    Like "XMonad.Actions.Plane" for an arbitrary number of dimensions.
<a name="line-288"></a>
<a name="line-289"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-290"></a>
<a name="line-291"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $configs
<a name="line-292"></a>
<a name="line-293"></a>In the @XMonad.Config@ namespace you can find modules exporting the
<a name="line-294"></a>configurations used by some of the xmonad and xmonad-contrib
<a name="line-295"></a>developers.  You can look at them for examples while creating your own
<a name="line-296"></a>configuration; you can also simply import them and use them as your
<a name="line-297"></a>own configuration, possibly with some modifications.
<a name="line-298"></a>
<a name="line-299"></a>
<a name="line-300"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Arossato"
<a name="line-301"></a>    This module specifies my xmonad defaults.
<a name="line-302"></a>
<a name="line-303"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Azerty"
<a name="line-304"></a>    Fixes some keybindings for users of French keyboard layouts.
<a name="line-305"></a>
<a name="line-306"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Desktop"
<a name="line-307"></a>    This module provides core desktop environment settings used
<a name="line-308"></a>    in the Gnome, Kde, and Xfce config configs. It is also useful
<a name="line-309"></a>    for people using other environments such as lxde, or using
<a name="line-310"></a>    tray or panel applications without full desktop environments.
<a name="line-311"></a>
<a name="line-312"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Gnome"
<a name="line-313"></a>
<a name="line-314"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Kde"
<a name="line-315"></a>
<a name="line-316"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Sjanssen"
<a name="line-317"></a>
<a name="line-318"></a>* "XMonad.Config.Xfce"
<a name="line-319"></a>
<a name="line-320"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-321"></a>
<a name="line-322"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $hooks
<a name="line-323"></a>
<a name="line-324"></a>In the @XMonad.Hooks@ namespace you can find modules exporting
<a name="line-325"></a>hooks. Hooks are actions that xmonad performs when certain events
<a name="line-326"></a>occur. The two most important hooks are:
<a name="line-327"></a>
<a name="line-328"></a>* 'XMonad.Core.manageHook': this hook is called when a new window
<a name="line-329"></a>  xmonad must take care of is created. This is a very powerful hook,
<a name="line-330"></a>  since it lets us examine the new window's properties and act
<a name="line-331"></a>  accordingly. For instance, we can configure xmonad to put windows
<a name="line-332"></a>  belonging to a given application in the float layer, not to manage
<a name="line-333"></a>  dock applications, or open them in a given workspace. See
<a name="line-334"></a>  "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_manage_hook" for more information on
<a name="line-335"></a>  customizing 'XMonad.Core.manageHook'.
<a name="line-336"></a>
<a name="line-337"></a>* 'XMonad.Core.logHook': this hook is called when the stack of windows
<a name="line-338"></a>  managed by xmonad has been changed, by calling the
<a name="line-339"></a>  '' function. For instance
<a name="line-340"></a>  "XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog" will produce a string (whose format can be
<a name="line-341"></a>  configured) to be printed to the standard output. This can be used
<a name="line-342"></a>  to display some information about the xmonad state in a status bar.
<a name="line-343"></a>  See "XMonad.Doc.Extending#The_log_hook_and_external_status_bars" for more
<a name="line-344"></a>  information.
<a name="line-345"></a>
<a name="line-346"></a>* 'XMonad.Core.handleEventHook': this hook is called on all events handled
<a name="line-347"></a>  by xmonad, thus it is extremely powerful. See "Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras"
<a name="line-348"></a>  and xmonad source and development documentation for more details.
<a name="line-349"></a>
<a name="line-350"></a>Here is a list of the modules found in @XMonad.Hooks@:
<a name="line-351"></a>
<a name="line-352"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.DynamicHooks":
<a name="line-353"></a>    One-shot and permanent ManageHooks that can be updated at runtime.
<a name="line-354"></a>
<a name="line-355"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog": for use with 'XMonad.Core.logHook'; send
<a name="line-356"></a>  information about xmonad's state to standard output, suitable for
<a name="line-357"></a>  putting in a status bar of some sort. See
<a name="line-358"></a>  "XMonad.Doc.Extending#The_log_hook_and_external_status_bars".
<a name="line-359"></a>
<a name="line-360"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops":
<a name="line-361"></a>    Makes xmonad use the EWMH hints to tell panel applications about its
<a name="line-362"></a>    workspaces and the windows therein. It also allows the user to interact
<a name="line-363"></a>    with xmonad by clicking on panels and window lists.
<a name="line-364"></a>
<a name="line-365"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive":
<a name="line-366"></a>    Makes XMonad set the _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY atom for inactive windows,
<a name="line-367"></a>    which causes those windows to become slightly translucent if something
<a name="line-368"></a>    like xcompmgr is running
<a name="line-369"></a>
<a name="line-370"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.FloatNext":
<a name="line-371"></a>    Hook and keybindings for automatically sending the next
<a name="line-372"></a>    spawned window(s) to the floating layer.
<a name="line-373"></a>
<a name="line-374"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition":
<a name="line-375"></a>    Configure where new windows should be added and which window should be
<a name="line-376"></a>    focused.
<a name="line-377"></a>
<a name="line-378"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks":
<a name="line-379"></a>    This module provides tools to automatically manage 'dock' type programs,
<a name="line-380"></a>    such as gnome-panel, kicker, dzen, and xmobar.
<a name="line-381"></a>
<a name="line-382"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers": provide helper functions to be used
<a name="line-383"></a>  in @manageHook@.
<a name="line-384"></a>
<a name="line-385"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.Place":
<a name="line-386"></a>    Automatic placement of floating windows.
<a name="line-387"></a>
<a name="line-388"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.RestoreMinimized":
<a name="line-389"></a>    Lets you restore minimized windows (see "XMonad.Layout.Minimize")
<a name="line-390"></a>    by selecting them on a taskbar (listens for _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
<a name="line-391"></a>    and WM_CHANGE_STATE).
<a name="line-392"></a>
<a name="line-393"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.Script":
<a name="line-394"></a>    Provides a simple interface for running a ~\/.xmonad\/hooks script with the
<a name="line-395"></a>    name of a hook.
<a name="line-396"></a>
<a name="line-397"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode": Allows sending commands to a running xmonad process.
<a name="line-398"></a>
<a name="line-399"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.SetCursor":
<a name="line-400"></a>    Set a default mouse cursor on startup.
<a name="line-401"></a>
<a name="line-402"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName":
<a name="line-403"></a>    Sets the WM name to a given string, so that it could be detected using
<a name="line-404"></a>    _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK protocol.  May be useful for making Java GUI
<a name="line-405"></a>    programs work.
<a name="line-406"></a>
<a name="line-407"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook":
<a name="line-408"></a>    UrgencyHook lets you configure an action to occur when a window demands
<a name="line-409"></a>    your attention. (In traditional WMs, this takes the form of \"flashing\"
<a name="line-410"></a>    on your \"taskbar.\" Blech.)
<a name="line-411"></a>
<a name="line-412"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceByPos":
<a name="line-413"></a>    Useful in a dual-head setup: Looks at the requested geometry of
<a name="line-414"></a>    new windows and moves them to the workspace of the non-focused
<a name="line-415"></a>    screen if necessary.
<a name="line-416"></a>
<a name="line-417"></a>* "XMonad.Hooks.XPropManage":
<a name="line-418"></a>    A ManageHook matching on XProperties.
<a name="line-419"></a>
<a name="line-420"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-421"></a>
<a name="line-422"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $layouts
<a name="line-423"></a>
<a name="line-424"></a>In the @XMonad.Layout@ namespace you can find modules exporting
<a name="line-425"></a>contributed tiling algorithms, such as a tabbed layout, a circle, a spiral,
<a name="line-426"></a>three columns, and so on.
<a name="line-427"></a>
<a name="line-428"></a>You will also find modules which provide facilities for combining
<a name="line-429"></a>different layouts, such as "XMonad.Layout.Combo", "XMonad.Layout.ComboP",
<a name="line-430"></a>"XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilder", "XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts", or
<a name="line-431"></a>"XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators".
<a name="line-432"></a>
<a name="line-433"></a>Layouts can be also modified with layout modifiers. A general
<a name="line-434"></a>interface for writing layout modifiers is implemented in
<a name="line-435"></a>"XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier".
<a name="line-436"></a>
<a name="line-437"></a>For more information on using those modules for customizing your
<a name="line-438"></a>'XMonad.Core.layoutHook' see "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook".
<a name="line-439"></a>
<a name="line-440"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Accordion":
<a name="line-441"></a>    LayoutClass that puts non-focused windows in ribbons at the top and bottom
<a name="line-442"></a>    of the screen.
<a name="line-443"></a>
<a name="line-444"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.AutoMaster":
<a name="line-445"></a>    Provides layout modifier AutoMaster. It separates screen in two parts -
<a name="line-446"></a>    master and slave. Size of slave area automatically changes depending on
<a name="line-447"></a>    number of slave windows.
<a name="line-448"></a>
<a name="line-449"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.BorderResize":
<a name="line-450"></a>    This layout modifier will allow to resize windows by dragging their
<a name="line-451"></a>    borders with the mouse. However, it only works in layouts or modified
<a name="line-452"></a>    layouts that react to the SetGeometry message.
<a name="line-453"></a>    "XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger" can be used to create such a setup.
<a name="line-454"></a>    BorderResize is probably most useful in floating layouts.
<a name="line-455"></a>
<a name="line-456"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows":
<a name="line-457"></a>    BoringWindows is an extension to allow windows to be marked boring
<a name="line-458"></a>
<a name="line-459"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.CenteredMaster":
<a name="line-460"></a>    Two layout modifiers. centerMaster places master window at center,
<a name="line-461"></a>    on top of all other windows, which are managed by base layout.
<a name="line-462"></a>    topRightMaster is similar, but places master window in top right corner
<a name="line-463"></a>    instead of center.
<a name="line-464"></a>
<a name="line-465"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Circle":
<a name="line-466"></a>    Circle is an elliptical, overlapping layout.
<a name="line-467"></a>
<a name="line-468"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Column":
<a name="line-469"></a>    Provides Column layout that places all windows in one column. Windows
<a name="line-470"></a>    heights are calculated from equation: H1/H2 = H2/H3 = ... = q, where q is
<a name="line-471"></a>    given. With Shrink/Expand messages you can change the q value.
<a name="line-472"></a>
<a name="line-473"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Combo":
<a name="line-474"></a>    A layout that combines multiple layouts.
<a name="line-475"></a>
<a name="line-476"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.ComboP":
<a name="line-477"></a>    A layout that combines multiple layouts and allows to specify where to put
<a name="line-478"></a>    new windows.
<a name="line-479"></a>
<a name="line-480"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Cross":
<a name="line-481"></a>    A Cross Layout with the main window in the center.
<a name="line-482"></a>
<a name="line-483"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Decoration":
<a name="line-484"></a>    A layout modifier and a class for easily creating decorated
<a name="line-485"></a>    layouts.
<a name="line-486"></a>
<a name="line-487"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.DecorationMadness":
<a name="line-488"></a>    A collection of decorated layouts: some of them may be nice, some
<a name="line-489"></a>    usable, others just funny.
<a name="line-490"></a>
<a name="line-491"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Dishes":
<a name="line-492"></a>    Dishes is a layout that stacks extra windows underneath the master
<a name="line-493"></a>    windows.
<a name="line-494"></a>
<a name="line-495"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.DragPane":
<a name="line-496"></a>    Layouts that splits the screen either horizontally or vertically and
<a name="line-497"></a>    shows two windows.  The first window is always the master window, and
<a name="line-498"></a>    the other is either the currently focused window or the second window in
<a name="line-499"></a>    layout order. See also "XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTall"
<a name="line-500"></a>
<a name="line-501"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.DwmStyle":
<a name="line-502"></a>    A layout modifier for decorating windows in a dwm like style.
<a name="line-503"></a>
<a name="line-504"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.FixedColumn":
<a name="line-505"></a>    A layout much like Tall, but using a multiple of a window's minimum
<a name="line-506"></a>    resize amount instead of a percentage of screen to decide where to
<a name="line-507"></a>    split. This is useful when you usually leave a text editor or
<a name="line-508"></a>    terminal in the master pane and like it to be 80 columns wide.
<a name="line-509"></a>
<a name="line-510"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Gaps":
<a name="line-511"></a>    Create manually-sized gaps along edges of the screen which will not
<a name="line-512"></a>    be used for tiling, along with support for toggling gaps on and
<a name="line-513"></a>    off. You probably want "XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks".
<a name="line-514"></a>
<a name="line-515"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Grid":
<a name="line-516"></a>    A simple layout that attempts to put all windows in a square grid.
<a name="line-517"></a>
<a name="line-518"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.GridVariants":
<a name="line-519"></a>    Two layouts: one is a variant of the Grid layout that allows the
<a name="line-520"></a>    desired aspect ratio of windows to be specified.  The other is like
<a name="line-521"></a>    Tall but places a grid with fixed number of rows and columns in the
<a name="line-522"></a>    master area and uses an aspect-ratio-specified layout for the
<a name="line-523"></a>    slaves.
<a name="line-524"></a>
<a name="line-525"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.HintedGrid":
<a name="line-526"></a>    A not so simple layout that attempts to put all windows in a square grid
<a name="line-527"></a>    while obeying their size hints.
<a name="line-528"></a>
<a name="line-529"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.HintedTile":
<a name="line-530"></a>    A gapless tiled layout that attempts to obey window size hints,
<a name="line-531"></a>    rather than simply ignoring them.
<a name="line-532"></a>
<a name="line-533"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.IM":
<a name="line-534"></a>    Layout modfier suitable for workspace with multi-windowed instant messenger
<a name="line-535"></a>    (like Psi or Tkabber).
<a name="line-536"></a>
<a name="line-537"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens":
<a name="line-538"></a>    Utility functions for simulating independent sets of workspaces on
<a name="line-539"></a>    each screen (like dwm's workspace model), using internal tags to
<a name="line-540"></a>    distinguish workspaces associated with each screen.
<a name="line-541"></a>
<a name="line-542"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilder":
<a name="line-543"></a>    A layout combinator that sends a specified number of windows to one rectangle
<a name="line-544"></a>    and the rest to another.
<a name="line-545"></a>
<a name="line-546"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators":
<a name="line-547"></a>    The "XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators" module provides combinators
<a name="line-548"></a>    for easily combining multiple layouts into one composite layout, as
<a name="line-549"></a>    well as a way to jump directly to any particular layout (say, with
<a name="line-550"></a>    a keybinding) without having to cycle through other layouts to get
<a name="line-551"></a>    to it.
<a name="line-552"></a>
<a name="line-553"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints":
<a name="line-554"></a>    Make layouts respect size hints.
<a name="line-555"></a>
<a name="line-556"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier":
<a name="line-557"></a>    A module for writing easy layout modifiers, which do not define a
<a name="line-558"></a>    layout in and of themselves, but modify the behavior of or add new
<a name="line-559"></a>    functionality to other layouts.  If you ever find yourself writing
<a name="line-560"></a>    a layout which takes another layout as a parameter, chances are you
<a name="line-561"></a>    should be writing a LayoutModifier instead!
<a name="line-562"></a>
<a name="line-563"></a>    In case it is not clear, this module is not intended to help you
<a name="line-564"></a>    configure xmonad, it is to help you write other extension modules.
<a name="line-565"></a>    So get hacking!
<a name="line-566"></a>
<a name="line-567"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.LayoutScreens":
<a name="line-568"></a>    Divide a single screen into multiple screens.
<a name="line-569"></a>
<a name="line-570"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows":
<a name="line-571"></a>    A layout modifier that limits the number of windows that can be shown.
<a name="line-572"></a>
<a name="line-573"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.MagicFocus":
<a name="line-574"></a>    Automagically put the focused window in the master area.
<a name="line-575"></a>
<a name="line-576"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Magnifier":
<a name="line-577"></a>    Screenshot  :  &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
<a name="line-578"></a>    This is a layout modifier that will make a layout increase the size
<a name="line-579"></a>    of the window that has focus.
<a name="line-580"></a>
<a name="line-581"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Master":
<a name="line-582"></a>    Layout modfier that adds a master window to another layout.
<a name="line-583"></a>
<a name="line-584"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Maximize":
<a name="line-585"></a>    Temporarily yanks the focused window out of the layout to mostly fill
<a name="line-586"></a>    the screen.
<a name="line-587"></a>
<a name="line-588"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.MessageControl":
<a name="line-589"></a>    Provides message escaping and filtering facilities which
<a name="line-590"></a>    help control complex nested layouts.
<a name="line-591"></a>
<a name="line-592"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Minimize":
<a name="line-593"></a>    Makes it possible to minimize windows, temporarily removing them
<a name="line-594"></a>    from the layout until they are restored.
<a name="line-595"></a>
<a name="line-596"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Monitor":
<a name="line-597"></a>    Layout modfier for displaying some window (monitor) above other windows
<a name="line-598"></a>
<a name="line-599"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Mosaic":
<a name="line-600"></a>    Based on MosaicAlt, but aspect ratio messages always change the aspect
<a name="line-601"></a>    ratios, and rearranging the window stack changes the window sizes.
<a name="line-602"></a>
<a name="line-603"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.MosaicAlt":
<a name="line-604"></a>    A layout which gives each window a specified amount of screen space
<a name="line-605"></a>    relative to the others. Compared to the 'Mosaic' layout, this one
<a name="line-606"></a>    divides the space in a more balanced way.
<a name="line-607"></a>
<a name="line-608"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile":
<a name="line-609"></a>    A layout in the spirit of "XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile", but with the option
<a name="line-610"></a>    to use the mouse to adjust the layout.
<a name="line-611"></a>
<a name="line-612"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle":
<a name="line-613"></a>    Dynamically apply and unapply transformers to your window layout. This can
<a name="line-614"></a>    be used to rotate your window layout by 90 degrees, or to make the
<a name="line-615"></a>    currently focused window occupy the whole screen (\"zoom in\") then undo
<a name="line-616"></a>    the transformation (\"zoom out\").
<a name="line-617"></a>
<a name="line-618"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Named":
<a name="line-619"></a>    A module for assigning a name to a given layout.
<a name="line-620"></a>
<a name="line-621"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.NoBorders":
<a name="line-622"></a>    Make a given layout display without borders.  This is useful for
<a name="line-623"></a>    full-screen or tabbed layouts, where you don't really want to waste a
<a name="line-624"></a>    couple of pixels of real estate just to inform yourself that the visible
<a name="line-625"></a>    window has focus.
<a name="line-626"></a>
<a name="line-627"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.NoFrillsDecoration":
<a name="line-628"></a>    Most basic version of decoration for windows without any additional
<a name="line-629"></a>    modifications. In contrast to "XMonad.Layout.SimpleDecoration" this will
<a name="line-630"></a>    result in title bars that span the entire window instead of being only the
<a name="line-631"></a>    length of the window title.
<a name="line-632"></a>
<a name="line-633"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.OneBig":
<a name="line-634"></a>    Places one (master) window at top left corner of screen, and other (slave)
<a name="line-635"></a>    windows at the top.
<a name="line-636"></a>
<a name="line-637"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace":
<a name="line-638"></a>    Configure layouts on a per-workspace basis: use layouts and apply
<a name="line-639"></a>    layout modifiers selectively, depending on the workspace.
<a name="line-640"></a>
<a name="line-641"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Reflect":
<a name="line-642"></a>    Reflect a layout horizontally or vertically.
<a name="line-643"></a>
<a name="line-644"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile":
<a name="line-645"></a>    More useful tiled layout that allows you to change a width\/height of window.
<a name="line-646"></a>    See also "XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile".
<a name="line-647"></a>
<a name="line-648"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.ResizeScreen":
<a name="line-649"></a>    A layout transformer to have a layout respect a given screen
<a name="line-650"></a>    geometry. Mostly used with "Decoration" (the Horizontal and the
<a name="line-651"></a>    Vertical version will react to SetTheme and change their dimension
<a name="line-652"></a>    accordingly.
<a name="line-653"></a>
<a name="line-654"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Roledex":
<a name="line-655"></a>    This is a completely pointless layout which acts like Microsoft's Flip 3D
<a name="line-656"></a>
<a name="line-657"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.ShowWName":
<a name="line-658"></a>    This is a layout modifier that will show the workspace name
<a name="line-659"></a>
<a name="line-660"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.SimpleDecoration":
<a name="line-661"></a>    A layout modifier for adding simple decorations to the windows of a
<a name="line-662"></a>    given layout. The decorations are in the form of ion-like tabs
<a name="line-663"></a>    for window titles.
<a name="line-664"></a>
<a name="line-665"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.SimpleFloat":
<a name="line-666"></a>    A basic floating layout.
<a name="line-667"></a>
<a name="line-668"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Simplest":
<a name="line-669"></a>    A very simple layout. The simplest, afaik. Used as a base for
<a name="line-670"></a>    decorated layouts.
<a name="line-671"></a>
<a name="line-672"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloat":
<a name="line-673"></a>    A basic floating layout like SimpleFloat but without the decoration.
<a name="line-674"></a>
<a name="line-675"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Spacing":
<a name="line-676"></a>    Add a configurable amount of space around windows.
<a name="line-677"></a>
<a name="line-678"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Spiral":
<a name="line-679"></a>    A spiral tiling layout.
<a name="line-680"></a>
<a name="line-681"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Square":
<a name="line-682"></a>    A layout that splits the screen into a square area and the rest of the
<a name="line-683"></a>    screen.
<a name="line-684"></a>    This is probably only ever useful in combination with
<a name="line-685"></a>    "XMonad.Layout.Combo".
<a name="line-686"></a>    It sticks one window in a square region, and makes the rest
<a name="line-687"></a>    of the windows live with what's left (in a full-screen sense).
<a name="line-688"></a>
<a name="line-689"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.StackTile":
<a name="line-690"></a>    A stacking layout, like dishes but with the ability to resize master pane.
<a name="line-691"></a>    Mostly useful on small screens.
<a name="line-692"></a>
<a name="line-693"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts":
<a name="line-694"></a>    A layout combinator that allows layouts to be nested.
<a name="line-695"></a>
<a name="line-696"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.TabBarDecoration":
<a name="line-697"></a>    A layout modifier to add a bar of tabs to your layouts.
<a name="line-698"></a>
<a name="line-699"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.Tabbed":
<a name="line-700"></a>    A tabbed layout for the Xmonad Window Manager
<a name="line-701"></a>
<a name="line-702"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns":
<a name="line-703"></a>    A layout similar to tall but with three columns. With 2560x1600 pixels this
<a name="line-704"></a>    layout can be used for a huge main window and up to six reasonable sized
<a name="line-705"></a>    slave windows.
<a name="line-706"></a>
<a name="line-707"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts":
<a name="line-708"></a>    A module to toggle between two layouts.
<a name="line-709"></a>
<a name="line-710"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.TwoPane":
<a name="line-711"></a>    A layout that splits the screen horizontally and shows two windows.  The
<a name="line-712"></a>    left window is always the master window, and the right is either the
<a name="line-713"></a>    currently focused window or the second window in layout order.
<a name="line-714"></a>
<a name="line-715"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger":
<a name="line-716"></a>    This is a pure layout modifier that will let you move and resize
<a name="line-717"></a>    windows with the keyboard in any layout.
<a name="line-718"></a>
<a name="line-719"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation":
<a name="line-720"></a>    WindowNavigation is an extension to allow easy navigation of a workspace.
<a name="line-721"></a>    See also "XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation".
<a name="line-722"></a>
<a name="line-723"></a>* "XMonad.Layout.WorkspaceDir":
<a name="line-724"></a>    WorkspaceDir is an extension to set the current directory in a workspace.
<a name="line-725"></a>    Actually, it sets the current directory in a layout, since there's no way I
<a name="line-726"></a>    know of to attach a behavior to a workspace.  This means that any terminals
<a name="line-727"></a>    (or other programs) pulled up in that workspace (with that layout) will
<a name="line-728"></a>    execute in that working directory.  Sort of handy, I think.
<a name="line-729"></a>    Note this extension requires the 'directory' package to be installed.
<a name="line-730"></a>
<a name="line-731"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-732"></a>
<a name="line-733"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $prompts
<a name="line-734"></a>
<a name="line-735"></a>In the @XMonad.Prompt@ name space you can find modules providing
<a name="line-736"></a>graphical prompts for getting user input and using it to perform
<a name="line-737"></a>various actions.
<a name="line-738"></a>
<a name="line-739"></a>The "XMonad.Prompt" provides a library for easily writing new prompt
<a name="line-740"></a>modules.
<a name="line-741"></a>
<a name="line-742"></a>These are the available prompts:
<a name="line-743"></a>
<a name="line-744"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.AppLauncher":
<a name="line-745"></a>    A module for launch applicationes that receive parameters in the command
<a name="line-746"></a>    line. The launcher call a prompt to get the parameters.
<a name="line-747"></a>
<a name="line-748"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile":
<a name="line-749"></a>    A prompt for appending a single line of text to a file.  Useful for
<a name="line-750"></a>    keeping a file of notes, things to remember for later, and so on---
<a name="line-751"></a>    using a keybinding, you can write things down just about as quickly
<a name="line-752"></a>    as you think of them, so it doesn't have to interrupt whatever else
<a name="line-753"></a>    you're doing.
<a name="line-754"></a>    Who knows, it might be useful for other purposes as well!
<a name="line-755"></a>
<a name="line-756"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.DirExec":
<a name="line-757"></a>    A directory file executables prompt for XMonad. This might be useful if you
<a name="line-758"></a>    don't want to have scripts in your PATH environment variable (same
<a name="line-759"></a>    executable names, different behavior) - otherwise you might want to use
<a name="line-760"></a>    "XMonad.Prompt.Shell" instead - but you want to have easy access to these
<a name="line-761"></a>    executables through the xmonad's prompt.
<a name="line-762"></a>
<a name="line-763"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Directory":
<a name="line-764"></a>    A directory prompt for XMonad
<a name="line-765"></a>
<a name="line-766"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Email":
<a name="line-767"></a>    A prompt for sending quick, one-line emails, via the standard GNU
<a name="line-768"></a>    \'mail\' utility (which must be in your $PATH).  This module is
<a name="line-769"></a>    intended mostly as an example of using "XMonad.Prompt.Input" to
<a name="line-770"></a>    build an action requiring user input.
<a name="line-771"></a>
<a name="line-772"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Input":
<a name="line-773"></a>    A generic framework for prompting the user for input and passing it
<a name="line-774"></a>    along to some other action.
<a name="line-775"></a>
<a name="line-776"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Layout":
<a name="line-777"></a>    A layout-selection prompt for XMonad
<a name="line-778"></a>
<a name="line-779"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Man":
<a name="line-780"></a>    A manual page prompt for XMonad window manager.
<a name="line-781"></a>    TODO
<a name="line-782"></a>    * narrow completions by section number, if the one is specified
<a name="line-783"></a>    (like @\/etc\/bash_completion@ does)
<a name="line-784"></a>
<a name="line-785"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.RunOrRaise":
<a name="line-786"></a>    A prompt for XMonad which will run a program, open a file,
<a name="line-787"></a>    or raise an already running program, depending on context.
<a name="line-788"></a>
<a name="line-789"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Shell":
<a name="line-790"></a>    A shell prompt for XMonad
<a name="line-791"></a>
<a name="line-792"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Ssh":
<a name="line-793"></a>    A ssh prompt for XMonad
<a name="line-794"></a>
<a name="line-795"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Theme":
<a name="line-796"></a>    A prompt for changing the theme of the current workspace
<a name="line-797"></a>
<a name="line-798"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Window":
<a name="line-799"></a>    xprompt operations to bring windows to you, and bring you to windows.
<a name="line-800"></a>
<a name="line-801"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.Workspace":
<a name="line-802"></a>    A workspace prompt for XMonad
<a name="line-803"></a>
<a name="line-804"></a>* "XMonad.Prompt.XMonad":
<a name="line-805"></a>    A prompt for running XMonad commands
<a name="line-806"></a>
<a name="line-807"></a>Usually a prompt is called by some key binding. See
<a name="line-808"></a>"XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings", which includes examples
<a name="line-809"></a>of adding some prompts.
<a name="line-810"></a>
<a name="line-811"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-812"></a>
<a name="line-813"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $utils
<a name="line-814"></a>
<a name="line-815"></a>In the @XMonad.Util@ namespace you can find modules exporting various
<a name="line-816"></a>utility functions that are used by the other modules of the
<a name="line-817"></a>xmonad-contrib library.
<a name="line-818"></a>
<a name="line-819"></a>There are also utilities for helping in configuring xmonad or using
<a name="line-820"></a>external utilities.
<a name="line-821"></a>
<a name="line-822"></a>A non complete list with a brief description:
<a name="line-823"></a>
<a name="line-824"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Cursor": configure the default cursor/pointer glyph.
<a name="line-825"></a>
<a name="line-826"></a>* "XMonad.Util.CustomKeys": configure key bindings (see
<a name="line-827"></a>  "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings").
<a name="line-828"></a>
<a name="line-829"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Dmenu":
<a name="line-830"></a>    A convenient binding to dmenu.
<a name="line-831"></a>    Requires the process-1.0 package
<a name="line-832"></a>
<a name="line-833"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Dzen":
<a name="line-834"></a>    Handy wrapper for dzen. Requires dzen &gt;= 0.2.4.
<a name="line-835"></a>
<a name="line-836"></a>* "XMonad.Util.EZConfig": configure key bindings easily, including a
<a name="line-837"></a>  parser for writing key bindings in "M-C-x" style.
<a name="line-838"></a>
<a name="line-839"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Font": A module for abstracting a font facility over
<a name="line-840"></a>  Core fonts and Xft
<a name="line-841"></a>
<a name="line-842"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Invisible":
<a name="line-843"></a>    A data type to store the layout state
<a name="line-844"></a>
<a name="line-845"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Loggers":
<a name="line-846"></a>    A collection of simple logger functions and formatting utilities
<a name="line-847"></a>    which can be used in the 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.ppExtras' field of
<a name="line-848"></a>    a pretty-printing status logger format. See "XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog"
<a name="line-849"></a>    for more information.
<a name="line-850"></a>
<a name="line-851"></a>* "XMonad.Util.NamedActions":
<a name="line-852"></a>    A wrapper for keybinding configuration that can list the available
<a name="line-853"></a>    keybindings.
<a name="line-854"></a>
<a name="line-855"></a>* "XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad":
<a name="line-856"></a>    Like "XMonad.Util.Scratchpad" toggle windows to and from the current
<a name="line-857"></a>    workspace. Supports several arbitrary applications at the same time.
<a name="line-858"></a>
<a name="line-859"></a>* "XMonad.Util.NamedWindows":
<a name="line-860"></a>    This module allows you to associate the X titles of windows with
<a name="line-861"></a>    them.
<a name="line-862"></a>
<a name="line-863"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Paste":
<a name="line-864"></a>    A module for sending key presses to windows. This modules provides generalized
<a name="line-865"></a>    and specialized functions for this task.
<a name="line-866"></a>
<a name="line-867"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Replace":
<a name="line-868"></a>    Implements a @--replace@ flag outside of core.
<a name="line-869"></a>
<a name="line-870"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Run":
<a name="line-871"></a>    This modules provides several commands to run an external process.
<a name="line-872"></a>    It is composed of functions formerly defined in "XMonad.Util.Dmenu" (by
<a name="line-873"></a>    Spencer Janssen), "XMonad.Util.Dzen" (by glasser\ and
<a name="line-874"></a>    XMonad.Util.RunInXTerm (by Andrea Rossato).
<a name="line-875"></a>
<a name="line-876"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Scratchpad":
<a name="line-877"></a>    Very handy hotkey-launched toggleable floating terminal window.
<a name="line-878"></a>
<a name="line-879"></a>* "XMonad.Util.StringProp":
<a name="line-880"></a>    Internal utility functions for storing Strings with the root window.
<a name="line-881"></a>    Used for global state like IORefs with string keys, but more latency,
<a name="line-882"></a>    persistent between xmonad restarts.
<a name="line-883"></a>
<a name="line-884"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Themes":
<a name="line-885"></a>    A (hopefully) growing collection of themes for decorated layouts.
<a name="line-886"></a>
<a name="line-887"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Timer":
<a name="line-888"></a>    A module for setting up timers
<a name="line-889"></a>
<a name="line-890"></a>* "XMonad.Util.Types":
<a name="line-891"></a>    Miscellaneous commonly used types.
<a name="line-892"></a>
<a name="line-893"></a>* "XMonad.Util.WindowProperties":
<a name="line-894"></a>    EDSL for specifying window properties; various utilities related to window
<a name="line-895"></a>    properties.
<a name="line-896"></a>
<a name="line-897"></a>* "XMonad.Util.XSelection":
<a name="line-898"></a>    A module for accessing and manipulating X Window's mouse selection (the buffer used in copy and pasting).
<a name="line-899"></a>    'getSelection' and 'putSelection' are adaptations of Hxsel.hs and Hxput.hs from the XMonad-utils
<a name="line-900"></a>
<a name="line-901"></a>* "XMonad.Util.XUtils":
<a name="line-902"></a>    A module for painting on the screen
<a name="line-903"></a>
<a name="line-904"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-905"></a>
<a name="line-906"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="line-907"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-908"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--  Extending Xmonad</span>
<a name="line-909"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--</span>
<a name="line-910"></a><span class='hs-comment'>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="line-911"></a>
<a name="line-912"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $extending
<a name="line-913"></a>#Extending_xmonad#
<a name="line-914"></a>
<a name="line-915"></a>Since the @xmonad.hs@ file is just another Haskell module, you may
<a name="line-916"></a>import and use any Haskell code or libraries you wish, such as
<a name="line-917"></a>extensions from the xmonad-contrib library, or other code you write
<a name="line-918"></a>yourself.
<a name="line-919"></a>
<a name="line-920"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-921"></a>
<a name="line-922"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $keys
<a name="line-923"></a>#Editing_key_bindings#
<a name="line-924"></a>
<a name="line-925"></a>Editing key bindings means changing the 'XMonad.Core.XConfig.keys'
<a name="line-926"></a>field of the 'XMonad.Core.XConfig' record used by xmonad.  For
<a name="line-927"></a>example, you could write:
<a name="line-928"></a>
<a name="line-929"></a>&gt;    import XMonad
<a name="line-930"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-931"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { keys = myKeys }
<a name="line-932"></a>
<a name="line-933"></a>and provide an appropriate definition of @myKeys@, such as:
<a name="line-934"></a>
<a name="line-935"></a>&gt; myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) =
<a name="line-936"></a>&gt;             [ ((modm, xK_F12), xmonadPrompt defaultXPConfig)
<a name="line-937"></a>&gt;             , ((modm, xK_F3 ), shellPrompt  defaultXPConfig)
<a name="line-938"></a>&gt;             ]
<a name="line-939"></a>
<a name="line-940"></a>This particular definition also requires importing "XMonad.Prompt",
<a name="line-941"></a>"XMonad.Prompt.Shell", and "XMonad.Prompt.XMonad":
<a name="line-942"></a>
<a name="line-943"></a>&gt; import XMonadPrompt
<a name="line-944"></a>&gt; import ...  -- and so on
<a name="line-945"></a>
<a name="line-946"></a>For a list of the names of particular keys (such as xK_F12, and so
<a name="line-947"></a>on), see
<a name="line-948"></a>&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
<a name="line-949"></a>
<a name="line-950"></a>Usually, rather than completely redefining the key bindings, as we did
<a name="line-951"></a>above, we want to simply add some new bindings and\/or remove existing
<a name="line-952"></a>ones.
<a name="line-953"></a>
<a name="line-954"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-955"></a>
<a name="line-956"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $keyAdding
<a name="line-957"></a>#Adding_key_bindings#
<a name="line-958"></a>
<a name="line-959"></a>Adding key bindings can be done in different ways. See the end of this
<a name="line-960"></a>section for the easiest ways. The type signature of
<a name="line-961"></a>'XMonad.Core.XConfig.keys' is:
<a name="line-962"></a>
<a name="line-963"></a>&gt;    keys :: XConfig Layout -&gt; M.Map (ButtonMask,KeySym) (X ())
<a name="line-964"></a>
<a name="line-965"></a>In order to add new key bindings, you need to first create an
<a name="line-966"></a>appropriate 'Data.Map.Map' from a list of key bindings using
<a name="line-967"></a>'Data.Map.fromList'.  This 'Data.Map.Map' of new key bindings then
<a name="line-968"></a>needs to be joined to a 'Data.Map.Map' of existing bindings using
<a name="line-969"></a>'Data.Map.union'.
<a name="line-970"></a>
<a name="line-971"></a>Since we are going to need some of the functions of the "Data.Map"
<a name="line-972"></a>module, before starting we must first import this modules:
<a name="line-973"></a>
<a name="line-974"></a>&gt;    import qualified Data.Map as M
<a name="line-975"></a>
<a name="line-976"></a>
<a name="line-977"></a>For instance, if you have defined some additional key bindings like
<a name="line-978"></a>these:
<a name="line-979"></a>
<a name="line-980"></a>&gt;    myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) =
<a name="line-981"></a>&gt;             [ ((modm, xK_F12), xmonadPrompt defaultXPConfig)
<a name="line-982"></a>&gt;             , ((modm, xK_F3 ), shellPrompt  defaultXPConfig)
<a name="line-983"></a>&gt;             ]
<a name="line-984"></a>
<a name="line-985"></a>then you can create a new key bindings map by joining the default one
<a name="line-986"></a>with yours:
<a name="line-987"></a>
<a name="line-988"></a>&gt;    newKeys x  = M.union (keys defaultConfig x) (M.fromList (myKeys x))
<a name="line-989"></a>
<a name="line-990"></a>Finally, you can use @newKeys@ in the 'XMonad.Core.XConfig.keys' field
<a name="line-991"></a>of the configuration:
<a name="line-992"></a>
<a name="line-993"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { keys = newKeys }
<a name="line-994"></a>
<a name="line-995"></a>All together, your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ would now look like this:
<a name="line-996"></a>
<a name="line-997"></a>
<a name="line-998"></a>&gt;    module Main (main) where
<a name="line-999"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1000"></a>&gt;    import XMonad
<a name="line-1001"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1002"></a>&gt;    import qualified Data.Map as M
<a name="line-1003"></a>&gt;    import Graphics.X11.Xlib
<a name="line-1004"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Prompt
<a name="line-1005"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
<a name="line-1006"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Prompt.XMonad
<a name="line-1007"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1008"></a>&gt;    main :: IO ()
<a name="line-1009"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { keys = newKeys }
<a name="line-1010"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1011"></a>&gt;    newKeys x = M.union (keys defaultConfig x) (M.fromList (myKeys x))
<a name="line-1012"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1013"></a>&gt;    myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) =
<a name="line-1014"></a>&gt;             [ ((modm, xK_F12), xmonadPrompt defaultXPConfig)
<a name="line-1015"></a>&gt;             , ((modm, xK_F3 ), shellPrompt  defaultXPConfig)
<a name="line-1016"></a>&gt;             ]
<a name="line-1017"></a>
<a name="line-1018"></a>There are much simpler ways to accomplish this, however, if you are
<a name="line-1019"></a>willing to use an extension module to help you configure your keys.
<a name="line-1020"></a>For instance, "XMonad.Util.EZConfig" and "XMonad.Util.CustomKeys" both
<a name="line-1021"></a>provide useful functions for editing your key bindings; "XMonad.Util.EZConfig" even lets you use emacs-style keybinding descriptions like \"M-C-&lt;F12&gt;\".
<a name="line-1022"></a>
<a name="line-1023"></a> -}</span>
<a name="line-1024"></a>
<a name="line-1025"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $keyDel
<a name="line-1026"></a>#Removing_key_bindings#
<a name="line-1027"></a>
<a name="line-1028"></a>Removing key bindings requires modifying the 'Data.Map.Map' which
<a name="line-1029"></a>stores the key bindings.  This can be done with 'Data.Map.difference'
<a name="line-1030"></a>or with 'Data.Map.delete'.
<a name="line-1031"></a>
<a name="line-1032"></a>For example, suppose you want to get rid of @mod-q@ and @mod-shift-q@
<a name="line-1033"></a>(you just want to leave xmonad running forever). To do this you need
<a name="line-1034"></a>to define @newKeys@ as a 'Data.Map.difference' between the default
<a name="line-1035"></a>map and the map of the key bindings you want to remove.  Like so:
<a name="line-1036"></a>
<a name="line-1037"></a>&gt;    newKeys x = M.difference (keys defaultConfig x) (M.fromList $ keysToRemove x)
<a name="line-1038"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1039"></a>&gt;    keysToRemove :: XConfig Layout -&gt;    [((KeyMask, KeySym),X ())]
<a name="line-1040"></a>&gt;    keysToRemove x =
<a name="line-1041"></a>&gt;             [ ((modm              , xK_q ), return ())
<a name="line-1042"></a>&gt;             , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_q ), return ())
<a name="line-1043"></a>&gt;             ]
<a name="line-1044"></a>
<a name="line-1045"></a>As you can see, it doesn't matter what actions we associate with the
<a name="line-1046"></a>keys listed in @keysToRemove@, so we just use @return ()@ (the
<a name="line-1047"></a>\"null\" action).
<a name="line-1048"></a>
<a name="line-1049"></a>It is also possible to simply define a list of keys we want to unbind
<a name="line-1050"></a>and then use 'Data.Map.delete' to remove them. In that case we would
<a name="line-1051"></a>write something like:
<a name="line-1052"></a>
<a name="line-1053"></a>&gt;    newKeys x = foldr M.delete (keys defaultConfig x) (keysToRemove x)
<a name="line-1054"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1055"></a>&gt;    keysToRemove :: XConfig Layout -&gt; [(KeyMask, KeySym)]
<a name="line-1056"></a>&gt;    keysToRemove x =
<a name="line-1057"></a>&gt;             [ (modm              , xK_q )
<a name="line-1058"></a>&gt;             , (modm .|. shiftMask, xK_q )
<a name="line-1059"></a>&gt;             ]
<a name="line-1060"></a>
<a name="line-1061"></a>Another even simpler possibility is the use of some of the utilities
<a name="line-1062"></a>provided by the xmonad-contrib library. Look, for instance, at
<a name="line-1063"></a>'XMonad.Util.EZConfig.removeKeys'.
<a name="line-1064"></a>
<a name="line-1065"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-1066"></a>
<a name="line-1067"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $keyAddDel
<a name="line-1068"></a>#Adding_and_removing_key_bindings#
<a name="line-1069"></a>
<a name="line-1070"></a>Adding and removing key bindings requires simply combining the steps
<a name="line-1071"></a>for removing and adding.  Here is an example from
<a name="line-1072"></a>"XMonad.Config.Arossato":
<a name="line-1073"></a>
<a name="line-1074"></a>&gt;    defKeys    = keys defaultConfig
<a name="line-1075"></a>&gt;    delKeys x  = foldr M.delete           (defKeys x) (toRemove x)
<a name="line-1076"></a>&gt;    newKeys x  = foldr (uncurry M.insert) (delKeys x) (toAdd    x)
<a name="line-1077"></a>&gt;    -- remove some of the default key bindings
<a name="line-1078"></a>&gt;    toRemove XConfig{modMask = modm} =
<a name="line-1079"></a>&gt;        [ (modm              , xK_j     )
<a name="line-1080"></a>&gt;        , (modm              , xK_k     )
<a name="line-1081"></a>&gt;        , (modm              , xK_p     )
<a name="line-1082"></a>&gt;        , (modm .|. shiftMask, xK_p     )
<a name="line-1083"></a>&gt;        , (modm .|. shiftMask, xK_q     )
<a name="line-1084"></a>&gt;        , (modm              , xK_q     )
<a name="line-1085"></a>&gt;        ] ++
<a name="line-1086"></a>&gt;        -- I want modm .|. shiftMask 1-9 to be free!
<a name="line-1087"></a>&gt;        [(shiftMask .|. modm, k) | k &lt;- [xK_1 .. xK_9]]
<a name="line-1088"></a>&gt;    -- These are my personal key bindings
<a name="line-1089"></a>&gt;    toAdd XConfig{modMask = modm} =
<a name="line-1090"></a>&gt;        [ ((modm              , xK_F12   ), xmonadPrompt defaultXPConfig )
<a name="line-1091"></a>&gt;        , ((modm              , xK_F3    ), shellPrompt  defaultXPConfig )
<a name="line-1092"></a>&gt;        ] ++
<a name="line-1093"></a>&gt;        -- Use modm .|. shiftMask .|. controlMask 1-9 instead
<a name="line-1094"></a>&gt;        [( (m .|. modm, k), windows $ f i)
<a name="line-1095"></a>&gt;         | (i, k) &lt;- zip (workspaces x) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
<a name="line-1096"></a>&gt;        ,  (f, m) &lt;- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask .|. controlMask)]
<a name="line-1097"></a>&gt;        ]
<a name="line-1098"></a>
<a name="line-1099"></a>You can achieve the same result using the "XMonad.Util.CustomKeys"
<a name="line-1100"></a>module; take a look at the 'XMonad.Util.CustomKeys.customKeys'
<a name="line-1101"></a>function in particular.
<a name="line-1102"></a>
<a name="line-1103"></a>NOTE: modm is defined as the modMask you defined (or left as the default) in
<a name="line-1104"></a>your config.
<a name="line-1105"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-1106"></a>
<a name="line-1107"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $mouse
<a name="line-1108"></a>#Editing_mouse_bindings#
<a name="line-1109"></a>
<a name="line-1110"></a>Most of the previous discussion of key bindings applies to mouse
<a name="line-1111"></a>bindings as well.  For example, you could configure button4 to close
<a name="line-1112"></a>the window you click on like so:
<a name="line-1113"></a>
<a name="line-1114"></a>&gt;    import qualified Data.Map as M
<a name="line-1115"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1116"></a>&gt;    myMouse x  = [ (0, button4), (\w -&gt; focus w &gt;&gt; kill) ]
<a name="line-1117"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1118"></a>&gt;    newMouse x = M.union (mouseBindings defaultConfig x) (M.fromList (myMouse x))
<a name="line-1119"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1120"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { ..., mouseBindings = newMouse, ... }
<a name="line-1121"></a>
<a name="line-1122"></a>Overriding or deleting mouse bindings works similarly.  You can also
<a name="line-1123"></a>configure mouse bindings much more easily using the
<a name="line-1124"></a>'XMonad.Util.EZConfig.additionalMouseBindings' and
<a name="line-1125"></a>'XMonad.Util.EZConfig.removeMouseBindings' functions from the
<a name="line-1126"></a>"XMonad.Util.EZConfig" module.
<a name="line-1127"></a>
<a name="line-1128"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-1129"></a>
<a name="line-1130"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $layoutHook
<a name="line-1131"></a>#Editing_the_layout_hook#
<a name="line-1132"></a>
<a name="line-1133"></a>When you start an application that opens a new window, when you change
<a name="line-1134"></a>the focused window, or move it to another workspace, or change that
<a name="line-1135"></a>workspace's layout, xmonad will use the 'XMonad.Core.layoutHook' for
<a name="line-1136"></a>reordering the visible windows on the visible workspace(s).
<a name="line-1137"></a>
<a name="line-1138"></a>Since different layouts may be attached to different workspaces, and
<a name="line-1139"></a>you can change them, xmonad needs to know which one to use. In this
<a name="line-1140"></a>sense the layoutHook may be thought as the list of layouts that
<a name="line-1141"></a>xmonad will use for laying out windows on the screen(s).
<a name="line-1142"></a>
<a name="line-1143"></a>The problem is that the layout subsystem is implemented with an
<a name="line-1144"></a>advanced feature of the Haskell programming language: type classes.
<a name="line-1145"></a>This allows us to very easily write new layouts, combine or modify
<a name="line-1146"></a>existing layouts, create layouts with internal state, etc. See
<a name="line-1147"></a>"XMonad.Doc.Extending#The_LayoutClass" for more information. This
<a name="line-1148"></a>means that we cannot simply have a list of layouts as we used to have
<a name="line-1149"></a>before the 0.5 release: a list requires every member to belong to the
<a name="line-1150"></a>same type!
<a name="line-1151"></a>
<a name="line-1152"></a>Instead the combination of layouts to be used by xmonad is created
<a name="line-1153"></a>with a specific layout combinator: 'XMonad.Layout.|||'.
<a name="line-1154"></a>
<a name="line-1155"></a>Suppose we want a list with the 'XMonad.Layout.Full',
<a name="line-1156"></a>'XMonad.Layout.Tabbed.tabbed' and
<a name="line-1157"></a>'XMonad.Layout.Accordion.Accordion' layouts. First we import, in our
<a name="line-1158"></a>@~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@, all the needed modules:
<a name="line-1159"></a>
<a name="line-1160"></a>&gt;    import XMonad
<a name="line-1161"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1162"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
<a name="line-1163"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
<a name="line-1164"></a>
<a name="line-1165"></a>Then we create the combination of layouts we need:
<a name="line-1166"></a>
<a name="line-1167"></a>&gt;    mylayoutHook = Full ||| tabbed shrinkText defaultTConf ||| Accordion
<a name="line-1168"></a>
<a name="line-1169"></a>
<a name="line-1170"></a>Now, all we need to do is change the 'XMonad.Core.layoutHook'
<a name="line-1171"></a>field of the 'XMonad.Core.XConfig' record, like so:
<a name="line-1172"></a>
<a name="line-1173"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { layoutHook = mylayoutHook }
<a name="line-1174"></a>
<a name="line-1175"></a>Thanks to the new combinator, we can apply a layout modifier to a
<a name="line-1176"></a>whole combination of layouts, instead of applying it to each one. For
<a name="line-1177"></a>example, suppose we want to use the
<a name="line-1178"></a>'XMonad.Layout.NoBorders.noBorders' layout modifier, from the
<a name="line-1179"></a>"XMonad.Layout.NoBorders" module (which must be imported):
<a name="line-1180"></a>
<a name="line-1181"></a>&gt;    mylayoutHook = noBorders (Full ||| tabbed shrinkText defaultTConf ||| Accordion)
<a name="line-1182"></a>
<a name="line-1183"></a>If we want only the tabbed layout without borders, then we may write:
<a name="line-1184"></a>
<a name="line-1185"></a>&gt;    mylayoutHook = Full ||| noBorders (tabbed shrinkText defaultTConf) ||| Accordion
<a name="line-1186"></a>
<a name="line-1187"></a>Our @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ will now look like this:
<a name="line-1188"></a>
<a name="line-1189"></a>&gt;    import XMonad
<a name="line-1190"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1191"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
<a name="line-1192"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
<a name="line-1193"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
<a name="line-1194"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1195"></a>&gt;    mylayoutHook = Full ||| noBorders (tabbed shrinkText defaultTConf) ||| Accordion
<a name="line-1196"></a>&gt;
<a name="line-1197"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { layoutHook = mylayoutHook }
<a name="line-1198"></a>
<a name="line-1199"></a>That's it!
<a name="line-1200"></a>
<a name="line-1201"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-1202"></a>
<a name="line-1203"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $manageHook
<a name="line-1204"></a>#Editing_the_manage_hook#
<a name="line-1205"></a>
<a name="line-1206"></a>The 'XMonad.Core.manageHook' is a very powerful tool for customizing
<a name="line-1207"></a>the behavior of xmonad with regard to new windows.  Whenever a new
<a name="line-1208"></a>window is created, xmonad calls the 'XMonad.Core.manageHook', which
<a name="line-1209"></a>can thus be used to perform certain actions on the new window, such as
<a name="line-1210"></a>placing it in a specific workspace, ignoring it, or placing it in the
<a name="line-1211"></a>float layer.
<a name="line-1212"></a>
<a name="line-1213"></a>The default 'XMonad.Core.manageHook' causes xmonad to float MPlayer
<a name="line-1214"></a>and Gimp, and to ignore gnome-panel, desktop_window, kicker, and
<a name="line-1215"></a>kdesktop.
<a name="line-1216"></a>
<a name="line-1217"></a>The "XMonad.ManageHook" module provides some simple combinators that
<a name="line-1218"></a>can be used to alter the 'XMonad.Core.manageHook' by replacing or adding
<a name="line-1219"></a>to the default actions.
<a name="line-1220"></a>
<a name="line-1221"></a>Let's start by analyzing the default 'XMonad.Config.manageHook', defined
<a name="line-1222"></a>in "XMonad.Config":
<a name="line-1223"></a>
<a name="line-1224"></a>
<a name="line-1225"></a>&gt;    manageHook :: ManageHook
<a name="line-1226"></a>&gt;    manageHook = composeAll
<a name="line-1227"></a>&gt;                    [ className =? "MPlayer"        --&gt; doFloat
<a name="line-1228"></a>&gt;                    , className =? "Gimp"           --&gt; doFloat
<a name="line-1229"></a>&gt;                    , resource  =? "desktop_window" --&gt; doIgnore
<a name="line-1230"></a>&gt;                    , resource  =? "kdesktop"       --&gt; doIgnore ]
<a name="line-1231"></a>
<a name="line-1232"></a>'XMonad.ManageHook.composeAll' can be used to compose a list of
<a name="line-1233"></a>different 'XMonad.Config.ManageHook's. In this example we have a list
<a name="line-1234"></a>of 'XMonad.Config.ManageHook's formed by the following commands: the
<a name="line-1235"></a>Mplayer's and the Gimp's windows, whose 'XMonad.ManageHook.className'
<a name="line-1236"></a>are, respectively \"Mplayer\" and \"Gimp\", are to be placed in the
<a name="line-1237"></a>float layer with the 'XMonad.ManageHook.doFloat' function; the windows
<a name="line-1238"></a>whose resource names are respectively \"desktop_window\" and
<a name="line-1239"></a>\kdesktop\" are to be ignored with the 'XMonad.ManageHook.doIgnore'
<a name="line-1240"></a>function.
<a name="line-1241"></a>
<a name="line-1242"></a>This is another example of 'XMonad.Config.manageHook', taken from
<a name="line-1243"></a>"XMonad.Config.Arossato":
<a name="line-1244"></a>
<a name="line-1245"></a>&gt;    myManageHook  = composeAll [ resource =? "realplay.bin" --&gt; doFloat
<a name="line-1246"></a>&gt;                               , resource =? "win"          --&gt; doF (W.shift "doc") -- xpdf
<a name="line-1247"></a>&gt;                               , resource =? "firefox-bin"  --&gt; doF (W.shift "web")
<a name="line-1248"></a>&gt;                               ]
<a name="line-1249"></a>&gt;    newManageHook = myManageHook &lt;+&gt; manageHook defaultConfig
<a name="line-1250"></a>
<a name="line-1251"></a>
<a name="line-1252"></a>Again we use 'XMonad.ManageHook.composeAll' to compose a list of
<a name="line-1253"></a>different 'XMonad.Config.ManageHook's. The first one will put
<a name="line-1254"></a>RealPlayer on the float layer, the second one will put the xpdf
<a name="line-1255"></a>windows in the workspace named \"doc\", with 'XMonad.ManageHook.doF'
<a name="line-1256"></a>and 'XMonad.StackSet.shift' functions, and the third one will put all
<a name="line-1257"></a>firefox windows on the workspace called "web". Then we use the
<a name="line-1258"></a>'XMonad.ManageHook.&lt;+&gt;' combinator to compose @myManageHook@ with the
<a name="line-1259"></a>default 'XMonad.Config.manageHook' to form @newManageHook@.
<a name="line-1260"></a>
<a name="line-1261"></a>Each 'XMonad.Config.ManageHook' has the form:
<a name="line-1262"></a>
<a name="line-1263"></a>&gt;    property =? match --&gt; action
<a name="line-1264"></a>
<a name="line-1265"></a>Where @property@ can be:
<a name="line-1266"></a>
<a name="line-1267"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.title': the window's title
<a name="line-1268"></a>
<a name="line-1269"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.resource': the resource name
<a name="line-1270"></a>
<a name="line-1271"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.className': the resource class name.
<a name="line-1272"></a>
<a name="line-1273"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.stringProperty' @somestring@: the contents of the
<a name="line-1274"></a>  property @somestring@.
<a name="line-1275"></a>
<a name="line-1276"></a>(You can retrieve the needed information using the X utility named
<a name="line-1277"></a>@xprop@; for example, to find the resource class name, you can type
<a name="line-1278"></a>
<a name="line-1279"></a>&gt; xprop | grep WM_CLASS
<a name="line-1280"></a>
<a name="line-1281"></a>at a prompt, then click on the window whose resource class you want to
<a name="line-1282"></a>know.)
<a name="line-1283"></a>
<a name="line-1284"></a>@match@ is the string that will match the property value (for instance
<a name="line-1285"></a>the one you retrieved with @xprop@).
<a name="line-1286"></a>
<a name="line-1287"></a>An  @action@ can be:
<a name="line-1288"></a>
<a name="line-1289"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.doFloat': to place the window in the float layer;
<a name="line-1290"></a>
<a name="line-1291"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.doIgnore': to ignore the window;
<a name="line-1292"></a>
<a name="line-1293"></a>* 'XMonad.ManageHook.doF': to execute a function with the window as
<a name="line-1294"></a>  argument.
<a name="line-1295"></a>
<a name="line-1296"></a>For example, suppose we want to add a 'XMonad.Config.manageHook' to
<a name="line-1297"></a>float RealPlayer, which usually has a 'XMonad.ManageHook.resource'
<a name="line-1298"></a>name of \"realplay.bin\".
<a name="line-1299"></a>
<a name="line-1300"></a>First we need to import "XMonad.ManageHook":
<a name="line-1301"></a>
<a name="line-1302"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.ManageHook
<a name="line-1303"></a>
<a name="line-1304"></a>Then we create our own 'XMonad.Config.manageHook':
<a name="line-1305"></a>
<a name="line-1306"></a>&gt;    myManageHook = resource =? "realplay.bin" --&gt; doFloat
<a name="line-1307"></a>
<a name="line-1308"></a>We can now use the 'XMonad.ManageHook.&lt;+&gt;' combinator to add our
<a name="line-1309"></a>'XMonad.Config.manageHook' to the default one:
<a name="line-1310"></a>
<a name="line-1311"></a>&gt;    newManageHook = myManageHook &lt;+&gt; manageHook defaultConfig
<a name="line-1312"></a>
<a name="line-1313"></a>(Of course, if we wanted to completely replace the default
<a name="line-1314"></a>'XMonad.Config.manageHook', this step would not be necessary.) Now,
<a name="line-1315"></a>all we need to do is change the 'XMonad.Core.manageHook' field of the
<a name="line-1316"></a>'XMonad.Core.XConfig' record, like so:
<a name="line-1317"></a>
<a name="line-1318"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad defaultConfig { ..., manageHook = newManageHook, ... }
<a name="line-1319"></a>
<a name="line-1320"></a>And we are done.
<a name="line-1321"></a>
<a name="line-1322"></a>Obviously, we may wish to add more then one
<a name="line-1323"></a>'XMonad.Config.manageHook'. In this case we can use a list of hooks,
<a name="line-1324"></a>compose them all with 'XMonad.ManageHook.composeAll', and add the
<a name="line-1325"></a>composed to the default one.
<a name="line-1326"></a>
<a name="line-1327"></a>For instance, if we want RealPlayer to float and thunderbird always
<a name="line-1328"></a>opened in the workspace named "mail", we can do so like this:
<a name="line-1329"></a>
<a name="line-1330"></a>&gt;    myManageHook = composeAll [ resource =? "realplay.bin"    --&gt; doFloat
<a name="line-1331"></a>&gt;                              , resource =? "thunderbird-bin" --&gt; doF (W.shift "mail")
<a name="line-1332"></a>&gt;                              ]
<a name="line-1333"></a>
<a name="line-1334"></a>Remember to import the module that defines the 'XMonad.StackSet.shift'
<a name="line-1335"></a>function, "XMonad.StackSet", like this:
<a name="line-1336"></a>
<a name="line-1337"></a>&gt;    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
<a name="line-1338"></a>
<a name="line-1339"></a>And then we can add @myManageHook@ to the default one to create
<a name="line-1340"></a>@newManageHook@ as we did in the previous example.
<a name="line-1341"></a>
<a name="line-1342"></a>One more thing to note about this system is that if
<a name="line-1343"></a>a window matches multiple rules in a 'XMonad.Config.manageHook', /all/
<a name="line-1344"></a>of the corresponding actions will be run (in the order in which they
<a name="line-1345"></a>are defined).  This is a change from versions before 0.5, when only
<a name="line-1346"></a>the first rule that matched was run.
<a name="line-1347"></a>
<a name="line-1348"></a>Finally, for additional rules and actions you can use in your
<a name="line-1349"></a>manageHook, check out the contrib module "XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers".
<a name="line-1350"></a>
<a name="line-1351"></a>-}</span>
<a name="line-1352"></a>
<a name="line-1353"></a><span class='hs-comment'>{- $logHook
<a name="line-1354"></a>#The_log_hook_and_external_status_bars#
<a name="line-1355"></a>
<a name="line-1356"></a>When the stack of the windows managed by xmonad changes for any
<a name="line-1357"></a>reason, xmonad will call 'XMonad.Core.logHook', which can be used to
<a name="line-1358"></a>output some information about the internal state of xmonad, such as the
<a name="line-1359"></a>layout that is presently in use, the workspace we are in, the focused
<a name="line-1360"></a>window's title, and so on.
<a name="line-1361"></a>
<a name="line-1362"></a>Extracting information about the internal xmonad state can be somewhat
<a name="line-1363"></a>difficult if you are not familiar with the source code. Therefore,
<a name="line-1364"></a>it's usually easiest to use a module that has been designed
<a name="line-1365"></a>specifically for logging some of the most interesting information
<a name="line-1366"></a>about the internal state of xmonad: "XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog".  This
<a name="line-1367"></a>module can be used with an external status bar to print the produced
<a name="line-1368"></a>logs in a convenient way; the most commonly used status bars are dzen
<a name="line-1369"></a>and xmobar.
<a name="line-1370"></a>
<a name="line-1371"></a>By default the 'XMonad.Core.logHook' doesn't produce anything. To
<a name="line-1372"></a>enable it you need first to import "XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog":
<a name="line-1373"></a>
<a name="line-1374"></a>&gt;    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
<a name="line-1375"></a>
<a name="line-1376"></a>Then you just need to update the 'XMonad.Core.logHook' field of the
<a name="line-1377"></a>'XMonad.Core.XConfig' record with one of the provided functions. For
<a name="line-1378"></a>example:
<a name="line-1379"></a>
<a name="line-1380"></a>&gt;    main = xmonad defaultConfig { logHook = dynamicLog }
<a name="line-1381"></a>
<a name="line-1382"></a>More interesting configurations are also possible; see the
<a name="line-1383"></a>"XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog" module for more possibilities.
<a name="line-1384"></a>
<a name="line-1385"></a>You may now enjoy your extended xmonad experience.
<a name="line-1386"></a>
<a name="line-1387"></a>Have fun!
<a name="line-1388"></a>
<a name="line-1389"></a>-}</span>