

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > b28036203627323216f00bf1ecd771db > files > 4


# Sample configuration for mrxvt-0.5.0. To use, copy it to ~/.mrxvtrc.
# This sets up a pseudo-transparent terminal with black tinted background, Xft
# font, a transparent Firefox style tab-bar, and a next style scroll bar.
# Additionally, using the -name option you can get the following behaviour:
#   Full screen:
#   	Start mrxvt with "mrxvt -name FullScreen". Produces a full screen
#   	terminal.
#   Kitchen Sink:
#   	Start mrxvt with "mrxvt -name KitchenSink". This produces an mrxvt
#   	window with three tabs on startup. It loads your shell in the first tab,
#   	and vim and mutt in the other two tabs. There aren't any other
#   	applications you need to load anyway... ;)
#   FvwmConsole:
#   	Produces a small blue tinted terminal, mainly for use as an fvwm
#   	console. Just load the FvwmConsole module with
#   		FvwmConsole -terminal mrxvt
#   	and these settings will be used.
#   Root:
#   	Start mrxvt with "mrxvt -name Root". This produces a green tinted mrxvt
#   	windows which loads a root shell in the first tab. Ctrl+Shift+t opens a
#   	new tab as root, and Ctrl+Shift+n opens a new tab as a regular user.

# -----------------------------	TAB-BAR OPTIONS ------------------------------ #

Mrxvt.bottomTabbar:		True

# Only show the tab bar if there is more than one tab.
Mrxvt.autohideTabbar:		True

# The number of tabs to attempt to keep visible. The width of tabs will shrink
# to keep at least these many tabs visible.
Mrxvt.minVisibleTabs:		8

# The max width in chars for each tab (only used with x11 fonts, or if xftPFont
# is not specified).
# Mrxvt.maxTabWidth:		17

# Hide left / right / close buttons in the tab bar.
# Mrxvt.hideButtons:		True

# Make the terminal title the same as the active tab title.
Mrxvt.syncTabTitle:		True
# Mrxvt.syncTabIcon:		true

# Display the tab number in the title. Useful so that you can use Alt+digit to
# quickly switch between tabs.
Mrxvt.titleFormat:		%n. %t

# Highlight inactive tabs only when they sound a bell (and not whenever they
# produce output).
Mrxvt.highlightTabOnBell:	True

# Tab bar colors
Mrxvt.itabBackground:		#101010
Mrxvt.tabBackground:		#000000
Mrxvt.itabForeground:		#909090
Mrxvt.tabForeground:		#9a9a9a

# Mrxvt.tabbarPixmap:		tabbarbg.png
# Mrxvt.tabUsePixmap:		false

# ---------------------- SCROLLING / SCROLLBAR OPTIONS ----------------------- #

Mrxvt.scrollBar:		true
Mrxvt.scrollbarRight:		true
Mrxvt.scrollbarStyle:		rxvt

# Number of lines to save in the scroll back buffer for all tabs
Mrxvt.saveLines:		500

# Don't scroll to the bottom every time some output is produced.
Mrxvt.scrollTtyOutputInhibit:	true

# Scroll to the bottom when a key is pressed.
Mrxvt.scrollTtyKeypress:	true

# Scroll bar colors
Mrxvt.scrollColor:		#808080
Mrxvt.troughColor:		#202020

# Mrxvt.scrollbarPixmap:	scrollbarbg.jpg

# ------------------------------- TRANSPARENCY ------------------------------- #

# True translucency (using Xorg's composite extension).
# Mrxvt.opacity:		75
# Mrxvt.opacityDegree:		5

# Pseudo transparency. As long as you set the background using an esetroot
# compatible program (e.g. feh), then the following will work. It is pretty
# resource friendly too :).
Mrxvt.transparent:		True
Mrxvt.transparentScrollbar:	True
Mrxvt.transparentTabbar:	True
Mrxvt.transparentMenubar:	False

# Color / degree to which the root background should be tinted.
Mrxvt.tintColor:		#000000
Mrxvt.shading:			75

# ---------------------------------- FONTS ----------------------------------- #
Mrxvt.xft:			1
Mrxvt.xftFont:			Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Mrxvt.xftSize:			13
Mrxvt.xftAntialias:		1

# The options below are better set using ~/.fonts.config. Mrxvt will use the
# defaults passed to the fontconfig library.
# Mrxvt.xftHinting:		1
# Mrxvt.xftAutoHint:		1
# Mrxvt.xftGlobalAdvance:	1
# Mrxvt.xftRGBA:		rgb
# Mrxvt.xftslow:		1

# Don't load a multi-char font. This will reduce the line space if your multi
# char font has different dimensions than the regular font. You might need to
# comment it out if you want to use XIM and non-english fonts.
Mrxvt.xftNomFont:		1

# Font to use for tab bar / menus. This need not be mono-spaced ;).
Mrxvt.xftPFont:			Bitstream Vera Sans
Mrxvt.xftPSize:			10

# Shadow text
# Mrxvt.textShadow:		red
# Mrxvt.textShadowMode:		botright

# XIM input / multi char support. To use this, you should also comment out the
# xftNomFont line above.
# Mrxvt.xftmFont:		SimSun
# Mrxvt.multichar_encoding:	GB
# Mrxvt.inputMethod:		SCIM

# ---------------------------------- CURSOR ---------------------------------- #
Mrxvt.cursorBlink:		true
Mrxvt.cursorColor:		#00ff00
Mrxvt.cursorColor2:		#000000

# ---------------------------------- COLORS ---------------------------------- #

# Setup colors for a black background.
Mrxvt.background:		#000000
Mrxvt.foreground:		#9a9a9a

Mrxvt.color0:			#000000
Mrxvt.color1:			#af0000
Mrxvt.color2:			#00af00
Mrxvt.color3:			#afaf00
Mrxvt.color4:			#0000af
Mrxvt.color5:			#af00af
Mrxvt.color6:			#00afaf
Mrxvt.color7:			#9a9a9a
Mrxvt.color8:			#5f5f5f
Mrxvt.color9:			#d70000
Mrxvt.color10:			#00d700
Mrxvt.color11:			#d7d700
Mrxvt.color12:			#0000d7
Mrxvt.color13:			#d700d7
Mrxvt.color14:			#00d7d7
Mrxvt.color15:			#d7d7d7

# Display bold and underlined text in color, rather than using the terminal
# attributes. This makes reading man pages a little easier.
Mrxvt.colorBD:			#00afaf
Mrxvt.colorUL:			#00af00
# Mrxvt.colorRV:		#000040

# Display the X selection as highlighted instead of using reverse video.
Mrxvt.highlightColor:		#303060

# Colors when terminal window looses focus. (Does not work well with Xft).
# Mrxvt.ufBackground:		yellow
# Mrxvt.backgroundFade:		50

# ------------------------------- MISC OPTIONS ------------------------------- #

# The value of the TERM environment variable. Default is rxvt. If you have
# trouble, try uncommenting the following line.
# Mrxvt.termName:		xterm

# Default title of each tab.
Mrxvt.tabTitle:			mrxvt

# Border to leave around terminal text
Mrxvt.internalBorder:		2

# Make double click select whole URL's
Mrxvt.cutChars:			:=/~#@?%&_-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

# Blank the mouse pointer on keystrokes or after 10 seconds of inactivity.
Mrxvt.pointerBlank:		True
Mrxvt.pointerBlankDelay:	10

# Don't close the tab if the secondary screen is displayed (e.g. when running
# vim).
Mrxvt.protectSecondary:		True

# Run as a login shell.
# Mrxvt.loginShell:		True

# Enable session management
# Mrxvt.sessionMgt:		true

# --------------------------------- PROFILES --------------------------------- #

# Root console on profile 1. Matrix like green font for root :).
Mrxvt.profile1.foreground:	#809a70
Mrxvt.profile1.background:	#002000
Mrxvt.profile1.command:		su
Mrxvt.profile1.tabTitle:	su

# Better to start root consoles in root's home directory (and not the current
# directory).
# Mrxvt.profile1.Pixmap:	matrix.jpg

# Vim on profile 2. Vim is run in a shell, so after Vim exits, you'll get the
# shell prompt.
Mrxvt.profile2.command:		!vim
# Mrxvt.profile2.Pixmap:	vim.png

# Mutt on profile 3. Kill the scroll back buffer, to save a little memory.
# Mrxvt.profile3.Pixmap:	email.jpg
Mrxvt.profile3.saveLines:	0
Mrxvt.profile3.command:		mutt

# ---------------------------- KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ---------------------------- #

# Open profiles 1 -- 4 on Ctrl+Shift+F1 -- F4.
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+Shift+F1:	NewTab -1
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+Shift+F2:	NewTab -2
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+Shift+F3:	NewTab -3
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+Shift+F4:	NewTab -4

# Save the scroll back buffer to a file, and open it (in less / vim) in a new
# tab. Useful for searching, or cut/paste from the scroll back buffer.
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Ctrl+Shift+question: PrintScreen -ps perl -e '$_=join("",<STDIN>); s/\n+$/\n/g; print' > /tmp/%p-scrollback
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Add+Ctrl+Shift+question: NewTab "(Tab %n scrollback)" \!less -ifLR +G /tmp/%p-scrollback; rm /tmp/%p-scrollback

Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Ctrl+slash: PrintScreen -s perl -e '$_=join("",<STDIN>); s/\n+$/\n/g; print' > /tmp/%p-scrollback
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Add+Ctrl+slash: NewTab "(Tab %n scrollback)" \!view +"syn off| set nospell notitle noreadonly modifiable buftype=nofile |normal G" /tmp/%p-scrollback; rm /tmp/%p-scrollback

# When running a shell, this clears the scroll back buffer and executes the
# current command. Useful if you're going to (or have just) run a command that
# produces a lot of output. (Primary screen only).
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Shift+Return:	Esc \ec
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Add+Shift+Return:	Str ^M

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #


# ------------------------------- FULL SCREEN -------------------------------- #
FullScreen.bottomTabbar:	False

# Set a large font ;)
FullScreen.xftSize:		17
FullScreen.xftPSize:		12

# Keep as many tabs as possible on screen
FullScreen.minVisibleTabs:	15

# Set the window size increment to 1, so that the X server can resize our window
# to the screen size without leaving any border.
FullScreen.smoothResize:	True

# Request a full screen window from the window manager. Requires a EWMH
# compatible window manager. This certainly works on OpenBox, Fvwm, KDE, and
# possibly many others.
FullScreen.fullscreen:		True

# ------------------------------- KITCHEN SINK ------------------------------- #
# Number of tabs to launch initially
KitchenSink.initProfileList:	    0,2,3

# ------------------------------- FVWM CONSOLE ------------------------------- #
FvwmConsole.initProfileList:	    4
FvwmConsole.profile4.tabTitle:	    FvwmConsole
FvwmConsole.profile4.background:    #101020
FvwmConsole.profile4.holdExit:	    4

FvwmConsole.xftSize:		    12
FvwmConsole.tintColor:		    #181830
FvwmConsole.geometry:		    60x15
FvwmConsole.scrollBar:		    False

# ------------------------------- ROOT CONSOLE ------------------------------- #

Root.initProfileList:		    1
Root.tintColor:			    #002000
Root.itabBackground:		    #002000

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# vim: set ft=mrxvtrc ts=8 sts=4: