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<META NAME="Author"                   					CONTENT="Emil Brink,, 27-Aug-1998">
<META NAME="Design and HTML"			           		CONTENT="Ulf Pettersson,, 29-Sep-1998">
<META NAME="Copyright"                                  CONTENT="May be redistributed and changed according to the GNU General Public License. See gpl.html" LANG="en">

<META NAME="Keywords"                                   CONTENT="gentoo, Obsession, Emil Brink, filemanager, GTK+, Linux, file management, graphical configurability, Ulf Pettersson, Johan Hanson, files, copying, Obsession Development, " LANG="en">
<META NAME="Description"                                CONTENT="gentoo Documentation and User Manual. gentoo is a highly configurable graphical filemanager for Linux and other Unix-operating systems." LANG="en">
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<TITLE>gentoo Documentation: Quick Guide</TITLE>


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<H1>Quick Guide</H1>

<IMG SRC="images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

This is a super-quick guide to <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>. Its purpose is to provide, at a glance, some ideas
about what kind of a program <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> is, and how you use it.

<H2>General Principles</H2>
<STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> is a direct-manipulation, single-window, two-pane, mouse-oriented and graphically
configurable file manager. It provides simultanous display of the contents of two directories in
your file system, and allows you to operate upon the files (and directories, links, et cetera) shown.
It can do file type recognition, and allows you to control how files of various types are displayed.
When you start up <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>, you will be presented with a single window. This is the
main window, in which all file operations are carried out. The window is split vertically into
two big areas, called <I>panes</I>. Each pane presents a vertical list of the the contents of a directory;
the path to that directory is shown below the pane.
One of the two panes is always the <STRONG>current</STRONG> pane, signified by it having a heavy black
border. The current pane acts as the <EM>source</EM> directory for most file operations, while the
other pane becomes the <EM>destination</EM>. To select a different pane, click it.

<H2>Basic Operations</H2>
<H3>Selecting Files</H3>
Click the left mouse button on a row in a pane to select it. Its colors invert to indicate selection.
Click it again to deselect. You can drag the mouse to (de)select mutiple rows quickly.

<H3>Operating Upon Selected Items</H3>
Once you have selected a few items, you can envoke various functions built into <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> to
do things to the selected items. For example, to copy the selected files (and directories) to the
destination pane, click the "Copy" button in the button bank below the panes.

<STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> has been designed to provide 100% graphical configurability. This means that <STRONG>all</STRONG>
options recognized by the program can be set using the mouse and standard GUI controls such as buttons,
lists, check boxes, and so on. To access the configuration GUI, click the button labeled "Configure".

If <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> isn't for you, and you want out; just close its window. The program will terminate
immediately, no questions asked.