

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 0820ca7d536e16d63714d7d92f27b8f1 > files > 10


Fix "hills" in the map-editor. Currently not implemented those commands.

TODO list for trackballs:

This is a list of feature requests, bugs and known inconsistencies.
It is divided into the sections: known bugs, feature requests, 
code cleanup and documentation



Fix LOCALEDIR option as suggested by mikael. See below:

This doesn't work very
well on Gentoo since the games data files go under /usr/share/games but
the preferred location for locale files is /usr/share/locale.

Hacking up src/ and po/ by changing the localedir
variable but then the source doesn't honor the LOCALEDIR define that
is set in src/ (DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" @DEFS@).
Instead, it uses effectiveShareDir.

Ideally, a localedir parameter would be added to configure but having
the settings code honor the LOCALEDIR would be fine as well.

Add a shadow under the ball, this would improve realism greatly.

Nice parsing of the *.set files, allowing multiple languages etc. for
the descriptive texts.


1.0         Known Bugs


Bugs marked with a (?) after the title *may* alread have been fixed. 
Verify if these bugs still are present.

1.3        Up-arrow stuck (?)          MAYBE FIXED

The up-arrow is sometimes stuck when restarting a new level. 

1.6        Broken physics (?)

Fix cheat in ball physics - by moving to close to another cell you can get 
drawn up on it.

1.7        Broken physics 

Sometimes the ball can get stuck on an edge. Clue to find bug: print out the position
of the ball continusly, play until such a position is found and restart from that 
position while debugging.

1.8        Ground physics

Make the friction etc. of ice and normal ground configurable.

1.9        Pipe physics

Fix the physics when entering pipes, rather than bouncing on entrance.

1.12       Compiling :: srpms etc.                                  FIXED

1.13       Binary distributions

Create a "make install" script for binary files. Maybe allow customized scripts
starting trackballs and telling it where all the files are. (Creating 
correct desktop files)

1.14       Heightmodifier broken

Doesn't seem to update the center of the squares.

1.15       Player::tick modTimeLeft[MOD_SPEED] > 0                  FINISHED

1.16       i18n - Change does not affect map editor immediatly

Some modes (eg. editMode) does not propagate the effect of the language settings until the game is restarted.


2.0         Feature Requests 


2.1         Multiplayer

Multiplayer for multiple computers and/or on same computer.
Implement multiplayer modes in the game. Possible variations:
- Race

2.3         Resizable windows

Ability to resize window (when in windowed mode) and/or posibility to
give exact window size (not just selections like "1024x768").

2.5         Choose level

In the setup screen: Allow left/right arrow to switch between choosen 
level easier.

2.6         Initial menu - speed

Inncrease the speed of the initial menu. 10fps on my computer is too slow.

2.7         First use::calibration of mouse

Go to a mouse calibration screen (like for the joystick) the first
time the game is started. Later: screen accessible through the menus.

Ask user to place mouse is at top left corner of mouse pad and hit button.
Get user to move mouse to bottom-right corner on a diagonal and then
press space.Now this only works if mouse is rolled to each corner.
If mouse is lifted, then it won't work. You then know the distance in
co-ordinates and can now adjust the amount of sensitivity needed. If the
distance is big, then reduce sensitivity. If the distance is short, increase

2.8         Disappering ground

Ground that disappears when moving on it.

2.9         Context sensitive help in the editor

2.10        Snapshots

Saving snapshots etc. as png instead of ppm. Also, using automatic snapshots together with the 
highscores file.

2.11        Editor - use menus

Implement a menu system in the editor. See TODO.editor

2.12        Mr. Black

Determine what features etc. he should be afraid of.

2.13        Alternative difficuly settings

alternative difficulty settings "sandbox" (just for playing around) and "champion" (see below).

> Perhaps a "Championship" option for the game might be an option? I mean
> complete all the levels from Kidz, through to Jumpz one by one. It could
> have a different High scoring - more like Frozen Bubble where your score
> is the level you got to - and the time it took. That way, in such a
> competition, you can have infinite lives. It could also take into account
> the scores/flags obtained along the way, as to not just be about totally
> about speed.

2.14        api :: Generalized callbacks

Create generalized callbacks for many objects. Ie, a lambda expression
that can be called whenever an object is touched, created, the game is reset etc. 
Use it to create flags with a callback function.

2.15        General wind

2.16        Poison pill, Medicin pill

2.17        Alternative opponents

Add more controll flags for Mr. Black and create alternative opponents.
Pendulum, Hammer, ..., 
Laser beams

2.17b       Better controll of opponent behaviours
Allow some (level designer) control of the opponent behviours. Ie, the path
they can take or the area they have to stay within. What they are afraid of etc.

2.18        Visual effects
Add clouds, fumes emtted from pipes etc.

2.19        Lava

Hot ground and lava effects. Maybe lava is moving.

2.20        Visible overview map
Make a visible overview map

2.21        Hidden levelsets

locked levelsets, have to complete X other levelsets first.

2.22        AA polygons

Implement polygon AA for all map polygons (if the graphics card support it).

2.23        Environment map         (DONE)

2.24        Fonts etc. on settings screens

2.25        Let editor create files in current directory

2.26        Decorations

Display "fortunes"... eg. small tips scrolling by on bottom of screen. 
display names of songs ( "Life by Design", "Genesis (In The Beginning)" )

2.27        Finish boxes and their physics

2.28        Editor :: visualize flags

Possiblity to visualise ground flags in editor. Esp. the "kill" flag.

2.29        Speed bumps

2.30        Automatic snapshots of interesting game events...

2.31        "simple" debris (eg. for sand, frozen) using points instead of spheres

2.32        Editor :: check file permissions

2.33        Accellerate key      FINISHED

Create new user key (right mousebutton, joystick 2) that can accellerate the
player in the current direction. Configurable if it should be allowed to use.
Maybe changes the effect of the "speed" modification.

2.34        Springs

When player moves over a spring he automatically jumps.

2.35        Alternative "flags"

Allow diamonds, coins etc. on map which have a good effect of taking such
as adding extra time.

2.36        Multiple layers of ground

Probably impossible to do under current architecture. Maybe possible to fake
by creating special "bridge" objects which acts as a second layer just like pipes
but are drawn as normal ground.

2.37       Rotation of map in editor and in game

2.38       Handle .scm files in editor

Maybe by having special comments for automatically manipulated sections
of the file. 

2.39       Add a way of skipping a too difficult level
May make it cost one life and half the points or so to skip a 
difficult level. 

2.40       Level specific music                       FIXED

2.41       New music                                  FIXED

2.42       "Now playing"

A scrolling text saying which song just was started...

2.43       Changing screen resolutions

Let the user himself specify exactly which screen resolution to use / check 
that it works and fall back it it doesn't. Fix crash between 
16bpp/32bpp switch. Allow arbitrary resolutions (like 117 x 42...)

2.44       Mr. Black / Baby - controll area

Add possibility to control the area the other balls are allowed to wander into.

2.45       New main screen                            FIXED

2.46       Customized camera position

Give both position, focus and 'up' from a script.

2.47       Improve graphics for speed improvement
Eg. make lines transparent, maybe somewhat like a "komet", leaving trails (glowing particles?)

2.48       Sound effects

Use all the new sound effects (warren's sound and the new laughters)

2.49       Internationalization   (UNDER WAY)

2.50       Levelset information

Make the .set files more elaboration with descriptive texts, info from the author etc. 
Perhaps even screenshots?


3.0         Code cleanup


3.1         Standardised menusystem             FINISHED

3.2         Desktop install

Use the desktop-file-install script (if possible) to install the 
desktop file in the right place(s).

3.3         Drawing frustrum and objects        FINISHED

3.4         api:: integers vs. real

Fix all inconsistencies when integers or reals are used in a backwards 
compatible way. Also, what positions are given in aboslute vs. map 
relative z-coordinates.

3.5         Loading images / textures          FINISHED

3.6         Finding datafiles                  FINISHED

3.7         Level fixes

Many levels can be polished some more by fixing background colors etc.


4.0         Documentation

	- New script commands set-song-preference, force-next-song and 
	clear-song-preferences to allow choosing specific songs for levels.


4.1         Keys in menus

Document how the keys are used instead of the mouse in the meny 

4.2         Modpills

Add information about the large- and small-modpills. Nitro modpill

4.3         api :: sign

Added optional Z argument to sign's.

4.4         api :: overall

Overall cleanup of the api. Use doxygen?
New functions added: snow, rain
Double check that all functions are documented.

4.5         editor

Document all keys/menu entires in the editor.
Esp: the "smooth" feature

4.6         help screen
Extra life, 
birds, teleporters, cactus  => picture added in the
help1_*.png. Just have to add description text

4.7         Default values

Document the default values for all configurable values.

4.8         API faq

Create a separate faq with examples and ideas of how the api can be used.

4.9         Tutorial Map

Create a "tutorial" map which contains notes in the scm file
how things are done and texts on the map when testing it.


5.0     RoadMap


Before the v1.1.0 release

- Get most features (95%) of editor working. Not neccessarily the scheme editor etc.
- Integrate all of Warrens maps.
- Get some more languages ported.