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<book lang="&language;">
>Het handboek van &amarok;</title>
>Deze documentatie is geconverteerd uit de pagina in de &kde; UserBase <ulink url=""
> <surname
> </personname>
>&kde; SC 4.6</releaseinfo>
>&amarok; is een vrije, veelzijdige en krachtige muziekspeler voor &Linux;. De laatste 2.x uitgave, vaak gerefereerd als <quote
>, is cross-platform (kan o veel platforms worden gebruikt, inclusief &Linux;, MacOS en &Microsoft; &Windows;) en implementeert een geheel herbewerkte codebasis die het mogelijk maakt om opwindende nieuwe functies in te voegen bij het volwassen worden van de uitgave. De huidige stabiele uitgave is versie 2.4.</para>
<!--userbase <timestamp

<chapter id="interface"
>&amarok; heeft standaard drie panelen in het interface. </para>
<sect1 id="the-left-pane-media-sources"
>Het linker paneel (Mediabronnen)</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokmediasources-home.png" format="PNG"/>
>Het paneel <emphasis
> links is de plek waar u toegang hebt tot uw lokale verzameling evenals tot andere services: <guilabel
>Lokale muziek</guilabel
> bovenaan, wat de primaire interface is naar uw lokale verzameling en verbonden media zoals mp3-spelers en &CD;s. Er is een sectie voor alle <guilabel
> die u hebt ingeschakeld. Hier kunt u bladeren in lijsten met radiostations en podcasts; zich er op inschrijven of naar luisteren, werken met uw account op <ulink url=""
>, muziek kopen in online winkels zoals <guilabel
> en muziek van onafhankelijke artiesten downloaden van <guilabel
> en meer. De sectie <guilabel
> laat u <emphasis
>Dynamische afspeellijsten</emphasis
> aanmaken en beheren, geeft u toegang tot <emphasis
>Opgeslagen afspeellijsten</emphasis
> evenals de <emphasis
>Automatische generator van afspeellijsten</emphasis
>. De sectie <guilabel
> Bestanden</guilabel
> toont een geïntegreerde bestandsbeheerder en de sectie <guilabel
> geeft u toegang tot uw podcast inschrijvingen. </para>
<sect1 id="the-central-pane-context-view"
>Het centrale paneel (Contextweergave)</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok-context.png" format="PNG"/>
>Hier wordt alle informatie getoond. Het centrale paneel bevat 3 applets die dynamisch wijzigen om contextinformatie over de track die nu afspeelt toont. U kunt de waardering, score en volgnummer van het applet van de <emphasis
>Huidige track</emphasis
> of de laatst afgespeelde tracks als er niets speelt, de <emphasis
> van de song en de pagina van de artiest op <emphasis
><ulink url=""
>. Er kunnen meer applets worden toegevoegd, verwijderd of verplaatst met de <emphasis
> onderaan het paneel. </para>
<sect1 id="the-right-pane-playlist-view"
>Het rechter paneel (Afspeellijstweergave)</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1right.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; heeft de meest instelbare afspeellijst van elke bestaande muziekspeler. Het geeft u de kracht om de afspeellijst op elke manier die u wenst vorm te geven. Om te beginnen zijn er drie voorgeconfigureerde indelingen van de afspeellijst die u als beginpunt kunt gebruiken om de indeling die het beste bij u past. U kunt een afspeellijst dynamisch aanmaken met verschillende bias of gebruik de automatische afspeellijstgenerator, shuffel, willekeurig afspelen of herhalen, tracks in een wachtrij en de bestaande afspeellijsten opslaan voor later gebruik. </para>
<chapter id="features"
<sect1 id="music-playback"
>Muziek afspelen</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokfull.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; kan de meeste populaire formaten voor muziekbestanden ondersteunen. De actuele lijst met formaten hangt af van de codecs en de gebruikete geluidsbackend in uw systeem. Er is ook ondersteuning voor traditionele afspeellijsten &mdash; u kunt alle afspeelijsten, die u wilt maken, opslaan en laden. </para>
<sect1 id="device-support"
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1ipod.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; biedt ondersteuning voor een groot variëteit aan media-apparaten zoals <guilabel
>, <ulink url=""
> en <ulink url=""
> apparaten. </para>
>De knop <guilabel
>Weergave mengen</guilabel
> bovenaan de verzameling laat u verzamelingen mengen. Dit betekent songs uit uw lokale verzameling, geluids-cd's, mp3-spelers enzovoort, zullen worden getoond in één verzameling. Het is een wisselschakelaar zodat u gemakkelijk terug kunt keren naar het tonen van de aparte bronnen. </para>
<sect1 id="configurable-context-view"
>Instelbare contextweergave</title
      <imagedata fileref="Context-applets-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>De <emphasis
>, de centrale attractie in &amarok;, kan automatisch contextuele informatie ophalen over de nu spelende song (zoals de albumhoes, liedtekst of informatie uit <ulink url=""
>) uit het internet en deze tonen. Dit is een van de unieke mogelijkheden van de &amarok;-series. </para>
<sect1 id="more-internet-services"
>Meer internetdiensten</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok_-_internet_services.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; opent de gateway naar een rijke multimedia ervaring op het internet. </para>
>Mooie interfaces naar services zoals <emphasis
>Ampache muziekservers</emphasis
> en <emphasis
>mp3tunes lockers</emphasis
>, laten u luisteren naar uw muziek van overal in de wereld. </para
>U kunt muziek verzamelen en kopen van <guilabel
>. </para
>Met de <guilabel
>-service, kunt u naar muziek luisteren en deze downloaden vanuit onafhankelijke artiesten die u kunt ondersteunen met uw donaties. </para
>Met geïntegreerde functionaliteit van <ulink url=""
>, kunt u uw tracks <emphasis
>, functies van <ulink url=""
> zoals statistieken, kaarten gebruiken en inschrijvers kunnen luisteren naar radiostromen aangepast aan uw muzieksmaak &mdash; allemaal met &amarok;. </para
>En dat is nog maar het begin &mdash; u kunt zelfs meer internetservices toevoegen met de <guilabel
>. </para>
<sect1 id="script-manager"
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1scriptmanager.png" format="PNG"/>
>Scripts zijn addons die u in staat stellen om de functionaliteit van &amarok; op innovatieve manieren uit te breiden. Met de <guilabel
>, kunt u deze scripts beheren doordat het u toestaat om scripts, die u al hebt te installeren/verwijderen of in/uit te schakelen. U kunt ook de functie <guilabel
>Meer scripts ophalen</guilabel
> om nieuwe scripts te downloaden die door andere gebruikers zijn ingediend. </para>
<sect1 id="cover-manager"
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1covermanager.png" format="PNG"/>
>U kunt door uw muziekverzameling bladeren met de nifty <guilabel
> die de albumhoes toont, hoezen download uit verschillende bronnen of &amarok; automatisch naar hoezen in het internet laat zoeken. </para>
<sect1 id="rating-and-scoring"
>Waardering en score</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1rating.png" format="PNG"/>
>U kunt uw liefde voor de songs tonen door ze te waarderen. &amarok; ondersteunt ook <guilabel
> waardering. Bovendien kan &amarok; een score berekenen (een soort van geraden waardering) afhankelijk van metingen zoals hoe vaak u luistert of over een song springt. </para>
<sect1 id="pop-up-dropper"
>Pop-Up Dropper</title
      <imagedata fileref="Pud-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>This is an innovative interface that offers contextual options (such as the ones you see in a <emphasis
>right-click menu</emphasis
>) that you can <quote
> a song into. Grab a track and see the Pop-Up Dropper appear in the context view pane! </para>
<sect1 id="configurable-playlist-view"
>Instelbare afspeellijstweergave</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1pleditor.png" format="PNG"/>
>De nu geladen afspeellijst is zeer instelbaar en kan informatie tonen over de songs in elke vorm die u wilt. Als u gewend bent aan de <guilabel
> Spreadsheetweergave</guilabel
> uit de &amarok;&nbsp;1.x series en andere muziekspelers, dan kan dat ook! De <guilabel
> stelt u ook in staat om de huidige afspeellijst op te slaan of te exporteren. </para>
<sect1 id="dynamic-playlists"
>Dynamische afspeellijsten</title
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.1dynamicplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; stelt u in staat om gewogen willekeurige afspeellijsten aan te maken die zich exact houden aan verschillende criteria (<guilabel
>Proportionele schema</guilabel
>) of ongeveer (<guilabel
>Vaag schema</guilabel
>). U kunt bijvoorbeeld een afspeellijst aanmaken die willekeurig bevolkt kan worden met liederen die een waardering hebben van meer dan 3 sterren en ongeveer uit het jaar 1967 stammen! </para>
<sect1 id="replay-gain-support"
>Ondersteuning van afspeelversterking</title
>&amarok; ondersteunt tag-informatie over <emphasis
> ingebed in bestanden en past het algemene volume van de muziek aan tot een algemeen niveau. </para>
>Herontdek uw muziek </para>
<chapter id="hints-tips-and-faqs"
>Hints, tips en veel gestelde vragen</title
>Als u ontdekt dat het meeste van uw muziek door &amarok; wordt herkend, maar sommige mappen niet juist worden opgepakt, open dan een console en type </para>
>touch <replaceable
>waar <replaceable
> het pad naar de map is die het probleem heeft. Selecteer daarna <menuchoice
>&amarok; instellen</guimenuitem
> in het menu van het hoofdvenster van &amarok; en open de pagina <menuchoice
>Scan opnieuw de verzameling</guimenuitem
>. Uw map zou dan weer zichtbaar moeten zijn. </para>
<chapter id="more-information"
>Meer informatie</title
><ulink url=""
>Homepagina van &amarok;</ulink>
><ulink url=""
>Congratulations on installing &amarok;, the most advanced music discovery software available. &amarok; will help you explore your music, and enjoy it as never before. Also, you can tour different sources of music, radio stations and audio books online. In this guide, we'll show you how to let &amarok; find your collection, play it for you, and also how to use &amarok; to find things online. We'll assume that you know nothing about &amarok;, but do know how to use menus, a mouse, and your keyboard. </para>
<chapter id="getting-started"
>Hoe te beginnen</title>
<sect1 id="starting-amarok"
>&amarok; opstarten</title>
>Als u al bekend bent met de manier van werken van uw besturingssysteem, dan weet u waarschijnlijk ook hoe &amarok; te starten en kunt u <link linkend="first-time"
>. Anders leest u verder. </para>
<sect2 id="from-plasma"
>Vanuit &plasma;</title>
>Als u de <ulink url=""
>&plasma; werkruimte</ulink
> gebruikt, dan kunt u &amarok; starten door ofwel: </para>
>op <ulink url=""
> drukken en dan <menuchoice
>. </para
><ulink url=""
> opstarten, standaard (<keycombo
>), en <userinput
> invoeren en op &Enter; drukken. </para
<sect2 id="from-the-file-manager"
>Vanuit de bestandsbeheerder</title
>Open een multimedia-bestand waarvan bekend is dat &amarok; deze afspeelt.</para>
<sect1 id="first-time"
>Eerste keer</title>
>The first time you use &amarok;, a First Start dialog box will come up asking you to specify where your music is located. If you have a music folder already <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/paths/index.html"
>configured in your system</ulink
>, &amarok; should detect it and ask you to use it: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Firstruncollection2.png" format="PNG"/>
>If you select <guilabel
> in this dialog, you will be presented with another one which allows you to select your music folder:</para>
      <imagedata fileref="Configurecollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>See <link linkend="setting-up-a-collection"
>Setting Up a Collection</link
> </para>
>Once you have selected the folder where your music is, &amarok; will scan the folder and sub-folders, creating the collection. Depending on the number of tracks and the speed of the location this can take some time. </para>
<sect1 id="closing-amarok"
>&amarok; afsluiten</title>
>Als u &amarok; wilt sluiten </para>
>Type <keycombo
> when you are in the &amarok; window, or </para
>Select the <guilabel
> option in the &amarok; menu, or </para
>Right-click on the blue wolf icon in the <emphasis
>System Tray</emphasis
> at the bottom of your screen. You will be presented with the following: </para
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokrightmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>If you close the &amarok; window by clicking <emphasis
> on the window border, &amarok; will continue to run in the background and only show the blue wolf icon in the <emphasis
>System Tray</emphasis
>: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amaroksystray.png" format="PNG"/>
>If you log out of your session or shut down your computer without quitting &amarok;, some of your settings will not be saved. </para>
<chapter id="the-amarok-window"
>Het venster van Amarok</title
>The &amarok; window is designed to let you rediscover your music. So, it gives you as much information about your music as possible. While many users will enjoy the default layout, it is fully customizable.</para>
<sect1 id="default-layout-of-the-amarok-window"
>Default layout of the Amarok window</title
>Upon installation, &amarok; will look like this:</para>
      <imagedata fileref="AmarokNew2.4.png" format="PNG"/>
>Amarok 2.4, newly installed</phrase>
>Amarok 2.4, newly installed</para>
>Het venster van &amarok; heeft vier hoofddelen:</para>
>under the top-level menus is the <emphasis
> which lies above three panes: </para
>your <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> (music collection and other media) in the left pane, </para
>the <emphasis
> pane in the center, and </para
>the <emphasis
> in the right-hand pane. </para
<sect1 id="using-the-amarok-window-to-manage-and-play-your-music"
>Using the &amarok; window to manage and play your music</title>
>Playing music using &amarok; usually takes two steps: </para>
>Create a playlist by selecting some of the tracks in your collection, which you will find listed in the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane, and send your music to the <emphasis
> pane. </para
>Play the music in your playlist, using the <emphasis
> pane and/or the <emphasis
>. </para
>Also, you may want to transfer some of your music to a mobile music player, such as an iPod. The next sections will explain how.</para>
<chapter id="the-music-collection"
>The Music Collection</title>
<sect1 id="the-media-sources-pane"
>The Media Sources pane</title>
>The <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane is the place where you browse and display your complete collection of music. This includes the tracks on your local hard disk, as well as those on any external devices or media connected to your computer, such as audio &CD;, USB devices, media players, network disks or Internet sources. </para>
<sect1 id="setting-up-a-collection"
>Setting up a collection</title>
>Do you have music tracks in mp3, ogg or FLAC format on your computer? Begin by telling &amarok; where to find those files, so it can begin creating your collection. In the top-level menu: <menuchoice
>Configure &amarok;</guimenuitem
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.4.1ConfigureDialogCollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>Configure Collection Dialog, as of version 2.4.1</phrase>
>Configure Collection Dialog, as of version 2.4.1</para>
>A tree-view of your Home folder is shown above. Click the check box where your music is stored; usually ~/Music. Then choose <guilabel
>Fully Rescan Entire Collection</guilabel
>. This will take some time, so don't be alarmed if &amarok; seems slow for a while. Once the scan is complete, it's best to quit &amarok; using the top-level &amarok; menu, or <keycombo
>, and then restart it. Your newly-added music should show up under the <emphasis
>Local Collection</emphasis
> section. </para>
<sect1 id="adding-media-devices-to-the-collection"
>Adding Media Devices to the Collection</title>
>Underneath the search bar near the top of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane you see the different devices and/or content categories within the <emphasis
>Content Browser</emphasis
>. If you insert an Audio CD in the CD drive it will appear in the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane, along with media players, thumb drives, and other USB devices. After an external device has been mounted, it will show automatically within the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane.</para>
>Below is a screenshot showing three connected sources with music: Audio CD, mp3 player, and the <emphasis
>Local Collection</emphasis
      <imagedata fileref="Mediasources.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="ripping-a-cd-into-the-collection"
>Ripping a &CD; into the collection</title>
>If you don't have any music files on your computer, it's easy to <emphasis
> them (copy the tracks from your &CD;s to your collection). Just pop in a &CD;, and right-click on the banner of the &CD; device in the <emphasis
>Content Browser</emphasis
> to play, or copy to your collection, which will <emphasis
> and <emphasis
> your tracks (see image below). If you copy music from an audio &CD; to your <emphasis
>Local Collection</emphasis
>, the <emphasis
>message bar</emphasis
> at the bottom of the &amarok; window will indicate that it is busy copying. The ripping may take several minutes. Once the rip is complete, the message in the <emphasis
>message bar</emphasis
> disappears and the music appears in the content browser of your <emphasis
>Local Collection</emphasis
>. If the ripped music does not appear in your <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane it's best to quit &amarok; from the &amarok; top-level menu, or <keycombo
>, and then restart it. Now you should see it in your collection. The screenshot below shows how you move tracks from your audio &CD;, iPod or other device to your collection, using the context (right-click) menu. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokripcd.png" format="PNG"/>
>In the above context menu, you can also see the choice to <guilabel
>Edit Track Details</guilabel
>. Use this option if you have a track that needs a tag edited. This becomes important when you rip music to .WAV format, losing some of the tags. If quite a bit of your collection needs tagging, consider dedicated tagging software, such as </para>
><ulink url=""
><ulink url=""
><ulink url=""
>Correct tagging is important to help &amarok; show your tracks in the appropriate albums and proper sort order. Learn more about <link linkend="tags"
>ripping and tagging</link
>. </para>
<sect1 id="accessing-other-media-sources"
>Accessing other media sources</title>
>You might have wondered why the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane is not called the 'Collections' pane. &amarok; gives you access to much more music than just your collection &mdash; Internet shops, audio books, podcasts, music files stored outside your collection, and previously stored playlists. The &amarok; <emphasis
>breadcrumb navigation</emphasis
> is the key to all of this. The starting icon for the breadcrumb navigation is the home folder icon at the extreme top left of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane. This icon expands and contracts as you browse through the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane, allowing you to easily navigate your collection by clicking your desired folder in the breadcrumb bar.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokbreadcrumb.png" format="PNG"/>
>If you click the &amarok; home folder you see the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane on the left below, containing icons to available resources. If you click the Files icon (left image below, second item from the bottom), you will see something similar to the image on the right, below. Notice how the breadcrumb bar expands and how the content of the selected folder is shown in the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane (right image below). Clicking the <guilabel
> symbols among the breadcrumbs allows you to view the folders available at that level of the folder structure. The &amarok; file browser gives you access to your entire file system, even outside your Local Collection. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokmediasources-home.png" format="PNG"/>
>Media Sources pane</para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarokmediasources-files.png" format="PNG"/>
>Files icon clicked</para>
>The functions of the icons in the &amarok; Home folder (left above) are: </para>
>Icons in the Home Folder</title>
  <tgroup cols="3">
        <imagedata fileref="Hi32-action-collection-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Lokale muziek</guilabel
>Your &amarok; collection</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Applications-internet.png" format="PNG"/>
>Internet shops such as Magnatune, Jamendo and First configure your Internet resources in:<menuchoice
>Configure &amarok;</guimenuitem
        <imagedata fileref="View-media-playlist.png" format="PNG"/>
>Saved playlists &mdash; see also <link linkend="playlists"
>. Also playlists on media devices.</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Folder-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Your file system</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Hi48-action-podcast-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Access to Podcasts via RSS feed</para>
>Clicking the Local Music icon above or on the Local Music folder in the Breadcrumbs bar returns you to your collection, showing you a list of all the available resources, artists, albums and tracks that you have previously defined as part of your collection. The Breadcrumbs bar indicates that you are viewing your Local Music. </para>
<sect1 id="streams-and-podcasts"
>Streams and Podcasts</title>
>There are two ways to listen to streams. If you have a favorite station, get the stream &URL; and add it: <menuchoice
>Add Stream</guimenuitem
>. You'll be able to find it again in <emphasis
>, as a <emphasis
>Saved Playlist</emphasis
>. Otherwise, browse through the scripts available in our <emphasis
>Script Manager</emphasis
> (<menuchoice
>Script Manager</guimenuitem
>). There are some excellent collections available, which will show up in the <emphasis
> section of your <emphasis
> pane. </para>
>Podcasts have their own section in the <emphasis
> pane, above. If you have an RSS or Atom feed &URL;, click the green <guilabel
> and add it there. If you have an OPML file to import, that choice is available also. Use the context (<keycap
>) menus to <guilabel
>Add to playlist</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Remove Subscription</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Update Channel</guilabel
>, or mark an episode as <emphasis
>. If you are interested in browsing through a large collection of podcasts, check out the <emphasis
>Podcast Directory</emphasis
> available through the <emphasis
>Script Manager</emphasis
>, referred to above. </para>
<sect1 id="using-the-content-browser"
>Using the Content Browser</title>
>The hard disk of your computer, audio &CD;s, external devices and the Internet are the basic resources for your collection. After your collection has been set up, it is likely that your collection will hold a large number of albums and tracks, much more than can be shown on a single window. </para>
>How to change the display of your collection, below: </para>
<sect2 id="hiding-or-expanding-information"
>Hiding or expanding information</title>
>The area of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane below the search bar is called the <emphasis
>Content Browser</emphasis
>. Three media sources are indicated in the image of a Content Browser below: &CD;, Local Collection and a Media Player: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Cd_collection_sansa.png" format="PNG"/>
>Clicking the banner for a device (the blue bar for the Sansa above) shows or hides the content of that device. The direction of the green arrow on the right indicates whether the contents for that device is hidden or shown. The content on a particular device can, in turn, be hidden or shown using the same principle, clicking on the appropriate artist or album. A <guilabel
> symbol on the left of an artist or an album indicates that the contents has been expanded. A <guilabel
> symbol indicates more contents for that category is available / currently hidden. In the image above, the information for <emphasis
>Mike Oldfield - The Songs of Distant Earth</emphasis
> &CD; has been expanded, showing the individual tracks. On the other hand, the albums and tracks in the <emphasis
>Local Collection</emphasis
> are hidden. By clicking these <guilabel
> or <guilabel
> symbols you also can expand or hide information. </para>
<sect2 id="changing-the-order-of-tracks-and-albums"
>Changing the order of tracks and albums</title>
>The order in which tracks are sorted in the <emphasis
>Content Browser</emphasis
> can be customised by using the <emphasis
>Sort Options</emphasis
> button at the top of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Preferences-other.png" format="PNG"/>
>The sort order is indicated on the top left of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane, just below the <emphasis
> text box. The default order is <emphasis
>Artist / Year - Album</emphasis
>. The display order of the <emphasis
>Content Browser</emphasis
> can be temporarily switched between the user-defined sort order (described above) and a <emphasis
>Merged view</emphasis
> in which which artists are listed alphabetically, no matter on which media the music is stored. To toggle the <emphasis
>Merged view</emphasis
>,click the <emphasis
>Merge icon</emphasis
> at the top right-hand of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="View-list-tree.png" format="PNG"/>
>To search your collection, type your search term into the search bar at the top of the <emphasis
>Local Music</emphasis
> section. Not only can you search by artist, album or track name, but any part. You might create a nice playlist by searching for <replaceable
>, for instance, or merely find a track when you only remember one word of the title. You can also search by rating, playcount, even filetype. See <ulink url=""
>Search in Collection</ulink
> for more details. </para>
<sect2 id="deleting-items-from-the-collection"
>Deleting items from the collection</title>
>Use this option with care; the tracks will be deleted from your hard drive, not sent to the Trash.</para
>You can delete any item from your collection by right-clicking on it and choosing the bottom item <guilabel
>Delete Tracks</guilabel
>. A confirmation dialog will appear, preventing the accidental deletion of any tracks. More than one item can be selected with <keycombo
>. </para>
<chapter id="playlists"
<sect1 id="the-playlist-pane"
>The Playlist pane</title>
>Now that &amarok; has scanned your collection of music, you want to listen to it. So use the <emphasis
> pane to create a playlist containing the selection of tracks you want. This is where you play your music, streams, or podcasts.</para>
>You can sort your playlist by title, album, artist, genre and many others. For instance you can sort your tracks by year first, then by artist and so on.</para>
>The search box lets you search or filter your tracks. The two big gray arrows at the top of the <emphasis
> lets you skip to the next or previous track containing the letters you have chosen. The wrench to the right lets you filter your tracks by artist, album, &etc;</para>
>The layout of the <emphasis
> can be changed through the top-level menu: <menuchoice
>Playlist Layouts</guimenuitem
<sect1 id="adding-music-to-a-playlist"
>Adding music to a playlist</title>
>There are four ways to add music to the playlist.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok_addtoplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
>Choose some of your music in the content browser and drag it to the right. If you drag it over the <emphasis
> pane you will see the <emphasis
>Pop-Up Dropper</emphasis
>, also known as <emphasis
>. The image above shows PUD in action. PUD provides three options: <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Replace Playlist</guilabel
>, and <guilabel
>. The option highlighted in the gray area (<guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
> in this image) is the active one. Dropping the album there adds it to the playlist in the <emphasis
> pane. Choose one of the other options to do something else with your selection. Dragging it over <guilabel
> brings up a new menu of choices in <emphasis
>. </para
>Drag your selection all the way onto the <emphasis
> pane on the right-hand side of the &amarok; screen. </para
> the album/track you wish to transfer to the playlist. </para
> the album or track. In your right-click menu, you will find similar choices. The image below shows the context menu that appears after an item has been right-clicked. Select <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
>. </para
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok_addtoplaylist1.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="using-the-toolbar"
>Using the Toolbar</title>
>The <emphasis
> at the top of the &amarok; screen provides a simple interface to control the playing of music in the playlist. Click the round icon on the left to start your music playing, and click it again to pause. On the right is the volume and mute control: click on the center of the icon to mute. Use your mouse scroll wheel to control the volume, or drag/click your mouse on the outside ring of the volume icon. Once a track or stream begins to play, the <emphasis
>album name</emphasis
>track title</emphasis
> slowly alternates in bold in the center. On the right is the next track, which you can click to start it playing immediately. Once a track has played it will be on the left, so you can click on the title to go back to it. The progress bar in the middle of the <emphasis
> indicates the time elapsed (left hand) and time remaining (right hand) for the track that is currently playing. If you'd rather see a more traditional toolbar, you can select <guilabel
>Slim Toolbar</guilabel
> from the <guilabel
> menu. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Controlamarok.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="manipulating-playlists"
>Afspeellijsten manipuleren</title>
>You may want to delete albums or tracks from your playlist, rearrange the displayed items for each track or rearrange the display order of tracks.</para>
<sect2 id="removing-a-track"
>Removing a track</title>
>You can remove any track or album from your playlist by: </para>
> on the item in the playlist and choose the option <guilabel
>Remove from playlist</guilabel
>. </para
>Drag the item to be deleted over the <emphasis
> pane to activate PUD. Several options will appear over the <emphasis
> pane. Drag the item to the area marked <guilabel
>Delete from playlist</guilabel
>. See the image below that shows a track being dragged onto the <guilabel
> option in PUD. </para
>Selecting the track or tracks and use your <keycap
> key. Multiple tracks can be selected using &Shift; or &Ctrl;. </para
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok-removefromplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
>You can undo your delete by pressing <keycombo
> or by clicking the appropriate arrow in the <emphasis
>Playlist Toolbar</emphasis
> at the bottom of the <emphasis
>Playlist pane</emphasis
> (see below). </para>
<sect2 id="using-the-playlist-tools-at-the-bottom"
>Using the Playlist tools at the bottom</title>
>At the bottom of the Playlist pane are seven icons: </para>
>Icons of the Playlist Pane</title>
  <tgroup cols="2">
        <imagedata fileref="Hi48-action-clear-playlist-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Clear playlist of all albums and tracks</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Document-save.png" format="PNG"/>
>Save your playlist. If you do not rename it, saves the date as a name.</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Edit-undo.png" format="PNG"/>
>Undo your last edit to playlist</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Edit-redo.png" format="PNG"/>
>Redo your last undo to playlist</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Hi48-action-music-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Highlight the track currently playing. Useful for long playlists</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Hi48-action-media-standard-track-progression-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Set the play mode: repeat tracks, random order, prefer rarely played, &etc;</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Hi48-action-media-standard-track-progression-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Set the play mode: repeat tracks, random order, prefer rarely played, &etc;</para>
        <imagedata fileref="Hi48-action-edit-playlist-queue.png" format="PNG"/>
>Edit the playlist queue; tracks played first before the playlist resumes.</para>
>These buttons provide convenient alternatives to several keyboard actions. </para>
<sect1 id="saving-and-retrieving-your-favourite-playlists"
>Saving and retrieving your favourite playlists</title>
>The disk icon (shown in the table above), at the bottom of your <emphasis
>Playlist pane</emphasis
>, allows you to save the current &amarok; playlist. This enables you to recall a particular selection of music from your collection at any time. Playlists only contain pointers to the music you selected, not the music itself. So if your playlist is pointing to music on an external device, it must be connected and mounted, otherwise the music cannot be played. There are three places to store playlists: </para>
>outside &amarok; on your computer file system, </para
>in your &amarok; playlist database </para
>on an portable media device. </para
>Clicking the disk icon at the bottom of the <emphasis
> pane stores your playlist in the &amarok; playlist database. To save to disk, click and hold, then scroll to that choice.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok2.4.1SavePlaylistChoices.png" format="PNG"/>
>Click and hold, scroll to save playlist</phrase>
>Click and hold, scroll to save playlist</para>
>By default, your saved playlist has a name composed of the date and time when you saved it (see image below). Right-click the playlist name to rename it. Right-clicking on a playlist name also allows you to add it to your existing playlist in the <emphasis
> pane, or to replace your existing playlist.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok-renameplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
<chapter id="the-context-view"
>The Context View</title>
>The power of &amarok; is in the <emphasis
> pane (in the center of the default &amarok; window), where you can install various <emphasis
> to help you enjoy and explore your music. Most of this additional information is obtained from the Internet, so a connection is important to get the most out of your <emphasis
> pane. By default, three <emphasis
> are preset: <emphasis
>Current Track</emphasis
>, <emphasis
> and <emphasis
>. </para>
<sect1 id="default-layout"
>Standaard indeling</title>
>The default <emphasis
> pane searches for the lyrics of the song you are playing. If it finds the lyrics, it displays this in the bottom half of the Context pane, while the top banner of the <emphasis
> pane displays the album cover and track information for the current music. Sometimes lyrics are not available, because they may not be stored in an appropriate resource on the Internet. In addition, the track information for the current track needs to be <link linkend="tags"
> correctly for lyrics to be found. If lyrics are not found, this can be due to various reasons, amongst them wrong informations in the Internet sources like incorrect numbering system of the tracks within the album, and the mis-representation of unusual text, such as when the title of a track should contain characters with a circumflex, cedille or accent (ê,ç,à), but does not. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok-context.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="customizing-the-context-pane"
>Customizing the Context pane</title>
>At the bottom of the <emphasis
> pane are three buttons for the default applets. On the right of these buttons you see a wrench, clicking on it will show a red <guilabel
> allowing you to remove these applets. Click the green <guilabel
> to add more display options (see image below). Drag the labeled buttons to re-order the applets you have, and click the wrench again to fix your selections.</para>
>This makes the <emphasis
> pane extremely flexible, maximizing the possibility of a custom display that fits your preferences. More <ulink url=""
      <imagedata fileref="Amarok-contextadd.png" format="PNG"/>
<chapter id="how-to-deal-with-problems"
>How to deal with problems</title>
<sect1 id="some-of-the-music-is-being-rapidly-skipped-over"
>Some of the music is being rapidly skipped over</title>
>You may not have installed the necessary <emphasis
> More about that here <ulink url=""
>FAQ: What Media Types Does &amarok; Support</ulink
>. Please refer to your distribution. </para>
<sect1 id="after-my-ipod-has-been-mounted-it-is-not-shown-in-the-content-browser"
>After my iPod has been mounted, it is not shown in the Content Browser</title>
>This should not happen. Check that the device has been properly mounted. Simply typing <userinput
> in a console will show you all mounted devices. </para>
<sect1 id="amarok-cannot-see-the-predefined-playlists-on-my-portable-music-player"
>&amarok; cannot see the predefined playlists on my portable music player</title>
>Wait for the next version of &amarok;. </para>
<sect1 id="after-i-have-updated-my-collection-the-additions-are-not-shown-in-the-content-browser"
>After I have updated my collection, the additions are not shown in the Content Browser</title>
>From the top-level menu <menuchoice
>Update Collection</guimenuitem
>. If they don't show up, quit &amarok; from the <guilabel
> menu, or use <keycombo
> to quit. Once you restart &amarok;, your collection should show your updates. </para>
<sect1 id="amarok-cannot-find-the-lyrics-of-the-songs-that-i-play"
>&amarok; cannot find the lyrics of the songs that I play</title>
>Possibilities: </para>
>The lyrics are not available in the sites checked on the Internet. You may wish to add more sites via the script menu (before 2.4.1: <menuchoice
>Script Manager</guimenuitem
>, 2.4.1 on: <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guisubmenu
>). </para
>The track numbering system within an album in your collection is not correct. </para
>The title of your song contains special characters with a cedille, accent, &etc; that do not show in your track title; therefore the lyrics script applet cannot find a match for your title. Check your tags and track numbering system with a tagger such as <ulink url=""
>. </para
<sect1 id="my-question-isnt-answered-here"
>My question isn't answered here</title>
>Meer complexe zaken worden getoond in het <ulink url=""
>, inclusief <ulink url=""
>Problemen oplossen en algemene problemen</ulink
> en de <ulink url=""
>Amarok FAQ</ulink
>. </para>
<chapter id="glossary"
<sect1 id="breadcrumbs"
>This is a way of navigating a hierarchical file structure; on &amarok; near the top of the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane. Starting at the Home folder level, it shows how deep one has navigated into the file system. When you have gone to a particular place in the file system, you will see all folders at a higher level. In &amarok; the <guilabel
> links between folder levels allow you to find out what alternative folders are available at a particular level. The breadcrumbs are an efficient mechanism to navigate the whole file system on your computer. </para>
<sect1 id="collection"
>Alle geluidsbestanden die &amarok; in de database heeft gezet. Uw verzameling in grootte en compositie van muziektracks variëren, afhankelijk van de externe apparaten (zoals audio-&CD;s of draagbare spelers met muziek) er zijn verbonden en aangekoppeld op uw computer. </para>
<sect1 id="content-browser"
>Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</title>
>Dit is het centrale deel van het paneel <emphasis
> dat u in staat stelt om de muziek die u in uw verzameling hebt te tonen. Het 'Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud' stelt u in staat om de sortering van uw lijsten met tracks evenals het detail waarin u uw muziek wilt zien te selecteren. </para>
<sect1 id="playlist"
>Een selectie tracks uit uw verzameling die u wilt afspelen. Sommige draagbare muziekspelers hebben voorgedefinieerde afspeellijsten die zeer waarschijnlijk afwijken van uw afspeellijsten van &amarok;. </para>
<sect1 id="script5"
>&amarok; plugin to extend functionality. Scripts are available from <menuchoice
>Script Manager</guimenuitem
> before 2.4.1; from 2.4.1 on: <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guisubmenu
>. Add more lyrics sources, more streaming stations, save covers to your album folders, burn CDs from playlists, &etc;</para>
<sect1 id="scrobble"
>'Scrobble a track' betekent dat terwijl u er naar luistert, wordt de titel van de track en de artiest verzonden naar een website zoals <emphasis
>, waar de informatie wordt toegevoegd aan uw profiel.</para>
<sect1 id="stream-streaming"
>Stream, streaming</title>
>Net zoals 20ste eeuw radiostations, zenden internetradiostations <quote
> met inhoud uit. U kunt muziek, nieuws, commentaar en opinies vinden. U kunt met &amarok; toegang krijgen tot veel streams, ofwel via scripts zoals Cool Streams of individueel toegevoegd in het menu (<menuchoice
>Stream toevoegen</guimenuitem
>). </para>
<sect1 id="tags"
>De informatie over elk van de tracks waarnaar u luistert, &eg; albumnaam, tracktitel, componist, artiest, jaar, &etc; Er is een standaard genaamd ID3 voor het invoegen van deze informatie op audio &CD;'s. U kunt de tags van individuele tracks in &amarok; bewerken als de bestandsrechten juist zijn. </para>
<chapter id="credits">
>Dankbetuigingen en licentie</title>
>Documentatie Copyright zie de UserBase <ulink url=";action=history"
&underFDL; </chapter>