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Specifications of SigScheme


64-bit data models

Supports LL64, LLP64, LP64 and ILP64 on both storage-fatty and storage-compact.

Addressable memory space

Ordinary storage implementation can address any Scheme object scattered on
whole memory space. Both storage-fatty and storage-compact have no
limitation on any 32 and 64-bit data models. But it may be limited if a
storage implementation is designed to do so for some specific advantages,
as like GNU Emacs' 28-bit tagged pointer does.

Integer range

Current implementation only supports fixnum, and its range varies by the
user-selected underlying storage implementation. The range can be known via
R6RS (R5.91RS) compatible `(fixnum-width)`, `(least-fixnum)` and

R5RS conformance

Proper tail recursion

Supported. But the conformance of `eval` procedure is uncertain. See the
comments of `scm_p_eval()` and `rec-by-eval` of `test-tail-rec.scm` for further
information about `eval`.


Limited to nested use due to its setjmp/longjmp implementation. If a
continuation that is not an ancestor of current continuation called, all
continuation objects lying between the curent and the common ancestor of
the destination are invalidated. Calling an invalidated continuation object
causes an error.

Hygienic macros

The hygienic macros are fully supported. But although the macro expansion
engine itself works well and can be expected as R5RS-conformant, its
integration into SigScheme is not fully validated yet. It is likely having a
problem on identifier references. So the feature is disabled by default on most

In addition to the validity problem, there is an architectural inefficiency.
Since SigScheme development had been started as macro-less naive system, it
lacks the concepts 'compilation', 'macro-expansion phase' and 'lexical
environment'. So current SigScheme implementation adopted runtime macro
expansion. A macro form is kept untransformed in program, and expanded
immediately before each evaluation. For example, following code causes macro
expansion on each `map-caddr` call.

.Macro expansion inefficiency
(define-syntax compose-internal
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((compose-internal f x)     (f x))
    ((compose-internal f g ...) (f (compose-internal g ...)))))

(define-syntax compose
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((compose)         values)
    ((compose f)       f)
    ((compose f g ...) (lambda (x) (compose-internal f g ... x)))))

(define map-caddr
  (lambda (lst)
    (map (compose car cdr cdr) lst)))

Since it is considerably inefficient in many cases, keep in mind the expansion
cost. The inefficiency problem is expected to be resolved in SigScheme 0.9.0.


SigScheme supports only the integer part of the numerical tower.


SigScheme recognizes only these limited part of numerical forms of "7.1.1
Lexical structure" section of R5RS. Other valid R5RS forms for numbers produce

  <number> --> <num 2>| <num 8>
       | <num 10>| <num 16>
  <num R> --> <prefix R> <complex R>
  <complex R> --> <real R>
  <real R> --> <sign> <ureal R>
  <ureal R> --> <uinteger R>
  <uinteger R> --> <digit R>+ #*   ;; '#' must not occur
  <prefix R> --> <radix R>

  <sign> --> <empty>  | + |  -
  <radix 2> --> #b
  <radix 8> --> #o
  <radix 10> --> <empty> | #d
  <radix 16> --> #x
  <digit 2> --> 0 | 1
  <digit 8> --> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
  <digit 10> --> <digit>
  <digit 16> --> <digit 10> | a | b | c | d | e | f 
  <digit> --> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

SigScheme accepts only lower case alphabets as radices as follows. But
hexadecimal digits can be written as either lower or upper.

  #b11  ==>  3
  #B11  ==>  error
  #xa1  ==>  161
  #Xa1  ==>  error
  #xAb  ==>  171

SigScheme uses a fixed-size buffer for number literals parsing. Due to the
implementation, it can accept only one optional '0' prefix for maximum-length
binary number literals. Two or more '0' prefixes causes an error as follows.

  ;; storage-compact on ILP32 env

  (greatest-fixnum)                      ==> 2147483647
  #b11111111000000001111111100000000     ==> 4278255360
  #b011111111000000001111111100000000    ==> 4278255360
  #b0011111111000000001111111100000000   ==> error
  #b00011111111000000001111111100000000  ==> error

Optional procedures

The procedures '-' and '/' support following optional form.

  6.2.5 Numerical operations

  optional procedure: - z1 z2 ...
  optional procedure: / z1 z2 ...


All character category-sensitive procedures and predicates (such as
char-upcase) work correctly only in ASCII range. i.e. Neither Unicode
processing specified in R6RS nor other non-Unicode multibyte character
processing are supported in such procedures/predicates.

Non-ASCII charcter acceptance

`integer->char` only accepts valid characters of current character codec. If
no multibyte character codec is enabled on configuration, it accepts 0-255.

If no multibyte character codec is enabled on configuration, character
literal only covers ASCII.

If UTF-8 codec is enabled and is the current codec, character literal covers
all valid Unicode charcters.

Whitespace charcters
SigScheme treats vertical tab (0x0b) as a white space charcter although
R5RS `char-whitespace?` does not cover it.

  R5RS: 6.3.4 Characters

  The whitespace characters are space, tab, line feed, form feed, and
  carriage return.

  R6RS Standard Libraries: 1.1  Characters

  A character is whitespace if it is in one of the space, line, or
  paragraph separator categories (Zs, Zl or Zp), or if is U+0009
  (Horizontal tabulation), U+000A (Line feed), U+000B (Vertical
  tabulation), U+000C (Form feed), or U+000D (Carriage return).

Case-insensitive character comparison

SigScheme's case-insensitive comparison conforms to the foldcase'ed
comparison described in R6RS and SRFI-13, although R5RS does not specify
comparison between alphabetic and non-alphabetic char.

See the description in sigschemeinternal.h for further details.

Case-sensitive identifiers

SigScheme does distinguish letter case in indentifiers. Although case
insensitivity is required in R5RS as follows, it is hard to accept for the
our application.

  2. Lexical conventions
  Upper and lower case forms of a letter are never distinguished except
  within character and string constants. For example, `Foo' is the same
  identifier as `FOO', and #x1AB is the same number as #X1ab.

Constant string

SigScheme treats string literals as constant as specified in R5RS.

.constant string
  sscm> (string-set! "foo" 0 #\F)
  Error: in string-set!: attempted to modify immutable string: "foo"

  sscm> (string-set! (string-copy "foo") 0 #\F)

Constant list

SigScheme inhibits modification of constant list object by default as
specified in R5RS, if the storage implementation suports it. storage-fatty
supports it, but storage-compact does not due to no bit space for pair

The behavior can be changed by `SCM_CONST_LIST_LITERAL`.

  4.1.2 Literal expressions
      `(quote <datum>)' may be abbreviated as '<datum>. The two notations
      are equivalent in all respects.
      'a                                     ==>  a
      '#(a b c)                              ==>  #(a b c)
      '()                                    ==>  ()
      '(+ 1 2)                               ==>  (+ 1 2)
      '(quote a)                             ==>  (quote a)
      ''a                                    ==>  (quote a)
      As noted in section 3.4 Storage model, it is an error to alter a
      constant (i.e. the value of a literal expression) using a mutation
      procedure like `set-car!' or `string-set!'.

  6.3.2 Pairs and lists
  procedure: set-car! pair obj
      Stores obj in the car field of pair. The value returned by `set-car!'
      is unspecified.
      (define (g) '(constant-list))
      (set-car! (g) 3)                       ==>  error

Constant vector

SigScheme inhibits modification of constant vector object by default as
specified in R5RS, if the storage implementation suports it. storage-fatty
supports it, but storage-compact is not yet.

The behavior can be changed by `SCM_CONST_VECTOR_LITERAL`.

  6.3.6 Vectors
  procedure: vector-set! vector k obj
      (vector-set! '#(0 1 2) 1 "doe")
                ==>  error  ; constant vector

Quote-less null list

SigScheme allows quote-less null list by default for convenience and
performance. But it can be error as specified in R5RS, when `SCM_STRICT_R5RS`
is enabled.

.SCM_STRICT_R5RS disabled
    sscm> (null? ())

.SCM_STRICT_R5RS enabled
    sscm> (null? ())
    Error: eval: () is not a valid R5RS form. use '() instead

Quote-less vector literal

Sigscheme inhibits quote-less vector literal by default, as specified in

The behavior can be changed by `SCM_STRICT_VECTOR_FORM`.

  6.3.6 Vectors
  Vectors are written using the notation #(obj ...). For example, a vector
  of length 3 containing the number zero in element 0, the list `(2 2 2 2)'
  in element 1, and the string `"Anna"' in element 2 can be written as
  #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")
  Note that this is the external representation of a vector, not an
  expression evaluating to a vector. Like list constants, vector constants
  must be quoted:
  '#(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")  
            ==>  #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")

.vector literals
  sscm> #(1 2 3)
  Error: eval: #() is not a valid R5RS form. use '#() instead
  sscm> '#(1 2 3)
  #(1 2 3)

Environment specifiers

`(null-environment)` and `(scheme-report-environment)` does not return correct
environemnt specified in R5RS. Current implementation returns same object
of `(interaction-environment)`.

Internal definitions

SigScheme strictly conforms to the 'internal definitions' defined in R5RS
(cited below) if `SCM_STRICT_DEFINE_PLACEMENT` is enabled (default). It can be
disabled to get the syntax loosen, shrink the footprint and reduce runtime

  5.2.2 Internal definitions
  Definitions may occur at the beginning of a <body> (that is, the body of a
  lambda, let, let*, letrec, let-syntax, or letrec-syntax expression or that of
  a definition of an appropriate form). Such definitions are known as internal
  definitions as opposed to the top level definitions described above.

Superfluous arguments

Superfluous or dotted arguments are strictly rejected as an error if
`SCM_STRICT_ARGCHECK` is enabled. Otherwise ignored. Resource-sensitive
apprication could disable it.

  sscm> (car '(1 2) 3 4)
  Error: in (function call): superfluous argument(s): (3 4)
  sscm> (symbol? 'foo . #t)
  Error: in (function call): improper argument list terminator: #t
  sscm> (+ 3 4 . 5)
  Error: in (reduction): improper argument list terminator: 5

  sscm> (car '(1 2) 3 4)
  sscm> (symbol? 'foo . #t)
  sscm> (+ 3 4 . 5)


SigScheme only supports explicit forcing. And passing non-promise objects to
force is an error.

  (+ (delay (* 3 7)) 13)            ==>  error

Syntaxes/procedures not implemented

Following R5RS syntaxes and procedures are not implemented (yet).


  - *procedure:* complex? obj
  - *procedure:* real? obj
  - *procedure:* rational? obj
  - *procedure:* exact? z
  - *procedure:* inexact? z
  - *library procedure:* gcd n1 ...
  - *library procedure:* lcm n1 ...
  - *procedure:* numerator q
  - *procedure:* denominator q
  - *procedure:* floor x
  - *procedure:* ceiling x
  - *procedure:* truncate x
  - *procedure:* round x
  - *library procedure:* rationalize x y
  - *procedure:* exp z
  - *procedure:* log z
  - *procedure:* sin z
  - *procedure:* cos z
  - *procedure:* tan z
  - *procedure:* asin z
  - *procedure:* acos z
  - *procedure:* atan z
  - *procedure:* atan y x
  - *procedure:* sqrt z
  - *procedure:* expt z1 z2
  - *procedure:* make-rectangular x1 x2
  - *procedure:* make-polar x3 x4
  - *procedure:* real-part z
  - *procedure:* imag-part z
  - *procedure:* magnitude z
  - *procedure:* angle z
  - *procedure:* exact->inexact z
  - *procedure:* inexact->exact z

System interface

  - *optional procedure:* transcript-on filename
  - *optional procedure:* transcript-off

SRFI conformance

SRFI-0  Feature-based conditional expansion construct

Supported. But since the macro expansion is performed at evaluation-time and
the expanded form is not stored as the code, the form may be expanded
differently at next time.

SRFI-1  List Library

Fully supported.

It is based on the reference implementation of SRFI-1. Some procedures are
replaced with efficient C implementation. And bugs in `delete-duplicates!`,
`lset-xor`, `lset-xor!` and `list=` of the reference implementation are fixed.


Fully supported.

SRFI-6 Basic String Ports

Fully supported.

SRFI-8 receive

Fully supported.

SRFI-9 Defining Record Types

Fully supported.

It is based on the reference implementation of SRFI-9. But different to the
original implementation, `eval` procedure of the SigScheme port accepts
`(interaction-environment)` as environment argument.

SRFI-22 Running Scheme Scripts on Unix

SigScheme only supports the prelude line interpretation. All options written in
the line are applied as same as commandline invocation of sscm. But the `main`
procedure invocation is not supported (yet).

.Prelude line is interpreted as follows
  #! /usr/bin/env sscm -C UTF-8

  ==> Character encoding for the file is changed to UTF-8 temporarily.

SRFI-23 Error Reporting Mechanism

Fully supported.

If srfi-34 is provided, the `error` procedure throws a SigScheme-specific error
object in cooperate with "SRFI-34 Exception Handling for Programs". Otherwise
it simply calls scm_fatal_error(). Since the error objects are represented as a
list, be careful on catching an exception based on its type.  If you want to
distinguish the error objects from ordinary lists, use SigScheme-specific
`%%error-object?` predicate.

.Error objects are also caught as a list
  sscm> (guard (obj ((pair? obj) obj)) (error "reason" 1 2 3))
  #<error "reason" 1 2 3>

.Error object internal
  sscm> (define err (guard (err (#t err)) (error "reason" 1 2 3)))
  sscm> err
  #<error "reason" 1 2 3>
  sscm> (pair? err)
  sscm> (car err)
  (#<undef> . #<undef>)
  sscm> (%%error-object? err)

SRFI-28 Basic Format Strings

Fully supported.

A directive-less tilde at end of a format string causes an error as same as the
reference implementation of SRFI-28.

  (format "~")   ==> error
  (format "a~")  ==> error

SRFI-34 Exception Handling for Programs

Fully supported.

SRFI-38 External Representation for Data with Shared Structure

Only `write-with-shared-structure` is implemented and
`read-with-shared-structure` is not. The optional alias `write/ss` described in
SRFI-38 is also defined. The optional `optarg` argument is simply ignored.

The shared index starts with #1 (not #0).

.Shared index starts with #1
  sscm> (define lst (list 'a 'b))
  sscm> (set-cdr! lst lst)
  #1=(a . #1#)
  sscm> lst
  #1=(a . #1#)

SRFI-43 Vector library

Fully supported.

It is based on the reference implementation of SRFI-43.

SRFI-48 Intermediate Format Strings

Fully supported.

The 'd' part of '~w,dF' directive is acceptable, but completely ignored on
output format. Since SigScheme only supports integer currently, number is
always formatted as integer even if the 'd' part is specified.

.Proper behavior
  (format "~3F"   3)  ==> "  3"
  (format "~3,2F" 3)  ==> "3.00"

  (format "~3F"   3)  ==> "  3"
  (format "~3,2F" 3)  ==> "  3"

Although the reference implementation of SRFI-48 allows directive-less tilde at
end of a format string, SigScheme rejects it as an error since it decreases
user-code portability, and is confusable due to that the behavior is different
to the reference implementation of SRFI-28.

.Reference implementation of SRFI-48
  (format "~")   ==> "~"
  (format "a~")  ==> "a~"

  (format "~")   ==> error
  (format "a~")  ==> error

SRFI-55 require-extension

Fully supported.

SRFI-60 Integer as Bits

Only following procedures are implemented.

  - Bitwise Operations
    * *procedure:* logand n1 ...
    * *procedure:* bitwise-and n1 ...
    * *procedure:* logior n1 ...
    * *procedure:* bitwise-ior n1 ...
    * *procedure:* logxor n1 ...
    * *procedure:* bitwise-xor n1 ...
    * *procedure:* lognot n
    * *procedure:* bitwise-not n
    * *procedure:* bitwise-if mask n0 n1
    * *procedure:* bitwise-merge mask n0 n1
    * *procedure:* logtest j k
    * *procedure:* any-bits-set? j k

And the others listed below are not.

  - Integer Properties
    * *procedure:* logcount n
    * *procedure:* bit-count n
    * *procedure:* integer-length n
    * *procedure:* log2-binary-factors n
    * *procedure:* first-set-bit n

  - Bit Within Word
    * *procedure:* logbit? index n
    * *procedure:* bit-set? index n
    * *procedure:* copy-bit index from bit

  - Field of Bits
    * *procedure:* bit-field n start end
    * *procedure:* copy-bit-field to from start end
    * *procedure:* ash n count
    * *procedure:* arithmetic-shift n count
    * *procedure:* rotate-bit-field n count start end
    * *procedure:* reverse-bit-field n start end

  - Bits as Booleans
    * *procedure:* integer->list k len
    * *procedure:* integer->list k
    * *procedure:* list->integer list
    * *procedure:* booleans->integer bool1 ...

SRFI-69 Basic hash tables

Fully supported.

It is just the reference implementation of SRFI-69. The hash functions are not
yet optimized for SigScheme.

SRFI-95 Sorting and Merging

Fully supported.

It is just the reference implementation of SRFI-95 (sort.scm of SLIB).

R6RS conformance

R6RS characters

R6RS characters are partially implemented based on R5.92RS. But since R6RS
specification is not finalized yet, future SigScheme may change the
specification around R6RS characters.

Current R6RS characters status

  - Supports Unicode character literals such as #\λ
  - Supports #x<digit16>+ literals
  - Supports \x<digit16>+; literals in string
  - Supports Unicode identifiers (but lacks character category validation)
  - Supports all named chars such as #\backspace, #\esc, and #\nul
  - Quoted-symbol by vertical bar (such as '|-symbol|) is not supported yet
  - Invalidly accepts non-all-lower-case character names such as #\Tab and #TAB


  - Support new escapes in string (\<linefeed> and \<space>)
  - Confirm symbol escape syntax (not defined in R6RS yet)
  - Support Unicode character category validation for identifiers
  - Disable #\newline on R6RS-compatible mode

SigScheme extensions

If `--enable-sscm-extensions` is specified for configure script explicitly or
implicitly, these features can be used.

Legacy macro

Legacy and common `define-macro` is provided to define syntactic closures. But
SigScheme's implementation is having some limitations.

  - The closure can only be defined with top-level environment due to an
    internal implementation trick

  - Macro forms are kept untransformed in program, and expanded immediately
    before each evaluation, as if they are ordinary syntaxes

  - `define-macro` destructively modifies closure object

To avoid problems related to these limitations, side-effect in macros are
strongly discouraged. See following examples for each limitation.

.The closure can only be defined with top-level environment
(define-macro m
  (let ((?var 3))
    (lambda ()
      ?var)))    ==>  error

.Macro forms are kept untransformed in program
(define cnt 0)
(define-macro m
  (lambda ()
    (set! cnt (+ cnt 1))
(define proc-m
  (lambda ()

(proc-m)  ==>  1
(proc-m)  ==>  2  ;; ordinary Scheme implementation returns 1
(proc-m)  ==>  3  ;; ordinary Scheme implementation returns 1

.`define-macro` destructively modifies closure object
(define f
  (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(f (+ 1 2))     ==>  9
(procedure? f)  ==>  #t

(define-macro mf f)
(mf (+ 1 2))    ==>  error
(mf 3)          ==>  9
(f (+ 1 2))     ==>  error
(procedure? f)  ==>  error

See `test-legacy-macro.scm` to know more detailed specification.


`let-optionals*` is provided for optional argument processing. The
specification is exactly same as Gauche 0.8.8. See `test-sscm-ext.scm` for
further information.

SIOD compatibility

SIOD specific features

If `--enable-compat-siod` is specified for configure script explicitly or
implicitly, some SIOD compatible features are provided.

  - symbol-value
  - set-symbol-value!
  - verbose
  - undefine
  - eof-val
  - %%closure-code
  - bit-and
  - bit-or
  - bit-xor
  - bit-not

SIOD specific behaviors

If `--enable-compat-siod-bugs` is specified for configure script explicitly or
implicitly, some procedures and syntaxes emulate SIOD's behavior. We call them
'bugs' for convention although they are not actually bugs on non-R5RS-compliant
SIOD implementation.

  - `#f` is identical to null list

  - `(car \'())` evaluates to `()`

  - `(cdr \'())` evaluates to `()`

  - `(if #f #t)` evaluates to `#f`

  - `let` and `let*` accepts value-less binding forms

  - `=` predicate can be applied to non-number objects

.#f is identical to null list
(null?    #f)   ==>  #t
(null?    '())  ==>  #t
(boolean? #f)   ==>  #t
(boolean? '())  ==>  #t
(if '() 'true 'false)  ==>  false

.`let` and `let*` accepts value-less binding forms
(let ((var))
  var)           ==>  #f

(let* ((var))
  var)           ==>  #f

(letrec ((var))
  var)           ==>  error

.`=` predicate can be applied to non-number objects
(require-extension (siod))

(= 3 (+ 1 2))         ==>  #t
(= 3 (+ 1 2) 3)       ==>  error  ;; only accepts 2 args

(define lst '(0 1 2))
(= lst lst)           ==>  #t
(= lst (list 0 1 2))  ==>  #f

;; '=' is defined as follows if --enable-compat-siod-bugs
(define =
  (let ((%= =))
    (lambda (x y)
      (or (eq? x y)
          (%= x y)))))