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  <title>MCCCS Towhee (references)</title>
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     <div align="center"> <font size="5"> <b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a name="top"></a>MCCCS Towhee (references)</font></b></font></div>
   <A href=""> 
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    <td width="18" height="371" valign="top"> 
     <p>&nbsp; </p>
    <td width="700" valign="top"> <b>Overview</b> 
      This section contains references to papers and books that are either the source materials for the methods or force fields in Towhee, or are helpful
      reviews of those subjects.  The references are arranged by subject, date of publication, and then alphabetical by author.

     <a name="introduction"><b>The Towhee Code</b></a>
      <li><a name="website"></a>

     <a name="experimental_data"><b>Experimental Data</b></a>
      <li><a name="smith_srivastava_1986">
       B. D. Smith; R. Srivastava;
       "Thermodynamic Data for Pure Compounds: Part A Hydrocarbons and Ketones.",
       Elsevier: Amsterdam (1986).

      <li><a name="smith_srivastava_1986">
       B. D. Smith; R. Srivastava;
       "Thermodynamic Data for Pure Compounds: Part B Halogenated hydrocarbons and alcohols.",
       Elsevier: Amsterdam (1986).

      <li><a name="hensel_warren_1999">
       F. Hensel; W. W. Warren Jr.;
       "Fluid Metals",
       Princeton University Press: New Jersey (1999).

     <a name="force_fields_ackl2004"><b>Force Fields: Ackland <i>et al.</i> 2004</b></a>
      <li><a name="ackland_et_al_2004">
       G. J. Ackland; M. I. Mendelev; D. J. Srolovitz; S. Han; A. V. Barashev;
       "Development of an interatomic potential for phosphorus impurities in alpha-iron",
       <i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matter</i> <b>16</b> S2629-S2642 (2004).

     <a name="force_fields_alavi2005"><b>Force Fields: Alavi <i>et al.</i> 2005</b></a>
      <li><a name="alavi_et_al_2005">
       S. Alavi; J. A. Ripmeester; D. D. Klug;
       "Molecular-dynamics study of structure II hydrogen clathrates",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>123</b> 024507 (2005).

     <a name="force_fields_amber"><b>Force Fields: Amber</b></a>
      <li><a name="weiner_et_al_1984">
       S. J. Weiner; P. A. Kollman; D. A. Case; U. C. Singh; C. Ghio; G. Alagona; S. Profeta Jr.; P. Weiner;
       "A New Force Field for Molecular Mechanical Simulation of Nucleic Acids and Proteins",
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>106</b> 765-784 (1984).

      <li><a name="weiner_et_al_1986">
       S. J. Weiner; P. A. Kollman; D. T. Nguyen; D. A. Case;
       "An All Atom Force Field for Simulations of Proteins and Nucleic Acids",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>7</b> 230-252 (1986).

      <li><a name="dick_ritchie_1994">
       J. J. Dick; J. P. Ritchie;
       "Molecular mechanics modeling of shear and the crystal orientation dependence of the elastic precursor shock strength in pentaerythritol tetranitrate",
       <i>J. Appl. Phys.</i> <b>76</b> 2726-2737 (1994).

      <li><a name="cornell_et_al_1995">
       W. D. Cornell; P. Cieplak; C. I. Bayly; I. R. Gould; K. M. Merz Jr.; D. M. Ferguson; D. C. Spellmeyer; T. Fox; J. W. Caldwell; P. A. Kollman; 
       "A Second Generation Force Field for the Simulation of Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Organic Molecules", 
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>117</b> 5179-5197 (1995).

     <a name="force_fields_aqvist"><b>Force Fields: Aqvist Ions</b></a>
      <li><a name="aqvist_1990">
       J. Aqvist; "Ion-Water interaction Potentials Derived from Free Energy Perturbation Simulations",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. </i> <b>94</b> 8021-8024 (1990).

     <a name="force_fields_catlow_faux"><b>Force Fields: Catlow/Faux</b></a>
      <li><a name="jackson_catlow_1988">
       R. A. Jackson; C. R. A. Catlow; 
       "Computer Simulation Studies of Zeolite Structure", 
       <i>Mol. Sim.</i> <b>1</b> 207-224 (1988).

      <li><a name="catlow_et_al_1991">
       C. R. A. Catlow; C. M. Freeman; B. Vessal; S. M. Tomlinson; M. Leslie;
       "Molecular Dynamics Studies of Hydrocarbon Diffusion in Zeolites",
       <i>J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.</i> <b>87</b> 1947-1950 (1991).

      <li><a name="faux_et_al_1997">
       D. A. Faux, W. Smith; T. R. Forester; 
       "Molecular Dynamics Studies of Hydrated and Dehydrated Na<sup>+</sup>-Zeolite-4A", 
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>101</b> 1762-1768 (1997).

      <li><a name="raj_et_al_1999">
       N. Raj; G. Sastre; C. R. A. Catlow;
       "Diffusion of Octane in Silicatlite: A Molecular Dynamics Study",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>103</b> 11007-11015 (1999).

     <a name="force_fields_charmm"><b>Force Fields: Charmm</b></a>
      <li><a name="neria_et_al_1996">
       E. Neria; S. Fischer; M. Karplus;  
       "Simulation of Activation Free Energies in Molecular Systems", 
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>105</b> 1902-1921 (1996).

      <li><a name="mackerell_et_al_1998">
       A. D. MacKerell Jr.; D. Bashford; M. Bellott; R. L. Dunbrack Jr.; J. D. Evanseck; M. J. Field; S. Fischer; J. Gao; H. Guo; S. Ha; D. Joseph-McCarthy;
       L. Kuchnir; K. Kuczera; F. T. K. Lau; C. Mattos; S. Michnick; T. Ngo; D. T. Nguyen; B. Prodhom; W. E. Reiher III; B. Roux; M. Schlenkrich; J. C. Smith;
       R. Stote; J. Straub; M. Watanabe; J. Wiorkiewicz-Kuczera; D. Yin; M. Karplus;
       "All-Atom Empirical Potential for Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Studies of Proteins",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>102</b> 3586-3616 (1998).

      <li><a name="lazaridis_karplus_1999">
       T. Lazaridis; M. Karplus;  
       "Effective Energy Function for Proteins in Solution", 
       <i>Proteins</i> <b>35</b> 133-152 (1999).

      <li><a name="foloppe_mackerell_2000">
       N. Foloppe; A. D. MacKerell Jr.;  
       "All-Atom Empirical Force Field for Nucleic Acids: I. Parameter Optimization Based on Small Molecule and Condensed Phase Macromolecular Target Data", 
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>21</b> 86-104 (2000).

      <li><a name="Chen_2001">
       I. J. Chen; D. Yin; A. D. MacKerell Jr.;  
       "Combined Ab initio/Empirical approach for Optimization of Lennard-Jones Parameters for Polar-Neutral Compounds", 
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>23</b> 199-213 (2001).

     <a name="force_fields_clayff"><b>Force Fields: ClayFF</b></a>
      <li><a name="cygan_et_al_2004">
       R. T. Cygan; J.-J. Liang; A. G. Kalinichev;
       "Molecular Models of Hydroxide, Oxyhydroxide, and Clay Phases and the Development of a General Force Field",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>108</b> 1255-1266 (2004).

     <a name="force_fields_compass"><b>Force Fields: Compass</b></a>
      <li><a name="rigby_et_al_1997">
       D. Rigby; H. Sun; B. E. Eichinger;
       "Computer Simulations of Poly(ethylene oxide): Force Field, PVT Diagram and Cyclization Behaviour",
       <i>Polymer International</i> <b>44</b> 311-330 (1997).

      <li><a name="sun_rigby_1997">
       H. Sun; D. Rigby;
       "Polysilxanes: ab initio force field and structural, conformational and thermophysical properties",
       <i>Spectrochimica Acta Part A</i> <b>53</b> 1301-1323 (1997).

      <li><a name="sun_1998">
       H. Sun;
       "COMPASS: An ab Initio Force-Field Optimized for Condensed-Phase Applications-Overview with Details on Alkane and Benzene Compounds", 
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>102</b> 7338-7364 (1998).

      <li><a name="sun_et_al_1998">
       H. Sun; P. Ren; J. R. Fried;
       "The COMPASS force field: parameterization and validation for phosphazenes",
       <i>Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science</i> <b>8</b> 229-246 (1998).

      <li><a name="bunte_sun_2000">
       S. W. Bunte; H. Sun;
       "Molecular Modeling of Energetic Materials: The Parameterization and Validation of Nitrate Esters in the COMPASS Force Field", 
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>104</b> 2477-2489 (2000).

      <li><a name="yang_et_al_2000">
       J. Yang; Y. Ren; A. Tian; H. Sun;
       "COMPASS Force Field for 14 Inorganic Molecules, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, H<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>, NO, CO, CO<sub>2</sub>,
       NO<sub>2</sub>, CS<sub>2</sub>, and SO<sub>2</sub>, in Liquid Phases",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>104</b> 4951-4957 (2000).

      <li><a name="mcquaid_et_al_2003">
       M. J. McQuaid; H. Sun; D. Rigby;
       "Development and Validation of COMPASS Force Field Parameters for Molecules with Aliphatic Azide Chains", 
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>25</b> 61-71 (2003).

     <a name="force_fields_coon1987"><b>Force Fields: Coon1987</b></a>
      <li><a name="coon_et_al_1987">
       J. E. Coon; S. Gupta; E. McLaughlin;
       "Isothermal-Isobaric Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Diatomic Liquids and Their Mixtures",
       <i>Chem. Phys.</i> <b>113</b> 43-52 (1987).

     <a name="force_fields_cui1998"><b>Force Fields: Cui1998</b></a>
      <li><a name="cui_et_al_1998">
       S. T. Cui; J. I. Siepmann; H. D. Cochran; P. T. Cummings;
       "Intermolecular potentials and vapor-liquid phase equilibria of perfluorinated alkanes",
       <i>Fluid Phase Equilib.</i> <b>146</b> 51-61 (1998).

     <a name="force_fields_cui2002"><b>Force Fields: Cui2002</b></a>
      <li><a name="cui_elliott_2002">
       J. Cui; J. R. Elliott Jr.;
       "Phase diagrams for a multistep potential model of <i>n</i>-alkanes by discontinuous molecular dynamics and thermodynamic perturbation theory",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>116</b> 8625-8631 (2002).

     <a name="force_fields_dacnis"><b>Force Fields: Dacnis</b></a>
      <li><a name="martin_et_al_2001">
       M. G. Martin; A. P. Thompson; T. M. Nenoff; 
       "Effect of pressure, membrane thickness, and placement of control volumes on the flux of methane through thin silicalite membranes: A dual control
       volume grand canonical molecular dynamics study",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>114</b> 7174-7181 (2001).

     <a name="force_fields_dreiding"><b>Force Fields: DREIDING</b></a>
      <li><a name="mayo_et_al_1990">
       S. L. Mayo; B. D. Olafson; W. A. Goddard III;
       "DREIDING: A Generic Force Field for Molecular Simulations",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem.</i> <b>94</b> 8897-8909 (1990).

     <a name="force_fields_dubb2004"><b>Force Fields: Dubb2004</b></a>
      <li><a name="dubbeldam_et_al_2004_prl">
       D. Dubbeldam; S. Calero; T. J. H. Vlugt; R. Krishna; T. L. M. Maesen; E. Beerdsen; B. Smit;
       "Force Field Parametrization through Fitting on Inflection Points in Isotherms",
       <i>Phys. Rev. Lett.</i> <b>93</b> (2004).

      <li><a name="dubbeldam_et_al_2004_jpcb">
       D. Dubbeldam; S. Calero; T. J. H. Vlugt; R. Krishna; T. L. M. Maesen; B. Smit;
       "United Atom Force Field for Alkanes in Nanoporous Materials",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>108</b> 12301-12313 (2004).

      <li><a name="calero_et_al_2004">
       S. Calero; D. Dubbeldam; R. Krishna; B. Smit; T. J. H. Vlugt; J. F. M. Denayer; J. A. Martens; T. L. M. Maesen;
       "Understanding the Role of Sodium during Adsorption: A Force Field for Alkanes in Sodium-Exchanged Faujasites",
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>126</b> 11377-11386 (2004).

     <a name="force_fields_eam"><b>Force Fields: Embedded Atom Method</b></a>
      <li><a name="daw_baskes_1983">
       M. S. Daw; M. I. Baskes;
       "Semiemperical, Quantum Mechanical Calculation of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metals",
       <i>Phys. Rev. Lett.</i> <b>50</b> 1285-1288 (1983).

      <li><a name="foiles_et_al_1986">
       S. M. Foiles; M. I. Baskes; M. S. Daw;
       "Embedded-atom-method functions for the fcc metals Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pd, Pt, and their alloys",
       <i>Phys. Rev. B</i> <b>33</b> 7983-7991 (1986).

      <li><a name="lim_et_al_1992">
       H. S. Lim; C. K. Ong; F. Ercolessi;
       "Stability of face-centered cubic and icosahedral lead clusters",
       <i>Surface Science</i> <b>269/270</b> 1109-1115 (1992).

      <li><a name="hoyt_et_al_2003">
       J. J. Hoyt; J. W. Garvin; E. B. Webb III; M. Asta;
       "An embedded atom method interatomic potential for the Cu-Pb system",
       <i>Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.</i> <b>11</b> 1-13 (2003).

     <a name="force_fields_epm"><b>Force Fields: Elementary Physical Model (EPM)</b></a>
      <li><a name="harris_yung_1995">
       J. G. Harris; K. H. Yung;
       "Carbon Dioxide's Liquid-Vapor Coexistence Curve and Critical Properties As Predicted by a Simple Molecular Model",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem.</i> <b>99</b> 12021-12024 (1995).

     <a name="force_fields_elli2002"><b>Force Fields: Elliott 2002 (Elli2002)</b></a>
      <li><a name="elliott_2002">
       J. R. Elliott Jr.;
       "Optimized step potential models for <i>n</i>-alkanes and benzene",
       <i>Fluid Phase Equilib.</i> <b>194-197</b> 161-168 (2002).

     <a name="force_fields_fris2003"><b>Force Fields: Frischknecht and Curro 2003</b></a>
      <li><a name="frischknecht_curro_2003">
       A. L. Frischknecht; J. G. Curro;
       "Improved United Atom Force Field for Poly(dimethylsiloxane)",
       <i>Macromolecules</i> <b>36</b> 2122-2129 (2003).

     <a name="force_fields_gala1994"><b>Force Fields: Galassi and Tildesley 1994</b></a>
      <li><a name="galassi_tildesley_1994">
       G. Galassi; D. J. Tildesley;
       "Phase Diagrams of Diatomic Molecules Using the Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Method",
       <i>Mol. Sim.</i> <b>13</b> 11-24 (1994).

     <a name="force_fields_gromos"><b>Force Fields: Gromos</b></a>
      <li><a name="van_gunsteren_et_al_1996">
       W. F. van Gunsteren; S. R. Billeter; A. A. Eising; P. H. Hunenberger; P. Kruger; A. E. Mark; W. R. P. Scott; I. G. Tironi;
       "Biomolecular Simulation: The GROMOS96 Manual and User Guide.",
       VdF: Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zurich and BIOMOS b.v, Zurich, Gronigen (1996).  ISBN 3 7281 2422 2.

      <li><a name="scott_et_al_1999">
       W. R. P. Scott; P. H. Hunenberger; I. G. Tironi; A. E. Mark; S. R. Billeter; J. Fennen; A. E. Torda; T. Huber; P. Kruger; W. F. van Gunsteren;
       "The GROMOS Biomolecular Simulation Program Package", 
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> <b>103</b> 3596-3607 (1999).

     <a name="force_fields_jaramillo"><b>Force Fields: Jaramillo</b></a>
      <li><a name="jaramillo_et_al_2001">
       E. Jaramillo; C. P. Grey; S. M. Auerbach;
       "Molecular Dynamics Studies of Hydrofluorocarbons in Faujasite-type Zeolites: Modeling Guest-Induced Cation Migration in Dry Zeolites",
       <i>J. of Phys. Chem. B.</i> <b>105</b> 12319-12329 (2001).

     <a name="force_fields_kfvbvs"><b>Force Fields: Kramer-Farragher-van Beest-van Santen</b></a>
      <li><a name="vanbeest_et_al_1990">
       B. W. H. van Beest; G. J. Kramer; R. A. van Santen;
       "Force Fields for Silicas and Aluminophosphates Based on <i>Ab Initio</i> Calculations",
       <i>Phys. Rev. Lett.</i> <b>64</b> 1955-1958 (1990).

      <li><a name="kramer_et_al_1991">
       G. J. Kramer; N. P. Farragher; B. W. H. van Beest; R. A. van Santen;
       "Interatomic force fields for silicas, aluminophosphates, and zeolites: Derivation based on <i>ab initio</i> calculations",
       <i>Phys. Rev. B</i> <b>43</b> 5068-5080 (1991).

     <a name="force_fields_lgm"><b>Force Fields: Lybrand-Ghosh-McCammon Ions</b></a>
      <li><a name="lybrand_et_al_1985">
       T. P. Lybrand; I. Ghosh; J. A. McCammon;
       "Hydration of Chloride and Bromide Anions: Determination of Relative Free Energy by Computer Simulation",
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>107</b> 7793-7794 (1985).

     <a name="force_fields_mend2003"><b>Force Fields: Mendelev <i>et al.</i> 2003 Iron</b></a>
      <li><a name="mendelev_et_al_2003">
       M. I. Mendelev; S. Han; D. J. Srolovitz; G. J. Ackland; D. Y. Sun; M. Asta;
       "Development of new interactomic potentials appropriate for crystalline and liquid iron",
       <i>Phil. Mag.</i> <b>83</b> 3977-3994 (2003).

     <a name="force_fields_mcy1976"><b>Force Fields: MCY1976</b></a>
      <li><a name="matsuoka_et_al_1976">
       O. Matsuoka; E. Clementi; M. Yoshimine;
       "CI study of the water dimer potential surface",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>64</b> 1351-1361 (1976).

     <a name="force_fields_mm2"><b>Force Fields: MM2</b></a>
      <li><a name="allinger_1977">
       N. L. Allinger;
       "Conformational Analysis.  130.  MM2.  A Hydrocarbon Force Field Utilizing V<sub>1</sub> and V<sub>2</sub> Torsional Terms",
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>99</b> 8127-8134 (1977).

     <a name="force_fields_mmff94"><b>Force Fields: MMFF94</b></a>
      <li><a name="halgren_jcc_1996_I">
       T. A. Halgren;
       "Merck Molecular Force Field. I. Basis, Form, Scope, Parameterization, and Performance of MMFF94",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>5 & 6</b> 490-519 (1996).

      <li><a name="halgren_jcc_1996_II">
       T. A. Halgren;
       "Merck Molecular Force Field. II. MMFF94 van der Waals and Electrostatic Parameters for Intermolecular Interactions",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>5 & 6</b> 520-552 (1996).

      <li><a name="halgren_jcc_1996_III">
       T. A. Halgren;
       "Merck Molecular Force Field. III. Molecular Geometries and Vibrational Frequencies for MMFF94",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>5 & 6</b> 553-586 (1996).

      <li><a name="halgren_nachbar_jcc_1996">
       T. A. Halgren; R. B. Nachbar;
       "Merck Molecular Force Field. IV. Conformational Energies and Geometries for MMFF94",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>5 & 6</b> 587-615 (1996).

      <li><a name="halgren_jcc_1996_V">
       T. A. Halgren;
       "Merck Molecular Force Field. V. Extension of MMFF94 Using Experimental Data, Additional Computational Data, and Empirical Rules",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>5 & 6</b> 616-641 (1996).

      <li><a name="halgren_jcc_1999">
       T. A. Halgren;
       "MMFF VII. Characterization of MMFF94, MMFF94s, and Other Widely Available Force Fields for Conformational Energies and for Intermolecular-Interaction
       Energies and Geometries",
       <i>J. Comp. Chem.</i> <b>7</b> 730-748 (1999).


     <a name="force_fields_morrow2002"><b>Force Fields: Morrow and Maginn 2002</b></a>
      <li><a name="morrow_maginn_2002">
       T. I. Morrow; E. J. Maginn;
       "Molecular Dynamics Study of the Ionic Liquid 1-<i>n</i>-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>106</b> 12807-12813 (2002).

      <li><a name="morrow_maginn_2003">
       T. I. Morrow; E. J. Maginn;
       "2002, Vol. 106B",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>107</b> 9160-9160 (2003).

     <a name="force_fields_nerd"><b>Force Fields: NERD (all versions)</b></a>
      <li><a name="nath_et_al_1998">
       S. K. Nath; F. A. Escobedo; J. J. de Pablo;
       "On the simulation of vapor-liquid equilibria for alkanes",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>108</b> 9905-9911 (1998).

      <li><a name="nath_depablo_2000">
       S. K. Nath; J. J. de Pablo;
       "Simulation of vapour-liquid equilibria for branched alkanes",
       <i>Mol. Phys.</i> <b>98</b> 231-238 (2000).

      <li><a name="nath_et_al_2001">
       S. K. Nath; B. J. Banaszak; J. J. de Pablo;
       "A new united atom force field for alpha-olefins",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>114</b> 3612-3616 (2001).

      <li><a name="nath_khare_2001">
       S. K. Nath; R. Khare;
       "New forcefield parameters for branched hydrocarbons",
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>115</b> 10837-10844 (2001).

      <li><a name="nath_2003">
       S. K. Nath;
       "Molecular Simulation of Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria of Hydrogen Sulfide and Its Mixtures with Alkanes",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>107</b> 9498-9504 (2003).

      <li><a name="khare_et_al_2004">
       R. Khare; A. K. Sum; S. K. Nath; J. J. de Pablo;
       "Simulation of Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria of Primary Alcohols and Alchol-Alkane Mixtures",
       <i>J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>108</b> 10071-10076 (2004).

     <a name="force_fields_opls"><b>Force Fields: OPLS and TIP*P</b></a>
      <li><a name="jorgensen_et_al_1983">
       W. L. Jorgensen; J. Chandrasekhar; J. D. Madura; R. W. Impey; M. L. Klein; 
       "Comparison of simple potential functions for simulating liquid water", 
       <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>79</b> 926-935 (1983).

      <li><a name="chandrasekhar_et_al_1984">
       J. Chandrasekhar; D. Spellmeyer; W. L. Jorgensen;
       "Energy component analysis for dilute aqueous solutions of Li+, Na+, F- and Cl- Ions", 
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>106</b> 903-910 (1984).

      <li><a name="cournoyer_jorgensen_1984">
       M. E. Cournoyer; W. L. Jorgensen;
       "Solvent Effects on the Relative Energies of Carbonium Ions.  Solvation and Internal Rotation for the Allyl Cation in Liquid Hydrogen Fluoride", 
       <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>106</b> 5104-5112 (1984).

      <li><a name="jorgensen_et_al_1984">
       W. L. Jorgensen; J. D. Madura; C. J. Swenson;
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