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<p>ScanMatching. </p>
<p>This driver implements the metric-based ICP scan-matching algorithm.</p>
<p>J. Minguez, L. Montesano, and F. Lamiraux, "Metric-based iterative
closest point scan matching for sensor displacement estimation," IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1047  1054, 2006.</p>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Compile-time dependencies</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Provides</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<li><a class="el" href="group__interface__position2d.html">position2d</a></li>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Requires</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<li><a class="el" href="group__interface__position2d.html">position2d</a> : source of pose and velocity information</li>
<li><a class="el" href="group__interface__laser.html">laser</a> : Pose-stamped laser scans (subtype PLAYER_LASER_DATA_SCANPOSE)</li>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Configuration requests</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Configuration file options</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<li>max_laser_range (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 7.9 m</li>
<li>Maximum laser range.</li>
<li>laserPose_x (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.16 m</li>
<li>Offset of the laser on the edge x (in the robot's system of reference).</li>
<li>laserPose_y (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.0 m</li>
<li>Offset of the laser on the edge y (in the robot's system of reference).</li>
<li>laserPose_th (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.0 rad</li>
<li>Offset of the laser on th (in the robot's system of reference).</li>
<li>radial_window (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.3 m</li>
<li>Maximum distance difference between points of different scans. Points with greater Br cannot be correspondent (eliminate spurius asoc.).</li>
<li>angular_window (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.523333333 rad</li>
<li>Maximum angle diference between points of different scans. Points with greater Bw cannot be correspondent (eliminate spurius asoc.).</li>
<li>L (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 3.00</li>
<li>Value of the metric. When L tends to infinity you are using the standart ICP. When L tends to 0 you use the metric (more importance to rotation), when L tends to infinity you are using Euclidian metric.</li>
<li>laserStep (integer)<ul>
<li>Default: 1</li>
<li>Selects points of each scan with an step laserStep. When laserStep=1 uses all the points of the scans When laserStep=2 uses one each two ... This is an speed up parameter.</li>
<li>MaxDistInter (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.5 m</li>
<li>Maximum distance to interpolate between points in the ref scan. Consecutive points with less Euclidean distance than MaxDistInter are considered to be a segment.</li>
<li>filter (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.95</li>
<li>In [0,1] sets the % of asociations NOT considered spurious. E.g. if filter=0.9 you use 90% of the associations. The associations are ordered by distance and the (1-filter) with greater distance are not used. This type of filtering is called "trimmed-ICP".</li>
<li>ProjectionFilter (int)<ul>
<li>Default: 1</li>
<li>Eliminate the points that cannot be seen given the two scans (see Lu&amp;Millios 97). It works well for angles &lt; 45 deg. 1 : activates the filter. 0 : desactivates the filter.</li>
<li>AsocError (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.1</li>
<li>In [0,1]. Sets the % of minimun associations to run the algorithm. One way to check if the algorithm diverges is to supervise if the number of associatios goes below a thresold. When the number of associations is below AsocError, the main function will return error in associations step.</li>
<li>MaxIter (int)<ul>
<li>Default: 50</li>
<li>Sets the maximum number of iterations for the algorithm to exit. The more iterations, the more chance you give the algorithm to be more accurate.</li>
<li>errorRatio (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.0001 m</li>
<li>In [0,1] sets the maximum error ratio between iterations to exit. In iteration K, let be errorK the residual of the minimization. Error_th=(errorK-1/errorK). When error_th tends to 1 more precise is the solution of the scan matching.</li>
<li>IterSmoothConv (int)<ul>
<li>Default: 2</li>
<li>Number of consecutive iterations that satisfity the error criteria (the two above criteria) (error_th) OR (errorx_out &amp;&amp; errory_out &amp;&amp; errt_out). With this parameter &gt;1 avoids random solutions and estabilices the algorithm.</li>
<li>errx_out (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.0001 m</li>
<li>Minimum error in x of the asociations to exit. In each iteration, the error is the residual of the minimization in each component. The condition is (errorKx&lt;errx_out &amp;&amp; errorKx&lt;erry_out &amp;&amp; errorKx&lt;errt_out). When errorK tends to 0 the more precise is the solution of the scan matching</li>
<li>erry_out (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.0001 m</li>
<li>Minimum error in x of the asociations to exit. In each iteration, the error is the residual of the minimization in each component. The condition is (errorKx&lt;errx_out &amp;&amp; errorKx&lt;erry_out &amp;&amp; errorKx&lt;errt_out). When errorK tends to 0 the more precise is the solution of the scan matching</li>
<li>errt_out (float)<ul>
<li>Default: 0.0001 m</li>
<li>Minimum error in x of the asociations to exit. In each iteration, the error is the residual of the minimization in each component. The condition is (errorKx&lt;errx_out &amp;&amp; errorKx&lt;erry_out &amp;&amp; errorKx&lt;errt_out). When errorK tends to 0 the more precise is the solution of the scan matching</li>
<dl class="user"><dt><b>Example</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
  name "mbicp"
  provides ["position2d:1"]
  requires ["position2d:0" "laser:1"]

  max_laser_range		7.9
  laserPose_x			0.16
  laserPose_y			0
  laserPose_th			0

  radial_window  	       	0.3
  angular_window 	       	0.523333333

  L		       		3.00
  laserStep	       		1
  MaxDistInter	       		0.5
  filter 	       		0.95
  ProjectionFilter	       	1
  AsocError	      		0.1
  MaxIter	       		50

  errorRatio	       		0.0001
  errx_out	       		0.0001
  erry_out	       		0.0001
  errt_out	       		0.0001
  IterSmoothConv 	       	2

</pre></div><dl class="author"><dt><b>Author:</b></dt><dd>Javier Minguez (underlying algorithm) </dd></dl>
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Last updated 12 September 2005 21:38:45
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