

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 90ce1fc73d7a772001c52d6ef81bc259 > files > 2


# It's a X Neural Switcher configuration file by XNeur
# All values writted XNeur

# Config version
Version 0.13.0

# Work in manual mode
ManualMode No

# Level of messages program will write to output
#LogLevel Error
#LogLevel Warning
#LogLevel Log
#LogLevel Debug
#LogLevel Trace
LogLevel Trace

# Define unused languages
# Example:
#ExcludeLanguage de

# Define initial keyboard layout for all new applications
DefaultXkbGroup 0

# Add Applications names to exclude it from procces with xneur
# Xneur will not process the input for this applications
# Example:
#ExcludeApp Gaim
ExcludeApp Krdc
ExcludeApp Palimpsest
ExcludeApp Remmina
ExcludeApp VirtualBox
ExcludeApp Wine
ExcludeApp rdesktop

# Use this parameter to force set work mode in current application to Auto.
# Example:
#SetAutoApp Gedit

# Use this parameter to force set work mode in current application to Manual.
# Example:
#SetManualApp Anjuta

# Binds hotkeys for some actions
AddBind ChangeWord Break
AddBind TranslitWord 
AddBind ChangecaseWord 
AddBind PreviewChangeWord 
AddBind ChangeString 
AddBind ChangeMode Control Print
AddBind ChangeSelected Shift Break
AddBind TranslitSelected Alt Scroll_Lock
AddBind ChangecaseSelected Shift Alt Break
AddBind PreviewChangeSelected Control Pause
AddBind ChangeClipboard Control Scroll_Lock
AddBind TranslitClipboard 
AddBind ChangecaseClipboard 
AddBind PreviewChangeClipboard 
AddBind EnableLayout1 
AddBind EnableLayout2 
AddBind EnableLayout3 
AddBind EnableLayout4 
AddBind RotateLayout 
AddBind ReplaceAbbreviation Control Tab
AddBind RotateLayoutBack 
AddBind AutocompletionConfirmation Tab
AddBind BlockKeyboardAndMouseEvents 
AddBind InsertDate Super d

# This option add user action when pressed key bind
# Example:
#AddAction Control Alt f Firefox Browser <cmd>firefox</cmd>
AddAction Alt t Вызов терминала <cmd>gnome-terminal</cmd>
AddAction Alt g Открыть Gedit <cmd>gedit</cmd>
AddAction Super_L Открыть Nautilus <cmd>nautilus ~/</cmd>
AddAction Super f Открыть ссылку в Firefox <cmd>xsel -o | xargs firefox --new-tab</cmd>
AddAction Super g Google - Искать <cmd>xsel -o | sed -r '2~1d;s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;s/%/%25/g;s/#/%23/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/&/%26/g;s/\+/%2B/;s/,/%2C/g;s/:/%3A/g;s/;/%3B/g;s/=/%3D/g;s/\?/%3F/g;s/@/%40/g;s/\s/+/g' | awk '{print "" $1}' | xargs firefox -new-tab</cmd>
AddAction Super r Google - Перевести на русский <cmd>xsel -o | sed -r '2~1d;s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;s/%/%25/g;s/#/%23/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/&/%26/g;s/\+/%2B/;s/,/%2C/g;s/:/%3A/g;s/;/%3B/g;s/=/%3D/g;s/\?/%3F/g;s/@/%40/g;s/\s/+/g' | awk '{print "|ru|" $1}' | xargs firefox -new-tab</cmd>
AddAction Super a Google - Перевести на английский <cmd>xsel -o | sed -r '2~1d;s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;s/%/%25/g;s/#/%23/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/&/%26/g;s/\+/%2B/;s/,/%2C/g;s/:/%3A/g;s/;/%3B/g;s/=/%3D/g;s/\?/%3F/g;s/@/%40/g;s/\s/+/g' | awk '{print "|en|" $1}' | xargs firefox -new-tab</cmd>
AddAction Super y Яndex - Поиск <cmd>xsel -o | sed -r '2~1d;s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;s/%/%25/g;s/#/%23/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/&/%26/g;s/\+/%2B/;s/,/%2C/g;s/:/%3A/g;s/;/%3B/g;s/=/%3D/g;s/\?/%3F/g;s/@/%40/g;s/\s/+/g' | awk '{print "" $1 }' | xargs firefox -new-tab</cmd>

# Word Replacing
# Ignore keyboard layout for abbreviations list
# Example:
#ReplaceAbbreviationIgnoreLayout No
ReplaceAbbreviationIgnoreLayout Yes

# Abbreviations list
# Example:
#ReplaceAbbreviation xneur X Neural Switcher

# This option enable or disable sound playing
# Example:
#PlaySounds No
PlaySounds Yes

# This option defined sound playing volume percent
# Example:
#SoundVolumePercent 10
SoundVolumePercent 15

# Binds sounds for some actions
AddSound XneurStart 
AddSound XneurReload 
AddSound XneurStop 
AddSound PressKeyLayout1 Enable layout1type.wav
AddSound PressKeyLayout2 Enable layout2type.wav
AddSound PressKeyLayout3 
AddSound PressKeyLayout4 
AddSound EnableLayout1 
AddSound EnableLayout2 
AddSound EnableLayout3 
AddSound EnableLayout4 
AddSound AutomaticChangeWord Enable itemback.wav
AddSound ManualChangeWord 
AddSound ManualTranslitWord 
AddSound ManualChangecaseWord 
AddSound ManualPreviewChangeWord 
AddSound ChangeString 
AddSound ChangeSelected 
AddSound TranslitSelected 
AddSound ChangecaseSelected 
AddSound PreviewChangeSelected 
AddSound ChangeClipboard 
AddSound TranslitClipboard 
AddSound ChangecaseClipboard 
AddSound PreviewChangeClipboard 
AddSound ReplaceAbbreviation Enable switch.wav
AddSound CorrectIncidentalCaps 
AddSound CorrectTwoCapitalLetter 
AddSound ExecuteUserAction Enable switch.wav
AddSound BlockKeyboardAndMouseEvents 
AddSound UnblockKeyboardAndMouseEvents 

# This option enable or disable self education of xneur
# Example:
#EducationMode No
EducationMode Yes

# This option enable or disable layout remember for each window
# Example:
#LayoutRememberMode No
LayoutRememberMode Yes

# Use this parameter to force enable layout remember for each application, not window.
# Option "LayoutRememberMode" must be enabled.
# Example:
#LayoutRememberModeForApp Gaim
LayoutRememberModeForApp Wine

# This option enable or disable saving selection text
# Example:
#SaveSelectionMode No
SaveSelectionMode Yes

# This option enable or disable rotating layout after convert selected text
# Example:
#RotateLayoutAfterChangeSelectedMode No
RotateLayoutAfterChangeSelectedMode No

# This option define delay before sendind events to application (in milliseconds between 0 to 50).
SendDelay 0

# This option enable or disable logging keyboard
# Example:
#LogSave No
LogSave No

# This option set max size of log file (bytes).
# Example:
#LogSize 1048576
LogSize 1048576

# This option define e-mail for send log file, if it's size greater then max size.
# Example:

# This option define host to send e-mail without login and password.
# Example:

# This option define port to send e-mail without login and password.
# Example:
#LogPort 25

# This option enable or disable correction of iNCIDENTAL CapsLock
# Example:
#CorrectIncidentalCaps Yes
CorrectIncidentalCaps Yes

# This option enable or disable correction of two CApital letter
# Example:
#CorrectTwoCapitalLetter Yes
CorrectTwoCapitalLetter Yes

# This option enable or disable correction of small letter to capital letter after dot
# Example:
#CorrectCapitalLetterAfterDot Yes
CorrectCapitalLetterAfterDot Yes

# This option enable or disable flushing internal buffer when pressed Escape
# Example:
#FlushBufferWhenPressEscape Yes
FlushBufferWhenPressEscape No

# This option enable or disable flushing internal buffer when pressed Enter or Tab
# Example:
#FlushBufferWhenPressEnter Yes
FlushBufferWhenPressEnter No

# This option disable or enable processing word when pressed Enter or Tab
# Example:
#DontProcessWhenPressEnter Yes
DontProcessWhenPressEnter No

# This option disable or enable show OSD
# Example:
#ShowOSD Yes
ShowOSD No

# This option set font for OSD
# Example:
#FontOSD -*-*-*-*-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-u
FontOSD -*-*-*-*-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-u

# Binds OSDs for some actions
AddOSD XneurStart Enable X Neural Switcher запущен
AddOSD XneurReload Enable X Neural Switcher перезагружен
AddOSD XneurStop Enable X Neural Switcher остановлен
AddOSD PressKeyLayout1
AddOSD PressKeyLayout2
AddOSD PressKeyLayout3
AddOSD PressKeyLayout4
AddOSD EnableLayout1
AddOSD EnableLayout2
AddOSD EnableLayout3
AddOSD EnableLayout4
AddOSD AutomaticChangeWord
AddOSD ManualChangeWord
AddOSD ManualTranslitWord
AddOSD ManualChangecaseWord
AddOSD ManualPreviewChangeWord
AddOSD ChangeString
AddOSD ChangeSelected
AddOSD TranslitSelected
AddOSD ChangecaseSelected
AddOSD PreviewChangeSelected
AddOSD ChangeClipboard
AddOSD TranslitClipboard
AddOSD ChangecaseClipboard
AddOSD PreviewChangeClipboard
AddOSD ReplaceAbbreviation
AddOSD CorrectIncidentalCaps
AddOSD CorrectTwoCapitalLetter
AddOSD ExecuteUserAction Enable Выполняется команда
AddOSD BlockKeyboardAndMouseEvents
AddOSD UnblockKeyboardAndMouseEvents

# This option disable or enable show popup messages
# Example:
#ShowPopup Yes
ShowPopup Yes

# This option defines popup expiration interval in milliseconds
# Example:
#PopupExpireTimeout 1000
PopupExpireTimeout 1000

# Binds popup messages for some actions
AddPopup XneurStart Enable X Neural Switcher запущен
AddPopup XneurReload Enable X Neural Switcher перезагружен
AddPopup XneurStop Enable X Neural Switcher остановлен
AddPopup PressKeyLayout1
AddPopup PressKeyLayout2
AddPopup PressKeyLayout3
AddPopup PressKeyLayout4
AddPopup EnableLayout1
AddPopup EnableLayout2
AddPopup EnableLayout3
AddPopup EnableLayout4
AddPopup AutomaticChangeWord
AddPopup ManualChangeWord
AddPopup ManualTranslitWord
AddPopup ManualChangecaseWord
AddPopup ManualPreviewChangeWord
AddPopup ChangeString
AddPopup ChangeSelected
AddPopup TranslitSelected
AddPopup ChangecaseSelected
AddPopup PreviewChangeSelected Enable Предпросмотр коррекции выделеного текста
AddPopup ChangeClipboard
AddPopup TranslitClipboard
AddPopup ChangecaseClipboard
AddPopup PreviewChangeClipboard Enable Предпросмотр коррекции буфера обмена
AddPopup ReplaceAbbreviation
AddPopup CorrectIncidentalCaps
AddPopup CorrectTwoCapitalLetter
AddPopup ExecuteUserAction Enable Выполняется команда
AddPopup BlockKeyboardAndMouseEvents 
AddPopup UnblockKeyboardAndMouseEvents 

# This option disable or enable checking language on input process
# Example:
#CheckOnProcess Yes
CheckOnProcess Yes

# This option disable or enable CapsLock use
# Example:
#DisableCapsLock Yes
DisableCapsLock No

# This option disable or enable correction spaces befor punctuation
# Example:
#CorrectSpaceWithPunctuation No
CorrectSpaceWithPunctuation No

# This option disable or enable pattern mining and recognition (autocompletion)
# Example:
#Autocompletion No
Autocompletion Yes

# This option disable or enable adding space after autocompletion
# Example:
#AddSpaceAfterAutocompletion No
AddSpaceAfterAutocompletion No

# Add Applications names to exclude it from autocompletion process
# Xneur will not process the autocompletion for this applications
# Example:
#AutocompletionExcludeApp Gnome-terminal
AutocompletionExcludeApp Gnome-terminal

# Use next options for troubleshoot on autoswitching
# Disable autoswitching if pressed backspace
TroubleshootBackspace No
# Disable autoswitching if pressed left arrow
TroubleshootLeftArrow No
# Disable autoswitching if pressed right arrow
TroubleshootRightArrow No
# Disable autoswitching if pressed up arrow
TroubleshootUpArrow No
# Disable autoswitching if pressed down arrow
TroubleshootDownArrow No
# Disable autoswitching if pressed delete
TroubleshootDelete No
# Disable autoswitching if layout switched
TroubleshootSwitch Yes

# Work-arround for compatibility with the completion
CompatibilityWithCompletion Yes

# Disabling this option will add any application to the list of excluded applications.
TrackingInput Yes

# Disable send KeyRelease event
DontSendKeyRelease No

# Modules list
# Example:

# That's all