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Not finished - 20 Jan 2002 - checkpoint (Steve Kenton)

This is a sorted (ignoring leading '_') list of the SDCC library.
Sources are in ~sdcc/device/lib/*.c and ~sdcc/device/include/*.h.
Except where denoted with MACRO these are implemented as functions.
Internal function calls are generated by the compiler to implement
IEEE floating point, etc.  They are not normally called directly.

isalnum - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isalnum (unsigned char c); MACRO
	Return true if c is an ASCII letter or digit
	'a-z','A-Z', '0'-'9' otherwise return false.

isalpha - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isalpha (unsigned char c); MACRO
	Return true if c is an ASCII letter
	'a-z','A-Z' otherwise return false.

isascii - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - missing
	char isascii (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an 7-bit ASCII character
	0x00-0x7F otherwise return false.

iscntrl - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char iscntrl (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an ASCII control character
	0x00-0x1F or 0x7F (DEL) otherwise return false.

isdigit - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isdigit (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an ASCII digit '0'-'9'
	otherwise return false.

isgraph - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isgraph (unsigned char c);
	Return true is c is an ASCII printable graphic
	excluding space 0x21-0x7E otherwise return false.

islower - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char islower (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an ASCII lower case letter
	'a'-'z' otherwise return false.

isprint - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isprint (unsigned char c);
	Return true is c is an ASCII printable graphic
	including space 0x20-0x7E otherwise return false.

ispunct - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char ispunct (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is ASCII punctuation (isgraph but not isalnum)
	otherwise return false.

isspace - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isspace (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an ASCII white space character
	space, tab, carriage return, newline or vertical tab
	0x09-0x0D, 0x20 otherwise return false.

isupper - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isupper (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an ASCII upper case letter
	'A'-'Z' otherwise return false.

isxdigit - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char isxdigit (unsigned char c);
	Return true if c is an ASCII hexidecimal digit
	'0-9','a-f','A-F' otherwise return false.

toascii - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char toascii(unsigned char c); MACRO
	Convert c from 8-bit value to 7-bit ASCII.

tolower - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char _tolower(unsigned char c); MACRO
	char tolower(unsigned char c); MACRO
	Convert c from upper case to lower case.

toupper - character classification - #include <ctype.h> - all ports
	char _toupper(unsigned char c); MACRO
	char toupper(unsigned char c); MACRO
	Convert c from lower case to upper case.

__uchar2fs - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __uchar2fs (unsigned char uc); INTERNAL
	Convert an unsigned char to float.

__schar2fs - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __schar2fs (signed char sc); INTERNAL
	Convert a signed char to float.

__uint2fs - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
 	float __uint2fs (unsigned int ui); INTERNAL
	Convert an unsigned int to float.

__sint2fs - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __sint2fs (signed int si); INTERNAL
	Convert a signed int to float.

__ulong2fs - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __ulong2fs (unsigned long ul); INTERNAL
	Convert an unsigned log to float.

__slong2fs - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __slong2fs (signed long sl); INTERNAL
	Convert a signed long to float.

__fs2uchar - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	unsigned char __fs2uchar (float f); INTERNAL
	Convert a float to unsigned char;

__fs2schar - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	signed char __fs2schar (float f); INTERNAL
	Convert a float to signed char;

__fs2uint - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	unsigned int __fs2uint (float f); INTERNAL
	Convert a float to unsigned int;

__fs2sint - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	signed int __fs2sint (float f); INTERNAL
	Convert a float to signed int;

__fs2ulong - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	unsigned long __fs2ulong (float f); INTERNAL
	Convert a float to unsigned long;

__fs2slong - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	signed long __fs2slong (float f); INTERNAL
	Convert a float to signed long.

__fsadd - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __fsadd (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL
	Add two floats.

__fssub - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __fssub (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL
	Subtract two floats.

__fsmul - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __fsmul (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL
	Multiply two floats.

__fsdiv - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	float __fsdiv (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL
	Divide two floats.

__fslt - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	char __fslt (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL
	Compare two floats lt.

__fseq - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	char __fseq (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL
	Compare two floats eq.

__fsneq - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	char __fseq (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL ??? missing in float.h ???
	Compare two floats neq.

__fsgt - IEEE single precision math - #include <float.h> - ??? ports
	char __fsgt (float a1, float a2); INTERNAL ??? typo in float.h ???
	Compare two floats gt.

malloc - memory allocation - #include <malloc.h> - ??? ports
	void *malloc (unsigned int);
	void xdata * malloc (unsigned int );
	Allocate a block of memory from the heap;

free - memory allocation - #include <malloc.h> - ??? ports
	void free (void *p);
	void free (void xdata *  p);
	Return previously allocated memory to the heap.

init_dynamic_memory - memory allocation - #include <malloc.h> - ??? ports
	void init_dynamic_memory (MEMHEADER xdata *  , unsigned int );
	Initialize the memory allocation system.

sincosf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float sincosf(const float x, const int iscos); INTERNAL
	Compute the sine or cosine of x.

tancotf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float tancotf(const float x, const int iscot); INTERNAL
	Compute the tangent or cotangent of x.

asincosf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float asincosf(const float x, const int isacos); INTERNAL
	Compute the arc sine or arc cosine of x.

sincoshf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float sincoshf(const float x, const int iscosh); INTERNAL
	Compute the hyperbolic sine or hyperbolic cosine of x.

sinf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float sinf (const float x);
	Compute sine of x.

cosf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float cosf (const float x);
	Compute cosine of x.

tanf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float tanf (const float x);
	Compute tangent of x.

cotf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float cotf (const float x);
	Compute cotangent of x.

asinf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float asinf (const float x);
	Compute the arc sine of x.

acosf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float acosf (const float x);
	Compute the arc cosine of x.

atanf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float atanf (const float x);
	Compute the arc tangent of x.

atan2f - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float atan2f (const float x, const float y); ??? x,y reversed ???
	Compute the arc tangent of (x/y);

sinhf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float sinhf (const float x);
	Compute the hyperbolic sine of x.

coshf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float coshf (const float x);
	Compute the hyperbolic cosine of x.

tanhf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float tanhf (const float x);
	Compute the hyperbolic tangent of x.

expf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float expf (const float x);
	Compute e to the x power.

logf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float logf (const float x);
	Compute log base e of x.

log10f - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float log10f (const float x);
	Compute log base 10 of x.

powf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float powf (const float x, const float y);
	Compute x to y power.

sqrtf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float sqrtf (const float x);
	Compute the square root of x.

fabsf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float fabsf (const float x);
	Compute the absolute value of x.

frexpf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float frexpf (const float x, int *pw2);
	Split x in to mantissa and exponent parts.

ldexpf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float ldexpf (const float x, const int pw2);
	Combine mantissa and exponent parts of a float.

ceilf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float ceilf (float x);
	Find the smallest integer not less than x.

floorf - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float floorf (float x);
	Find the largest integer not more than x.

modff - ANSI C math - #include <math.h> - all ports
	float modff (float x, float * y);
	Split x in to integer and fractional parts.

setjmp - long jump - #include <setjmp.h> - ??? ports
	int setjmp (unsigned char * jmpb);
	Save the return address and sufficient task state
	to allow implementation of co-routines or error
	handlers that unwind the stack using longjmp.
	Returns 0, which is reserved and cannot be used
	by longjmp.

longjmp - long jump - #include <setjmp.h> - ??? ports
	int longjmp (unsigned char * jmpb, int retval);
	Return to the the location and task state previously
	save in the jump buffer.  Any integer number except 0
	may be passed as retval.

printf_small - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	void printf_small (char *,...);

printf - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	int printf (const char *,...);

vprintf - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	int vprintf (const char *, va_list);

sprintf - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	int sprintf (const char *, const char *, ...);

vsprintf - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	int vsprintf (const char *, const char *, va_list);

puts - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	int puts(const char *);

gets - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	char *gets(char *);

getchar - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	char getchar(void);

putchar - standard character I/O - #include <stdio.h> - all ports
	void putchar(char);

strcpy - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strcpy (char * d, char * s);
	Copy the nul terminated source string s to the destination d.

strncpy - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strncpy(char * d, char * s, int n);
	Copy the nul terminated source string s to the destination d but
	do not copy more than n characters even if this causes d to not
	be nul terminated.

strcat - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strcat (char * front, char * back);
	Copy the nul terminated string back to the end of the nul terminated
	string front, overwriting the nul and creating a concatenation of
	the two with a single trailing nul terminator.

strncat - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strncat(char * front, char * back, int n);
	Copy the nul terminated string back to the end of the nul terminated
	string front, overwriting the nul and creating a concatenation of
	the two, but do not copy more than n characters, even if this causes
	the result to no be nul terminated.

strcmp - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	int   strcmp (char * asrc, char * adst);
	Compare two nul terminated strings asrc and adst.  Return a value < 0 if asrc
	is less than adst.  Return a value > 0 if asrc is greater than adst.  Otherwise
	return 0.

strncmp - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	int   strncmp(char * asrc, char * adst, int n);
	Compare two nul terminated strings asrc and adst but do not check more than n
	characters.  Return a value < 0 if asrc is less than adst.  Return a value > 0
	if asrc is greater than adst. Otherwise return 0.

strchr - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strchr (char * string, char ch);
	Return a pointer to the first occurrence of the character ch is string
	or a NULL pointer if not found.

strrchr - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strrchr(char * string, char ch);
	Return a pointer to the last occurrence of the character ch is string
	or a NULL pointer if not found.

strspn - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	int   strspn (char *, char *);

strcspn - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	int   strcspn(char *, char *);

strpbrk - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strpbrk(char *, char *);

strstr - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strstr (char *, char *);

strlen - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	int   strlen (char *  );

strtok - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	char *strtok (char *, char *);

memcpy - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	void *memcpy (void *, void *, int );

memcmp - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	int   memcmp (void *, void *, int );

memset - string manipulation - #include <string.h> - all ports
	void *memset (void *, unsigned char  , int );


mktime - time and date - #include <time.h> - all ports
	time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr);

asctime - time and date - #include <time.h> - all ports
	char *asctime(struct tm *timeptr);

ctime - time and date - #include <time.h> - all ports
	char *ctime(time_t *timep);