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<TITLE>Packaging stubs into DLLs</TITLE>
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<H1 CLASS="chapter"><A NAME="htoc137">Chapter&#XA0;12</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Packaging stubs into DLLs</H1><P>
<A NAME="chap:dlls"></A></P><P>omniORB&#X2019;s stubs can be packaged into shared libraries or DLLs. On Unix
platforms this is mostly painless, but on Windows things are slightly
more tricky.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc55"></A><A NAME="htoc138">12.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Dynamic loading and unloading</H2><P>As long as your platform supports running static initialisers and
destructors as libraries are loaded and unloaded, you can package
stubs into shared libraries / DLLs, and load them dynamically at
runtime.</P><P>There is one minor problem with this, which is that normally nil
object references are heap allocated, and only deallocated when the
ORB is destroyed. That means that if you unload a stub library from
which nil references have been obtained (just by creating an object
reference _var for example), there is a risk of a segmentation fault
when the ORB is destroyed. To avoid that problem, define the
<TT>OMNI_UNLOADABLE_STUBS</TT> C pre-processor symbol while you are
compiling the stub files. Unfortunately, with that define set, there
is a risk that object reference _vars at global scope will segfault
as they are unloaded. You must not create _vars at global scope if
you are using <TT>OMNI_UNLOADABLE_STUBS</TT>.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc56"></A><A NAME="htoc139">12.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Windows DLLs</H2><P>On Unix platforms, the linker figures out how to link the symbols
exported by a library in to the running program. On Windows,
unfortunately, you have to tell the linker where symbols are coming
from. This causes all manner of difficulties.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc140">12.2.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Exporting symbols</H3><P>To (statically) link with a DLL file in Windows, you link with a LIB
file which references the symbols exported from the DLL. To build the
LIB and DLL files, the correct symbols must be exported. One way to do
that is to decorate the source code with magic tags that tell the
compiler to export the symbols. The alternative is to provide a DEF
file that lists all the symbols to be exported. omniORB uses a DEF
file.</P><P>The question is, how do you create the DEF file? The answer is to use
a Python script named <TT></TT> that lives in the
<TT>bin\scripts</TT> directory in the omniORB distribution.
<TT></TT> runs the dumpbin program that comes with
Visual C++, and processes its output to extract the necessary symbols.
Although it is designed for exporting the symbols from omniORB stub
files, it can actually be used for arbitrary C++ code. To use it to
create a DLL from a single source file, use the following steps:</P><OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
Compile the source:<P><TT>cl -c -O2 -MD -GX -Fofoo.o</TT></P></LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Build a static library (It probably won&#X2019;t work on its own due to
the -MD switch to cl, but we just need it to get the symbols
out):<P><TT>lib -out:foo_static.lib foo.o</TT></P></LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Use the script to build a .def file:<P><TT> foo_static.lib foo 1.0 foo.def</TT></P></LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Build the .dll and .lib with the def file.<P><TT>link -out:foo.dll -dll -def:foo.def -implib:foo.lib foo.o</TT>
</P></LI></OL><P>Of course, you can link together many separate C++ files, rather than
just the one shown here.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc141">12.2.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Importing constant symbols</H3><P>As if exporting the symbols from a DLL was not complicated enough, any
constant values exported by a DLL have to be explicitly
<EM>imported</EM> into the code using them. omniORB&#X2019;s stub files declare
a number of such constants. This time, the constant declarations in
the generated header files are decorated in a way that tells the
compiler what to do. When the stub headers are #included, the correct
pre-processor defines must be set. If things are not set correctly,
the code all links without problems, but then mysteriously blows up at
run time.</P><P>Depending on how complex your situation is, there are a range of
solutions. Starting with the simplest, here are some scenarios you may
find yourself in:</P><OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">All stub code, and all code that uses it is wrapped up in a
single DLL.<P>Do nothing special.</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">All stub code is in a single DLL. Code using it is in another
DLL, or not in a DLL at all.<P><TT>#define USE_stub_in_nt_dll</TT> before <TT>#include</TT> of
the stub headers.</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">The stubs for each IDL file are in separate DLLs, one DLL per
IDL file.<P>In this case, if the IDL files <TT>#include</TT> each other, when
the stub files are compiled, import declarations are needed so
that references between the separate DLLs work. To do this,
first compile the IDL files with the <TT>-Wbdll_stubs</TT>
flag:</P><P><TT>omniidl -bcxx -Wbdll_stubs example.idl</TT></P><P>Then define the <TT>INCLUDED_stub_in_nt_dll</TT> pre-processor
symbol when compiling the stub files. As above, define
<TT>USE_stub_in_nt_dll</TT> when including the stub headers
into application code.</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Stubs and application code are packaged into multiple DLLs, but
DLLs contain the stubs for more than one IDL file.<P>This situation is handled by &#X2018;annotating&#X2019; the IDL files to
indicate which DLLs they will be compiled into. The annotation
takes the form of some <TT>#ifdefs</TT> to be inserted in the
stub headers. For example,</P><DIV CLASS="lstlisting"><I>// one.idl</I>

<B>#pragma</B> hh #ifndef COMPILING_FIRST_DLL
<B>#pragma</B> hh # ifndef USE_stub_in_nt_dll
<B>#pragma</B> hh #   define USE_stub_in_nt_dll
<B>#pragma</B> hh # endif
<B>#pragma</B> hh #endif

<B>#include</B> &lt;two.idl&gt;

<B>module</B> ModuleOne {

<I>// two.idl</I>

<B>#pragma</B> hh #ifndef COMPILING_SECOND_DLL
<B>#pragma</B> hh # ifndef USE_stub_in_nt_dll
<B>#pragma</B> hh #   define USE_stub_in_nt_dll
<B>#pragma</B> hh # endif
<B>#pragma</B> hh #endif

<B>#include</B> &lt;three.idl&gt;
...</DIV><P>Here, <TT>one.idl</TT> is packaged into <TT>first.dll</TT> and
<TT>two.idl</TT> is in <TT>second.dll</TT>. When compiling
<TT>first.dll</TT>, the <TT>COMPILING_FIRST_DLL</TT> define is
set, meaning definitions from <TT>one.idl</TT> (and any other
files in that DLL) are not imported. Any other module that
includes the stub header for <TT>one.idl</TT> does not define
<TT>COMPILING_FIRST_DLL</TT>, and thus imports the necessary
symbols from the DLL.</P><P>Rather than explicitly listing all the pre-processor code, it
can be cleaner to use a C++ header file for each DLL. See the
COS services IDL files in <TT>idl/COS</TT> for an example.</P></LI></OL><HR>
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