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\title{The OMNI Development Environment}
\author{Tristan Richardson\\
\date{12 January 1999}







The OMNI Development Environment (ODE) provides a mechanism for building
software across all our diverse platforms.

The idea is that you create a {\em build tree} for a particular platform where
you can ``build'' software using compilers, linkers, etc.  To help with this
you can pull in things like header files and libraries from a number of {\em
import trees}.  The resulting code can be ``exported'' to an {\em export tree},
from where others may ``import'' it.  A few simple definitions of the different
types of tree may help:


\item An {\em import/export tree} is a place for sharing compiled libraries and
binaries, header files, IDL files, {\em make} variables and rules.  It has a
standard structure of subdirectories - at present {\tt include}, {\tt idl},
{\tt mk}, {\tt bin} and {\tt lib} - but a particular tree might have some of
these missing or have other extra subdirectories.  Underneath {\tt bin} and
{\tt lib} are platform-dependent subdirectories.

\item A {\em build tree} is where source code is ``built''.  The source code
can be local to the build tree, or it can be pulled in from a source tree which
is shared with other build trees.  The results of building, such as libraries
and binaries, can be exported to an {\em export tree}.  Such an {\em export
tree} can then be used as an {\em import tree} by another build tree.
Obviously build trees are platform-dependent.

\item A {\em source tree} has the source code of things which need ``building''
such as C/C++ source and Java source.  Things which don't need to be ``built''
such as header files and IDL files can just be put directly into an
import/export tree.


By convention a source tree will often be associated with an import/export
tree and will be placed in the {\tt src} subdirectory of the import/export
tree.  Its structure underneath {\tt src} can be anything.

For each platform there will also often be a build tree under the {\tt build}
subdirectory of the import/export tree.  Here source code from the
corresponding source tree is built, and then exported to the import/export

Note that when you treat an import/export tree as an import tree, the contents
of its corresponding source and build trees is totally irrelevant.  There is no
sense in which you can ``import'' from a build tree.\footnote{This differs from
the old OMNI development environment where, for example, an {\tt appl} build
tree could ``import'' from a {\tt lib} build tree.}

Every build tree must have a {\em base} OMNI tree from which it imports.
Usually this will be the current {\em release} or {\em develop} OMNI tree.  In
addition the build tree can have any number of other import trees.  The order
of these import trees is important - if a library, header file or whatever
appears in more than one import tree, the build tree will use the one in the
import tree which is specified first.  The {\em base} OMNI tree will always be
searched last.

\section{Some example ways of using the ODE}

There are a number of different ways in which the ODE can be used.  Here are
some examples, using various source, build and import/export trees.  Don't
worry if the later examples seem complicated - it will all become clear when
you try some building yourself.


The simplest situation is where a user wants to write their own code in
isolation.  For a single platform this can be done directly in a build tree
which just imports from the base OMNI tree but has no export tree or source
trees.  See the hello world example below.

\item If the user wants to build the same source code on multiple platforms the
code can be placed in a source tree.  Several build trees can then be created
each of which shadow the source tree (i.e. have the same directory structure
but no source files).  Again these build trees need not have an export tree.

To share header files and libraries between several programs, the user needs
their own import/export tree.  The build tree(s) will both import from and
export to this import/export tree, as well as importing from the base OMNI
tree.  Note that if two programs want to share a library which is built in the
same tree, the recommended way of doing this is to export the library to an
import/export tree, rather than just pulling the library out of the build tree.
This makes it possible to build the same programs in a different tree simply by
importing from this import/export tree.

\item The base OMNI tree has a source tree and a build tree for each platform.
Each of these build trees shadows the source tree, and both imports from and
exports to the base OMNI import/export tree.  It has no other import trees.

\item If the user wants to build their own version of a standard OMNI library
with just one or two source file changes, this can be done by using the base
OMNI tree as a second {\em source tree}.  The user makes a directory with
exactly the same path in their own source tree and build trees as in the base
OMNI source tree.  A local file in the user's source tree then just overrides
the same file in the base OMNI source tree.  Once the library has been built,
it should be exported to the user's import/export tree, where it can be used to
override the library in the base OMNI import/export tree.

\item Each project using the ODE will have its own import/export tree with
corresponding source tree and build trees for each platform.  Similar to
case~\ref{twoimporttrees} these build trees will import from and export to the
project's import/export tree and also import from the base OMNI tree.

\item People working on a project will also have personal build trees which
import from the project tree followed by the base OMNI tree.  They may also
have their own import/export tree which is imported from first.  In this case
there are three levels of import tree.  There is theoretically no limit to the
number of trees which may be imported in this way.

\item Similarly to multiple import trees, a user may have a build tree with
multiple source trees.  It could firstly shadow their own source tree followed
by a project source tree followed by the base OMNI source tree.  This could be
used to build a different version of a standard OMNI library, a different
version of a standard project library and the user's own programs all in the
same build tree.


\section{Writing a Hello World program in C}

This section introduces the use of the development environment by going through
the steps to build a simple ``hello world'' program on a unix platform.  This
will be done using the ODE in the simplest way as in case~\ref{buildtreeonly}

\subsection{Setting up Your Environment}

\sloppy{Although not strictly necessary it is advisable to set the environment
variable \verb|OMNI_TREE| to point to the base OMNI tree you wish to use.  For
a quick test like this, you can use \verb|/project/omni/release| - this is a
symbolic link to the current release tree.  If you want to make a build tree
which is more stable, use the actual directory name
(e.g. \verb|/project/omni/version5.5|) as the base OMNI tree.  Doing the latter
means you won't have problems when the release tree is moved on to the next
version.  If you really want to be at the cutting edge, you can use
\verb|/project/omni/develop|, but as the name suggests, the develop tree may
change underneath your feet, so you should only do this if you really need to.

Having decided on your base OMNI tree, add the directories
\verb|$OMNI_TREE/bin/|{\it platform} and \verb|$OMNI_TREE/bin/scripts| to your
path in that order (so that platform-specific binaries will override scripts).
You may also wish to add \verb|$OMNI_TREE/man| to your {\tt MANPATH}.  If the
version of make which is on your path is not GNU make then you need to set the
environment variable {\tt GNUMAKE} to specify the command to run for GNU make.}

\subsection{Creating a build tree}

You create a build tree by running the script {\tt obuildtree}.  It will prompt
you for a number of things.  Often there is a sensible default shown in square
brackets which will be used if you just hit RETURN.  In this case you want a
build tree for whichever platform you're on with no source or export tree.  You
can name the destination directory whatever you like.  For example:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ obuildtree

Enter the base OMNI tree for this build tree
> [/project/omni/release] 

Enter the platform name from:
> [sun4_sosV_5.5] 

Enter the destination directory
> [sun4_sosV_5.5] solaris_hello

Does this build tree have an export tree ?
> [n] 

The final import tree will be /project/omni/release (the base OMNI tree)
Enter any other import trees in search order

Does this build tree have any source trees ?
> [y] n


Creating OMNI build tree "solaris_hello" for platform "sun4_sosV_5.5"

No export tree

Import trees are:

No source trees


Now go into your new build tree:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cd solaris_hello

Notice that there is a directory called {\tt config} with files called {\tt} and {\tt sources}.  Generating these files is all that {\tt
obuildtree} does.

Now you're ready to write your ``hello world'' program:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  printf("Hello world!\n");
  return 0;

Now you need to specify how to make an executable from this C source file.
This is done in a file called {\tt}.  This is very similar in concept to
an Imakefile except that there is no separate preprocessing stage -- {\tt} is actually processed by {\tt make}.  However, to allow it to be a
platform-independent specification, {\tt} is not a complete makefile in
itself.  Instead a front-end to {\tt make} is used called {\tt omake}.  What
{\tt omake} does is to find the {\tt config} directory in your build tree and
run {\tt make} on {\tt}.  This allows for import trees to define
useful {\tt make} variables and rules which can be used in your {\tt}.

So for our example you need a {\tt} like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >
SRCS = hello.c

all:: hello

hello: hello.o

Notice this looks just like a makefile -- except that the rule {\tt
\$(CExecutable)} has been predefined for you so you don't need to worry about
compilers, linkers and their flags.  Note also that it is important to use a
TAB rather than spaces in the make rule.  The ``@'' is there to tell make not
to generate lots of irrelevant output.

Now you can run ``{\tt omake}'' to build the executable\footnote{If you get a
``missing separator'' error from make this is probably because you used spaces
instead of a TAB in the rule}:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ omake

make -r -f config/ VPATH= TOP=. CURRENT=. OMAKE_TARGET=

/project/omni/release/mk/ hello.d: No such file or directory
/bin/sh -ec "gcc -M  -I.  -I/project/omni/release/include -D__sunos__ -D__sp
arc__ -D__OSVERSION__=5 -DSVR4 hello.c | sed 's/hello\\.o/& hello.d/g' > hel
gcc -c -O -fpcc-struct-return  -I.  -I/project/omni/release/include -D__suno
s__ -D__sparc__ -D__OSVERSION__=5 -DSVR4 -o hello.o hello.c
+ rm -f hello 
+ gcc -o hello -L/project/omni/release/lib/sun4_sosV_5.5 hello.o 

The result should be that three files are generated.  The file called
{\tt hello} is the executable which you should be able to run:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ ./hello
Hello world!

There should also be the object file {\tt hello.o}.  The third file is called
{\tt hello.d}.  This contains the header file dependencies of {\tt hello.c}.
The generation of this file is done automatically whenever {\tt hello.c}
changes -- there is no need for a separate ``make depend'' step.  Any C source
file specified in {\tt SRCS} or C++ file specified in {\tt CXXSRCS} will have
this dependency checking done automatically.

\subsection{Making it portable to NT and ATMos}

Because different platforms adopt different naming conventions for executables,
the {\tt} used above is not suitable for use on non-unix platforms.  To
make it truly portable {\tt} should look like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
SRCS = hello.c

HELLO = $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),hello)

all:: $(HELLO)

$(HELLO): hello.o

        $(RM) $(HELLO)

This uses GNU make's {\tt patsubst} feature together with a make variable {\tt
BinPattern} to produce the name of the executable file.  For example on NT,
{\tt BinPattern} is set to {\tt \%.exe}, resulting in the executable name {\tt
hello.exe}.\footnote{You may recall this is similar to the old OMNI development
environment's {\tt ProgramTargetName} macro.}  For completeness there should
also be a rule for removing the executable when ``{\tt omake clean}'' is done.

\section{Using a source tree}

Now assume you want to build the same code on several platforms.  Put {\tt
hello.c} and {\tt} in a directory called {\tt src}.  Create a
directory alongside it called {\tt build} and inside there run ``{\tt
obuildtree}''.  This time specify the full path of the {\tt src} directory (or
if you prefer ``{\tt ../../src}'') as a source tree.  You should be able to
type ``{\tt omake}'' inside the build tree and have it compile your program
even though the source file is not in the local build directory.

You will see that on the command line {\tt omake} gives to GNU {\tt make} it
specifies a {\tt -I} flag causing make to search for the {\tt} in the
{\tt src} directory, and sets the VPATH variable so that make searches for
source files in that directory.  In this way there is no need for symbolic
links from the build tree back to the source tree.

You can create a similar build tree for another platform using the same source
tree, thereby compiling for both platforms from the same source files.

\section{Creating an import/export tree}

There is no magic involved in creating an import/export tree.  An empty
directory is a completely valid import/export tree, albeit a not very useful
one.  In the conventional case where there are source and build trees
associated with an import/export tree, the import/export tree will be the
directory above the {\tt src} and {\tt build} directories.

If say you want to put a header file in your import/export tree, simply create
an {\tt include} subdirectory and put the header file in it.  Similarly IDL
files can simply be put in an {\tt idl} subdirectory.  However, if you want to
put something which needs ``building'' (such as a library or executable binary)
into an import/export tree, this needs to be done by running ``{\tt omake
export}'' inside a build tree.

Suppose you want to export the {\tt hello} executable to your import/export
tree.  When {\tt obuildtree} asks you whether the build tree has an export tree
you should type ``y'' and specify the full path of the import/export tree (with
any luck this will be the default).  The export tree will automatically become
the first import tree as well.  Now in your {\tt} you need a rule which
says how to export the {\tt hello} executable.  Add the following:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
export:: $(HELLO)

When you run ``{\tt omake export}'' inside your build tree it should create a
{\tt bin/}{\it platform} directory in your import/export tree and put the hello
executable there.

As well as providing header files, IDL files, libraries and executables, an
import/export tree can provide make variables and rules in the {\tt mk}
directory.  The {\tt} in a build tree includes two make files for
each import tree, called {\tt} and {\tt}.  Whenever
{\tt omake} is run, these get included before and after {\tt}
respectively.  The most common use of these files is for defining make
variables for libraries (see section~\ref{buildlib} about building libraries).


The {\tt} file is basically just a makefile, so you can put normal make
rules and variable definitions there.  However to make full use of the ODE you
will want to use the predefined variables and rules to make your {\tt}
platform-independent.  As with imakefiles, usually the best thing to do is find
an existing {\tt} which does nearly the same thing that you want and
copy it.

\subsection{Generating library and executable names}

Since each platform has its own naming conventions for libraries and executable
binaries, you should use the GNU make ``patsubst'' function together with {\tt
LibPattern} and {\tt BinPattern} to generate the appropriate file name.
Assigning a make variable to each library or executable name is probably a good
idea, e.g.:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
lib = $(patsubst %,$(LibPattern),my_library)
prog1 = $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),my_program1)
prog2 = $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),my_program2)

These variables can then be used throughout the rest of {\tt}.  All
platforms support the extensions {\tt .c} for C source files, {\tt .cc} for C++
source files and {\tt .o} for object files.

\subsection{Building C or C++ programs}

For building C or C++ programs use the ``rules'' CExecutable and CXXExecutable
respectively (``rules'' like these are actually make variables which contain a
canned sequence of shell commands).  The general forms are:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$(prog1): <objects> <lib_depends>
        @(libs="<libs>"; $(CExecutable))

$(prog2): <objects> <lib_depends>
        @(libs="<libs>"; $(CXXExecutable))

Here {\tt prog1} and {\tt prog2} have been assigned using BinPattern as
suggested above, {\tt <objects>} is a list of object files and {\tt <libs>} is
a list of libraries.  \verb|<lib_depends>| is a list of library dependencies -
for each library provided there should be a make variable both for the library
itself and for putting in the dependencies of a program.  For example the
omnithread library provides a variable \verb|OMNITHREAD_LIB| which might
contain something like ``{\tt -lomnithread -lpthreads}'' and a variable
\verb|OMNITHREAD_LIB_DEPEND| which will contain the full pathname of {\tt
libomnithread.a}.  By specifying such dependencies programs will automatically
be relinked whenever relevant libraries change.

In addition to the rules for creating the executables, you also need to specify
what the C and C++ source files are.  The variables {\tt SRCS} and {\tt
CXXSRCS} should contain a list of the C and C++ source files respectively.  The
main effect of setting these variables is to cause header file dependency
analysis to be performed.  The variable {\tt ASSRCS} can be used to specify
assembly language source files.

To specify the options that get given to the C or C++ compiler there are
several variables you can use.  The most common one is \verb|DIR_CPPFLAGS|.
This is used for passing C preprocessor flags (i.e. {\tt -D} and {\tt -I}) to
both the C compiler and the C++ compiler.  The ``{\tt DIR}'' signifies that the
flags are specific to this directory.  These flags will be used in addition to
the normal flags given to the compiler.  If you want to totally override all
the standard CPP flags provided by the import trees you can set the variable
{\tt CPPFLAGS} directly, but this is not recommended unless you know what
you're doing.

Other variables you can set are:

\item {\tt CDEBUGFLAGS} or {\tt CXXDEBUGFLAGS} for setting {\tt -O} and {\tt
-g} flags to the compiler.
\item {\tt COPTIONS} and {\tt CXXOPTIONS} for setting other options to the
\item {\tt CLINKOPTIONS} and {\tt CXXLINKOPTIONS} for setting options to the

Setting these variables will override any defaults provided by the import
trees.  If you want to keep the defaults but add an extra flag you can use GNU
make's ``+='' notation.

As well as the rule to build the executable you should also have a rule to
remove it when ``{\tt omake clean}'' is done and a rule to export it when
``{\tt omake export}'' is done, e.g.:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
        $(RM) $(prog1) $(prog2)

export:: $(prog1) $(prog2)

\subsection{Building libraries}

To build a statically-linked (i.e. non-shared) library, use the rule
{\tt StaticLinkLibrary}:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$(lib): <objects>

Again you can use \verb|DIR_CPPFLAGS|, {\tt CDEBUGFLAGS}, etc for controlling
the flags given to the compiler, and you should put the names of all the source
files in {\tt SRCS} and {\tt CXXSRCS}.  To export the library and clean it out
you should also have:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
        $(RM) $(lib)

export:: $(lib)

As well as exporting the library itself, you should provide two MAKE variables
to make it easier for others to use the library.  These variables should be of
the form \verb|XXX_LIB| and \verb|XXX_LIB_DEPEND|, as described above for the
omnithread library.  You put their definitions in the \verb|mk/| of
the import/export tree. Assuming your library has the name ``wob'', you need
something like:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
WOB_LIB = $(patsubst %,$(LibSearchPattern),wob)
lib_depend := $(patsubst %,$(LibPattern),wob)

You don't actually {\em need} to understand what these lines do but they are
worth explaining anyway.  {\tt LibSearchPattern} is like {\tt LibPattern}
except it specifies the library in such a way as to cause the linker to search
for the library.  For example, on unix platforms this will be ``\verb|-l%|''
(on ATMos and NT it happens to be the same as {\tt LibPattern}).  If your
library requires any other libraries these should be added to \verb|WOB_LIB|.

The two ``lib\_depend'' lines are slightly more complicated.  The variable
\verb|GENERATE_LIB_DEPEND| actually acts more like a function than a
variable. What it does is search through all the import trees for the library
currently specified in the \verb|lib_depend| variable.  Since simple assignment
(``{\tt :=}'') is used, the variable \verb|WOB_LIB_DEPEND| gets assigned the
full pathname of the ``wob'' library in whichever import tree it is found.
Hence it can be used in the dependencies of a link rule to cause relinking
whenever that library changes.

\subsubsection{Building dynamically-linked (shared) libraries}

At present there are no rules to help you do this.  Currently the omnithread
and omniORB2 libraries are built as shared libraries using a custom {\tt}.  Proper support for building shared libraries ought to be provided at
some time in the future.

\subsection{Building in subdirectories}

Use the {\tt MakeSubdirs} rule.  Normally you just set the {\tt SUBDIRS}
variable like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
SUBDIRS = wib wob



This will cause both ``{\tt omake all}'' and ``{\tt omake export}'' to go down
into the subdirectories {\tt wib} and {\tt wob}.  If you want to run {\tt
omake} with a different target in the subdirectories you can set the shell
variable {\tt target}.  For example, if you want ``{\tt omake export}'' to
actually perform ``{\tt omake all}'' in each of the subdirectories, do this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
        @(target=all; $(MakeSubdirs))

In fact you can use different subdirectories for different targets as well by
using the {\tt subdirs} shell variable instead of the {\tt SUBDIRS} make

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
        @(subdirs="a b"; $(MakeSubdirs))

        @(subdirs="c d"; $(MakeSubdirs))

If you want to pass make variable settings down to a subdirectory you can use
the make variable \verb|SUBDIR_MAKEFLAGS| (as with {\tt SUBDIRS} this can be
overridden with a shell variable, in this case \verb|subdir_makeflags|).  For

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}


        @(subdir_makeflags='MY_MAKE_VARIABLE="wib wob"'; $(MakeSubdirs))

\subsection{Local include directories}

One point to note is that when adding local include directories to
\verb|DIR_CPPFLAGS| you need to be aware of the way the VPATH mechanism works.
For example, putting:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
DIR_CPPFLAGS = -I../include

will probably not do what you want since only this build tree will be searched
for header files.  If you want to search through all the source trees for the
equivalent include directories you need a ``patsubst'' expression to add the
same relative path to each element of {\tt VPATH}:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
DIR_CPPFLAGS = -I../include $(patsubst %,-I%/../include,$(VPATH))

\subsection{Platform specific variables}

There are several make variables which you can test to distinguish between the
various platforms.  The variable {\tt platform} contains the full platform name
in the form used by {\tt obuildtree} (e.g. \verb|sun4_sosV_5.5|).  More useful
for testing in {\tt}, each platform defines two variables to identify
the operating system\footnote{The make variable identifying the operating
system is the same as returned by the ``uname'' command where appropriate.} and
processor.  In addition {\tt UnixPlatform} and {\tt Win32Platform} are defined
where appropriate.  These variables can be tested using GNU make's {\tt ifdef}
command.  Currently supported are:

Platform & make variables \\
Sun Solaris 2.5  & \verb|platform=sun4_sosV_5.5| \\
                 & \verb|SparcProcessor  SunOS      UnixPlatform| \\
Digital Unix 3.2 & \verb|platform=alpha_osf1_3.2| \\
                 & \verb|AlphaProcessor  OSF1       UnixPlatform| \\
Linux 2.0 (x86)  & \verb|platform=i586_linux_2.0| \\
                 & \verb|x86Processor    Linux      UnixPlatform| \\
Windows/NT 3.5   & \verb|platform=x86_nt_3.5| \\
                 & \verb|x86Processor    WindowsNT  Win32Platform| \\
ATMos 4.0        & \verb|platform=arm_atmos_3.0/atb| \\
                 & \verb|ArmProcessor    ATMos| \\

In addition to these make variables which can be tested in {\tt}, there
are several C/C++ preprocessor defines which can be tested in your program
source to distinguish the various platforms:

Platform & CPP defines \\
Sun Solaris 2.5  & \verb|__sparc__  __sunos__  __OSVERSION__=5| \\
Digital Unix 3.2 & \verb|__alpha__  __osf1__   __OSVERSION__=3| \\
Linux 2.0 (x86)  & \verb|__x86__    __linux__  __OSVERSION__=2| \\
Windows/NT 3.5   & \verb|__x86__    __NT__     __OSVERSION__=3  __WIN32__| \\
ATMos 4.0        & \verb|__arm__    __atmos__  __OSVERSION__=4| \\

To distinguish amongst different compilers, each compiler usually sets its own
CPP defines.  The ones you are recommended to test are:

Compiler & CPP define \\
SparcWorks C++       & \verb|__SUNPRO_CC| \\
DEC C++              & \verb|__DECCXX| \\
GNU g++              & \verb|__GNUG__| \\
GNU gcc (C and C++)  & \verb|__GNUC__| \\
Microsoft Visual C++ & \verb|_MSC_VER| \\

\section{Creating a New Project Tree}

To create a new project tree all you need is an import/export tree, a source
tree and a set of build trees, one for each platform.  By convention, the
source tree is put in a subdirectory of the import/export tree called {\tt src}
and the build trees are put in subdirectories named {\tt build/}{\it platform}.

Let's assume for your project that you have some IDL files and header files as
well as some source files.  Create your top-level directory, say {\small \tt
/project/wobble/version1.0}.  Then make directories {\tt idl}, {\tt include},
{\tt src} and {\tt build}.  Copy your IDL files into {\tt idl} and your header
files into {\tt include}.

For your source files you must decide on an appropriate directory structure
underneath {\tt src} and put the source files there.  You can have any
structure there, but if you want a guide, take a look at the {\tt
/project/omni/release/src} structure.  This has (in order of processing by
{\tt omake}):
\item a directory with tools used in the building process (which are probably
unlikely in your project tree).
\item a directory with ATMos interface files (again unlikely unless you are
writing low-level ATMos code).
\item a directory with sources to be made into libraries.
\item a directory with sources to be made into executable programs.
In your source tree you'll need an appropriate {\tt} file in each
directory (including one in {\tt src} itself).  At the top level you may not
want ``{\tt omake all}'' to do anything since it is unlikely to do what people
expect (when it gets to building programs it won't use the libraries which have
just been built).  Instead you probably only want an ``{\tt omake export}''
rule at the top level which will export things as they get built.  In this way
executable programs will use the libraries which have just been built and

Once you have the structure and the {\tt} files, you can now create a
build tree for each platform.  Go into the {\tt build} directory and run ``{\tt
obuildtree}''.  Nearly all the the defaults should be correct.  You should use
the actual directory name of the base OMNI tree
(e.g. \verb|/project/omni/version5.5|) rather than
\verb|/project/omni/release|, so that you don't have problems when the release
tree is moved on to the next version.  Make sure that your top-level directory
({\tt /project/wobble/version1.0}) is the export tree as well as the first
import tree, and also that the source tree is the same with {\tt src} appended
({\tt /project/wobble/version1.0/src}).

Go into the {\it platform} subdirectory and do ``{\tt omake export}''.  If you
got your {\tt} files correct everything will now build and be exported
to your project import/export tree.

Once the project import/export tree is set up, users can create their own build
trees which import from the project import/export tree.  Note that they should
not export to it from their private build trees -- only the ``official''
project build trees should be used for this purpose.  It may be worth
suggesting to your users that they set the environment variable
\verb|OMNI_IMPORT_TREES| to contain your top-level directory (e.g. {\tt
/project/wobble/version1.0}).  Whenever they run {\tt obuildtree} it will by
default import from any trees specified in \verb|OMNI_IMPORT_TREES|, saving
them from having to type the full path out each time they create a build tree.

\section{Using CORBA in C++ programs}

Using CORBA in your C++ programs is easy.  In your {\tt}:
\item the make variable \verb|CORBA_INTERFACES| should contain a list of the
IDL interfaces which your program uses.
\item \verb|DIR_CPPFLAGS| should include \verb|$(CORBA_CPPFLAGS)|.
\item Your rule for building the executable should have both
\verb|$(CORBA_STUB_OBJS)| and \verb|$(CORBA_LIB_DEPEND)| in the dependencies.
\item The rule should also specify \verb|$(CORBA_LIB)| as one of the libraries.
For example:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
OBJS = foo.o
FOO = $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),foo)



        @(libs="$(CORBA_LIB)"; $(CXXExecutable))

When you run ``{\tt omake}'' for the first time, a {\tt stub} directory should
be created at the top level of the build tree.  The IDL compiler is invoked for
each of the IDL files (in this case {\tt wib.idl} and {\tt wob.idl}), and the
stubs generated are compiled and linked in to your executable binary.

If your program does not use any of the dynamic features of CORBA
(ie. \verb|Any|, \verb|TypeCode|, \verb|DynAny| or the \emph{Dynamic
Invocation Interface} or \emph{Dynamic Skeleton Interface}) then it is
possible to build a binary without this code:
\item use \verb|CORBA_STATIC_STUB_OBJS| rather than \verb|CORBA_STUB_OBJS| in
the dependency list.
\item specify \verb|CORBA_LIB_NODYN| as the CORBA library instead of

For each platform there should be a default implementation of CORBA to which
the {\tt CorbaImplementation} variable is set. At present this is 
{\tt OMNIORB2} on Solaris, Digital UNIX, Linux, ATMos and
NT. Alternatively, {\tt ORBIX2} is available on Solaris, Digital UNIX and NT.
You can override the default simply by setting
{\tt CorbaImplementation} before the first rule in your {\tt}.
This can either be done inside {\tt} itself (for a one-off hack), or in
the {\tt} of an import tree.  If you change {\tt
CorbaImplementation} in this way you must be careful to make sure that all
relevant libraries and stubs have also been built with the same CORBA

\section{Building Java Programs}

Building Java programs is quite different to the way C and C++ programs are
built.  In Java there is no link stage, and there are no header files.
Instead, Java imposes constraints on the way files are used and named so that
the compiler or the runtime can find interdependent classes.

The ``make'' program was designed with the C/C++ model of building in mind.
Java doesn't fit into this model very well in a number of ways:


\item There is no simple relationship between Java source (\verb|.java|) and
Java class (\verb|.class|) file names.  For example a single \verb|.java| file
can generate multiple \verb|.class| files, whose names may change as the
contents of the \verb|.java| file changes.

\item Checking dependencies between individual \verb|.java| and \verb|.class|
files is not really worth doing separately - it's as expensive as recompiling
all the \verb|.java| files.

\item The Java package layout must be reflected in the directory hierarchy.  In
particular, the Java compiler must be invoked from the top of this package
directory hierarchy so that it can find classes in different packages.


In essence, \verb|.class| files are too small a unit for "make" to deal with.
Our solution to these problems is for make to deal with Java archive
(\verb|.jar|) files as targets, rather than \verb|.class| files.  We treat
\verb|.class| files as intermediate files which exist temporarily to create a
\verb|.jar| file, but can be removed afterwards.

So in a {\tt} you specify that certain \verb|.java| files produce a
\verb|.jar| file - all \verb|.class| files generated from compiling the
\verb|.java| files will be included in the \verb|.jar| file.  Whenever a
\verb|.java| file changes, all the \verb|.java| files making up the same
\verb|.jar| file will be recompiled to produce a new \verb|.jar| file.

For example, say you have a class \verb|HelloWorld| inside the \verb|Hello|
package.  Somewhere in your tree you must have a \verb|Hello| directory with
a \verb|| inside it.  Don't put a {\tt} in the
\verb|Hello| directory itself.  Instead, at the level above the \verb|Hello|
directory, make a {\tt} with the following:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
all:: hello.jar

hello.jar: Hello/

When you do an \verb|omake|, this should first run the Java compiler to create
any \verb|.class| files, then run the \verb|jar| program to create the
\verb|hello.jar| file.  The \verb|CompileJavaSourcesToJar| rule actually leaves
behind the intermediate \verb|.class| files, so in this case you can run your
Java program something like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
% java Hello.HelloWorld

However, only the \verb|.class| files from the last
\verb|CompileJavaSourcesToJar| rule are left behind, so in general you need to
run your Java program from the \verb|.jar| file, something like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
% java -classpath hello.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/ Hello.HelloWorld

For completeness there should also be a rule for removing the \verb|.class|
files when ``{\tt omake clean}'' is done:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}

You may also want a rule to export the \verb|.jar| file:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
export:: hello.jar

As an extra convenience, you don't need to explicitly specify all of the
\verb|.java| files in your tree if you just want them all combined into a
single \verb|.jar| file.  You can get the ODE to automatically find all the
\verb|.java| files by doing the following:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}

Another difference between C/C++ and Java is that Java is platform-independent,
so you only need to build Java code on a single platform.  The easiest way to
ensure this is to put an \verb|ifdef| in the above the directory with
your Java code, which builds in that directory only for your chosen platform.  For example:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
SUBDIRS = wib wob

ifdef SunOS
SUBDIRS += myjavastuff



\subsection{Using CORBA in Java programs}

CORBA stubs fit into this jar-based scheme well - all Java classes generated
from a \verb|.idl| file are bundled into a \verb|.jar| file of the same name.
These are put into a \verb|java_stub| directory at the top of the build tree,
similar to the \verb|stub| directory for C++ stubs.

As with C++, your {\tt} should set \verb|CORBA_INTERFACES| to the IDL
interfaces which your program uses.  The rule to build your \verb|.jar| file
should have both \verb|$(CORBA_STUB_JARS)| and \verb|$(CORBA_ORB_JAR)| in the
dependencies.  If you want to generate a complete \verb|.jar| which includes
all the ORB and stub classes, you can use the \verb|$(CombineJars)| rule, e.g.:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}


mrbook.jar: mrbook_only.jar $(CORBA_STUB_JARS) $(CORBA_ORB_JAR)

Often it's useful to put all the generated stub classes into a separate Java
package to avoid name clashes.  This can be done by setting the make variable

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}

In this case, all generated stub classes appear in the package

\section{Building on NT}

\subsection{Installing the GNU-WIN32 environment}

It's best to set up the GNU-WIN32 tools on a machine's local disk as this makes
a noticeable difference to the speed at which they operate.  The tools are
usually put into \verb|C:\gnuwin32| and take up just over a megabyte.  If you
need to install them on a new machine you can use a gzip'd tar file from

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
C:\>mkdir gnuwin32
C:\>cd gnuwin32
C:\gnuwin32>\\hazel\win32app\x86\bin\gunzip -c \\shallot\omni\misc\gnu-win32-l
ite.tar.gz | \\hazel\win32app\x86\bin\tar xf -

This should create the directories \verb|C:\gnuwin32\bin| and

\subsection{Setting your path and mounting directories}

Having made sure the tools are installed on the local machine you now need to
set up your personal environment.  First you need to put \verb|C:\gnuwin32\bin|
on your path.  If you also have \verb|\\hazel\win32app\x86\bin| on your path
you should make sure that this is searched after the GNU-WIN32 directories
since it contains several unix-like programs which conflict with the GNU-WIN32
tools.  The next thing to do is ``mount'' the {\tt bin} and {\tt tmp}
directories at the root:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
C:\>set path=c:\gnuwin32\bin;%path%
C:\>mount c:/gnuwin32/bin /bin
C:\>mount c:/gnuwin32/tmp /tmp

You should now be able to run the shell {\tt sh} and all the other tools.

The next stage is to ``mount'' any other unix file systems you require.  These
should be mounted with the same pathname as on unix machines.  For example say
you have drive \verb|O:| connected to \verb|\\shallot\omni|, then do
``\verb|mount o: /project/omni|''.  It is possible to mount a directory without
connecting it to a drive letter, by doing for example
``\verb|mount //shallot/omni /project/omni|''.

As well as \verb|/project/omni| and other project directories, you will also
need Microsoft Visual C++ installed on the machine.  This must be accessible as
\verb|/msdev| in the GNU-WIN32 environment (since \verb|C:\| is the GNU-WIN32
root this is the normal place for it to be installed on a machine).

Now that you have all the right directories mounted you need to finish off
setting your environment variables.  You need to make sure that the Visual C++
tools are available by adding the \verb|/msdev/bin| directory to your path.
You can either add it to your path inside {\tt sh}, in which case you can use
the unix-style directory names, or inside MSDOS / Control Panel in which case
you need to use NT-style names (either using drive letters or the {\it
\verb|\\|machine\verb|\|directory} form depending on how you've mounted each
directory).  You also need to set the {\tt INCLUDE} environment variable to
contain \verb|C:\msdev\include| (or whatever the Visual C++ include directory
is).  Note that {\tt INCLUDE} should always use an NT-style name since it is
used by the compiler itself.

Finally you need to set up the environment variables described in section
\ref{settingenv}.  Now you should be able to use {\tt obuildtree}, {\tt omake},
etc just as on any unix platform.

\section{Building on ATMos}


Building programs to run on ATMos is quite different from Unix and NT for a
number of reasons.  On ATMos, programs are not started on demand as they are
needed.  Instead all programs to run on a particular ATMos machine must be
joined into a single ``image'' which is loaded at boot time and cannot be
changed without rebooting the machine.  Another reason is that the development
tools for ATMos are non-native -- programs must be cross-compiled on Unix
platforms.  And most significantly ATMos has its own tool called ``{\tt
aconfig}'' which is normally used for compiling code and generating the image

The approach taken in the ODE is to try to make building on ATMos as similar to
building on Unix and NT as possible.  This means using the {\tt aconfig}
utility only when it really can't be avoided.  Many features of {\tt aconfig}
are not used because the ODE provides a better way of achieving the same goal.
For example header files are placed in the include directories of import/export
trees rather than being made available using {\tt aconfig}'s {\tt Export
Header} directive.

Unlike the old imake-based ODE, there is no attempt to generate a final ATMos
image file inside an OMNI build tree.  It's best to think of creating an ATMos
image as being more like the first stage of {\em invoking} a program rather
than part of the process of building.

To get a program to run on an ATMos machine you must first build the program
and export it using ``{\tt omake export}''.  The end result of this building
and exporting will most probably be an ATMos ``package'' file.

Once a program has been exported in this way, creating an actual image which
contains the program can be done in any directory -- not necessarily underneath
an OMNI build tree or import/export tree.  Generating the image should be
a simple matter of creating an {\tt aconfig} SYSTEM file which includes the
package file.  For example, to create an ATMos image which contains the
``diner'' program from the {\tt /project/omni/release} tree, simply write a
SYSTEM file like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
Hardware atb
Set Pthreads
Package core

ReleasePath /project/omni/release/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb
Path /project/omni/release/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb

Package diner

The first three lines are the same for all such SYSTEM files (for the ``atb''
hardware anyway).  The next two lines simply tell aconfig to look in the OMNI
import/export tree, and the last line tells aconfig to actually include the
``diner'' package, which it will find inside the OMNI import/export tree.  Run
{\tt aconfig} followed by {\tt make} in the normal ATMos way and you should get
an ATMos image which when booted into a machine runs the diner program.

To generate an image which also has the example calculator client and server
programs, simply add a line ``{\tt Package calc}'' to the SYSTEM file and again
run {\tt aconfig} followed by {\tt make}.

\subsection{Hello World Revisited}

This section goes through the steps necessary to build and run the simple
``hello world'' example on an ATMos platform.  Your environment should be set
up exactly as in section \ref{settingenv}.  Run {\tt obuildtree} as for unix,
but this time specify the appropriate ATMos platform and make sure that the
build tree {\em does} have an export tree. For example:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cd /home/tjr/hello
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ obuildtree

Enter the base OMNI tree for this build tree
> [/project/omni/release] 

Enter the platform name from:
> [alpha_osf1_3.2] arm_atmos_3.0/atb

Enter the destination directory
> [arm_atmos_3.0/atb] 

Does this build tree have an export tree ?
> [y] 

Enter the export tree
> [/home/tjr/hello] 

The first import tree will be /home/tjr/hello (the export tree)
The final import tree will be /project/omni/release (the base OMNI tree)
Enter any other import trees in search order

Does this build tree have any source trees ?
> [y] n


Creating OMNI build tree "arm_atmos_3.0/atb" for platform "arm_atmos_3.0/atb"

Export tree is /home/tjr/hello

Import trees are:

No source trees



Now go into your new build tree and write the ``hello world'' program:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cd arm_atmos_3.0/atb 
$ mkdir hello
$ cd hello
$ cat >hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  printf("Hello world!\n");
  return 0;

The {\tt} is just as before:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >
SRCS = hello.c

HELLO = $(patsubst %,$(BinPattern),hello)

all:: $(HELLO)

$(HELLO): hello.o

        $(RM) $(HELLO)

export:: $(HELLO)

You can now build an ``executable binary'' by running ``{\tt omake all}''.  The
form this ``executable binary'' takes is actually an object file called
\verb|hello_exe.o| (on ATMos platforms, {\tt BinPattern} is set to

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ omake all

make -r -f config/ VPATH= TOP=. CURRENT=. OMAKE_TARGET='all' 'all'

/project/omni/release/mk/ hello.d: No such file or directory
/bin/sh -ec "arm-gcc -nostdinc -fno-common -fno-builtin -M  -I.  -I/home/tjr/he
+ catobj -o hello_exe.o hello.o 

As previously discussed, before the program can be run on an ATMos machine it
needs to be incorporated into an image file.  It is this stage where we cannot
avoid using {\tt aconfig}.  To help {\tt aconfig} we need to write a {\em
module} file describing our executable.  This module file should not contain
any directives other than {\tt Object}, {\tt Executable} and {\tt ULibrary}.
In particular it should not have any {\tt Make} or {\tt Message}
directives.\footnote{see section \ref{atmosmessages} for information on
defining ATMos messages.}

For a C program like {\tt hello.c} the module file should look like this:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >hello.module
Object hello_exe.o
    Executable hello
    ULibrary llibc.o

Now we need to put the module file and the \verb|_exe.o| file into a directory
in such a way that {\tt aconfig} can use them.  This is done by exporting them
to our export tree:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ omake export

make -r -f ../config/ VPATH= TOP=.. CURRENT=hello OMAKE_TARGET='export
' 'export'

+ mkdirhier /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/hello 
+ installbsd -c -m 0644 hello.module /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/hell
+ installbsd -c -m 0644 hello_exe.o /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/hello

At this stage we could create an image by writing a SYSTEM file with {\tt
Module} and {\tt Process} directives in it, but it's cleaner to provide a
single ``package'' file so that the SYSTEM file is kept as simple as possible.
First we need to write the package file:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >hello.pkg
Module hello
Process hello is hello/hello

Now we need one extra {\tt export} rule in {\tt}\footnote{Adding this
rule doesn't make {\tt} ATMos-specific -- it is simply ignored on
non-ATMos platforms}:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >>

        @(packages="hello"; $(ExportATMosPackages))

Now run {\tt omake export} again:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ omake export

make -r -f ../config/ VPATH= TOP=.. CURRENT=hello OMAKE_TARGET='export
' 'export'

File hello.module hasn't changed.
File hello_exe.o hasn't changed.
+ mkdirhier /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/software 
+ installbsd -c -m 0644 hello.pkg /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/softwar

Finally the {\tt hello.pkg} in \verb|/home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb| can
be used to include the hello world program in an ATMos image.  As described in
section \ref{imageanywhere}, this can be done in any directory.  For example
you could make a directory {\tt image} inside this build tree and create the
image there:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cd ..
$ mkdir image
$ cd image
$ cat >SYSTEM
Hardware atb
Set Pthreads
Package core

ReleasePath /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb
Path /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb

Package hello

$ aconfig
ATMos Config (Jul 24 1996, 13:24:41)
Config completed successfully.

$ make
(cd init; make -f makefile)
syslink  -oimage -T0x00010000 -Ereset syslink.input


You should now be able to boot up an ATMos machine with this image and see the
magic words ``Hello world!'' come out on the console.

\subsection{Building C++ programs}

When building a C++ program for ATMos the module file needs to be slightly
different.  For example:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
Object prog_exe.o
    Executable prog Qhandler pthread_qhandler
    ULibrary libpthreads.o
    ULibrary plibc.o
    ULibrary llibc++.o

\subsection{Building libraries}

Building libraries on ATMos is exactly the same as for any other platform.  A
statically-linked library gets built with the \verb|StaticLinkLibrary| rule,
and gets exported using the \verb|ExportLibrary| rule.  We do not use {\tt
aconfig}'s {\tt Export ULibrary} feature.  This means that libraries built in
an OMNI tree cannot easily be used in ATMos programs built outside the OMNI
development environment.

\subsection{ATMos messages}

Other than creating an ATMos image there is one other situation in which we
cannot avoid using {\tt aconfig}.  This is when writing low-level ATMos code
which uses ATMos messages.  ATMos message definitions need to be put in module
files, but in the ODE we do not allow these to be the same module files which
describe executables.  Module files which define messages should instead be put
in a separate directory at the top of the source or build tree.

One way of looking at it is that existing ATMos module files need to broken up
into their three different functions:

\item Directives which say how to compile programs and libraries are replaced
by rules in {\tt}.
\item Directives describing particular executables are put into a module file
in the same directory as the code and {\tt} (as described in section
\ref{atmoshello} for the hello world example).
\item Directives defining {\em interfaces}, i.e. messages (and possibly
hardware configuration), are put into module files in a separate ``ATMos
interface'' directory.

So say you have a couple of ATMos messages you want to define.  Make a
directory called \verb|atmos_if| at the top level of your build tree, and
inside there write a module file which just defines the messages:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cd /home/tjr/hello/build/arm_atmos_3.0/atb
$ mkdir atmos_if
$ cd atmos_if
$ cat >mymsg.module
MessageId 0x00200000

Message ONE
  int a;

Message TWO
  char *b

Note that it's preferable to use the {\tt MessageId} directive rather than
allowing message IDs to be allocated automatically.  If you don't use the {\tt
MessageId} directive then automatic allocation of message IDs happens in the
normal way.  When you have multiple import trees each defining messages with
automatically allocated IDs, it can be very difficult to ensure consistency
between libraries and programs built in different places.

Now you need to write a {\tt} to specify that the messages in {\tt
mymsg.module} should be exported and then run ``{\tt omake export}'':

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
$ cat >
        @echo 'No "all" rule here.  Do "omake export" to export ATMos'
        @echo 'interface files.'

        @(modules="mymsg"; $(ExportATMosInterfaces))
$ omake export

make -r -f ../config/ VPATH= TOP=.. CURRENT=atmos_if OMAKE_TARGET='exp
ort' 'export'

echo Module mymsg >> /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/all_interfaces
+ mkdirhier /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/mymsg 
+ installbsd -c -m 0644 mymsg.module /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/myms
echo Hardware atb > /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/SYSTEM
echo Set Pthreads >> /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/SYSTEM
echo Package core >> /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/SYSTEM
echo Path /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb >> /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmo
cat /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb/all_interfaces >> /home/tjr/hello/bin
+ cd /home/tjr/hello/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb 
+ aconfig 
ATMos Config (Jul 24 1996, 13:24:41)
Config completed successfully.

If you look in the ...\verb|/bin/arm_atmos_3.0/atb| directory you will see that
the message definitions now appear in the \verb|init/messages.h| file.  Code in
your build tree which tries to include \verb|messages.h| should find this file,
and thus have access to all message definitions which were exported from the
\verb|atmos_if| directory.

One other thing to note is that we haven't written a top-level {\tt} in
this example yet.  It is important that when doing ``{\tt omake export}'' at
the top of the build tree, the \verb|atmos_if| directory is processed before
any directories with code which might use the message definitions.  In this
case the top-level {\tt} should be something like:

{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
SUBDIRS = atmos_if hello


\subsubsection{Multiple import trees defining ATMos messages}

Any ATMos build tree should pull in the \verb|messages.h| file from the first
import tree it finds which has any message definitions.  So if only one import
tree has any message definitions then things work fine.  However if two import
trees both have message definitions then somehow all the messages defined in
the two trees need to be combined into a single \verb|messages.h| file.  The
{\tt ExportATMosInterfaces} rule should cope with this, but it is worth
explaining how this is done so that potential problems can be avoided.

Say you have an ATMos build tree which exports to and imports from your own
import/export tree, and also imports from a project tree.  When you do ``{\tt
omake export}'' inside the \verb|atmos_if| directory of your build tree, it
generates a {\tt messages.h} file inside the \verb|bin/arm_atmos...| directory
of your import/export tree, as explained above.  However, because this build
tree also imports from the project tree, the {\tt messages.h} file generated
contains not only the message definitions from your own \verb|atmos_if|
directory, but also the message definitions from the project tree.

There are two situations where you have to be careful:


\item If someone changes message definitions in the project tree, they will do
``{\tt omake export}'' inside the project build tree, thus updating the {\tt
messages.h} file in the project import/export tree.  However, the {\tt
messages.h} file in your import/export tree will continue to have the old
message definitions from the project tree.  To keep things consistent you need
to redo ``{\tt omake export}'' in the \verb|atmos_if| directory of your own
build tree, even though none of your message definitions have changed.

\item If you want to import from two unrelated project trees (say the streams
tree and the spirit tree) then by default you will only get the messages from
whichever tree you import from first.  If you want to combine the two sets of
message definitions you will need to create your own import/export tree, and
inside your build tree have an \verb|atmos_if| directory even if you don't
define any messages yourself (the {\tt} for such a directory would
simply have an {\tt ExportATMosInterfaces} rule without specifying any module
files).  Note that in this case it is imperative that the message definitions
in the two project trees use {\tt MessageId} directives -- otherwise the same
message will have a different ID in your local import/export tree from the ID
it has in the project import/export tree.

