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<title>JasperReports 4.0.2 - Virtualizer Sample</title>
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<td nowrap="true"><span class="title">JasperReports - Virtualizer Sample (version 4.0.2)</span></td><td align="right"><img src="../../resources/jasperreports.png" border="0"></td>
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<hr size="1">
<span class="description"><span class="description">Shows how very large reports could be generated using a report virtualizer to optimize memory consumption.</span></span>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">Download All Sample Source Files</a></span>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">Browse Sample Source Files on SVN</a></span>
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<td style="width: 20px;">
<td colspan="2"><span class="label">Main Features in This Sample</span></td>
</td><td><span class="element"><a href="#virtualizer">Generating Very Large Documents Using Report Virtualizers</a></span></td>
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<td colspan="6" align="right"><a name="virtualizer"></a><a href="#top" class="toc">top</a></td>
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<hr size="1">
<tr valign="top">
<td><img src="../../resources/jr-16x16.png" border="0"></td><td colspan="4"><span class="name">Generating Very Large Documents Using Report Virtualizers</span></td><td align="right"><span class="copy">Documented by 
	<a href="" class="copy">Luke Shannon</a></span></td>
<td colspan="6">
<tr valign="top">
</td><td nowrap="true"><span class="label">Description / Goal</span></td><td>
</td><td colspan="3"><span class="description">
How to generate very large documents using report virtualizers that optimize memory consumption.
<tr valign="top">
</td><td colspan="1"><span class="label">Since</span></td><td>
</td><td colspan="3"><span class="description">1.0.0</span></td>
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</td><td colspan="5"><span class="description">
    <b>What is Virtualization?</b>
	A JasperReport goes through 3 stages in its life cycle:
	In each stage objects are generated in memory. During the filling stages especially many objects <br>
	can be generated as data is processed through the report logic populating multiple pages <br>
	and the elements within.<br>
	In a situation such as this, there is always the risk of an Out of Memory error before the Filling<br>
	of the report has concluded.<br>
	Virtualization is a feature that allows for some of the objects that would be stored in memory during <br>
	the filling stage to be stored on the file system instead.<br>
	The virtualizer is a simple interface <span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRVirtualizer</a></span>
	There are currently three implementations of this interface:
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRFileVirtualizer</a></span>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRSwapFileVirtualizer</a></span>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRGzipVirtualizer</a></span>
	Each of this will be discussed in greater detail in the proceeding sections of this document.

<b>Running the Sample</b>
    Ant is required. By running 'ant --version' you will be able to check if ant is set up on your system (at least version 1.5 is required):<br>
    C:\&gt;ant -version Apache Ant version 1.8.0 compiled on February 1 2010
	You can obtain ant from, instructions for installation can be found there as well.
<i>Starting the Data Source</i>
    In a command prompt/terminal window browse to the demo/hsqldb folder of the JasperReports source and run the command 'ant runServer'.
    Leave window/terminal running (see below for sample output).
    C:\js-workspace\jasperreports\demo\hsqldb&gt;ant runServer
	Buildfile: C:\js-workspace\jasperreports\demo\hsqldb\build.xml

     [java] [Server@83cc67]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: checkRunning(false) entered
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: checkRunning(false) exited
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: Startup sequence initiated from main() method
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: Loaded properties from [C:\js-workspace\jasperreports\demo\hsqldb\]
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: Initiating startup sequence...
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: Server socket opened successfully in 19 ms.
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: Database [index=0, id=0, db=file:test, alias=] opened sucessfully in 1104 ms.
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: Startup sequence completed in 1125 ms.
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: 2010-03-10 11:32:30.423 HSQLDB server 1.8.0 is online
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: To close normally, connect and execute SHUTDOWN SQL
     [java] [Server@83cc67]: From command line, use [Ctrl]+[C] to abort abruptly
<i>Generating the Report</i>
    Open up a separate command prompt/terminal window and browse to the root directory of the sample.
    By running 'ant -p' you will be presented with a list of options available. Of interest in this list is all the exporters available for testing.
    Each export type will generate a output type in the build/report folder.
    By running the command 'ant' the following actions will be performed:
<li>All java code will be compiled to produce class files.</li>
<li>JRXML fills will be compiled by JasperReports to produce a .jasperfile (this is a serialized version of a JasperReports object).</li>
<li>The report will be filled with data and the resulting object, JasperPrint, will be serialized to the file system as a .jrprint.</li>
<li>All the exporters the sample is configured to test will run.</li>
    You can now run 'ant view' to see a version of the report in the JasperViewer (an applet contained in the JasperReports package which can be used to view a .jrprint object).
    Each of the these task can be ran separately as well:
<li>ant clean - removes all generated files.</li>
<li>ant javac - compiles all java code, this should be done before running further tasks.</li>
<li>ant compile - compiles the JRXML generating a .jasper file.</li>
<li>ant fill - fills the report with data, some reports use the empty data source, others use the HSQL DB and other an inline data source. A .jrprint object is generated in this step.</li>
<li>ant view - opens the report in the JasperViewer</li>
<li>ant pdf - generates a PDF (other exporters are available run 'ant -p' for a full list)</li>
<b>Note:</b> All generated files can be found in build/reports.
    You now have a working version of the report you can review.
<b>Configuring Virtualization</b>
	Virtualization is not configured in the JRXML. The details around the implementation of the virtualizer can be seen in the sample Java application that is used <br>
	to run the report:<br>
	In the fillReport() method we can see where the virtualizer is instantiated:<br>
// creating the virtualizer
JRFileVirtualizer virtualizer = new JRFileVirtualizer(2, "tmp");
	The JRFileVirtualizer is created with a maxSize of 2 and "tmp" as the name of the directory to store data.<br>
	This means once 2 pages of the filled report have been created in memory, the virtualizer will begin to store <br>
	the data required during the filling in the "tmp" directory.<br>
	A single instance of this object can be shared over multiple reports. However, this does mean that the max page<br>
	number will be respected for all reports that are generated simultaneously.<br>
	In the fillReport(JRFileVirtualizer virtualizer) method we can see how the virtualizer is configured for <br>
	use during the filling process:<br>
//Preparing parameters
Map parameters = new HashMap();
parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_VIRTUALIZER, virtualizer);
	The virtualizer must be configured as a parameter passed in during filling.<br>
<b>Types of Virtualizers</b>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRFileVirtualizer</a></span>
	As described above the JRFileVirtualizer works with temporary files on disk. It has a built in mechanism <br>
	for cleaning up these temp files after they are no longer needed. However when the clean up of these files <br>
	occurs may vary (it depends on when the virtualizer reference is garbaged collected by the JVM).<br>
	To control when virtualization occurs there is a cleanup() method available that can be called to remove the <br>
	files immediatly.<br>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRSwapFileVirtualizer</a></span>
	Similar to the JRFileVirtualizer except that rather than creating a file per virtualized page, as the <br>
	JRFileVirtualizer does, it shares a single swap file among all report filling processes configured <br>
	to use the virtualizer.<br>
	A <span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRSwapFile</a></span> has to be instantiated and passed into the JRSwapFileVirtualizer.<br>
	When creating the <span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRSwapFile</a></span> the targer directory, size of the file and rate at<br>
	which the file can grow should its current size become insufficient, are all specified.<br>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRGzipVirtualizer</a></span>
	Using this virtualizer the results in the pages created in memory during filling to be compressed <br>
	using the GZIP algorithm. Thus greatly reducing the amount of memory required.
<b>When to use Virtualization</b>
	Virtualization will result in slowed performance for larger reports (the JRGzipVirtualizer doesn't write to the<br>
	to the file system so its effect on report filling time will be less than the other virtualizers).<br>
	However, using virtualization might mean the difference between waiting a longer time to get a report<br>
	or getting a out of memory error and no report.<br>
	Setting the maxPages in memory is key. Setting the value too low will result in virtualization occuring when it is not necessary.<br>
	Setting it too high could result in an out of memory exception occuring before virtualization has a chance to start. Picking the<br>
	correct value for a given system will require some trial and error.
<b>Further Resources:</b>
    JasperReports Ultimate Guide (available from the JasperSoft eShop)<br>
    iReport Ultimate Guide (available from the JasperSoft eShop)<br>
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