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<title>JasperReports 4.0.2 - XLS Data Source Sample</title>
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<td colspan="2" align="right"><span class="element"><a href="../../sample.reference.html">Sample Reference</a> - <a href="../../schema.reference.html">Schema Reference</a> - <a href="../../config.reference.html">Configuration Reference</a> - <a href="">API (Javadoc)</a></span>
<td colspan="2">
<hr size="1">
<tr valign="middle">
<td nowrap="true"><span class="title">JasperReports - XLS Data Source Sample (version 4.0.2)</span></td><td align="right"><img src="../../resources/jasperreports.png" border="0"></td>
<td colspan="2">
<hr size="1">
<span class="description"><span class="description">Shows how the XLS data source implementation could be used to fill reports.</span></span>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">Download All Sample Source Files</a></span>
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">Browse Sample Source Files on SVN</a></span>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="width: 20px;">
<td colspan="2"><span class="label">Main Features in This Sample</span></td>
</td><td><span class="element"><a href="#xlsdatasource">XLS Data Source</a></span></td>
<td colspan="2">
<td colspan="2"><span class="label">Secondary Features</span></td>
<td></td><td><span class="element"><a href="../datasource/index.html#datasources">Data Sources</a></span></td>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><img src="../../resources/px.gif" border="0" width="20" height="1"></td><td><img src="../../resources/px.gif" border="0" width="20" height="1"></td><td><img src="../../resources/px.gif" border="0" width="20" height="1"></td><td><img src="../../resources/px.gif" border="0" width="20" height="1"></td><td width="80%">
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<td colspan="6" align="right"><a name="xlsdatasource"></a><a href="#top" class="toc">top</a></td>
<td colspan="6">
<hr size="1">
<tr valign="top">
<td><img src="../../resources/jr-16x16.png" border="0"></td><td colspan="4"><span class="name">XLS Data Source</span></td><td align="right"><span class="copy">Documented by 
	<a href="" class="copy">Sanda Zaharia</a></span></td>
<td colspan="6">
<tr valign="top">
</td><td nowrap="true"><span class="label">Description / Goal</span></td><td>
</td><td colspan="3"><span class="description">
How to fill a report using data from an XLS file.
<tr valign="top">
</td><td colspan="1"><span class="label">Since</span></td><td>
</td><td colspan="3"><span class="description">3.6.1</span></td>
<tr valign="top">
</td><td nowrap="true"><span class="label">Other Samples</span></td><td>
</td><td colspan="3">
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<td><span class="element"><a href="../datasource/index.html">/demo/samples/datasource</a></span></td>
<td colspan="6">
</td><td colspan="5"><span class="description">
<b>XLS Data Sources</b>


Report filling is one of the basic operations during the report generation. After the report compilation, 
report data are read from the report data source, and/or calculated from report expressions, 
and the generated report sections are filled one by one. 
Data sources are very useful when data come as a set of structured records, either extracted from a 
relational database, or loaded from specific files. In order to become more familiar with data source 
objects please consult the <a href="../datasources.html#datasources" target="_blank" class="element">Data Sources</a> section.
When reporting data is stored in Microsoft Excel files (XLS), the 
<span class="element"><a href="" target="_blank">JRXlsDataSource</a></span> data source 
implementation can be used to read it and feed it into the report. 
The XLS data source uses the <span class="code"><code>JExcelApi</code></span> library to load the XLS workbook and read 
from it. Instances of this data source can be created by supplying either an in-memory 
workbook object, a file, or an input stream to read the data from. 
Report-field mapping for this data source implementation is very similar to the CSV data 
source field-mapping explained in the <a href="../csvdatasource" target="_blank" class="element">CSV Data Source</a> sample. It works on the assumption that 
the workbook contains data in a tabular form (rows are records and columns contain 
report-field values).


<b>XLS Data Source Example</b>


In our example data records are stored in the /data/ file. It contains the same 
records as in the <a href="../csvdatasource" target="_blank" class="element">CSV Data Source</a> sample, but the <span class="code"><code>city</code></span> and 
<span class="code"><code>id</code></span> columns are separated by an empty column (ie. records contain in fact 6 fields, but 
the second field in each record is always empty).
There are no column headers in the .xls file. This means 
that column names are set independently, as shown in the 
<span class="code"><code>getDataSource()</code></span> method in the /src/ file: 
  private static JRXlsDataSource getDataSource() throws JRException
    JRXlsDataSource ds;
      String[] columnNames = new String[]{"city", "id", "name", "address", "state"};
      int[] columnIndexes = new int[]{0, 2, 3, 4, 5};
      ds = new JRXlsDataSource(JRLoader.getLocationInputStream("data/"));
      ds.setColumnNames(columnNames, columnIndexes);
    catch (IOException e)
      throw new JRException(e);

    return ds;
Column names are the same as in the CSV example: <span class="code"><code>city</code></span>, <span class="code"><code>id</code></span>, <span class="code"><code>name</code></span>, <span class="code"><code>address</code></span> and <span class="code"><code>state</code></span>. 
But they are associated with particular column indexes: <span class="code"><code>0, 2, 3, 4, 5</code></span>. The empty column's index (1) is skipped, and doing so, 
the empty content of the second column will be neglected.
The <span class="code"><code>JRXlsDataSource</code></span> object prepared above is passed to the engine at fill time (see again the /src/ file):
  public void fill() throws JRException
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    //Preparing parameters
    Map parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("ReportTitle", "Address Report");
    parameters.put("DataFile", " - XLS data source");
    Set states = new HashSet();
    parameters.put("IncludedStates", states);

    JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("build/reports/XlsDataSourceReport.jasper", parameters, getDataSource());
    System.err.println("Filling time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
The <span class="code"><code>IncludedStates</code></span> parameter defined above is used for data filtering. Only records with <span class="code"><code>Active</code></span> 
or <span class="code"><code>Trial</code></span> states will be taken into account:


<span class="code"><code>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;parameter name="IncludedStates" class="java.util.Set"/&gt;


&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;filterExpression&gt;&lt;![CDATA[$P{IncludedStates}.contains($F{state}) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE]]&gt;&lt;/filterExpression&gt;



<b>Running the Sample</b>


Running the sample requires the <a href="" target="_blank" class="element">Apache Ant</a> library. Make sure that <span class="code"><code>ant</code></span> is already installed on your system (version 1.5 or later).
In a command prompt/terminal window set the current folder to <span class="code"><code>demo/samples/xlsdatasource</code></span> within the JasperReports source project and run the <span class="code"><code>&gt; ant test view</code></span> command.
It will generate all supported document types containing the sample report in the <span class="code"><code>demo/samples/xlsdatasource/build/reports</code></span> directory. 
Then the report will open in the JasperReports internal viewer.
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