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<h1>Authors<a class="headerlink" href="#authors" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<div class="section" id="maintainer-i-e-who-to-hassle-if-you-find-bugs">
<h2>Maintainer (i.e., Who To Hassle If You Find Bugs)<a class="headerlink" href="#maintainer-i-e-who-to-hassle-if-you-find-bugs" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>Sergey Shepelev, temoto on Freenode, <a class="reference external" href="mailto:temotor&#37;&#52;&#48;gmail&#46;com">temotor<span>&#64;</span>gmail<span>&#46;</span>com</a></p>
<div class="section" id="original-authors">
<h2>Original Authors<a class="headerlink" href="#original-authors" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Bob Ippolito</li>
<li>Donovan Preston</li>
<div class="section" id="contributors">
<h2>Contributors<a class="headerlink" href="#contributors" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>AG Projects</li>
<li>Chris AtLee</li>
<li>R. Tyler Ballance</li>
<li>Denis Bilenko</li>
<li>Mike Barton</li>
<li>Patrick Carlisle</li>
<li>Ben Ford</li>
<li>Andrew Godwin</li>
<li>Brantley Harris</li>
<li>Gregory Holt</li>
<li>Joe Malicki</li>
<li>Chet Murthy</li>
<li>Eugene Oden</li>
<li>Scott Robinson</li>
<li>Tavis Rudd</li>
<li>Sergey Shepelev</li>
<li>Chuck Thier</li>
<li>Nick V</li>
<li>Daniele Varrazzo</li>
<li>Ryan Williams</li>
<li>Geoff Salmon</li>
<li>Edward George</li>
<li>Floris Bruynooghe</li>
<div class="section" id="linden-lab-contributors">
<h2>Linden Lab Contributors<a class="headerlink" href="#linden-lab-contributors" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>John Beisley</li>
<li>Tess Chu</li>
<li>Nat Goodspeed</li>
<li>Dave Kaprielian</li>
<li>Kartic Krishnamurthy</li>
<li>Bryan O&#8217;Sullivan</li>
<li>Kent Quirk</li>
<li>Ryan Williams</li>
<div class="section" id="thanks-to">
<h2>Thanks To<a class="headerlink" href="#thanks-to" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>AdamKG, giving the hint that invalid argument errors were introduced post-0.9.0</li>
<li>Luke Tucker, bug report regarding wsgi + webob</li>
<li>Taso Du Val, reproing an exception squelching bug, saving children&#8217;s lives  ;-)</li>
<li>Luci Stanescu, for reporting twisted hub bug</li>
<li>Marcus Cavanaugh, for test case code that has been incredibly useful in tracking down bugs</li>
<li>Brian Brunswick, for many helpful questions and suggestions on the mailing list</li>
<li>Cesar Alaniz, for uncovering bugs of great import</li>
<li>the grugq, for contributing patches, suggestions, and use cases</li>
<li>Ralf Schmitt, for wsgi/webob incompatibility bug report and suggested fix</li>
<li>Benoit Chesneau, bug report on green.os and patch to fix it</li>
<li>Slant, better iterator implementation in tpool</li>
<li>Ambroff, nice pygtk hub example</li>
<li>Michael Carter, websocket patch to improve location handling</li>
<li>Marcin Bachry, nice repro of a bug and good diagnosis leading to the fix</li>
<li>David Ziegler, reporting issue #53</li>
<li>Favo Yang, twisted hub patch</li>
<li>Schmir, patch that fixes readline method with chunked encoding in, advice on patcher</li>
<li>Slide, for open-sourcing gogreen</li>
<li>Holger Krekel, websocket example small fix</li>
<li>mikepk, debugging MySQLdb/tpool issues</li>
<li>Malcolm Cleaton, patch for Event exception handling</li>
<li>Alexey Borzenkov, for finding and fixing issues with Windows error detection (#66, #69), reducing dependencies in zeromq hub (#71)</li>
<li>Anonymous, finding and fixing error in websocket chat example (#70)</li>
<li>Edward George, finding and fixing an issue in the [e]poll hubs (#74), and in convenience (#86)</li>
<li>Ruijun Luo, figuring out incorrect openssl import for wrap_ssl (#73)</li>
<li>rfk, patch to get green zmq to respect noblock flag.</li>
<li>Soren Hansen, finding and fixing issue in subprocess (#77)</li>
<li>Stefano Rivera, making tests pass in absence of postgres (#78)</li>
<li>Joshua Kwan, fixing busy-wait in</li>
<li>Nick Vatamaniuc, Windows SO_REUSEADDR patch (#83)</li>
<li>Clay Gerrard, wsgi handle socket closed by client (#95)</li>
<li>Eric Windisch, zmq getsockopt(EVENTS) wake correct threads (pull request 22)</li>
<li>Raymond Lu, fixing busy-wait in</li>
<li>Thomas Grainger, webcrawler example small fix, &#8220;requests&#8221; library import bug report, Travis integration</li>
<li>Peter Portante, save syscalls in socket.dup(), environ[REMOTE_PORT] in wsgi</li>
<li>Peter Skirko, fixing socket.settimeout(0) bug</li>
<li>Derk Tegeler, Pre-cache proxied GreenSocket methods (Bitbucket #136)</li>
<li>Jakub Stasiak, Travis integration, wsgi fix</li>
<li>Paul Oppenheim, bug reports</li>
<li>David Malcolm, optional &#8220;timeout&#8221; argument to the subprocess module (Bitbucket #89)</li>

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