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<title>Toolbar Widget XML Specification</title>
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<div class="title">Toolbar Widget XML Specification </div>  </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock"><p><b>Version</b>: 0.1</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="Overview"></a>
<p>This document describes the XML specification of the toolbar widget.</p>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See Also</dt><dd>MToolbarData</dd></dl>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="Tags"></a>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="INPUT-METHOD"></a>
<p>Root tag, it contains information which should be used by input method plugin. The VERSION attribute defines version of this specification. Current version is 1. Warning: you need to specify version number explicitly, otherwise parser may assume wrong version number and then parsing will fail. The VISIBLE attribute defines toolbar's visibility. Toolbar is visible by default, but you could hide it by setting VISIBLE to false. Warning: normal application should not use this attribute. The REFUSE attribute enumerates names of standard items which should not be added to your toolbar. Names should be separated by commas without spaces. See also "Standard toolbar items".</p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="TOOLBAR"></a>
<p>It contains the definition for all items in the toolbar. TOOLBAR tag could be used as root tag for backward compatibility. This tag have same attributes as INPUT-METHOD.</p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="ITEMS"></a>
<p>This tag contains definitions of all items which will be placed into layouts.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="BUTTON"></a>
<p>This tag will be constructed as MButton. The NAME attribute is used as a reference in the toolbar system. All buttons with the same NAME share their state. If two buttons have the same name then their state is defined by first one and then overriden (completely or partially) by second one. This feature allows to have consistent button state with different device orientation. All names starting with underscore are reserved for Input Method Framework. Warning: it is not recommended to create more than one button with the same name inside one layout. The GROUP attribute defines the group this button belongs to. The SHOWON attribute tells when the button is displayed. If the value is "selectedtext", it will be only displayed when there is a selected text. If the value is "always" then it is always displayed. Similar rule applies with HIDEON attribute, except that there is no "always" value. Buttons can be aligned within toolbar by using the ALIGNMENT attribute. By default, buttons are center-aligned. Possible other alignments are left or right. The ICON attribute holds the icon file name (absolute file name). The icon will be displayed in the center of the button. The SIZE attribute holds the icon size percentage. The icon will be resized according this attribute and the button size. The ICON_ID attribute holds the icon logical id to be displayed on button. ICON_ID has higher priority than ICON, so if both ICON and ICON_ID are specified, ICON_ID will be used. Note: only the ICON_ID of the icons loaded by meegotouch theme will be used. The TEXT attribute holds the text and TEXT_ID holds the logical id of the text. The TOGGLE attribute defines the type of the button whether it is a toggle button or not, by default the value is false. If the TOGGLE attribute is true, the PRESSED attribute holds the button state whether the button is pressed or not. The HIGHLIGHTED attribute selects which background image should be used. The ENABLED attribute holds whether the button is enabled. Default value is true. If it is set to false, the button will be disabled. The VISIBLE attribute defines the button's visibility. Normally, application does not need to specify this attribute. The button is visible by default, but application could hide it by setting VISIBLE to false. This attribute will override the SHOWON and HIDEON. Text inside button is always center-aligned.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="LABEL"></a>
<p>This tag will be constructed as MLabel. LABEL tag could have following attributes: NAME, GROUP, VISIBLE, SHOWON, HIDEON, ALIGMENT, TEXT and TEXT_ID. Every attribute has the same meaning as for BUTTON tag. Text inside labels can be horizontally aligned by using the CONTENT-ALIGNMENT attribute. By default, label text is center-aligned. Possible other content alignments are left or right.</p>
<p>ACTIONS This tag holds a sequence of actions defined within.</p>
<p>SENDKEYSEQUENCE The tag's value holds the key sequence to be sent in the format which is understood by QKeySequence to the text entry widget.</p>
<p>SENDSTRING The tag's value holds the string to be sent to the text entry widget as committed text.</p>
<p>SENDCOMMAND The tag's value holds the command to be sent to the text entry widget. The command would be widget specific.</p>
<p>SHOWGROUP This tag defines that the action is to show the named group of buttons.</p>
<p>HIDEGROUP This tag defines that the action is to hide the named group of buttons.</p>
<p>COPY This tag defines that the action is to copy selected text.</p>
<p>PASTE This tag defines that the action is to paste from clipboard.</p>
<p>CLOSE This tag defines that the action is to close keyboard and removes focus from active text entry.</p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="Layout"></a>
<p>Layout describes the actual toolbar layout for a given screen orientation. If the layout doesn't have a portrait variant, the software shall use the landscape variant when the device is in portrait orientation. Each layout contains one row only.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="Row"></a>
<p>This tag defines one row in toolbar. It is not recommended to create more than one row for landscape orientation. Row may not be empty. Warning: this tag is deprecated and will be removed soon, because toolbar should have one row only.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="Item"></a>
<p>This tag defines which item should be placed into toolbar. NAME attribute selects correspondig item (button or label) which is defined in the Items section.</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="Standard"></a>
toolbar items</h1>
<p>Button "_close" closes keyboard and removes focus from active text entry. This button is right aligned. Button "_copypaste" copies selected text (if any) or pastes current clipboard content. This button is left aligned. Warning: you can use REFUSE to remove standard toolbar items. But you should not change the attributes of standard toolbar items.</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="DTD"></a>
<div class="fragment"><div class="line">&lt;!DOCTYPE MEEGO_INPUT_METHOD [</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT input-method (toolbar)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT toolbar (items,layout+)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT items ((button|label)+)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT layout (item+)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT button (actions*)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT actions (sendkeysequence|sendstring|sendcommand|copy|paste|showgroup|hidegroup|close)*&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT sendkeysequence (#CDATA)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT showgroup (#CDATA)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT hidegroup (#CDATA)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT copy EMPTY&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ELEMENT paste EMPTY&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST input-method version (0|1) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;0&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST input-method visible (<span class="keyword">true</span>|<span class="keyword">false</span>) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;true&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST input-method refuse CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST toolbar version (0|1) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;0&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST toolbar visible (<span class="keyword">true</span>|<span class="keyword">false</span>) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;true&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST toolbar refuse CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST layout orientation (landscape|portrait) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;landscape&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button name CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button group CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button showon (selectedtext|always)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button hideon (selectedtext)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button alignment (left|right|center) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;center&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button icon CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button size CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button icon_id CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button text CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button text_id CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button toggle (<span class="keyword">true</span>|<span class="keyword">false</span>)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button pressed (<span class="keyword">true</span>|<span class="keyword">false</span>)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button highlighted (<span class="keyword">true</span>|<span class="keyword">false</span>) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;false&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST button <a class="code" href="minputmethodhost_8h.html#a8740ba80e30dd75e71d09fa1dcf04f3d">enabled</a> (<span class="keyword">true</span>|<span class="keyword">false</span>) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;true&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label name CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label group CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label showOn (selectedtext|always)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label hideOn (selectedtext)&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label alignment (left|right|center) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;center&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label text CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label text_id CDATA <span class="stringliteral">&quot;&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST label content-alignment (left|right|center) <span class="stringliteral">&quot;center&quot;</span>&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST sendkeysequence keysequence CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST sendstring <span class="keywordtype">string</span> CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST sendcommand command CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST showgroup group CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST hidegroup group CDATA&gt;</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line">&lt;!ATTLIST item name CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</div>
<div class="line">]&gt;</div>
</div><!-- fragment --> </div></div><!-- contents -->
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