

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 4726f970c4b56b9a0ebb9a03a0b6522e > files > 30


"""This example shows how to browse the object tree and enlarge tables.

Before to run this program you need to execute first
that create the tutorial1.h5 file needed here.


from tables import *

print   '-**-**-**-**- open the previous tutorial file -**-**-**-**-**-'

# Reopen the file in append mode
h5file = open_file("tutorial1.h5", "a")

# Print the object tree created from this filename
print "Object tree from filename:", h5file.filename
print h5file

print   '-**-**-**-**-**-**- traverse tree methods -**-**-**-**-**-**-**-'

# List all the nodes (Group and Leaf objects) on tree
print h5file

# List all the nodes (using File iterator) on tree
print "Nodes in file:"
for node in h5file:
    print node

# Now, only list all the groups on tree
print "Groups in file:"
for group in h5file.walk_groups():
    print group

# List only the arrays hanging from /
print "Arrays in file (I):"
for group in h5file.walk_groups("/"):
    for array in h5file.list_nodes(group, classname='Array'):
        print array

# This do the same result
print "Arrays in file (II):"
for array in h5file.walk_nodes("/", "Array"):
    print array
# And finally, list only leafs on /detector group (there should be one!)
print "Leafs in group '/detector' (I):"
for leaf in h5file.list_nodes("/detector", 'Leaf'):
    print leaf

# Other way using iterators and natural naming
print "Leafs in group '/detector' (II):"
for leaf in h5file.root.detector._f_walknodes('Leaf'):
    print leaf

print   '-**-**-**-**-**-**- setting/getting object attributes -**-**--**-**-'

# Get a pointer to '/detector/readout' node
table = h5file.root.detector.readout
# Attach it a string (date) attribute
table.attrs.gath_date = "Wed, 06/12/2003 18:33"
# Attach a floating point attribute
table.attrs.temperature = 18.4
table.attrs.temp_scale = "Celsius"

# Get a pointer to '/detector' node
detector = h5file.root.detector
# Attach a general object to the parent (/detector) group
detector._v_attrs.stuff = [5, (2.3, 4.5), "Integer and tuple"]

# Now, get the attributes
print "gath_date attribute of /detector/readout:", table.attrs.gath_date
print "temperature attribute of /detector/readout:", table.attrs.temperature
print "temp_scale attribute of /detector/readout:", table.attrs.temp_scale
print "stuff attribute in /detector:", detector._v_attrs.stuff

# Delete permanently the attribute gath_date of /detector/readout
print "Deleting /detector/readout gath_date attribute"
del table.attrs.gath_date

# Print a representation of all attributes in  /detector/table
print "AttributeSet instance in /detector/table:", repr(table.attrs)

# Get the (user) attributes of /detector/table
print "List of user attributes in /detector/table:", table.attrs._f_list()

# Get the (sys) attributes of /detector/table
print "List of user attributes in /detector/table:", table.attrs._f_list("sys")
# Rename an attribute
print "renaming 'temp_scale' attribute to 'tempScale'"
table.attrs._f_rename("temp_scale", "tempScale")
print table.attrs._f_list()

# Try to rename a system attribute:
    table.attrs._f_rename("VERSION", "version")
    print "You can not rename a VERSION attribute: it is read only!."

print   '-**-**-**-**-**-**- getting object metadata -**-**-**-**-**-**-'

# Get a pointer to '/detector/readout' data
table = h5file.root.detector.readout

# Get metadata from table
print "Object:", table
print "Table name:",
print "Table title:", table.title
print "Number of rows in table:", table.nrows
print "Table variable names with their type and shape:"
for name in table.colnames:
    print name, ':= %s, %s' % (table.coldtypes[name],

# Get the object in "/columns pressure"
pressureObject = h5file.get_node("/columns", "pressure")

# Get some metadata on this object
print "Info on the object:", repr(pressureObject)
print "  shape: ==>", pressureObject.shape
print "  title: ==>", pressureObject.title
print "  atom: ==>", pressureObject.atom
print   '-**-**-**-**-**- reading actual data from arrays -**-**-**-**-**-**-'

# Read the 'pressure' actual data
pressureArray =
print repr(pressureArray)
# Check the kind of object we have created (it should be a numpy array)
print "pressureArray is an object of type:", type(pressureArray)

# Read the 'name' Array actual data
nameArray =
# Check the kind of object we have created (it should be a numpy array)
print "nameArray is an object of type:", type(nameArray)


# Print the data for both arrays
print "Data on arrays nameArray and pressureArray:"
for i in range(pressureObject.shape[0]):
    print nameArray[i], "-->", pressureArray[i]

print   '-**-**-**-**-**- reading actual data from tables -**-**-**-**-**-**-'

# Create a shortcut to table object
table = h5file.root.detector.readout

# Read the 'energy' column of '/detector/readout'
print "Column 'energy' of '/detector/readout':\n",
# Read the 3rd row of '/detector/readout'
print "Third row of '/detector/readout':\n", table[2]
# Read the rows from 3 to 9 of row of '/detector/readout'
print "Rows from 3 to 9 of '/detector/readout':\n", table[2:9]

print   '-**-**-**-**- append records to existing table -**-**-**-**-**-'

# Get the object row from table
table = h5file.root.detector.readout
particle = table.row

# Append 5 new particles to table
for i in xrange(10, 15):
    particle['name']  = 'Particle: %6d' % (i)
    particle['TDCcount'] = i % 256
    particle['ADCcount'] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16)
    particle['grid_i'] = i
    particle['grid_j'] = 10 - i
    particle['pressure'] = float(i*i)
    particle['energy'] = float(particle['pressure'] ** 4)
    particle['idnumber'] = i * (2 ** 34)  # This exceeds long integer range

# Flush this table

# Print the data using the table iterator:
for r in table:
    print "%-16s | %11.1f | %11.4g | %6d | %6d | %8d |" % \
          (r['name'], r['pressure'], r['energy'], r['grid_i'], r['grid_j'],

print "Total number of entries in resulting table:", table.nrows

print   '-**-**-**-**- modify records of a table -**-**-**-**-**-'

# Single cells
print "First row of readout table."
print "Before modif-->", table[0]
table.cols.TDCcount[0] = 1
print "After modifying first row of TDCcount-->", table[0][0] = 2
print "After modifying first row of energy-->", table[0]

# Column slices
table.cols.TDCcount[2:5] = [2, 3, 4]
print "After modifying slice [2:5] of ADCcount-->", table[0:5][1:9:3] = [2, 3, 4]
print "After modifying slice [1:9:3] of energy-->", table[0:9]

# Modifying complete Rows
table.modify_rows(start=1, step=3,
                 rows=[(1, 2, 3.0, 4, 5, 6L, 'Particle:   None', 8.0),
                       (2, 4, 6.0, 8, 10, 12L, 'Particle: None*2', 16.0)])
print "After modifying the complete third row-->", table[0:5]

# Modifying columns inside table iterators
for row in table.where('TDCcount <= 2'):
    row['energy'] = row['TDCcount']*2
print "After modifying energy column (where TDCcount <=2)-->", table[0:4]

print   '-**-**-**-**- modify elements of an array -**-**-**-**-**-'

print "pressure array"
pressureObject = h5file.root.columns.pressure
print "Before modif-->", pressureObject[:]
pressureObject[0] = 2
print "First modif-->", pressureObject[:]
pressureObject[1:3] = [2.1, 3.5]
print "Second modif-->", pressureObject[:]
pressureObject[::2] = [1, 2]
print "Third modif-->", pressureObject[:]

print "name array"
nameObject =
print "Before modif-->", nameObject[:]
nameObject[0] = 'Particle:   None'
print "First modif-->", nameObject[:]
nameObject[1:3] = ['Particle:      0', 'Particle:      1']
print "Second modif-->", nameObject[:]
nameObject[::2] = ['Particle:     -3', 'Particle:     -5']
print "Third modif-->", nameObject[:]

print   '-**-**-**-**- remove records from a table -**-**-**-**-**-'

# Delete some rows on the Table (yes, rows can be removed!)
table.remove_rows(5, 10)

# Print some table columns, for comparison with array data
print "Some columns in final table:"
# Print the headers
print "%-16s | %11s | %11s | %6s | %6s | %8s |" % \
       ('name', 'pressure', 'energy', 'grid_i', 'grid_j',

print "%-16s + %11s + %11s + %6s + %6s + %8s +" % \
      ('-' * 16, '-' * 11, '-' * 11, '-' * 6, '-' * 6, '-' * 8)
# Print the data using the table iterator:
for r in table.iterrows():
    print "%-16s | %11.1f | %11.4g | %6d | %6d | %8d |" % \
          (r['name'], r['pressure'], r['energy'], r['grid_i'], r['grid_j'],

print "Total number of entries in final table:", table.nrows

# Close the file