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<h2>SLP Security</h2>

<h3>The SLP Security Problem</h3>

<p>The SLP security problem can be divided into three 
categories:&nbsp; SLP security attacks, security configuration 
and management problems, and ignorance of secure SLPv2 
usage.&nbsp; The following is an introduction to problems that 
will be examined in more detail later in this document.</p>

<p>The obvious SLP security problems are those that are similar to the one that 
is described by the following example from
<a href="srvreg-integrity.html">Simple Service Registration Transaction Integrity for SLPv2</a>:</p>

<p>Imagine that in an enterprise environment there is a malicious 
or overly curious individual that would like to obtain confidential 
information.&nbsp; SLP could be exploited to obtain information from software 
that was otherwise secured only by virtue of manual configuration.&nbsp; For 
example, an OpenSource help desk application consisting of &quot;server&quot; and 
&quot;client&quot; software is SLP enabled because the network administrators got 
tired of helping employees set up the &quot;client&quot; software with location and 
configuration information used to connect with the &quot;server&quot; software.</p>

<p>Since the source code is readily available, a sneaky employee makes a few 
modifications to the server code that allows him to obtain user names and 
passwords.&nbsp; He recompiles the source and brings up the &quot;rogue&quot; help desk 
server.&nbsp; Since the &quot;rogue&quot; help desk server and the real help desk server 
both have similar SLP registerations, it is possible that clients may connect to 
the &quot;rogue&quot; server instead of the real one.&nbsp; When the users log in, the 
&quot;rogue&quot; server saves off a copies of user names and passwords.&nbsp; The 
malicious employee can use these user names and passwords later to impersonate 
other people.</p>

<p>The obvious solution to this and other related SLP security 
problems is to build security features into the SLP protocol 
itself.&nbsp; This is the approach that is taken by SLPv2 and it 
is indeed successful in preventing nearly all of the SLP 
security attacks in a way that requires very little effort 
on the part of user and application developer.&nbsp; However, it 
places a huge security configuration and management burdon 
on the system administrator and makes (application level) 
interoperability between SLP implementations difficult if 
not impossible.&nbsp; In other words, the SLPv2 security 
specification does a great job at solving most SLP security 
problems from a protocol perspective, but in most 
applications, it creates a configuration and management 
nighmare that challenges the fundamental SLP usability 

<blockquote>&quot;Using this protocol, computers using the [network] need little 
or no static configuration of network services for network based 
<br /><br />
-- RFC 2608 (abstract)</blockquote>
<p>SLPv2 uses public key cryptography to generate signatures 
that ensure integrity of SLP messages.&nbsp; Authenticity of 
SLP message signatures is established by the relationship of 
SPI and keys -- unfortunately this is a relationship that 
has to be established manually or by some other trusted PKI 
framework.&nbsp; Another unfortunate reality is that there are 
no standards for PKI frameworks to which SLP protocol 
implementors can write nor are there any standard for manual 
configuration.&nbsp; The result is that none of the secure SLPv2 
security implementations are interoperable from a security 
configuration or management standpoint.&nbsp; With out security 
configuration and management standards, software developers 
have a difficult time writing management software and System 
administrators are stuck with the prospect of having to 
manually configure key distibution and SPI configuration.</p>

<p>Finally, very little information is given in RFC 2608 or in RFC 2614 
(especially) to educates developers of SLP software about the subelties of SLP 
security and how SLP must be used in order to be secure.&nbsp; It turns out that 
there many things that developers can do to write software that is resistant to 
SLP related attacks that do not require use of SLPv2 protocol security features.&nbsp; 
As discussed later in this document, it may be possible for educated developers 
to write acceptibly secure SLP enabled software that does not require any 
security configuration or management overhead.</p>

<h3>Limiting SLP Security Requirements</h3>

<p>Most Internet security problems are approached with the 
assumption that no one is trustworthy and that no one is 
trackable or accountable.&nbsp; This is probably not an 
appropriate approach to SLP security because SLP is not 
intended for the Internet.</p>
<blockquote>SLP is intended to function within networks under cooperative&nbsp; 
administrative control.&nbsp; Such networks permit a policy to be&nbsp; implemented 
regarding security, multicast routing and organization of services and 
clients into goups which are not be feasible on the scale of the Internet as 
a whole.
<br /><br />
-- RFC 2608 (section 1.1 Applicability Statement)</blockquote>

<p>In approaching the SLP security problem, one should continue 
to assume that no one is trustworthy, however, it SHOULD NOT 
be assumed that no one is accountable or trackable.&nbsp; In 
fact, in &quot;networks under cooperative administrative control&quot; 
it is very easy track and confront individuals that corrupt 
otherwise insecure systems as long as it can be identified 
that a corruption has been attempted or has occured.&nbsp; 
Because they can be held accountable, fear of consequences 
keep otherwise untrustworthy individuals in line.</p>
<p>SLPv2 security as described by RFC 2608 supplies, at the protocol level , 
everything that is needed to ensure that service location information was sent 
by a trusted entity (authentication) and that the information was not changed in
transit (integrity).&nbsp; At the application level, this means that an 
application developer (probably using the SLP API) can trust *all* SLP delivered 
information.&nbsp; This allows the developer to be more relaxed about how 
service specific communication is performed.</p>

<p>Blind trust of SLP deliverd information (URLs, etc) is especially significant 
in common situations where confidential information (username and password) are 
exchanged with an entity authenticated only by the fact that it was
located via secure SLP.&nbsp; For example, LDAP enabled software uses SLP to 
locate an LDAP directory.&nbsp; If SLP information is secure, the username and 
password to establish a connection with the LDAP directory can be sent with out 
having to use any other method to establish the identity of LDAP directory.&nbsp; 
However, with LDAP (and many other protocols)&nbsp; is is now possible to 
establish the identity of both the &quot;server&quot; and &quot;client&quot; nodes without trusting 
the service location method.&nbsp; In fact, for any SSL or 
equivilant transport it is crucial to cyptographically establish the identity of 
the &quot;other side&quot; in a way that is seperate from the URL that was used to 
initiate the connection.</p>

<p>As expressed in <a href="srvreg-integrity.html">Simple Service Registration Transaction
Integrity for SLPv2</a>, SLPv2 security does not really do much protect confidential 
data and resources unless the service-specific protocols are secure.&nbsp; 
Why would it be useful to have a secure location mechanism if protocol being use 
to actually control confidential data and resources can be easilly compromised?&nbsp; 
If SLP security is not interest to anyone unless they use SLP in 
conjunction with some other secure protocol, then SLP security is only 
valuable if it can be used without disrupting the operation already secure 

<h3>Security by Fear</h3>

<p>Under heavy attack, secure software ultimately has one alternative, it can 
stop working rather than give access to confidental data and resources.&nbsp;
Ignoring requests for services turns out to be only alternative.</p>

<p>Continuing the LDAP example from above, it is possible to write a secure LDAP 
enabled &quot;client&quot; application that uses &quot;insecure&quot; SLP to discover the LDAP 
server.&nbsp; The client would locate URLs for *all* LDAP services using SLP.
The client would try to establish an SSL connection with each of the 
discovered LDAP servers until an LDAP server that comes to an LDAP server that 
is trusted.&nbsp; If SLP finds an LDAP servers that is not trusted it should
display a warning message (thus helping to track down the rogue or 
misconfigured LDAP server).&nbsp; In this example above there is one no chance 
for security compromise in the LDAP application due to it's use of SLP.&nbsp; 
There is, however a chance that &quot;suppresion attacks&quot; could burdon the 

<h3>SLP Security Attacks</h3>

<p>As mentioned in the previous section, the use of secure 
service specific protocols/frameworks in an environment 
&quot;under cooperative administrative control&quot; greatly reduces 
the scope of the SLP security problem.&nbsp; Instead of having 
to ensure that every bit of SLP information is delivered 
with authenticity and integrity, it could be argued that SLP 
only has to worry about a those portions SLP delivered 
information that can be subverted with out alerting the 
system administrator.&nbsp; However, since the system 
administrators can't be expected to be constantly vigilant 
or timely in their response to alerts, it is also important 
that SLP enabled software be still be written in a way that 
does not compromize confidental data or resources when under 

<p>Since SLP controlled information is publically available, most SLP security 
attacks are calculated to compromize information and resources controlled by 
service-specific protocols than information that is controlled by SLP itself.&nbsp; 
There are two categories of SLP attack: impersonation attacks, and disruption 
attacks.&nbsp; Impersonation attacks involve manipulation of SLP in order 
trick SLP enabled software into using rogue service.&nbsp; The ultimate 
goal of impersonation attacks is to obtain confidential information.&nbsp; 
Disruption attacks involve manipulations of SLP in order to disrupt or halt 
normal operation of SLP enabled software with the ultimate goal of making life 
hard for the system adminstrator.</p>

<p>If SLP enabled software uses secure service-specific protocols, impersonation 
attacks have almost no chance of being successful.&nbsp; SLP related disruption 
attacks, on the other hand, have a very good chance of being successful.&nbsp; 
The following table is a list of disruption attacks that could be directed at 
SLP enabled software:</p>


<td>Unauthorized Directory Agent</td>

<td>An unauthorized directory agent could be installed on the network with the 
intention of sending incorrect information to UAs.&nbsp;&nbsp; A malicious DA 
could disrupt the operation of SLP enabled applications by returning 
unauthorized service URLs, by returning unauthorized attributes, or by simply 
not returning any results at all.&nbsp; Since UAs are required to use a DA if it 
exists, it is possible that it might attach to the unauthorized DA and receive 
service URLs that point to rogue services,&nbsp; receive attributes that disrupt 
normal operation, or&nbsp; not receive any service location information at all</td>

<td>Unauthorized Service Agent</td>

<td>An unauthorized service agent could be installed on the network with the 
intention of duplicating a registrations made by authorized SAs.&nbsp; In 
environments involving DAs, unauthorized SA would cause the unauthorized 
registration, deregistration, and registration problems described below.&nbsp;&nbsp; 
In a multicast environments an unauthorized SA could&nbsp; cause duplicate 
replies to be sent to service, attribute and service type requests.&nbsp;&nbsp; 
Duplicate replies may cause problems when several differing attributes lists are 
returned for the same service URL.&nbsp;&nbsp; UAs would be unable to tell which 
attributes are really valid.</td>

<td>Unauthorized Registrations with DA</td>

<td>Contacting the DA to register many bogus services of the same service-type 
as a valid service.&nbsp; Even SLP enabled applications that rely on service 
specific security protocols (SSL, etc) would take a long time to connect to a 
valid service as&nbsp; it would probably have to iterate through a&nbsp; lot of 
bogus services before it found a valid one.</td>

<td>Unauthorized Deregistration with DA</td>

<td>Contacting the DA to de-registering valid registrations so that they can not 
be found by UAs.</td>

<td>Unauthorized Reregistration with DA</td>

<td>Contacting the DA to replacing an existing registration with a new 
registration with modified attributes.&nbsp;</td>

<td>Man-in-the-middle Modification&nbsp;</td>

<td>Contacting the DA to register many bogus services of the same service-type 
as a valid service.&nbsp; Even SLP enabled applications that rely on service 
specific security protocols (SSL, etc) would take a long time to connect to a 
valid service as&nbsp; it would probably have to iterate through a&nbsp; lot of 
bogus services before it found a valid one.</td>

<td>Man-in-the-middle Replay</td>

<td>&quot;transport-time&quot; retransmission of SLP registration, or reply messages that 
were previously &quot;sniffed&quot; from the network.</td>

<td>Man-in-the-middle Scrambling</td>

<td>Blind &quot;transport-time&quot; modification of messages that makes them invalid so 
that they will be rejected by the valid SLP implementations.</td>

<br />
<h3>Preventing Disruption Attacks</h3>

<p>There are several approaches to solving security problems.&nbsp; The first 
approach is to use SLPv2 security as specified by RFC 2608 and deal with the 
associated manual configuration and management overhead.&nbsp; The second 
approach is to use custom security extensions to the SLPv2 protocol&nbsp; which 
may or may not be interoperable with other SLP software.&nbsp; The third 
approach would be to not use any SLP security enhancements at all.</p>

<p>Though provisions for security have been designed into the SLPv2 protocol, 
security is not a mandatory feature.&nbsp;&nbsp; The following table presents 
the vulnerability of SLPv2 to attack:</p>


<th><b>SLPv2 with RFC2608 security</b></th>

<th><b>SLPv2 with SSRTI-SLPv2</b></th>

<th><b>SLPv2 without security</b></th>

<td>Unauthorized Directory Agent</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#FF9900">DETECTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#FF9900">DETECTABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Unauthorized Service Agent</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#FF9900">DETECTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#FF9900">DETECTABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Unauthorized Registrations with DA</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#FF9900">DETECTABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Unauthorized Deregistration with DA</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Unauthorized Reregistration with DA</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Man-in-the-middle Modification</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Man-in-the-middle Replay</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#805b0a">DETERRABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td>Man-in-the-middle Scrambling</td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td>

<th colspan="2"><b>Definitions:</b></th>
<td class="center"><b><font color="#33CC00">PREVENTABLE</font></b></td> 
<td>Attack can be prevented entirely.</td>
<td class="center"><b><font color="#FF9900">DETECTABLE</font></b></td> 
<td>Attack can not be prevented, but can be detected by appropriately written SLP 
<td class="center"><b><font color="#805b0a">DETERRABLE</font></b></td> 
<td>Attack can not be detected or entirely prevented, but it can be deterred</td>
<td class="center"><b><font color="#CC0000">VULNERABLE</font></b></td> 
<td>Attack can not be prevented, deterred or detected</td>
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