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  <title>If this query should fetch partial results from mongos if a shard is down</title>

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</div><hr /><div id="mongocursor.partial" class="refentry">
 <div class="refnamediv">
  <h1 class="refname">MongoCursor::partial</h1>
  <p class="verinfo">(PECL mongo &gt;=1.2.0)</p><p class="refpurpose"><span class="refname">MongoCursor::partial</span> &mdash; <span class="dc-title">If this query should fetch partial results from <em class="emphasis">mongos</em> if a shard is down</span></p>


 <div class="refsect1 description" id="refsect1-mongocursor.partial-description">
  <h3 class="title">Description</h3>
  <div class="methodsynopsis dc-description">
   <span class="modifier">public</span> <span class="type"><a href="class.mongocursor.html" class="type MongoCursor">MongoCursor</a></span> <span class="methodname"><strong>MongoCursor::partial</strong></span>
    ([ <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">bool</span> <code class="parameter">$okay</code><span class="initializer"> = true</span></span>
  ] )</div>

  <p class="para rdfs-comment">
   This option allows <em class="emphasis">mongos</em> to send partial query results 
   if a shard is unreachable.  This is only applicable when running a sharded 
   MongoDB cluster and connecting to a <em class="emphasis">mongos</em>.
  <p class="para">
   If a shard goes down and a query needs to be sent to that shard, 
   <em class="emphasis">mongos</em> will return the results (if any) from shards it
   already contacted, then an error message that it could not reach the shard
   (a <a href="class.mongocursorexception.html" class="classname">MongoCursorException</a> in PHP).  If you would like to
   get whatever results <em class="emphasis">mongos</em> can provide and no 
   exception, you can use this method.  Note that this means that you won&#039;t have
   an indication that a shard is down in your query response.
  <p class="para">
   This has no effect on the query if all shards are reachable.  This flag was
   implemented in MongoDB version 1.7.5, so will only work with that version and

 <div class="refsect1 parameters" id="refsect1-mongocursor.partial-parameters">
  <h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
  <p class="para">


     <span class="term">
      <em><code class="parameter">okay</code></em>

      <p class="para">
       If receiving partial results is okay.



 <div class="refsect1 returnvalues" id="refsect1-mongocursor.partial-returnvalues">
  <h3 class="title">Return Values</h3>  
  <p class="para">
   Returns this cursor.

 <div class="refsect1 errors" id="refsect1-mongocursor.partial-errors">
  <h3 class="title">Errors/Exceptions</h3>
  <p class="para">
   Throws <a href="class.mongocursorexception.html" class="classname">MongoCursorException</a> if this cursor has started iterating.

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