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<html><head><title>NASM Manual</title></head>
<body><h1 align=center>The Netwide Assembler: NASM</h1>

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<h2><a name="chapter-7">Chapter 7: Output Formats</a></h2>
<p>NASM is a portable assembler, designed to be able to compile on any ANSI
C-supporting platform and produce output to run on a variety of Intel x86
operating systems. For this reason, it has a large number of available
output formats, selected using the <code><nobr>-f</nobr></code> option on
the NASM command line. Each of these formats, along with its extensions to
the base NASM syntax, is detailed in this chapter.
<p>As stated in <a href="nasmdoc2.html#section-2.1.1">section 2.1.1</a>,
NASM chooses a default name for your output file based on the input file
name and the chosen output format. This will be generated by removing the
extension (<code><nobr>.asm</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>.s</nobr></code>, or
whatever you like to use) from the input file name, and substituting an
extension defined by the output format. The extensions are given with each
format below.
<h3><a name="section-7.1">7.1 <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code>: Flat-Form Binary Output</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format does not produce object files:
it generates nothing in the output file except the code you wrote. Such
`pure binary' files are used by MS-DOS: <code><nobr>.COM</nobr></code>
executables and <code><nobr>.SYS</nobr></code> device drivers are pure
binary files. Pure binary output is also useful for operating system and
boot loader development.
<p>The <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format supports multiple section
names. For details of how NASM handles sections in the
<code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format, see <a href="#section-7.1.3">section
<p>Using the <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format puts NASM by default into
16-bit mode (see <a href="nasmdoc6.html#section-6.1">section 6.1</a>). In
order to use <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> to write 32-bit or 64-bit code,
such as an OS kernel, you need to explicitly issue the
<code><nobr>BITS 32</nobr></code> or <code><nobr>BITS 64</nobr></code>
<p><code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> has no default output file name extension:
instead, it leaves your file name as it is once the original extension has
been removed. Thus, the default is for NASM to assemble
<code><nobr>binprog.asm</nobr></code> into a binary file called
<h4><a name="section-7.1.1">7.1.1 <code><nobr>ORG</nobr></code>: Binary File Program Origin</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format provides an additional
directive to the list given in <a href="nasmdoc6.html">chapter 6</a>:
<code><nobr>ORG</nobr></code>. The function of the
<code><nobr>ORG</nobr></code> directive is to specify the origin address
which NASM will assume the program begins at when it is loaded into memory.
<p>For example, the following code will generate the longword
        org     0x100 
        dd      label 
<p>Unlike the <code><nobr>ORG</nobr></code> directive provided by
MASM-compatible assemblers, which allows you to jump around in the object
file and overwrite code you have already generated, NASM's
<code><nobr>ORG</nobr></code> does exactly what the directive says:
<em>origin</em>. Its sole function is to specify one offset which is added
to all internal address references within the section; it does not permit
any of the trickery that MASM's version does. See
<a href="nasmdo12.html#section-12.1.3">section 12.1.3</a> for further
<h4><a name="section-7.1.2">7.1.2 <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> output format extends the
<code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> (or <code><nobr>SEGMENT</nobr></code>)
directive to allow you to specify the alignment requirements of segments.
This is done by appending the <code><nobr>ALIGN</nobr></code> qualifier to
the end of the section-definition line. For example,
section .data   align=16
<p>switches to the section <code><nobr>.data</nobr></code> and also
specifies that it must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
<p>The parameter to <code><nobr>ALIGN</nobr></code> specifies how many low
bits of the section start address must be forced to zero. The alignment
value given may be any power of two.
<h4><a name="section-7.1.3">7.1.3 Multisection Support for the <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> Format</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format allows the use of multiple
sections, of arbitrary names, besides the "known"
<code><nobr>.text</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>.data</nobr></code>, and
<code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code> names.
<li>Sections may be designated <code><nobr>progbits</nobr></code> or
<code><nobr>nobits</nobr></code>. Default is
<code><nobr>progbits</nobr></code> (except <code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code>,
which defaults to <code><nobr>nobits</nobr></code>, of course).
<li>Sections can be aligned at a specified boundary following the previous
section with <code><nobr>align=</nobr></code>, or at an arbitrary
byte-granular position with <code><nobr>start=</nobr></code>.
<li>Sections can be given a virtual start address, which will be used for
the calculation of all memory references within that section with
<li>Sections can be ordered using
as an alternative to specifying an explicit start address.
<li>Arguments to <code><nobr>org</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>start</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>vstart</nobr></code>, and
<code><nobr>align=</nobr></code> are critical expressions. See
<a href="nasmdoc3.html#section-3.8">section 3.8</a>. E.g.
<code><nobr>align=(1 &lt;&lt; ALIGN_SHIFT)</nobr></code> -
<code><nobr>ALIGN_SHIFT</nobr></code> must be defined before it is used
<li>Any code which comes before an explicit
<code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> directive is directed by default into the
<code><nobr>.text</nobr></code> section.
<li>If an <code><nobr>ORG</nobr></code> statement is not given,
<code><nobr>ORG 0</nobr></code> is used by default.
<li>The <code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code> section will be placed after the
last <code><nobr>progbits</nobr></code> section, unless
<code><nobr>start=</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>vstart=</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>follows=</nobr></code>, or <code><nobr>vfollows=</nobr></code>
has been specified.
<li>All sections are aligned on dword boundaries, unless a different
alignment has been specified.
<li>Sections may not overlap.
<li>NASM creates the
<code><nobr>section.&lt;secname&gt;.start</nobr></code> for each section,
which may be used in your code.
<h4><a name="section-7.1.4">7.1.4 Map Files</a></h4>
<p>Map files can be generated in <code><nobr>-f bin</nobr></code> format by
means of the <code><nobr>[map]</nobr></code> option. Map types of
<code><nobr>all</nobr></code> (default), <code><nobr>brief</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>sections</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>segments</nobr></code>, or
<code><nobr>symbols</nobr></code> may be specified. Output may be directed
to <code><nobr>stdout</nobr></code> (default),
<code><nobr>stderr</nobr></code>, or a specified file. E.g.
<code><nobr>[map symbols]</nobr></code>. No "user form" exists,
the square brackets must be used.
<h3><a name="section-7.2">7.2 <code><nobr>ith</nobr></code>: Intel Hex Output</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>ith</nobr></code> file format produces Intel hex-format
files. Just as the <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format, this is a flat
memory image format with no support for relocation or linking. It is
usually used with ROM programmers and similar utilities.
<p>All extensions supported by the <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> file
format is also supported by the <code><nobr>ith</nobr></code> file format.
<p><code><nobr>ith</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.ith</nobr></code>.
<h3><a name="section-7.3">7.3 <code><nobr>srec</nobr></code>: Motorola S-Records Output</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>srec</nobr></code> file format produces Motorola
S-records files. Just as the <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> format, this is
a flat memory image format with no support for relocation or linking. It is
usually used with ROM programmers and similar utilities.
<p>All extensions supported by the <code><nobr>bin</nobr></code> file
format is also supported by the <code><nobr>srec</nobr></code> file format.
<p><code><nobr>srec</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.srec</nobr></code>.
<h3><a name="section-7.4">7.4 <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code>: Microsoft OMF Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> file format (NASM calls it
<code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> rather than <code><nobr>omf</nobr></code> for
historical reasons) is the one produced by MASM and TASM, which is
typically fed to 16-bit DOS linkers to produce
<code><nobr>.EXE</nobr></code> files. It is also the format used by OS/2.
<p><code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.obj</nobr></code>.
<p><code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> is not exclusively a 16-bit format,
though: NASM has full support for the 32-bit extensions to the format. In
particular, 32-bit <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format files are used by
Borland's Win32 compilers, instead of using Microsoft's newer
<code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> object file format.
<p>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format does not define any special
segment names: you can call your segments anything you like. Typical names
for segments in <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format files are
<code><nobr>CODE</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>DATA</nobr></code> and
<p>If your source file contains code before specifying an explicit
<code><nobr>SEGMENT</nobr></code> directive, then NASM will invent its own
segment called <code><nobr>__NASMDEFSEG</nobr></code> for you.
<p>When you define a segment in an <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> file, NASM
defines the segment name as a symbol as well, so that you can access the
segment address of the segment. So, for example:
segment data 

dvar:   dw      1234 

segment code 

        mov     ax,data         ; get segment address of data 
        mov     ds,ax           ; and move it into DS 
        inc     word [dvar]     ; now this reference will work 
<p>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format also enables the use of the
<code><nobr>SEG</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> operators,
so that you can write code which does things like
extern  foo 

      mov   ax,seg foo            ; get preferred segment of foo 
      mov   ds,ax 
      mov   ax,data               ; a different segment 
      mov   es,ax 
      mov   ax,[ds:foo]           ; this accesses `foo' 
      mov   [es:foo wrt data],bx  ; so does this
<h4><a name="section-7.4.1">7.4.1 <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>SEGMENT</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> output format extends the
<code><nobr>SEGMENT</nobr></code> (or <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code>)
directive to allow you to specify various properties of the segment you are
defining. This is done by appending extra qualifiers to the end of the
segment-definition line. For example,
segment code private align=16
<p>defines the segment <code><nobr>code</nobr></code>, but also declares it
to be a private segment, and requires that the portion of it described in
this code module must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary.
<p>The available qualifiers are:
<li><code><nobr>PRIVATE</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>PUBLIC</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>COMMON</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>STACK</nobr></code>
specify the combination characteristics of the segment.
<code><nobr>PRIVATE</nobr></code> segments do not get combined with any
others by the linker; <code><nobr>PUBLIC</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>STACK</nobr></code> segments get concatenated together at link
time; and <code><nobr>COMMON</nobr></code> segments all get overlaid on top
of each other rather than stuck end-to-end.
<li><code><nobr>ALIGN</nobr></code> is used, as shown above, to specify how
many low bits of the segment start address must be forced to zero. The
alignment value given may be any power of two from 1 to 4096; in reality,
the only values supported are 1, 2, 4, 16, 256 and 4096, so if 8 is
specified it will be rounded up to 16, and 32, 64 and 128 will all be
rounded up to 256, and so on. Note that alignment to 4096-byte boundaries
is a PharLap extension to the format and may not be supported by all
<li><code><nobr>CLASS</nobr></code> can be used to specify the segment
class; this feature indicates to the linker that segments of the same class
should be placed near each other in the output file. The class name can be
any word, e.g. <code><nobr>CLASS=CODE</nobr></code>.
<li><code><nobr>OVERLAY</nobr></code>, like
<code><nobr>CLASS</nobr></code>, is specified with an arbitrary word as an
argument, and provides overlay information to an overlay-capable linker.
<li>Segments can be declared as <code><nobr>USE16</nobr></code> or
<code><nobr>USE32</nobr></code>, which has the effect of recording the
choice in the object file and also ensuring that NASM's default assembly
mode when assembling in that segment is 16-bit or 32-bit respectively.
<li>When writing OS/2 object files, you should declare 32-bit segments as
<code><nobr>FLAT</nobr></code>, which causes the default segment base for
anything in the segment to be the special group
<code><nobr>FLAT</nobr></code>, and also defines the group if it is not
already defined.
<li>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> file format also allows segments to
be declared as having a pre-defined absolute segment address, although no
linkers are currently known to make sensible use of this feature;
nevertheless, NASM allows you to declare a segment such as
<code><nobr>SEGMENT SCREEN ABSOLUTE=0xB800</nobr></code> if you need to.
The <code><nobr>ABSOLUTE</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>ALIGN</nobr></code>
keywords are mutually exclusive.
<p>NASM's default segment attributes are <code><nobr>PUBLIC</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>ALIGN=1</nobr></code>, no class, no overlay, and
<h4><a name="section-7.4.2">7.4.2 <code><nobr>GROUP</nobr></code>: Defining Groups of Segments</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format also allows segments to be
grouped, so that a single segment register can be used to refer to all the
segments in a group. NASM therefore supplies the
<code><nobr>GROUP</nobr></code> directive, whereby you can code
segment data 

        ; some data 

segment bss 

        ; some uninitialized data 

group dgroup data bss
<p>which will define a group called <code><nobr>dgroup</nobr></code> to
contain the segments <code><nobr>data</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>bss</nobr></code>. Like <code><nobr>SEGMENT</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>GROUP</nobr></code> causes the group name to be defined as a
symbol, so that you can refer to a variable <code><nobr>var</nobr></code>
in the <code><nobr>data</nobr></code> segment as
<code><nobr>var wrt data</nobr></code> or as
<code><nobr>var wrt dgroup</nobr></code>, depending on which segment value
is currently in your segment register.
<p>If you just refer to <code><nobr>var</nobr></code>, however, and
<code><nobr>var</nobr></code> is declared in a segment which is part of a
group, then NASM will default to giving you the offset of
<code><nobr>var</nobr></code> from the beginning of the <em>group</em>, not
the <em>segment</em>. Therefore <code><nobr>SEG var</nobr></code>, also,
will return the group base rather than the segment base.
<p>NASM will allow a segment to be part of more than one group, but will
generate a warning if you do this. Variables declared in a segment which is
part of more than one group will default to being relative to the first
group that was defined to contain the segment.
<p>A group does not have to contain any segments; you can still make
<code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> references to a group which does not contain
the variable you are referring to. OS/2, for example, defines the special
group <code><nobr>FLAT</nobr></code> with no segments in it.
<h4><a name="section-7.4.3">7.4.3 <code><nobr>UPPERCASE</nobr></code>: Disabling Case Sensitivity in Output</a></h4>
<p>Although NASM itself is case sensitive, some OMF linkers are not;
therefore it can be useful for NASM to output single-case object files. The
<code><nobr>UPPERCASE</nobr></code> format-specific directive causes all
segment, group and symbol names that are written to the object file to be
forced to upper case just before being written. Within a source file, NASM
is still case-sensitive; but the object file can be written entirely in
upper case if desired.
<p><code><nobr>UPPERCASE</nobr></code> is used alone on a line; it requires
no parameters.
<h4><a name="section-7.4.4">7.4.4 <code><nobr>IMPORT</nobr></code>: Importing DLL Symbols</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>IMPORT</nobr></code> format-specific directive defines a
symbol to be imported from a DLL, for use if you are writing a DLL's import
library in NASM. You still need to declare the symbol as
<code><nobr>EXTERN</nobr></code> as well as using the
<code><nobr>IMPORT</nobr></code> directive.
<p>The <code><nobr>IMPORT</nobr></code> directive takes two required
parameters, separated by white space, which are (respectively) the name of
the symbol you wish to import and the name of the library you wish to
import it from. For example:
    import  WSAStartup wsock32.dll
<p>A third optional parameter gives the name by which the symbol is known
in the library you are importing it from, in case this is not the same as
the name you wish the symbol to be known by to your code once you have
imported it. For example:
    import  asyncsel wsock32.dll WSAAsyncSelect
<h4><a name="section-7.4.5">7.4.5 <code><nobr>EXPORT</nobr></code>: Exporting DLL Symbols</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>EXPORT</nobr></code> format-specific directive defines a
global symbol to be exported as a DLL symbol, for use if you are writing a
DLL in NASM. You still need to declare the symbol as
<code><nobr>GLOBAL</nobr></code> as well as using the
<code><nobr>EXPORT</nobr></code> directive.
<p><code><nobr>EXPORT</nobr></code> takes one required parameter, which is
the name of the symbol you wish to export, as it was defined in your source
file. An optional second parameter (separated by white space from the
first) gives the <em>external</em> name of the symbol: the name by which
you wish the symbol to be known to programs using the DLL. If this name is
the same as the internal name, you may leave the second parameter off.
<p>Further parameters can be given to define attributes of the exported
symbol. These parameters, like the second, are separated by white space. If
further parameters are given, the external name must also be specified,
even if it is the same as the internal name. The available attributes are:
<li><code><nobr>resident</nobr></code> indicates that the exported name is
to be kept resident by the system loader. This is an optimisation for
frequently used symbols imported by name.
<li><code><nobr>nodata</nobr></code> indicates that the exported symbol is
a function which does not make use of any initialized data.
<li><code><nobr>parm=NNN</nobr></code>, where <code><nobr>NNN</nobr></code>
is an integer, sets the number of parameter words for the case in which the
symbol is a call gate between 32-bit and 16-bit segments.
<li>An attribute which is just a number indicates that the symbol should be
exported with an identifying number (ordinal), and gives the desired
<p>For example:
    export  myfunc 
    export  myfunc TheRealMoreFormalLookingFunctionName 
    export  myfunc myfunc 1234  ; export by ordinal 
    export  myfunc myfunc resident parm=23 nodata
<h4><a name="section-7.4.6">7.4.6 <code><nobr>..start</nobr></code>: Defining the Program Entry Point</a></h4>
<p><code><nobr>OMF</nobr></code> linkers require exactly one of the object
files being linked to define the program entry point, where execution will
begin when the program is run. If the object file that defines the entry
point is assembled using NASM, you specify the entry point by declaring the
special symbol <code><nobr>..start</nobr></code> at the point where you
wish execution to begin.
<h4><a name="section-7.4.7">7.4.7 <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>EXTERN</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>If you declare an external symbol with the directive
    extern  foo
<p>then references such as <code><nobr>mov ax,foo</nobr></code> will give
you the offset of <code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> from its preferred segment
base (as specified in whichever module <code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> is
actually defined in). So to access the contents of
<code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> you will usually need to do something like
        mov     ax,seg foo      ; get preferred segment base 
        mov     es,ax           ; move it into ES 
        mov     ax,[es:foo]     ; and use offset `foo' from it
<p>This is a little unwieldy, particularly if you know that an external is
going to be accessible from a given segment or group, say
<code><nobr>dgroup</nobr></code>. So if <code><nobr>DS</nobr></code>
already contained <code><nobr>dgroup</nobr></code>, you could simply code
        mov     ax,[foo wrt dgroup]
<p>However, having to type this every time you want to access
<code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> can be a pain; so NASM allows you to declare
<code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> in the alternative form
    extern  foo:wrt dgroup
<p>This form causes NASM to pretend that the preferred segment base of
<code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> is in fact <code><nobr>dgroup</nobr></code>;
so the expression <code><nobr>seg foo</nobr></code> will now return
<code><nobr>dgroup</nobr></code>, and the expression
<code><nobr>foo</nobr></code> is equivalent to
<code><nobr>foo wrt dgroup</nobr></code>.
<p>This default-<code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> mechanism can be used to make
externals appear to be relative to any group or segment in your program. It
can also be applied to common variables: see
<a href="#section-7.4.8">section 7.4.8</a>.
<h4><a name="section-7.4.8">7.4.8 <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>COMMON</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format allows common variables to be
either near or far; NASM allows you to specify which your variables should
be by the use of the syntax
common  nearvar 2:near   ; `nearvar' is a near common 
common  farvar  10:far   ; and `farvar' is far
<p>Far common variables may be greater in size than 64Kb, and so the OMF
specification says that they are declared as a number of <em>elements</em>
of a given size. So a 10-byte far common variable could be declared as ten
one-byte elements, five two-byte elements, two five-byte elements or one
ten-byte element.
<p>Some <code><nobr>OMF</nobr></code> linkers require the element size, as
well as the variable size, to match when resolving common variables
declared in more than one module. Therefore NASM must allow you to specify
the element size on your far common variables. This is done by the
following syntax:
common  c_5by2  10:far 5        ; two five-byte elements 
common  c_2by5  10:far 2        ; five two-byte elements
<p>If no element size is specified, the default is 1. Also, the
<code><nobr>FAR</nobr></code> keyword is not required when an element size
is specified, since only far commons may have element sizes at all. So the
above declarations could equivalently be
common  c_5by2  10:5            ; two five-byte elements 
common  c_2by5  10:2            ; five two-byte elements
<p>In addition to these extensions, the <code><nobr>COMMON</nobr></code>
directive in <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> also supports
default-<code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> specification like
<code><nobr>EXTERN</nobr></code> does (explained in
<a href="#section-7.4.7">section 7.4.7</a>). So you can also declare things
common  foo     10:wrt dgroup 
common  bar     16:far 2:wrt data 
common  baz     24:wrt data:6
<h3><a name="section-7.5">7.5 <code><nobr>win32</nobr></code>: Microsoft Win32 Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> output format generates Microsoft
Win32 object files, suitable for passing to Microsoft linkers such as
Visual C++. Note that Borland Win32 compilers do not use this format, but
use <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> instead (see
<a href="#section-7.4">section 7.4</a>).
<p><code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.obj</nobr></code>.
<p>Note that although Microsoft say that Win32 object files follow the
<code><nobr>COFF</nobr></code> (Common Object File Format) standard, the
object files produced by Microsoft Win32 compilers are not compatible with
COFF linkers such as DJGPP's, and vice versa. This is due to a difference
of opinion over the precise semantics of PC-relative relocations. To
produce COFF files suitable for DJGPP, use NASM's
<code><nobr>coff</nobr></code> output format; conversely, the
<code><nobr>coff</nobr></code> format does not produce object files that
Win32 linkers can generate correct output from.
<h4><a name="section-7.5.1">7.5.1 <code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>Like the <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format,
<code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> allows you to specify additional
information on the <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> directive line, to
control the type and properties of sections you declare. Section types and
properties are generated automatically by NASM for the standard section
names <code><nobr>.text</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>.data</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code>, but may still be overridden by these
<p>The available qualifiers are:
<li><code><nobr>code</nobr></code>, or equivalently
<code><nobr>text</nobr></code>, defines the section to be a code section.
This marks the section as readable and executable, but not writable, and
also indicates to the linker that the type of the section is code.
<li><code><nobr>data</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>bss</nobr></code> define
the section to be a data section, analogously to
<code><nobr>code</nobr></code>. Data sections are marked as readable and
writable, but not executable. <code><nobr>data</nobr></code> declares an
initialized data section, whereas <code><nobr>bss</nobr></code> declares an
uninitialized data section.
<li><code><nobr>rdata</nobr></code> declares an initialized data section
that is readable but not writable. Microsoft compilers use this section to
place constants in it.
<li><code><nobr>info</nobr></code> defines the section to be an
informational section, which is not included in the executable file by the
linker, but may (for example) pass information <em>to</em> the linker. For
example, declaring an <code><nobr>info</nobr></code>-type section called
<code><nobr>.drectve</nobr></code> causes the linker to interpret the
contents of the section as command-line options.
<li><code><nobr>align=</nobr></code>, used with a trailing number as in
<code><nobr>obj</nobr></code>, gives the alignment requirements of the
section. The maximum you may specify is 64: the Win32 object file format
contains no means to request a greater section alignment than this. If
alignment is not explicitly specified, the defaults are 16-byte alignment
for code sections, 8-byte alignment for rdata sections and 4-byte alignment
for data (and BSS) sections. Informational sections get a default alignment
of 1 byte (no alignment), though the value does not matter.
<p>The defaults assumed by NASM if you do not specify the above qualifiers
section .text    code  align=16 
section .data    data  align=4 
section .rdata   rdata align=8 
section .bss     bss   align=4
<p>Any other section name is treated by default like
<h4><a name="section-7.5.2">7.5.2 <code><nobr>win32</nobr></code>: Safe Structured Exception Handling</a></h4>
<p>Among other improvements in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003
Microsoft has introduced concept of "safe structured exception handling."
General idea is to collect handlers' entry points in designated read-only
table and have alleged entry point verified against this table prior
exception control is passed to the handler. In order for an executable
module to be equipped with such "safe exception handler table," all object
modules on linker command line has to comply with certain criteria. If one
single module among them does not, then the table in question is omitted
and above mentioned run-time checks will not be performed for application
in question. Table omission is by default silent and therefore can be
easily overlooked. One can instruct linker to refuse to produce binary
without such table by passing <code><nobr>/safeseh</nobr></code> command
line option.
<p>Without regard to this run-time check merits it's natural to expect NASM
to be capable of generating modules suitable for
<code><nobr>/safeseh</nobr></code> linking. From developer's viewpoint the
problem is two-fold:
<li>how to adapt modules not deploying exception handlers of their own;
<li>how to adapt/develop modules utilizing custom exception handling;
<p>Former can be easily achieved with any NASM version by adding following
line to source code:
$@feat.00 equ 1
<p>As of version 2.03 NASM adds this absolute symbol automatically. If it's
not already present to be precise. I.e. if for whatever reason developer
would choose to assign another value in source file, it would still be
perfectly possible.
<p>Registering custom exception handler on the other hand requires certain
"magic." As of version 2.03 additional directive is implemented,
<code><nobr>safeseh</nobr></code>, which instructs the assembler to produce
appropriately formatted input data for above mentioned "safe exception
handler table." Its typical use would be:
section .text 
extern  _MessageBoxA@16 
%if     __NASM_VERSION_ID__ &gt;= 0x02030000 
safeseh handler         ; register handler as "safe handler" 
        push    DWORD 1 ; MB_OKCANCEL 
        push    DWORD caption 
        push    DWORD text 
        push    DWORD 0 
        call    _MessageBoxA@16 
        sub     eax,1   ; incidentally suits as return value 
                        ; for exception handler 
global  _main 
        push    DWORD handler 
        push    DWORD [fs:0] 
        mov     DWORD [fs:0],esp ; engage exception handler 
        xor     eax,eax 
        mov     eax,DWORD[eax]   ; cause exception 
        pop     DWORD [fs:0]     ; disengage exception handler 
        add     esp,4 
text:   db      'OK to rethrow, CANCEL to generate core dump',0 
caption:db      'SEGV',0 

section .drectve info 
        db      '/defaultlib:user32.lib /defaultlib:msvcrt.lib '
<p>As you might imagine, it's perfectly possible to produce .exe binary
with "safe exception handler table" and yet engage unregistered exception
handler. Indeed, handler is engaged by simply manipulating
<code><nobr>[fs:0]</nobr></code> location at run-time, something linker has
no power over, run-time that is. It should be explicitly mentioned that
such failure to register handler's entry point with
<code><nobr>safeseh</nobr></code> directive has undesired side effect at
run-time. If exception is raised and unregistered handler is to be
executed, the application is abruptly terminated without any notification
whatsoever. One can argue that system could at least have logged some kind
"non-safe exception handler in x.exe at address n" message in event log,
but no, literally no notification is provided and user is left with no clue
on what caused application failure.
<p>Finally, all mentions of linker in this paragraph refer to Microsoft
linker version 7.x and later. Presence of
<code><nobr>@feat.00</nobr></code> symbol and input data for "safe
exception handler table" causes no backward incompatibilities and "safeseh"
modules generated by NASM 2.03 and later can still be linked by earlier
versions or non-Microsoft linkers.
<h3><a name="section-7.6">7.6 <code><nobr>win64</nobr></code>: Microsoft Win64 Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>win64</nobr></code> output format generates Microsoft
Win64 object files, which is nearly 100% identical to the
<code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> object format
(<a href="#section-7.5">section 7.5</a>) with the exception that it is
meant to target 64-bit code and the x86-64 platform altogether. This object
file is used exactly the same as the <code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> object
format (<a href="#section-7.5">section 7.5</a>), in NASM, with regard to
this exception.
<h4><a name="section-7.6.1">7.6.1 <code><nobr>win64</nobr></code>: Writing Position-Independent Code</a></h4>
<p>While <code><nobr>REL</nobr></code> takes good care of RIP-relative
addressing, there is one aspect that is easy to overlook for a Win64
programmer: indirect references. Consider a switch dispatch table:
        jmp     qword [dsptch+rax*8] 
dsptch: dq      case0 
        dq      case1 
<p>Even a novice Win64 assembler programmer will soon realize that the code
is not 64-bit savvy. Most notably linker will refuse to link it with
'ADDR32' relocation to '.text' invalid without /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO
<p>So [s]he will have to split jmp instruction as following:
        lea     rbx,[rel dsptch] 
        jmp     qword [rbx+rax*8]
<p>What happens behind the scene is that effective address in
<code><nobr>lea</nobr></code> is encoded relative to instruction pointer,
or in perfectly position-independent manner. But this is only part of the
problem! Trouble is that in .dll context <code><nobr>caseN</nobr></code>
relocations will make their way to the final module and might have to be
adjusted at .dll load time. To be specific when it can't be loaded at
preferred address. And when this occurs, pages with such relocations will
be rendered private to current process, which kind of undermines the idea
of sharing .dll. But no worry, it's trivial to fix:
        lea     rbx,[rel dsptch] 
        add     rbx,[rbx+rax*8] 
        jmp     rbx 
dsptch: dq      case0-dsptch 
        dq      case1-dsptch 
<p>NASM version 2.03 and later provides another alternative,
<code><nobr>wrt ..imagebase</nobr></code> operator, which returns offset
from base address of the current image, be it .exe or .dll module,
therefore the name. For those acquainted with PE-COFF format base address
denotes start of <code><nobr>IMAGE_DOS_HEADER</nobr></code> structure. Here
is how to implement switch with these image-relative references:
        lea     rbx,[rel dsptch] 
        mov     eax,[rbx+rax*4] 
        sub     rbx,dsptch wrt ..imagebase 
        add     rbx,rax 
        jmp     rbx 
dsptch: dd      case0 wrt ..imagebase 
        dd      case1 wrt ..imagebase
<p>One can argue that the operator is redundant. Indeed, snippet before
last works just fine with any NASM version and is not even Windows
specific... The real reason for implementing
<code><nobr>wrt ..imagebase</nobr></code> will become apparent in next
<p>It should be noted that <code><nobr>wrt ..imagebase</nobr></code> is
defined as 32-bit operand only:
        dd      label wrt ..imagebase           ; ok 
        dq      label wrt ..imagebase           ; bad 
        mov     eax,label wrt ..imagebase       ; ok 
        mov     rax,label wrt ..imagebase       ; bad
<h4><a name="section-7.6.2">7.6.2 <code><nobr>win64</nobr></code>: Structured Exception Handling</a></h4>
<p>Structured exception handing in Win64 is completely different matter
from Win32. Upon exception program counter value is noted, and
linker-generated table comprising start and end addresses of all the
functions [in given executable module] is traversed and compared to the
saved program counter. Thus so called <code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code>
structure is identified. If it's not found, then offending subroutine is
assumed to be "leaf" and just mentioned lookup procedure is attempted for
its caller. In Win64 leaf function is such function that does not call any
other function <em>nor</em> modifies any Win64 non-volatile registers,
including stack pointer. The latter ensures that it's possible to identify
leaf function's caller by simply pulling the value from the top of the
<p>While majority of subroutines written in assembler are not calling any
other function, requirement for non-volatile registers' immutability leaves
developer with not more than 7 registers and no stack frame, which is not
necessarily what [s]he counted with. Customarily one would meet the
requirement by saving non-volatile registers on stack and restoring them
upon return, so what can go wrong? If [and only if] an exception is raised
at run-time and no <code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure is
associated with such "leaf" function, the stack unwind procedure will
expect to find caller's return address on the top of stack immediately
followed by its frame. Given that developer pushed caller's non-volatile
registers on stack, would the value on top point at some code segment or
even addressable space? Well, developer can attempt copying caller's return
address to the top of stack and this would actually work in some very
specific circumstances. But unless developer can guarantee that these
circumstances are always met, it's more appropriate to assume worst case
scenario, i.e. stack unwind procedure going berserk. Relevant question is
what happens then? Application is abruptly terminated without any
notification whatsoever. Just like in Win32 case, one can argue that system
could at least have logged "unwind procedure went berserk in x.exe at
address n" in event log, but no, no trace of failure is left.
<p>Now, when we understand significance of the
<code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure, let's discuss what's in it
and/or how it's processed. First of all it is checked for presence of
reference to custom language-specific exception handler. If there is one,
then it's invoked. Depending on the return value, execution flow is resumed
(exception is said to be "handled"), <em>or</em> rest of
<code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure is processed as following.
Beside optional reference to custom handler, it carries information about
current callee's stack frame and where non-volatile registers are saved.
Information is detailed enough to be able to reconstruct contents of
caller's non-volatile registers upon call to current callee. And so
caller's context is reconstructed, and then unwind procedure is repeated,
i.e. another <code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure is associated,
this time, with caller's instruction pointer, which is then checked for
presence of reference to language-specific handler, etc. The procedure is
recursively repeated till exception is handled. As last resort system
"handles" it by generating memory core dump and terminating the
<p>As for the moment of this writing NASM unfortunately does not facilitate
generation of above mentioned detailed information about stack frame
layout. But as of version 2.03 it implements building blocks for generating
structures involved in stack unwinding. As simplest example, here is how to
deploy custom exception handler for leaf function:
default rel 
section .text 
extern  MessageBoxA 
        sub     rsp,40 
        mov     rcx,0 
        lea     rdx,[text] 
        lea     r8,[caption] 
        mov     r9,1    ; MB_OKCANCEL 
        call    MessageBoxA 
        sub     eax,1   ; incidentally suits as return value 
                        ; for exception handler 
        add     rsp,40 
global  main 
        xor     rax,rax 
        mov     rax,QWORD[rax]  ; cause exception 
text:   db      'OK to rethrow, CANCEL to generate core dump',0 
caption:db      'SEGV',0 

section .pdata  rdata align=4 
        dd      main wrt ..imagebase 
        dd      main_end wrt ..imagebase 
        dd      xmain wrt ..imagebase 
section .xdata  rdata align=8 
xmain:  db      9,0,0,0 
        dd      handler wrt ..imagebase 
section .drectve info 
        db      '/defaultlib:user32.lib /defaultlib:msvcrt.lib '
<p>What you see in <code><nobr>.pdata</nobr></code> section is element of
the "table comprising start and end addresses of function" along with
reference to associated <code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure.
And what you see in <code><nobr>.xdata</nobr></code> section is
<code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure describing function with no
frame, but with designated exception handler. References are
<em>required</em> to be image-relative (which is the real reason for
implementing <code><nobr>wrt ..imagebase</nobr></code> operator). It should
be noted that <code><nobr>rdata align=n</nobr></code>, as well as
<code><nobr>wrt ..imagebase</nobr></code>, are optional in these two
segments' contexts, i.e. can be omitted. Latter means that <em>all</em>
32-bit references, not only above listed required ones, placed into these
two segments turn out image-relative. Why is it important to understand?
Developer is allowed to append handler-specific data to
<code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure, and if [s]he adds a 32-bit
reference, then [s]he will have to remember to adjust its value to obtain
the real pointer.
<p>As already mentioned, in Win64 terms leaf function is one that does not
call any other function <em>nor</em> modifies any non-volatile register,
including stack pointer. But it's not uncommon that assembler programmer
plans to utilize every single register and sometimes even have variable
stack frame. Is there anything one can do with bare building blocks? I.e.
besides manually composing fully-fledged
<code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure, which would surely be
considered error-prone? Yes, there is. Recall that exception handler is
called first, before stack layout is analyzed. As it turned out, it's
perfectly possible to manipulate current callee's context in custom handler
in manner that permits further stack unwinding. General idea is that
handler would not actually "handle" the exception, but instead restore
callee's context, as it was at its entry point and thus mimic leaf
function. In other words, handler would simply undertake part of unwinding
procedure. Consider following example:
        mov     rax,rsp         ; copy rsp to volatile register 
        push    r15             ; save non-volatile registers 
        push    rbx 
        push    rbp 
        mov     r11,rsp         ; prepare variable stack frame 
        sub     r11,rcx 
        and     r11,-64 
        mov     QWORD[r11],rax  ; check for exceptions 
        mov     rsp,r11         ; allocate stack frame 
        mov     QWORD[rsp],rax  ; save original rsp value 
        mov     r11,QWORD[rsp]  ; pull original rsp value 
        mov     rbp,QWORD[r11-24] 
        mov     rbx,QWORD[r11-16] 
        mov     r15,QWORD[r11-8] 
        mov     rsp,r11         ; destroy frame 
<p>The keyword is that up to <code><nobr>magic_point</nobr></code> original
<code><nobr>rsp</nobr></code> value remains in chosen volatile register and
no non-volatile register, except for <code><nobr>rsp</nobr></code>, is
modified. While past <code><nobr>magic_point</nobr></code>
<code><nobr>rsp</nobr></code> remains constant till the very end of the
<code><nobr>function</nobr></code>. In this case custom language-specific
exception handler would look like this:
        CONTEXT *context,DISPATCHER_CONTEXT *disp) 
{   ULONG64 *rsp; 
    if (context-&gt;Rip&lt;(ULONG64)magic_point) 
        rsp = (ULONG64 *)context-&gt;Rax; 
    {   rsp = ((ULONG64 **)context-&gt;Rsp)[0]; 
        context-&gt;Rbp = rsp[-3]; 
        context-&gt;Rbx = rsp[-2]; 
        context-&gt;R15 = rsp[-1]; 
    context-&gt;Rsp = (ULONG64)rsp; 

    memcpy (disp-&gt;ContextRecord,context,sizeof(CONTEXT)); 
    return ExceptionContinueSearch; 
<p>As custom handler mimics leaf function, corresponding
<code><nobr>UNWIND_INFO</nobr></code> structure does not have to contain
any information about stack frame and its layout.
<h3><a name="section-7.7">7.7 <code><nobr>coff</nobr></code>: Common Object File Format</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>coff</nobr></code> output type produces
<code><nobr>COFF</nobr></code> object files suitable for linking with the
DJGPP linker.
<p><code><nobr>coff</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.o</nobr></code>.
<p>The <code><nobr>coff</nobr></code> format supports the same extensions
to the <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> directive as
<code><nobr>win32</nobr></code> does, except that the
<code><nobr>align</nobr></code> qualifier and the
<code><nobr>info</nobr></code> section type are not supported.
<h3><a name="section-7.8">7.8 <code><nobr>macho32</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>macho64</nobr></code>: Mach Object File Format</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>macho32</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>macho64</nobr></code> output formts produces
<code><nobr>Mach-O</nobr></code> object files suitable for linking with the
MacOS X linker. <code><nobr>macho</nobr></code> is a synonym for
<p><code><nobr>macho</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.o</nobr></code>.
<h3><a name="section-7.9">7.9 <code><nobr>elf32</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>elf64</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>elfx32</nobr></code>: Executable and Linkable Format Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>elf32</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>elf64</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>elfx32</nobr></code> output formats generate
<code><nobr>ELF32 and ELF64</nobr></code> (Executable and Linkable Format)
object files, as used by Linux as well as Unix System V, including Solaris
x86, UnixWare and SCO Unix. <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> provides a
default output file-name extension of <code><nobr>.o</nobr></code>.
<code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> is a synonym for
<p>The <code><nobr>elfx32</nobr></code> format is used for the x32 ABI,
which is a 32-bit ABI with the CPU in 64-bit mode.
<h4><a name="section-7.9.1">7.9.1 ELF specific directive <code><nobr>osabi</nobr></code></a></h4>
<p>The ELF header specifies the application binary interface for the target
operating system (OSABI). This field can be set by using the
<code><nobr>osabi</nobr></code> directive with the numeric value (0-255) of
the target system. If this directive is not used, the default value will be
"UNIX System V ABI" (0) which will work on most systems which support ELF.
<h4><a name="section-7.9.2">7.9.2 <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>Like the <code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format,
<code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> allows you to specify additional information
on the <code><nobr>SECTION</nobr></code> directive line, to control the
type and properties of sections you declare. Section types and properties
are generated automatically by NASM for the standard section names, but may
still be overridden by these qualifiers.
<p>The available qualifiers are:
<li><code><nobr>alloc</nobr></code> defines the section to be one which is
loaded into memory when the program is run.
<code><nobr>noalloc</nobr></code> defines it to be one which is not, such
as an informational or comment section.
<li><code><nobr>exec</nobr></code> defines the section to be one which
should have execute permission when the program is run.
<code><nobr>noexec</nobr></code> defines it as one which should not.
<li><code><nobr>write</nobr></code> defines the section to be one which
should be writable when the program is run.
<code><nobr>nowrite</nobr></code> defines it as one which should not.
<li><code><nobr>progbits</nobr></code> defines the section to be one with
explicit contents stored in the object file: an ordinary code or data
section, for example, <code><nobr>nobits</nobr></code> defines the section
to be one with no explicit contents given, such as a BSS section.
<li><code><nobr>align=</nobr></code>, used with a trailing number as in
<code><nobr>obj</nobr></code>, gives the alignment requirements of the
<li><code><nobr>tls</nobr></code> defines the section to be one which
contains thread local variables.
<p>The defaults assumed by NASM if you do not specify the above qualifiers
section .text    progbits  alloc   exec    nowrite  align=16 
section .rodata  progbits  alloc   noexec  nowrite  align=4 
section .lrodata progbits  alloc   noexec  nowrite  align=4 
section .data    progbits  alloc   noexec  write    align=4 
section .ldata   progbits  alloc   noexec  write    align=4 
section .bss     nobits    alloc   noexec  write    align=4 
section .lbss    nobits    alloc   noexec  write    align=4 
section .tdata   progbits  alloc   noexec  write    align=4    tls 
section .tbss    nobits    alloc   noexec  write    align=4    tls 
section .comment progbits  noalloc noexec  nowrite  align=1 
section other    progbits  alloc   noexec  nowrite  align=1
<p>(Any section name other than those in the above table is treated by
default like <code><nobr>other</nobr></code> in the above table. Please
note that section names are case sensitive.)
<h4><a name="section-7.9.3">7.9.3 Position-Independent Code: <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> Special Symbols and <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code></a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>ELF</nobr></code> specification contains enough features
to allow position-independent code (PIC) to be written, which makes ELF
shared libraries very flexible. However, it also means NASM has to be able
to generate a variety of ELF specific relocation types in ELF object files,
if it is to be an assembler which can write PIC.
<p>Since <code><nobr>ELF</nobr></code> does not support segment-base
references, the <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> operator is not used for its
normal purpose; therefore NASM's <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> output
format makes use of <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> for a different purpose,
namely the PIC-specific relocation types.
<p><code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> defines five special symbols which you can
use as the right-hand side of the <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> operator to
obtain PIC relocation types. They are <code><nobr>..gotpc</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>..gotoff</nobr></code>, <code><nobr></nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>..plt</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>..sym</nobr></code>. Their
functions are summarized here:
<li>Referring to the symbol marking the global offset table base using
<code><nobr>wrt ..gotpc</nobr></code> will end up giving the distance from
the beginning of the current section to the global offset table.
(<code><nobr>_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_</nobr></code> is the standard symbol
name used to refer to the GOT.) So you would then need to add
<code><nobr>$$</nobr></code> to the result to get the real address of the
<li>Referring to a location in one of your own sections using
<code><nobr>wrt ..gotoff</nobr></code> will give the distance from the
beginning of the GOT to the specified location, so that adding on the
address of the GOT would give the real address of the location you wanted.
<li>Referring to an external or global symbol using
<code><nobr>wrt</nobr></code> causes the linker to build an entry
<em>in</em> the GOT containing the address of the symbol, and the reference
gives the distance from the beginning of the GOT to the entry; so you can
add on the address of the GOT, load from the resulting address, and end up
with the address of the symbol.
<li>Referring to a procedure name using <code><nobr>wrt ..plt</nobr></code>
causes the linker to build a procedure linkage table entry for the symbol,
and the reference gives the address of the PLT entry. You can only use this
in contexts which would generate a PC-relative relocation normally (i.e. as
the destination for <code><nobr>CALL</nobr></code> or
<code><nobr>JMP</nobr></code>), since ELF contains no relocation type to
refer to PLT entries absolutely.
<li>Referring to a symbol name using <code><nobr>wrt ..sym</nobr></code>
causes NASM to write an ordinary relocation, but instead of making the
relocation relative to the start of the section and then adding on the
offset to the symbol, it will write a relocation record aimed directly at
the symbol in question. The distinction is a necessary one due to a
peculiarity of the dynamic linker.
<p>A fuller explanation of how to use these relocation types to write
shared libraries entirely in NASM is given in
<a href="nasmdoc9.html#section-9.2">section 9.2</a>.
<h4><a name="section-7.9.4">7.9.4 Thread Local Storage: <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> Special Symbols and <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code></a></h4>
<li>In ELF32 mode, referring to an external or global symbol using
<code><nobr>wrt ..tlsie</nobr></code>  causes the linker to build an entry
<em>in</em> the GOT containing the offset of the symbol within the TLS
block, so you can access the value of the symbol with code such as:
       mov  eax,[tid wrt ..tlsie] 
       mov  [gs:eax],ebx
<li>In ELF64 or ELFx32 mode, referring to an external or global symbol
using <code><nobr>wrt ..gottpoff</nobr></code>  causes the linker to build
an entry <em>in</em> the GOT containing the offset of the symbol within the
TLS block, so you can access the value of the symbol with code such as:
       mov   rax,[rel tid wrt ..gottpoff] 
       mov   rcx,[fs:rax]
<h4><a name="section-7.9.5">7.9.5 <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>GLOBAL</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p><code><nobr>ELF</nobr></code> object files can contain more information
about a global symbol than just its address: they can contain the size of
the symbol and its type as well. These are not merely debugger
conveniences, but are actually necessary when the program being written is
a shared library. NASM therefore supports some extensions to the
<code><nobr>GLOBAL</nobr></code> directive, allowing you to specify these
<p>You can specify whether a global variable is a function or a data object
by suffixing the name with a colon and the word
<code><nobr>function</nobr></code> or <code><nobr>data</nobr></code>.
(<code><nobr>object</nobr></code> is a synonym for
<code><nobr>data</nobr></code>.) For example:
global   hashlookup:function, hashtable:data
<p>exports the global symbol <code><nobr>hashlookup</nobr></code> as a
function and <code><nobr>hashtable</nobr></code> as a data object.
<p>Optionally, you can control the ELF visibility of the symbol. Just add
one of the visibility keywords: <code><nobr>default</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>internal</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>hidden</nobr></code>, or
<code><nobr>protected</nobr></code>. The default is
<code><nobr>default</nobr></code> of course. For example, to make
<code><nobr>hashlookup</nobr></code> hidden:
global   hashlookup:function hidden
<p>You can also specify the size of the data associated with the symbol, as
a numeric expression (which may involve labels, and even forward
references) after the type specifier. Like this:
global  hashtable:data (hashtable.end - hashtable) 

        db this,that,theother  ; some data here 
<p>This makes NASM automatically calculate the length of the table and
place that information into the <code><nobr>ELF</nobr></code> symbol table.
<p>Declaring the type and size of global symbols is necessary when writing
shared library code. For more information, see
<a href="nasmdoc9.html#section-9.2.4">section 9.2.4</a>.
<h4><a name="section-7.9.6">7.9.6 <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>COMMON</nobr></code> Directive </a></h4>
<p><code><nobr>ELF</nobr></code> also allows you to specify alignment
requirements on common variables. This is done by putting a number (which
must be a power of two) after the name and size of the common variable,
separated (as usual) by a colon. For example, an array of doublewords would
benefit from 4-byte alignment:
common  dwordarray 128:4
<p>This declares the total size of the array to be 128 bytes, and requires
that it be aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
<h4><a name="section-7.9.7">7.9.7 16-bit code and ELF </a></h4>
<p>The <code><nobr>ELF32</nobr></code> specification doesn't provide
relocations for 8- and 16-bit values, but the GNU
<code><nobr>ld</nobr></code> linker adds these as an extension. NASM can
generate GNU-compatible relocations, to allow 16-bit code to be linked as
ELF using GNU <code><nobr>ld</nobr></code>. If NASM is used with the
<code><nobr>-w+gnu-elf-extensions</nobr></code> option, a warning is issued
when one of these relocations is generated.
<h4><a name="section-7.9.8">7.9.8 Debug formats and ELF </a></h4>
<p>ELF provides debug information in <code><nobr>STABS</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>DWARF</nobr></code> formats. Line number information is
generated for all executable sections, but please note that only the
".text" section is executable by default.
<h3><a name="section-7.10">7.10 <code><nobr>aout</nobr></code>: Linux <code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>aout</nobr></code> format generates
<code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> object files, in the form used by early
Linux systems (current Linux systems use ELF, see
<a href="#section-7.9">section 7.9</a>.) These differ from other
<code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> object files in that the magic number in
the first four bytes of the file is different; also, some implementations
of <code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code>, for example NetBSD's, support
position-independent code, which Linux's implementation does not.
<p><code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.o</nobr></code>.
<p><code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> is a very simple object format. It
supports no special directives, no special symbols, no use of
<code><nobr>SEG</nobr></code> or <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code>, and no
extensions to any standard directives. It supports only the three standard
section names <code><nobr>.text</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>.data</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code>.
<h3><a name="section-7.11">7.11 <code><nobr>aoutb</nobr></code>: NetBSD/FreeBSD/OpenBSD <code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>aoutb</nobr></code> format generates
<code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> object files, in the form used by the
various free <code><nobr>BSD Unix</nobr></code> clones,
<code><nobr>NetBSD</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>FreeBSD</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>OpenBSD</nobr></code>. For simple object files, this object
format is exactly the same as <code><nobr>aout</nobr></code> except for the
magic number in the first four bytes of the file. However, the
<code><nobr>aoutb</nobr></code> format supports position-independent code
in the same way as the <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> format, so you can use
it to write <code><nobr>BSD</nobr></code> shared libraries.
<p><code><nobr>aoutb</nobr></code> provides a default output file-name
extension of <code><nobr>.o</nobr></code>.
<p><code><nobr>aoutb</nobr></code> supports no special directives, no
special symbols, and only the three standard section names
<code><nobr>.text</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>.data</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code>. However, it also supports the same use of
<code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code> as <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code> does, to
provide position-independent code relocation types. See
<a href="#section-7.9.3">section 7.9.3</a> for full documentation of this
<p><code><nobr>aoutb</nobr></code> also supports the same extensions to the
<code><nobr>GLOBAL</nobr></code> directive as <code><nobr>elf</nobr></code>
does: see <a href="#section-7.9.5">section 7.9.5</a> for documentation of
<h3><a name="section-7.12">7.12 <code><nobr>as86</nobr></code>: Minix/Linux <code><nobr>as86</nobr></code> Object Files</a></h3>
<p>The Minix/Linux 16-bit assembler <code><nobr>as86</nobr></code> has its
own non-standard object file format. Although its companion linker
<code><nobr>ld86</nobr></code> produces something close to ordinary
<code><nobr>a.out</nobr></code> binaries as output, the object file format
used to communicate between <code><nobr>as86</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>ld86</nobr></code> is not itself
<p>NASM supports this format, just in case it is useful, as
<code><nobr>as86</nobr></code>. <code><nobr>as86</nobr></code> provides a
default output file-name extension of <code><nobr>.o</nobr></code>.
<p><code><nobr>as86</nobr></code> is a very simple object format (from the
NASM user's point of view). It supports no special directives, no use of
<code><nobr>SEG</nobr></code> or <code><nobr>WRT</nobr></code>, and no
extensions to any standard directives. It supports only the three standard
section names <code><nobr>.text</nobr></code>,
<code><nobr>.data</nobr></code> and <code><nobr>.bss</nobr></code>. The
only special symbol supported is <code><nobr>..start</nobr></code>.
<h3><a name="section-7.13">7.13 <code><nobr>rdf</nobr></code>: Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>rdf</nobr></code> output format produces
<code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> object files.
<code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> (Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format) is
a home-grown object-file format, designed alongside NASM itself and
reflecting in its file format the internal structure of the assembler.
<p><code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> is not used by any well-known operating
systems. Those writing their own systems, however, may well wish to use
<code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> as their object format, on the grounds that
it is designed primarily for simplicity and contains very little
file-header bureaucracy.
<p>The Unix NASM archive, and the DOS archive which includes sources, both
contain an <code><nobr>rdoff</nobr></code> subdirectory holding a set of
RDOFF utilities: an RDF linker, an <code><nobr>RDF</nobr></code>
static-library manager, an RDF file dump utility, and a program which will
load and execute an RDF executable under Linux.
<p><code><nobr>rdf</nobr></code> supports only the standard section names
<code><nobr>.text</nobr></code>, <code><nobr>.data</nobr></code> and
<h4><a name="section-7.13.1">7.13.1 Requiring a Library: The <code><nobr>LIBRARY</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p><code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> contains a mechanism for an object file
to demand a given library to be linked to the module, either at load time
or run time. This is done by the <code><nobr>LIBRARY</nobr></code>
directive, which takes one argument which is the name of the module:
    library  mylib.rdl
<h4><a name="section-7.13.2">7.13.2 Specifying a Module Name: The <code><nobr>MODULE</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>Special <code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> header record is used to store
the name of the module. It can be used, for example, by run-time loader to
perform dynamic linking. <code><nobr>MODULE</nobr></code> directive takes
one argument which is the name of current module:
    module  mymodname
<p>Note that when you statically link modules and tell linker to strip the
symbols from output file, all module names will be stripped too. To avoid
it, you should start module names with <code><nobr>$</nobr></code>, like:
    module  $kernel.core
<h4><a name="section-7.13.3">7.13.3 <code><nobr>rdf</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>GLOBAL</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p><code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> global symbols can contain additional
information needed by the static linker. You can mark a global symbol as
exported, thus telling the linker do not strip it from target executable or
library file. Like in <code><nobr>ELF</nobr></code>, you can also specify
whether an exported symbol is a procedure (function) or data object.
<p>Suffixing the name with a colon and the word
<code><nobr>export</nobr></code> you make the symbol exported:
    global  sys_open:export
<p>To specify that exported symbol is a procedure (function), you add the
word <code><nobr>proc</nobr></code> or <code><nobr>function</nobr></code>
after declaration:
    global  sys_open:export proc
<p>Similarly, to specify exported data object, add the word
<code><nobr>data</nobr></code> or <code><nobr>object</nobr></code> to the
    global  kernel_ticks:export data
<h4><a name="section-7.13.4">7.13.4 <code><nobr>rdf</nobr></code> Extensions to the <code><nobr>EXTERN</nobr></code> Directive</a></h4>
<p>By default the <code><nobr>EXTERN</nobr></code> directive in
<code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> declares a "pure external" symbol (i.e. the
static linker will complain if such a symbol is not resolved). To declare
an "imported" symbol, which must be resolved later during a dynamic linking
phase, <code><nobr>RDOFF</nobr></code> offers an additional
<code><nobr>import</nobr></code> modifier. As in
<code><nobr>GLOBAL</nobr></code>, you can also specify whether an imported
symbol is a procedure (function) or data object. For example:
    library $libc 
    extern  _open:import 
    extern  _printf:import proc 
    extern  _errno:import data
<p>Here the directive <code><nobr>LIBRARY</nobr></code> is also included,
which gives the dynamic linker a hint as to where to find requested
<h3><a name="section-7.14">7.14 <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code>: Debugging Format</a></h3>
<p>The <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> output format is not built into NASM
in the default configuration. If you are building your own NASM executable
from the sources, you can define <code><nobr>OF_DBG</nobr></code> in
<code><nobr>output/outform.h</nobr></code> or on the compiler command line,
and obtain the <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> output format.
<p>The <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> format does not output an object file
as such; instead, it outputs a text file which contains a complete list of
all the transactions between the main body of NASM and the output-format
back end module. It is primarily intended to aid people who want to write
their own output drivers, so that they can get a clearer idea of the
various requests the main program makes of the output driver, and in what
order they happen.
<p>For simple files, one can easily use the <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code>
format like this:
nasm -f dbg filename.asm
<p>which will generate a diagnostic file called
<code><nobr>filename.dbg</nobr></code>. However, this will not work well on
files which were designed for a different object format, because each
object format defines its own macros (usually user-level forms of
directives), and those macros will not be defined in the
<code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> format. Therefore it can be useful to run
NASM twice, in order to do the preprocessing with the native object format
nasm -e -f rdf -o rdfprog.i rdfprog.asm 
nasm -a -f dbg rdfprog.i
<p>This preprocesses <code><nobr>rdfprog.asm</nobr></code> into
<code><nobr>rdfprog.i</nobr></code>, keeping the
<code><nobr>rdf</nobr></code> object format selected in order to make sure
RDF special directives are converted into primitive form correctly. Then
the preprocessed source is fed through the <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code>
format to generate the final diagnostic output.
<p>This workaround will still typically not work for programs intended for
<code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> format, because the
<code><nobr>obj</nobr></code> <code><nobr>SEGMENT</nobr></code> and
<code><nobr>GROUP</nobr></code> directives have side effects of defining
the segment and group names as symbols; <code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> will
not do this, so the program will not assemble. You will have to work around
that by defining the symbols yourself (using
<code><nobr>EXTERN</nobr></code>, for example) if you really need to get a
<code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> trace of an
<code><nobr>obj</nobr></code>-specific source file.
<p><code><nobr>dbg</nobr></code> accepts any section name and any
directives at all, and logs them all to its output file.
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