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Txt2tags ChangeLog

  Version 2.6 (2010-11-05)

* New target: art (ASCII Art).
* New target: adoc (AsciiDoc).
* New target: creole (Creole 1.0).
* New target: dbk (DocBook).
* New target: pmw (PmWiki).

* New mark: ''tagged'' for inline tagged text.
* New mark: ''' for blocks of tagged text.

* New option: --targets to list all the available targets.
* New option: --slides to format output as presentation slides (-t art).
* New option: --width to set the document's width (used by -t art).
* New option: --height to set the document's height (used by -t art).
* New option: --art-chars to set the ASCII Art decorations.
* New options (turn off): --no-slides, --no-targets.

* New command: %!csv to include an external CSV file as a table.

* HTML/XHTML: Removed those random <P></P> that used to appear on the output.
* HTML: Headers changed to avoid orphan tags when not using --css-sugar.
* HTML: Removed id="toc" from the toc DIV, but class="toc" still remains.
* LaTeX: New compact lists with no paragraph breaks between items.
* LaTeX: Added column span and cell alignment to tables.
* LaTeX: UTF-8 encoding is now correctly set as utf8 instead utf-8.
* Lout: Removed list indent to avoid gaps in text.
* Lout: Now paragraphs are allowed inside lists.
* Man: Removed indentation in verbatim blocks.

* i18n: Sample files converted to UTF-8.
* i18n: Manual Pages converted to UTF-8.
* i18n: All .po files converted to UTF-8.
* i18n: Added po/tools folder and po/stats.txt file.
* i18n: Added Basque translations.
* i18n: Added Ukrainian translations.
* Docs: the Manual Page was rewritten: now a reference not a guide.
* Docs: Markup Demo, Sample File, Manual Page translated to Basque.
* Docs: User Guide translated to Chinese (simplified).
* Docs: Sample File translated to Ukrainian.

* extras: Added syntax files for JOE, "ne", "le" text editors.
* extras: Added a txt2tags markup set for markItUp!
* extras: Added "dynartslides", a script to generate art slides dynamically.
* extras: Added the Cookbook to use txt2tags markup in a PmWiki website.
* extras: t2tmake.rb: Now compatible with ruby 1.9.
* extras: Improved txt2tags.vim, unhtml.vim and txt2tagsrc files.
* extras: Removed TextMate Bundle, it's already available at TextMate's SVN.

* PHP Web interface improved: targets in alphabetical order, new $dfttarget.
* Blank lines were added/removed to improve the generated code of all targets.
* No more several blank lines at the end of the document.
* Raw and tagged blocks are allowed inside paragraphs, they don't close it.
* If called with no arguments, don't load the Gui. Must use --gui to load it.
* The ":" char is now allowed in the query component of a URI (link).
* Added TOC formatting example in samples/module/ file.
* Test-suite: 256 tests. New modules: art, csv, include, includeconf, sample.
* Improved some error messages.
* Raise error when using (target) in %!target and %!includeconf.
* The program code is now cleaner/safer with the help of pychecker.
* Removed string module import: using foo.upper() instead string.upper(foo).
* Bugfix: Now -C,--config-file respects (target) in the config file settings.
* Bugfix: Now inline verbatim, raw and tagged marks are really mutually
  exclusive. No marks are interpreted inside them.

* IMPORTANT: This release requires Python 2.2 or newer. The only exception
  is the new %!csv command that requires Python 2.3 or newer.

* New website: - Thanks Florent Gallaire for the domain!

* This release was sponsored by Rubens Queiroz de Almeida.

  Version 2.5 (2008-07-26)

* New target: wiki (Wikipedia)
* New target: gwiki (Google Code Wiki)
* New target: doku (DokuWiki)
* New mark -- for strikeout text, currently implemented for:
  html, xhtml, tex, wiki, gwiki, doku, moin
* New document: How to add a new target to txt2tags
* New tools: TextMate bundle, Gedit language file, gensite program
  (see 'extras' folder)

* Improved Unicode (UTF-8) support
* PHP Web interface rewrote: now configurable, clean and modular
* Moin target improved: added support for definition list and strong line
* LaTeX target improved: Added support for anchors and local links
* Lout target improved: Added support for anchors in titles
* Added PreProc sample on the samples/module/ file

* i18n: Added Finnish translations
* Docs: Sample file translated to Finnish
* Docs: Man Page translated to Chinese
* Docs: Portuguese Man Page updated

* Bugfix: Fixed title underline length on txt target for UTF-8 files
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on sources files with UTF-8 encoding

* IMPORTANT: Txt2tags is not compatible with old Python 1.5.2 anymore,
  because Unicode strings were added in Python 2.0. If your Python is
  older than 2.0, please use txt2tags version 2.4.

* This release was sponsored by Dmitri Popov.

  Version 2.4 (2006-12-24)

* New mark %%% for commented blocks
* The Style config now may be used multiple times (i.e. two CSS files)
* Different list types on the same indent now forces previous to close
* Empty anchor is now part of a link (i.e. foo.html#)
* tex: Default headers cleanup, now it's minimalist
* tex: Now limiting the maximum quote depth to six
* tex: User-defined styles now overwrite default formatting on headers
* (x)html: New header comment showing the CSS file path, when using

* i18n: Added Chinese translations

* Bugfix: xhtml: Fixed encoding declaration when using --css-sugar
* Bugfix: (x)html: No empty <STYLE> tag on --css-inside when CSS file is missing
* Bugfix: (x)html: Removed useless <P></P> after table followed by blank line
* Bugfix: tex: Now removing .sty extension of user style files
* Bugfix: Macro at line beginning now closes Quote
* Bugfix: Verbatim and Raw areas are now mutually exclusive
* Bugfix: Fixed protocol adding to uppercased URLs like WWW.FOO.COM
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on macro after table (i.e. "| x |\n%%date")
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on table inside deflist (i.e. ": | foo")
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on empty table (i.e. "| |")
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on malformed lists (i.e. ": foo\n- bar")

* Raw doesn't close Quote anymore
* Optimization changes made the program execution slightly faster
* Unknown errors now sent to STDERR and exiting 1
* Gui: Now using a green theme, following the new website colors
* Test-suite with new modules and a total of 152 tests
* Tarball clean up (less files, easier to generate and package)
* Spell check and Capitalization on the code comments :)

  Version 2.3 (2005-06-17)

* New rule to allow COLSPAN in table cells (for HTML, XHTML)
* New option --dump-source to show source file with t2t includes expanded
* New options --config-file and -C to include an external config file
* New options (turn off): --no-infile, --no-dump-config, --no-dump-source
* New 'test' folder with the program test-suite
* tex: FitV changed to FitH in hyperref package PDF settings

* Docs: New "Markup Rules" document, obsoleting old RULES and Abuse Me docs
* Docs: All documentation translated to French
* Docs: Sample file translated to Hungarian
* Docs: Sample file and Markup Demo translated to Chinese
* Docs: Little fixes at the program man page and pt_BR.po potfile

* Bugfix: Option --css-inside now working for xhtml target also
* Bugfix: Macros names are case insensitive again (it was broken on v2.1)
* Bugfix: Not dumping traceback when input file is empty
* Bugfix: Now identifying invalid filter replacement (as \1 with no group)
* Bugfix: Outfile buffer \n's expanded *before* postproc filters
* Bugfix: Detection when %!includeconf is including itself (loop)
* Bugfix: Module: Improved support, samples/module/* updated
* Bugfix: Module: finish_him() has not module-aware
* Bugfix: Module: Using %%mtime was dumping error

  Version 2.2 (2004-12-30)

* New target: lout (Lout document)
* New option --css-inside to include the CSS file contents inside
  HTML/XHTML headers
* New T2TCONFIG environment variable to specify RC file location
* The strong bar (===) now is mapped to a page break in paged targets
* tex: Now links are blue and clickable on PDF, using 'hyperref' package

* Debug messages revamped: categorized with IDs, background color setting
* The --help message was improved with metavars (i.e. --target=TYPE)
* The "wrote file" message now shows the full path if -o was used on
  the command line
* Module: New samples/module dir with sample Python scripts
* Module: Better interface to use a string as a full marked file
* Gui: Now all errors are printed *and* placed inside windows

* i18n: Added French translations
* i18n: Added German translations
* i18n: Added Spanish translations
* Docs: "Markup Demo" translated to portuguese

* Bugfix: outfile location inside %!options now respects infile path
* Bugfix: xhtml: now the enconding is defined on <?xml> tag, not <meta>
* Bugfix: tex: not escaping the underscore char '_' on image paths anymore
* Bugfix: Module: now raising exceptions on errors instead print/sys.exit

  Version 2.1 (2004-11-13)

* New %%toc macro to specify the TOC position
* New %%infile and %%outfile macros, to get file information
* New %%mtime macro, for source file modification time
* New options -q and --quiet for quiet operation (no messages)
* New extras/gvim-menu.vim file for the gVim text editor

* Pre/Postproc regexes now compiled once (faster conversion!)
* Now an empty item closes the current list
* Option --toc-only now respecting --outfile (if any)
* Tables with no "cellpadding" declaration when using --css-sugar
* URL matcher: char "+" added on address and ";$" added for form data
* The hyphen char "-" now can be used in anchors
* Misspelled option--css-suggar changed to --css-sugar (both works now)

* i18n: Added Italian translations
* i18n: Added Hungarian translations
* Docs: New "Markup Demo" document, which obsoleted old RULES file
* Docs: New "Writing Books with Txt2tags" document
* Docs: New "Reference Card" document in portuguese
* Docs: New "FAQ" document in portuguese
* Docs: User Guide revamped: new chapters and now is a PDF
* Docs: Abuseme and sample files translated to Spanish
* Docs: Fixed typo on the program manpage

* Bugfix: Detecting when input file is empty (zero sized)
* Bugfix: Now deals with user malformed list: sublist before list
* Bugfix: Windows RC file directory now pointing to %homepath%
* Bugfix: Maximize result window on Gui now working
* Bugfix: A macro right after the headers begins Body

  Version 2.0 (2004-07-25)

* Program internationalized (i18n) and translated to Portuguese
* New user configuration file ~/.txt2tagsrc
* New mark """ for Raw Text Area
* New %!includeconf command to insert external file config
* New %!include: ""file"" command to include raw text
* New pre-checking on Pre/Post Proc filters for regex errors
* Graphical interface color configurable via %!guicolors
* The program is now an importable Python module
* Code changes to make pychecker happy (from 123 warnings to 10)
* HTML and XHTML codes approved by w3c validator
* New options: --dump-config, --debug, -v, --verbose, --encoding,
  -i, --infile, --rc, --css-suggar
* New options (turn off): --no-style, --no-toc, --no-toc-only,
  --no-enum-title, --no-mask-email, --no-rc, --no-css-suggar,
  --no-encoding, --no-infile, --no-outfile

* Bugfix: fixed the program description on the documentation
* Bugfix: sgml: removed useless <rowsep> from table last row
* Bugfix: tex: now escaping correctly <, > and | chars
* Bugfix: TOC and list errors when inverting order
* New optional anchor specification for title: =title=[anchor]
* New CSS sample files to help CSS beginners
* New target: xhtml (XHTML page)
* Tex: now using --style to load \usepackage modules
* User Guide images on the tarball

* Man target improved: added support for lists, quote and tables
* Mgp target improved: image is now alignable
* Moin target improved: added support for underline, quote, table
  cell align, comment and TOC
* Tex target improved: removed amssymb from headers, not breaking
  pages anymore, mapping --style do \usepackage, using \clearpage,
  image tag not using {figure} anymore

* Graphical and web interfaces improved (blue theme)
* Error messages improved and prefixed by txt2tags string
* New rules for beautifiers: glued and greedy
* Solo centered images now requires spaces on both sides
* Added & to URL filename valid chars (~michaelreaves/D&Dpreface.html)
* User config on source code for i18n, debug and HTML lowered tags

* Old --type option changed to --target
* Old --noheaders option changed to --no-headers
* Old --enumtitle option changed to --enum-title
* Old --maskemail option changed to --mask-email
* Old --toclevel option changed to --toc-level
* Old --toconly option changed to --toc-only

* Old `pre` mark changed to ``pre``
* Old ``raw`` mark changed to """"raw""""
* Old --- mark changed to ``` for Verbatim Area
* Old = term: mark changed to : term for definition list term
* Old bolditalic mark removed, use **//bold+italic//** instead

* Old %!cmdline config changed to %!target and %!options
* Old %!include: `file.txt` changed to %!include: ``file.txt``
  when including a text file
* Old %!include: 'file.html' changed to %!include: ''file.html''
  when including a tagged file

  Version 1.7 (2003-11-30)

* New %!include command to insert external files
* Command line options errors now more descriptive
* Regex errors now detected on Pre/Post proc filters
* Program man page added to the tarball
* Rewritten the Emacs syntax highlight file

* Bugfix: moin: first level lists must have a leading space
* Bugfix: man: headers using quotes
* Bugfix: Footer composer on Windows was dumping error
* Bugfix: Gui + STDOUT not showing %!postproc edits

  Version 1.6 (2003-07-23)

* New mark + for explicit numbered titles, +like this+
* New %!preproc: and %!postproc: user defined filters
* New %!key(target): optional format to apply a config to a target,
  as in %!encoding(html): iso-8859-1
* Removed accented letter from Author's name (newer Python complains about it)
* Added separator blank line before and after titles for txt target

* Bugfix: --toconly now respects --toclevel setting
* Bugfix: no more double spaced lines on Windows
* Bugfix: man: escaping \ with \e
* Bugfix: man: escaping lines that begin with . and '
* Bugfix: tex: solved lots of LaTeX special chars issues: ~ ^ \
* Bugfix: tex: the _ char is now escaped on titles
* Bugfix: html: escaping '--' on comment lines
* Bugfix: html: <IMG ALIGN="middle"> (not "center")
* Bugfix: html: closing <A NAME> tag with </A>
* Bugfix: tex: now using \section* as the (unnumbered) title tag
* Bugfix: tex: now respecting --enumtitle

* Gui: now showing (and checking) %!cmdline contents (if any)
* Gui: refresh checkboxes when a new file is loaded
* Gui: accepts extra options when called via command line, example:
  txt2tags --gui -n file.t2t

  Version 1.5.1 (2003-05-14)

* Just a patch for v1.5, in which the GUI was broken

  Version 1.5 (2003-05-09)

* New %!cmdline: setting to specify a default command line
* Target LaTeX now supporting images
* New option -n, short for --enumtitle
* New option -H, short for --noheaders
* New options -o and --outfile to set the output filename
  (Note: --stdout option now is deprecated by -o-)
* New <!DOCTYPE> declaration on HTML target headers
* Now the TODO file is public, included on the tarball
* Some improvements on extras/unhtml.vim file

* Syntax: Headers are parsed as plain text, except %%date
* Syntax: Comma added as valid URL form data char

* Bugfix: Masking of encoding name on tex was not working
* Bugfix: \1, \2, \N special chars was not correctly escaped
* Bugfix: '1linePre' regex was matching empty line as '--- '
* Bugfix: Some targets don't support images as links
* Bugfix: URL special chars was not escaped on Sgml target
* Bugfix: Marks was being parsed on TOC items on man,pm6,moin,mgp,txt
* Bugfix: Most targets don't support images as definition list term
* Bugfix: Fixed escape char \ issues (now it is masked)

  Version 1.4 (2003-02-18)

* New table smart align for the full table (left,center)
* New table smart align for each table cell (left,center,right)
* New option --style and %!style: setting for doc style (like HTML CSS)
* New option --toclevel to set the maximum TOC deepness
* Syntax: now comment lines doesn't close tables
* If no headers, now the title is left empty (no more "-NO TITLE-")

* Bugfix: --maskemail was not working since v1.2  :/
* Bugfix: \t,\n,\r & friends was parsed as specials inside tables
* Bugfix: Paragraph+comment+blankline+paragraph was parsed as one

  Version 1.3 (2002-12-20)

* New "Txt2tags User Guide" document
* New mark "" for RAW strings (pass-thru txt2tags parsing)
* New %!encoding: command to specify the document charset
* New 'contrib' dir for user contributed stuff
* Improvements on SGML target: now using <toc> and <descrip>
* Added '$' and '@' chars to the URL matcher, so$99

* Sanity: Removed from code structures marked as obsoleted on v1.1
* Sanity: Removed \email{} tag from LaTeX headers. Using \url{}.
* Sanity: \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} is not default anymore on
  LaTeX headers. If needed, use new encoding command.

* Bugfix: LaTeX target added on the Web Interface menu
* Bugfix: \n, \t and other special pairs escaped under `inline mono`
* Bugfix: TOC anchor respecting maximum TOC level
* Bugfix: Beautifiers not parsed on TOC items
* Bugfix: Special chars not double escaped on TOC items

  Version 1.2 (2002-12-03)

* New target: tex (LaTeX document)
* Now multiple source files can be specified on the command line
  as txt2tags -t html *.t2t
* URL matcher was improved and now gets valid insane paths as and
* Added a COPYING file on the tarball, with the GPL license
* Added a handy unhtml.vim script to the extras directory, to
  convert by brute force an HTML file to a txt2tags file on Vim.
* Bugfix: Special chars escaped on link label

  Version 1.1 (2002-11-06)

* Images can now point to links, as: [[img.gif]]
* New foldmethod=syntax rules on the Vim syntax file
* Now any non-table line closes a table (blank line or not)
* Begin of the major code-cleanup (aka complete rewrite)

* Sanity: New RULE for headers: if the very first line of the file
  is blank, this means 'this file has no header information'
* Sanity: New comment char: % at the line beginning (no leading spaces!)
* Sanity: Marks are not parsed on title lines
* Sanity: // as comment mark is obsoleted, due conflicts with
  italic mark. will be removed on version 1.3
* Sanity: TAB-made tables are marked as obsoleted, will be removed on
  version 1.3. Use the PIPE-made tables instead.
* Sanity: Removed support for filename with spaces on the image mark,
  due conflicts with named URL mark, [like this.gif]
* New option --fixme (temporary) to update obsoleted structures and
  automatically fix all this Sanity changes

* Bugfix: --noheaders now act just as 'suppress headers from output',
  and not 'treat headers as plain text'
* Bugfix: Trailing . is now part of the URL when it contains anchor
  location or form data (as #abc. and ?var=abc.)
* Bugfix: Trailing / added to the URL matcher (as
* Bugfix: Title with \ char now is correctly handled

  Version 1.0 (2002-09-25)

* New Graphical Tk Interface
* Fixed target file format on Windows and Mac platforms
* TOC deepness now is limited to level 3
* RULES file sync'ed with actual rules (sorry!)
* ChangeLog (this file) is now a txt2tags file
* Added underscore char _ to anchor on URL regex

* Bugfix: Closing any open list or table at EOF
* Bugfix: HTML anchor name have no #

  Version 0.9 (2002-08-23)

* Now txt2tags is a 100% pure Python script. The bash part has gone
  so now it runs nicely on MS Windows and other Python aware platforms
* New options --toc and --toconly to generate Table Of Contents
* Defined .t2t as the official txt2tags file extension
* Txt.vim file renamed to txt2tags.vim, and added instructions
* Now titles are underlined on target txt
* Cmdline used to generate the document is inserted as a comment on it
* Tarball reorganized, adding 'extras' and 'samples' directories

* Bugfix: When all ok, force system exit status to 0

  Version 0.8 (2002-07-03)

* New abuseme.txt complex sample file (test-suite)
* New smart image align feature for HTML (see abuseme.t2t)
* New option --maskemail to hide email from SPAM robots
* Table now can have border or no on HTML
* Improvements on txt.vim syntax file, now colors works on gui also
* Image mark can't accept filename with spaces (conflicts named link)

* Bugfix: Parse more than one %%date on the same line
* Bugfix: Special chars now escaped inside preformatted
* Bugfix: Closing quote mark was kinda broken

  Version 0.7 (2002-06-20)

* New Emacs syntax highlight file for txt2tags rules
* New mark : for definition lists (<DL> on HTML)
* Now adding protocol to guessed link like
* Explicit link mark changed from ["label" url] to [label url]
  in other words, quotes are not necessary anymore
* Image mark now correctly handles filenames with space for html
* Corrected typos on sample.txt file
* Named links now can point to local links as file.html, #anchor
  and file.html#anchor

  Version 0.6 (2002-04-10)

* Tables are now supported for sgml and moin targets
* New option --enumtitle to enumerate all titles as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc
* New mark ``+ `` for numbered list type for all targets
* Better pre-formatted font escaping (won't parse marks)
* URL matcher now supports login URLs
  and filled emails

  Version 0.5 (2002-03-22)

* New handy Web interface to use it online (Internet or Intranet)
* New option --noheaders to suppress headers information
* Now it can read the marked text from STDIN (specify - as file)
* Adapted to work on python old v1.5 also

  Version 0.4 (2002-03-11)

* New simple table support (just for HTML by now)
* Fixed lots of bugs on the man target, now it's kinda usable
* The preformatted line mark must have a space after the dashes: '--- '
* The preformatted line now has leading spaces
* New options -h, --help, -V and --version
* URL matcher is smarter, supporting #local_anchors and ?form=data

  Version 0.3 (2001-11-09)

* New mark ["my label"] for explicit URL/email with label
* Date macro now supports format string like %%date(%m/%d/%Y)

  Version 0.2 (2001-10-01)

* New target: man (UNIX man page)
* Nice shell wrapper to deal with files/directories/options.
  in fact, the python code is now "embedded" on the sh script.
* New options --lang and --split (for sgml2html)

  Version 0.1 (2001-07-26)

* Initial release