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    <h1 class="title">External tools</h1>
    <p>One of the goals of Cargo is simple integration with third-party tools, like
IDEs and other build systems. To make integration easier, Cargo has several

<li><p><code>cargo metadata</code> command, which outputs project structure and dependencies
information in JSON,</p></li>
<li><p><code>--message-format</code> flag, which outputs information about a particular build,</p></li>
<li><p>support for custom subcommands.</p></li>

<h1 id='information-about-project-structure' class='section-header'><a href='#information-about-project-structure'>Information about project structure</a></h1>
<p>You can use <code>cargo metadata</code> command to get information about project structure
and dependencies. The output of the command looks like this:</p>

<pre><code class="language-text">{
  // Integer version number of the format.
  &quot;version&quot;: integer,

  // List of packages for this workspace, including dependencies.
  &quot;packages&quot;: [
      // Opaque package identifier.
      &quot;id&quot;: PackageId,

      &quot;name&quot;: string,

      &quot;version&quot;: string,

      &quot;source&quot;: SourceId,

      // A list of declared dependencies, see `resolve` field for actual dependencies.
      &quot;dependencies&quot;: [ Dependency ],

      &quot;targets: [ Target ],

      // Path to Cargo.toml
      &quot;manifest_path&quot;: string,

  &quot;workspace_members&quot;: [ PackageId ],

  // Dependencies graph.
  &quot;resolve&quot;: {
     &quot;nodes&quot;: [
         &quot;id&quot;: PackageId,
         &quot;dependencies&quot;: [ PackageId ]

<p>The format is stable and versioned. When calling <code>cargo metadata</code>, you should
pass <code>--format-version</code> flag explicitly to avoid forward incompatibility

<p>If you are using Rust, there is <a href="">cargo_metadata</a> crate.</p>

<h1 id='information-about-build' class='section-header'><a href='#information-about-build'>Information about build</a></h1>
<p>When passing <code>--message-format=json</code>, Cargo will output the following
information during the build:</p>

<li><p>compiler errors and warnings,</p></li>
<li><p>produced artifacts,</p></li>
<li><p>results of the build scripts (for example, native dependencies).</p></li>

<p>The output goes to stdout in the JSON object per line format. The <code>reason</code> field
distinguishes different kinds of messages.</p>

<p>Information about dependencies in the Makefile-compatible format is stored in
the <code>.d</code> files alongside the artifacts.</p>

<h1 id='custom-subcommands' class='section-header'><a href='#custom-subcommands'>Custom subcommands.</a></h1>
<p>Cargo is designed to be extensible with new subcommands without having to modify
Cargo itself. This is achieved by translating a cargo invocation of the form
cargo <code>(?&lt;command&gt;[^ ]+)</code> into an invocation of an external tool
<code>cargo-${command}</code> that then needs to be present in one of the user&#39;s <code>$PATH</code>

<p>Custom subcommand may use <code>CARGO</code> environment variable to call back to
Cargo. Alternatively, it can link to <code>cargo</code> crate as a library, but this
approach has drawbacks:</p>

<li><p>Cargo as a library is unstable, API changes without deprecation,</p></li>
<li><p>versions of Cargo library and Cargo binary may be different.</p></li>

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