

distrib > Mageia > 6 > x86_64 > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > 5666af12c81722be4cae7e8925fad2c6 > files > 22


The following are the known types of zipfile extra fields as of this
writing.  Extra fields are documented in PKWARE's appnote.txt and are
intended to allow for backward- and forward-compatible extensions to the
zipfile format.  Multiple extra-field types may be chained together,
provided that the total length of all extra-field data is less than
64KB. (In fact, PKWARE requires that the total length of the entire file
header, including timestamp, file attributes, filename, comment, extra
field, etc., be no more than 64KB.)

Each extra-field type (or subblock) must contain a four-byte header
consisting of a two-byte header ID and a two-byte length (little-endian)
for the remaining data in the subblock.  If there are additional
subblocks within the extra field, the header for each one will appear
immediately following the data for the previous subblock (i.e., with no
padding for alignment).

All integer fields in the descriptions below are in little-endian
(Intel) format unless otherwise specified.  Note that "Short" means two
bytes, "Long" means four bytes, and "Long-Long" means eight bytes,
regardless of their native sizes.  Unless specifically noted, all
integer fields should be interpreted as unsigned (non-negative) numbers.

Christian Spieler, Ed Gordon, 20080717


          Header ID's of 0 through 31 are reserved for use by PKWARE.
          The remaining ID's can be used by third party vendors for
          proprietary usage.

          The current Header ID mappings defined by PKWARE are:

          0x0001        Zip64 extended information
          0x0007        AV Info
          0x0008        Reserved for extended language encoding data (PFS)
          0x0009        OS/2 extended attributes      (also Info-ZIP)
          0x000a        NTFS (Win9x/WinNT FileTimes)
          0x000c        OpenVMS                       (also Info-ZIP)
          0x000d        UNIX
          0x000e        Reserved for file stream and fork descriptors
          0x000f        Patch Descriptor
          0x0014        PKCS#7 Store for X.509 Certificates
          0x0015        X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for
                        individual file
          0x0016        X.509 Certificate ID for Central Directory
          0x0017        Strong Encryption Header
          0x0018        Record Management Controls
          0x0019        PKCS#7 Encryption Recipient Certificate List
          0x0065        IBM S/390 (Z390), AS/400 (I400) attributes
                        - uncompressed
          0x0066        Reserved for IBM S/390 (Z390), AS/400 (I400)
                        attributes - compressed
          0x4690        POSZIP 4690 (reserved)

          The Header ID mappings defined by Info-ZIP and third parties are:

          0x07c8        Info-ZIP Macintosh (old, J. Lee)
          0x2605        ZipIt Macintosh (first version)
          0x2705        ZipIt Macintosh v 1.3.5 and newer (w/o full filename)
          0x2805        ZipIt Macintosh 1.3.5+
          0x334d        Info-ZIP Macintosh (new, D. Haase's 'Mac3' field)
          0x4154        Tandem NSK
          0x4341        Acorn/SparkFS (David Pilling)
          0x4453        Windows NT security descriptor (binary ACL)
          0x4704        VM/CMS
          0x470f        MVS
          0x4854        Theos, old unofficial port
          0x4b46        FWKCS MD5 (see below)
          0x4c41        OS/2 access control list (text ACL)
          0x4d49        Info-ZIP OpenVMS ("IM", obsolete)
          0x4d63        Macintosh SmartZIP, by Macro Bambini
          0x4f4c        Xceed original location extra field
          0x5356        AOS/VS (binary ACL)
          0x5455        extended timestamp
          0x554e        Xceed unicode extra field
          0x5855        Info-ZIP UNIX (original; also OS/2, NT, etc.)
          0x6375        Info-ZIP UTF-8 comment field
          0x6542        BeOS (BeBox, PowerMac, etc.)
          0x6854        Theos
          0x7075        Info-ZIP UTF-8 name field
          0x7441        AtheOS (AtheOS/Syllable attributes)
          0x756e        ASi UNIX
          0x7855        Info-ZIP UNIX (16-bit UID/GID info)
          0x7875        Info-ZIP UNIX 3rd generation (generic UID/GID, ...)
          0xa220        Microsoft Open Packaging Growth Hint
          0xfb4a        SMS/QDOS

The following are detailed descriptions of the known extra-field block types:

         -Zip64 Extended Information (0x0001):

          The following is the layout of the Zip64 extended information
          extra block.  If one of the size or offset fields in the Local
          or Central directory record is too small to hold the required
          data, a Zip64 extended information record is created.  The
          order of the fields in the Zip64 extended information record
          is fixed, but the fields will only appear if the corresponding
          Local or Central directory record field is set to 0xFFFF or

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value      Size       Description
          -----      ----       -----------
  (ZIP64) 0x0001     2 bytes    Tag for this extra block type
          Size       2 bytes    Size of this extra block
          Size       8 bytes    Original uncompressed file size
          Size       8 bytes    Size of compressed data
          Relative Header
          Offset     8 bytes    Offset of local header record
          Disk Start
          Number     4 bytes    Number of the disk on which
                                this file starts

          This entry in the Local header must include BOTH original
          and compressed file size fields.  If encrypting the
          central directory and bit 13 of the general purpose bit
          flag is set indicating masking, the value stored in the
          Local Header for the original file size will be zero.

         -OS/2 Extended Attributes (0x0009):

          The following is the layout of the OS/2 extended attributes
          extra block.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (OS/2)  0x0009        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed EA data size
          CType         Short       compression type
          EACRC         Long        CRC value for uncompressed EA data
          (var.)        variable    compressed EA data

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (OS/2)  0x0009        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (4)
          BSize         Long        size of uncompressed local EA data

          The value of CType is interpreted according to the "compression
          method" section above; i.e., 0 for stored, 8 for deflated, etc.

          The OS/2 extended attribute structure (FEA2LIST) is
          compressed and then stored in its entirety within this
          structure.  There will only ever be one "block" of data in
          the variable-length field.

         -OS/2 Access Control List:

          The following is the layout of the OS/2 ACL extra block.
          (Last Revision 19960922)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (ACL)   0x4c41        Short       tag for this extra block type ("AL")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed ACL data size
          CType         Short       compression type
          EACRC         Long        CRC value for uncompressed ACL data
          (var.)        variable    compressed ACL data

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (ACL)   0x4c41        Short       tag for this extra block type ("AL")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (4)
          BSize         Long        size of uncompressed local ACL data

          The value of CType is interpreted according to the "compression
          method" section above; i.e., 0 for stored, 8 for deflated, etc.

          The uncompressed ACL data consist of a text header of the form
          "ACL1:%hX,%hd\n", where the first field is the OS/2 ACCINFO
          acc_attr member and the second is acc_count, followed by
          acc_count strings of the form "%s,%hx\n", where the first
          field is acl_ugname (user group name) and the second
          acl_access.  This block type will be extended for other
          operating systems as needed.

         -Windows NT Security Descriptor (0x4453):

          The following is the layout of the NT Security Descriptor
          (another type of ACL) extra block.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (SD)    0x4453        Short       tag for this extra block type ("SD")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed SD data size
          Version       Byte        version of uncompressed SD data format
          CType         Short       compression type
          EACRC         Long        CRC value for uncompressed SD data
          (var.)        variable    compressed SD data

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (SD)    0x4453        Short       tag for this extra block type ("SD")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (4)
          BSize         Long        size of uncompressed local SD data

          The value of CType is interpreted according to the
          "compression method" section above; i.e., 0 for stored, 8 for
          deflated, etc.  Version specifies how the compressed data are
          to be interpreted and allows for future expansion of this
          extra block type.  Currently only version 0 is defined.

          For version 0, the compressed data are to be interpreted as a
          single valid Windows NT SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR data structure, in
          self-relative format.

         -PKWARE Win95/WinNT (0x000a):

          The following description covers PKWARE's "NTFS" attributes
          extra block, introduced with the release of PKZIP 2.50 for
          Windows. (Last Revision 20001118)

          (Note: At this time the Mtime, Atime, and Ctime values may be
          used on any WIN32 system.)
          [Info-ZIP note: In the current implementations, this field has
          a fixed total data size of 32 bytes and is stored only as a
          local extra block.]

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (NTFS)  0x000a        Short       Tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       Total Data Size for this block
          Reserved      Long        for future use
          Tag1          Short       NTFS attribute tag value #1
          Size1         Short       Size of attribute #1, in bytes
          (var.)        SubSize1    Attribute #1 data
          TagN          Short       NTFS attribute tag value #N
          SizeN         Short       Size of attribute #N, in bytes
          (var.)        SubSizeN    Attribute #N data

          For NTFS, values for Tag1 through TagN are as follows:
          (currently only one set of attributes is defined for NTFS)

          Tag        Size       Description
          -----      ----       -----------
          0x0001     2 bytes    Tag for attribute #1
          Size1      2 bytes    Size of attribute #1, in bytes (24)
          Mtime      8 bytes    64-bit NTFS file last modification time
          Atime      8 bytes    64-bit NTFS file last access time
          Ctime      8 bytes    64-bit NTFS file creation time

          The total length for this block is 28 bytes, resulting in a
          fixed size value of 32 for the TSize field of the NTFS block.

          The NTFS filetimes are 64-bit unsigned integers, stored in
          Intel (least significant byte first) byte order. They
          determine the number of 1.0E-07 seconds (1/10th microseconds!)
          past WinNT "epoch", which is "01-Jan-1601 00:00:00 UTC".

         -PKWARE OpenVMS (0x000c):

          The following is the layout of PKWARE's OpenVMS attributes
          extra block.  (Last Revision 12/17/91)

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (VMS)   0x000c        Short       Tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       Total Data Size for this block
          CRC           Long        32-bit CRC for remainder of the block
          Tag1          Short       OpenVMS attribute tag value #1
          Size1         Short       Size of attribute #1, in bytes
          (var.)        Size1       Attribute #1 data
          TagN          Short       OpenVMS attribute tag value #N
          SizeN         Short       Size of attribute #N, in bytes
          (var.)        SizeN       Attribute #N data


          1. There will be one or more of attributes present, which will
             each be preceded by the above TagX & SizeX values.  These
             values are identical to the ATR$C_XXXX and ATR$S_XXXX
             constants which are defined in atrdef.h under OpenVMS C.
             Neither of these values will ever be zero.

          2. No word alignment or padding is performed.

          3. A well-behaved PKZIP/OpenVMS program should never produce
             more than one sub-block with the same TagX value.  Also,
             there will never be more than one extra block of type
             0x000c in a particular directory record.

         -Info-ZIP VMS "IM":

          The following is the layout of Info-ZIP's "IM" VMS attributes
          extra block.  The local-header and central-header versions are
          identical.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (VMS2)  0x4d49        Short       tag for this extra block type ("IM")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          ID            Long        block ID
          Flags         Short       info bytes
          BSize         Short       uncompressed block size
          Reserved      Long        (reserved)
          (var.)        variable    compressed VMS file-attributes block

          The block ID is one of the following unterminated strings:

                "VFAB"          struct FAB
                "VALL"          struct XABALL
                "VFHC"          struct XABFHC
                "VDAT"          struct XABDAT
                "VRDT"          struct XABRDT
                "VPRO"          struct XABPRO
                "VKEY"          struct XABKEY
                "VMSV"          version (e.g., "V6.1"; truncated at hyphen)
                "VNAM"          reserved

          The lower three bits of Flags indicate the compression method.  The
          currently defined methods are:

                0       stored (not compressed)
                1       simple "RLE"
                2       deflated

          The "RLE" method simply replaces zero-valued bytes with zero-valued
          bits and non-zero-valued bytes with a "1" bit followed by the byte

          The variable-length compressed data contains only the data
          corresponding to the indicated structure or string.
          Typically, multiple VMS2 extra blocks are present (each with a
          unique block ID).

         -Info-ZIP Macintosh:

          The following is the layout of the (old) Info-ZIP
          resource-fork extra block for Macintosh (pre-Mac-OS-X).  The
          local-header and central-header versions are identical.  (Last
          Revision 19960922)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Mac)   0x07c8        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          "JLEE"        beLong      extra-field signature
          FInfo         16 bytes    Macintosh FInfo structure
          CrDat         beLong      HParamBlockRec fileParam.ioFlCrDat
          MdDat         beLong      HParamBlockRec fileParam.ioFlMdDat
          Flags         beLong      info bits
          DirID         beLong      HParamBlockRec fileParam.ioDirID
          VolName       28 bytes    volume name (optional)

          All fields but the first two are in native Macintosh format
          (big-endian Motorola order, not little-endian Intel).  The
          least significant bit of Flags is 1 if the file is a data
          fork, 0 otherwise.  In addition, if this extra field is
          present, the filename has an extra 'd' or 'r' appended to
          indicate data fork or resource fork.  The 28-byte VolName
          field may be omitted.

         -ZipIt Macintosh (long):

          The following is the layout of the ZipIt extra block for
          Macintosh (pre-Mac-OS-X).  The local-header and central-header
          versions are identical.  (Last Revision 19970130)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Mac2)  0x2605        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          "ZPIT"        beLong      extra-field signature
          FnLen         Byte        length of FileName
          FileName      variable    full Macintosh filename
          FileType      Byte[4]     four-byte Mac file type string
          Creator       Byte[4]     four-byte Mac creator string

         -ZipIt Macintosh (short, for files):

          The following is the layout of a shortened variant of the
          ZipIt extra block for Macintosh (pre-Mac-OS-X) (without "full
          name" entry).  This variant is used by ZipIt 1.3.5 and newer
          for entries of files (not directories) that do not have a
          MacBinary encoded file.  The local-header and central-header
          versions are identical.  (Last Revision 20030602)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Mac2b) 0x2705        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (min. 12)
          "ZPIT"        beLong      extra-field signature
          FileType      Byte[4]     four-byte Mac file type string
          Creator       Byte[4]     four-byte Mac creator string
          fdFlags       beShort     attributes from FInfo.frFlags,
                                    may be omitted
          0x0000        beShort     reserved, may be omitted

         -ZipIt Macintosh (short, for directories):

          The following is the layout of a shortened variant of the
          ZipIt extra block for Macintosh (pre-Mac-OS-X) used only for
          directory entries. This variant is used by ZipIt 1.3.5 and
          newer to save some optional Mac-specific information about
          directories.  The local-header and central-header versions are

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Mac2c) 0x2805        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (12)
          "ZPIT"        beLong      extra-field signature
          frFlags       beShort     attributes from DInfo.frFlags, may
                                    be omitted
          View          beShort     ZipIt view flag, may be omitted

          The View field specifies ZipIt-internal settings as follows:

          Bits of the Flags:
              bit 0           if set, the folder is shown expanded (open)
                              when the archive contents are viewed in ZipIt.
              bits 1-15       reserved, zero;

         -Info-ZIP Macintosh (new):

          The following is the layout of the (new) Info-ZIP extra block
          for Macintosh (pre-Mac-OS-X), designed by Dirk Haase.  All
          values are in little-endian order.  (Last Revision 19981005)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Mac3)  0x334d        Short       tag for this extra block type ("M3")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed finder attribute data size
          Flags         Short       info bits
          fdType        Byte[4]     Type of the File (4-byte string)
          fdCreator     Byte[4]     Creator of the File (4-byte string)
          (CType)       Short       compression type
          (CRC)         Long        CRC value for uncompressed MacOS data
          Attribs       variable    finder attribute data (see below)

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Mac3)  0x334d        Short       tag for this extra block type ("M3")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed finder attribute data size
          Flags         Short       info bits
          fdType        Byte[4]     Type of the File (4-byte string)
          fdCreator     Byte[4]     Creator of the File (4-byte string)

          The third bit of Flags in both headers indicates whether
          the LOCAL extra field is uncompressed (and therefore whether CType
          and CRC are omitted):

          Bits of the Flags:
              bit 0           if set, file is a data fork; otherwise unset
              bit 1           if set, filename will be not changed
              bit 2           if set, Attribs is uncompressed (no CType, CRC)
              bit 3           if set, date and times are in 64 bit
                              if zero date and times are in 32 bit.
              bit 4           if set, timezone offsets fields for the native
                              Mac times are omitted (UTC support deactivated)
              bits 5-15       reserved;


          Attribs is a Mac-specific block of data in little-endian
          format with the following structure (if compressed, uncompress
          it first):

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
          fdFlags       Short       Finder Flags
          fdLocation.v  Short       Finder Icon Location
          fdLocation.h  Short       Finder Icon Location
          fdFldr        Short       Folder containing file

          FXInfo        16 bytes    Macintosh FXInfo structure
                fdIconID        Short
                fdUnused[3]     Short       unused but reserved 6 bytes
                fdScript        Byte        Script flag and number
                fdXFlags        Byte        More flag bits
                fdComment       Short       Comment ID
                fdPutAway       Long        Home Dir ID

          FVersNum      Byte        file version number
                                    may be not used by MacOS
          ACUser        Byte        directory access rights

          FlCrDat       ULong       date and time of creation
          FlMdDat       ULong       date and time of last modification
          FlBkDat       ULong       date and time of last backup
            These time numbers are original Mac FileTime values (local time!).
            Currently, date-time width is 32-bit, but future version may
            support be 64-bit times (see flags)

          CrGMTOffs     Long(signed!)   difference "local Creat. time - UTC"
          MdGMTOffs     Long(signed!)   difference "local Modif. time - UTC"
          BkGMTOffs     Long(signed!)   difference "local Backup time - UTC"
            These "local time - UTC" differences (stored in seconds) may
            be used to support timestamp adjustment after inter-timezone
            transfer.  These fields are optional; bit 4 of the flags
            word controls their presence.

          Charset       Short       TextEncodingBase (Charset)
                                    valid for the following two fields

          FullPath      variable    Path of the current file.
                                    Zero terminated string (C-String)
                                    Currently coded in the native Charset.

          Comment       variable    Finder Comment of the current file.
                                    Zero terminated string (C-String)
                                    Currently coded in the native Charset.

         -SmartZIP Macintosh:

          The following is the layout of the SmartZIP extra block for
          Macintosh (pre-Mac-OS-X), designed by Marco Bambini.

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
          0x4d63        Short       tag for this extra block type ("cM")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (64)
          "dZip"        beLong      extra-field signature
          fdType        Byte[4]     Type of the File (4-byte string)
          fdCreator     Byte[4]     Creator of the File (4-byte string)
          fdFlags       beShort     Finder Flags
          fdLocation.v  beShort     Finder Icon Location
          fdLocation.h  beShort     Finder Icon Location
          fdFldr        beShort     Folder containing file
          CrDat         beLong      HParamBlockRec fileParam.ioFlCrDat
          MdDat         beLong      HParamBlockRec fileParam.ioFlMdDat
          frScroll.v    Byte        vertical pos. of folder's scroll bar
          fdScript      Byte        Script flag and number
          frScroll.h    Byte        horizontal pos. of folder's scroll bar
          fdXFlags      Byte        More flag bits
          FileName      Byte[32]    full Macintosh filename (pascal string)

          All fields but the first two are in native Macintosh format
          (big-endian Motorola order, not little-endian Intel).
          The extra field size is fixed to 64 bytes.
          The local-header and central-header versions are identical.

         -Acorn SparkFS:

          The following is the layout of David Pilling's SparkFS extra
          block for Acorn RISC OS.  The local-header and central-header
          versions are identical.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Acorn) 0x4341        Short       tag for this extra block type ("AC")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (20)
          "ARC0"        Long        extra-field signature
          LoadAddr      Long        load address or file type
          ExecAddr      Long        exec address
          Attr          Long        file permissions
          Zero          Long        reserved; always zero

          The following bits of Attr are associated with the given file

                bit 0           user-writable ('W')
                bit 1           user-readable ('R')
                bit 2           reserved
                bit 3           locked ('L')
                bit 4           publicly writable ('w')
                bit 5           publicly readable ('r')
                bit 6           reserved
                bit 7           reserved


          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for VM/CMS.  The local-header and central-header versions are
          identical.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
 (VM/CMS) 0x4704        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          flData        variable    file attributes data

          flData is an uncompressed fldata_t struct.


          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for MVS.  The local-header and central-header versions are
          identical.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (MVS)   0x470f        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          flData        variable    file attributes data

          flData is an uncompressed fldata_t struct.

         -PKWARE Unix (0x000d):

          The following is the layout of PKWARE's Unix extra block.  It
          was introduced with the release of PKZIP for Unix 2.50.  Note:
          All fields are stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.
          (Last Revision 19980901)

          This block has a minimum data size of 12 bytes and is only
          stored as a local extra field.

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
 (Unix0)  0x000d        Short       Tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       Total Data Size for this block
          AcTime        Long        time of last access (UTC/GMT)
          ModTime       Long        time of last modification (UTC/GMT)
          UID           Short       Unix user ID
          GID           Short       Unix group ID
          (var)         variable    Variable length data field

          The variable length data field will contain file-type-specific
          data.  Currently the only values allowed are the original
          "linked to" file names for hard or symbolic links, and the
          major and minor device node numbers for character and block
          device nodes.  Since device nodes cannot be either symbolic or
          hard links, only one set of variable length data is stored.
          Link files will have the name of the original file stored.
          This name is NOT NULL-terminated.  Its size can be determined
          by checking TSize - 12.  Device entries will have eight bytes
          stored as two 4 byte entries (in little-endian format).  The
          first entry will be the major device number, and the second
          the minor device number.

          [Info-ZIP note: The fixed part of this field has the same
          layout as Info-ZIP's abandoned "Unix1 timestamps & owner ID
          info" extra field; only the two tag bytes are different.]

         -PATCH Descriptor (0x000f):

          The following is the layout of the Patch Descriptor extra

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Patch) 0x000f        Short       Tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       Size of the total extra block
          Version       Short       Version of the descriptor
          Flags         Long        Actions and reactions (see below)
          OldSize       Long        Size of the file about to be patched
          OldCRC        Long        32-bit CRC of the file about to be patched
          NewSize       Long        Size of the resulting file
          NewCRC        Long        32-bit CRC of the resulting file

          Actions and reactions

          Bits          Description
          ----          ----------------
          0             Use for auto detection
          1             Treat as a self-patch
          2-3           RESERVED
          4-5           Action (see below)
          6-7           RESERVED
          8-9           Reaction (see below) to absent file
          10-11         Reaction (see below) to newer file
          12-13         Reaction (see below) to unknown file
          14-15         RESERVED
          16-31         RESERVED


          Action       Value
          ------       -----
          none         0
          add          1
          delete       2
          patch        3


          Reaction     Value
          --------     -----
          ask          0
          skip         1
          ignore       2
          fail         3

          Patch support is provided by PKPatchMaker(tm) technology and
          is covered under U.S. Patents and Patents Pending. The use or
          implementation in a product of certain technological aspects
          set forth in the current APPNOTE, including those with regard
          to strong encryption, patching, or extended tape operations
          requires a license from PKWARE.  Please contact PKWARE with
          regard to acquiring a license.

         -PKCS#7 Store for X.509 Certificates (0x0014):

          This field contains information about each of the certificates
          files may be signed with.  When the Central Directory
          Encryption feature is enabled for a ZIP file, this record will
          appear in the Archive Extra Data Record, otherwise it will
          appear in the first central directory record and will be
          ignored in any other record.

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value     Size     Description
          -----     ----     -----------
  (Store) 0x0014    2 bytes  Tag for this extra block type
          TSize     2 bytes  Size of the store data
          SData     TSize    Data about the store

          Value     Size        Description
          -----     ----        -----------
          Version   2 bytes     Version number, 0x0001 for now
          StoreD    (variable)  Actual store data

          The StoreD member is suitable for passing as the pbData member
          of a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB to the CertOpenStore() function in
          Microsoft's CryptoAPI.  The SSize member above will be
          cbData + 6, where cbData is the cbData member of the same
          CRYPT_DATA_BLOB.  The encoding type to pass to CertOpenStore()
          should be PKCS_7_ANS_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING.

         -X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for individual file (0x0015):

          This field contains the information about which certificate in
          the PKCS#7 store was used to sign a particular file.  It also
          contains the signature data.  This field can appear multiple
          times, but can only appear once per certificate.

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (CID)   0x0015        2 bytes     Tag for this extra block type
          CSize         2 bytes     Size of Method
          Method        (variable)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
          Version       2 bytes     Version number, for now 0x0001
          AlgID         2 bytes     Algorithm ID used for signing
          IDSize        2 bytes     Size of Certificate ID data
          CertID        (variable)  Certificate ID data
          SigSize       2 bytes     Size of Signature data
          Sig           (variable)  Signature data

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
          Size1         4 bytes     Size of CertID, should be (IDSize - 4)
          Size1         4 bytes     A bug in version one causes this value
                                    to appear twice.
          IssSize       4 bytes     Issuer data size
          Issuer        (variable)  Issuer data
          SerSize       4 bytes     Serial Number size
          Serial        (variable)  Serial Number data

          The Issuer and IssSize members are suitable for creating a
          CRYPT_DATA_BLOB to be the Issuer member of a CERT_INFO struct.
          The Serial and SerSize members would be the SerialNumber
          member of the same CERT_INFO struct.  This struct would be
          used to find the certificate in the store the file was signed
          with.  Those structures are from the MS CryptoAPI.

          Sig and SigSize are the actual signature data and size
          generated by signing the file with the MS CryptoAPI using a
          hash created with the given AlgID.

         -X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for central directory (0x0016):

          This field contains the information about which certificate in
          the PKCS#7 store was used to sign the central directory
          structure.  When the Central Directory Encryption feature is
          enabled for a ZIP file, this record will appear in the Archive
          Extra Data Record, otherwise it will appear in the first
          central directory record, along with the store.  The data
          structure is the same as the CID, except that SigSize will be
          0, and there will be no Sig member.

          This field is also kept after the last central directory
          record, as the signature data (ID 0x05054b50, it looks like a
          central directory record of a different type).  This second
          copy of the data is the Signature Data member of the record,
          and will have a SigSize that is non-zero, and will have Sig

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value     Size     Description
          -----     ----     -----------
  (CDID)  0x0016    2 bytes  Tag for this extra block type
          TSize     2 bytes  Size of data that follows
          TData     TSize    Data

         -Strong Encryption Header (0x0017):

          Value     Size     Description
          -----     ----     -----------
          0x0017    2 bytes  Tag for this extra block type
          TSize     2 bytes  Size of data that follows
          Format    2 bytes  Format definition for this record
          AlgID     2 bytes  Encryption algorithm identifier
          Bitlen    2 bytes  Bit length of encryption key
          Flags     2 bytes  Processing flags
          CertData  TSize-8  Certificate decryption extra field data
                             (Refer to the explanation for CertData in
                             the section describing the Certificate
                             Processing Method under the Strong
                             Encryption Specification.)

         -Record Management Controls (0x0018):

          Value     Size     Description
          -----     ----     -----------
(Rec-CTL) 0x0018    2 bytes  Tag for this extra block type
          CSize     2 bytes  Size of total extra block data
          Tag1      2 bytes  Record control attribute 1
          Size1     2 bytes  Size of attribute 1, in bytes
          Data1     Size1    Attribute 1 data
          TagN      2 bytes  Record control attribute N
          SizeN     2 bytes  Size of attribute N, in bytes
          DataN     SizeN    Attribute N data

         -PKCS#7 Encryption Recipient Certificate List (0x0019):

          This field contains information about each of the certificates
          used in encryption processing and it can be used to identify
          who is allowed to decrypt encrypted files.  This field should
          only appear in the archive extra data record.  This field is
          not required and serves only to aid archive modifications by
          preserving public encryption key data.  Individual security
          requirements may dictate that these data be omitted to deter
          information exposure.

          Note: All fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.

          Value     Size     Description
          -----     ----     -----------
 (CStore) 0x0019    2 bytes  Tag for this extra block type
          TSize     2 bytes  Size of the store data
          TData     TSize    Data about the store


          Value     Size     Description
          -----     ----     -----------
          Version   2 bytes  Format version number - must 0x0001 at this time
          CStore    (var)    PKCS#7 data blob

         -MVS (PKWARE, 0x0065):

          The following is the layout of the MVS extra block.
          Note: Some fields are stored in Big Endian format.
          All text is in EBCDIC format unless otherwise specified.

          Value       Size          Description
          -----       ----          -----------
  (MVS)   0x0065      2 bytes       Tag for this extra block type
          TSize       2 bytes       Size for the following data block
          ID          4 bytes       EBCDIC "Z390" 0xE9F3F9F0 or
                                    "T4MV" for TargetFour
          (var)       TSize-4       Attribute data

         -OS/400 (0x0065):

          The following is the layout of the OS/400 extra block.
          Note: Some fields are stored in Big Endian format.
          All text is in EBCDIC format unless otherwise specified.

          Value       Size          Description
          -----       ----          -----------
  (OS400) 0x0065      2 bytes       Tag for this extra block type
          TSize       2 bytes       Size for the following data block
          ID          4 bytes       EBCDIC "I400" 0xC9F4F0F0 or
                                    "T4MV" for TargetFour
          (var)       TSize-4       Attribute data

         -Info-ZIP Unicode Path:

          The following is the layout of the Info-ZIP Unicode Path extra
          block.  It stores the UTF-8 version of the entry path as
          stored (in some other form) in the local header and central
          directory header.  (Last Revision 20070912)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (UPath) 0x7075        Short       tag for this extra block type ("up")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          Version       Byte        version of this extra field, currently 1
          NameCRC32     Long        CRC-32 checksum of standard name field
          UnicodeName   variable    UTF-8 version of the entry file name

          Currently, Version is set to the number 1.  If there is a need
          to change this field, the version will be incremented.
          Changes may not be backward compatible so this extra field
          should not be used if the version is not recognized.

          NameCRC32 is the standard zip CRC32 checksum of the File Name
          field in the header.  This is used to verify that the header
          File Name field has not changed since the Unicode Path extra
          field was created.  This can happen if a utility renames the
          entry but does not update the UTF-8 path extra field.  If the
          CRC check fails, this UTF-8 Path Extra Field should be ignored
          and the File Name field in the header should be used instead.

          UnicodeName is the UTF-8 version of the contents of the File
          Name field in the header, without any trailing NUL.  The
          standard name field in the Zip entry header remains filled
          with the entry name coded in the local machine's extended
          ASCII system charset.  UnicodeName is defined to be UTF-8, so
          no UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) is used.  The length of this
          field is determined by subtracting the size of the previous
          fields from TSize.  If both the File Name and Comment fields
          are UTF-8, the new General Purpose Bit Flag, bit 11 (Language
          encoding flag (EFS)), should be used to indicate that both the
          header File Name and Comment fields are UTF-8, and, in this
          case, the Unicode Path and Unicode Comment extra fields are
          not needed and should not be created.  Note that, for backward
          compatibility, bit 11 should only be used if the native
          character set of the paths and comments being zipped up are
          already in UTF-8.  The same method, either general purpose bit
          11 or extra fields, should be used in both the Local and
          Central Directory Header for a file.

          Utilization rules:
          1. This field shall never be created for names consisting
             solely of 7-bit ASCII characters.
          2. On a system that already uses UTF-8 as system charset, this
             field shall not repeat the string pattern already stored in
             the Zip entry's standard name field.  Instead, a field of
             exactly 9 bytes (70 75 05 00 01 and 4 bytes CRC) should be
             created.  In this form, with 5 data bytes, the field serves
             to indicate the UTF-8 encoding of the standard Zip header's
             name field.
          3. This field shall not be used whenever the calculated CRC-32
             of the entry's standard name field does not match the
             provided CRC checksum value.  A mismatch of the CRC check
             indicates that the standard name field was changed by some
             non-"up"-aware utility without synchronizing this UTF-8
             name extra block.

         -Info-ZIP Unicode Comment:

          The following is the layout of the Info-ZIP Unicode Comment
          extra block.  It stores the UTF-8 version of the entry comment
          as stored (in some other form) in the central directory
          header.  (Last Revision 20070912)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
   (UCom) 0x6375        Short       tag for this extra block type ("uc")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          Version       1 byte      version of this extra field, currently 1
          ComCRC32      4 bytes     Comment Field CRC32 Checksum
          UnicodeCom    Variable    UTF-8 version of the entry comment

          Currently Version is set to the number 1.  If there is a need
          to change this field, the version will be incremented.
          Changes may not be backward compatible so this extra field
          should not be used if the version is not recognized.

          ComCRC32 is the standard zip CRC32 checksum of the Comment
          field in the central directory header.  This is used to verify
          that the comment field has not changed since the Unicode
          Comment extra field was created.  This can happen if a utility
          changes the Comment field but does not update the UTF-8
          Comment extra field.  If the CRC check fails, this Unicode
          Comment extra field should be ignored, and the Comment field
          in the header used.

          The UnicodeCom field is the UTF-8 version of the entry comment
          field in the header.  UnicodeCom is defined to be UTF-8, so no
          UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) is used.  The length of this field
          is determined by subtracting the size of the previous fields
          from TSize.  If both the File Name and Comment fields are
          UTF-8, the new General Purpose Bit Flag, bit 11 (Language
          encoding flag (EFS)), can be used to indicate both the header
          File Name and Comment fields are UTF-8 and, in this case, the
          Unicode Path and Unicode Comment extra fields are not needed
          and should not be created.  Note that, for backward
          compatibility, bit 11 should only be used if the native
          character set of the paths and comments being zipped are
          already in UTF-8.  The same method, either bit 11 or extra
          fields, should be used in both the local and central directory

         -Extended Timestamp:

          The following is the layout of the extended-timestamp extra
          block.  (Last Revision 19970118)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (time)  0x5455        Short       tag for this extra block type ("UT")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          Flags         Byte        info bits
          (ModTime)     Long        time of last modification (UTC/GMT)
          (AcTime)      Long        time of last access (UTC/GMT)
          (CrTime)      Long        time of original creation (UTC/GMT)

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (time)  0x5455        Short       tag for this extra block type ("UT")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          Flags         Byte        info bits (refers to local header!)
          (ModTime)     Long        time of last modification (UTC/GMT)

          The central-header extra field contains the modification time
          only, or no timestamp at all.  TSize is used to flag its
          presence or absence.  But note:

              If "Flags" indicates that Modtime is present in the local
              header field, it MUST be present in the central header
              field, too!  This correspondence is required because the
              modification time value may be used to support
              trans-timezone freshening and updating operations with zip

          The time values are in standard Unix signed-long format,
          indicating the number of seconds since 1 January 1970
          00:00:00.  The times are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
          also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).  To
          convert to local time, the software must know the local
          timezone offset from UTC/GMT.

          The lower three bits of Flags in both headers indicate which
          time-stamps are present in the LOCAL extra field:

                bit 0           if set, modification time is present
                bit 1           if set, access time is present
                bit 2           if set, creation time is present
                bits 3-7        reserved for additional timestamps; not set

          Those times that are present will appear in the order
          indicated, but any combination of times may be omitted.
          (Creation time may be present without access time, for
          example.)  TSize should equal (1 + 4*(number of set bits in
          Flags)), as the block is currently defined.  Other timestamps
          may be added in the future.

         -Info-ZIP Unix (type 1, "UX"):

          The following is the layout of the old Info-ZIP extra block
          for Unix.  It has been replaced by the extended-timestamp
          extra block (0x5455, "UT") and the Unix type 2 extra block
          (0x7855, "Ux").  (Last Revision 19970118)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Unix1) 0x5855        Short       tag for this extra block type ("UX")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          AcTime        Long        time of last access (UTC/GMT)
          ModTime       Long        time of last modification (UTC/GMT)
          UID           Short       Unix user ID (optional)
          GID           Short       Unix group ID (optional)

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Unix1) 0x5855        Short       tag for this extra block type ("UX")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          AcTime        Long        time of last access (GMT/UTC)
          ModTime       Long        time of last modification (GMT/UTC)

          The file access and modification times are in standard Unix
          signed-long format, indicating the number of seconds since
          1 January 1970 00:00:00.  The times are Coordinated Universal
          Time (UTC), also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean Time
          (GMT).  To convert to local time, the software must know the
          local timezone offset from UTC/GMT.  The modification time may
          be used by non-Unix systems to support inter-timezone
          freshening and updating of zip archives.

          The local-header extra block may optionally contain UID and
          GID info for the file.  The local-header TSize value is the
          only indication of this.  Note that Unix UIDs and GIDs are
          usually specific to a particular machine, and they generally
          require root privilege to restore.

          This extra field type is obsolete, but it has been in use since
          mid-1994.  Therefore future archiving software should continue to
          support it.  Some guidelines:

              An archive member should contain either the old "Unix1"
              (0x5855, "UX") extra block or the new extra block types
              "time" (0x5455, "UT") and/or "Unix2" (0x7855, "Ux").

              If both the old "Unix1" block type and one or both of the
              new block types "time" and "Unix2" are found, the "Unix1"
              block should be considered invalid and ignored.

              Unarchiving software should recognize both old and new
              extra block types, but the info from new types
              overrides the old "Unix1" field.

              Archiving software should recognize a "Unix1" extra field
              for timestamp comparison but never create it for updated,
              freshened or new archive members.  When copying existing
              members to a new archive, any "Unix1" extra blocks should
              be converted to the new "time" and/or "Unix2" types.

         -Info-ZIP UNIX (type 2, "Ux"):

          The following is the layout of the new Info-ZIP extra block
          for Unix.  (Last Revision 19960922)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Unix2) 0x7855        Short       tag for this extra block type ("Ux")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (4)
          UID           Short       Unix user ID
          GID           Short       Unix group ID

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Unix2) 0x7855        Short       tag for this extra block type ("Ux")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (0)

          The data size of the central-header version is zero; it is
          used solely as a flag that UID/GID info is present in the
          local-header extra field.  If additional fields are ever added
          to the local version, the central version may be extended to
          indicate this.

          Note that Unix UIDs and GIDs may be specific to a particular
          machine, and they may require root privilege to restore.

         -Info-ZIP New Unix ("ux"):

          The following is the layout of the Info-ZIP New Unix extra
          block.  It stores Unix UIDs/GIDs longer than 16 bits.
          (Currently, 32 bits are used, but the format is not so
          limited.)  (Last Revision 20080509)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (UnixN) 0x7875        Short       tag for this extra block type ("ux")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          Version       1 byte      version of this extra field, currently 1
          UIDSize       1 byte      Size of UID field
          UID           Variable    UID for this entry
          GIDSize       1 byte      Size of GID field
          GID           Variable    GID for this entry

          Currently Version is set to the number 1.  If there is a need
          to change this field, the version will be incremented.
          Changes may not be backward compatible so this extra block
          should not be used if the version is not recognized.

          UIDSize is the size of the UID field in bytes.  This size
          should match the size of the UID field on the target OS.

          UID is the UID for this entry in standard little endian

          GIDSize is the size of the GID field in bytes.  This size
          should match the size of the GID field on the target OS.

          GID is the GID for this entry in standard little endian

          If both the old 16-bit Unix extra block (Info-ZIP "Unix2",
          0x7855. "Ux"), and this extra block are present, the values in
          this extra block supercede the values in that extra block.

         -ASi UNIX:

          The following is the layout of the ASi extra block for Unix.
          The local-header and central-header versions are identical.
          (Last Revision 19960916)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Unix3) 0x756e        Short       tag for this extra block type ("nu")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          CRC           Long        CRC-32 of the remaining data
          Mode          Short       file permissions
          SizDev        Long        symlink'd size OR major/minor dev num
          UID           Short       user ID
          GID           Short       group ID
          (var.)        variable    symbolic link filename

          Mode is the standard Unix st_mode field from struct stat,
          containing user/group/other permissions, setuid/setgid and
          symlink info, etc.

          If Mode indicates that this file is a symbolic link, SizDev is
          the size of the file to which the link points.  Otherwise, if
          the file is a device, SizDev contains the standard Unix
          st_rdev field from struct stat (includes the major and minor
          numbers of the device).  SizDev is undefined in other cases.

          If Mode indicates that the file is a symbolic link, the final
          field will be the name of the file to which the link points.
          The filename length can be inferred from TSize.

          [Note that TSize may incorrectly refer to the data size not
          counting the CRC; i.e., it may be four bytes too small.]


          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for BeOS.  (Last Revision 19970531)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (BeOS)  0x6542        Short       tag for this extra block type ("Be")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed file attribute data size
          Flags         Byte        info bits
          (CType)       Short       compression type
          (CRC)         Long        CRC value for uncompressed file attribs
          Attribs       variable    file attribute data

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (BeOS)  0x6542        Short       tag for this extra block type ("Be")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (5)
          BSize         Long        size of uncompr. local EF block data
          Flags         Byte        info bits

          The least significant bit of Flags in both headers indicates
          whether the LOCAL extra field is uncompressed (and therefore
          whether CType and CRC are omitted):

                bit 0           if set, Attribs is uncompressed (no CType, CRC)
                bits 1-7        reserved; if set, assume error or unknown data

          Currently the only supported compression types are deflated
          (type 8) and stored (type 0); the latter is not used by
          Info-ZIP's Zip but is supported by UnZip.

          Attribs is a BeOS-specific block of data in big-endian format
          with the following structure (if compressed, uncompress it

              Value     Size        Description
              -----     ----        -----------
              Name      variable    attribute name (null-terminated string)
              Type      Long        attribute type (32-bit unsigned integer)
              Size      Long Long   data size for this sub-block (64 bits)
              Data      variable    attribute data

          The attribute structure is repeated for every attribute.  The
          Data field may contain anything--text, flags, bitmaps, etc.


          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for AtheOS.  This block is a very close spin-off from the BeOS
          extra block.  The only differences are:
           - a new extra field signature
           - numeric field in the attributes data are stored in
             little-endian format ("i386" was initial hardware for AtheOS)
          (Last Revision 20040908)

          Local-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
 (AtheOS) 0x7441        Short       tag for this extra block type ("At")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          BSize         Long        uncompressed file attribute data size
          Flags         Byte        info bits
          (CType)       Short       compression type
          (CRC)         Long        CRC value for uncompressed file attribs
          Attribs       variable    file attribute data

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
 (AtheOS) 0x7441        Short       tag for this extra block type ("At")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (5)
          BSize         Long        size of uncompr. local EF block data
          Flags         Byte        info bits

          The least significant bit of Flags in both headers indicates
          whether the LOCAL extra field is uncompressed (and therefore
          whether CType and CRC are omitted):

                bit 0           if set, Attribs is uncompressed (no CType, CRC)
                bits 1-7        reserved; if set, assume error or unknown data

          Currently the only supported compression types are deflated
          (type 8) and stored (type 0); the latter is not used by
          Info-ZIP's Zip but is supported by UnZip.

          Attribs is a AtheOS-specific block of data in little-endian
          format with the following structure (if compressed, uncompress
          it first):

              Value     Size        Description
              -----     ----        -----------
              Name      variable    attribute name (null-terminated string)
              Type      Long        attribute type (32-bit unsigned integer)
              Size      Long Long   data size for this sub-block (64 bits)
              Data      variable    attribute data

          The attribute structure is repeated for every attribute.  The
          Data field may contain anything--text, flags, bitmaps, etc.


          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for SMS/QDOS.  The local-header and central-header versions
          are identical.  (Last Revision 19960929)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (QDOS)  0xfb4a        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          LongID        Long        extra-field signature
          (ExtraID)     Long        additional signature/flag bytes
          QDirect       64 bytes    qdirect structure

          LongID may be "QZHD" or "QDOS".  In the latter case, ExtraID
          will be present.  Its first three bytes are "02\0"; the last
          byte is currently undefined.

          QDirect contains the file's uncompressed directory info
          (qdirect struct).  Its elements are in native (big-endian)

          d_length      beLong          file length
          d_access      byte            file access type
          d_type        byte            file type
          d_datalen     beLong          data length
          d_reserved    beLong          unused
          d_szname      beShort         size of filename
          d_name        36 bytes        filename
          d_update      beLong          time of last update
          d_refdate     beLong          file version number
          d_backup      beLong          time of last backup (archive date)


          The following is the layout of the extra block for Data
          General AOS/VS.  The local-header and central-header versions
          are identical.  (Last Revision 19961125)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (AOSVS) 0x5356        Short       tag for this extra block type ("VS")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block
          "FCI\0"       Long        extra-field signature
          Version       Byte        version of AOS/VS extra block (10 = 1.0)
          Fstat         variable    fstat packet
          AclBuf        variable    raw ACL data ($MXACL bytes)

          Fstat contains the file's uncompressed fstat packet, which is
          one of the following:

                normal fstat packet             (P_FSTAT struct)
                DIR/CPD fstat packet            (P_FSTAT_DIR struct)
                unit (device) fstat packet      (P_FSTAT_UNIT struct)
                IPC file fstat packet           (P_FSTAT_IPC struct)

          AclBuf contains the raw ACL data; its length is $MXACL.

         -Tandem NSK:

          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for Tandem NSK.  The local-header and central-header versions
          are identical.  (Last Revision 19981221)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (TA)    0x4154        Short       tag for this extra block type ("TA")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (20)
          NSKattrs      20 Bytes    NSK attributes


          The following is the layout of the file-attributes extra block
          for Theos.  The local-header and central-header versions are
          identical.  (Last Revision 19990206)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (Theos) 0x6854        Short       'Th' signature
          size          Short       size of extra block
          flags         Byte        reserved for future use
          filesize      Long        file size
          fileorg       Byte        type of file (see below)
          keylen        Short       key length for indexed and keyed files,
                                    data segment size for 16 bits programs
          reclen        Short       record length for indexed,keyed and direct,
                                    text segment size for 16 bits programs
          filegrow      Byte        growing factor for indexed,keyed and direct
          protect       Byte        protections (see below)
          reserved      Short       reserved for future use

            File types

            0x80  library (keyed access list of files)
            0x40  directory
            0x10  stream file
            0x08  direct file
            0x04  keyed file
            0x02  indexed file
            0x0e  reserved
            0x01  16 bits real mode program (obsolete)
            0x21  16 bits protected mode program
            0x41  32 bits protected mode program

            Protection codes

            User protection
            0x01  non readable
            0x02  non writable
            0x04  non executable
            0x08  non erasable

            Other protection
            0x10  non readable
            0x20  non writable
            0x40  non executable Theos before 4.0
            0x40  modified Theos 4.x
            0x80  not hidden

         -THEOS old unofficial:

          The following is the layout of an unoffical former version of
          a Theos file-attributes extra blocks.  This layout was never
          published and is no longer created.  However, UnZip can
          optionally support it when compiling with the option flag
          OLD_THEOS_EXTRA defined.  The local-header and central-header
          versions are identical.  (Last Revision 19990206)

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (THS0)  0x4854        Short       'TH' signature
          size          Short       size of extra block
          flags         Short       reserved for future use
          filesize      Long        file size
          reclen        Short       record length for indexed,keyed and direct,
                                    text segment size for 16 bits programs
          keylen        Short       key length for indexed and keyed files,
                                    data segment size for 16 bits programs
          filegrow      Byte        growing factor for indexed,keyed and direct
          reserved      3 Bytes     reserved for future use

         -FWKCS MD5 (0x4b46, "FK"):

          The FWKCS Contents_Signature System, used in automatically
          identifying files independent of filename, optionally adds and
          uses an extra field to support the rapid creation of an
          enhanced contents_signature.  There is no local-header
          version; the following applies only to the central header.
          (Last Revision 19961207)

          Central-header version:

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (MD5)   0x4b46        Short       tag for this extra block type ("FK")
          TSize         Short       total data size for this block (19)
          "MD5"         3 bytes     extra-field signature
          MD5hash       16 bytes    128-bit MD5 hash of uncompressed data
                                    (low byte first)

          When FWKCS revises a .ZIP file central directory to add this
          extra block for a file, it also replaces the central directory
          entry for that file's uncompressed file length with a measured

          FWKCS provides an option to strip this extra block, if
          present, from a .ZIP file central directory. In adding this
          extra block, FWKCS preserves .ZIP file Authenticity
          Verification; if stripping this extra block, FWKCS preserves
          all versions of AV through PKZIP version 2.04g.

          FWKCS, and FWKCS Contents_Signature System, are trademarks of
          Frederick W. Kantor.

          (1) R. Rivest, RFC1321.TXT, MIT Laboratory for Computer
              Science and RSA Data Security, Inc., April 1992.
              ll.76-77: "The MD5 algorithm is being placed in the
              public domain for review and possible adoption as a

         -Microsoft Open Packaging Growth Hint (0xa220):

          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
          0xa220        Short       tag for this extra block type
          TSize         Short       size of Sig + PadVal + Padding
          Sig           Short       verification signature (A028)
          PadVal        Short       Initial padding value
          Padding       variable    filled with NULL characters