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<td >Qt 5.12</td><td ><a href="qtmultimedia-index.html">Qt Multimedia</a></td><td >Qt Multimedia QML API</td></tr></table><table class="buildversion"><tr>
<td id="buildversion" width="100%" align="right"><a href="qtmultimedia-index.html">Qt 5.12.2 Reference Documentation</a></td>
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<h3><a name="toc">Contents</a></h3>
<li class="level1"><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#types">Types</a></li>
<li class="level2"><a href="#audio">Audio</a></li>
<li class="level2"><a href="#camera">Camera</a></li>
<li class="level2"><a href="#video">Video</a></li>
<li class="level2"><a href="#soundeffect">SoundEffect</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#multimedia-qml-types">Multimedia QML Types</a></li>
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<h1 class="title">Qt Multimedia QML API</h1>
<span class="subtitle"></span>
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<div class="descr"> <a name="details"></a>
<a name="overview"></a>
<h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
<p>The Qt Multimedia module gives developers a simplified way to use audio and video playback, and access camera functionality. The Multimedia QML API provides a QML friendly interface to these features.</p>
<a name="types"></a>
<h2 id="types">Types</h2>
<a name="audio"></a>
<h3 >Audio</h3>
<p><a href="qml-multimedia.html#audio">Audio</a> is an easy way to add audio playback to a Qt Quick scene. Qt Multimedia provides properties for control, methods (functions) and signals.</p>
<p>The code extract below shows the creation and use of an Audio instance.</p>
<pre class="qml">

<p>The snippet above shows how the inclusion of <i>playMusic</i> enables audio features on the type that contains it. So that when the parent's MouseArea is clicked the <a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#play-method">play()</a> method of Audio is run. Other typical audio control methods are available such as <a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#pause-method">pause()</a> and <a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#stop-method">stop()</a>.</p>
<p>Much of the getting / setting of <a href="qml-multimedia.html#audio">Audio</a> parameters is done through properties. These include</p>
<div class="table"><table class="generic" width="70%">
 <thead><tr class="qt-style"><th >Property</th><th >Description</th></tr></thead>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#source-prop">source</a></td><td >The source URL of the media.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#autoLoad-prop">autoLoad</a></td><td >Indicates if loading of media should begin immediately.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#playing-signal">playing</a></td><td >Indicates that the media is playing.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#paused-signal">paused</a></td><td >The media is paused.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#status-prop">status</a></td><td >The status of media loading.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#duration-prop">duration</a></td><td >Amount of time in milliseconds the media will play.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#position-prop">position</a></td><td >Current position in the media in milliseconds of play.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#volume-prop">volume</a></td><td >Audio output volume: from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum)</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#muted-prop">muted</a></td><td >Indicates audio is muted.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#bufferProgress-prop">bufferProgress</a></td><td >Indicates how full the data buffer is: 0.0 (empty) to 1.0 (full).</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#seekable-prop">seekable</a></td><td >Indicates whether the audio position can be changed.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#playbackRate-prop">playbackRate</a></td><td >The rate at which audio is played at as a multiple of the normal rate.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#error-prop">error</a></td><td >An error code for the error state including NoError</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#errorString-prop">errorString</a></td><td >A description of the current error condition.</td></tr>
<p>The set of signals available allow the developer to create custom behavior when the following events occur,</p>
<div class="table"><table class="generic" width="70%">
 <thead><tr class="qt-style"><th >Signal</th><th >Description</th></tr></thead>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#playing-signal">playing</a></td><td >Called when playback is started, or when resumed from paused state.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#paused-signal">paused</a></td><td >Called when playback is paused.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="odd"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#stopped-signal">stopped</a></td><td >Called when playback is stopped.</td></tr>
<tr valign="top" class="even"><td ><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html#error-prop">error</a></td><td >Called when the specified error occurs.</td></tr>
<a name="camera"></a>
<h3 >Camera</h3>
<p><a href="qml-multimedia.html#camera">Camera</a> enables still image and video capture using QML. It has a number of properties that help setting it up.</p>
<p>The details of using a <a href="qml-multimedia.html#camera">Camera</a> are described in further depth in the <a href="cameraoverview.html">Camera Overview</a> and in the corresponding reference documentation.</p>
<a name="video"></a>
<h3 >Video</h3>
<p>Adding video playback, with sound, to a Qt Quick scene is also easy. The process is very similar to that of Audio above, in fact <a href="qml-multimedia.html#video">Video</a> shares many of the property names, methods and signals. Here is the equivalent sample code to implement video playback in a scene</p>
<pre class="qml">

<p>There are similar features like play() with new features specific to video.</p>
<p>In the above sample when the parent of MouseArea is clicked, an area of 800x600 pixels with an id of 'video', the source &quot;video.avi&quot; will play in that area. Notice also that signals for the Keys have been defined so that a spacebar will toggle the pause button; the left arrow will move the current position in the video to 5 seconds previously; and the right arrow will advance the current position in the video by 5 seconds.</p>
<p>Most of the differences will obviously be about video control and information. There are many properties associated with <a href="qml-multimedia.html#video">Video</a>, most of them deal with meta-data, control of the video media and aspects of presentation.</p>
<a name="soundeffect"></a>
<h3 >SoundEffect</h3>
<p><a href="qml-multimedia.html#soundeffect">SoundEffect</a> provides a way to play short sound effects, like in video games. Multiple sound effect instances can be played simultaneously. You should use <a href="qml-multimedia.html#audio">Audio</a> for music playback.</p>
<pre class="qml">

<p>In the above sample the sound effect will be played when the MouseArea is clicked.</p>
<p>For a complete description of this type, see <a href="qml-multimedia.html#soundeffect">SoundEffect</a></p>
<a name="multimedia-qml-types"></a>
<h2 id="multimedia-qml-types">Multimedia QML Types</h2>
<div class="table"><table class="annotated">
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html">Audio</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Add audio playback to a scene</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-camera.html">Camera</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Access viewfinder frames, and take photos and movies</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-cameracapture.html">CameraCapture</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>An interface for capturing camera images</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-cameraexposure.html">CameraExposure</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>An interface for exposure related camera settings</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-cameraflash.html">CameraFlash</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>An interface for flash related camera settings</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-camerafocus.html">CameraFocus</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>An interface for focus related camera settings</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-cameraimageprocessing.html">CameraImageProcessing</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>An interface for camera capture related settings</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-camerarecorder.html">CameraRecorder</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Controls video recording with the Camera</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-mediaplayer.html">MediaPlayer</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Add media playback to a scene</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-playlist.html">Playlist</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>For specifying a list of media to be played</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-playlistitem.html">PlaylistItem</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Defines an item in a Playlist</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-qtmultimedia.html">QtMultimedia</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Provides a global object with useful functions from Qt Multimedia</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-radio.html">Radio</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Access radio functionality from a QML application</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-radiodata.html">RadioData</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Access RDS data from a QML application</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-soundeffect.html">SoundEffect</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Type provides a way to play sound effects in QML</p></td></tr>
<tr class="even topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-torch.html">Torch</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Simple control over torch functionality</p></td></tr>
<tr class="odd topAlign"><td class="tblName"><p><a href="qml-qtmultimedia-videooutput.html">VideoOutput</a></p></td><td class="tblDescr"><p>Render video or camera viewfinder</p></td></tr>
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