

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > by-pkgid > 0a47ea88fa401933005cb8568f045f0e > files > 35


This document is meant to give you an overview on the idea of having a
parametric equalizer for sound enhancement and how you can create your
own presets.  Also the interaction with the equalizer in MOC is described.

I would like to improve this document to make it more usable; so if you
have any comments and/or ideas feel free to contact me.

- Hendrik Iben (hiben<at>tzi(dot)de)

0. Document History
1. Motivation
2. Usage
3. Preset Format
4. Creating Presets
6. References

0. Document History
07.09.2008 - Initial version
15.03.2011 - Reformatted

1. Nuts and Bolts / Motivation for Implementing the Equalizer
The equalizer is an implementation of a biquadratic peaking equalizer
filter looked up from the Audio EQ Cookbook[1].

It happens to be a parametric equalizer and this means that, different
from other equalizer implementations, the number of bands* is not fixed.
When I started the idea of implementing the equalizer I looked around
in the source of other audio playback software and found that a lot of
them are recycling the code used by the famous XMMS[2] audio player.
I also would have liked to recycle the code but I decided against it
for two reasons:

The first reason is that there is almost no documentation on the algorithm
used.  Maybe the signal processing folks have fun finding out what makes
this thing work but I was totally lost.  So I decided that I wanted to
*know* what I am doing if I do it.

As for the second reason, the code used by XMMS is totally optimized for
integer arithmetic.  There is no problem with this in general but I had
the goal of implementing something that was as accurate as I could and
I wanted to use floating point arithmetic.

So I am no signals processing guy, but I have -- I think -- a solid
understanding of the matter.  I sat down and started to read about
equalizing, audio processing and signal theory in general.  After some
time I found a mathematical description and a C implementation of
biquadratic filters in the Audio Cookbook.  I made an implementation of
the XMMS equalizer and the biquadratic filter using Octave[3] to compare
the outcome of both filters.  I was a bit surprised how different filters
can be but in the end succeeded (?) in finding a quite good biquadratic
filter set that would produce results not unlike the XMMS equalizer.

Although I did not use the XMMS-code I think that people will be more
happy to accept this equalizer if they can use their presets with it.
There is some conversion needed, but it's a straightforward process.
I converted all presets provided by XMMS into presets for this mixer.
They should be available at [4].

* A band is a chosen center frequency where a filter has most impact.
  If you look at WinAmp / XMMS / Beep Media Player you will find that
  they settled on a common set of 10 bands.

2. Using the Equalizer
The default keys for the equalizer are:

'e' - Refresh equalizer
'E' - Toggle equalizer (on/off)
'k' - Select next preset
'K' - Select previous preset

Each of these actions results in a message displayed in the message area.
This message will be overridden by the next action.

3. Preset Format
Presets for the equalizer are to be placed in a directory called 'eqsets'
in MOC's home directory (e.g., $HOME/.moc/eqsets).  There is no convention
for the filename, but it will serve as the name in the selection process.

File format in pseudo EBNF:

  ((<CF> <BW> <AMP>)|(0 <PREAMP>))*

  CF:     Center frequency (sane values are from ~20 to ~20000).
  BW:     Bandwith in Octaves.  This defines how fast the bands
          influence vanishes over the frequencies.
  AMP:    Amplification factor (in dB) to apply to the band.
  PREAMP: Specifies an amplification factor applied before equalizing.

So a valid equalizer set would be:

  # this is a comment
  # amplify audio by 1.4dB
  0 1.4
  # damp frequencies at 100Hz by -4dB, filter bandwidth 1.5 octaves
  100   1.5 -4
  # amplify frequencies at 4000Hz by 2dB, filter bandwidth 1.5 octaves
  4000  1.5 2

There is no order to stick to when specifying frequencies.

4. Creating Your Own Presets
For a start you should have a look at the converted presets[4].  The
bandwidths used in the conversion have been extracted by taking a look
at the filters signal response (implementation and analysis in Octave).
I tried to do this as accurately as possible but I don't know if I made
a mistake.  They sound correct though... :-)

You might note that there is never a positive amplification factor in
the presets although there are in the original preset.  The reason for
this is that I used the maximum amplification in the preset as zero
amplification and adjusted the other values accordingly.

In general, when creating a preset get used to the following idea: Do not
amplify the frequencies you want but damp those that are of no interest.
This has the same effect but avoids clipping and this equalizer type seems
to be very prone to clipping.  Also be very careful with pre-amplifying
the audio for the same reason.

With that said, the next confusing thing is the bandwidth definition.
Every band needs a defined bandwidth in octaves where the bandwidth
defines where the filter's effect has been reduced by 3dB*.  This means
that if you define a band at 1000Hz with a bandwidth of 1.5 octaves and
an amplification of -10dB, at 353.6Hz** and at 2828.4Hz the amplification
will be reduced to -7dB.

If unsure, stay in between 1.0 and 2.0.  Just keep in mind that if two
bands overlap you might get an undesired amplification.

When designing presets, just save the preset and select it in MOC.  After
each change press the refresh key (default 'e').  This will re-create the
equalizer reflecting your changes.

If your preset is not found, have a look at the output of MOC's server
thread.  Parsing errors are emitted there.

*  3dB is commonly used for bandwidth.  -3dB equals about 70.7% of
   original amplification.
** 353.6 =~ 1000*(2^-1.5), 2828.4 =~ 1000*(2^1.5)

- The equalizer is currently not optimized in any way.

- It converts all sound data into floating point values to perform the
  equalization and converts them back afterwards.  A better approach
  would be either to provide integer algorithms for equalization or to
  leave the audio data in floating point format.

- There is no sorting for the presets; their order is defined by reading
  the directory content.

- Maybe it would be nice to add a name to the preset different from the

6. References
[1] Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter coefficients
[2] X Multimedia System
[3] GNU Octave
[4] Converted WinAmp / XMMS Equalizer sets