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                           JGoodies Forms
                            Release Notes

CHANGES IN 1.8.0  -----------------------------------------------------

    This version is binary incompatible with previous versions. However
    migration is easy, because only rarely used features and internal
    interfaces have changed. Just check whether you set default values
    that have been moved to the new FormsSetup class.
    The internal interface StringLocalizer from JGoodies Common 1.7
    has been renamed to StringResourceAccessor, and it has been
    slightly extended. To migrate, update to the JGoodies Common 1.8.
    o Fixed the conversion from DTP points to pixels.
    o Added Forms#buttonStack, #checkBoxStack, #radioButtonStack.
    o Added ButtonBarBuilder#create().
    o Added ButtonStackBuilder#create().
    o Moved all global default values to the new FormsSetup:
      opaque, label-for feature, factory, debug tooltips.
    o PanelBuilder's label-for feature honors if a label 
      is already labelling a component.
    o Added FormLayout#setColumnGroup(int... indices)
    o Added FormLayout#setRowGroup(int... indices)
    o FormLayout#setColumnGroups and #setRowGroups check 
      that each group of indices contains at least two indices.
    o Added CellConstraints#translate(int dx, int dy).
    o FormSpecs can tell whether the default alignment has been
      explicitly set.
    o Added a special "none" column alignment intended only 
      for JTable column configurations as implemented 
      by the classes TableUtils and TableColumns.
    o Smaller gaps on the Mac.
    o Column and row specs accept a 0 multiplier, e.g. "0*(p, $lg)".
    o Improved parser message for negative multiplier designation.

CHANGES IN 1.7.2  -----------------------------------------------------

    o Fixed ButtonStackBuilder layout that does no longer 
      group the layout rows for the contained buttons.
      Unlike the old behavior, invisible buttons now reduce
      the layout size of the button stack. Also, we could now 
      potentially switch the 'honorsVisibility' property.
    o Fixed exception message references to API methods 
      that have been replaced.
    o Fixed ListViewBuilder argument check messages.
    o Added ListViewBuilder#focusTraversal to specify
      a custom focus traversal policy.
    o ListViewBuilder allows to use custom headers.

CHANGES IN 1.7.1  -----------------------------------------------------

    o Requires the JGoodies Common 1.6.0.
    o Added ListViewBuilder#honorsVisibility to enable API users
      to keep the overall layout stable, even if a sub view, 
      for example a details view, becomes invisible.
    o The ListViewBuilder sets names for unnamed components and
      those that are implicitly created by the builder.
    o Added ListViewBuilder#namePrefix to specify a prefix for
      the component names set by the builder.
    o Fixed docs.
    o Updated copyright date.

CHANGES IN 1.7.0  -----------------------------------------------------

    o Removed deprecated classes, methods, and constants.
    o Fixed Forms#centered, #horizontal, #vertical.
    o Added PanelBuilder#focusTraversal(FocusTraversalPolicy).
    o Completed JavaDocs for the Forms class.
    o Fixed some @since tags.
    o Compiled against the JGoodies Common 1.5.
    o Source code cleanup.
    o Fixed and extended the pom.xml:
      - added schema
      - fixed scope for dependencies
      - added Maven Central deployer
      - added build data
CHANGES IN 1.6.0  -----------------------------------------------------

    This version is binary incompatible with previous releases.
    The vast majority of client code isn't affected, because primarily 
    internal interfaces and their implementations have changed.
    However, some changes may require a migration, for example 
    if you have used the deprecated ButtonBarFactory in the past. 

    o Since 1.6 the PanelBuilder's opaque state is false by default,
      where it was true before. You can get the old behavior with: 
    o Since 1.6 the DefaultUnitConverter's default test string is
      It is recommended to use the new default, because it scales
      better with new typefaces on modern windowing systems.
      You can get the old behavior with:
    o Since 1.6 the PanelBuilder's label-for-feature is on by default.
      The new behavior is recommended. You can get the old behavior with:
    o Overhauled the ComponentFactory interface:
      - merged ComponentFactory and ComponentFactory2
      - removed ComponentFactory2
      - added #createHeaderLabel(String)
      - DefaultComponentFactory implements ComponentFactory
    o Overhauled the I15dPanelBuilder:
      - merged it with its superclass AbstractI15dPanelBuilder
      - supports a general StringLocalizer for the String resource access
      - sets the initial "opaque" property value to false
    o Renamed FormFactory to FormSpecs.
    o Removed the deprecated ColumnSpec.MIDDLE; use CENTER instead.
    o Added ButtonBarBuilder
      - builds button bars in a platform-independent order
      - can add sequences of related buttons
    o Marked ButtonBarBuilder2 as deprecated; use ButtonBarBuilder.
    o ButtonBarBuilder, ButtonStackBuilder, and ButtonBarBuilder2
      build focus traversal groups for the contained buttons,
      if the JGoodies FocusTraversalUtils class is available.
    o Removed LayoutStyle#isLeftToRightButtonOrder() and its
      implementations in MacLayoutStyle and WindowsLayoutStyle.
    o Overhauled the ButtonStackBuilder
      - removed #ButtonStackBuilder(FormLayout, JPanel)
      - removed #addButtons
      - added configuration methods
      - changed superclass to AbstractButtonPanelBuilder
    o Changed names in Borders from DIALOG_BORDER to DIALOG,
      DLU14_BORDER to DLU14, ...
    o AbstractBuilder#setDefaultComponentFactory has been renamed to
    o Fixed and added JavaDocs and JavaDoc comment examples.
    o Fixed the broken artifact id in the pom.xml.

JGoodies Forms 1.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------

    o Marked the ButtonBarFactory as deprecated. 
      This class will be removed from the next Forms version.
    o The javadocs, main and test sources are delivered as JARs.

JGoodies Forms 1.5.0 ------------------------------------------------------

    o Requires Java 6 and JGoodies Common 1.3.
    o Generified several members.
    o Removed the deprecated ButtonBarBuilder that has been replaced
      by the ButtonBarBuilder2 before.
    o Removed DefaultComponentFactory#setTextAndMnemonic that has been
      marked as deprecated and replaced by MnemonicUtils#configure before.
    o Marked ColumnSpec#MIDDLE as deprecated; use CENTER instead.
    o Minor implementation improvements.
JGoodies Forms 1.4.2 ------------------------------------------------------

    o Declared methods as static where possible.
JGoodies Forms 1.4.1 ------------------------------------------------------


    o Fixed missing synchronization of the lazy LayoutMap creation.

    o Requires JGoodies Common 1.2.0
JGoodies Forms 1.4.0 ------------------------------------------------------


    This version requires Java 5 and the new JGoodies Common library.
    Make sure that you include jgoodies-common-1.1.1.jar or later 
    in your classpath when using this Forms version.

    o Added LayoutStyle#getLabelComponentPadY().
    o Added ComponentFactory2#createButton(Action).
    o The handling of text with mnemonic markers ('&') has changed.
      However, the changes are minimal and most marked text won't
      be affected. Nothing changed for single mnemonic markers
      The difference is how ampersands are handled that shall not 
      mark the mnemonic character. In version 1.3 all these markers
      needed to be quoted - before and after the mnemonic marker.
      Since version 1.4 only the ampersands before the marker shall
      be quoted.
      Version 1.3            Version 1.4            Comment
      Save                   Save                   unchanged
      &Save                  &Save                  unchanged
      Save &as               Save &as               unchanged
      Look & Feel            Look & Feel            unchanged
      R&&D department        R&&D department        unchanged
      R&&D d&epartment       R&&D d&epartment       unchanged
      A&&B &GmbH&&Co KG      A&&B &GmbH&Co KG       change
      In the last line the ampersand in "mbH&Co KG" does not
      mark a mnemonic. It must be quoted in version 1.3, 
      it must not be quoted in 1.4.

    o Added ${label-component-gap}, $lcgap, and $lcg as row variables.
    o Added AbstractBuilder as new builder superclass.
      It holds a ComponentFactory per instance, that is initialized
      using the global default ComponentFactory2 instance.
    o ButtonBarBuilder2 methods return the builder to allow cascades, 
       e.g.: builder.addButton(...).addSeparator().add(...) etc.


    o Moved to Java 5: uses varargs and generics where appropriate.
    o All classes now use the Common class Preconditions
      to check preconditions on method state and parameters.
    o Adjusted and extended tests for handling mnemonics.
    o Moved tutorial sources and tutorial docs to the upcoming
      JGoodies Showcase application.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                           JGoodies Forms
                            Version 1.3.0
                            Release Notes


    This update adds a PanelBuilder feature to automatically 
    associate an added focusable component with a previously 
    added label, see class PanelBuilder. The component factory
    mechanism and the builder classes have been extended to create
    JLabels that are intended to label read-only components.

    o Issue 66: Potential out of memory in DefaultUnitConverter.
    o Fixed a parse problem with commas in prototype strings,
      e.g. new FormLayout("pref, 'a,b', pref", "p");

    o Added builder methods for labels that label read-only 
      components, see PanelBuilder#addROLabel and #addI15dROLabel
      in the AbstractI15dPanelBuilder.
    o Introduced the ComponentFactory2 interface for the creation
      of JLabels that label read-only components.
    o DefaultComponentFactory implements ComponentFactory2.
    o Added convenience methods #addButton to the ButtonStackBuilder
      that add given JButtons or JButtons created from given Actions. 
    o Added the CC factory class that vends CellConstraints.
      It allows to remove a line from typical builder code.
      This code:
           FormLayout layout = new FormLayout(...);
           PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(layout);
           CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
           builder.add(...,  cc.xy (1, 1));
           builder.add(...,  cc.xyw(3, 1, 3));
      can be replaced by:
           FormLayout layout = new FormLayout(...);
           PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(layout);
           builder.add(...,  CC.xy (1, 1));
           builder.add(...,  CC.xyw(3, 1, 3));
    o Changed the Mac button minimum width from 39 to 54 dlu.
    o Changed the FormSpec parser to accept bounded sizes with
      constant lower and upper bound.
    o Changed the FormDebugPanel to paint dashes. 
    o Added tests for the labelFor feature.
    o DefaultComponentFactory creates JLabels that remove
      the trailing colon (':') - if any - from its accessible name.
      This in turn leads to improved accessible names for components
      labeled by FormsLabels via {@code #setLabelFor}.
    o Added tests for the accessible name in FormLabels.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                           JGoodies Forms
                            Version 1.2.1
                            Release Notes


    This maintenance release fixes bugs when using multiple class loaders
    to use multiple Forms versions in a single application (where most
    applications load only a single Forms version). This version also
    comes with improved tutorial sources, and it ships a new feature
    in the source code extras that can automatically associate added 
    components with labels that have mnemonics, see the PanelBuilder2.

    o Issue 63: Class Leak due to UIManager.addPropertyChangeListener()
    o Issue 64: ClassCastException when using different ClassLoaders.


    o AbstractFormBuilder#add(Component, CellConstraints) can be
      overridden in subclasses.
    o Added PanelBuilder2 to the source code extras. It provides
      a feature that shall be moved to the PanelBuilder in the next
      major version: associate a focusable component with a previously
      added label that has a mnemonic. This feature will be moved
      to the core PanelBuilder in the next release.
    o FormUtils#clearLookAndFeelBasedCaches is public.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                           JGoodies Forms
                            Version 1.2.0
                            Release Notes


    This update fixes bugs and brings several major improvements.
    It is binary incompatible with previous versions of the Forms;
    however the API changes don't affect typical application code.
    Version 1.2 is visually compatible with previous versions.
    Layouts specified with 1.0.7 or 1.1 are the same in 1.2. 
    The Forms 1.2 offer syntax extensions, layout variables,
    and rarely used code has been removed.

    o Removed the deprecated FormFactory#createColumnLayout methods.
    o Added #encode() to the Size interface.

    o New syntax for encoded column and row specification:
      - layout variables, see the LayoutMap class comment for details.
      - bounded sizes
          [<constant size>,<logical size>]   // lower bound
          [<logical size>,<constant size>]   // upper bound
          [<constant>,<logical>,<constant>]  // lower and upper bound
          for example [30dlu, pref], [pref, 30dlu], [10dlu, pref, 30dlu]
      - multiplier "5*(p, 3dlu), p"
      - prototype strings "p, '123-456-789', p"
      - accepts string encodings with whitespace before a comma,
        for example "pref , pref"
    o Sizes#setDefaultUnit(Unit) allows to set the unit that is used
      for constant sizes without explicit unit, e.g. "21".
      As of the Forms 1.2 the default is still ConstantSize.PIXEL.
      Sizes.setDefaultUnit(null) sets it to Dialog Units (DLU).
    o Borders#DLU21_BORDER, Sizes#DLUX21, Sizes#DLUY21.
    o ColumnSpec#createGap(ConstantSize), RowSpec#createGap(ConstantSize).
    o Added DefaultFormBuilder#setDefaultRowSpec.
    o DefaultComponentFactory#setTextAndMnemonic is public.
    o ColumnSpec#encode, RowSpec#encode, and Size#encode return
      a parseable encoded string specification.
    o ButtonBarBuilder2. It builds betters button bars
      and has a simpler API than the ButtonBarBuilder.
    o FormLayout can honor or ignore the component visibility. Added 
      FormLayout#setHonorsVisibility(boolean) for the container level and
      FormLayout#setHonorsVisibility(Component, Boolean) for a
      component-specific setting that overrides the container default.
    o ButtonStackBuilder(FormLayout, JPanel)

    Layout variables are intended to improve the layout consistency
    in GUIs with many views. And they can improve the readability.
    Variables are used in the encoded column and row specifications.
    They start with the '$' character, for example you can write:
    new FormLayout("pref, $lcgap, pref, $rgap, pref",
                   "p, $lgap, p, $myGap1, p, ${my gap}")
    where $lcgap, $rgap, $lgap are default variables, and $myGap1 
    and ${my gap} are custom variables.
    LayoutMaps build a chain; each LayoutMap has an optional parent map.
    The root is defined by LayoutMap#getRoot(). Application-wide variables 
    should be defined in the root LayoutMap. If you want to override
    application-wide variables locally, obtain a LayoutMap using 
    new LayoutMap(), configure it, and provide it as argument to the
    FormLayout, ColumnSpec, and RowSpec constructors/factory methods.

    o DefaultUnitConverter ignores changes of the default dialog font
      when computing the global dialog base units.
    o BoundedSize constructor accepts null lower and upper bound.
    o Borders#createEmptyBorder accepts null values.
    o Parser accepts column specs without commas.

    o Borders#createEmptyBorder returns a Border that benefits
      from the optimization in JComponent#getInsets(Insets).
    o Added tests for the new syntax.
    o Updated download address.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                           JGoodies Forms
                            Version 1.1.0
                            Release Notes


    This update fixes minor bugs and comes with a few API changes.
    It is binary incompatible with previous versions of the Forms,
    however the API changes won't affect typical application code.
    This version is primarily intended to deliver the API changes
    and tiny improvements that have been made since version 1.0.7.
    I've decided to make smaller steps, and to release updates more 
    frequently. On the other hand, some changes planned for 1.1 
    have been deferred to future versions.

    o Removed deprecated builder constructors:
          AbstractFormBuilder(Container, FormLayout)
          PanelBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout)
          I15dPanelBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout, ResourceBundle)
          DefaultFormBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout)
          DefaultFormBuilder(JPanel, FormLayout, ResourceBundle)

    o Added PanelBuilder#setBackground and #setOpaque.
    o Added AbstractI15dPanelBuilder to reduce the effort required
      to build internationalized builders for ResourceMaps.
    o Added a debug feature for broken localizations, 
      see the class comment in AbstractI15dPanelBuilder.
    o Added CellConstraints#rc, #rcw, #rchw
    o Added the constructor FormLayout(ColumnSpec[])
    o DefaultComponentFactory is non-final.
    o BoundedSize is public, as well as its sole constructor.
    o Added BoundedSize#getBasis, #getLowerBound, #getUpperBound.
    o Added ConstantSize#getValue, #getUnit.
    o Public ConstantSize(double, Unit) and ConstantSize(int, Unit).
    o FormLayout.Measure is public.

    o Issue 38: Layout ignores default size if it is bounded
    o Issue 46: DLU size not updated on look&feel changes
    o Issue 54: Utilities#computeIsLafAqua uses name not id
    o Added a missing 'I' in I15dPanelBuilder#add15dTitle(String, String)

    o ANT build creates a Maven bundle.
    o Improved DefaultComponentFactory#createSeparator(JLabel) docs.
    o Slightly improved the DefaultFormBuilder tutorial examples.
    o Source code improvements.
    o Marked the FormFactory#createColumnLayout methods as deprecated.
      These will be removed from version 1.2.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                           JGoodies Forms
                            Version 1.0.7
                            Release Notes


    This maintenance release fixes a bug in Turkish environments.
    The fix and other changes do not affect the layout. Hence, this 
    version is binary and visually compatible with previous versions.

    o Issue 37: String encodings parser fails in Turkish locale.

    The sources now ship in the directory structure used by the CVS. 
    This makes it easier to build the distribution using ANT.     
    If you want to attach the library sources in an IDE, 
    point to folder 'src/core'.

    o Issue 36: Some DefaultFormBuilder methods lack return value.
    o Source style improvements.
    o The FAQ is now online.
    o Added references to the Explicit Table Builder, Matisse, Packer.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                    JGoodies Forms, Version 1.0.6
                            Release Notes


    This maintenance release is primarily a documentation update.
    It also contains minor bug fixes that do not affect the layout.
    Hence, this version is binary and visually compatible with
    the previous version.

    o Added an empty FormLayout constructor.
    o PanelBuilder#getComponentFactory is public.
    o DefaultFormFactory#createSeparator(JLabel) is public.

    o BoundedSize#toString wrong if lower and upper bound exist.
    o Issue 19: DefaultFormBuilders *I15d methods don't use setLabelFor.
    o Issue 33: DefaultComponentFactory may set wrong mnemonic index.

    o Docs: Removed several JavaDoc <code> tags to improve readability.
    o Docs: Added examples to FormLayout constructors.
    o Docs: Corrected JavaDoc @throws texts in ColumnSpec and RowSpec.
    o Docs: Corrected and extended JavaDocs regarding the mnemonic marker
            in ComponentFactory, DefaultComponentFactory, PanelBuilder.
    o Docs: Refreshed the list of visual builder tools.
    o Docs: Added a bunch of TODOs for future versions.
    o Dist: Fixed broken package information in the JAR manifest.
    o Build:Set 'build.compile.source' and '' to '1.4'
            in the; build.xml honors the source setting.
    o Tut.: Main methods use the new JGoodies Looks 1.3 package names.
    o Test: Added tests for the DefaultComponentFactory.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                    JGoodies Forms, Version 1.0.5
                            Release Notes


    This maintenance release fixes bugs, adds features, and brings 
    minor improvements for the code, documentation and tutorial.

    o Added FormLayout#setColumnSpec(int, ColumnSpec)
    o Added FormLayout#setRowSpec(int, ColumnSpec)

    o Titled separator on Aqua not aligned along the label's font baseline.
    o Button minimum width too wide on MacLayoutStyle.
    o Related gap too narrow in MacLayoutStyle.
    o DefaultFormBuilder ignores the current row span set by #setRowSpan.
    o AbstractFormBuilder#createLeftAdjustedConstraints(int)
      ignores the current row span.
    o DefaultComponentFactory can register L&fChangeHandler multiple times.

    o Code: Builders avoid the creation of obsolete FlowLayout instances.
    o Code: Overhauled builder constructors; marked some as deprecated.
    o Code: Changed separators created by the DefaultComponentFactory 
            to be opaque.
    o Code: Renamed DefaultUnitConverter#LAFChangeHandler to 
    o Code: Removed unused code in class BoundedSize.
    o Code: Minor code cleanup: removed unused else.
    o Tut.: Added pitfall example for vertically non-filled component.
    o Tut.: Added pitfall example for the ever-growing text area.
    o Docs: Improved FormDebugPanel's constructor JavaDocs.
    o Docs: Added overview information to the JavaDocs.
    o Docs: Refreshed links to visual builders that support the FormLayout.
    o Docs: Refreshed some FAQ items.
    o Docs: Added FAQ #2.6: How to remove a component from the layout?
    o Docs: Added FAQ #3.6: Why do some text areas grow and never shrink?
    o Docs: Added a reference to the SWT port by the SwtForms project.
    o Docs: Added a reference to Gerald Rosenberg's JFormComposer.
    o Docs: Clarified the semantics and use case for CellConstraint insets.
    o Docs: Indicated that FormFactory factory methods may be removed.
    o Dist: Corrected implementation title and vendor in the JAR manifest.
    o Dist: Added project name tag to the ANT build file.
    o Dist: Overhauled the README.html.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                    JGoodies Forms, Version 1.0.4
                            Release Notes


    This maintenance release fixes bugs, comes with a simpler API,
    and provides more JavaDoc examples for frequently used methods.

    o ColumnSpec and RowSpec are now immutable. This won't affect
      the typical Forms usage, but may affect visual builder tools.
    o Removed method ButtonStackBuilder#addGriddedNarrow(JComponent)
    o In rare cases the container size may be smaller than before. 
      Bug #4 has been fixed (see below). In 1.0.4 the container
      will be expanded only if components span cols/rows that can grow.
      In 1.0.3 the container could be expanded if *any* col/row grows.
      So some wrong 1.0.3 container expansions won't happen in 1.0.4.


    o Added the CellConstraints#xyw method set.
    o Added FormLayoutUtils to the Extras.

    o DefaultUnitConverter#setDefaultDialogFont throws NPE.
    o DefaultUnitConverter#setAverageCharacterWidthTestString throws NPE.
    o Invalid sample code in PanelBuilder JavaDocs.
    o (Bug #4) In some cases components that span multiple columns/rows 
      can expand the container size, although none of the spanned
      columns/rows are allowed to grow. 

    o Extended and corrected JavaDoc class comments.
    o Added examples to the JavaDocs of frequently used methods.
    o Refreshed README and FAQ
    o Refreshed whitepaper to demonstrate CellConstraints#xyw.
    o Added two HTML pages: Visual Builders and References.
Find below the change history for older releases.

                    JGoodies Forms, Version 1.0.3
                            Release Notes


    This maintenance release contains new core classes, adds methods,
    and comes with improved JavaDocs and an extended tutorial and FAQ.
    The DefaultFormBuilder has been moved from the extras to the core.

    Also, the support for the Mac OS X has been improved significantly:
    the DefaultComponentFactory has been adjusted for the Aqua look&feel, 
    the new MacLayoutStyle describes the Mac and Aqua styles guide lines,
    and the ButtonBarBuilder and ButtonBarFactory now honor a button order.

    On the Mac OS X platform Forms 1.0.3 changes the button order;
    other platforms are not affected. In most cases this will improve 
    the user experience of your applications. It is recommended to
    check your ButtonBarBuilder invocation to use a fixed left to right
    order where necessary.
    ButtonBarBuilder methods that create sequences of buttons now honor 
    the LayoutStyle's button order. On Mac OS X this is right to left.
    Builder methods that add individual buttons are not affected.
    See the ButtonOrderExample in the tutorial for details on how to
    use or ignore the LayoutStyle's button order.

    o Removed deprecated methods from the ButtonBarBuilder class:

    o Moved DefaultFormBuilder and I15dPanelBuilder to the core.
    o FormLayout is serializable.
    o AbstractFormBuilder#appendLabelComponentGapColumn()
    o AbstractFormBuilder#appendParagraphGapRow()
    o AbstractFormBuilder#setComponentFactory(...) now public
    o I15dPanelBuilder#addI15dLabel(String, CellConstraints, 
                                    Component, CellConstraints)
    o LayoutStyle#getTabbedDialogMarginX()
    o LayoutStyle#getTabbedDialogMarginY()
    o LayoutStyle#getButtonBarPad()
    o LayoutStyle#isLeftToRightButtonOrder()
    o MacLayoutStyle
    o AbstractFormBuilder#createLeftAdjustedConstraints(int)
    o ColumnSpec#decodeSpecs(String encodedColumnSpecs) (final)
    o RowSpec#decodeSpecs(String encodedRowSpecs) (final)
    o FormSpec.DefaultAlignment now visible (final)
    o Borders.EmptyBorder provides methods for the 4 sizes.

    o PanelBuilder fails to build right-to-left if column span > 1.
    o DefaultFormBuilder fails to build right-to-left if column span > 1.
    o Deserialization fails in 1.0.3 preview.

    o In some cases components that span multiple columns/rows 
      can expand the container size, although none of the spanned
      columns/rows are allowed to grow. See the FAQ for details.

    o Code:     Added safety check for invalid constraints in PanelBuilder
                #add(JLabel, CellConstraints, Component, CellConstraints)
                #add(String, CellConstraints, Component, CellConstraints)
    o Code:     DefaultComponentFactory#setTextAndMnemonic(JLabel) now private
    o Code:     DefaultUnitConverter refers indirectly to ToolKit#getFontMetrics
    o Code:     Marked ButtonStackBuilder#addGriddedNarrow as deprecated
    o JavaDocs: Extended and corrected 
    o JavaDocs: Clarified some semantics
    o Docs:     Fixed spelling and grammar errors
    o Docs:     Extended and reorganized the FAQ
    o Tutorial: Improved alignment texts in custom row and custom areas example
    o Tutorial: Added ButtonOrderExample
    o Tutorial: Added ComponentOrientationExample
    o Tutorial: Added OrientationUtils to ComponentOrientationExample 
Find below the change history for older releases.

                    JGoodies Forms, Version 1.0.2
                            Release Notes


    This release is a maintenance update that fixes bugs, comes with 
    a new example and a slightly improved and extended documentation.


    o Added a list of FAQ.
    o Added JavaDoc version tags to all class comments.

    o DefaultUnitConverter provides bound Bean properties for the 
      default dialog font and the average character width test string.


    o Fixed broken button font lookup in DefaultUnitConverter
      that failed to find a font for GTKLookAndFeel, and more
      generally, SynthLookAndFeel subclasses.
    o Fixed #minimumLayoutSize that measured components that span
      multiple columns/rows with the preferredSize, now the minimumsize.
    o Patched the container expansion forced by components that span
      multiple columns/rows for the case that no column or row can grow.
      This expansion shall be performed if and only if the component spans
      an area that can grow. The old behavior performed this action ALWAYS;
      the patch check whether A column/row can grow; 
      the upcoming fix  will check the growing behavior of the spanned area.
      This problem is reflected by the FormLayout unit tests, where currently
      one out of three tests fails, see FormLayoutTests.test*ExtraExpansion*


    o Main:     Removed the final marker from FormDebugPanel; 
                see the class comment for details
    o Main:     Removed FormDebugPanel features that are available 
                in the FormDebugUtils
    o Main:     Extended JavaDoc for the DefaultUnitConverter
    o Main:     Extended JavaDoc for the DefaultFormBuilder
    o Main:     Border.BUTTON_BAR_GAP_BORDER uses dlu only.
    o Main:     Faster conversion of sizes with a 0 value.
    o Tutorial: Added example for custom areas with DefautFormBuilder
    o Tutorial: Changed some text field widths from 'default' to 'min'
    o Tutorial: Corrected frame titles
    o Tests:    Added tests for components that span multiple columns
    o Tests:    Specialized some exceptions in catch clauses
    o Docs:     Improved grouping diagrams
    o Docs:     Fixed invalid link to a tutorial pdf
    o All code: Documented empty blocks.

Find below the change history for older releases.

                    JGoodies Forms, Version 1.0.1
                            Release Notes


    This release is primarily a documentation and distribution update; 
    it fixes a bug (with maximum sizes) and contains no API changes.


    o Added tips & tricks
    o Added a tutorial
    o Added a programmer's reference
    o Library sources ship as a single ZIP file  


    o Main:     Fixed broken maximum sizes that had the same effect as minimum
    o Main:     Fixed FormFactory.BUTTON_COLSPEC to use a lower, not upper bound
    o Tutorial: Corrected FormDebugExample.main 


    o Main:     Added sanity checks for invalid CellConstraints alignments
    o Main:     Minor code cleanup: removed obsolete casts and semicolons
    o Main:     Minor improvement: parameter names made more consistent
    o Main:     Library compiled against 1.3 but with Sun's javac 1.4.2
    o Main:     FormFactory.GROWING_BUTTON_COLSPEC honors LayoutStyle
    o Main:     All FormFactory specs are now unmodifyable
    o Tutorial: Added Quick Start example
    o Tutorial: Added example for component sizes
    o Tutorial: Added example for custom rows and DefaultFormBuilder
    o Test:     Added tests for invalid CellConstraints alignments
    o Test:     Added tests for bounded sizes
    o Docs:     Removed comparison with HIGLayout from the whitepaper
    o Docs:     Some throws clauses added to the JavaDocs
    o Build:    process reflects the distribution changes


1.0 (July-18-2003)

   o Compiled with Sun javac 1.3.1_08
   o Distribution changed: 
     + forms.pdf renamed to whitepaper.pdf
     + demo removed
     + build overhauled
     + readme.txt simplified

1.0rc (June-20-2003)

   o Code is now available under the BSD license
   o Fixed bug in DefaultFormBuilder.appendI15dTitle 
   o Corrected JavaDoc for ButtonStackBuilder 
   o Improved whitepaper
   o Packaging reflects the new license
   o Library jar is unobfuscated
   o Library jar is unsigned