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<h1>NASM - The Netwide Assembler</h1>
<span class="subtitle">version 2.13.03</span>
<div class="contents"
<h2 id="chapter-11">Chapter 11: Writing 64-bit Code (Unix, Win64)</h2>
<p>This chapter attempts to cover some of the common issues involved when
writing 64-bit code, to run under Win64 or Unix. It covers how to write
assembly code to interface with 64-bit C routines, and how to write
position-independent code for shared libraries.</p>
<p>All 64-bit code uses a flat memory model, since segmentation is not
available in 64-bit mode. The one exception is the <code>FS</code> and
<code>GS</code> registers, which still add their bases.</p>
<p>Position independence in 64-bit mode is significantly simpler, since the
processor supports <code>RIP</code>&ndash;relative addressing directly; see
the <code>REL</code> keyword (<a href="nasmdoc3.html#section-3.3">section
3.3</a>). On most 64-bit platforms, it is probably desirable to make that
the default, using the directive <code>DEFAULT REL</code>
(<a href="nasmdoc6.html#section-6.2">section 6.2</a>).</p>
<p>64-bit programming is relatively similar to 32-bit programming, but of
course pointers are 64 bits long; additionally, all existing platforms pass
arguments in registers rather than on the stack. Furthermore, 64-bit
platforms use SSE2 by default for floating point. Please see the ABI
documentation for your platform.</p>
<p>64-bit platforms differ in the sizes of the C/C++ fundamental datatypes,
not just from 32-bit platforms but from each other. If a specific size data
type is desired, it is probably best to use the types defined in the
standard C header <code>&lt;inttypes.h&gt;</code>.</p>
<p>All known 64-bit platforms except some embedded platforms require that
the stack is 16-byte aligned at the entry to a function. In order to
enforce that, the stack pointer (<code>RSP</code>) needs to be aligned on
an <code>odd</code> multiple of 8 bytes before the <code>CALL</code>
<p>In 64-bit mode, the default instruction size is still 32 bits. When
loading a value into a 32-bit register (but not an 8- or 16-bit register),
the upper 32 bits of the corresponding 64-bit register are set to zero.</p>
<h3 id="section-11.1">11.1 Register Names in 64-bit Mode</h3>
<p>NASM uses the following names for general-purpose registers in 64-bit
mode, for 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit references, respectively:</p>
     AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, DI, R8W-R15W 
<p>This is consistent with the AMD documentation and most other assemblers.
The Intel documentation, however, uses the names <code>R8L-R15L</code> for
8-bit references to the higher registers. It is possible to use those names
by definiting them as macros; similarly, if one wants to use numeric names
for the low 8 registers, define them as macros. The standard macro package
<code>altreg</code> (see <a href="nasmdoc5.html#section-5.1">section
5.1</a>) can be used for this purpose.</p>
<h3 id="section-11.2">11.2 Immediates and Displacements in 64-bit Mode</h3>
<p>In 64-bit mode, immediates and displacements are generally only 32 bits
wide. NASM will therefore truncate most displacements and immediates to 32
<p>The only instruction which takes a full 64-bit immediate is:</p>
     MOV reg64,imm64
<p>NASM will produce this instruction whenever the programmer uses
<code>MOV</code> with an immediate into a 64-bit register. If this is not
desirable, simply specify the equivalent 32-bit register, which will be
automatically zero-extended by the processor, or specify the immediate as
     mov rax,foo             ; 64-bit immediate 
     mov rax,qword foo       ; (identical) 
     mov eax,foo             ; 32-bit immediate, zero-extended 
     mov rax,dword foo       ; 32-bit immediate, sign-extended
<p>The length of these instructions are 10, 5 and 7 bytes, respectively.</p>
<p>If optimization is enabled and NASM can determine at assembly time that
a shorter instruction will suffice, the shorter instruction will be emitted
unless of course <code>STRICT QWORD</code> or <code>STRICT DWORD</code> is
specified (see <a href="nasmdoc3.html#section-3.7">section 3.7</a>):</p>
     mov rax,1               ; Assembles as "mov eax,1" (5 bytes) 
     mov rax,strict qword 1  ; Full 10-byte instruction 
     mov rax,strict dword 1  ; 7-byte instruction 
     mov rax,symbol          ; 10 bytes, not known at assembly time 
     lea rax,[rel symbol]    ; 7 bytes, usually preferred by the ABI
<p>Note that <code>lea rax,[rel symbol]</code> is position-independent,
whereas <code>mov rax,symbol</code> is not. Most ABIs prefer or even
require position-independent code in 64-bit mode. However, the
<code>MOV</code> instruction is able to reference a symbol anywhere in the
64-bit address space, whereas <code>LEA</code> is only able to access a
symbol within within 2 GB of the instruction itself (see below.)</p>
<p>The only instructions which take a full 64-bit <em>displacement</em> is
loading or storing, using <code>MOV</code>, <code>AL</code>,
<code>AX</code>, <code>EAX</code> or <code>RAX</code> (but no other
registers) to an absolute 64-bit address. Since this is a relatively rarely
used instruction (64-bit code generally uses relative addressing), the
programmer has to explicitly declare the displacement size as
<code>ABS QWORD</code>:</p>
     default abs 

     mov eax,[foo]           ; 32-bit absolute disp, sign-extended 
     mov eax,[a32 foo]       ; 32-bit absolute disp, zero-extended 
     mov eax,[qword foo]     ; 64-bit absolute disp 

     default rel 

     mov eax,[foo]           ; 32-bit relative disp 
     mov eax,[a32 foo]       ; d:o, address truncated to 32 bits(!) 
     mov eax,[qword foo]     ; error 
     mov eax,[abs qword foo] ; 64-bit absolute disp
<p>A sign-extended absolute displacement can access from &ndash;2 GB to +2
GB; a zero-extended absolute displacement can access from 0 to 4 GB.</p>
<h3 id="section-11.3">11.3 Interfacing to 64-bit C Programs (Unix)</h3>
<p>On Unix, the 64-bit ABI as well as the x32 ABI (32-bit ABI with the CPU
in 64-bit mode) is defined by the documents at:</p>
<a href=""><code></code></a></p>
<p>Although written for AT&amp;T-syntax assembly, the concepts apply
equally well for NASM-style assembly. What follows is a simplified summary.</p>
<p>The first six integer arguments (from the left) are passed in
<code>RDI</code>, <code>RSI</code>, <code>RDX</code>, <code>RCX</code>,
<code>R8</code>, and <code>R9</code>, in that order. Additional integer
arguments are passed on the stack. These registers, plus <code>RAX</code>,
<code>R10</code> and <code>R11</code> are destroyed by function calls, and
thus are available for use by the function without saving.</p>
<p>Integer return values are passed in <code>RAX</code> and
<code>RDX</code>, in that order.</p>
<p>Floating point is done using SSE registers, except for
<code>long double</code>, which is 80 bits (<code>TWORD</code>) on most
platforms (Android is one exception; there <code>long double</code> is 64
bits and treated the same as <code>double</code>.) Floating-point arguments
are passed in <code>XMM0</code> to <code>XMM7</code>; return is
<code>XMM0</code> and <code>XMM1</code>. <code>long double</code> are
passed on the stack, and returned in <code>ST0</code> and <code>ST1</code>.</p>
<p>All SSE and x87 registers are destroyed by function calls.</p>
<p>On 64-bit Unix, <code>long</code> is 64 bits.</p>
<p>Integer and SSE register arguments are counted separately, so for the
case of</p>
     void foo(long a, double b, int c)
<p><code>a</code> is passed in <code>RDI</code>, <code>b</code> in
<code>XMM0</code>, and <code>c</code> in <code>ESI</code>.</p>
<h3 id="section-11.4">11.4 Interfacing to 64-bit C Programs (Win64)</h3>
<p>The Win64 ABI is described by the document at:</p>
<a href=""><code></code></a></p>
<p>What follows is a simplified summary.</p>
<p>The first four integer arguments are passed in <code>RCX</code>,
<code>RDX</code>, <code>R8</code> and <code>R9</code>, in that order.
Additional integer arguments are passed on the stack. These registers, plus
<code>RAX</code>, <code>R10</code> and <code>R11</code> are destroyed by
function calls, and thus are available for use by the function without
<p>Integer return values are passed in <code>RAX</code> only.</p>
<p>Floating point is done using SSE registers, except for
<code>long double</code>. Floating-point arguments are passed in
<code>XMM0</code> to <code>XMM3</code>; return is <code>XMM0</code> only.</p>
<p>On Win64, <code>long</code> is 32 bits; <code>long long</code> or
<code>_int64</code> is 64 bits.</p>
<p>Integer and SSE register arguments are counted together, so for the case
     void foo(long long a, double b, int c)
<p><code>a</code> is passed in <code>RCX</code>, <code>b</code> in
<code>XMM1</code>, and <code>c</code> in <code>R8D</code>.</p>