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*** COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by TransNexus, Inc.                              ***
***                                                                     ***
*** This software is property of TransNexus, Inc.                       ***
*** This software is freely available under license from TransNexus.    ***
*** The license terms and conditions for free use of this software by   ***
*** third parties are defined in the OSP Toolkit Software License       ***
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 *  nonblocking.h - Structures and prototypes for non-blocking.
 *  This module implements non-blocking API on top of blocking
 *  OSP Toolkit API.
 *  Before the non-blocking API may be used, an instance of
 *  NonBlockingQueueMonitor must be created using NonBlockingQueueMonitorNew.
 *  This method allocates space, initializes private variables and starts
 *  consumer/work threads which will be responsible for making blocking calls.
 *  NOTE: Number of work/consumer threads should not exceed the maximum number
 *  of HTTP connections set in the OSPPProviderNew.
 *  When the non-blocking API is no longer needed the NonBlockingQueueMonitor
 *  should be deleted using NonBlockingQueueMonitorDelete.  This method
 *  signals that the shutdown is in progress (which prevets non-blocking API
 *  from accepting any more transactions), blocks while current transactions
 *  are still being processed, releases consumer/work threads and deallocates space.
 *  Method NonBlockingQueueMonitorBlockWhileQueueNotEmpty allows the caller to block
 *  while there are transactions being processed.  NOTE: This function call does not
 *  prevent from adding more non-blocking transactions and maybe starved if there is a
 *  sufficient flow of transactions.
 *  There are 2 non-blocking methods OSPPTransactionRequestAuthorisation_nb, and
 *  OSPPTransactionReportUsage_nb which correspond to the OSP Toolkit API methods
 *  OSPPTransactionRequestAuthorisation and OSPPTransactionReportUsage respectively.
 *  The non-blocking methods follow the same naming conventions with an exception of
 *  having a postfix - '_nb'.
 *  The non-blocking methods, in addition to expecting the same variables as their
 *  blocking counterparts, expect 2 variables of types: NBMONITOR* and int*.
 *  The 1st one is a pointer to the NonBlockingQueueMonitor (which should have been
 *  initialized using NonBlockingQueueMonitorNew).
 *  The 2nd one is a pointer to the space where return value from the blocking
 *  function should be stored.  The caller is responsible for allocating space and
 *  passing a valid pointer.  Initially the value is set to OSPC_REPORT_USAGE_BLOCK or
 *  OSPC_AUTH_REQUEST_BLOCK to indicate that a blocking call is in progress.  When
 *  the blocking function returns and the value is set to the actual return value.
 *  NOTE: (1) The caller must not delete transaction handle or any other resources that may
 *  be used by the blocking functions while a transaction is in progress.  Failing to do
 *  so will result in unpredictable behavior. (2) The caller must not attempt to call
 *  OSPPTransactionGetFirstDestination while OSPPTransactionRequestAuthorisation is still in
 *  progress.


#include "osp/osp.h"
#include "syncque.h"

 * non-blocking monitor typedef


typedef struct _NBMONITOR {
    SYNCQUEUE *SyncQue;
    unsigned TimeToShutDown;
    OSPTMUTEX Mutex;
    OSPTCONDVAR CondVarNoActiveWorkThreads;
    unsigned NumberOfWorkThreads;
    unsigned NumberOfActiveWorkThreads;
    /* apply only to Auth Requests */
    unsigned MaxQueSize;
    unsigned MaxQueWaitMS;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    int NonBlockingQueueMonitorNew(
        NBMONITOR **nbMonitor,          /* In\Out - NBMonitor Pointer */
        unsigned NumberOfWorkThreads,   /* Max number of concurent tool kit requets */
        unsigned MaxQueSize,            /* Apply only to AuthReq, limit number of requets in the queue */
        unsigned MaxQueWaitMS);         /* Apply only to AuthReq, queue expiration time in ms */

    int NonBlockingQueueMonitorBlockWhileQueueNotEmpty(NBMONITOR *nbMonitor);   /* In - NBMonitor Pointer */

    int NonBlockingQueueMonitorDelete(NBMONITOR **nbMonitor);   /* In\Out - NBMonitor Pointer */

    int OSPPTransactionRequestAuthorisation_nb(
        NBMONITOR *nbMonitor,                           /* In - NBMonitor Pointer */
        int ShouldBlock,                                /* In - 1 WILL block, 0 - will NOT block */
        int *OSPErrorCode,                              /* Out- Error code returned by the blocking function */
        OSPTTRANHANDLE ospvTransaction,                 /* In - Transaction Handle */
        const char *ospvSource,                         /* In - Source of call */
        const char *ospvSourceDevice,                   /* In - SourceDevice of call */
        const char *ospvCallingNumber,                  /* In - Calling number */
        OSPE_NUMBER_FORMAT ospvCallingNumberFormat,     /* In - Calling number Format */
        const char *ospvCalledNumber,                   /* In - Called number */
        OSPE_NUMBER_FORMAT ospvCalledNumberFormat,      /* In - Called number */
        const char *ospvUser,                           /* In - End user (optional) */
        unsigned ospvNumberOfCallIds,                   /* In - Number of call identifiers */
        OSPT_CALL_ID *ospvCallIds[],                    /* In - List of call identifiers */
        const char *ospvPreferredDestinations[],        /* In - List of preferred destinations for call */
        unsigned *ospvNumberOfDestinations,             /* In\Out - Max number of destinations \ Actual number of dests authorised */
        unsigned *ospvSizeOfDetailLog,                  /* In\Out - Max size of detail log \ Actual size of detail log */
        void *ospvDetailLog);                           /* In\Out - Location of detail log storage */

    int OSPPTransactionReportUsage_nb(
        NBMONITOR *nbMonitor,           /* In - NBMonitor Pointer   */
        int ShouldBlock,                /* In - 1 WILL block, 0 - will NOT block */
        int *OSPErrorCode,              /* Out- Error code returned by the blocking function */
        OSPTTRANHANDLE ospvTransaction, /* In - Transaction handle */
        unsigned ospvDuration,          /* In - Length of call */
        OSPTTIME ospvStartTime,         /* In - StartTime of call */
        OSPTTIME ospvEndTime,           /* In - EndTime of call */
        OSPTTIME ospvAlertTime,         /* In - AlertTime of call */
        OSPTTIME ospvConnectTime,       /* In - ConnectTime of call */
        OSPTBOOL ospvHasPDDInfo,        /* In - Is PDD present */
        unsigned ospvPostDialDelay,     /* In - PDD in milliseconds */
        OSPE_RELEASE ospvReleaseSource, /* In - Rel Src */
        const char *ospvConferenceId,   /* In - Conference Id */
        int ospvLossPacketsSent,        /* In - Packets not received by peer */
        int ospvLossFractionSent,       /* In - Fraction of packets not received by peer */
        int ospvLossPacketsReceived,    /* In - Packets not received that were expected */
        int ospvLossFractionReceived,   /* In - Fraction of packets expected but not received */
        unsigned *ospvSizeOfDetailLog,  /* In/Out - Max size of detail log \ Actual size of detail log */
        void *ospvDetailLog);           /* Out - Pointer to detail log storage */

    int OSPPTransactionIndicateCapabilities_nb(
        NBMONITOR *nbMonitor,               /* In - NBMonitor Pointer   */
        int ShouldBlock,                    /* In - 1 WILL block, 0 - will NOT block */
        int *OSPErrorCode,                  /* Out- Error code returned by the blocking function */
        OSPTTRANHANDLE ospvTransaction,     /* In - Transaction Handle  */
        const char *ospvSource,             /* In - Source of call      */
        const char *ospvSourceDevice,       /* In - SourceDevice of call */
        const char *ospvSourceNetworkId,    /* In - NetworkId of call */
        unsigned ospvAlmostOutOfResource,   /* In - A Boolean flag indicating device's availability */
        unsigned *ospvSizeOfDetailLog,      /* In\Out - Max size of detail log \ Actual size of detail log */
        void *ospvDetailLog);               /* In\Out - Location of detail log storage */

    int OSPPTransactionValidateAuthorisation_nb(
        NBMONITOR *nbMonitor,                           /* In - NBMonitor Pointer   */
        int ShouldBlock,                                /* In - 1 WILL block, 0 - will NOT block */
        int *OSPErrorCode,                              /* Out- Error code returned by the blocking function */
        OSPTTRANHANDLE ospvTransaction,                 /* In - Transaction handle */
        const char *ospvSource,                         /* In - Source of call */
        const char *ospvDestination,                    /* In - Destination for call */
        const char *ospvSourceDevice,                   /* In - SourceDevice of call */
        const char *ospvDestinationDevice,              /* In - DestinationDevice for call */
        const char *ospvCallingNumber,                  /* In - Calling number string */
        OSPE_NUMBER_FORMAT ospvCallingNumberFormat,     /* In - Calling number Format */
        const char *ospvCalledNumber,                   /* In - Called number string */
        OSPE_NUMBER_FORMAT ospvCalledNumberFormat,      /* In - Called number Format */
        unsigned ospvSizeOfCallId,                      /* In - Size of call id value */
        const void *ospvCallId,                         /* In - Call Id for this call */
        unsigned ospvSizeOfToken,                       /* In - Size of authorization token */
        const void *ospvToken,                          /* In - Authorization token */
        unsigned *ospvAuthorised,                       /* Out - Call authorization indicator */
        unsigned *ospvTimeLimit,                        /* Out - Number of seconds call is authorized for */
        unsigned *ospvSizeOfDetailLog,                  /* In\Out - Max size of detail log \ Actual size of detail log */
        void *ospvDetailLog,                            /* In\Out - Location of detail log storage */
        unsigned ospvTokenAlgo);                        /* In - Algorithm to be used for Validating Token */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _NONBLOCKING_H */