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<td valign="top" align="left" width="30%">Chapter&nbsp;1.&nbsp;Running and Using HyperSQL&nbsp;</td><td align="center" width="40%"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html"><img src="../images/db/home.png" alt="Home"></a></td><td valign="top" align="right" width="30%">&nbsp;Chapter&nbsp;3.&nbsp;Sessions and Transactions</td>
<div class="chapter" title="Chapter&nbsp;2.&nbsp;SQL Language">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a name="sqlgeneral-chapt"></a>Chapter&nbsp;2.&nbsp;SQL Language</h2>
<div class="authorgroup">
<div class="author">
<h3 class="author">
<span class="firstname">Fred</span> <span class="surname">Toussi</span>
<div class="affiliation">
<span class="orgname">The HSQL Development Group<br>
<p class="releaseinfo">$Revision: 5701 $</p>
<div class="legalnotice" title="Legal Notice">
<a name="N10359"></a>
<p>Copyright 2002-2017 Fred Toussi. Permission is granted to
      distribute this document without any alteration under the terms of the
      HSQLDB license. Additional permission is granted to the HSQL Development
      Group to distribute this document with or without alterations under the
      terms of the HSQLDB license.</p>
<p class="pubdate">2017-04-09 14:14:09-0400</p>
<div class="toc">
<b>Table of Contents</b>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_standards">Standards Support</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_data_tables">SQL Data and Tables</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_temp_tables">Temporary Tables</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_persist_tables">Persistent Tables</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_data_type_guide">Short Guide to Data Types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_types_ops">Data Types and Operations</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_numeric_types">Numeric Types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_boolean_type">Boolean Type</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_char_types">Character String Types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_binary_types">Binary String Types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_bit_types">Bit String Types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_lob_data">Lob Data</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_java_objects">Storage and Handling of Java Objects</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_length_precision">Type Length, Precision and Scale</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_datetime_types">Datetime types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_interval_typs">Interval Types</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_array">Arrays</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_array_def">Array Definition</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_array_ref">Array Reference</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_array_ops">Array Operations</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_index_speed">Indexes and Query Speed</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_query_opt">Query Processing and Optimisation</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_indexes_cond">Indexes and Conditions</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_indexes_ops">Indexes and Operations</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlgeneral-chapt.html#sgc_indexes_order">Indexes and ORDER BY, OFFSET and LIMIT</a></span>
<div class="section" title="Standards Support">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_standards"></a>Standards Support</h2>
<p>HyperSQL 2.x supports the dialect of SQL defined by SQL standards
    92, 1999, 2003, 2008 and 2011. This means where a feature of the standard
    is supported, e.g. left outer join, the syntax is that specified by the
    standard text. Almost all syntactic features of SQL-92 up to Advanced
    Level are supported, as well as SQL:2011 core and many optional features
    of this standard. Work is in progress for a formal declaration of
<p>At the time of this release, HyperSQL supports the widest range of
    SQL standard features among all open source RDBMS.</p>
<p>Various chapters of this guide list the supported syntax. When
    writing or converting existing SQL DDL (Data Definition Language), DML
    (Data Manipulation Language) or DQL (Data Query Language) statements for
    HSQLDB, you should consult the supported syntax and modify the statements
    accordingly. Some statements written for older versions may have to be
<p>Over 300 words are reserved by the standard and should not be used
    as table or column names. For example, the word POSITION is reserved as it
    is a function defined by the Standards with a similar role as
    <code class="methodname">String.indexOf()</code> in Java. HyperSQL does not
    currently prevent you from using a reserved word if it does not support
    its use or can distinguish it. For example CUBE is a reserved words that
    is not currently supported by HyperSQL and is allowed as a table or column
    name. You should avoid using such names as future versions of HyperSQL are
    likely to support the reserved words and may reject your table definitions
    or queries. The full list of SQL reserved words is in the appendix <a class="link" href="lists-app.html" title="Appendix&nbsp;A.&nbsp;Lists of Keywords">Lists of Keywords</a> .</p>
<p>There are several user-defined properties to control the strict
    application of the SQL Standard in different areas.</p>
<p>If you have to use a reserved keyword as the name of a database
    object, you can enclose it in double quotes.</p>
<p>HyperSQL also supports enhancements with keywords and expressions
    that are not part of the SQL standard. Expressions such as <code class="literal">SELECT
    TOP 5 FROM ..</code>, <code class="literal">SELECT LIMIT 0 10 FROM ...</code> or
    <code class="literal">DROP TABLE mytable IF EXISTS</code> are among such
<p>Many print books cover SQL Standard syntax and can be
<p>In HyperSQL version 2, all features of JDBC4 that apply to the
    capabilities of HSQLDB are fully supported. The relevant JDBC classes are
    thoroughly documented with additional clarifications and HyperSQL specific
    comments. See the <a class="link" href="filelinks-app.html#javadoc-link">JavaDoc</a> for the
    <code class="classname">org.hsqldb.jdbc.*</code> classes.</p>
<div class="section" title="SQL Data and Tables">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_data_tables"></a>SQL Data and Tables</h2>
<p>In an SQL system, all significant data is stored in tables and
    sequence generators. Therefore, the first step in creating a database is
    defining the tables and their columns. The SQL standard supports temporary
    tables, which are for temporary data, and permanent base tables, which are
    for persistent data.</p>
<div class="section" title="Temporary Tables">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_temp_tables"></a>Temporary Tables</h3>
<p>Data in TEMPORARY tables is not saved and lasts only for the
      lifetime of the session. The contents of each TEMP table is visible only
      from the session that is used to populate it.</p>
<p>HyperSQL supports two types of temporary tables.</p>
<p>The <code class="literal">GLOBAL TEMPORARY</code> type is a schema object.
      It is created with the <code class="literal">CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE</code>
      statement. The definition of the table persists, and each session has
      access to the table. But each session sees its own copy of the table,
      which is empty at the beginning of the session.</p>
<p>The <code class="literal">LOCAL TEMPORARY</code> type is not a schema
      object. It is created with the <code class="literal">DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY
      TABLE</code> statement. The table definition lasts only for the
      duration of the session and is not persisted in the database. The table
      can be declared in the middle of a transaction without committing the
      transaction. If a schema name is needed to reference these tables in a
      given SQL statement, the pseudo schema names <code class="literal">MODULE</code>
      or <code class="literal">SESSION</code> can be used.</p>
<p>When the session commits, the contents of all temporary tables are
      cleared by default. If the table definition statements includes ON
      COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS, then the contents are kept when a commit takes
<p>The rows in temporary tables are stored in memory by default. If
      the <code class="literal">hsqldb.result_max_memory_rows</code> property has been
      set or the <code class="literal">SET SESSION RESULT MEMORY ROWS &lt;row
      count&gt;</code> has been specified, tables with row count above the
      setting are stored on disk.</p>
<div class="section" title="Persistent Tables">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_persist_tables"></a>Persistent Tables</h3>
<p>HyperSQL supports the Standard definition of persistent base
      table, but defines three types according to the way the data is stored.
      These are MEMORY tables, CACHED tables and TEXT tables.</p>
<p>Memory tables are the default type when the CREATE TABLE command
      is used. Their data is held entirely in memory but any change to their
      structure or contents is written to the <code class="filename">*.log</code> and
      <code class="filename">*.script</code> files. The <code class="filename">*.script</code>
      file and the <code class="filename">*.log</code> file are read the next time the
      database is opened, and the MEMORY tables are recreated with all their
      contents. So unlike TEMPORARY tables, MEMORY tables are persistent. When
      the database is opened, all the data for the memory tables is read and
      inserted. This process may take a long time if the database is larger
      than tens of megabytes. When the database is shutdown, all the data is
      saved. This can also take a long time.</p>
<p>CACHED tables are created with the CREATE CACHED TABLE command.
      Only part of their data or indexes is held in memory, allowing large
      tables that would otherwise take up to several hundred megabytes of
      memory. Another advantage of cached tables is that the database engine
      takes less time to start up when a cached table is used for large
      amounts of data. The disadvantage of cached tables is a reduction in
      speed. Do not use cached tables if your data set is relatively small. In
      an application with some small tables and some large ones, it is better
      to use the default, MEMORY mode for the small tables.</p>
<p>TEXT tables use a CSV (Comma Separated Value) or other delimited
      text file as the source of their data. You can specify an existing CSV
      file, such as a dump from another database or program, as the source of
      a TEXT table. Alternatively, you can specify an empty file to be filled
      with data by the database engine. TEXT tables are efficient in memory
      usage as they cache only part of the text data and all of the indexes.
      The Text table data source can always be reassigned to a different file
      if necessary. The commands are needed to set up a TEXT table as detailed
      in the <a class="link" href="texttables-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;5.&nbsp;Text Tables">Text Tables</a> chapter.</p>
<p>With all-in-memory databases, both MEMORY table and CACHED table
      declarations are treated as declarations for non-persistent memory
      tables. In the latest versions of HyperSQL, TEXT table declarations are
      allowed in all-in-memory databases.</p>
<p>The default type of tables resulting from future CREATE TABLE
      statements can be specified with the SQL command:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> SET DATABASE DEFAULT TABLE TYPE { CACHED | MEMORY };</pre>
      type of an existing table can be changed with the SQL command:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> SET TABLE &lt;table name&gt; TYPE { CACHED | MEMORY };</pre>
      statements access different types of tables uniformly. No change to
      statements is needed to access different types of table.</p>
<div class="section" title="Short Guide to Data Types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_data_type_guide"></a>Short Guide to Data Types</h2>
<p>Most other RDBMS do not conform to the SQL Standard in all areas,
    but they are gradually moving towards Standard conformance. When switching
    from another SQL dialect, the following should be considered:</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>Numeric types TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER and BIGINT are types
        with fixed binary precision. These types are more efficient to store
        and retrieve. NUMERIC and DECIMAL are types with user-defined decimal
        precision. They can be used with zero scale to store very large
        integers, or with a non-zero scale to store decimal fractions. The
        DOUBLE type is a 64 bit, approximate floating point types. HyperSQL
        even allows you to store infinity in this type.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The BOOLEAN type is for logical values and can hold TRUE, FALSE
        or UNKNOWN. Although HyperSQL allows you to use one and zero in
        assignment or comparison, you should use the standard values for this
<li class="listitem">
<p>Character string types are CHAR(L), VARCHAR(L) and CLOB. CHAR is
        for fixed width strings and any string that is assigned to this type
        is padded with spaces at the end. Do not use this type for general
        storage of strings. If you use CHAR without the length L, then it is
        interpreted as a single character string. Use VARCHAR(L) for general
        strings. There are only memory limits and performance implications for
        the maximum length of VARCHAR(L). If the strings are larger than a few
        kilobytes, consider using CLOB. The CLOB types is for very large
        strings. Do not use this type for short strings as there are
        performance implications. The CLOB type is a better choice for the
        storage of long strings. By default LONGVARCHAR is a synonym for a
        long VARCHAR and can be used without specifying the size. You can set
        LONGVARCHAR to map to CLOB, with the
        <code class="literal">sql.longvar_is_lob</code> connection property or the SET
        DATABASE SQL LONGVAR IS LOB TRUE statement.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>Binary string types are BINARY(L), VARBINARY(L) and BLOB. Do not
        use BINARY(L) unless you are storing keys such as UUID. This type pads
        short binary strings with zero bytes. BINARY without the length L
        means a single byte. Use VARBINARY(L) for general binary strings, and
        BLOB for large binary objects. You should apply the same
        considerations as with the character string types. By default
        LONGVARBINARY is a synonym for a long VARCHAR and can be used without
        specifying the size. You can set LONGVARBINARY to map to BLOB, with
        the <code class="literal">sql.longvar_is_lob</code> connection property or the
<li class="listitem">
<p>The BIT(L) and BITVARYING(L) types are for bit maps. Do not use
        them for other types of data. BIT without the length L argument means
        a single bit and is sometimes used as a logical type. Use BOOLEAN
        instead of this type.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The UUID type is for UUID (also called GUID) values. The value
        is stored as BINARY. UUID character strings, as well as BINARY
        strings, can be used to insert or to compare.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The datetime types DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP, together with their
        WITH TIME ZONE variations are available. Read the details in this
        chapter on how to use these types.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The INTERVAL type is very powerful when used together with the
        datetime types. This is very easy to use, but is supported mainly by
        "big iron" database systems. Note that functions that add days or
        months to datetime values are not really a substitute for the INTERVAL
        type. Expressions such as <code class="literal">(datecol - 7 DAY) &gt;
        CURRENT_DATE</code> are optimised to use indexes when it is
        possible, while the equivalent function calls are not
<li class="listitem">
<p>The OTHER type is for storage of Java objects. If your objects
        are large, serialize them in your application and store them as BLOB
        in the database.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The ARRAY type supports all base types except LOB and OTHER
        types. ARRAY data objects are held in memory while being processed. It
        is therefore not recommended to store more than about a thousand
        objects in an ARRAY in normal operations with disk based databases.
        For specialised applications, use ARRAY with as many elements as your
        memory allocation can support.</p>
<p>HyperSQL 2.3 has several compatibility modes which allow the type
    names that are used by other RDBMS to be accepted and translated into the
    closest SQL Standard type. For example the type TEXT, supported by MySQL
    and PostgreSQL is translated in these compatibility modes.</p>
<div class="section" title="Data Types and Operations">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_types_ops"></a>Data Types and Operations</h2>
<p>HyperSQL supports all the types defined by SQL-92, plus BOOLEAN,
    BINARY and LOB types that were later added to the SQL Standard. It also
    supports the non-standard OTHER type to store serializable Java
<p>SQL is a strongly typed language. All data stored in specific
    columns of tables and other objects (such as sequence generators) have
    specific types. Each data item conforms to the type limits such as
    precision and scale for the column. It also conforms to any additional
    integrity constraints that are defined as CHECK constraints in domains or
    tables. Types can be explicitly converted using the CAST expression, but
    in most expressions they are converted automatically.</p>
<p>Data is returned to the user (or the application program) as a
    result of executing SQL statements such as query expressions or function
    calls. All statements are compiled prior to execution and the return type
    of the data is known after compilation and before execution. Therefore,
    once a statement is prepared, the data type of each column of the returned
    result is known, including any precision or scale property. The type does
    not change when the same query that returned one row, returns many rows as
    a result of adding more data to the tables.</p>
<p>Some SQL functions used within SQL statements are polymorphic, but
    the exact type of the argument and the return value is determined at
    compile time.</p>
<p>When a statement is prepared, using a JDBC PreparedStatement object,
    it is compiled by the engine and the type of the columns of its ResultSet
    and / or its parameters are accessible through the methods of
<div class="section" title="Numeric Types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_numeric_types"></a>Numeric Types</h3>
<a name="N10421" class="indexterm"></a>
      decimal point) are the supported integral types. They correspond
      respectively to <code class="classname">byte</code>,
      <code class="classname">short</code>, <code class="classname">int</code>,
      <code class="classname">long</code>, <code class="classname">BigDecimal</code> and
      <code class="classname">BigDecimal</code> Java types in the range of values that
      they can represent (NUMERIC and DECIMAL are equivalent). The type
      TINYINT is an HSQLDB extension to the SQL Standard, while the others
      conform to the Standard definition. The SQL type dictates the maximum
      and minimum values that can be held in a field of each type. For example
      the value range for TINYINT is -128 to +127. The bit precision of
      TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER and BIGINT is respectively 8, 16, 32 and 64.
      For NUMERIC and DECIMAL, decimal precision is used.</p>
<p>DECIMAL and NUMERIC with decimal fractions are mapped to
      <code class="classname">java.math.BigDecimal</code> and can have very large
      numbers of digits. In HyperSQL the two types are equivalent. These
      types, together with integral types, are called exact numeric
<p>In HyperSQL, REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE are equivalent and all mapped to
      <code class="classname">double</code> in Java. These types are defined by the
      SQL Standard as approximate numeric types. The bit-precision of all
      these types is 64 bits.</p>
<p>The decimal precision and scale of NUMERIC and DECIMAL types can
      be optionally defined. For example, DECIMAL(10,2) means maximum total
      number of digits is 10 and there are always 2 digits after the decimal
      point, while DECIMAL(10) means 10 digits without a decimal point. The
      bit-precision of FLOAT can be defined but it is ignored and the default
      bit-precision of 64 is used. The default precision of NUMERIC and
      DECIMAL (when not defined) is 100.</p>
<p>Note: If a database has been set to ignore type precision limits
      with the SET DATABASE SQL SIZE FALSE command, then a type definition of
      DECIMAL with no precision and scale is treated as DECIMAL(100,10). In
      normal operation, it is treated as DECIMAL(100).</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Integral Types</strong></span>
      DECIMAL (without a decimal point) can be freely combined and no data
      narrowing takes place. The resulting value is of a type that can support
      all possible values.</p>
<p>If the SELECT statement refers to a simple column or function,
      then the return type is the type corresponding to the column or the
      return type of the function. For example:</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE TABLE t(a INTEGER, b BIGINT);
 SELECT MAX(a), MAX(b) FROM t;</pre>
<p>will return a <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> where the type of
      the first column is <code class="classname">java.lang.Integer</code> and the
      second column is <code class="classname">java.lang.Long</code>. However,</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT MAX(a) + 1, MAX(b) + 1 FROM t;</pre>
<p>will return <code class="classname">java.lang.Long</code> and
      <code class="classname">BigDecimal</code> values, generated as a result of
      uniform type promotion for all the return values. Note that type
      promotion to <code class="classname">BigDecimal</code> ensures the correct value
      is returned if <code class="literal">MAX(b)</code> evaluates to
      <code class="literal">Long.MAX_VALUE</code>.</p>
<p>There is no built-in limit on the size of intermediate integral
      values in expressions. As a result, you should check for the type of the
      <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> column and choose an appropriate
      <code class="methodname">getXXXX()</code> method to retrieve it. Alternatively,
      you can use the <code class="methodname">getObject()</code> method, then cast
      the result to <code class="classname">java.lang.Number</code> and use the
      <code class="methodname">intValue()</code> or
      <code class="methodname">longValue()</code> methods on the result.</p>
<p>When the result of an expression is stored in a column of a
      database table, it has to fit in the target column, otherwise an error
      is returned. For example when <code class="literal">1234567890123456789012 /
      12345687901234567890</code> is evaluated, the result can be stored in
      any integral type column, even a TINYINT column, as it is a small
<p>In SQL Statements, an integer literal is treated as INTEGER,
      unless its value does not fit. In this case it is treated as BIGINT or
      DECIMAL, depending on the value.</p>
<p>Depending on the types of the operands, the result of the
      operation is returned in a JDBC <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> in any
      of the related Java types: <code class="classname">Integer</code>,
      <code class="classname">Long</code> or <code class="classname">BigDecimal</code>. The
      <code class="methodname">ResultSet.getXXXX()</code> methods can be used to
      retrieve the values so long as the returned value can be represented by
      the resulting type. This type is deterministically based on the query,
      not on the actual rows returned.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Other Numeric Types</strong></span>
<p>In SQL statements, number literals with a decimal point are
      treated as DECIMAL unless they are written with an exponent. Thus
      <code class="literal">0.2</code> is considered a DECIMAL value but
      <code class="literal">0.2E0</code> is considered a DOUBLE value.</p>
<p>When an approximate numeric type, REAL, FLOAT or DOUBLE (all
      synonymous) is part of an expression involving different numeric types,
      the type of the result is DOUBLE. DECIMAL values can be converted to
      DOUBLE unless they are beyond the <code class="literal">Double.MIN_VALUE -
      Double.MAX_VALUE</code> range. For example, A * B, A / B, A + B, etc.
      will return a DOUBLE value if either A or B is a DOUBLE.</p>
<p>Otherwise, when no DOUBLE value exists, if a DECIMAL or NUMERIC
      value is part an expression, the type of the result is DECIMAL or
      NUMERIC. Similar to integral values, when the result of an expression is
      assigned to a table column, the value has to fit in the target column,
      otherwise an error is returned. This means a small, 4 digit value of
      DECIMAL type can be assigned to a column of SMALLINT or INTEGER, but a
      value with 15 digits cannot.</p>
<p>When a DECIMAL value is multiplied by a DECIMAL or integral type,
      the resulting scale is the sum of the scales of the two terms. When they
      are divided, the result is a value with a scale (number of digits to the
      right of the decimal point) equal to the larger of the scales of the two
      terms. The precision for both operations is calculated (usually
      increased) to allow all possible results.</p>
<p>The distinction between DOUBLE and DECIMAL is important when a
      division takes place. For example, <code class="literal">10.0/8.0</code> (DECIMAL)
      equals <code class="literal">1.2</code> but <code class="literal">10.0E0/8.0E0</code>
      (DOUBLE) equals <code class="literal">1.25</code>. Without division operations,
      DECIMAL values represent exact arithmetic.</p>
<p>REAL, FLOAT and DOUBLE values are all stored in the database as
      <code class="classname">java.lang.Double</code> objects. Special values such as
      NaN and +-Infinity are also stored and supported. These values can be
      submitted to the database via JDBC
      <code class="classname">PreparedStatement</code> methods and are returned in
      <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> objects. In order to allow division by
      zero of DOUBLE values in SQL statements (which returns NaN or
      +-Infinity) you should set the property hsqldb.double_nan as false (SET
      DATABASE SQL DOUBLE NAN FALSE). The double values can be retrieved from
      a <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> in the required type so long as they
      can be represented. For setting the values, when
      <code class="methodname">PreparedStatement.setDouble()</code> or
      <code class="methodname">setFloat()</code> is used, the value is treated as a
      DOUBLE automatically.</p>
<p>In short,</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;numeric type&gt; ::= &lt;exact numeric type&gt; |
      &lt;approximate numeric type&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;exact numeric type&gt; ::= NUMERIC [ &lt;left
      paren&gt; &lt;precision&gt; [ &lt;comma&gt; &lt;scale&gt; ] &lt;right
      paren&gt; ] | { DECIMAL | DEC } [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;precision&gt; [
      &lt;comma&gt; &lt;scale&gt; ] &lt;right paren&gt; ] | SMALLINT | INTEGER
      | INT | BIGINT</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;approximate numeric type&gt; ::= FLOAT [ &lt;left
      paren&gt; &lt;precision&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] | REAL | DOUBLE
<code class="literal">&lt;precision&gt; ::= &lt;unsigned
<code class="literal">&lt;scale&gt; ::= &lt;unsigned
<div class="section" title="Boolean Type">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_boolean_type"></a>Boolean Type</h3>
<a name="N104EA" class="indexterm"></a>
<p>The BOOLEAN type conforms to the SQL Standard and represents the
      values <code class="literal">TRUE</code>, <code class="literal">FALSE</code> and
      <code class="literal">UNKNOWN</code>. This type of column can be initialised with
      Java boolean values, or with <code class="literal">NULL</code> for the
      <code class="literal">UNKNOWN</code> value.</p>
<p>The three-value logic is sometimes misunderstood. For example, x
      IN (1, 2, NULL) does not return true if x is NULL.</p>
<p>In previous versions of HyperSQL, BIT was simply an alias for
      BOOLEAN. In version 2, BIT is a single-bit bit map.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;boolean type&gt; ::= BOOLEAN</code>
<p>The SQL Standard does not support type conversion to BOOLEAN apart
      from character strings that consists of boolean literals. Because the
      BOOLEAN type is relatively new to the Standard, several database
      products used other types to represent boolean values. For improved
      compatibility, HyperSQL allows some type conversions to boolean.</p>
<p>Values of BIT and BIT VARYING types with length 1 can be converted
      to BOOLEAN. If the bit is set, the result of conversion is the TRUE
      value, otherwise it is FALSE.</p>
<p>Values of TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER and BIGINT types can be
      converted to BOOLEAN. If the value is zero, the result is the FALSE
      value, otherwise it is TRUE.</p>
<div class="section" title="Character String Types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_char_types"></a>Character String Types</h3>
<a name="N10511" class="indexterm"></a>
      Standard character string types. CHAR, VARCHAR and CHARACTER LARGE
      OBJECT are synonyms for these types. HyperSQL also supports LONGVARCHAR
      as a synonym for VARCHAR. If LONGVARCHAR is used without a length, then
      a length of 16M is assigned. You can set LONGVARCHAR to map to CLOB,
      with the <code class="literal">sql.longvar_is_lob</code> connection property or
      the SET DATABASE SQL LONGVAR IS LOB TRUE statement..</p>
<p>HyperSQL's default character set is Unicode, therefore all
      possible character strings can be represented by these types.</p>
<p>The SQL Standard behaviour of the CHARACTER type is a remnant of
      legacy systems in which character strings are padded with spaces to fill
      a fixed width. These spaces are sometimes significant while in other
      cases they are silently discarded. It would be best to avoid the
      CHARACTER type altogether. With the rest of the types, the strings are
      not padded when assigned to columns or variables of the given type. The
      trailing spaces are still considered discardable for all character
      types. Therefore if a string with trailing spaces is too long to assign
      to a column or variable of a given length, the spaces beyond the type
      length are discarded and the assignment succeeds (provided all the
      characters beyond the type length are spaces).</p>
<p>The VARCHAR and CLOB types have length limits, but the strings are
      not padded by the system. Note that if you use a large length for a
      VARCHAR or CLOB type, no extra space is used in the database. The space
      used for each stored item is proportional to its actual length.</p>
<p>If CHARACTER is used without specifying the length, the length
      defaults to 1. For the CLOB type, the length limit can be defined in
      units of kilobyte (K, 1024), megabyte (M, 1024 * 1024) or gigabyte (G,
      1024 * 1024 * 1024), using the <code class="literal">&lt;multiplier&gt;</code>. If
      CLOB is used without specifying the length, the length defaults to
<code class="literal">&lt;character string type&gt; ::= { CHARACTER | CHAR }
      [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;character length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] | {
      CHARACTER VARYING | CHAR VARYING | VARCHAR } &lt;left paren&gt;
      &lt;character length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; | LONGVARCHAR [ &lt;left
      paren&gt; &lt;character length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] | &lt;character
      large object type&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;character large object type&gt; ::= { CHARACTER
      LARGE OBJECT | CHAR LARGE OBJECT | CLOB } [ &lt;left paren&gt;
      &lt;character large object length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt;
<code class="literal">&lt;character length&gt; ::= &lt;unsigned integer&gt;
      [ &lt;char length units&gt; ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;large object length&gt; ::= &lt;length&gt; [
      &lt;multiplier&gt; ] | &lt;large object length
<code class="literal">&lt;character large object length&gt; ::= &lt;large
      object length&gt; [ &lt;char length units&gt; ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;large object length token&gt; ::= &lt;digit&gt;...
<code class="literal">&lt;multiplier&gt; ::= K | M | G </code>
<code class="literal">&lt;char length units&gt; ::= CHARACTERS |
<p>Each character type has a collation. This is either a default
      collation or stated explicitly with the COLLATE clause. Collations are
      discussed in the <a class="link" href="databaseobjects-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;4.&nbsp;Schemas and Database Objects">Schemas and Database Objects</a> chapter.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CHAR(10)
<div class="section" title="Binary String Types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_binary_types"></a>Binary String Types</h3>
<a name="N1054B" class="indexterm"></a>
<p>The BINARY, BINARY VARYING and BLOB types are the SQL Standard
      binary string types. VARBINARY and BINARY LARGE OBJECT are synonyms for
      BINARY VARYING and BLOB types. HyperSQL also supports LONGVARBINARY as a
      synonym for VARBINARY. You can set LONGVARBINARY to map to BLOB, with
      the <code class="literal">sql.longvar_is_lob</code> connection property or the SET
<p>Binary string types are used in a similar way to character string
      types. There are several built-in functions that are overloaded to
      support character, binary and bit strings.</p>
<p>The BINARY type represents a fixed width-string. Each shorter
      string is padded with zeros to fill the fixed width. Similar to the
      CHARACTER type, the trailing zeros in the BINARY string are simply
      discarded in some operations. For the same reason, it is best to avoid
      this particular type and use VARBINARY instead.</p>
<p>When two binary values are compared, if one is of BINARY type,
      then zero padding is performed to extend the length of the shorter
      string to the longer one before comparison. No padding is performed with
      other binary types. If the bytes compare equal to the end of the shorter
      value, then the longer string is considered larger than the shorter
<p>If BINARY is used without specifying the length, the length
      defaults to 1. For the BLOB type, the length limit can be defined in
      units of kilobyte (K, 1024), megabyte (M, 1024 * 1024) or gigabyte (G,
      1024 * 1024 * 1024), using the <code class="literal">&lt;multiplier&gt;</code>. If
      BLOB is used without specifying the length, the length defaults to
<p>The UUID type represents a UUID string. The type is similar to
      BINARY(16) but with the extra enforcement that disallows assigning,
      casting or compareing with shorter or longer strings. Strings such as
      '24ff1824-01e8-4dac-8eb3-3fee32ad2b9c' or
      '24ff182401e84dac8eb33fee32ad2b9c' are allowed. When a value of the UUID
      type is converted to a CHARACTER type, the hyphens are inserted in the
      required positions.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;binary string type&gt; ::= BINARY [ &lt;left
      paren&gt; &lt;length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] | { BINARY VARYING |
      VARBINARY } &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; |
      LONGVARBINARY [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ]
      | UUID | &lt;binary large object string type&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;binary large object string type&gt; ::= { BINARY
      LARGE OBJECT | BLOB } [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;large object length&gt;
      &lt;right paren&gt; ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;length&gt; ::= &lt;unsigned
<pre class="programlisting"> BINARY(10)
<div class="section" title="Bit String Types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_bit_types"></a>Bit String Types</h3>
<a name="N10571" class="indexterm"></a>
<p>The BIT and BIT VARYING types are the supported bit string types.
      These types were defined by SQL:1999 but were later removed from the
      Standard. Bit types represent bit maps of given lengths. Each bit is 0
      or 1. The BIT type represents a fixed width-string. Each shorter string
      is padded with zeros to fill the fixed with. If BIT is used without
      specifying the length, the length defaults to 1. The BIT VARYING type
      has a maximum width and shorter strings are not padded.</p>
<p>Before the introduction of the BOOLEAN type to the SQL Standard, a
      single-bit string of the type BIT(1) was commonly used. For
      compatibility with other products that do not conform to, or extend, the
      SQL Standard, HyperSQL allows values of BIT and BIT VARYING types with
      length 1 to be converted to and from the BOOLEAN type. BOOLEAN TRUE is
      considered equal to B'1', BOOLEAN FALSE is considered equal to
<p>For the same reason, numeric values can be assigned to columns and
      variables of the type BIT(1). For assignment, the numeric value zero is
      converted to B'0', while all other values are converted to B'1'. For
      comparison, numeric values 1 is considered equal to B'1' and numeric
      value zero is considered equal to B'0'.</p>
<p>It is not allowed to perform other arithmetic or boolean
      operations involving BIT(1) and BIT VARYING(1). The kid of operations
      allowed on bit strings are analogous to those allowed on BINARY and
      CHARACTER strings. Several built-in functions support all three types of
<code class="literal">&lt;bit string type&gt; ::= BIT [ &lt;left paren&gt;
      &lt;length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] | BIT VARYING &lt;left paren&gt;
      &lt;length&gt; &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<pre class="programlisting"> BIT
<div class="section" title="Lob Data">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_lob_data"></a>Lob Data</h3>
<p>BLOB and CLOB are lob types. These types are used for very long
      strings that do not necessarily fit in memory. Small lobs that fit in
      memory can be accessed just like BINARY or VARCHAR column data. But lobs
      are usually much larger and therefore accessed with special JDBC
<p>To insert a lob into a table, or to update a column of lob type
      with a new lob, you can use the <code class="literal">setBinaryStream()</code> and
      <code class="literal">setCharacterStream()</code> methods of JDBC
      <code class="literal">java.sql.PreparedStatement</code>. These are very efficient
      methods for long lobs. Other methods are also supported. If the data for
      the BLOB or CLOB is already a memory object, you can use the
      <code class="literal">setBytes()</code> or <code class="literal">setString()</code> methods,
      which are efficient for memory data. Another method is to obtain a lob
      with the <code class="literal">getBlob()</code> and <code class="literal">getClob()</code>
      methods of <code class="literal">java.sql.Connection</code>, populate its data,
      then use the <code class="literal">setBlob()</code> or
      <code class="literal">setClob()</code> methods of
      <code class="literal">PreparedStatement</code>. Yet another method allows to
      create instances of <code class="literal">org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCBlobFile</code> and
      <code class="literal">org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCClobFile</code> and construct a large
      lob for use with <code class="literal">setBlob()</code> and
      <code class="literal">setClob()</code> methods.</p>
<p>A lob is retrieved from a ResultSet with the
      <code class="literal">getBlob()</code> or <code class="literal">getClob()</code> method. The
      steaming methods of the lob objects are then used to access the data.
      HyperSQL also allows efficient access to chunks of lobs with
      <code class="literal">getBytes()</code> or <code class="literal">getString()</code> methods.
      Furthermore, parts of a BLOB or CLOB already stored in a table can be
      modified. An updatable <code class="literal">ResultSet</code> is used to select
      the row from the table. The <code class="literal">getBlob()</code> or
      <code class="literal">getClob()</code> methods of <code class="literal">ResultSet</code> are
      used to access the lob as a <code class="literal">java.sql.Blob</code> or
      <code class="literal">java.sql.Clob</code> object. The
      <code class="literal">setBytes()</code> and <code class="literal">setString()</code> methods
      of these objects can be used to modify the lob. Finally the
      <code class="literal">updateRow()</code> method of the
      <code class="literal">ResultSet</code> is used to update the lob in the row. Note
      these modifications are not allowed with compressed or encrypted
<p>Lobs are logically stored in columns of tables. Their physical
      storage is a separate *.lobs file. This file is created as soon as a
      BLOB or CLOB is inserted into the database. The file will grow as new
      lobs are inserted into the database. In version 2, the *.lobs file is
      never deleted even if all lobs are deleted from the database. In this
      case you can delete the *.lobs file after a SHUTDOWN. When a CHECKPOINT
      happens, the space used for deleted lobs is freed and is reused for
      future lobs. By default, clobs are stored without compression. You can
      use a database setting to enable compression of clobs. This can
      significantly reduce the storage size of clobs.</p>
<div class="section" title="Storage and Handling of Java Objects">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_java_objects"></a>Storage and Handling of Java Objects</h3>
<a name="N105EA" class="indexterm"></a>
<p>From version 2.3.4 there are two options for storing Java
<p>The default option allows storing Serializable object. The objects
      remain serialized inside the database until they are retrieved. The
      application program that retrieves the object must include in its
      classpath the Java Class for the object, otherwise it cannot retrieve
      the object.</p>
<p>Any serializable Java Object can be inserted directly into a
      column of type OTHER using any variation of
      <code class="methodname">PreparedStatement.setObject()</code> methods.</p>
<p>The alternative Live Object option is for <code class="literal">mem:</code>
      databases only and is enabled when the database property
      sql.live_object=true is appended to the connection property that creates
      the mem database. For example
      <code class="literal">'jdbc:hsqldb:mem:mydb;sql.live_object=true'</code>. With
      this option, any Java object can be stored as it is not serialized. The
      SQL statement <code class="literal">SET DATABASE SQL LIVE OBJECT TRUE</code> can
      be also used. Note the SQL statement must be executed on the first
      connection to the database before any data is inserted. No data access
      should be made from this connection. Instead, new connections should be
      used for data access.</p>
<p>For comparison purposes and in indexes, any two Java Objects are
      considered equal unless one of them is NULL. You cannot search for a
      specific object or perform a join on a column of type OTHER.</p>
<p>Java Objects can simply be stored internally and no operations can
      be performed on them other than assignment between columns of type OTHER
      or checking for NULL. Tests such as <code class="literal">WHERE object1 = object2
      </code>do not mean what you might expect, as any non-null object
      would satisfy such a tests. But <code class="literal">WHERE object1 IS NOT
      NULL</code> is perfectly acceptable.</p>
<p>The engine does not allow normal column values to be assigned to
      Java Object columns (for example, assigning an INTEGER or STRING to such
      a column with an SQL statement such as <code class="literal">UPDATE mytable SET
      objectcol = intcol WHERE ...</code>).</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;java object type&gt; ::= OTHER</code>
<p>The default method of storage is used when the objects and their
      state needs to be saved and retrieved in the future. This method is also
      used when memory resources are limited and collections of objects are
      stored and retrieved only when needed.</p>
<p>The Live Object option uses the database table as a collection of
      objects. This allows storing some attributes of the objects in the same
      table alongside the object itself and fast search and retrieval of
      objects on their attributes. For example when many thousands of live
      objects contain details of films, The film title and the director can be
      stored in the table and searches can be performed for films on these
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting">CREATE TABLE movies (director VARCHAR(30), title VARCHAR(40), obj OTHER)
SELECT obj FROM movies WHERE director LIKE 'Luc%'
<p>In any case, at least one attribute of the object should be
        stored to allow efficient retrieval of the objects from both Live
        Object and Serialized storage. Often an id number is used a the
<div class="section" title="Type Length, Precision and Scale">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_length_precision"></a>Type Length, Precision and Scale</h3>
<p>In older version of HyperSQL, all table column type definitions
      with a column length, precision or scale qualifier were accepted and
      ignored. HSQLDB 1.8 enforced correctness but included an option to
      enforce the length, precision or scale.</p>
<p>In HyperSQL 2, length, precision and scale qualifiers are always
      enforced. For backward compatibility, when older databases which had the
      property hsqldb.enforce_strict_size=false are converted to version 2,
      this property is retained. However, this is a temporary measure. You
      should test your application to ensure the length, precision and scale
      that is used for column definitions is appropriate for the application
      data. You can test with the default database setting, which enforces the
<p>String types, including all BIT, BINARY and CHAR string types plus
      CLOB and BLOB, are generally defined with a length. If no length is
      specified for BIT, BINARY and CHAR, the default length is 1. For CLOB
      and BLOB an implementation defined length of 1M is used.</p>
<p>TIME and TIMESTAMP types can be defined with a fractional second
      precision between 0 and 9. INTERVAL type definition may have precision
      and, in some cases, fraction second precision. DECIMAL and NUMERIC types
      may be defined with precision and scale. For all of these types a
      default precision or scale value is used if one is not specified. The
      default scale is 0. The default fractional precision for TIME is 0,
      while it is 6 for TIMESTAMP.</p>
<p>Values can be converted from one type to another in two different
      ways: by using explicit CAST expression or by implicit conversion used
      in assignment, comparison and aggregation.</p>
<p>String values cannot be assigned to VARCHAR columns if they are
      longer than the defined type length. For CHARACTER columns, a long
      string can be assigned (with truncation) only if all the characters
      after the length are spaces. Shorter strings are padded with the space
      character when inserted into a CHARACTER column. Similar rules are
      applied to VARBINARY and BINARY columns. For BINARY columns, the padding
      and truncation rules are applied with zero bytes, instead of
<p>Explicit CAST of a value to a CHARACTER or VARCHAR type will
      result in forced truncation or padding. So a test such as <code class="literal">CAST
      (mycol AS VARCHAR(2)) = 'xy'</code> will find the values beginning
      with 'xy'. This is the equivalent of <code class="literal">SUBSTRING(mycol FROM 1 FOR
      2)= 'xy'</code>.</p>
<p>For all numeric types, the rules of explicit cast and implicit
      conversion are the same. If cast or conversion causes any digits to be
      lost from the fractional part, it can take place. If the non-fractional
      part of the value cannot be represented in the new type, cast or
      conversion cannot take place and will result in a data exception.</p>
<p>There are special rules for DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL
      casts and conversions.</p>
<div class="section" title="Datetime types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_datetime_types"></a>Datetime types</h2>
<p>HSQLDB fully supports datetime and interval types and operations,
    including all relevant optional features, as specified by the SQL Standard
    since SQL-92. The two groups of types are complementary.</p>
<a name="N10641" class="indexterm"></a>
<p>The DATE type represents a calendar date with YEAR, MONTH and DAY
<p>The TIME type represents time of day with HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND
    fields, plus an optional SECOND FRACTION field.</p>
<p>The TIMESTAMP type represents the combination of DATE and TIME
    ZONE (the default) qualifiers. They can have fractional second parts. For
    example, TIME(6) has six fractional digits for the second field.</p>
<p>If fractional second precision is not specified, it defaults to 0
    for TIME and to 6 for TIMESTAMP.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;datetime type&gt; ::= DATE | TIME [ &lt;left
    paren&gt; &lt;time precision&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] [ &lt;with or
    without time zone&gt; ] | TIMESTAMP [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;timestamp
    precision&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] [ &lt;with or without time zone&gt;
<code class="literal">&lt;with or without time zone&gt; ::= WITH TIME ZONE |
<code class="literal">&lt;time precision&gt; ::= &lt;time fractional seconds
<code class="literal">&lt;timestamp precision&gt; ::= &lt;time fractional
    seconds precision&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;time fractional seconds precision&gt; ::=
    &lt;unsigned integer&gt;</code>
<pre class="programlisting"> DATE
<p>TIME or TIMESTAMP literals containing a zone displacement value are
    WITH TIME ZONE. Examples of the string literals used to represent date
    time values, some with time zone, some without, are below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> DATE '2008-08-22'
 TIMESTAMP '2008-08-08 20:08:08'
 TIMESTAMP '2008-08-08 20:08:08+8:00' /* Beijing */
 TIME '20:08:08.034900'
 TIME '20:08:08.034900-8:00' /* US Pacific */</pre>
<a name="N10665" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>Time Zone</strong></span>
<p>DATE values do not take time zones. For example United Nations
    designates 5 June as World Environment Day, which was observed on DATE
    '2008-06-05' in different time zones.</p>
<p>TIME and TIMESTAMP values without time zone, usually have a context
    that indicates some local time zone. For example, a database for college
    course timetables usually stores class dates and times without time zones.
    This works because the location of the college is fixed and the time zone
    displacement is the same for all the values. Even when the events take
    place in different time zones, for example international flight times, it
    is possible to store all the datetime information as references to a
    single time zone, usually GMT. For some databases it may be useful to
    store the time zone displacement together with each datetime value. SQL&rsquo;s
    TIME WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values include a time
    zone displacement value.</p>
<p>The time zone displacement is of the type INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE.
    This data type is described in the next section. The legal values are
    between '&ndash;18:00' and &nbsp; '+18:00'.</p>
<a name="N10674" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>Operations on Datetime
<p>The expression <code class="literal">&lt;datetime expression&gt; AT TIME ZONE
    &lt;time displacement&gt;</code> evaluates to a datetime value
    representing exactly the same point of time in the specified
    <code class="literal">&lt;time displacement&gt;</code>. The expression, <code class="literal">AT
    LOCAL</code> is equivalent to <code class="literal">AT TIME ZONE &lt;local time
    displacement&gt;</code>. If <code class="literal">AT TIME ZONE</code> is used
    with a datetime operand of type WITHOUT TIME ZONE, the operand is first
    converted to a value of type WITH TIME ZONE at the session&rsquo;s time
    displacement, then the specified time zone displacement is set for the
    value. Therefore, in these cases, the final value depends on the time zone
    of the session in which the statement was used.</p>
<p>AT TIME ZONE, modifies the field values of the datetime operand.
    This is done by the following procedure:</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
<li class="listitem">
<p>determine the corresponding datetime at UTC.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>find the datetime value at the given time zone that corresponds
        with the UTC value from step 1.</p>
<p>Example a:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> TIME '12:00:00' AT TIME ZONE INTERVAL '1:00' HOUR TO MINUTE
<p>If the session&rsquo;s time zone displacement is -'8:00', then in step 1,
    TIME '12:00:00' is converted to UTC, which is TIME '20:00:00+0:00'. In
    step 2, this value is expressed as TIME '21:00:00+1:00'.</p>
<p>Example b:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> TIME '12:00:00-5:00' AT TIME ZONE INTERVAL '1:00' HOUR TO MINUTE
<p>Because the operand has a time zone, the result is independent of
    the session &nbsp;time zone displacement. Step 1 results in TIME
    '17:00:00+0:00', and step 2 results in TIME '18:00:00+1:00'</p>
<p>Note that the operand is not limited to datetime literals used in
    these examples. Any valid expression that evaluates to a datetime value
    can be the operand.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Type Conversion</strong></span>
<p>CAST is used for all other conversions. Examples:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CAST (&lt;value&gt; AS TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE)
 CAST (&lt;value&gt; AS TIME WITH TIME ZONE)</pre>
<p>In the first example, if <code class="literal">&lt;value&gt;</code> has a time
    zone component, it is simply dropped. For example TIME '12:00:00-5:00' is
    converted to TIME '12:00:00'</p>
<p>In the second example, if <code class="literal">&lt;value&gt;</code> has no
    time zone component, the current time zone displacement of the session is
    added. For example TIME '12:00:00' is converted to TIME '12:00:00-8:00'
    when the session time zone displacement is '-8:00'.</p>
<p>Conversion between DATE and TIMESTAMP is performed by removing the
    TIME component of a TIMESTAMP value or by setting the hour, minute and
    second fields to zero. TIMESTAMP '2008-08-08 20:08:08+8:00' becomes DATE
    '2008-08-08', while DATE '2008-08-22' becomes TIMESTAMP '2008-08-22
<p>Conversion between TIME and TIMESTAMP is performed by removing the
    DATE field values of a TIMESTAMP value or by appending the fields of the
    TIME value to the fields of the current session date value.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Assignment</strong></span>
<p>When a value is assigned to a datetime target, e.g., a value is used
    to update a row of a table, the type of the value must be the same as the
    target, but the WITH TIME ZONE or WITHOUT TIME ZONE characteristics can be
    different. If the types are not the same, an explicit CAST must be used to
    convert the value into the target type.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Comparison</strong></span>
<p>When values WITH TIME ZONE are compared, they are converted to UTC
    values before comparison. If a value WITH TIME ZONE is compared to another
    WITHOUT TIME ZONE, then the WITH TIME ZONE value is converted to AT LOCAL,
    then converted to WITHOUT TIME ZONE before comparison.</p>
<p>It is not recommended to design applications that rely on
    comparisons and conversions between TIME values WITH TIME ZONE. The
    conversions may involve normalisation of the time value, resulting in
    unexpected results. For example, the expression: BETWEEN(TIME
    '12:00:00-8:00', TIME '22:00:00-8:00') is converted to BETWEEN(TIME
    '20:00:00+0:00', TIME '06:00:00+0:00') when it is evaluated in the UTC
    zone, which is always FALSE.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Functions</strong></span>
<p>Several functions return the current session timestamp in different
    datetime types:</p>
<div class="informaltable">
<table cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;border-top: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; border-left: 0.5pt solid ; border-right: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="">
<p>HyperSQL supports a very extensive range of functions for
    conversion, extraction and manipulation of DATE and TIMESTAMP values. See
    the <a class="link" href="builtinfunctions-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;10.&nbsp;Built In Functions">Built In Functions</a> chapter.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Session Time Zone
<p>When an SQL session is started (with a JDBC connection) the local
    time zone of the client JVM (including any seasonal time adjustments such
    as daylight saving time) is used as the session time zone displacement.
    Note that the SQL session time displacement is not changed when a seasonal
    time adjustment takes place while the session is open. To change the SQL
    session time zone displacement use the following commands:</p>
<code class="literal">SET TIME ZONE &lt;time
<code class="literal">SET TIME ZONE LOCAL</code>
<p>The first command sets the displacement to the given value. The
    second command restores the original, real time zone displacement of the
<span class="bold"><strong>Datetime Values and
<p>When datetime values are sent to the database using the
    <code class="classname">PreparedStatement</code> or
    <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code> interfaces, the Java object is
    converted to the type of the prepared or callable statement parameter.
    This type may be DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP (with or without time zone). The
    time zone displacement is the time zone of the JDBC session.</p>
<p>When datetime values are retrieved from the database using the
    <code class="literal">ResultSet</code> interface, there are two representations. The
    <code class="methodname">getString(&hellip;)</code> methods of the
    <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> interface, return an exact representation
    of the value in the SQL type as it is stored in the database. This
    includes the correct number of digits for the fractional second field, and
    for values with time zone displacement, the time zone displacement.
    Therefore if TIME '12:00:00' is stored in the database, all users in
    different time zones will get '12:00:00' when they retrieve the value as a
    string. The <code class="methodname">getTime(&hellip;)</code> and
    <code class="methodname">getTimestamp(&hellip;)</code> methods of the
    <code class="classname">ResultSet</code> interface return Java objects that are
    corrected for the session time zone. The UTC millisecond value contained
    the <code class="classname">java.sql.Time</code> or
    <code class="classname">java.sql.Timestamp</code> objects will be adjusted to the
    time zone of the session, therefore the
    <code class="methodname">toString()</code> method of these objects return the
    same values in different time zones.</p>
<p>If you want to store and retrieve UTC values that are independent of
    any session's time zone, you can use a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column.
    The <code class="methodname">setTime(...)</code> and
    <code class="methodname">setTimestamp(...)</code> methods of the
    PreparedStatement interface which have a Calendar parameter can be used to
    assign the values. The time zone of the given Calendar argument is used as
    the time zone. Conversely, the <code class="methodname">getTime(...)</code> and
    <code class="methodname">getTimestamp(...)</code> methods of the ResultSet
    interface which have a Calendar parameter can be used with a Calendar
    argument to retrieve the values.</p>
<p>JDBC 4 and JAVA6 has an unfortunate limitation and does not include
    type codes for SQL datetime types that have a TIME ZONE property.
    Therefore, for compatibility with database tools that are limited to the
    JDBC type codes, HyperSQL reports these types by default as datetime types
    without TIME ZONE.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Java 8 Extensions</strong></span>
<p>JAVA 8 introduced new type codes for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and
    TIME WITH TIME ZONE. HSQLDB 2.4.0 and later when compiled with JDK8
    supports this in <code class="classname">ResultSet</code>,
    <code class="classname">PreparedStatement</code> and
    <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code>.</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">getObject(int columnIndex)</code> method
        on a column of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE returns an
        <code class="classname">java.time.OffsetDateTime</code> object. </p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">getObject(int columnIndex)</code> method
        on a column of TIME WITH TIME ZONE returns an
        <code class="classname">java.time.OffsetTime</code> object.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">getObject(int columnIndex, Class
        type)</code> method on any date, time and timestamp supports the
        <code class="classname">java.time</code> package types:
        <code class="classname">LocalDate</code>, <code class="classname">LocalTime</code>,
        <code class="classname">LocalDateTime</code>,
        <code class="classname">OffsetTime</code> and
        <code class="classname">OffsetDateTime</code> as well as
        <code class="classname">java.sql</code> package types,
        <code class="classname">Date</code>, <code class="classname">Time</code> and
        <code class="classname">Timestamp</code>.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">setObject</code> methods also support Java
        objects of the types listed above.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">getObject</code> and
        <code class="methodname">setObject</code> methods with column name parameters
        bahave just like their counterparts with columnIndexe
<span class="bold"><strong>Non-Standard
<p>HyperSQL version 2.3 supports some extensions to the SQL standard
    treatment of datetime and interval types. For example, the Standard
    expression to add a number of days to a date has an explicit INTERVAL
    value but HSQLDB also allows an integer to be used without specifying DAY.
    Examples of some Standard expressions and their non-standard alternatives
    are given below:</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> -- standard forms

 -- non-standard forms
 SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP - atimestampcolumn FROM atable
<p>It is recommended to use the SQL Standard syntax as it is more
    precise and avoids ambiguity.</p>
<div class="section" title="Interval Types">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_interval_typs"></a>Interval Types</h2>
<a name="N107A9" class="indexterm"></a>
<p>Interval types are used to represent differences between date time
    values. The difference between two date time values can be measured in
    seconds or in months. For measurements in months, the units YEAR and MONTH
    are available, while for measurements in seconds, the units DAY, HOUR,
    MINUTE, SECOND are available. The units can be used individually, or as a
    range. An interval type can specify the precision of the most significant
    field and the second fraction digits of the SECOND field (if it has a
    SECOND field). The default precision is 2. The default second precision is
<code class="literal">&lt;interval type&gt; ::= INTERVAL &lt;interval
<code class="literal">&lt;interval qualifier&gt; ::= &lt;start field&gt; TO
    &lt;end field&gt; | &lt;single datetime field&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;start field&gt; ::= &lt;non-second primary datetime
    field&gt; [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;interval leading field precision&gt;
    &lt;right paren&gt; ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;end field&gt; ::= &lt;non-second primary datetime
    field&gt; | SECOND [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;interval fractional seconds
    precision&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;single datetime field&gt; ::= &lt;non-second primary
    datetime field&gt; [ &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;interval leading field
    precision&gt; &lt;right paren&gt; ] | SECOND [ &lt;left paren&gt;
    &lt;interval leading field precision&gt; [ &lt;comma&gt; &lt;interval
    fractional seconds precision&gt; ] &lt;right paren&gt;
<code class="literal">&lt;primary datetime field&gt; ::= &lt;non-second
    primary datetime field&gt; | SECOND</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;non-second primary datetime field&gt; ::= YEAR |
    MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;interval fractional seconds precision&gt; ::=
    &lt;unsigned integer&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;interval leading field precision&gt; ::=
    &lt;unsigned integer&gt;</code>
<p>Examples of INTERVAL type definition:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
<p>The word INTERVAL indicates the general type name. The rest of the
    definition is called an <code class="literal">&lt;interval qualifier&gt;</code>.
    This designation is important, as in most expressions
    <code class="literal">&lt;interval qualifier&gt;</code> is used without the word
<span class="bold"><strong>Interval Values</strong></span>
<p>An interval value can be negative, positive or zero. An interval
    type has all the datetime fields in the specified range. These fields are
    similar to those in the TIMESTAMP type. The differences are as
<p>The first field of an interval value can hold any numeric value up
    to the specified precision. For example, the hour field in HOUR(2) TO
    SECOND can hold values above 23 (up to 99). The year and month fields can
    hold zero (unlike a TIMESTAMP value) and the maximum value of a month
    field that is not the most significant field, is 11.</p>
<p>The standard function <code class="literal">ABS(&lt;interval value
    expression&gt;)</code> can be used to convert a negative interval value
    to a positive one.</p>
<p>The literal representation of interval values consists of the type
    definition, with a string representing the interval value inserted after
    the word INTERVAL. Some examples of interval literal below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> INTERVAL '145 23:12:19.345' DAY(3) TO SECOND(3)
 INTERVAL '3503:12:19.345' HOUR TO SECOND(3) /* equal to the first value */
 INTERVAL '19.345' SECOND(4,3) /* maximum number of digits for the second value is 4, and each value is expressed with three fraction digits. */
<p>Interval values of the types that are based on seconds can be cast
    into one another. Similarly those that are based on months can be cast
    into one another. It is not possible to cast or convert a value based on
    seconds to one based on months, or vice versa.</p>
<p>When a cast is performed to a type with a smaller least-significant
    field, nothing is lost from the interval value. Otherwise, the values for
    the missing least-significant fields are discarded. Examples:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CAST ( INTERVAL '145 23:12:19' DAY TO SECOND AS INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR ) = INTERVAL '145 23' DAY TO HOUR
<p>A numeric value can be cast to an interval type. In this case the
    numeric value is first converted to a single-field INTERVAL type with the
    same field as the least significant field of the target interval type.
    This value is then converted to the target interval type For example CAST(
    22 AS INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH) evaluates to INTERVAL '22' MONTH and then
    INTERVAL '1 10' YEAR TO MONTH. Note that SQL Standard only supports casts
    to single-field INTERVAL types, while HyperSQL allows casting to
    multi-field types as well.</p>
<p>An interval value can be cast to a numeric type. In this case the
    interval value is first converted to a single-field INTERVAL type with the
    same field as the least significant filed of the interval value. The value
    is then converted to the target type. For example CAST (INTERVAL '1-11'
    YEAR TO MONTH AS INT) evaluates to INTERVAL '23' MONTH, and then
<p>An interval value can be cast into a character type, which results
    in an INTERVAL literal. A character value can be cast into an INTERVAL
    type so long as it is a string with a format compatible with an INTERVAL
<p>Two interval values can be added or subtracted so long as the types
    of both are based on the same field, i.e., both are based on MONTH or
    SECOND. The values are both converted to a single-field interval type with
    same field as the least-significant field between the two types. After
    addition or subtraction, the result is converted to an interval type that
    contains all the fields of the two original types.</p>
<p>An interval value can be multiplied or divided by a numeric value.
    Again, the value is converted to a numeric, which is then multiplied or
    divided, before converting back to the original interval type.</p>
<p>An interval value is negated by simply prefixing with the minus
<p>Interval values used in expressions are either typed values,
    including interval literals, or are interval casts. The expression:
    <code class="literal">&lt;expression&gt; &lt;interval qualifier&gt;</code> is a cast
    of the result of the <code class="literal">&lt;expression&gt;</code> into the
    INTERVAL type specified by the <code class="literal">&lt;interval qualifier&gt;. The
    cast can be formed by adding the keywords and parentheses as follows: CAST
    ( &lt;expression&gt; AS INTERVAL &lt;interval qualifier&gt;
<code class="literal">The examples below feature different forms of expression
    that represent an interval value, which is then added to the given date
<pre class="programlisting"> DATE '2000-01-01' + INTERVAL '1-10' YEAR TO MONTH /* interval literal */
 DATE '2000-01-01' + '1-10' YEAR TO MONTH /* the string '1-10' is cast into INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH */
 DATE '2000-01-01' + 22 MONTH /* the integer 22 is cast into INTERVAL MONTH, same value as above */
 DATE '2000-01-01' - 22 DAY /* the integer 22 is cast into INTERVAL DAY */
 DATE '2000-01-01' + COL2 /* the type of COL2 must be an INTERVAL type */
 DATE '2000-01-01' + COL2 MONTH /* COL2 may be a number, it is cast into a MONTH interval */
<span class="bold"><strong>Datetime and Interval
<p>An interval can be added to or subtracted from a datetime value so
    long as they have some fields in common. For example, an INTERVAL MONTH
    cannot be added to a TIME value, while an INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND can. The
    interval is first converted to a numeric value, then the value is added
    to, or subtracted from, the corresponding field of the datetime
<p>If the result of addition or subtraction is beyond the permissible
    range for the field, the field value is normalised and carried over to the
    next significant field until all the fields are normalised. For example,
    adding 20 minutes to TIME '23:50:10' will result successively in
    '23:70:10', '24:10:10' and finally TIME '00:10:10'. Subtracting 20 minutes
    from the result is performed as follows: '00:-10:10', '-1:50:10', finally
    TIME '23:50:10'. Note that if DATE or TIMESTAMP normalisation results in
    the YEAR field value out of the range (1,1000), then an exception
    condition is raised.</p>
<p>If an interval value based on MONTH is added to, or subtracted from
    a DATE or TIMESTAMP value, the result may have an invalid day (30 or 31)
    for the given result month. In this case an exception condition is
<p>The result of subtraction of two datetime expressions is an interval
    value. The two datetime expressions must be of the same type. The type of
    the interval value must be specified in the expression, using only the
    interval field names. The two datetime expressions are enclosed in
    parentheses, followed by the <code class="literal">&lt;interval qualifier&gt;</code>
    fields. In the first example below, COL1 and COL2 are of the same datetime
    type, and the result is evaluated in INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH type.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> (COL1 &ndash; COL2) YEAR TO MONTH /* the difference between two DATE or two TIEMSTAMP values in years and months */
 (CURRENT_DATE &ndash; COL3) DAY /* the number of days between the value of COL3 and the current date */
 (CURRENT_DATE - DATE '2000-01-01') YEAR TO MONTH /* the number of years and months since the beginning of this century */
 CURRENT_DATE - 2 DAY /* the date of the day before yesterday */
 (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - TIMESTAMP '2009-01-01 00:00:00') DAY(4) TO SECOND(2) /* days to seconds since the given date */
<p>The individual fields of both datetime and interval values can be
    extracted using the EXTRACT function. The same function can also be used
    to extract the time zone displacement fields of a datetime value.</p>
<code class="literal">EXTRACT ({YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND |
    {&lt;datetime value&gt; | &lt;interval value&gt;})</code>
<p>The dichotomy between interval types based on seconds, and those
    based on months, stems from the fact that the different calendar months
    have different numbers of days. For example, the expression, &ldquo;nine months
    and nine days since an event&rdquo; is not exact when the date of the event is
    unknown. It can represent a period of around 284 days give or take one.
    SQL interval values are independent of any start or end dates or times.
    However, when they are added to or subtracted from certain date or
    timestamp values, the result may be invalid and cause an exception (e.g.
    adding one month to January 30 results in February 30, which is
<p>JDBC has an unfortunate limitation and does not include type codes
    for SQL INTERVAL types. Therefore, for compatibility with database tools
    that are limited to the JDBC type codes, HyperSQL reports these types by
    default as VARCHAR. You can use the URL property
    <code class="literal">hsqldb.translate_dti_types=false</code> to override the
    default behaviour.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Java 8 Extensions</strong></span>
<p>JAVA 8 does not have a type codes for INTERVAL types. HSQLDB 2.4.0
    and later when compiled with JDK8 supports
    <code class="classname">java.time</code> types for INTERVAL types in
    <code class="classname">ResultSet</code>, <code class="classname">PreparedStatement</code>
    and <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code>.</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">getObject(int columnIndex, Class
        type)</code> method on an INTERVAL supports
        <code class="classname">java.time.Period</code> type for YEAR and MONTH
        interval and <code class="classname">java.time.Duration</code> type for other
        interval types that cover DAY to SECOND.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">setObject(int columnIndex)</code> method
        accepts <code class="classname">java.time.Period</code> and
        <code class="classname">java.time.Duration</code> objects for columns of
        relevant INTERVAL types.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>The <code class="methodname">getObject</code> and
        <code class="methodname">setObject</code> methods with column name parameters
        bahave just like their counterparts with columnIndexe
<div class="section" title="Arrays">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_array"></a>Arrays</h2>
<p>Array are a powerful feature of SQL:2008 and can help solve many
    common problems. Arrays should not be used as a substitute for
<p>HyperSQL supports arrays of values according to the SQL:2008
<p>Elements of the array are either NULL, or of the same data type. It
    is possible to define arrays of all supported types, including the types
    covered in this chapter and user-defined types, except LOB types. An SQL
    array is one dimensional and is addressed from position 1. An empty array
    can also be used, which has no element.</p>
<p>Arrays can be stored in the database, as well as being used as
    temporary containers of values for simplifying SQL statements. They
    facilitate data exchange between the SQL engine and the user's
<p>The full range of supported syntax allows array to be created, used
    in SELECT or other statements, combined with rows of tables and used in
    routine calls.</p>
<div class="section" title="Array Definition">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_array_def"></a>Array Definition</h3>
<p>The type of a table column, a routine parameter, a variable, or
      the return value of a function can be defined as an array.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;array type&gt; ::= &lt;data type&gt; ARRAY [ &lt;left
      bracket or trigraph&gt; &lt;maximum cardinality&gt; &lt;right bracket or
      trigraph&gt; ]</code>
<p>The word ARRAY is added to any valid type definition except BLOB
      and CLOB type definitions. If the optional <code class="literal">&lt;maximum
      cardinality&gt;</code> is not used, the default value is 1024. The
      size of the array cannot be extended beyond maximum cardinality.</p>
<p>In the example below, the table contains a column of integer
      arrays and a column of varchar arrays. The VARCHAR array has an explicit
      maximum size of 10, which means each array can have between 0 and 10
      elements. The INTEGER array has the default maximum size of 1024. The
      scores column has a default clause with an empty array. The default
      clause can be defined only as <code class="literal">DEFAULT NULL</code> or
      <code class="literal">DEFAULT ARRAY[]</code> and does not allow arrays containing
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE TABLE t (id INT PRIMARY KEY, scores INT ARRAY DEFAULT ARRAY[], names VARCHAR(20) ARRAY[10])</pre>
<p>An array can be constructed from value expressions or a query
<code class="literal">&lt;array value constructor by enumeration&gt; ::= ARRAY
      &lt;left bracket or trigraph&gt; &lt;array element list&gt; &lt;right
      bracket or trigraph&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;array element list&gt; ::= &lt;value expression&gt; [
      { &lt;comma&gt; &lt;value expression&gt; }... ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;array value constructor by query&gt; ::= ARRAY
      &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;query expression&gt; [ &lt;order by clause&gt; ]
      &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<p>In the examples below, arrays are constructed from values, column
      references or variables, function calls, or query expressions.</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> ARRAY [ 1, 2, 3 ]
 ARRAY [ 'HOT', 'COLD' ]
 ARRAY [ var1, var2, CURRENT_DATE ]
 ARRAY (SELECT lastname FROM namestable ORDER BY id)
<p>Inserting and updating a table with an ARRAY column can use array
      constructors, not only for updated column values, but also in equality
      search conditions:</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> INSERT INTO t VALUES 10, ARRAY[1,2,3], ARRAY['HOT', 'COLD']
 UPDATE t SET names = ARRAY['LARGE', 'SMALL'] WHERE id = 12
 UPDATE t SET names = ARRAY['LARGE', 'SMALL'] WHERE id &lt; 12 AND scores = ARRAY[3,4]
<p>When using a PreparedStatement with an ARRAY parameter, an object
      of the type java.sql.Array must be used to set the parameter. The
      <code class="classname">org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCArrayBasic</code> class can be used
      for constructing a java.sql.Array object in the user's application. Code
      fragment below:</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> String sql = "UPDATE t SET names = ? WHERE id = ?";
 PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)
 Object[] data = new Object[]{"one", "two"};
 // default types defined in org.hsqldb.types.Type can be used
 org.hsqldb.types.Type type = org.hsqldb.types.Type.SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT;
 JDBCArrayBasic array = new JDBCArrayBasic(data, type);
 ps.setArray(1, array);
 ps.setInt(2, 1000);
<div class="section" title="Trigraph">
<div class="titlepage">
<h4 class="title">
<a name="sgc_trigraph"></a>Trigraph</h4>
<p>A trigraph is a substitute for &lt;left bracket&gt; and
        &lt;right bracket&gt;.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;left bracket trigraph&gt; ::= ??( </code>
<code class="literal">&lt;right bracket trigraph&gt; ::= ??)</code>
<p>The example below shows the use of trigraphs instead of
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> INSERT INTO t VALUES 10, ARRAY??(1,2,3??), ARRAY['HOT', 'COLD']
 UPDATE t SET names = ARRAY ??('LARGE', 'SMALL'??) WHERE id = 12
 UPDATE t SET names = ARRAY['LARGE', 'SMALL'] WHERE id &lt; 12 AND scores = ARRAY[3,4]
<div class="section" title="Array Reference">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_array_ref"></a>Array Reference</h3>
<p>The most common operations on an array are element reference and
      assignment, which are used when reading or writing an element of the
      array. Unlike Java and many other languages, arrays are extended if an
      element is assigned to an index beyond the current length. This can
      result in gaps containing NULL elements. Array length cannot exceed the
      maximum cardinality.</p>
<p>Elements of all arrays, including those that are the result of
      function calls or other operations can be referenced for reading.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;array element reference&gt; ::= &lt;array value
      expression&gt; &lt;left bracket&gt; &lt;numeric value expression&gt;
      &lt;right bracket&gt;</code>
<p>Elements of arrays that are table columns or routine variables can
      be referenced for writing. This is done in a SET statement, either
      inside an UPDATE statement, or as a separate statement in the case of
      routine variables, OUT and INOUT parameters.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;target array element specification&gt; ::= &lt;target
      array reference&gt; &lt;left bracket or trigraph&gt; &lt;simple value
      specification&gt; &lt;right bracket or trigraph&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;target array reference&gt; ::= &lt;SQL parameter
      reference&gt; | &lt;column reference&gt;</code>
<p>Note that only simple values or variables are allowed for the
      array index when an assignment is performed. The examples below
      demonstrates how elements of the array are referenced in SELECT and an
      UPDATE statement.</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT scores[ranking], names[ranking] FROM t JOIN t1 on ( = t1.tid)
 UPDATE t SET scores[2] = 123, names[2] = 'Reds' WHERE id = 10
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT scores[ranking], names[ranking] FROM t JOIN t1 on ( = t1.tid)
 UPDATE t SET scores[2] = 123, names[2] = 'Reds' WHERE id = 10
<div class="section" title="Array Operations">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_array_ops"></a>Array Operations</h3>
<p>Several SQL operations and functions can be used with
<span class="emphasis"><em>CONCATENATION</em></span>
<p>Array concatenation is performed similar to string concatenation.
      All elements of the array on the right are appended to the array on
<code class="literal">&lt;array concatenation&gt; ::= &lt;array value
      expression 1&gt; &lt;concatenation operator&gt; &lt;array value
      expression 2&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;concatenation operator&gt; ::= ||</code>
<span class="emphasis"><em>FUNCTIONS</em></span>
<p>Seven functions operate on arrays. Details are described in the
      <a class="link" href="builtinfunctions-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;10.&nbsp;Built In Functions">Built In Functions</a> chapter.</p>
<code class="literal">ARRAY_AGG</code> is an aggregate function and produces
      an array containing values from differnt rows of a SELECT statement.
      Details are described in the <a class="link" href="dataaccess-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Data Access and Change">Data Access and Change</a> chapter.</p>
<code class="literal">SEQUENCE_ARRAY</code> creates an array with sequential
<code class="literal">CARDINALITY &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;array value
      expression&gt; &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">MAX_CARDINALITY &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;array value
      expression&gt; &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<p>Array cardinality and max cardinality are functions that return an
      integer. CARDINALITY returns the element count, while MAX_CARDINALITY
      returns the maximum declared cardinality of an array.</p>
<code class="literal">POSITION_ARRAY &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;value
      expression&gt; IN &lt;array value expression&gt; [FROM &lt;numeric value
      expression&gt;] &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<p>The POSITION_ARRAY function returns the position of the first
      match for the &lt;value expression&gt; from the start or from the given
      start position when &lt;numeric value expression&gt; is used.</p>
<code class="literal">TRIM_ARRAY &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;array value
      expression&gt; &lt;comma&gt; &lt;numeric value expression&gt; &lt;right
<p>The TRIM_ARRAY function returns a copy of an array with the
      specified number of elements removed from the end of the array. The
      <code class="literal">&lt;array value expression&gt;</code> can be any expression
      that evaluates to an array.</p>
<code class="literal">SORT_ARRAY &lt;left paren&gt; &lt;array value
      expression&gt; [ { ASC | DESC } ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] &lt;right
<p>The SORT_ARRAY function returns a sorted copy of an array. NULL
      elements appear at the beginning of the new array. You can change the
      sort direction or the position of NULL elements with the option
<span class="emphasis"><em>CAST</em></span>
<p>An array can be cast into an array of a different type. Each
      element of the array is cast into the element type of the target array
<span class="emphasis"><em>UNNEST</em></span>
<p>Arrays can be converted into table references with the UNNEST
<code class="literal">UNNEST(&lt;array value expression&gt;) [ WITH ORDINALITY
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;array value expression&gt;</code> can be any
      expression that evaluates to an array. A table is returned that contains
      one column when WITH ORDINALITY is not used, or two columns when WITH
      ORDINALITY is used. The first column contains the elements of the array
      (including all the nulls). When the table has two columns, the second
      column contains the ordinal position of the element in the array. When
      UNNEST is used in the FROM clause of a query, it implies the LATERAL
      keyword, which means the array that is converted to table can belong to
      any table that precedes the UNNEST in the FROM clause. This is explained
      in the <a class="link" href="dataaccess-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Data Access and Change">Data Access and Change</a> chapter.</p>
<span class="emphasis"><em>INLINE CONSTRUCTOR</em></span>
<p>Array constructors can be used in SELECT and other statements. For
      example, an array constructor with a subquery can return the values from
      several rows as one array.</p>
<p>The example below shows an ARRAY constructor with a correlated
      subquery to return the list of order values for each customer. The
      CUSTOMER table that is included for tests in the DatabaseManager GUI app
      is the source of the data.</p>

 FIRSTNAME LASTNAME  ORDERS                                    
 --------- --------- -------------------------------------- 
 Laura     Steel     ARRAY[2700.90,4235.70]                 
 Robert    King      ARRAY[4761.60]                         
 Robert    Sommer    ARRAY[]                                
 Michael   Smith     ARRAY[3420.30]
<span class="emphasis"><em>COMPARISON</em></span>
<p>Arrays can be compared for equality, but they cannot be compared
      for ordering values or range comparison. Array expressions are therefore
      not allowed in an ORDER BY clause, or in a comparison expression such as
      GREATER THAN. It is possible to define a UNIQUE constraint on a column
      of ARRAY type. Two arrays are equal if they have the same length and the
      values at each index position are either equal or both NULL.</p>
<span class="emphasis"><em>USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES</em></span>
<p>Array parameters, variables and return values can be specified in
      user defined functions and procedures, including aggregate functions. An
      aggregate function can return an array that contains all the scalar
      values that have been aggregated. These capabilities allow a wider range
      of applications to be covered by user defined functions and easier data
      exchange between the engine and the user's application.</p>
<div class="section" title="Indexes and Query Speed">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_index_speed"></a>Indexes and Query Speed</h2>
<p>HyperSQL supports PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE and FOREIGN KEY constraints,
    which can span multiple columns.</p>
<p>The engine creates indexes internally to support PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE
    and FOREIGN KEY constraints: a unique index is created for each PRIMARY
    KEY or UNIQUE constraint; an ordinary index is created for each FOREIGN
    KEY constraint.</p>
<p>HyperSQL allows defining indexes on single or multiple columns. You
    should not create duplicate user-defined indexes on the same column sets
    covered by constraints. This would result in unnecessary memory and speed
    overheads. See the discussion in the <a class="link" href="deployment-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;16.&nbsp;Deployment Guide">Deployment Guide</a> chapter for more
<p>Indexes are crucial for adequate query speed. When range or equality
    conditions are used e.g. <code class="literal">SELECT ... WHERE acol &gt; 10 AND bcol =
    0</code>, an index should exist on one of the columns that has a
    condition. In this example, the <code class="literal">bcol</code> column is the best
    candidate. HyperSQL always uses the best condition and index. If there are
    two indexes, one on acol, and another on bcol, it will choose the index on
<p>Queries always return results whether indexes exist or not, but they
    return much faster when an index exists. As a rule of thumb, HSQLDB is
    capable of internal processing of queries at over 100,000 rows per second.
    Any query that runs into several seconds is clearly accessing thousands of
    rows. The query should be checked and indexes should be added to the
    relevant columns of the tables if necessary. The <code class="literal">EXPLAIN PLAN FOR
    &lt;query&gt;</code> statement can be used to see which indexes are
    used to process the query.</p>
<p>When executing a DELETE or UPDATE statement, the engine needs to
    find the rows that are to be deleted or updated. If there is an index on
    one of the columns in the WHERE clause, it is often possible to start
    directly from the first candidate row. Otherwise all the rows of the table
    have to be examined.</p>
<p>Indexes are even more important in joins between multiple tables.
    <code class="literal">SELECT ... FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.c1 = t2.c2 </code> is
    performed by taking rows of t1 one by one and finding a matching row in
    t2. If there is no index on t2.c2 then for each row of t1, all the rows of
    t2 must be checked. Whereas with an index, a matching row can be found in
    a fraction of the time. If the query also has a condition on t1, e.g.,
    <code class="literal">SELECT ... FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.c1 = t2.c2 WHERE t1.c3 =
    4</code> then an index on t1.c3 would eliminate the need for checking
    all the rows of t1 one by one, and will reduce query time to less than a
    millisecond per returned row. So if t1 and t2 each contain 10,000 rows,
    the query without indexes involves checking 100,000,000 row combinations.
    With an index on t2.c2, this is reduced to 10,000 row checks and index
    lookups. With the additional index on t2.c2, only about 4 rows are checked
    to get the first result row.</p>
<p>Note that in HSQLDB an index on multiple columns can be used
    internally as a non-unique index on the first column in the list. For
    example: <code class="literal">CONSTRAINT name1 UNIQUE (c1, c2, c3); </code> means
    there is the equivalent of <code class="literal">CREATE INDEX name2 ON
    atable(c1);</code>. So you do not need to specify an extra index if you
    require one on the first column of the list.</p>
<p>In HyperSQL 2, a multi-column index will speed up queries that
    contain joins or values on the first n columns of the index. You need NOT
    declare additional individual indexes on those columns unless you use
    queries that search only on a subset of the columns. For example, rows of
    a table that has a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint on three columns or
    simply an ordinary index on those columns can be found efficiently when
    values for all three columns, or the first two columns, or the first
    column, are specified in the WHERE clause. For example, <code class="literal">SELECT
    ... FROM t1 WHERE t1.c1 = 4 AND t1.c2 = 6 AND t1.c3 = 8 </code>will use
    an index on <code class="literal">t1(c1,c2,c3)</code> if it exists.</p>
<p>A multi-column index will not speed up queries on the second or
    third column only. The first column must be specified in the JOIN .. ON or
    WHERE conditions.</p>
<p>Sometimes query speed depends on the order of the tables in the JOIN
    .. ON or FROM clauses. For example the second query below should be faster
    with large tables (provided there is an index on
    <code class="literal">TB.COL3</code>). The reason is that <code class="literal">TB.COL3</code>
    can be evaluated very quickly if it applies to the first table (and there
    is an index on <code class="literal">TB.COL3</code>):</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> -- TB is a very large table with only a few rows where TB.COL3 = 4

<p>The general rule is to put first the table that has a narrowing
    condition on one of its columns. In certain cases, HyperSQL 2.2.x reorders
    the joined tables if it is obvious that this will introduce a narrowing
<p>HyperSQL features automatic, on-the-fly indexes for views and
    subselects that are used in a query.</p>
<p>Indexes are used when a LIKE condition searches from the start of
    the string.</p>
<p>Indexes are used for ORDER BY clauses if the same index is used for
    selection and ordering of rows. It is possible to force the use of index
    for ORDER BY.</p>
<div class="section" title="Query Processing and Optimisation">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sgc_query_opt"></a>Query Processing and Optimisation</h2>
<p>HyperSQL 2.3.x changes the order of tables in a query in order to
    optimise processing. This happens only when one of the tables has a
    narrowing condition and reordering does not change the result of the
<div class="section" title="Indexes and Conditions">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_indexes_cond"></a>Indexes and Conditions</h3>
<p>HyperSQL optimises queries to use indexes, for all types of range
      and equality conditions, including IS NULL and NOT NULL conditions.
      Conditions can be in join or WHERE clauses, including all types of
<p>In addition, HyperSQL will use an index (if one exists) for IN
      conditions, whether constants, variable, or subqueries are used on the
      right hand side of the IN predicate. Multicolumn IN conditions can also
      use an index.</p>
<p>HyperSQL can always use indexes when several conditions are
      combined with the AND operator, choosing a conditions which can use an
      index. This now extended to all equality conditions on multiple columns
      that are part of an index.</p>
<p>HyperSQL will also use indexes when several conditions are
      combined with the OR operator and each condition can use an index (each
      condition may use a different index). For example, if a huge table has
      two separate columns for first name and last name, and both columns are
      indexed, a query such as the following example will use the indexes and
      complete in a short time:</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> -- TC is a very large table

<p>Each subquery is considered a separate SELECT statement and uses
      indexes when they are available.</p>
<p>In each SELECT statement, at least one index per table can be used
      if there is a query conditions that can use the index. When conditions
      on a table are combined with the OR operator, and each condition can use
      an index, multiple indexes per table are used.</p>
<div class="section" title="Indexes and Operations">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_indexes_ops"></a>Indexes and Operations</h3>
<p>HyperSQL optimises simple row count queries in the form of
      <code class="literal">SELECT COUNT(*) FROM &lt;table&gt;</code> and returns the
      result immediately (this optimisation does not take place in MVCC
<p>HyperSQL can use an index on a column for <code class="literal">SELECT
      MAX(&lt;column&gt;) FROM &lt;table&gt;</code> and <code class="literal">SELECT
      MIN(&lt;column&gt;) FROM &lt;table&gt;</code> queries. There should
      be an index on the &lt;column&gt; and the query can have a WHERE
      condition on the same column. In the example below the maximum value for
      the TB.COL3 below 1000000 is returned.</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT MAX(TB.COL3) FROM TB WHERE TB.COL &lt; 1000000
<p>HyperSQL can use an index for simple queries containing DISTINCT
      or GROUP BY to avoid checking all the rows of the table. Note that
      indexes are always used if the query has a condition, regardless of the
      use of DISTINCT or GROUP BY. This particular optimisation applies to
      cases in which all the columns in the SELECT list are from the same
      table and are covered by a single index, and any join or query condition
      uses this index.</p>
<p>For example, with the large table below, a DISTINCT or GROUP BY
      query to return all the last names, can use an the index on the
      TC.LASTNAME column. Similarly, a GROUP BY query on two columns can use
      an index that covers the two columns.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> -- TC is a very large table

<div class="section" title="Indexes and ORDER BY, OFFSET and LIMIT">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="sgc_indexes_order"></a>Indexes and ORDER BY, OFFSET and LIMIT</h3>
<p>HyperSQL can use an index on an ORDER BY clause if all the columns
      in ORDER BY are in a single-column or multi-column index (in the exact
      order). This is important if there is a LIMIT n (or FETCH n ROWS ONLY)
      clause. In this situation, the use of index allows the query processor
      to access only the number of rows specified in the LIMIT clause, instead
      of building the whole result set, which can be huge. This also works for
      joined tables when the ORDER BY clause is on the columns of the first
      table in a join. Indexes are used in the same way when ORDER BY ... DESC
      is specified in the query. Note that unlike some other RDBMS, HyperSQL
      does not need or create DESC indexes. It can use any ordinary, ascending
      index for ORDER BY ... DESC.</p>
<p>If there is an equality or range condition (e.g. EQUALS, GREATER
      THAN) condition on the columns specified in the ORDER BY clause, the
      index is still used.</p>
<p>In the two examples below, the index on TA.COL3 is used and only
      up to 1000 rows are processed and returned.</p>
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> -- TA is a very large table with an index on TA.COL3

<p>But if the query contains an equality condition on another indexed
      column in the table, this may take precedence and no index may be used
      for ORDER BY. In this case USING INDEX can be added to the end of the
      query to force the use of the index for the LIMIT operation. In the
      example below there is an index on TA.COL1 as well as the index on
      TA.COL3. Normally the index on TA.COL1 is used, but the USING INDEX hint
      results in the index on TB.COL3 to be used for selecting the first 1000
<div class="informalexample">
<pre class="programlisting"> -- TA is a very large table with an index on TA.COL3 and a separate index on TA.COL1

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