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<div class="chapter" title="Chapter&nbsp;8.&nbsp;SQL-Invoked Routines">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a name="sqlroutines-chapt"></a>Chapter&nbsp;8.&nbsp;SQL-Invoked Routines</h2>
<div class="authorgroup">
<div class="author">
<h3 class="author">
<span class="firstname">Fred</span> <span class="surname">Toussi</span>
<div class="affiliation">
<span class="orgname">The HSQL Development Group<br>
<p class="releaseinfo">$Revision: 5706 $</p>
<div class="legalnotice" title="Legal Notice">
<a name="N12FBB"></a>
<p>Copyright 2010-2017 Fred Toussi. Permission is granted to
      distribute this document without any alteration under the terms of the
      HSQLDB license. Additional permission is granted to the HSQL Development
      Group to distribute this document with or without alterations under the
      terms of the HSQLDB license.</p>
<p class="pubdate">2017-04-09 14:14:09-0400</p>
<div class="toc">
<b>Table of Contents</b>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_routine_definition">Routine Definition</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_routine_characteristics">Routine Characteristics</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_routines">SQL Language Routines (PSM)</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_advantages">Advantages and Disadvantages</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_statements">Routine Statements</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_compound">Compound Statement</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_table_vars">Table Variables</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_vars">Variables</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_cursors">Cursors</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_handlers">Handlers</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_assignment">Assignment Statement</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_select_single">Select Statement : Single Row</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_formal_parameters">Formal Parameters</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_iterated_statements">Iterated Statements</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_for_statement">Iterated FOR Statement</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_conditional">Conditional Statements</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_return_statement">Return Statement</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_control_statements">Control Statements</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_exceptions">Raising Exceptions</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_routine_polymorphism">Routine Polymorphism</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_returning_data">Returning Data From Procedures</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_recursive_routines">Recursive Routines</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_routines">Java Language Routines (SQL/JRT)</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_polymorphis">Polymorphism</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_procedures">Java Language Procedures</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_static_methods">Java Static Methods</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_legacy">Legacy Support</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_access_control">Securing Access to Classes and Routines</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#N1367A">Warning</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_aggregate_functions">User-Defined Aggregate Functions</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_aggregate_function_definition">Definition of Aggregate Functions</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_psm_aggregate_functions">SQL PSM Aggregate Functions</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="sqlroutines-chapt.html#src_jrt_aggregate_functions">Java Aggregate Functions</a></span>
<p>SQL-invoked routines are functions and procedures called from SQL.
  HyperSQL 2.4 supports routines conforming to two parts of the SQL Standard.
  Routines written in the SQL language are supported in conformance to SQL/PSM
  (Persistent Stored Modules) specification. Routines written in Java are
  supported in broad conformance to SQL/JRT specification. In addition,
  HyperSQL's previous non-standard support for calling Java routines without
  prior method definition is retained and enhanced in the latest version by
  extending the SQL/JRT specification.</p>
<p>HyperSQL also supports user-defined aggregate functions written in the
  SQL language or Java. This feature is an extension to the SQL
<p>SQL-invoked routines are schema objects. Naming and referencing
  follows conventions common to all schema objects. The same routine name can
  be defined in two different schemas and used with schema-qualified
<p>A routine is either a procedure or a function.</p>
<p>A function:</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>is defined with CREATE FUNCTION</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>always returns a single value or a single table</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>does not modify the data in the database</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>is used as part of an SQL statement such as a SELECT
<li class="listitem">
<p>can have parameters</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>can be polymorphic</p>
<p>A procedure:</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>is defined with CREATE PROCEDURE</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>can return zero to multiple values or result sets</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>can modify the data in the database</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>is called separately, using the CALL statement</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>can have parameters</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>can be polymorphic</p>
<p>Definition of routine signature and characteristics, name resolution
  and invocation are all implemented uniformly for routines written in SQL or
<p>Access to routines can be granted to users with GRANT EXECUTE or GRANT
  ALL. For example <code class="literal">GRANT EXECUTE ON myroutine TO
<div class="section" title="Routine Definition">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="src_routine_definition"></a>Routine Definition</h2>
<p>SQL-Invoked Routines, whether PSM or JRT, are defined using a SQL
    statement with the same syntax. The part that is different is the
    &lt;routine body&gt; which consists of SQL statements in PSM routines or a
    reference to a Java method in JRT routines.</p>
<p>Details of Routine definition are discussed in this section. You may
    start by reading the next two sections which provide several examples
    before reading this section for the details.</p>
<p>Routine definition has several mandatory or optional clauses. The
    complete BNF supported by HyperSQL and the remaining clauses are
    documented in this section.</p>
<a name="N13001" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>CREATE FUNCTION</strong></span>
<a name="N1300A" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>CREATE PROCEDURE</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>routine definition</em></span>
<p>Routine definition is similar for procedures and functions. A
    function definition has the mandatory <code class="literal">&lt;returns
    clause&gt;</code> which is discussed later. The description given so
    far covers the essential elements of the specification with the BNF given
<code class="literal">&lt;schema procedure&gt; ::= CREATE PROCEDURE &lt;schema
    qualified routine name&gt; &lt;SQL parameter declaration list&gt;
    &lt;routine characteristics&gt; &lt;routine body&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;schema function&gt; ::= CREATE FUNCTION &lt;schema
    qualified routine name&gt; &lt;SQL parameter declaration list&gt;
    &lt;returns clause&gt; &lt;routine characteristics&gt; &lt;routine
<p>Parameter declaration list has been described above. For SQL/JRT
    routines, the <code class="literal">&lt;SQL parameter name&gt;</code> is optional
    while for SQL/PSM routines, it is required. If the <code class="literal">&lt;parameter
    mode&gt;</code> of a parameter is OUT or INOUT, it must be specified.
    The BNF is given below:</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL parameter declaration list&gt; ::= &lt;left
    paren&gt; [ &lt;SQL parameter declaration&gt; [ { &lt;comma&gt; &lt;SQL
    parameter declaration&gt; }... ] ] &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL parameter declaration&gt; ::= [ &lt;parameter
    mode&gt; ] [ &lt;SQL parameter name&gt; ] &lt;parameter
<code class="literal">&lt;parameter mode&gt; ::= IN | OUT |
<code class="literal">&lt;parameter type&gt; ::= &lt;data
<p>Return Value and Table Functions</p>
<a name="N13037" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>RETURNS</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>returns clause</em></span>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;returns clause&gt;</code> specifies the type of
    the return value of a function (not a procedure). For all SQL/PSM
    functions and ordinary SQL/JRT functions, this is simply a type definition
    which can be a built-in type, a DOMAIN type or a DISTINCT type, or
    alternatively, a TABLE definition. For example, RETURNS INTEGER.</p>
<p>For a SQL/JRT function, it is possible to define a
    <code class="literal">&lt;returns table type&gt;</code> for a Java method that
    returns a <code class="classname">java.sql.ResultSet</code> object. Such SQL/JRT
    functions are called <em class="glossterm">table functions</em>. Table
    functions are used differently from normal functions. A table function can
    be used in an SQL query expression exactly where a normal table or view is
    allowed. At the time of invocation, the Java method is called and the
    returned ResultSet is transformed into an SQL table. The column types of
    the declared TABLE must match those of the ResultSet, otherwise an
    exception is raised at the time of invocation.</p>
<p>If a <code class="literal">&lt;returns table type&gt;</code> is defined for an
    SQL/PSM function, the following expression is used inside the function to
    return a table: <code class="literal">RETURN TABLE ( &lt;query expression&gt;
    );</code> In the example blow, a table with two columns is
<pre class="programlisting"> RETURN TABLE ( SELECT a, b FROM atable WHERE e = 10 );</pre>
<p>Functions that return a table are designed to be used in SELECT
    statements using the TABLE keyword to form a joined table.</p>
<p>When a JDBC <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code> is used to CALL
    the function, the table returned from the function call is returned and
    can be accessed with the <code class="methodname">getResultSet()</code> method of
    the <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code>.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;returns clause&gt; ::= RETURNS &lt;returns
<code class="literal">&lt;returns type&gt; ::= &lt;returns data type&gt; |
    &lt;returns table type&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;returns table type&gt; ::= TABLE &lt;table function
    column list&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;table function column list&gt; ::= &lt;left
    paren&gt; &lt;table function column list element&gt; [ { &lt;comma&gt;
    &lt;table function column list element&gt; } ... ] &lt;right
<code class="literal">&lt;table function column list element&gt; ::=
    &lt;column name&gt; &lt;data type&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;returns data type&gt; ::= &lt;data
<a name="N1307C" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>routine body</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>routine body</em></span>
<p>Routine body is either one or more SQL statements or a Java
    reference. The user that defines the routine by issuing the CREATE
    FUNCTION or CREATE SCHEMA command must have the relevant access rights to
    all tables, sequences, routines, etc. that are accessed by the routine. If
    another user is given EXECUTE privilege on the routine, then there are two
    possibilities, depending on the <code class="literal">&lt;rights clause&gt;</code>.
    This clause refers to the access rights that are checked when a routine is
    invoked. The default is <code class="literal">SQL SECURITY DEFINER</code>, which
    means access rights of the definer are used; therefore no extra checks are
    performed when the other user invokes the routine. The alternative
    <code class="literal">SQL SECURITY INVOKER</code> means access rights on all the
    database objects referenced by the routine are checked for the invoker.
    This alternative is not supported by HyperSQL.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;routine body&gt; ::= &lt;SQL routine spec&gt; |
    &lt;external body reference&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL routine spec&gt; ::= [ &lt;rights clause&gt; ]
    &lt;SQL routine body&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;rights clause&gt; ::= SQL SECURITY INVOKER | SQL
<a name="N1309C" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>SQL routine body</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>SQL routine body</em></span>
<p>The routine body of a an SQL routine consists of an
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL routine body&gt; ::= &lt;SQL procedure
<a name="N130AD" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>EXTERNAL NAME</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>external body reference</em></span>
<p>External name specifies the qualified name of the Java method
    associated with this routine. HyperSQL 2.3 only supports Java methods
    within the classpath. The <code class="literal">&lt;external Java reference
    string&gt;</code> is a quoted string which starts with CLASSPATH: and
    is followed by the Java package, class and method names separated with
    dots. HyperSQL does not currently support the optional <code class="literal">&lt;Java
    parameter declaration list&gt;</code>.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;external body reference&gt; ::= EXTERNAL NAME
    &lt;external Java reference string&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;external Java reference string&gt; ::= &lt;jar and
    class name&gt; &lt;period&gt; &lt;Java method name&gt; [ &lt;Java
    parameter declaration list&gt; ]</code>
<div class="section" title="Routine Characteristics">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_routine_characteristics"></a>Routine Characteristics</h3>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;routine characteristics&gt;</code> clause
      covers several sub-clauses</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;routine characteristics&gt; ::= [ &lt;routine
      characteristic&gt;... ]</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;routine characteristic&gt; ::= &lt;language
      clause&gt; | &lt;parameter style clause&gt; | SPECIFIC &lt;specific
      name&gt; | &lt;deterministic characteristic&gt; | &lt;SQL-data access
      indication&gt; | &lt;null-call clause&gt; | &lt;returned result sets
      characteristic&gt; | &lt;savepoint level
<a name="N130D6" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>LANGUAGE</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>language clause</em></span>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;language clause&gt;</code> refers to the
      language in which the routine body is written. It is either SQL or Java.
      The default is SQL, so JAVA must be specified for SQL/JRT
<code class="literal">&lt;language clause&gt; ::= LANGUAGE &lt;language
<code class="literal">&lt;language name&gt; ::= SQL |
<p>The parameter style is not allowed for SQL routines. It is
      optional for Java routines and, in HyperSQL, the only value allowed is
<code class="literal">&lt;parameter style&gt; ::= JAVA</code>
<a name="N130F2" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>SPECIFIC NAME</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>specific name</em></span>
<p>The <code class="literal">SPECIFIC &lt;specific name&gt;</code> clause is
      optional but the engine will creates an automatic name if it is not
      present. When there are several versions of the same routine, the
      <code class="literal">&lt;specific name&gt;</code> is used in schema manipulation
      statements to drop or alter a specific version. The
      <code class="literal">&lt;specific name&gt;</code> is a user-defined name. It
      applies to both functions and procedures. In the examples below, a
      specific name is specified for each function.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_or_now(t TIMESTAMP)
   SPECIFIC an_hour_before_or_now_with_timestamp
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.npo.lib.nowLessAnHour'

 CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_max (e_type INT)
   RETURNS TIMESTAMP SPECIFIC an_hour_before_max_with_int
   RETURN (SELECT MAX(event_time) FROM atable WHERE event_type = e_type) - 1 HOUR

<a name="N1310B" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>DETERMINISTIC</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>deterministic characteristic</em></span>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;deterministic characteristic&gt;</code> clause
      indicates that a routine is deterministic or not. Deterministic means
      the routine does not reference random values, external variables, or
      time of invocation. The default is <code class="literal">NOT DETERMINISTIC</code>.
      It is essential to declare this characteristics correctly for an SQL/JRT
      routine, as the engine does not know the contents of the Java code,
      which could include calls to methods returning random or time sensitive
<code class="literal">&lt;deterministic characteristic&gt; ::= DETERMINISTIC
      | NOT DETERMINISTIC</code>
<a name="N13122" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>SQL DATA access</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>SQL DATA access characteristic</em></span>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;SQL-data access indication&gt;</code> &nbsp;clause
      indicates the extent to which a routine interacts with the database or
      the data stored in the database tables in different schemas (SQL
<p>NO SQL means no SQL command is issued in the routine body and can
      be used only for SQL/JRT functions.</p>
<code class="literal">CONTAINS SQL</code> means some SQL commands are used,
      but they do not read or modify the SQL data. <code class="literal">READS SQL
      DATA</code> and <code class="literal">MODIFIES SQL DATA</code> are self
<p>A <code class="literal">CREATE PROCEDURE</code> definition can use
      <code class="literal">MODIFIES SQL DATA</code>. This is not allowed in
      <code class="literal">CREATE FUNCTION</code>. Note that a PROCEDURE or a FUNCTION
      may have internal tables or return a table which is populated by the
      routine's statements. These tables are not considered SQL DATA,
      therefore there is no need to specify <code class="literal">MODIFIES SQL
      DATA</code> for such routines.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL-data access indication&gt; ::= NO SQL |
<a name="N13150" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>NULL INPUT</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>null call clause</em></span>
<p>Null Arguments</p>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;null-call clause&gt;</code> is used only for
      functions. If a function returns NULL when any of the calling arguments
      is null, then by specifying <code class="literal">RETURNS NULL ON NULL
      INPUT</code>, calls to the function are known to be redundant and do
      not take place when an argument is null. This simplifies the coding of
      the SQL/JRT Java methods and improves performance at the same
<code class="literal">&lt;null-call clause&gt; ::= RETURNS NULL ON NULL
<a name="N13169" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>SAVEPOINT LEVEL</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>transaction impact</em></span>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;savepoint level indication&gt;</code> is used
      only for procedures and refers to the visibility of existing savepoints
      within the body of the procedure. If <code class="literal">NEW SAVEPOINT
      LEVEL</code> is specified, savepoints that have been declared prior
      to calling the procedure become invisible within the body of the
      procedure. HyperSQL&rsquo;s implementation accepts only <code class="literal">NEW SAVEPOINT
<code class="literal">&lt;savepoint level indication&gt; ::= NEW SAVEPOINT
<a name="N13183" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>DYNAMIC RESULT SETS</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>returned result sets
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;returned result sets characteristic&gt;</code>
      is used with SQL/PSM and SQL/JRT procedures (not with functions). The
      maximum number of result sets that a procedure may return can be
      specified with the clause below. The default is zero. If you want your
      procedure to return result sets, you must specify the maximum number of
      result sets that your procedure may return. Details are discussed in the
      next sections.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;returned result sets characteristic&gt; ::=
      DYNAMIC RESULT SETS &lt;maximum returned result
<div class="section" title="SQL Language Routines (PSM)">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="src_psm_routines"></a>SQL Language Routines (PSM)</h2>
<p>The PSM (Persistent Stored Module) specification extends the SQL
    language with structures and control statements such as conditional and
    loop statements. Both SQL Function and SQL procedure bodies use the same
    syntax, with minor exceptions.</p>
<p>The routine body is a SQL statement. In its simplest form, the body
    is a single SQL statement. A simple example of a function is given
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before (t TIMESTAMP)
   RETURN t - 1 HOUR

<p>An example of the use of the function in an SQL statement is given
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT an_hour_before(event_timestamp) AS notification_timestamp, event_name FROM events;</pre>
<p>A simple example of a procedure is given below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(firstname VARCHAR(50), lastname VARCHAR(50))

<p>The procedure inserts a row into an existing table with the
    definition given below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE TABLE customers(id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(50), lastname VARCHAR(50), added TIMESTAMP);</pre>
<p>An example of the use of the procedure is given below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CALL new_customer('JOHN', 'SMITH');</pre>
<p>The routine body is often a compound statement. A compound statement
    can contain one or more SQL statements, which can include control
    statements, as well as nested compound statements.</p>
<p>Please note carefully the use of
    <code class="literal">&lt;semicolon&gt;</code>, which is required at the end of some
    statements but not accepted at the end of others.</p>
<div class="section" title="Advantages and Disadvantages">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_advantages"></a>Advantages and Disadvantages</h3>
<p>SQL Language Routines (PSM) have certain advantages over Java
      Language Routines (SQL/JRT) and a couple of disadvantages.</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>SQL language routines (PSM) do not rely on custom Java classes
          to be present on the classpath. The databases that use them are
          therefore more portable.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>For a routine that accesses SQL DATA, all the SQL statements
          in an SQL routine are known and monitored by the engine. The engine
          will not allow a table, routine or sequence that is referenced in an
          SQL routine to be dropped, or its structure modified in a way that
          will break the routine execution. The engine does not keep this
          information about a Java routine.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>Because the statements in an SQL routine are known to the
          engine, the execution of an SQL routine locks all the database
          objects it needs to access before the actual execution. With Java
          routines, locks are obtained during execution and this may cause
          additional delays in multi threaded access to the database.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>For routines that do not access SQL DATA, Java routines
          (SQL/JRT) may be faster if they perform extensive
<li class="listitem">
<p>Only Java routines can access external programs and resources
<div class="section" title="Routine Statements">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_statements"></a>Routine Statements</h3>
<p>The following SQL Statements can be used only in routines. These
      statements are covered in this section.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;handler declaration&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;table variable declaration&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;variable declaration&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;declare cursor&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;assignment statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;compound statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;case statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;if statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;while statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;repeat statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;for statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;loop statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;iterate statement</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;leave statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;signal statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;resignal statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;return statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;select statement: single
<code class="literal">&lt;open statement&gt;</code>
<p>The following SQL Statements can be used in procedures but not in
      generally in functions (they can be used in functions only to change the
      data in a local table variable) . These statements are covered in other
      chapters of this Guide.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;call statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;delete statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;insert statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;update statement&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;merge statement&gt;</code>
<p>Transaction statements such as COMMIT and ROLLBACK are not allowed
      in the body of a function or procedure. When the session is in
      auto-commit mode, the commit takes place after the execution of the
      whole procedure has been completed. No commit is performed during the
<p>As shown in the examples below, the formal parameters and the
      variables of the routine can be used in statements, similar to the way a
      column reference is used.</p>
<div class="section" title="Compound Statement">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_compound"></a>Compound Statement</h3>
<p>A compound statement is enclosed in a BEGIN / END block with
      optional labels. It can contain one or more <code class="literal">&lt;SQL variable
      declaration&gt;</code>, <code class="literal">&lt;declare cursor&gt;</code> or
      <code class="literal">&lt;handler declaration&gt;</code> before at least one SQL
      statement. The BNF is given below:</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;compound statement&gt; ::= [ &lt;beginning
      label&gt; &lt;colon&gt; ] BEGIN [[NOT] ATOMIC]</code>
<code class="literal">[{&lt;SQL variable declaration&gt; &lt;semicolon&gt;}
<code class="literal">[{&lt;declare cursor&gt; &lt;semicolon&gt;}
<code class="literal">[{&lt;handler declaration&gt; &lt;semicolon&gt;}...]
<code class="literal">{&lt;SQL procedure statement&gt; &lt;semicolon&gt;}
      ... </code>
<code class="literal">END [ &lt;ending label&gt; ]</code>
<p>An example of a simple compound statement body is given below. It
      performs the common task of inserting related data into two table. The
      IDENTITY value that is automatically inserted in the first table is
      retrieved using the IDENTITY() function and inserted into the second
      table. Other examples show more complex compound statements.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(firstname VARCHAR(50), lastname  VARCHAR(50), address VARCHAR(100))
     INSERT INTO customers VALUES (DEFAULT, firstname, lastname, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
     INSERT INTO addresses VALUES (DEFAULT, IDENTITY(), address);

<div class="section" title="Table Variables">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_table_vars"></a>Table Variables</h3>
<p>A <code class="literal">&lt;table variable declaration&gt;</code> defines
      the name and columns of a local table, that can be used in the routine
      body. The table cannot have constraints. Table variable declarations are
      made before scalar variable declarations.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> BEGIN ATOMIC
   DECLARE TABLE temp_table (col_a INT, col_b VARCHAR(20);
   -- more statements

<div class="section" title="Variables">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_vars"></a>Variables</h3>
<p>A <code class="literal">&lt;variable declaration&gt;</code> defines the name
      and data type of the variable and, optionally, its default value. In the
      next example, a variable is used to hold the IDENTITY value. In
      addition, the formal parameters of the procedure are identified as input
      parameters with the use of the optional IN keyword. This procedure does
      exactly the same job as the procedure in the previous example.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(IN firstname VARCHAR(50), IN lastname VARCHAR(50), IN address VARCHAR(100))
     DECLARE temp_id INTEGER;
     SET temp_id = IDENTITY();

<p>The BNF for variable declaration is given below:</p>
<a name="N1325F" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>DECLARE variable</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>SQL variable declaration</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL variable declaration&gt; ::= DECLARE
      &lt;variable name list&gt; &lt;data type&gt; [DEFAULT &lt;default
<code class="literal">&lt;variable name list&gt; ::= &lt;variable name&gt; [
      { &lt;comma&gt; &lt;variable name&gt; }... ]</code>
<p>Examples of variable declaration are given below. Note that in a
      DECLARE statement with multiple comma-separated variable names, the type
      and the default value applies to all the variables in the list:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> BEGIN ATOMIC
   DECLARE temp_zero DATE;
   DECLARE temp_one, temp_two INTEGER DEFAULT 2;
   DECLARE temp_three VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'no name';
   -- more statements ...
   SET temp_zero = DATE '2010-03-18';
   SET temp_two = 5;
   -- more statements ...
<div class="section" title="Cursors">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_cursors"></a>Cursors</h3>
<p>A <code class="literal">&lt;declare cursor&gt;</code> statement is used to
      declare a SELECT statement. The current usage of this statement in
      HyperSQL 2.3 is exclusively to return a result set from a procedure. The
      result set is returned to the JDBC
      <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code> object that calls the
      procedure. The <code class="methodname">getResultSet()</code> method of
      <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code> is then used to retrieve the
      JDBC ResultSet.</p>
<p>In the <code class="literal">&lt;routine definition&gt;</code>, the
      <code class="literal">DYNAMIC RESULT SETS</code> clause must be used to specify a
      value above zero. The <code class="literal">DECLARE CURSOR</code> statement is
      used after any variable declaration in compound statement block. The
      SELECT statement should be followed with FOR READ ONLY to avoid possible
      error messages. The <code class="literal">&lt;open statement&gt;</code> is then
      executed for the cursor at the point where the result set should be
<p>After the procedure is executed with a JDBC
      <code class="methodname">CallableStatement execute()</code> method, all the
      result sets that were opened are returned to the JDBC
      <code class="classname">CallableStatement</code>.</p>
<p>Calling <code class="methodname">getResultSet()</code> will return the
      first ResultSet. When there are multiple result sets, the
      <code class="methodname">getMoreResults()</code> method of the Callable
      statement is called to move to the next ResultSet, before
      <code class="methodname">getResultSet()</code> is called to return the next
      ResultSet. See the <a class="link" href="dataaccess-chapt.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;7.&nbsp;Data Access and Change">Data Access and Change</a> chapter on the syntax for declaring
      the cursor.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> BEGIN ATOMIC
   DECLARE temp_zero DATE;
   -- more statements ...
   OPEN result;
<div class="section" title="Handlers">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_handlers"></a>Handlers</h3>
<p>A <code class="literal">&lt;handler declaration&gt;</code> defines the
      course of action when an exception or warning is raised during the
      execution of the compound statement. A compound statement may have one
      or more handler declarations. These handlers become active when code
      execution enters the compound statement block and remain active in any
      sub-block and statement within the block. The handlers become inactive
      when code execution leaves the block.</p>
<p>In the previous example of the <code class="literal">new_customer</code>
      procedure, if an exception is thrown during the execution of either SQL
      statement, the execution of the compound statement is terminated and the
      exception is propagated and thrown by the CALL statement for the
      procedure. All changes made by the procedure are rolled back.</p>
<p>A handler declaration can resolve the thrown exception within the
      compound statement without propagating it, and allow the execution of
      the compound statement to continue.</p>
<p>In the example below, the <code class="literal">UNDO</code> handler
      declaration catches any exception that is thrown during the execution of
      the compound statement inside the <code class="literal">BEGIN ... END</code>
      block. As it is an <code class="literal">UNDO</code> handler, all the changes to
      data performed within the compound statement ( <code class="literal">BEGIN ...
      END</code> block) are rolled back. The procedure then returns without
      throwing an exception.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(IN firstname VARCHAR(50), IN lastname VARCHAR(50), IN address VARCHAR(100))
   label_one: BEGIN ATOMIC
     DECLARE temp_id INTEGER;
     SET temp_id = IDENTITY();

<p>Other types of hander are <code class="literal">CONTINUE</code> and
      <code class="literal">EXIT</code> handlers. A <code class="literal">CONTINUE</code> handler
      ignores any exception and proceeds to the next statement in the block.
      An <code class="literal">EXIT</code> handler terminates execution without undoing
      the data changes performed by the previous (successful)
<p>The conditions can be general conditions, or specific
<p>Among general conditions that can be specified,
      <code class="literal">SQLEXCEPTION</code> covers all exceptions,
      <code class="literal">SQLWARNING</code> covers all warnings, while <code class="literal">NOT
      FOUND</code> covers the not-found condition, which is raised when a
      DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT or MERGE statement completes without actually
      affecting any row.</p>
<p>Alternatively, one or more specific conditions can be specified
      (separated with commas) which apply to specific exceptions or warnings
      or classes or exceptions or warnings. A specific condition is specified
      with <code class="literal">SQLSTATE &lt;value&gt;</code>, for example
      <code class="literal">SQLSTATE 'W_01003'</code> specifies the warning raised after
      a SQL statement is executed which contains an aggregate function which
      encounters a null value during execution. An example is given below
      which activates the handler when either of the two warnings is
<pre class="programlisting"> DECLARE UNDO HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE 'W_01003', 'W_01004';</pre>
<p>The BNF for <code class="literal">&lt;handler declaration&gt;</code> is
      given below:</p>
<a name="N132F8" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>DECLARE HANDLER</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>declare handler statement</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;handler declaration&gt; ::= DECLARE {UNDO |
      SQLSTATE &lt;state value&gt; [, ...]} [&lt;SQL procedure
<p>A handler declaration may specify an <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure
      statement&gt;</code> to be performed when the handler is activated.
      In the example below the handler performs the <code class="literal">UNDO</code> as
      in the previous example then inserts the (invalid) data into a separate
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(IN firstname VARCHAR(50), IN lastname VARCHAR(50), IN address VARCHAR(100))
   label_one: BEGIN ATOMIC
     DECLARE temp_id INTEGER;
     INSERT INTO invalid_customers VALUES(firstanme, lastname, address);
     -- last statement is part of the handler; it is called if the next statements throw an exception

     SET temp_id = IDENTITY();
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure statement&gt;</code> in the
      handler declaration is required by the SQL Standard but is optional in
      HyperSQL. If the execution of the <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure
      statement&gt;</code> specified in the handler declaration throws an
      exception itself, then it is handled by the handlers that are currently
      active at an enclosing (outer) <code class="literal">BEGIN ... END</code> block.
      The <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure statement&gt;</code> can itself be a
      compound statement with its own handlers.</p>
<p>When a handler handles an exception condition such as the general
      <code class="literal">SQLEXCEPTION</code> or some specific
      <code class="literal">SQLSTATE</code>, any changes made by the statement that
      caused the exception will be rolled back. For example, execution of a
      single update statement that modifies several rows will not change any
      row if an exception occurs during the update of one of the rows. The
      handler action affects the changes made by statements that were executed
      successfully before the exception occured.</p>
<p>Actions performed by different types of handler are listed
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>An <code class="literal">UNDO</code> handler rolls back all the data
          changes within the <code class="literal">BEGIN ... END</code> block which
          contains the handler declaration. The execution of the
          <code class="literal">BEGIN ... END</code> block is considered complete. If an
          <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure statement&gt;</code> is specified, it
          is executed after the roll back.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>A <code class="literal">CONTINUE</code> handler does not roll back the
          data changes. It continues execution as if the last statement was
          successful. If an <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure statement&gt;</code>
          is specified, it is executed before continuing execution.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>An <code class="literal">EXIT</code> handler does not roll back the data
          changes. It aborts the execution of the <code class="literal">BEGIN ...
          END</code> block which contains the handler declaration. The
          execution of the <code class="literal">BEGIN ... END</code> block is
          considered complete, but unlike the <code class="literal">UNDO</code> handler
          the actions are not rolled back. If an <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure
          statement&gt;</code> is specified, it is executed before
<div class="section" title="Assignment Statement">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_assignment"></a>Assignment Statement</h3>
<p>The SET statement is used for assignment. It can be used flexibly
      with rows or single values. The BNF is given below:</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;assignment statement&gt; ::= &lt;singleton
      variable assignment&gt; | &lt;multiple variable
<code class="literal">&lt;singleton variable assignment&gt; ::= SET
      &lt;assignment target&gt; &lt;equals operator&gt; &lt;assignment
<code class="literal">&lt;multiple variable assignment&gt; ::= SET
      (&lt;variable or parameter&gt;, ...) = &lt;row value
<p>In the example below, the result of the SELECT is assigned to two
      OUT or INOUT arguments. The SELECT must return one row. If it returns
      more than one, an exception is raised. If it returns no row, no change
      is made to ARG1 and ARG2.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> SET (arg1, arg2) = (SELECT col1, col2 FROM atable WHERE id = 10);</pre>
<p>In the example below, the result of a function call is assigned to
<pre class="programlisting"> SET var1 = SQRT(var2);</pre>
<div class="section" title="Select Statement : Single Row">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_select_single"></a>Select Statement : Single Row</h3>
<p>A special form of SELECT can also be used for assigning values
      from a query to one or more arguments or variables. This works similar
      to a SET statement that has a SELECT statement as the source.</p>
<a name="N13371" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>SELECT : SINGLE ROW</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>select statement: single row</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;select statement: single row&gt; ::= SELECT [
      &lt;set quantifier&gt; ] &lt;select list&gt; INTO &lt;select target
      list&gt; &lt;table expression&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;select target list&gt; ::= &lt;target
      specification&gt; [ { &lt;comma&gt; &lt;target specification&gt; }...
<p>Retrieve values from a specified row of a table and assign the
      fields to the specified targets. The example below has an identical
      effect to the example of SET statement given above.</p>
<pre class="programlisting">SELECT col1, col2 INTO arg1, arg2 FROM atable WHERE id = 10;</pre>
<div class="section" title="Formal Parameters">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_formal_parameters"></a>Formal Parameters</h3>
<p>Each parameter of a procedure can be defined as IN, OUT or INOUT.
      An IN parameter is an input to the procedure and is passed by value. The
      value cannot be modified inside the procedure body. An OUT parameter is
      a reference for output. An INOUT parameter is a reference for both input
      and output. An OUT or INOUT parameter argument is passed by reference,
      therefore only a dynamic parameter argument or a variable within an
      enclosing procedure can be passed for it. The assignment statement is
      used to assign a value to an OUT or INOUT parameter.</p>
<p>In the example below, the procedure is declared with an OUT
      parameter. It assigns the auto-generated IDENTITY value from the INSERT
      statement to the OUT argument.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(OUT newid INT, IN firstname VARCHAR(50), IN lastname VARCHAR(50), IN address VARCHAR(100))
     DECLARE temp_id INTEGER;
     SET temp_id = IDENTITY();
     SET newid = temp_id;

<p>In the SQL session, or in the body of another stored procedure, a
      variable must be assigned to the OUT parameter. After the procedure
      call, this variable will hold the new identity value that was generated
      inside the procedure. If the procedure is called directly, using the
      JDBC CallableStatement interface, then the value of the first, OUT
      argument can be retrieved with a call to
      <code class="literal">getInt(1)</code>after calling the execute() method.</p>
<p>In the example below, a session variable,
      <code class="literal">the_new_id</code> is declared. After the call to
      <code class="literal">new_customer</code>, the value for the identity is stored in
      <code class="literal">the_new_id</code> variable. This is returned via the next
      CALL statement. Alternatively, <code class="literal">the_new_id</code> can be used
      as an argument to another CALL statement.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> DECLARE the_new_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
 CALL new_customer(the_new_id, 'John', 'Smith', '10 Parliament Square'); 
 CALL the_new_id;

<div class="section" title="Iterated Statements">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_iterated_statements"></a>Iterated Statements</h3>
<p>Various iterated statements can be used in routines. In these
      statements, the <code class="literal">&lt;SQL statement list&gt;</code> consists
      of one or more SQL statements. The <code class="literal">&lt;search
      condition&gt;</code> can be any valid SQL expression of BOOLEAN
<a name="N133B2" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>LOOP</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>loop statement</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;loop statement&gt; ::= [ &lt;beginning label&gt;
      &lt;colon&gt; ] LOOP &lt;SQL statement list&gt; END LOOP [ &lt;ending
      label&gt; ]</code>
<a name="N133C1" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>WHILE</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>while statement</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;while statement&gt; ::= [ &lt;beginning label&gt;
      &lt;colon&gt; ] WHILE &lt;search condition&gt; DO &lt;SQL statement
      list&gt; END WHILE [ &lt;ending label&gt; ]</code>
<a name="N133D0" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>REPEAT</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>repeat statement</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;repeat statement&gt; ::= [ &lt;beginning label&gt;
      &lt;colon&gt; ]</code>
<code class="literal">REPEAT &lt;SQL statement list&gt; UNTIL &lt;search
      condition&gt; END REPEAT [ &lt;ending label&gt;</code>
<p>In the example below, a multiple rows are inserted into a table in
      a WHILE loop:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> loop_label: WHILE my_var &gt; 0 DO
   SET my_var = my_var - 1;
   IF my_var = 10 THEN SET my_var = 8; END IF;
   IF my_var = 22 THEN LEAVE loop_label; END IF;
 END WHILE loop_label;

<div class="section" title="Iterated FOR Statement">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_for_statement"></a>Iterated FOR Statement</h3>
<p>The <code class="literal">&lt;for statement&gt;</code> is similar to other
      iterated statement, but it is always used with a cursor declaration to
      iterate over the rows of the result set of the cursor and perform
      operations using the values of each row.</p>
<a name="N133EF" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>FOR</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>for statement</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;for statement&gt; ::= [ &lt;beginning label&gt;
      &lt;colon&gt; ] FOR &lt;query expression&gt; DO &lt;SQL statement
      list&gt; END FOR [ &lt;ending label&gt; ]</code>
<p>The &lt;query expression&gt; is a SELECT statement. When the FOR
      statement is executed, the query expression is executed first and the
      result set is formed. Then for each row of the result set, the
      <code class="literal">&lt;SQL statement list&gt;</code> is executed. What is
      special about the FOR statement is that all the columns of the current
      row can be accessed by name in the statements in the <code class="literal">&lt;SQL
      statement list&gt;</code>. The columns are read only and cannot be
      updated. For example, if the column names for the select statement are
      ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, then these can be accessed as a variable name.
      The column names must be unique and not equivalent to any parameter or
      variable name in scope.</p>
<p>The FOR statement is useful for computing values over multiple
      rows of the result set, or for calling a procedure for some row of the
      result set.</p>
<p>In the example below, the procedure uses a FOR statement to
      iterate over the rows for a customer with lastname equal to lastname_p.
      No action is performed for the first row, but for all the subsequent
      rows, the row is deleted from the table.</p>
<p>Note the following: The result set for the SELECT statement is
      built only once, before processing the statements inside the FOR block
      begins. For all the rows of the SELECT statement apart from the first
      row, the row is deleted from the customer table. The WHERE condition
      uses the automatic variable id, which holds the value for
      the current row of the result set, to delete the row. The procedure
      updates the val_p argument and when it returns, the val_p represents the
      total count of rows with the given lastname before the duplicates were
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE test_proc(INOUT val_p INT, IN lastname_p VARCHAR(20)) 
   SET val_p = 0;
   for_label: FOR SELECT * FROM customer WHERE lastname = lastname_p DO
     IF  val_p &gt; 0 THEN
       DELETE FROM customer WHERE = id;
     END IF;
     SET val_p = val_p + 1;
   END FOR for_label;
<div class="section" title="Conditional Statements">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_conditional"></a>Conditional Statements</h3>
<p>There are two types of CASE ... WHEN statement and the IF ... THEN
<a name="N13414" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>CASE WHEN</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>case when statement</em></span>
<p>The simple case statement uses a <code class="literal">&lt;case
      operand&gt;</code> as the predicand of one or more predicates. For
      the right part of each predicate, it specifies one or more SQL
      statements to execute if the predicate evaluates TRUE. If the ELSE
      clause is not specified, at least one of the search conditions must be
      true, otherwise an exception is raised.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;simple case statement&gt; ::= CASE &lt;case
      operand&gt; &lt;simple case statement when clause&gt;... [ &lt;case
      statement else clause&gt; ] END CASE</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;simple case statement when clause&gt; ::= WHEN
      &lt;when operand list&gt; THEN &lt;SQL statement
<code class="literal">&lt;case statement else clause&gt; ::= ELSE &lt;SQL
      statement list&gt;</code>
<p>A skeletal example is given below. The variable var_one is first
      tested for equality with 22 or 23 and if the test evaluates to TRUE,
      then the INSERT statement is performed and the statement ends. If the
      test does not evaluate to TRUE, the next condition test, which is an IN
      predicate, is performed with var_one and so on. The statement after the
      ELSE clause is performed if none the previous tests returns TRUE.</p>
<pre class="programlisting">CASE var_one
  WHEN 22, 23 THEN INSERT INTO t_one ...;
  WHEN IN (2, 4, 5) THEN DELETE FROM t_one WHERE ...;
  ELSE UPDATE t_one ...;

<p>The searched case statement uses one or more search conditions,
      and for each search condition, it specifies one or more SQL statements
      to execute if the search condition evaluates TRUE. An exception is
      raised if there is no ELSE clause and none of the search conditions
      evaluates TRUE.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;searched case statement&gt; ::= CASE &lt;searched
      case statement when clause&gt;... [ &lt;case statement else clause&gt; ]
      END CASE</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;searched case statement when clause&gt; ::= WHEN
      &lt;search condition&gt; THEN &lt;SQL statement
<p>The example below is partly a rewrite of the previous example, but
      a new condition is added:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CASE WHEN var_one = 22 OR var_one = 23 THEN INSERT INTO t_one ...;
   WHEN var_one IN (2, 4, 5) THEN DELETE FROM t_one WHERE ...;
   WHEN var_two IS NULL THEN UPDATE t_one ...;
   ELSE UPDATE t_one ...;

<a name="N1343E" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>IF</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>if statement</em></span>
<p>The if statement is very similar to the searched case statement.
      The difference is that no exception is raised if there is no ELSE clause
      and no search condition evaluates TRUE.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;if statement&gt; ::= IF &lt;search condition&gt;
      &lt;if statement then clause&gt; [ &lt;if statement elseif clause&gt;...
      ] [ &lt;if statement else clause&gt; ] END IF</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;if statement then clause&gt; ::= THEN &lt;SQL
      statement list&gt;</code>
<code class="literal">&lt;if statement elseif clause&gt; ::= ELSEIF
      &lt;search condition&gt; THEN &lt;SQL statement
<code class="literal">&lt;if statement else clause&gt; ::= ELSE &lt;SQL
      statement list&gt;</code>
<div class="section" title="Return Statement">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_return_statement"></a>Return Statement</h3>
<p>The RETURN statement is required and used only in functions. The
      body of a function is either a RETURN statement, or a compound statement
      that contains a RETURN statement.</p>
<p>The return value of a FUNCTION can be assigned to a variable, or
      used inside an SQL statement.</p>
<p>An SQL/PSM function or an SQL/JRT function can return a single
      result when the function is defined as RETURNS TABLE ( .. )</p>
<p>To return a table from a SELECT statement, you should use a return
      statement such as RETURN TABLE( SELECT ...) in an SQL/PSM function. For
      an SQL/JRT function, the Java method should return a JDBCResultSet
<p>To call a function from JDBC, use a
      <code class="classname">java.sql.CallableStatement</code> instance. The
      <code class="literal">getResultSet()</code> call can be used to access the
      ResultSet returned from a function that returns a result set. If the
      function returns a scalar value, the returned result has a single column
      and a single row which contains the scalar returned value.</p>
<a name="N1346C" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>RETURN</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>return statement</em></span>
<code class="literal">&lt;return statement&gt; ::= RETURN &lt;return
<code class="literal">&lt;return value&gt; ::= &lt;value expression&gt; |
<p>Return a value from an SQL function. If the function is defined
      as RETURNS TABLE, then the value is a TABLE expression such as RETURN
      TABLE(SELECT ...) otherwise, the value expression can be any scalar
      expression. In the examples below, the same function is written with or
      without a BEGIN END block. In both versions, the RETURN value is a
      scalar expression.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_max (e_type INT)
   RETURN (SELECT MAX(event_time) FROM atable WHERE event_type = e_type) - 1 HOUR

 CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_max (e_type INT)
     DECLARE max_event TIMESTAMP;
     SET max_event = SELECT MAX(event_time) FROM atable WHERE event_type = e_type;
     RETURN max_event - 1 HOUR;

<div class="section" title="Control Statements">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_control_statements"></a>Control Statements</h3>
<p>In addition to the RETURN statement, the following statements can
      be used in specific contexts.</p>
<p>The ITERATE statement can be used to cause the next iteration of a
      labelled iterated statement (a WHILE, REPEAT or LOOP statement). It is
      similar to the "continue" statement in C and Java.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;iterate statement&gt; ::= ITERATE &lt;statement
<p>The LEAVE statement can be used to leave a labelled block. When
      used in an iterated statement, it is similar to the "break" statement is
      C and Java. But it can be used in compound statements as well.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;leave statement&gt; ::= LEAVE &lt;statement
<div class="section" title="Raising Exceptions">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_exceptions"></a>Raising Exceptions</h3>
<p>Signal and Resignal Statements allow the routine to throw an
      exception. If used with the IF or CASE conditions, the exception is
      thrown conditionally.</p>
<a name="N1349C" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>SIGNAL</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>signal statement</em></span>
<p>The SIGNAL statement is used to throw an exception (or force an
      exception). When invoked, any exception handler for the given exception
      is in turn invoked. If there is no handler, the exception is propagated
      to the enclosing context. In its simplest form, when there is no
      exception handler for the given exception, routine execution is halted,
      any change of data is rolled back and the routine throws the exception.
      By default, the message for the exception is taken from the predefined
      exception message for the specified SQLSTATE. A custom message can be
      specified with the optional SET clause.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;signal statement&gt; ::= SIGNAL SQLSTATE &lt;state
      value&gt; [ SET MESSAGE_TEXT = &lt;character string literal&gt; ]
<a name="N134AD" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>RESIGNAL</strong></span>
<span class="emphasis"><em>resignal statement</em></span>
<p>The RESIGNAL statement is used to throw an exception from an
      exception handler's <code class="literal">&lt;SQL procedure statement&gt;</code>,
      in effect propagating the exception to the enclosing context without
      further action by the currently active handlers. By default, the message
      for the exception is taken from the predefined exception message for the
      specified SQLSTATE. A custom message can be specified with the optional
      SET clause.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;resignal statement&gt; ::= RESIGNAL SQLSTATE
      &lt;state value&gt; [ SET MESSAGE_TEXT = &lt;character string
      literal&gt; ]</code>
<div class="section" title="Routine Polymorphism">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_routine_polymorphism"></a>Routine Polymorphism</h3>
<p>More than one version of a routine can be created.</p>
<p>For procedures, the different versions must have different
      parameter counts. When the procedure is called, the parameter count
      determines which version is called.</p>
<p>For functions, the different versions can have the same or
      different parameter counts. When the parameter count of two versions of
      a function is the same, the type of parameters must be different. When
      the function is called, the best matching version of the function is
      used, according to both the parameter count and parameter types. The
      return type of different versions of a function can be the same or
<p>Two versions of an overloaded function are given below. One
      version accepts TIMESTAMP while the other accepts TIME arguments.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_or_now(t TIMESTAMP)
     RETURN t - 1 HOUR;

 CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_or_now(t TIME)
   CASE t
     WHEN &gt;= TIME'01:00:00' THEN
       RETURN t - 1 HOUR;

<p>It is perfectly possible to have different versions of the routine
      as SQL/JRT or SQL/PSM routines.</p>
<div class="section" title="Returning Data From Procedures">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_returning_data"></a>Returning Data From Procedures</h3>
<p>The OUT or INOUT parameters of a PROCEDURE are used to assign
      simple values to dynamic parameters or to variables in the calling
<p>According to the Standard, an SQL/PSM or SQL/JRT procedure may
      also return result sets to the calling context. These result sets are
      dynamic in the sense that a procedure may return a different number of
      result sets or none at all in different invocations. The SQL Standard
      uses a mechanism called CURSORS for accessing and modifying rows of a
      result set one by one. This mechanism is necessary when the database is
      accessed from an external application program. The JDBC ResultSet
      interface allows this method of access from Java programs and is
      supported by HyperSQL.</p>
<p>HyperSQL support this method of returning single or multiple
      result sets from SQL/PSM procedures only via the JDBC CallableStatement
      interface. Cursors are declared and opened within the body of the
      procedure. No further operation is performed on the cursors within the
      procedure. When the execution of the procedure is complete, the cursors
      become available as Java ResultSet objects via the CallableStatement
      instance that called the SQL/PSM procedure.</p>
<p>The JDBC CallableStatement class is used with the SQL statement
      <code class="literal">CALL &lt;routine name&gt; ( &lt;argument 1&gt;, ... )</code>
      to call procedures (also to call functions). After the call to
      execute(), the <code class="literal">getXXX()</code> methods can be used to
      retrieve INOUT or OUT arguments after the call. The
      <code class="methodname">getMoreResults()</code> method and the
      <code class="methodname">getResultSet()</code> method can be used to access the
      ResultSet(s) returned by a procedure that returns one or more results.
      If the procedure returns more than one result set, the
      <code class="methodname">getMoreResults()</code> call moves to the next
<p>In the example below, the procedure inserts a row into the
      customer table. It then performs the SELECT statement to return the
      latest inserted row as a result set. Therefore the definition includes
      the <code class="code">DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1</code> clause. You must specify
      correctly the maximum number of result sets that the procedure may
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(firstname VARCHAR(50), lastname VARCHAR(50))
     OPEN result;    

<p>The above procedure is called in Java using a
<pre class="programlisting"> Connection conn = ...;
 CallableStatement call = conn.prepareCall("call new_customer(?, ?)");
 call.setString(1, "Paul");
 call.setString(2, "Smith");
 if (call.getMoreResults())
     ResultSet result = call.getResultSet();

<p>In the example below a procedure has one IN argument and two OUT
      arguments. The JDBC CallableStatement is used to retrieve the values
      returned in the OUT arguments.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE get_customer(IN id INT, OUT firstname VARCHAR(50), OUT lastname VARCHAR(50)) 
     -- this statement uses the id to get firstname and lastname
     SELECT first_name, last_name INTO firstname, lastname FROM customers WHERE cust_id = id;

 Connection conn = ...;
 CallableStatement call = conn.prepareCall("call get_customer(?, ?, ?)");
 call.setInt(1, 121); // only the IN (or INOUT) arguments should be set before the call
 String firstname = call.getString(2); // the OUT (or INOUT) arguments are retrieved after the call
 String lastname = call.getString(3);

<p>SQL/JRT procedures are discussed in the Java Language Procedures
      section below. Those routines are called exactly the same way as SQL/PSM
      procedures, using the JDBC CallableStatement interface.</p>
<p>It is also possible to use a JDBC Statement or PreparedStatement
      object to call a procedure if the procedure arguments are constant. If
      the procedure returns one or more result sets, the
      <code class="methodname">Statement.getMoreResults()</code> method should be
      called before retrieving the ResultSet.</p>
<p>An SQL/JRT or SQL/PSM funtion (as opposed to procedure) returns
      either a value or a table in a ResultSet. Functions are called from JDBC
      similar to procedures, but with functions, the
      <code class="methodname">getMoreResuls()</code> method should not be called at
      all. The <code class="methodname">getResulSet()</code> method is called after
      calling the <code class="methodname">execute()</code> method.</p>
<div class="section" title="Recursive Routines">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_recursive_routines"></a>Recursive Routines</h3>
<p>Routines can be recursive. Recursive functions are often functions
      that return arrays or tables. To create a recursive routine, the routine
      definition must be created first with a dummy body. Then the ALTER
      ROUTINE statement is used to define the routine body.</p>
<p>In the example below, the table contains a tree of rows each with
      a parent. The routine returns an array containing the id list of all the
      direct and indirect children of the given parent. The routine appends
      the array variable id_list with the id of each direct child and for each
      child appends the array with the id array of its children by calling the
      routine recursively.</p>
<p>The routine can be used in a SELECT statement as the example
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE TABLE ptree (pid INT, id INT);
 INSERT INTO ptree VALUES (NULL, 1) ,(1,2), (1,3),(2,4),(4,5),(3,6),(3,7);

 -- the function is created and always throws an exception when used
   SPECIFIC child_arr_one

 -- the actual body of the function is defined, replacing the statement that throws the exception
     FOR SELECT id FROM ptree WHERE pid = p_pid DO
       SET id_list[CARDINALITY(id_list) + 1] = id;
       SET id_list = id_list || child_arr(id);
     END FOR for_loop;
     RETURN id_list;

 -- the function can now be used in SQL statements
 SELECT * FROM TABLE(child_arr(2))
<p>In the next example, a table with two columns is returned instead
      of an array. In this example, a local table variable is declared and
      filled with the children and the children's children.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION child_table(p_pid INT) RETURNS TABLE(r_pid INT, r_id INT)
   SPECIFIC child_table_one

     DECLARE TABLE child_tree (pid INT, id INT);
     FOR SELECT pid, id FROM ptree WHERE pid = p_pid DO
       INSERT INTO child_tree VALUES pid, id;
       INSERT INTO child_tree SELECT r_pid, r_id FROM TABLE(child_table(id));
     END FOR for_loop;
     RETURN TABLE(SELECT * FROM child_tree);

 SELECT * FROM TABLE(child_table(1))
<p>Infinite recursion is not possible as the routine is terminated
      when a given depth is reached.</p>
<div class="section" title="Java Language Routines (SQL/JRT)">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="src_jrt_routines"></a>Java Language Routines (SQL/JRT)</h2>
<p>The general features of SQL-Invoked Routines are shared between PSM
    and JRT routines. These features are covered in the previous section. This
    section deals with specific aspects of JRT routines.</p>
<p>The body of a Java language routine is a static method of a Java
    class, specified with a fully qualified method name in the routine
    definition. A simple CREATE FUNCTION example is given below, which defines
    the function to call the <code class="literal">java.lang.Math.sinh(double d)</code>
    Java method. The function can be called in SQL statements just like any
    built-in function.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION sinh(v DOUBLE) RETURNS DOUBLE
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:java.lang.Math.sinh'

 SELECT sinh(doublecolumn) FROM mytable
<p>In the example below, the static method named
    <code class="methodname">toZeroPaddedString</code> is specified to be called when
    the function is invoked.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION zero_pad(x BIGINT, digits INT, maxsize INT)
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.hsqldb.lib.StringUtil.toZeroPaddedString'
<p>The signature of the Java method (used in the Java code but not in
    SQL code to create the function) is given below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> public static String toZeroPaddedString(long value, int precision, int maxSize)</pre>
<p>The parameter and return types of the SQL routine definition must
    match those of the Java method according to the table below:</p>
<div class="informaltable">
<table cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;border-top: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; border-left: 0.5pt solid ; border-right: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>SMALLINT &nbsp; </p>
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>short or Short</p>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>int or Integer</p>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>long or Long</p>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>NUMERIC &nbsp;or DECIMAL</p>
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>FLOAT &nbsp;or DOUBLE</p>
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>double or Double</p>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>CHAR or VARCHAR</p>
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">TIME WITH TIME ZONE</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">java.time.OffsetTime</td>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">TIMSTAMP WITH TIME ZONE</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">java.time.OffsetDateTime</td>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">INTERVAL MONTH</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">java.time.Period</td>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">INTERVAL SECOND</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">java.time.Duration</td>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">VARBINARY</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">byte[]</td>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">
<p>boolean or Boolean</p>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">ARRAY of any type</td><td style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid ; ">java.sql.Array</td>
<td style="border-right: 0.5pt solid ; ">
</td><td style="">
<p>For OUT and INOUT parameters of procedures Java arrays of the type
    given in the table above should be used as parameters For example if the
    OUT parameter is defined as VARCHAR(10), it matches a Java parameter type
    defined as <code class="classname">String[]</code>.</p>
<p>If the specified Java method is not found or its parameters and
    return types do not match the definition, an exception is raised. If more
    than one version of the Java method exist, then the one with matching
    parameter and return types is found and registered. If two &ldquo;equivalent&rdquo;
    methods exist, the first one is registered. (This situation arises only
    when a parameter is a primitive in one version and an Object in another
    version, e.g. <code class="classname">long</code> and
    <code class="classname">java.lang.Long</code>.).</p>
<p>When the Java method of an SQL/JRT routine returns a value, it
    should be within the size and precision limits defined in the return type
    of the SQL-invoked routine, otherwise an exception is raised. Any
    difference in numeric scale is ignored and corrected. For example, in the
    above example, the <code class="literal">RETURNS CHAR VARYING(100)</code> clause
    limits the length of the strings returned from the Java method to 100. But
    if the number of digits after the decimal point (scale) of a returned
    BigDecimal value is larger than the scale specified in the RETURNS clause,
    the decimal fraction is silently truncated and no exception of warning is
<p>When the function is specified as RETURNS TABLE(...) the static Java
    method should return a JDBCResultSet instance. For an example of how to
    construct a <code class="classname">JDBCResultSet</code> for this purpose, see the
    source code for the <code class="classname">org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCArray</code>
<div class="section" title="Polymorphism">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_jrt_polymorphis"></a>Polymorphism</h3>
<p>If two versions of the same SQL invoked routine with different
      parameter types are required, they can be defined to point to the same
      method name or different method names, or even methods in different
      classes. In the example below, the first two definitions refer to the
      same method name in the same class. In the Java class, the two static
      methods are defined with corresponding method signatures.</p>
<p>In the third example, the Java function returns a result set and
      the SQL declaration includes RETURNS TABLE.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_or_now(t TIME)
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.npo.lib.nowLessAnHour'

 CREATE FUNCTION an_hour_before_or_now(t TIMESTAMP)
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.npo.lib.nowLessAnHour'

   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.hsqldb.test.TestJavaFunctions.getQueryResult'

<p>In the Java class the definitions are as follows. Note the
      definition of the <code class="methodname">getQueryResult()</code> method
      begins with a <code class="classname">java.sql.Connection</code> parameter. This
      parameter is ignored when choosing the Java method. The parameter is
      used to pass the current JDBC connection to the Java method.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> public static java.sql.Time nowLessAnHour(java.sql.Time value) {

 public static java.sql.Timestamp nowLessAnHour(java.sql.Timestamp value)

 public static ResultSet getQueryResult(Connection connection, int i) throws SQLException {
     Statement st = connection.createStatement();
     return st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM T WHERE I &lt; " + i);

<div class="section" title="Java Language Procedures">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_jrt_procedures"></a>Java Language Procedures</h3>
<p>Java procedures are defined similarly to functions. The
      differences are:</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
<p>The return type of the Java static method must be void.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>If a parameter is defined as OUT or INOUT, the corresponding
          Java static method parameter must be defined as an array of the JDBC
          non-primitive type.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>When the Java static method is invoked, the OUT and INOUT
          arguments are passed to the Java method as a single-element
<li class="listitem">
<p>The static method can modify the OUT or INOUT argument by
          assigning a value to the sole element of the argument array.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>A procedure can return one or more result sets. These are
          instantiated as JDBC ResultSet objects by the Java static and
          returned in array arguments of the method. The signature of the Java
          method for a procedure that has N declared parameters and returns M
          result sets has the following pattern. The N parameters
          corresponding to the signature of the declared SQL procedure are
          defined first, followed by M parameters as ResultSet arrays.</p>
<p>When the SQL procedure is executed, the Java method is called
          with single element array arguments passed for OUT and INOUT SQL
          parameters, and single element arrays of ResultSet for the returned
          ResultSet objects. The Java method may call the
          <code class="methodname">execute()</code> or
          <code class="methodname">executeQuery()</code> methods of JDBC Statement or
          PreparedStatement objects that are declared within the method and
          assign the ResultSet objects to the first element of each
          ResultSet[] argument. For the returned ResultSet objects, the Java
          method should not call the methods of
          <code class="classname">java.sql.ResultSet</code> before returning.</p>
<code class="literal">void methodName(&lt;arg1&gt;, ... &lt;argN&gt;,
          ResultSet[] r1, ..., ResultSet[] rM)</code>
<li class="listitem">
<p>If the procedure contains SQL statements, only statements for
          data access and manipulation are allowed. The Java method should not
          perform commit or rollback. The SQL statements should not change the
          session settings and should not include statements that create or
          alter tables or other database objects. These rules are generally
          enforced by the engine, but additional enforcement may be added in
          future versions</p>
<p>An example of a procedure definition, together with its Java
      signature, is given below. This procedure is the SQL/JRT version of the
      example discussed above for SQL/PSM.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE get_customer(IN id INT, OUT firstname VARCHAR(50), OUT lastname VARCHAR(50)) 
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.hsqldb.test.Test01.getCustomerProcedure'

   public static void getCustomerProcedure(int id, String[] firstn, String[] lastn)
       throws java.sql.SQLException {
       firstn[0] = somevalue;  // parameter out value is assigned
       lastn[0] = somevalue;   // parameter out value is assigned

<p>In the next example a procedure is defined to return a result set.
      The signature of the Java method is also given. The Java method assigns
      a ResultSet object to the zero element of the result parameter. The
      result parameter is always the last one and is declared after the normal
      IN and OUT parameters.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE new_customer(firstname VARCHAR(50), lastname VARCHAR(50))
   EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.hsqldb.test.Test01.newCustomerProcedure'

   public static void newCustomerProcedure(String firstn, String lastn,
                       ResultSet[] result) throws java.sql.SQLException {
       result[0] = someresultset;  // dynamic result set is assigned

<p>You may want to return your own data in the ResultSet that is
      returned from an SQL/JRT procedure or function. The
      <code class="classname">org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCResultSet</code> has two static
      factory methods that return instances of the
      <code class="classname">JDBCResultSetBasic</code> class. Refer to the source
      code to see how you can use this class in your Java static methods. You
      can use the <code class="classname">org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCArrayBasic</code> class
      to create a JDBC Array in your Java static method. This class also
      includes code to construct a <code class="classname">JDBCResultSetBasic</code>
<p>Java language procedures SQL/JRT are used in an identical manner
      to SQL/PSM routines. See the section under SQL/PSM routines, Returning
      Data From Procedures, on how to use the JDBC CallableStatement interface
      to call the procedure and to get the OUT and INOUT arguments and to use
      the ResultSet objects returned by the procedure.</p>
<div class="section" title="Java Static Methods">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_jrt_static_methods"></a>Java Static Methods</h3>
<p>The static methods that are used for procedures and functions must
      be declared in a public class. The methods must be declared as public
      static. For functions, the method return type must be one of the JDBC
      supported types. The IN parameters of the method must be declared as one
      of the supported types. The OUT and INOUT parameters must be declared as
      Java arrays of supported types. If the SQL definition of a function
      includes RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT, then the IN parameters of the Java
      static function can be int or long primitives, otherwise, they must be
      Integer or Long. The declared Java arrays for OUT and INOUT parameters
      for SQL INTEGER or BIGINT must be Integer[] or Long[]
<p>If the SQL definition of the routine includes NO SQL, then no JDBC
      method call is allowed to execute in the method body. Otherwise, a JDBC
      Connection can be used within the Java method to access the database. If
      the definition includes CONTAINS SQL, then no table data can be read. If
      the definition includes READS SQL DATA, then no table data can be
      modified. If the definition includes MODIFIES SQL DATA, then data can be
      modified. In all modes, it is not allowed to execute DDL statements that
      change the schema definition.</p>
<p>It is possible to use DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE in a Java
      method, as this is in the session scope.</p>
<p>There are two ways to use the JDBC Connection object.</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
<li class="listitem">
<p>Define the Java method with a Connection parameter as the
          first parameter. This parameter is "hidden" and only visible to the
          engine. The rest of the parameters, if any, are used to choose the
          method according to the required types of parameters.</p>
<li class="listitem">
<p>Use the SQL/JRT Standard
          <code class="literal">"jdbc:default:connection"</code> method. With this
          approach, the Java method does not include a Connection parameter.
          In the method body, the connection is established with a method call
          to DriverManager, as in the example below:</p>
<code class="literal">Connection con =
<p>Both methods return a connection that is based on the current
      session. This connection has some extra properties, for example, the
      Close() method does not actually close it.</p>
<p>An example of an SQL PROCEDURE with its Java method definition is
      given below. The CREATE PROCEDURE statement is the same with or without
      the Connection parameter:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE PROCEDURE proc1(IN P1 INT, IN P2 INT, OUT P3 INT)
<p>In the first example, the
      <code class="literal">"jdbc:default:connection"</code> method is used. In the
      second example, a connection parameter is used</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> public static void procTest2(int p1, int p2,
                    Integer[] p3) throws java.sql.SQLException {

     Connection conn =
     java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

     stmt.execute("INSERT INTO MYTABLE VALUES(" + p1 + ",'test1')");
     stmt.execute("INSERT INTO MYTABLE VALUES(" + p2 + ",'test2')");

     java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from MYTABLE");
     java.sql.ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();

     int cols  = meta.getColumnCount();
     p3[0] = Integer.valueOf(cols);


//  alternative declaration with Connection parameter
//  public static void procTest2(Connection conn, int p1, int p2,
//                    Integer[] p3) throws java.sql.SQLException {
<p>When the stored procedure is called by the user's program, the
      value of the OUT parameter can be read after the call.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> // a CallableStatement is used to prepare the call
 // the OUT parameter contains the return value
 CallableStatement c = conn.prepareCall("call proc1(1,2,?)");
 int value = c.getInt(1);
<div class="section" title="Legacy Support">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_jrt_legacy"></a>Legacy Support</h3>
<p>The legacy HyperSQL statement, <code class="literal">CREATE ALIAS &lt;name&gt;
      FOR &lt;fully qualified Java method name&gt;</code> is no longer
      supported directly. It is supported when importing databases and
      translates to a special <code class="literal">CREATE FUNCTION &lt;name&gt;</code>
      statement that creates the function in the PUBLIC schema.</p>
<p>The direct use of a Java method as a function is still supported
      but deprecated. It is internally translated to a special <code class="literal">CREATE
      FUNCTION</code> statement where the name of the function is the
      double quoted, fully qualified name of the Java method used.</p>
<div class="section" title="Securing Access to Classes and Routines">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_jrt_access_control"></a>Securing Access to Classes and Routines</h3>
<p>By default, the static methods of any class that is on the
      classpath are available to be used. This can compromise security in some
      systems. The optional Java system property
      <code class="literal">hsqldb.method_class_names</code> allows preventing access to
      classes other than <code class="literal">java.lang.Math</code> or specifying a
      semicolon-separated list of allowed classes. A property value that ends
      with .* is treated as a wild card and allows access to all class or
      method names formed by substitution of the * (asterisk).</p>
<p>In the example below, the property has been included as an
      argument to the Java command.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> java -Dhsqldb.method_class_names=";;*" [the rest of the command line]
<p>The above example allows access to the methods in the two classes:
      <code class="classname"></code> and
      <code class="classname"></code> together with all the classes
      in the <code class="classname"></code> package. Note that if the
      property is not defined, no access control is performed at this
<p>The user who creates a Java routine must have the relevant access
      privileges on the tables that are used inside the Java method.</p>
<p>Once the routine has been defined, the normal database access
      control applies to its user. The routine can be executed only by those
      users who have been granted EXECUTE privileges on it. Access to routines
      can be granted to users with GRANT EXECUTE or GRANT ALL. For example
      <code class="literal">GRANT EXECUTE ON myroutine TO PUBLIC</code>.</p>
<div class="section" title="Warning">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="N1367A"></a>Warning</h3>
<p>The definition of SQL/JRT routines referencing the user's Java
      static methods is stored in the .script file of the database.</p>
<p>If the database is opened in a Java environment that does not have
      access to the referenced Java static methods on its classpath, the
      SQL/JRT routines are not created when the database is opened. When the
      database is closed, the routine definitions are lost.</p>
<p>There is a workaround to prevent opening the database when the
      static method are not on the classpath. You can create an SQL/PSM
      procedure which calls all the SQL/JRT functions and procedures in your
      database. The calls should have the necessary dummy arguments. This
      procedure will fail to be created when the referenced methods are not
      accessible and will return "Error in script file". There is no need ever
      to execute the procedure. However, to avoid accidental use, you can
      ensure that it does not execute the SQL/JRT routines by adding a line
      such as <code class="literal">IF TRUE THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000';</code> before
      any references to the SQL/JRT routines.</p>
<div class="section" title="User-Defined Aggregate Functions">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="src_aggregate_functions"></a>User-Defined Aggregate Functions</h2>
<p>HyperSQL adds an extension to the SQL Standard to allow user-defined
    aggregate functions. A user-defined aggregate function has a single
    parameter when it is used in SQL statements. Unlike the predefined
    aggregate functions, the keyword DISTINCT cannot be used when a
    user-defined aggregate function is invoked. Like all user-defined
    functions, an aggregate function belongs to a schema and can be
    polymorphic (with multiple function definitions with the same name but
    different parameter types).</p>
<p>A user-defined aggregate function can be used in SQL statements
    where a predefined aggregate function is allowed.</p>
<div class="section" title="Definition of Aggregate Functions">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_aggregate_function_definition"></a>Definition of Aggregate Functions</h3>
<p>An aggregate function is always defined with 4 parameters. The
      first parameter is the parameter that is used when the function is
      invoked in SQL statements, the rest of the parameter are invisible to
      the invoking SQL statement. The type of the first parameter is user
      defined. The type of the second parameter must be BOOLEAN. The third and
      fourth parameters have user-defined types and must be defined as INOUT
      parameters. The defined return type of the function determines the type
      of the value returned when the function is invoked.</p>
<a name="N13694" class="indexterm"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>CREATE AGGREGATE
<span class="emphasis"><em>user defined aggregate function
<p>Aggregate function definition is similar to normal function
      definition and has the mandatory <code class="literal">&lt;returns
      clause&gt;</code>. The BNF is given below.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;user defined aggregate function&gt; ::= CREATE
      AGGREGATE FUNCTION &lt;schema qualified routine name&gt; &lt;SQL
      aggregate parameter declaration list&gt; &lt;returns clause&gt;
      &lt;routine characteristics&gt; &lt;routine body&gt;</code>
<p>The parameter declaration list BNF is given below. The type of the
      first parameter is used when the function is invoked as part of an SQL
      statement. When multiple versions of a function are required, each
      version will have the first parameter of a different type.</p>
<code class="literal">&lt;SQL aggregate declaration list&gt; ::= &lt;left
      paren&gt; [IN] [ &lt;SQL parameter name&gt; ] &lt;parameter type&gt;
      &lt;comma&gt; [IN] [ &lt;SQL parameter name&gt; ] BOOLEAN &lt;comma&gt;
      INOUT [ &lt;SQL parameter name&gt; ] &lt;parameter type&gt;
      &lt;comma&gt; INOUT [ &lt;SQL parameter name&gt; ] &lt;parameter
      type&gt; &lt;right paren&gt;</code>
<p>The return type is user defined. This is the type of the resulting
      value when the function is called. Usually an aggregate function is
      defined with CONTAINS SQL, as it normally does not read the data in
      database tables, but it is possible to define the function with READS
      SQL DATA and access the database tables.</p>
<p>When a SQL statement that uses the aggregate function is executed,
      HyperSQL invokes the aggregate function, with all the arguments set,
      once per each row in order to compute the values. Finally, it invokes
      the function once more to return the final result.</p>
<p>In the computation phase, the first argument is the value of the
      user argument as specified in the SQL statement, computed for the
      current row. The second argument is the boolean FALSE. The third and
      fourth argument values can have any type and are initially null, but
      they can be updated in the body of the function during each invocation.
      The third and fourth arguments act as registers and hold their values
      between invocations. The return value of the function is ignored during
      the computation phase (when the second parameter is FALSE).</p>
<p>After the computation phase, the function is invoked once more to
      get the final result. In this invocation, the first argument is NULL and
      the second argument is boolean TRUE. The third and fourth arguments hold
      the values they held at the end of the last invocation. The value
      returned by the function in this invocation is used as the result of the
      aggregate function computation in the invoking SQL statement. In SQL
      queries with GROUP BY, the call sequence is repeated separately for each
      separate group.</p>
<div class="section" title="SQL PSM Aggregate Functions">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_psm_aggregate_functions"></a>SQL PSM Aggregate Functions</h3>
<p>The example below features a user-defined version of the Standard
      <code class="literal">AVG(&lt;value expression&gt;)</code> aggregate function for
      INTEGER input and output types. This function behaves differently from
      the Standard AVG function as it returns 0 when all the input values are
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION udavg(IN x INTEGER, IN flag BOOLEAN, INOUT addup BIGINT, INOUT counter INT)
     IF flag THEN
       RETURN addup / counter;
       SET counter = COALESCE(counter, 0) + 1;
       SET addup = COALESCE(addup, 0) + COALESCE(x, 0);
     END IF;

<p>The user-defined aggregate function is used in a select statement
      in the example below. Only the first parameter is visible and utilised
      in the select statement.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT udavg(id) FROM customers GROUP BY lastname;</pre>
<p>In the example below, the function returns an array that contains
      all the values passed for the aggregated column. For use with longer
      arrays, you can optimise the function by defining a larger array in the
      first iteration, and using the TRIM_ARRAY function on the RETURN to cut
      the array to size. This function is similar to the built-in ARRAY_AGG
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION array_aggregate(IN val VARCHAR(100), IN flag boolean, INOUT buffer VARCHAR(100) ARRAY, INOUT counter INT)
     IF flag THEN
       RETURN buffer;
       IF counter IS NULL THEN SET counter = 0; END IF;
       SET counter = counter + 1;
       IF counter = 1 THEN SET buffer = ARRAY[val];
       ELSE SET buffer[counter] = val; END IF;
     END IF;
<p>The tables and data for the select statement below are created
      with the DatabaseManager or DatabaseManagerSwing GUI apps. (You can find
      the SQL in the TestSelf.txt file in the zip). Part of the output is
      shown. Each row of the output includes an array containing the values
      for the invoices for each customer.</p>

 11 Susanne   Karsen    ARRAY['3988.20']                               
 12 John      Peterson  ARRAY['2903.10','4382.10','4139.70','3316.50'] 
 13 Michael   Clancy    ARRAY['6525.30']                               
 14 James     King      ARRAY['3665.40','905.10','498.00']             
 18 Sylvia    Clancy    ARRAY['634.20','4883.10']                      
 20 Bob       Clancy    ARRAY['3414.60','744.60']
<p>In the example below, the function returns a string that contains
      the comma-separated list of all the values passed for the aggregated
      column. This function is similar to the built in GROUP_CONCAT
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION group_concatenate
     (IN val VARCHAR(100), IN flag BOOLEAN, INOUT buffer VARCHAR(1000), INOUT counter INT)
       IF buffer IS NULL THEN SET BUFFER = ''; END IF;
       IF counter IS NULL THEN SET COUNTER = 0; END IF;
       IF counter &gt; 0 THEN SET buffer = buffer || ','; END IF;
       SET buffer = buffer + val;
       SET counter = counter + 1;
     END IF;
<p>The same tables and data as for the previous example is used. Part
      of the output is shown. Each row of the output is a comma-separated list
      of names.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT group_concatenate(firstname || ' ' || lastname) FROM customer GROUP BY lastname
 Laura Steel,John Steel,John Steel,Robert Steel                                   
 Robert King,Robert King,James King,George King,Julia King,George King            
 Robert Sommer,Janet Sommer                                                       
 Michael Smith,Anne Smith,Andrew Smith                                            
 Bill Fuller,Anne Fuller                                                          
 Laura White,Sylvia White                                                         
 Susanne Clancy,Michael Clancy,Sylvia Clancy,Bob Clancy,Susanne Clancy,John Clancy
<div class="section" title="Java Aggregate Functions">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a name="src_jrt_aggregate_functions"></a>Java Aggregate Functions</h3>
<p>A Java aggregate function is defined similarly to PSM functions,
      apart from the routine body, which is defined as <code class="literal">EXTERNAL NAME
      ...</code> The Java function signature must follow the rules for both
      nullable and INOUT parameters, therefore:</p>
<p>No argument is defined as a primitive or primitive array type.
      This allows nulls to be passed to the function. The second and third
      arguments must be defined as arrays of the JDBC non-primitive types
      listed in the table in the previous section.</p>
<p>In the example below, a user-defined aggregate function for
      geometric mean is defined.</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION geometric_mean(IN val DOUBLE, IN flag BOOLEAN, INOUT register DOUBLE, INOUT counter INT)
     NO SQL
     EXTERNAL NAME 'CLASSPATH:org.hsqldb.test.Test01.geometricMean'
<p>The Java function definition is given below:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> public static Double geometricMean(Double in, Boolean flag,
         Double[] register, Integer[] counter) {
     if (flag) {
         if (register[0] == null) { return null; }
         double a = register[0].doubleValue();
         double b = 1 / (double) counter[0];
         return Double.valueOf(java.lang.Math.pow(a, b));
     if (in == null) { return null; }
     if (in.doubleValue() == 0) { return null; }
     if (register[0] == null) {
         register[0] = in;
         counter[0]  = Integer.valueOf(1);
     } else {
         register[0] = Double.valueOf(register[0].doubleValue() * in.doubleValue());
         counter[0] = Integer.valueOf(counter[0].intValue() + 1);
     return null;
<p>In a select statement, the function is used exactly like the
      built-in aggregate functions:</p>
<pre class="programlisting"> SELECT geometric_mean(age) FROM  FROM customer
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