

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > by-pkgid > da3f2a4ce20b26cb5976aa965c74e071 > files > 3118


*** warner has joined channel #twisted
<glyph> warner: newpb!
<kenaan> Twisted: warner * r10709 sandbox/warner/ (10 files): revamp exceptions, remote calls kinda work now
<exarkun> OMG
<glyph> see everybody? now _that_ is the kind of response I like
<exarkun> it's really too bad people live so long
<exarkun> and that it is generally considered immoral to experiment on them
<Tv> I want an incrimental knifi.
<exarkun> Able to slice multiple things simultaneously without making its user interface non-responsive!?
<Tv> exarkun: Yeah, except it would a poor weapon, because it COULD NOT BLOCK!
<SamB> few people know the secret of growing donuts
<hypatia> I distrust projects that require you to socialise with the developers in order to learn how to use them.
<radix> well hey, I'm getting back on sane schedule
<radix> I'll probably stay up until about 5pm today
<spiv> I am confident some people should be made to feel pain, itamar's possible insanity notwithstanding.
<dash> for some reason i keep putting off becoming an alcoholic
<itamar> if I got a cookie for every day I didn't work
<itamar> I'd be radix
-!- itamar2 [] has joined #twisted
<dash> argh
<dash> who left the robot clone factory switched on
<markp> copy editors can blow me
<itamar> the question is
<itamar> do I *really* need five more tshirts with monkeys on them
<`anthony> Yah, yah, debian has advantages, but their glacial release cycle is not good.
<Jerub> if you want me to go around aj's house and kneecap him, my paypal account is
<moshez> dash: greet me into the 21st century!!
<dash> moshez: it has been the 21st century here for a while! did .il daylight savings just kick in?
<dash> brb fighting pirates
<dash> radix
<dash> er i mean, twisted.lore
<mattcamp> Anybody know why twisted.protocols.toc is deprecated?
<exarkun> because the toc protocol itself is deprecated
<dash> is TOC really deprecated?
<dash> %google deprecated TOC AIM
<pynfo> deprecated TOC AIM:
<dash> google is now useless
<itamar> I bet simulating glyph wouldn't be hard
<itamar> "We just make a <noun> that will <verb> the <other noun>! it will be awesome! I can do it in a week!"
<PenguinOfDoom> slyphon: I am torn between going to Quizno's to buy a sub and brutally murdering you.
* slyphon thinks red hat should change it's motto to, "Eh, it's good enough"
<radix> facts are awesome
<PenguinOfDoom> You pigfuckers are sitting there, staring at me with open, waiting for JUICY INSIDER INFO
<exarkun> I use ameritrade.
<dash> dizzyd: yeah, i got bored of that whole college thing after a while
<dash> so i graduated
<jimbug> You know, I would knock the curses author over the head if he didn't invent rogue.
<glyph> exarkun: you could just write a C module that would do all that ugly dl module crud
<exarkun> glyph: yea, but then I'd have to write a C module
<exarkun> Py_Incref in Python is neat, I think :)
<glyph> exarkun: that guy who wrote pyrex is spinning in his grave, and he isn't even dead
<morning> yes, but i almost wrote a book on orthogonal persistence, until i realized i couldn't spell it.
<radix> ayn rand had sex?
<glyph> I am going up through levels of abstraction so fast, reading from top to bottom, I am worried about getting the bends
--- iratsu gives channel operator status to dash glyph rev_bot
--- Users on #ddb: @glyph @rev_bot @dash @iratsu
<iratsu> yay communism
<exarkun> I don't think I even knew what XML was the last time I used DOS EDIT.
<slyphon> wtf is NIH?
<Tv> slyphon: tla
<Tv> :)
<slyphon> Tv: duh
<`anthony> slyphon: tla for Not Invented Here.
<orbitz> slyphon: Nice Illegal Honey
<slyphon> ah
<Tv> slyphon: that's not a tla!
<Tv> saying something is a tla implies "go look up it up in the standard places"
<orbitz> Don't Upset him
<Tv> orbitz: Your Honey is a him?
<slyphon> oy
<orbitz> Tv: honey you eat!
<Tv> orbitz: EWW!
<dialtone> I can even run python on my clock
<dialtone> and my watch
<dialtone> and have my watch sync with my clock
<exarkun> what time is it right now
<dialtone> don't have my watch on right now
<e> birthday paradox cake
<exarkun> e: Is that the paradox where, if you have more than 30 people in a room, they'll eat your birthday cake?
<saph_w> my shirt has a moose
<radix> family channel
<saph_w> wth
<saph_w> moose moose mooose
<radix> jesus fucking H you've got a mouth on you
<Nafai> A coworker saw my machine once; I was using the Apple II xscreensaver with the Twisted Quotes as the source
<Nafai> He asked, "Is that glyph's screensaver?"
<MFen> actually, #python kinda makes sense
<Yosomono> why does every discussion of survival of the fittest end with hitler?
<Yosomono> goddamn nazis have ruined everything
<saph> PenguinOfDoom: you sap energy from people with evil eye rays
<saph> you are all e_e----------
<saph> and the other person is :o
<saph> and then they are -_-
<saph> and you are ^_^
<glyph> people would just roll dice all the time in chat rooms
<glyph> for *no reason*
<glyph> because it was a feature of the system that was added for RPG players
<glyph> and the dice-rolling syntax was pretty involved
<glyph> infinitely involved, actually
<glyph> it was a complete RainMan interpreter
<glyph> you could backdoor the whole goddamn system with the dice roller
<glyph> user: "I'd like to roll some very big dice"
<glyph> system: "sure, maybe you would like an admin console and some dev tools to help you manage them"
<faisal> [sushi is] one of the 3 essential food groups for the networking community
<kiad> what are the other two?
<faisal> sushi, caffeine, ietf drafts (for fiber)
<radix> oh no the galaxies
<radix> they're going to collide :(
<dash> there is some law of thermodynamics that says you can't pump all the stupid into one container and expect it to stay there
<dash> diffusion, or something
<exarkun> we need a membrane
<glyph> a membrane with a gun
<Cerin> and I thought mono was an up and coming technology
<capnSTABN> your sister gave me mono
<Cerin> she is pretty tech savvy
<radix> My computer is gone :-(
<exarkun> radix: ono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<exarkun> radix: wait
<radix> :-(
<exarkun> radix: I am suspicious.
<radix> Why
<exarkun> radix: Well, let's see
<exarkun> radix: LOOKTHEREYOUARE
<foom> wait when was the earth created?
<flophouse> just look at the expiration date
<flophouse> it's on the bottom, under the ice cap
<warner> at a touchscreen voting platform, nobody knows if you're a dog..
<Tv> thomasvs: why not just talk some authentication protocol to the other host?
<thomasvs> Tv: why use something arcane and difficult when I have THE POWER OF TWISTED ?
<brian_> I'm pretty sure from twisted import __version__ will work
<slyphon> or i guess you could do that
<brian_> I import dictionaries
<slyphon> really? do you have to declare them in customs?
<dash> slyphon: You are an inspiration to me
<dash> slyphon: the next language I will design will have an alternative to the import statement
<dash> slyphon: 'smuggle'
<MFen> dash: no, that should be your execfile replacement
<dash> from america.south smuggle guns, drugs, dictionaries
<slyphon> :D
<MFen> hah
<MFen> why is programming so *hard*
<radix> because you try to do it on windows
<MFen> radix: that is because i already beat the end guy on unix
<exarkun> If I can make just one person blow chunks, I'm doing my job right.
<itamar> our manager was looking for you
<coworker_home> oh?  just now?
<itamar> I think he got your cell# off someone though
<itamar> yeah
<coworker_home> ah.  good thing my cell is dead
(Names changed to protect the innocent - Ed.)
<warner> huh. this one proposition is funded by large corporations on one side, and 204 lawyers on the other
<glyph> warner: wait - proposition?  are you IRCing from inside a voting booth?
<glyph> those new diebold machines must be awesome
<Karnaugh> my attempt at implementing Ramanujan went horribly wrong
<Vhata> because Python isn't the best language for reincarnating tubercular indians?
<Vhata> maybe I should write my own operating system, where you CAN write to sockets
<Vhata> my operating system will have beer and hookers, too
<Vhata> in fact, screw the sockets
<dash> mmm, ken macleod
<dash> if I had a "People I Would Be Most Likely To Engage in Apocalyptic Anime-Style Battle With" list, he would be #1 on it
<glyph> I am going to break with tradition and make one rule here
<glyph> as long as I'm still active, nobody say anything supportive of Bush
( ... later ...)
<chrchr> scout^2: Give us a fact that ties Iraq to 9/11 and you will not be kicked.
<scout^2> well shit man.. if its gonna come down to that..
<-- scout^2 has quit (",")
 [Note the instant quit when *facts* entered the discussion.]
<hypatia> spiv: get the tshirt. "Beats me, I'm an arch user." Good for all manner of situations.
<spiv> hypatia: With a companion shirt "Beat me, I'm an arch developer" ;)
<orbitz> radix: do you know what it's like to be a team player?
<radix> orbitz: No. I hate you.
<orbitz> :(
<orbitz> radix: well i'm a team player
<orbitz> so i hate me too
<blanu> arma: What's bamboo?
<arma> blanu: some guy named sean rhea from berkeley has been pimping it on p2p-hackers
<blanu> What's the interesting thing about it?
<arma> blanu: apparently it works.
<arma> blanu: seems pretty novel to me. :)
<tjs> I want to know
<tjs> why are my pants a topic of conversation?
<glyph> How was your sunday?  Relax at all?
<exarkun> I played _Silent Hill_ most of the day
<exarkun> On the one hand, you could say that is relaxing
<exarkun> On the other hand, no, no you can't
<arg> argh, my wife calls to complain about her mother while im in the
      middle of trying to understand someone elses metaclasses
<Moof> I'm tryign to compile pyopenssl
<Moof> but there's a syntax error in Python.h
<mwh> this seems unlikely, on the face of it
<vit--> dash, do you have any recommendations for python jabber libraries?
<dash> vit--: kill yourself now
<orbitz> once i found two people having MUSH sex though
<orbitz> ieee
<orbitz> i was 13
<orbitz> scared for life
<orbitz> the yellow font burned into my soul
<exarkun> radix: Are you ready to get a tummy host yet?
<Tv> tummy hosting is that thing the Jaffa do in Stargate, right?
<dialtone> my monitor can do Mhz
<dialtone> in horizontal refresh though
<exarkun> dialtone: hey that gives me an awesome idea
<exarkun> I am going to turn my monitor on its side
<tjs> jml: You are going to die one day.
<tjs> And when you die, part of what makes up your being is the knowledge of how
to write Java.
<tjs> I don't have that problem.
<chrchr> exarkun: Note that all kryptonite locks are vulnerable to hacksaws.
<exarkun> chrchr: That's why I have another lock too.
<exarkun> chrchr: How many thieves carry around _two_ hacksaws?
$ php sucks.php

PHP EQUALITY -- An experiment:
0 == "": TRUE.
0 == "0": TRUE.
"" == "0": FALSE.
'none' == 0: TRUE.
Kragen Sitaker: sub f{grep{(1x$_)!~/^(11+)\1+$/}2..pop}
Itamar: that looks scary
Kragen Sitaker: the haskell version is just as short and nearly as opaque
Kragen Sitaker: but even more inefficient!
<exarkun> it's not drugs, it's ubuntu
<arg> i think a significant percentage of twisted apps begin as the logbot example
<chrchr> Twisted is a fantastic framework for building logbots.
<mumak> hmm. I think my flatmate is asleep.
<Brend> You should take this opportunity to glue all the furniture to the ceiling
<mumak> Brend: well, I have to live here too 
<mumak> Brend: and besides, I'm on holidays. That sounds like too much work.
<Brend> If you just glue your flatmate to the ceiling, you achieve the same thing with less work, and no impedence to yourself!
<mumak> you present a strong and compelling case
<mumak> however, I think my flatmate wouldn't appreciate it.
<Brend> Anyone who can't see the value of being glued to the ceiling deserves punishment by ceiling-glue 
<MFen> i bet i could beat him at football though
<MFen> or shoe tying
<MFen> i'd kick his ass at shoe tying
<MFen> and then when i was done tying my shoes i stand up and shout IN YOUR FACE. IN YOUR FACE, PI BOY.  SEE THESE SHOES? NOT COMING OFF.  WHO'S THE SAVANT NOW BITCH?
<MFen> and do a little dance
<MFen> i bet he can't dance either
<glyph> kevc: are you volunteering to maintain it, hmmmmm? :)
<kevc> heh, no, I have no time free at present
<glyph> kevc: TOO LATE
* glyph slaps the manacles on kevc
<kevc> glyph: last time someone played "tag you're it" on me, I ended up
       running some uni computing project for three years
<kevc> went to the pub, woke up with a root password written on my arm
<tjs> I cant do anything
<tjs> im running XP atm
<rik> ew.
<rik> a python packet filter.
<rik> that'd have almost windows-like performance.
<afshar> well, it would be for windows
[In response to]
<Brend> Wow. You guys are younger than I thought.
<dash> Brend: glyph's on like his third host body
<hypatia> Hey, hidden bonus of having actual named maintainers is having
          people to assign bugs to...
<hypatia> Of course, it always ends up being exarkun anyway.